don vincente most significant change

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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Interview for Most Significant Change analysis. Scampis project.


MR. VICENTE Most Significant Change


1st Interviewer (Joel)

To all people from this place it is a pleasure for me to be here my name is Joel Nehemias Lopez Lopez I am

from Hierbabuena San Pedro Pinula Jalapa, I am going to introduce you to my partner…


Interviewer (Luisvin)

Luisvin Antolin Hernandez Perez I also live here at Hierbabuena I study at Center 100, we are here today to

interview Mr. Vicente.


User (Mr. Vicente)

1st Interviewer Asks: Where are you from?


User: From this place Hierbabuena.

1st Interviewer: What is your name?


User: Vicente Lopez Lopez

1st Interviewer: How old are you?


User: 43 years old.

1st Interviewer: How many people are in your family?


User: We are a total of 8 people.

1st Interviewer: Which one is your main daily occupation?


User: I am a farmer

1st Interviewer: What do you cultivate?


User: We cultivate corn, bean traditionally, but thank to the technicians who have helped us in this project of

cultivation of vegetables, together with the organization that we have had it has been very useful and we have

been able to manage the process only with the use of organic fertilizer because the chemical ones give a lot of

problems so we learned to use the organic ones, through this method we have also been able to cultivate chard,

carrot, radish as you can see we just harvest the radish and left some carrots still in the grown and we share

together with the 5 families who belong to this group which has been harvested, taking 1000 radish each after

cultivating 5000.

1st Interviewer: Which one is your biggest taste (expense) during the day?


User: Well my expenses are varied depends on what we are talking it could be the consumption of food for

example, because the only thing we eat are vegetables, bean, tortillas, because we cannot afford eating meat

every day, it happens only when we have some extra money which happens rarely and the same thing happens

with chicken because we do not eat it a lot because we cannot buy it.


Interviewer: Where do you get your incomes?


User: Well mainly with the help of our God we have been able to reach this development with a lot of effort

and hard work and the everyday fight we are able to sell our vegetables and also some ice cream (another user

asks) Which type of ice cream milk? Yes, milk ice cream, because it is very common here, and well other

incomes come from some jobs that I am able to perform once in while, which is not a lot not even reaching the

minimum salary but it is helpful to be able to earn at least something, I feel that I have been very blessed by my

Lord because at least I can make some money even though it is not a lot it helps to support my children because

it is hard not having enough for the family.

1st Interviewer: Do you have other incomes besides the ones you mentioned?


User: No, I do not have any other source of income.


Interviewer: In which field would you like to be able to invest something?


User: Well, I would like to invest to have more work for example cultivating more vegetables because we are

able to sell them and with this money we use it for dough and that is something has helped us a lot before.


Interviewer: Do you cultivate vegetables?


User: Yes, as you can see we have vegetables here (the other user asks: before Scampi?) no, before Scampi

no, this program has helped us a lot in the strengthening of our community because before we had so many

weaknesses because some people said that they wanted to quit because it is a hard job, it has helped our

vegetables and plants to be more nutritive for all the things we put in them, because they work different in our

system comparing them to meat which takes a longer process inside our body so I prefer the vegetables, and for

me it would be better to continue cultivating more vegetables and I hope this group continues to do so because

sometimes it is hard but we have to keep working to reach a better development as farmers.


Interviewer: Why didn’t you cultivate them before?


User: Well, we did not cultivate them because we thought that we needed a larger land to cultivate but at the

same time we realized that we didn’t need so much space in order to cultivate vegetables we can use small land

getting a lot of harvest there is no need of larger acres, for example in this area we harvested 5000 radishes and

before we could not imagine that this amount was able to be harvested in this place, we thought that maybe in

larger acres but now we see that it is possible here, and also with the tips and help of the engineers and experts

which have been helpful we were also able to put a lot of seeds in another part for example the one that we have

here as you can see are more, there is the space from the ones we have harvested and now we realized that

vegetables do not take a lot of time to harvest it is also fast to get and it is also easier to reach more incomes for

example here we have coriander, it was cultivated for business and as you can see it is growing and we have

more, and you are not asking me this and I am not doing it just to take more time but for example here in this 2

meters of land we have 25 quetzales in 40 days (someone asks in the back and he replies yes in 40 days) and for

us this project has been really helpful and we hope to be able to keep going.

1st Interviewer: Since the arrival of Scampi what do you think is the most significant change in your family?


User: Well since the program came I believe it has been the nutritional part which has been more balanced

because we not only eat vegetables, we also have drinkable water, we have filters to kill the germs in the water,

and we are healthier, before we suffered several diseases like flu and diarrhea, well and those have been some of

the positive changes we have faced because before for example we ate radish which we used to buy and took the

herbs away and now we eat them.

