does anyone have anything to confess? the league table of desirable human experiences

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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The League Table of Desirable Human Experiences


Does anyone have anything to confess?

The League Table of

Desirable Human Experiences

Open confession is Open confession is good for the soulgood for the soul

--Scottish ProverbScottish Proverb

More than good for the soul



Fruits of Confession Forgiveness Reconciliation Peace of heart and mind Joy in place of sorrow and shame

Definitions of Pride1. A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.2. Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, possession, or association: parental pride.3. Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness.4.a. A cause or source of pleasure or satisfaction; the best of a group or class: These soldiers were their country's pride.b. The most successful or thriving condition; prime: the pride of youth.5. An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit.

Sorry is the hardest word...

I was wrong I let you down I hurt you badly I shouldn’t have said that I’m sorry

Psalm 51

David & Bathsheba

“You are the man!”“I have sinned against the Lord.”

1. Have mercy on me.2. Blot out the stain of my sins.3. Wash me clean.4. Purify me.

Wash me clean in that cool Wash me clean in that cool river.river.

Wash my soul in the pure Wash my soul in the pure water.water.

Wash me clean in that cool Wash me clean in that cool river.river.

Lord, make me new.Lord, make me new.Maggi Dawn c1994 Thankyou MusicMaggi Dawn c1994 Thankyou Music

Used with permission CCLI 594 Used with permission CCLI 594

5. Give me back my joy.6. Create in me a clean heart.7. Renew a right spirit within me.

8.Do not banish me from Your presence.9.Don’t take Your Holy Spirit away.10.Restore to me the joy of my salvation.

11. Make me willing to obey You.

12. Forgive me (for shedding blood).

13. Unseal my lips so I can praise You.

14. Look with favour on Zion.15. Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

Confession and Healing James 5: 13-16

More than good for the soul

Confession:The starting point for arelationship with God.

A battle you need to lose so you can win.

Repentance is the partner to confession



Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry,

too real to hide, and too deep to undo.

Forgive what our lips tremble to name, what our hearts can no longer bear,

and what has become for us aconsuming fire of judgment.

Set us free from a pastthat we cannot change,

open to us a future in which we can be changed;

and grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image,

through Jesus Christ our Lord, the light of the world. Amen

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