don\'t waste your money on ab workout equipment

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Your Ab work outs do not have to take a long time.

Burning fat is quite simple if you follow a proven plan. In this article you will discover an effective ab work out that

you can do to burn fat and get flat toned abs fast.

This will be a mixture of fat burning cardio and also some effective exercises.

Jump rope is one of the best all over body workouts there is. Just take a look at a boxers physique. They also have the

best six packs.

By following the same work outs as the experts we will also get the same results. Half the battle of getting a good

looking stomach is getting rid of the fat that sits on the top.

Skipping is a fantastic cardio workout for burning fat fast. For a complete workout guide see the link at the end.

Continuing on from skipping. Boxercise is also a fantastic workout routine. It is great for fat burning and toning the


This is also great for training self defense as an extra benefit.

The best fat burning cardio routines will use interval training. Interval training is 10x more effective than standard cardios routines and takes half the time.

Leg lifts are one of the best exercises for lower abs and definition. Like with all work outs if you use weights then

the muscle will build bigger and faster.

Start by lying on your back, legs stretched out raise them 6 inches off the floor. Slowly raise them up until they get to

the 90 degree angle and then lower them down.

Slowly raise them up to 90 degrees hold for a breath and lower them until they are six inches from the floor. Repeat

10-20 times for 3 sets.

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