domestic and international studies program

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Experiential Learning opportunities at York College


“When sitting in a classroom one can only visualize so much. As a History major with minors in English and Religious Studies, I remember reading numerous descriptions of important places and trying to imagine a bigger and more complex picture, but there was always something missing—that real experience. The real experience is walking where history makers walked before me, strolling the halls that famous writers paced down, and uncovering objects that hadn’t seen light for thousands of years. A picture in a textbook might try to convey a thousand words, but nothing beats the real thing that study trips give you.”

—Amber Soderholm, Class of 2010

If you have interest in and would like to be a part of a future study trip sponsored through the York College Domestic and International Studies Program, please contact History Professor Tim McNeese, Program Director, by email ( or phone at 402-363-5683.

1125 EAST 8TH ST . YORK, NE 68467800-950-YORK . WWW.YORK.EDU


Programs of Study

The Domestic and International Studies Program provides unique opportunities for students to travel to places in connection with special topics they have studied at YC. A typical study trip includes several days of concentrated, classroom study, followed by a trip lasting from a week to several weeks.

Domestic andInternational

Studies Program:

A Fellowship of Learning... A Community of Faith





York College, founded in 1890, is a private four year liberal arts college affiliated with the churches of Christ. York offers numerous bachelor degrees and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

The campus is located in York, Nebraska, a proud progressive community just 45 minutes west of Lincoln.

Student-to-faculty ratio is 12:1 with a student enroll-ment that is close to 500. Typical class size is 22.

The student population consists of young men and women from about 40 states and countries.

The York Panthers compete in the National Associa-tion of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division II and the National Christian College Athletic Association. York College is a founding member of the Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference.

Extracurricular choices include social service clubs, athletic teams, performance groups, Christian outreach groups, literary publications, special interest organiza-tions, and a wide range of intramural sports.

Students can earn Bachelor’sdegrees in the following areas:

Behavioral SciencesCriminal JusticePsychology

BibleBiblical StudiesReligious Studies

BusinessAccountingBusiness Administration Business CommunicationBusiness ManagementSports Management

Education*ElementaryMiddle SchoolPhysical EducationSecondary Special Education


Fine Arts & CommunicationArt EducationSpeech CommunicationTheatreVocal Music EducationVocal Performance

General Studies


Natural Sciences & MathematicsBiologyChemistry Engineering (3/2 program)Mathematics

*The education division offers a variety of endorsements in elementary, middle grades, and secondary areas.

For updates on academic programs and degree plans, including our online degrees, please visit

A Fellowship of Learning... A Community of Faith

The York College Domestic and International Studies Program

Imagine Yourself There. . .

• In Montana, you descend the MissouriRiver in a canoe on the trail of explorersLewisandClark.

• InNew York,theneonnightgreetsyouasyouexitaBroadwaytheater.

• InConnecticut, you sit at thedeskwhereMark Twain penned The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

• In Israel, you brush ancient dirt from anartifactunseenfor3,000years.

• InBoston, youwalk the city’smeanderingstreetswherecolonistsdefiedBritishtyranny.

• InNew Mexico,youtraceyourfingeroverAnasazi petroglyphs carved in sandstone amillenniumago.

• InWashington D.C.,museumwallsrevealthehorrorsof theHolocaust.

• InGreece,youenjoyadevotionalamidtheruinsof ancientCorinth.

Studies ProgramSince 2003, several York Collegeacademicdepartmentshavesponsoredstudytripsbothdomesticallyandabroad.Theintentof theDomestic and International Studies Program istoprovideuniqueopportunities for students totraveltoplacesinconnectionwithspecialtopicsthey have studied at YC. Study trips usuallyprovide threehoursof college credit.A typicalstudytripincludesseveraldaysof concentrated,classroomstudy,followedbyatriplastingfromaweektoseveralweeks.Inmostcases,YCstudytrips are offered during the summer monthsbetweenthespringandfallsemesters.

Why Take a Study Trip at York College?• Students are introduced to a wide rangeof cultural achievements from the arts tohistorytothehumanitiestoBiblicalstudies.

• Students are exposed to the currents andcross-currentsof humanity’ssocial,historical,religious,andintellectualexperiencesoutsideof thetraditionalclassroom.

• Studentsareprovidedopportunitiestotraveltonewplaces,domesticandabroad,allowingthemtoexperienceabroadmixof sitesandscenes, includingtheaterproductions,plays,historicsites,museums,culturalcenters,andworldwidedestinations.

• Studentsareencouragedtodevelopadeeperawareness of their past, their world, theirculturalheritage,andthoseof others.

• Studentsareabletosharetheirexperienceswith other students, as well as faculty,throughaninformalacademicstructure.

Study Trips, Past and Planned

TheHistory and English Departments havesponsored trips including the Lewis and ClarkTrail(2003,2005),theAmericanSouthwest(2008),NewEngland(2010),andtheMid-AtlanticStatesandOntario,Canada (2012). BothdepartmentsareplanningastudytriptoEnglandin2014.TheMusic Department sponsored a study trip toSendai, Japan (2005)andNewYorkCity (2009)wheretheYCConcertChoirperformedatLincolnCenter.BoththeMusicDepartmentandTheater Department are gearing up for yet anotherstudy tripback toNewYorkandBroadway for2013. TheEducation Department sponsoredastudytripinHolocaustStudiestobothNYandWashington, D.C. in 2011, with plans for 2012and 2013. TheBible Department sponsoredstudentsonanarchaeologicaldiginIsrael(2010),withplansforatriptoTurkeyandGreecein2012andarchaeologicaldigstoIsraeleverysummer.



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