documentary filmmaking - our...

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Documentary Filmmaking

Integrated STEM Teacher Training Institute

October 21, 2014 ~ 4-5P CST

Instructor: Lorie A. Mitchell

Welcome to CSTEM Filmmaking

TrainingI am delighted to be a part of this wonderful experience. I

will be the lead trainer this year for the filmmaking challenge and will be with you all year.

During our sessions, I will guide you on how to effectively create a short documentary for this year's theme ‘Energy Infrastructure: Wind, Oil and Natural Gas. The actual

Filmmaking challenge your students will solve will be unveiled via CSTEMbreak

Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 10:00AM CST.

I currently work for an Oil and Gas Company. Our film department creates corporate videos detailing the structure and the functions of both oil and drilling rigs. Filmmaking can be a very lucrative and beneficial career in STEM industries. Many filmmakers do not know about the opportunities available to them in a corporate environment. You can still make creative commercials, training videos, how to videos, and the list goes on and on. Think of it as being creative in a set frame work.

In addition to working at an oil and gas company I am former high school English teacher. I also am the daughter of a semi-famous blues singer, McKinley Mitchell. Most importantly I am a filmmaker. I am currently working on a documentary for Sickle Cell Anemia, which should be completed by the end of November. I also just recently entered a local horror film festival competition, Splatterfest, where we were nominated for a few awards, no wins, but nominations are great as well!

A little something about me…

A Fashionista ’s Story. In 2010 I wrote and directed a commercial for Chloe Dao, the winner of Season 2, Project Runway. This commercial ran during Houston’s Fashion Week. Let’s take a look…

Be DeterminedHere is another 30 second video that I did using a program called After Effects. I wanted to show you guys this as an option to make your film pop, instead of just using photos or b-roll footage during an interview as an insert or even an introduction to your film. A lot of sports commercials use this technique

Let’s Get Started

What is filmmaking?To be a writer, you need a pen. To be a painter, a brush. To be a musician, an instrument. But to be a filmmaker, you need the collaboration of others to bring your vision to the canvas that is the movie screen. — Martin Scorsese, Director

Filmmaking: Documentary Film Stages

1. Initial idea 2. Planning 2. Filming3. Editing4. Screening

Idea: Documentary Film

• A documentary film is either a representation or presentation of information.

• This type of film should be about informing or persuading the audience on a topic.

• Documentaries also are a type of storytelling that explores factual stories and issues using film or video.

My big mistakeOne mistake that you can make when creating a short documentary film is not having a story. Additional mistakes can be trying to cram too much information in at one time, not having a focus, not getting enough b-roll footage and not getting additional interviews to move your story along.

Here is an example of my first attempt at a documentary film when I was a film student. This is an example

of what NOT to do:

Documentary Film Terms

Footage – refers to all material used in a film, including edited and unedited sequences

Opinion – an evidence-based personal belief or judgment that, unlike a fact, can bedisputed by another person without either of you being wrong (e.g., Vanilla is the bestflavor for ice cream)

Persuade – to cause to believe; convince

Point of View – sometimes abbreviated as POV, the perspective from which a story istold; in film, also refers to a shot that depicts a character’s outlook or position

Additional Terms

Represent – to re-tell; all media is a representation of something (e.g., a photograph of ahorse is not the actual horse; it represents the horse)

Stock footage (archival footage) – footage that is included in a film that is often shot byanother filmmaker or for another project and not specifically for the film

Subjects - the topics of the film or the people the film features

Voice-Over – a production technique or creative device in which an off-screen voice isused for narration. This voice often establishes context and was recorded at anotherpoint in time.

What Makes A Documentary Good?

"Yuck - A 4th Grader's Short Documentary About School Lunch".

Activity: Watch this documentary as a group and try to point out the Exposition, Rising Action,

Conflict, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution

Documentary Techniques (Make your film interesting)

• Interviews Watch this video on how to interview:

• Storytelling Techniques (re-enactments, narration/voice overs, scripted dialogue, etc.)Watch this video on Writing and Producing a documentary:

• Information Resources (Factual claims, attempts to persuade)

Three Types

Factual resource focuses on claims that are known to be true. These claims can be backed up with recent research and accurate data from a reliable authority.

Value resource is nearly the exact opposite of a factual claim. The speaker will attempt to convince listeners that his or her personal value judgment is true through the use of language and wording.

Policy resources are meant to persuade that a policy should be implemented. A policy is defined as a clear solution to a type of problem with an established justification, plan and benefits.

