doctor who 2nd doctor

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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2nd Doctor for the DW solitaire game




Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

“There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against

everything we believe in. They must be fought.”

(The Doctor – „The Moonbase‟)

The Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game goes back in time to the Classic series in this latest expansion that allows

players to recreate the era of the second Doctor. Whether you‟re stalked by Yeti in the remote mountains of the

Himalayas or fighting Cybermen on the Wheel in Space, it‟s time to play your recorder...

How to Use this Expansion

Doctor Who in 1963 was very different to the regenerated version seen

on our screens in 2005, so there are a number of changes to the basic

rules when playing the second Doctor:

You start with Jamie McCrimmon as a Companion and roll 1D6 for

any starting equipment: 1-2: e183; 3-4: ce15; 5-6: ce16.

The TARDIS has a -2 penalty when attempting to set controls (e001a).

Roll 1D6 for your starting Adventure: 1: ca06; 2: ca07; 3: ca08; 4:

ca09; 5: ca10; 6: ca11.

Starting Characters

The Second Doctor

The second incarnation of the Doctor was completely different from the

first. The stern grandfather was replaced by an impish, playful figure with

twinkling eyes and a ready smile. Gone too was any sense of elegance

with this incarnation favoring loose shirts, baggy trousers and a ragged

bow tie. But appearances can be deceptive and the Doctor‟s keen

intellect remained – often hidden until his enemies underestimated him.

“You can‟t kill me – I‟m a genius!”

Brains 12, Brawn 4, Bravery 8 (Aware, Charisma, Computers,

Engineering, History, Running, Science, Thief)

Jamie McCrimmon

James Robert McCrimmon, the son of a Highland piper, was the second

Doctor‟s closest and longest-serving companion. Loyal and brave, Jamie

enjoyed his travels with the Doctor and their friendship was incredibly

strong. Although he was often bemused by what he saw, Jamie threw

himself into the adventures with gusto – often ending up having to protect

the Doctor or other female companions.

“Will you look at the size of that thing Doctor?”

Brains 5, Brawn 7, Bravery 8 (Charisma, Running, Thief, Tracking)

Personality (optional): Protective (of all other TARDIS Characters),



Cv03. The Cybermen

You have encountered the invincible Cybermen (DM -2. Goals: 1-2:

e165; 3-4: ce26; 5-6: e228). Once members of Earth‟s twin planet

Mondas, an ecological incident propelled the planet into space and

forced the race to adapt by any means, turning their bodies from flesh to

cold steel suits and their very emotions cut out. Mondas was destroyed

but several Cyber factions survive and see humanity as logical subjects

for their ghoulish conversion…

Roll 1D6 with +1 if the Turn number is 5-8 or +2 if the Turn is 9+. Also add +2 if you can Oppose:

1-2: Cybermats – see cv03a below

3-5: 1D3 Cybermen - each Brains 5, Brawn 8, Bravery 8 (Machine).

6+: 1D3+2 Cybermen plus the CyberPlanner – Brains 9, Brawn 5, Bravery 7 (Computers 2, Machine).

Choose from options below:

Fight: Combat occurs as normal. If you later wish to surrender, see below with -1 to the roll. If you later wish to

escape the combat, see option below. If you win a fight against the Cybermen, gain a +1DM or if you can

Oppose them and the CyberPlanner is destroyed then they are instead Defeated.

Surrender: Roll 1D6 adding +1 if the CyberPlanner is here, -2 if you can Oppose: 1-3: Attacked 4-6: e061.

Evade: The Cybermen march at a steady pace so you must make Running 7 rolls to escape. If you fail, or choose

not to escape, you must choose another option. The CyberPlanner does not take part in the combat.

Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to

hide, you must choose another option.

Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another

option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry – event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: e147.

Talk: You may try to confuse the Cybermen and escape. If you make a Brains roll (with -1 Brains for each

Cyberman, -3 for the CyberPlanner), then you succeed – gain +1DM. If you fail, choose Surrender or Fight.

Confront: You may only choose this option if the CyberPlanner is here and you can Oppose. If you can make an

opposed Brains and Bravery (total both plus 1D6 and any Computers) roll against the CyberPlanner

then you have Defeated the Cybermen. If you fail then take a -1DM and choose another option.

