documents writing with latex

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Documents Writing With

Outline• Introduction

• What to install? How to install?

• Latex usage for document writing

– Document structure

– Fonts, colors

– Text, paragraph formatting

– Tables, images

– Mathematical equations

– Cross-referencing, bibliography

• Guidelines for writing thesis, IEEE format document with help of latex

Introduction• TeX is low-level markup and programming language to typeset the

document attractively and consistently

• Created by Donald Knuth in 1977.

• Pronounce it like first syllable of “technical”.

• It works similar to HTML, XML.

• Learning to write program in Tex is time consuming.

• Fortunately, document preparation systems based on TeX provide some

pre-built macros to reduce the user effort.

• One of the popular macro package is LaTeX.

LaTeX• LaTeX (pronounce as Lah-tech or Lay-tech) is created by Leslie Lamport.

• It is a TeX-based document preparation system, and actually a set of macros

for TeX.

• LaTeX converts source code combined with markup into high quality


• Aim: takes care of formatting process.

• Many of the packages or styles developed by other authors are bundled with

LaTeX software distribution. More can be found in CTAN(Comprehensive

TeX Archive Network ).

• Advantages:

Complete concentration on documents not with layout of document.

No need of manual type settings of height, width etc.

Mathematical formulae can be easily typeset

Index, footnotes, citations and references are generated easily.

Forced to structure your documents correctly

• It natively supports PDF (Potable Document Format), DVI(Device

Independent) file format but also PostScript, PNG, JPEG etc by using other


Installation• LaTeX is not a program by itself, it is a language.

• To use LaTeX, need to have the following:

TeX Distributions

Text editor

Bibliography management program

DVI or PDF viewer

TeX Distributions• The distributions (have compiler, fonts and LaTeX macro set) for

different Operating Systems:

TeX Live -----for BSD, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows

MikTeX------for Windows

MacTeX-----for Mac OS X

• Compilers or Engines: generate output files from source

luatex, lualatex----TeX engine with Lua scripting

Pdftex, pdflatex---PDF compilers

tex, latex -----------DVI compilers

xetex, xelatex------TeX engine which uses Unicode

Editors• TeX and LaTeX documents are all text files and can be opened and

modified with all text editors (Ex: notepad, EditPlus) but not word

processor (Word, OpenOffice).

• Dedicated LaTeX editors are more useful.

Cross platform: BaKoMa TeX, Emacs, gedit-latex-plugin, LyX,

TeXmaker, TeXstudio, TeX works, vim

BSD* and GNU/Linux: kile, Gumni, LaTeXila

Mac OS X: TeX Shop,

Windows: Led, TeXnicCenter, WinEdt, WinShell

Bibliography Management • Bibliography files have “.bib” extension and are most easily edited or

modified using a management system.

• GUIs feature a DB form, in which information can be entered for each

reference item and resulting text file can be easily used by BibTeX.

• Available GUIs:

Cross-platform: JabRef, Mendely

Mac OS X: BibDesk

• To use the references from other paper’s bibliography into bibliography

DB, “text2bib” application ( is


Viewers• All LaTeX distributions have a DVI viewer for viewing default output of

latex, or dvitopdf is used to convert from DVI to PDF format.

• There are number of PDF viewers: Adobe Reader, epdfview, Evince,

Foxit, Okular, Sumatra and Zathura.

Online Solutions• Without installing any thing, LaTeX can be used from number of Web

Hosting Services: Google Documents, Latex Lab, LIMSUP,,, SpanDeX, verbosus ,, and Monkey TeX

Installation Procedure for MikTeX• There are multiple MikTex distributions based on different necessities in url: Mainly two packages:

One is “Net installation” provides complete list of packages but a large size package (1.2GB).

Another is “Basic installation” provides with basic set of packages and remaining are

installed using package manager after basic installation. It is of low memory (163MB).

• Procedure for Basic installation requires following steps:

Step1: Download basic MikTeX 2.9 package from url: or

Step2: Then you will be presented with MikTeX copying Conditions.

Read and accept the conditions

Step3: you will be asked to choose the shared version or private version.

Choose one of the two and proceed to next.

Step4: MikTeX will be installed in a standard installation directory.

