domino fund raising pizza night final

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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HBCU Link up Presents


Domino’s Pizza strives to help build stronger communities by actively supporting educational programs and providing discounts to schools and civic organizations. HBCU Link up is proud to join forces with Domino’s Pizza in our shared effort to help local educational institutions and community based organizations achieve financial goals for their students and communities.

HBCULINKUP.COM is a National online Network focused on providing information support and educational opportunities. This site offers Junior High, High School and College Students the opportunity to upload their academic and athletic profiles. Members will be linked with universities, colleges, organizations, other students and education advisors. HBCU Link up also provides support services for High School College Advisors, Parents and local educational organizations..

Looking for an easy fundraising program that does not require door-to-door sales? Any participating school or organization can sign up for a Domino’s Pizza “Dough Raising” Night. Domino’s will donate 20% of the sales back to your school for each order placed on your night from school families. We’ll set you up for success by providing flyers and stickers.

Domino’s Pizza will schedule Dough Raising Nights Monday through Thursday only. This allows us to better serve your group’s families with hot pizza delivered on time and enabling us to process and deliver fundraising orders more efficiently. If your school’s attendance boundaries encompass more than one of our locations we’d be happy to have the same night at a group of neighboring stores, maximizing your profit! Be aware of schedule conflicts with any other restaurant fundraising nights – many families like to have a variety of choices for dinner each week but most typically don’t eat out 2-3x times per week.

Designate Your Dough Raising Nights

To help generate excitement and encourage more orders, please inform your students and parents or group members about your fundraising plan through the Domino’s Pizza Dough Raising Night. Let them know what your school or group has planned for the money that will be raised. You’ll receive customized English or Bilingual flyers (your preference) at least one week prior to the start of your Night. It’s best to distribute these fliers 2-3 days prior to the Night as a reminder to the student and their families, especially if a weekly progress folder is sent home. Boost your sales by promoting the dates via school bulletins, website calendars, the PA system, direct-dial programs and reader boards where available.

Dough Raising Night Flyers & Promotion

On the day of your Dough Raising Night, have teachers remind the students to order from Domino’s Pizza that night. To maximize your earnings, PLEASE REMIND FAMILIES TO FILL OUT THE BOTTOM OF THE FLYER AND MENTION THE SCHOOL’S NAME WHEN ORDERING SO THAT DOMINO’S CAN TRACK THE ORDERS.

Preparing for the Day of the Event

How to maximize your funds In order to raise the maximum amount of funds, you will need a team. Here is a sample TEAM CHART. Arrange for at lease 20 team leaders and 10 members on each team. Each member should campaign to have 10 of their family and friends make an order. Your goal is to have 2000 orders on “Dough Raising” night.

Team Leaders 20 Leaders

Team Leader Team Leader Leader Katherine

Leader Jimmy

Team Name Blue Team Red Team Green Team Purple Team

1 Member Member Member Member

2 Member Member Member Member

3 Member Member Member Member

HBCU Link up and Domino’s Pizza will provide the following support services:

Company Domino’s Pizza HBCU Link-up

Services Master Fliers On-Site Presentation

Promo Stickers Conference call line

Order Tracking Assist in team organization

Pizza party for 200 students *

HBCU Link up on-line support

Video Music Box TV Show

Support Services

* Note: All Pizza Parties and Video Music Box TV Show will be based on the minimum of $40,000 in gross sales.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Domino’s Pizza will keep track of all group flyer-orders placed for your school or organization. Your group contact person will be informed by domino’s on the following day of the number of orders and total amount raised. The profits are paid via Domino’s company check approximately 2 weeks after each Dough Raising Night. Once your organization receives its payment, you must then pay by check or money order, to HBCU link Up, an amount equal to 25% of the total received from domino’s Pizza.

Payout of the Money Raised

For further information contact: HBCU Link-up office at

(347) 234-5304 E-MAIL:

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