Cv03a. Cybermats

You have encountered Cybermats - bizarre worm-like creatures which

have been created by Cybermen to undertake tasks of sabotage,

infection and even possession! Roll 1D3 for the number of Cybermats

encountered - each Brains 1, Brawn 6, Bravery 9. (Machine).

If you have 2 Engineering and 15 Brains, then you can surround your

group with metal cables before the attack begins and disrupt the

Cybermat control systems– event ends, gain +1DM

Otherwise, each Cybermat will attack a random Character (Victims first). If they then Wound a Character, roll

1D6:1-3: No additional effect; 4-5: The Cybermat injects a neural virus (poison) into the Character – until you

have Aware and 2 Medicine (or put the Character through a T Mat – ce20) the Character is out of action and

cannot be used in any way until you Defeat the Cybermen; 6: See 4-5 above but the virus also carries a mental

control signal by the Cybermen – roll 1D6 before every Enemy Encounter – on a 5-6 the victim rises up and joins

the Cybermen in all further encounters! If you manage to Defeat the Cybermen they revert back to normal.


Cv04. The Great Intelligence

The Great Intelligence (DM -1; Goals: 1-2: ce25; 3-4: e247; 5-6: e180)

is an entity from another dimension that was exiled into ours and so

condemned to hover between the stars without any physical form. It

possesses the minds of human pawns and has created terrifying robotic

Yeti to carry out its‟ plans.

Roll 1D6 and then consult the table below to see what you have

encountered. Add +1 each time you have previously rolled here, +2 if

after Turn 4, another +2 if after Turn 9. If you can Oppose add +1.

1-2: You discover a silver sphere about the size of a football. It will control a Yeti if you can make a Brains roll to

figure out how it can be connected. When you encounter a Yeti, at the end of a combat round, you may

make a Bravery roll to put the sphere inside the Yeti.

3-6: See cv04a below.

7-8: The Intelligence attempts to dominate a Character in your group. If you are alone see e290 otherwise

randomly choose a Human character without Domination to make a Bravery roll. If they succeed then gain

+1DM but if they fail they become a Minion of the Intelligence. They leave your group, and will be

encountered in any future roll of 7+ here. If you Defeat the Intelligence without killing the Minions, they

revert to normal again.

9-10: You have encountered the Intelligence that speaks from the host body of an old man. The Intelligence is

Brains 12, Brawn 2, Bravery 7. You may try to Evade (Running 8 rolls), Hide (Thief 10 rolls) or Confront by

making opposed Brains rolls and adding any Domination; if you succeed, either roll for a Goal event or if

you can Oppose, then you have Defeated the Intelligence. If you fail the roll, take a -1DM and gain

Madman until the end of the Adventure.

11+: You encounter the Intelligence and its Yeti servants (v534a below) - see (9-10) above for encounter options –

as they build a pyramid of glowing steel spheres. You may get other Characters to fight the Yeti for 3

rounds and then you can confront the Intelligence. If you succeed with the Brains roll, either roll for a Goal

event or if you can Oppose, then you have Defeated the Intelligence. If you fail the roll, take a -1DM.

cv04a. The Yeti

These are the terrifying servants of the Intelligence and are huge

creatures covered in brown and grey fur with huge claws. But their

outward appearance is deceptive as the Yeti are really robotic slaves

that are controlled by a silver sphere in their chest. Roll 1D3+1 for the

number of Yeti you have encountered – each Yeti is Brains 2, Brawn 9,

Bravery 6 (Machine, Minion). Choose from options below:

Fight: Combat occurs normally although if the Character fighting the Yeti

is a Troop then weapons have no effect on the Yeti, so reduce their

Brawn by 2. If you win a fight against the Yeti gain a +1DM.

Evade: You must make Running 8 rolls before combat starts, or Running 9 rolls during combat. If you fail, or

choose not to escape, you must choose to fight.

Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to

hide, you must choose another option.

Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another

option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry – event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: v534 above – result 11.


Ca06. Vulcan - 2200 (Colonial Era)

(Wilderness) You have landed on a volcanic and acidic world during humanity‟s gradual collonialism across the

stars at the beginning of the Twenty Third Century. In the distance a drab looking research facility has been built.

Perhaps the locals have unearthed something in the ground from centuries past, something dangerous…

Special: After any Explore or Move Actions (unless at a Location) roll 1D6 and on a result of 1-3 see e265.