Click the browse button and specify your preferred location.

Step5: Set the MikTeX settings

1. Set the preferred page size

2. The way installing the missing packages by package manager.

I. Always

II. Never

III. Ask me first

Step6: Review your settings

If your settings are correct according to you, click the start button otherwise go back for changing your settings.

Step7: Installation progress will be shown to you and this will take few minutes.

Step8: Installation is now finished. Click to close to dismiss the setup wizard.

Then you can begin to use it.

Installation Procedure for Texmaker• The advantages of this editor are

Automatic completion of commands while user creating or editing the

source document.

Provide the easy view of output file, input file and structure of document.

Provides the support in bibliography management, graphical support for

the commands of LaTeX.

Provides the number of output viewers.

Step1: Download the package from the url:

Step2: Accept the license agreement

Step3: click browse button and select the installation folder

Step4: Installation progress will be shown

Once completed close the setup wizard and can begin using Texmaker.

2. Write the source code

5. Select “view pdf” click the arrow 1. Click “new” button

3. Click “save” button and save it.

6. Output window automatically opens

Writing First Document4. Select PDFLaTeX and click arrow

Latex File Structure Document class \documentclass{article}

Predefined formats: article, report, book ……

Packages used \usepackage{graphicx}

To add functionality: graphics, reference style……

Main Body \begin{doument} document body here….\end{document}

Text , bibliography references,……

Basics of Typesetting Document Class: \documentclass[options]{class}

Ex: documentclass[11pt,twoside,a4paper]{article}

class: specifies type of the document and exists in ‘.cls’ format. Some

predefined classes are:

Article: for scientific journals, presentations, invitations…….

IEEEtran: for IEEE transactions format articles

Report : for longer reports having several chapters


Options: customizes the behavior of document class. Some Common options:

10pt or 11pt: main font of the document

A4paper or letter paper: size of the paper

Onecolumn or twocolumn: typeset document in one or two columns


Use packages: \usepackage[options]{package (s)}

Ex: \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}

Package: enhance the capabilities of Latex and exists in ‘.sty’ format. Some

popular and necessary packages are:

graphicx: to include images into document

Amsmath: to improve the mathematical equations environments

rotating: to rotate the text with options of 90o, 270o etc.

geometry: for setting the page layout (width, height, margins etc.)

url: for formatting email addresses, directory paths etc.


Options: keywords to trigger special features of packages

for url package: obeyspaces--- to allow spaces in url, hyphens---to

allow breaks of url at hyphens.


Main Body: The document content between begin{document}..\end{document}.

Basic commands for typesetting:

\newline or \\ to start new line

\newpage to start new page

\bf or \textbf{..} to get bold font

\emph or \textit{..} or \it to get italics

\ul or \underline{...} to underline the text

output reserved characters (#, $, %, ^, &, _, {, }, ~, \) using backslash ‘\’

Comments using % character---ignores rest of current line,

line break, all whitespace at the beginning of next line.

For multi-line comments use “comment” environment (\begin{comment} …..\

end{comment}) from “Verbatim” package.

Any environment in Latex is of format: \begin{evironment}[args]{args}… \

end{environemnt} where arguments in [] are optional but in {} are mandatory.

Insert title and author

• To insert more number of authors separate names with \and .

• For easier assistance in case of multiple authors and multiple affiliations use the

package “authblk”, allows both author blocks and foot note type affiliations.

Fig: Example for title and author creation

• Abstract: using \begin{abstract}………\end{abstract}

• Sectioning the document: LaTeX provides 7 levels of depth for defining sections.


\begin{document} \




\subsection{subsection} \

subsubsection{subsubsection} \

paragraph{paragraph} \



Fig: Example for Sectioning Representation in LaTeX

Text Formatting• Spacing:

Linespacing \linespread{factor}

Ex: \linespread{1.3}for one and half spacing

“setspace” package gives more fine grained control with commands \

onehalfspacing, \doublespacing, \singlespacing etc.

Non-breakable space use tilde ‘~’

\hfill horizontal stretched space pushes rest of content in a line toward

right margin.