Filming: Documentary Film

There are 3 key elements in shooting a film:

• Pre-Production (Planning)

• Production (Shooting)

• Post- Production (Editing)

Filming: Pre-ProductionHere's your pre-production check list for directing the documentary:

• Write a script outline

• Create an interview and shot list

• Create a production schedule

• Create an equipment list (camera, lights, tripods, mics, etc.)

• Gather additional footage (photos, b-roll, stock footage, documents, etc)

• Music (Use music that will help the story along)

Script Outline

• Often with documentaries, the script can’t really be written until after the footage has been shot and you start piecing the story together based on what you “discovered” with your camera. However, writing an outline at the beginning can be an invaluable guide to point you in the right direction.

Create an Interview and Shot list

• Interview questions should answer: 1. Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.2. You also want the interviewee to repeat the question a complete sentence.

• Shot list should include:1. Shot number2. Camera angles3. Camera movement

Sample Shot List and Storyboard

Understanding Shot List Terms

To create a shot list, you must know some of the basic film language:Terms Abbr. Definition• Establishing Shot: ES Beginning of a film• Full Shot FS Incorporates the entire body• Medium Shot: MS Will show above the waist• Close Up: CU Shows a close up view • Extreme Close Up: XCU Focuses on solely on subject• Over the Shoulder: OTS Over the shoulder

Other Helpful Terms:180◦ Rule: Camera should always be on one sideInsert: Another shot or clip that tells more of the story. B-roll footage or photograph

Visualizing the Shot List

Visualizing the Shot List

Equipment Checklist

• Video• Audio• Light

Thanks for attending, let me know if you have any questions! I will stay connected with you through CSTEMBreak.

You can also view more resources, activities, and videos that I have posted to help students practice to enhance their skills as scriptwriters, interviewers, and camera operators, also information on lighting and how to make a good film great on my CSTEM break page. Also feel free to message me at anytime:

That’s a Wrap

Communicating and Sharing*All of my training information will be shared on CSTEMbreak.

*All of my Saturday Workshops will take place on CSTEMbreak.

*90% of all communications to teachers and students will take place using the CSTEMbreak. Platform.

On CSTEMbreakteachers and students are encouraged to:

• Blog• Share Research • Upload pictures and

videos• Engage collaboratively

with their teams across competition areas and grade levels

• Chat Live with trainers• Send clarifying questions

to trainers• Students should

complete for the Top Ambassador Award and Teachers should compete for the STEM Teacher of the year award.

Academic Year Pacing Guide ~ Saturday Workshops

Challenge Activities

Interdisciplinary Connections


October 25, 2015Introduction

CSTEM Challenge Kick-



November 15, 2014

Plan and ConductResearch


December 6, 2014

Question, Reflect and

Collect Resources


January 10, 2015



February 7, 2015Construct

Prototype and Make Revisions in

your Design


March 7, 2015Create Artifact



April 4, 2015Finalize Artifact


(STEM, SS/H, FA, ELA)Geoscience

(STEM, FA, ELA)Photography

(STEM, SS/H, FA, ELA)Mural

(STEM, SS/H, FA, ELA)Creative Writing

(STEM, SS/H, FA, ELA)Robotics’

(STEM, SS/H, FA, ELA)Sculpture

(STEM, SS/H, FA, ELA)Mobile Tech

Campus Team(s) Lead will introduce the CSTEM Challenge and gain understanding of the problem they are to solve and begin brainstorming a strategy.

Students will conduct research and finalize their proposed strategy using related software programs, tools, and resources.

Students will question, reflect, and collect resources to design a prototype solution fortheir problem.

Students will design their prototype(s) of their CSTEM Challengeproject solution.

Students wilconstruct theirprototypes and make revisions in their designs.

Students will create their project solution for the CSTEM Challenge competition.

Students will finalize their CSTEM Challengeproject solution and prepare to compete.

Next steps:

• To complete your training, please join the 2015 TTI Group on CSTEMbreak to answer the discussion questions in the Film Making Discussion Thread. You will be provided a certificate acknowledging your completion of the 2 hour training for your records.

• Remember to plan your CSTEM Challenge Kick-Off activities on your campus. The Challenges will be unveiled Saturday, October 25th at 10:00 AM CST. So, plan something fun and exciting to kick things off with your students!!!!

• After the kick-off, I will see you and your students at our first Saturday workshop November 15th

on CSTEMbreak.

Let’s make this a great year!!!!

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