doe – data management assessment coordination september 2015

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DOE – Data Management Assessment Coordination

September 2015

Directly affects the Accuracy of all Assessment Data starting with Pre-ID Files: DSTEP Science, DSTEP-Alt Science, ACCESS, ACCESS Alt, SBAC Math, SBAC ELA, NCSC, and paper/pencil testing when required.

Data will be pulled nightly into SD STARS and then uploaded into the new assessment system.

Accurate student data in Campus will prevent needless time spent in pre-appeal processes after completion of all the testing and review of your individual District and School Report Cards for the current school year.

Why is it important to keep your school’s

student data updated in Infinite Campus?

Student Enrollments

• For accurate Assessment Pre-ID files, State Aid and Fall Enrollment Counts, districts must enter enrollment records for ALL students including Home School students and Preschool students.

• Accurate and complete demographic information entered into each student record in Infinite Campus is paramount to each of you receiving accurate and complete assessment materials and student participation lists from the applicable State vendors.

Student Names

When entering student names, do not use parentheses, commas or periods. Do not put in Smith, Jr. or Thomas (Tom). If a student goes by another name, put it in the nickname field.

Use ALL 9 Digits of ID#.

Enrollment TabMuch of the data DOE needs in order to complete its state and federal reporting comes from the Enrollment Tab, including ALL Pre-ID assessment data. This info is imperative to your school’s receipt of accurate testing materials and student participation lists.

Enrollment Tab


Immigrant Student – “The term ‘immigrant children and youth’ means individuals who: are aged 3 through 21 were not born in any State; and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States

for more than three full academic years.”Please contact Yutzil Becker at 773-4698 in the Title III Office if you have any questions on whether a student is considered an immigrant.

Overlapping Enrollments Allowed

Short Term Group Care Facilities1. Keystone Treatment Center – Canton – 410012. Chief Gall Alternative – Adolescent Treatment Center –

Aberdeen – 069013. Our Home Rediscovery – Huron – 020024. Volunteers of America – Shelter Care – Sioux Falls – 490055. Volunteers of America – Adolescent Treatment – Sioux Falls –

490056. Volunteers of America – New Start – Sioux Falls - 49005

JDC’s (Juvenile Detention Centers)1. Aberdeen JDC – 060012. Huron JDC – 020023. Pierre JDC – 320024. Rapid City JDC – 510045. Sioux Falls JDC – 490056. Walworth County (Selby) JDC – 620057. Wanbli Wiconi Tipi (Todd County) JDC - 66001

Enrollment Tab

State Enrollment Verification Reports\Ad Hoc Reports that

you can run on the DE

• Student Information>Reports>State Enrollment Verification Report

• Ad Hoc reporting of State Published Reports – list of students enrolled in their district

• If you are noticing several enrollments missing at the state level, please bring it to the attention of your Campus Administrator.

• They can do a Resync utilizing this path: System Administration>Data Utilities> Resync State Data

FRAM Free & Reduced Price Lunch


CEPFree/Non-Direct/Income = Community Eligibility Provision II or

Provision III

LEP/ELL Home Primary Language and Date Entered US

School fields are populated on the student’s Demographics tab. This must be completed prior to entering LEP information on the LEP tab.

Demographic Information

The first few columns contain demographic information. It’s important to verify this information because it is used for various reports, including disproportionality.

DOE website -

Student Data Collections Desk Guide –

Office of Assessment, Division of Assessment and Accountability, Jan Martin – 773-3246

Resources Under Administrators – 3. School/Student

Data Data Center – School Data – School Directory Public School Districts – Your District Main Infinite Campus/Student Data



Your School’s Infinite Campus Contact

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