\vfill vertical stretched space

Manual spacing \hspace{length}, \hspace*{length} for horizontal space

\vspace{length}, \vspace*{length} for vertical


Supports macros for fixed length spacing between two paragraphs

\smallskip, \medskip, \bigskip

• Quotation marks:

for left single quote use the symbol found on the tilde key in keyboard i.e. (`)

for right single quote use apostrophe (‘).

for left double quote use the symbol on tilde key 2 times i.e. (``)

for right double quote use quotation symbol (“)

• Superscript and subscript: use “fixltx2e” package.

\textsuperscript{}Ex: 6\textsuperscript{th} ------- 6th

\textsubscript{} Ex: H\textsubscript{2}o ------- H2O

using inline math environment ($....$) Ex: 6$^{th}$----------6th


• Line breaks using “\\”

Paragraph Formatting• Start new paragraph using an empty line, \par

• \paragraph{} for new paragraph with heading

• Paragraph Alignment:

• Paragraph indent:

\setlength{\parindent}{1cm}---indentation of 1cm before starting a paragraph

\indent to indent a paragraph which is not indented

\noindentto create non-indented paragraph

• Spacing: To have different line spacing for particular paragraph from a whole

document, use “spacing” environment.

Ex: \begin{spacing}{2.5}………….\end{spacing}

Colors• Use “color” package.


have some declared colors: white, red, yellow………

• Colored text:

\textcolor{declared -color}{text} (or)

{\color{declared-color}some text}

• page background color: \pagecolor{declared-color}

• Colored background: \colorbox{declared-color}{text}

• Declare a new color: \definecolor{name}{model}{color-spec}

Ex: \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,0.5,0}

Fonts• Font Families:

By default three different font families exist.\rmdefault roman or sans \sfdefault sans serif\ttdefault MonospaceTo set default font use \familydefault variable.Ex: \renewcommand*{\familydefault}{sfdefault}

• Font Shapes: \textnormal{} default document font family\textrm{} roman font family\textsf{} sans serif font family\texttt{} tele-type font family\uppercase{} uppercase letters\lowercase{} lowercase letters\textmd{} medium weight font\textsc{} small capitals\sout{} strike through

• Font sizes:










\Huge{}• The physical sizes of these change by depending on the normal size of document.

Ex: if normal size is 10pt \small is 9pt; normal size is 11pt small is 10pt

• To set arbitrary font size use \fontsize{<size>}{<linespace>}

Ex: {\fontsize{5cm}{1em}\selectfont this is big}

• For Font selection of a part of text

\fontencoding OT1 (TeX default) or T1 (extended characters support,

better PDF support, widely used).


\fontseries l=light, m=medium, b=bold, bx=very bold.

\fontshape it=italic, n=normal, sl=slanted, sc=small capitals


{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{anttlc}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfontSome text in anttlc…} (or)\usefont{<encoding>}{<family>}{<series>}{<shape>}

Lists• Three types of lists: itemize, enumerate, description

• “itemize” provide bulleted lists.


\item first item

\item second item

\item third item


• “enumerate” is for ordered lists with numerals (1,2,3…..); Use “enumerate”

package for different types of orders(alphabets, roman numbers etc.)


\item first item

\item second item

\item third item


• “description” is useful for glossary; allows to pass item label by passing

optional argument


\item[first] first item

\item[second] second item

\item [third] third item


• Nested lists:


\item first item


\item first sub item

\item second sub item


\item second item


Mathematics Environment• Use “amsmath” package.

• For inline mathematics use $....$.

Ex: the sum is $\sum _{x=1}^{10}x^n$-----------

• For equations in separate line use \begin{equation}……..\end{equation} (or) \


• It has support for several symbols, operators, greek letters. For example,

symbols: \forall x \in X, \quad \exists y \leq \epsilon

greek letters: \alpha,\beta,\gamma,\Gamma


\cos (2\theta) = \cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta \\

\lim_{x \to \infty} \exp(-x) = 0

• Fractions: \frac{numerator}{denominator}

Ex: \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}

• Roots: \sqrt[magnitude] {}

Ex: \sqrt{x}


• Add text to equations: using \text{…}

Ex: 50 \text{apples} \times 100 \text{apples}= \text{lots of apples}^2

• list of Latex symbols can be inserted directly from Texmaker directly or can be find

out in

(or) by using “detexify” (

• More about math environment from “amsmath” documentation

[ ]

Importing Graphics• Two ways to include graphics in Latex document

– Creating graphics

– Importing graphics: most usual way to include pictures

• For dvi output format , Latex supports “.eps” figures; for pdf output, it

supports “.pdf”, “.png”, “.jpg” figures.