Enemy (D6): 1: cv01; 2: cv02; 3: cv03; 4: v526; 5: v538; 6: v520

Character (D6): 1: ce06; 2: e018; 3: e020; 4: e081; 5: e119; 6: e285

Event 1 (D6): 1: ce30; 2: e027; 3: e078; 4: e151; 5: ce28; 6: e002

Event 2 (D6): 1: e145; 2: e256; 3: ce27; 4: e035; 5: e116; 6: e002

Plot (D6): 1: ce23; 2: ce10; 3: e149; 4: e173; 5: e240; 6: e150.

Location (D6): 1: e068; 2: e068; 3: e158; 4: e064; 5: e067; 6: e217

Ca07. Earth - 1866 (Victorian Era)

You have landed in the gardens of an impressive mansion sometime during the Victorian era and in the middle of

the English countryside. Everything seems pleasant and quaintly historical, yet something feels slightly wrong.

Who exactly owns the mansion and why has the cellar been turned into a laboratory…?

Special: Any Characters with Science are +1 Brains when facing a Temporal Event or Enemy.

Enemy (D6): 1: cv01; 2: v524; 3: v543; 4: v515; 5: v536; 6: v502

Character (D6): 1: ce17; 2: ce18; 3: e119; 4: e105; 5: e207; 6: e244

Event 1 (D6): 1: e107; 2: e152; 3: e268; 4: e036; 5: e075; 6: e002

Event 2 (D6): 1: e034; 2: e101; 3: e177; 4: e192; 5: e116; 6: e002

Plot (D6): 1: e157; 2: e159; 3: e176; 4: e235; 5: e238; 6: e150.

Location (D6): 1: e065; 2: e065; 3: e102; 4: e102; 5: e253; 6: e259

Ca08. Earth - 1935 (Modern Era)

(Wilderness) You have landed on the chilly slopes of the mighty Himalayas where a keen wind and dark skies

threaten a flurry of snow. You are delighted –just down below is the famed Monastery of Det-Sen, and returning

that ghanta you borrowed all those years ago will guarantee the welcome of a lifetime! Pulling on a huge woolly

coat you step outside…

Special: You gain +2 to any Talk rolls with priests or monks unless there is an Enemy here. If there is an Enemy

here take a -1 penalty when Talking to them.

Enemy (D6): 1: cv04; 2: cv04; 3: v502; 4: v537; 5: v513; 6: v512

Character (D6): 1: ce21; 2: e029; 3: e030; 4: e072; 5: e123; 6: e246

Event 1 (D6): 1: e078; 2: e079; 3: e085; 4: ce28; 5: e088; 6: e002

Event 2 (D6): 1: e135; 2: ce27; 3: e035; 4: e208; 5: e116; 6: e002

Plot (D6): 1: e132; 2: e141; 3: e153; 4: e131; 5: e176; 6: e150

Location (D6): 1: e066; 2: e066; 3: e066; 4: e217; 5: e217; 6: e218


Ca09. Earth - 1968 (Present Era)

You have landed in London in the midst of the Swinging Sixties - a time of great upheaval and change not only for

England but the entire world! One of your favorite eras of Earth to visit – and unfortunately for you, a time which

seems more beset than any other by alien incursions…

Special: If the Goal is revealed to be e165 take an extra -1DM penalty. If at an Industrial Compound (e297), a

Character event of 1-3 will instead be ce24

Enemy (D6): 1:cv01; 2: cv03; 3: cv04; 4: v531; 5: v522; 6: v504

Character (D6): 1: ce21; 2: ce22; 3: ce22; 4: e023; 5: e041; 6: ce24

Event 1 (D6): 1: e075; 2: e076; 3: ce28; 4: ce30; 5: e112; 6: e002

Event 2 (D6): 1: e034; 2: e160; 3: e223; 4: e035; 5: e116; 6: e002

Plot (D6): 1: e133; 2: e139; 3: e166; 4: e210; 5: e173; 6: e150

Location (D6): 1: e091; 2: e297; 3: e297; 4: e144; 5: e255; 6: e028

Ca10. Station W3 - 2120 (Near Future Era)

You have landed on Space Station W3 – one of the latest orbiting Earth as it moves into the rest of the Solar

System and beyond. Scientists study numerous phenomena and uphold the continuing International Space

Program. But beings from outside this small world may seek to put a hold to mankind‟s progress…

Special: Any Research Actions are made with +1 to the roll here.