1st Interviewer: What was your first thought about Scampis Project?


User: Well for me that is a difficult question but I am going to tell you how I discovered it we wanted to find

a project and thanks to the technicians and also to Ms. Celeste we got to know everything better and talked and

were able to gather and began with the groups that is how we got to achieve this project.

1st Interviewer: What was your first impression of Scampis?


User: Well I haven’t heard of it before we also knew Funcafe but today I feel that it has been a great benefit

for us because it has been an improvement and development I do not think that we are going to go to the market

for vegetables we can sell here we can even take them to sell other places.

1st Interviewer: Did you have doubts in the beginning?


User: Well, yes I had my doubts because I did not know where the project Scampi was coming from but

today we feel motivated because we know Ms. Cecilia who comes from Rome, Italy she is helping us a lot and

now we know where the project is from and how it can help us.

1st Interviewer: What motivated you to participate in the Project?


User: Well, my main motivation was specially the development in our way of eating the nutrition

development not only for us but for the children too, because they eat everything fruits, vegetables and we have

to prepare them for them and for our consumption.

1st Interviewer: What did you like most of the Project?


User: Well, what I like most is the support

1st Interviewer: From the beginning of the Project have you reached what you expected or is there something



User: Well, I can think that something missing could be to find another feeding complement for example

some other help like chicks, and also setting feeding schedules because that also helps, another thing is that for

example through this organization we were able to find Hass Avocado but the hard part is that not all the

families here gathered are able to get it and that is another complement of the project that I would like to have

for all the families to receive it because it is an important nutritive complement and we are thankful for

everything we already have but that complement would be a big help.

1st Interviewer: Why do you consider it important?


User: Well, thanks for the help and information granted by the specialist and all the studies they have said

that we need more salts and minerals in the body for all that we lose through the working hours and we need to

get them back through a balanced nutrition.

1st Interviewer: What recommendation would you give to Scampis Project?


User: Well, I would recommend that they keep improving our technical knowledge because they have taught

us a lot but there are so many things to learn.


Interviewer: How is the work organized in the group in this farm? (He repeated the question)


User: We are organized in 5 people who know the place, we studied the land because it had a yellow color

and did not produce anything but thanks to the effort of the group we prepared the land, fertilized the ground,

put manure of cattle, hens and other types, we strained the soil to have different types for example the prepared

soil called this way because it has been strained and mixed with cattle manure it also has fish bones and egg

shells and ashes all very good mixed and we put them in bags all the manure which we always use, each time

the group come to water the land each person brings their own manure and put them little by little in the ground

after being strained and we also tell the people to bring bones so we grind them and have better results in the

nutrition of the plant because we have better harvest in this case bigger radishes.


Interviewer: Was it difficult to organize the group in the beginning?


User: Yes, it was difficult because we had to face several weaknesses because some people wanted and other

did not want to be part because some thought it was too much work, and for that reason communities like ours

have many difficulties among the people because they don’t always like to work and for us that is a problem

because the ones who want to improve and fight like us against our worse poverty which for me is the mental

poverty the one we have to fight because it is hard for us because we are not prepared sometimes it is our own

fault for our lack of desire to improve because when opportunities like this come we have to use them and I

would like to invite the entire group to keep working hard because it is the best way to have a better life.

1st Interviewer: Which activity given by Scampi did you like the most?


User: What I like the most is the visits made by the Ms. from Italy all the support and help that we have

received also the visit from the City Hall Mayor and people from the organization Engineer Santiago also Ms.

Celeste, the people who always visit and support and keep us motivated that is something I really like and

having this people who are educated and more prepared and take the time to come, that I really like.

1st Interviewer: After Scampis what do you plan to reach in a near future?


User: Well for me if we had the opportunity for now it is only a dream if we could have a better mechanism

to use water so we do not have to waste it and use it as much as we could and be able to use it for our harvest

because as we can see here the family is washing things and wasting water and I think that there is a way we can

use it or even having some kind of watering system more advanced to use and even to commercialize it because

right now it is only for consumption and with that system we could have a better result that is a dream a better

watering system but who knows if God helps us I believe we can have it if we continue working hard.

1st Interviewer: Do you think that you will continue harvesting vegetables?


User: Yes, I do it is a great way of learning how to keep improving because for example all the seeds that we

received have been already used and now we have used more to be able to continue cultivating the ground, and

continue with our work.


Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time.


User: No, thank you for this opportunity and to all the people who are visiting us for the help in the

developing of our harvests and improvement of our work and also in the nutrition of our children

1st Interviewer: Thank you for your help and have a good day.


User: Thank you again.

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