• Use “graphicx” package.

• Use the command: \includegraphics[attr1=val1, ..., attrn=valn]{imagename}

attributes are: width, height

keepaspectratio either true or false

scale to reduce the size

angle to rotate the image

trim has 4 values l,b,r,t to crop from 4 sidesclip should be true for working of the trim

• To include an image use “figure” environment , it allows to specify position of the

image, caption and label to the picture.

position:- h:current position, t: top , b:bottom, p: special page, !:determine good float

position, H: exactly at current position

Caption: to give the automatic numbering and description for the image

label: to give unique name in a document






\caption{an awesome image of a chick}


Tables• “tabular” environment constructs tables with optional horizontal , vertical lines.

• This environment has the 1st line: \begin{tabular}{table-spec}

table-spec: has list of columns with their specifications

l: left-justified column

r: right-justified column

c: centered column

p{width}, m{width}, b{width}: paragraph columns with text vertically

aligned top, middle, bottom respectively.

|: vertical line

||: double vertical line

• some commands needed while constructing table

\\[width] starts new row, with optional argument of additional vertical

space after a row

\hline horizontal line

\cline{i-j} partial horizontal line starts with column i, and ends with column j

& column separator

• Ex: \begin{tabular}{ |l|c||r| } \hline 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \hline 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \cline{2-3} 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \hline \end{tabular}

• Define multiple columns : use *{number of columns}{column-spec} in table-spec

Ex: \begin{tabular}{l*{6}{c}r} creates table with one left justified

column, 6 centered columns, one right justified column.

• Rows spanning multiple columns:

\multicolumn{no of columns}{alignment}{contents}

Ex: \begin{tabular}{ ll }


\multicolumn{2}{c}{Team sheet} \\ \hline

GK & Paul Robinson \\

LB & Lucus Radebe \\ \hline


• Columns spanning multiple rows: use “multirow” package


Ex: \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}


\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Team sheet} \\


Goalkeeper & GK & Paul \\ \hline

\multirow{2}{*}{Defenders}& LB & Lucus\\ \cline{2-3}

& DC & Michael Duberry \\ \hline


• “table” environment is for position of the table, label, caption support.


\begin{table}[position specifier]





\caption{This table shows some data}



• Position specifier value can be h, t, b, p, !; default value is tbp

• Excel spread sheets can be imported using “excel2latex” package, and

openoffice spread sheets using “clac2latex” package;

• Latex also has support for importing from other softwares using different


Labels and Cross-referencing• Latex supports referencing anything that is numbered in a document, using the


\label{marker} is unique name to refer an object

\ref{marker} refers the object and prints the number of it

\pageref{marker} prints the number of page on which the object liesEx: \section{Greetings}

\label{sec:greetings}Hello!\section{Referencing}I greeted in section~\ref{sec:greetings}.

• Figures, tables, equations, items in a list, mathematical equations can be referenced

in the similar fashion.

• “autoref{marker}” command from “hyperref” package provides hyperlink in

addition to the object number.

• A footnote can be created using \footnote{<text to be in foot note>}

Bibliography management• Two ways to include bibliography in a document

1. Using list of \bibitem{cite_key} in “bibliography” environment at the end of a document.

\cite{cite_key} to refer an item of bibliography

Ex: The paper~\cite{ama2008} explains in detail.


\bibitem{ama2008} Aman S, Szpakowicz S (2008) {Using Roget's thesaurus for fine-grained emotion recognition}. In: Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing IJCNLP 2008, pp 296—302


“9” specifies the number of references allowed; “ama2008” is the unique cite_key for reference.


2. creating an external BibTeX database i.e. “.bib” file and include it in

document using two commands at the end of document.



style: specifies the bibliography style file name, default is the “plain.bst”

filename(s): list of files(.bib files) containing the references.

Ex: \bibliography{plain}


• “.bib” file: is a flat database file with each reference item as one entry with

different attributes according to the type of it.

Example of an item in bibliography DB:


author = {Aman, S. and Szpakowicz, S.},

booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing IJCNLP 2008},

keywords = {lexicon, om},

pages = {296--302},

posted-at = {2010-09-25 15:43:47},

title = {{Using Roget's thesaurus for fine-grained emotion recognition}}, year = {2008} }

here “inproceedings” is the type of reference paper; “ama2008” is unique


• Latex supports different types of references: inproceedings(conference paper),

article, techreport, masterthesis, inbook (section of book without own title),

incollection (section of a book having own title) etc…

• Multiple citations: use the command


• No cite: to appear a reference in the bibliography without referencing in the main

text \nocite{cite_key} command can be used.

• Author-year format of referencing: use “natbib” package for different styles of

author-year, numeric citation formats.


It provides different style files: plainnat.bst, arrrvnat.bst, rmpaps.bst etc…

provides different citation commands: citet{}, citep{}, citet*{} etc…

options: authoryear for author-year style

square [] around citation numbers

super superscripted numeric citations etc…..


General format of Master thesis• Introductory pages

– Cover page

– Title page

– Certificate

– Declaration

– Acknowledgement

– Abstract

– Table of contents

– List of tables

– List of figures

• Body

– Text (in terms of number of chapters)

– References

• Appendices

• Table of contents: \tableofcontents

• List of tables: \listoftables

• List of Figures:\listoffigures

• List of tables, list of figures are automatically generated with their numbers; To

precede each table/figure with table/figure keyword, use “tocloft” package and

the commands:

\renewcommand{\cftfigfont}{Figure }

\renewcommand{\cfttabfont}{Table }

• To include any part of thesis into the table of contents: For example, \addcontnetsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}

Ex o/p:

• In a thesis all introductory pages should have different numbering from the

content of the document. For this purpose, use \pagenumbering{roman} before

including all introductory pages, and use \clearpage, \pagenumbering{arabic}

commands after inclusion of introductory pages and before the inclusion content

of document.

• Each introductory page and each chapter of document can be written separate

tex file and can be included in a main tex file using the command \


• The references should not have page numbers, for this \pagenumbering{gobble}

command can be used before including references file.

• To include the appendix, use \appendix command before including the

appendices file.

Figure: An example of thesis structure and document body of main tex file of a thesis

Creating IEEE format document• For this “IEEEtran.cls” is used.

Ex: \documentclass[9pt, conference]{IEEEtran}

• IEEEtran and its support files can be downloaded from IEEEwebsite:

• IEEEtran supports different modes: conference, journal, technote, peerreview...

• It supports two text column formats: one column, two column

two paper sizes: a4paper, letter paper

two layouts: oneside, twoside

• It provides slightly different commands than from a usual article and report.

• Title and Author block:

\title{Paper Title}


{\IEEEauthorblockN{author name1}


MVSR Engg College, Hyderabad\\



\IEEEauthorblockN{author name2}


MVSR Engg College, Hyderabad\\

email1 }}


• Abstract and keywords



your abstract here......



keyword1, keyword2,keyword3




• It supports \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph for sectioning the


• For bibliography use “spbasic.bst” file for computer science documents. For


\section{Introduction}\label{sec:introduction}your introduction here.....\section{Background and Related Work}\label{sec:background}your survey here.....\section{approach}\label{sec:approch}approach introduction here......\subsection{part1}\label{sec:part1} part of approach can be included here..... A paper can be cited as~\cite{abb2008}.

\subsection{Experiments and Results}results here.....\section{Conclusion}\label{sec:conclusion}conclusion here.....\bibliographystyle{spbasic}\begin{thebibliography}{41}\bibitem{abb2008}Abbasi A, Chen H, Thoms S, Fu T (2008) Affect analysis of web forums and blogs using correlation ensembles. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 20(9):1168—1180\end{thebibliography}\end{document}

Figure: An example of IEEE format document


• LaTeX is easy to use document preparation system.

• Gives brief insight about latex including installation procedures, basic

commands for the usage of latex in writing any type of documents.


• Stefan kottwitz. “Latex: Beginner’s Guide” 2011.

• Latex documentation

• Latex: from wikipedia


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