Enemy (D6): 1: cv01; 2: cv03; 3: v526; 4: v531; 5: v530; 6: v527

Character (D6): 1: ce19; 2: e017; 3: e019; 4: e023; 5: e024; 6: e020

Event 1 (D6): 1: e036; 2: e074; 3: ce28; 4: ce30; 5: e215; 6: e002

Event 2 (D6): 1: e034; 2: e097; 3: e160; 4: e267; 5: e296; 6: e002

Plot (D6): 1: e139; 2: e140; 3: e142; 4: e155; 5: e161; 6: e150

Location (D6): 1: ce20; 2: ce29; 3: e102; 4: e257; 5: e257; 6: e097

Ca11. The Moon - 2090 (Near Future Era)

You have found yourself on the lunar surface in the later years of the twenty first century. With mankind ever

expanding in technology, they have found means of teleportation and even controlling the weather of Earth via

the Gravitron and T-Mat Projects controlled via the Moon Base. But the threat of invasion is as likely as ever…

Special: Your first Location event will automatically be ce20.

Enemy (D6): 1: cv01; 2: cv03 3: v526; 4: v519; 5: v545; 6: v535

Character (D6): 1: ce19; 2: e020; 3: e023; 4: e024; 5: e081; 6: e119

Event 1 (D6): 1: ce28; 2: e034; 3: e120; 4: ce30; 5: e160; 6: e002

Event 2 (D6): 1: e033; 2: e069; 3: e145; 4: e215; 5: ce27; 6: e002

Plot (D6): 1: ce23; 2: e139; 3: e140; 4: e142; 5: e149; 6: e150

Location (D6): 1: e102; 2: e102; 3: e158; 4: e097; 5: ce29; 6: ce29


Ce15. 500 Year Diary

(Equipment) The Doctor has kept a diary over the centuries with bits and

pieces of infomation which might prove useful in his journeys through

time and space! You gain the History trait. When a non-Human Enemy is

revealed, if you (alone) can make a successful Aware 10 rolI then either

gain a +1DM or +2 Brains for the rest of the Adventure.

Ce16. Recorder

(Equipment) The Doctor often used to play little tunes on his recorder – but not everyone appreciated his musical

ability! If you (alone) can make a successful Charisma 9 roll, then gain an extra +1 to any talk options to any non-

Machine Characters (not including Enemies).

Ce17. Victoria Waterfield

You have encountered Victoria Waterfield, a timid but inwardly brave

young girl from the mid-nineteenth century and daughter of esteemed

scientist Edward Waterfield. She is Brains 5, Brawn 3, Bravery 5

(Charisma, Running, Science, Screamer). Personality (optional):

Compassionate, Curious. Make a Charisma 8 Roll – if you succeed she

becomes a Companion, gain a Luck point, otherwise she joins you as an

Ally. Make a Brains roll for Victoria – if she succeeds roll for a Plot event.

Victoria is +1 Bravery if with Jamie.

Friends: Professor Edward Waterfield (Ce18)

Ce18. Professor Edward Waterfield

You have encountered Edward Waterfield, renowned scientist and father of Victoria. He is Brains 9, Brawn 3,

Bravery 4 (Engineering 2, History, Science, Thief, Victim). If there is no Enemy yet revealed (or the Enemy are

Daleks), Waterfield gains Minion, and Victoria (ce17) is immediately captured. If you Rescue her as an Action

then Waterfield will become an Ally and gain a +1DM. If an Enemy (unless Daleks) is already revealed then

Waterfield becomes your Ally. Make a Brains roll for Waterfield and if successful then roll for a Plot event.

If Waterfield is ever killed lose 2 Luck points and Victoria will be -1 to all Qualities for 1D3 Adventures, but if she

is presently an Ally she automatically becomes a Companion due to your decision to become her temporarily

guardian in place of her father.

Ce19. Zoe Herriot

You have encountered Zoe Heriot, a bright and extremely logically

minded young woman from Earth‟s near future with special recall

abilities. She is Brains 8, Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Charisma, Computers,

Running, Science, Screamer). Personality (optional): Dedicated

(Computers, Science). Make a Charisma 7 Roll and if successful Zoe

joins you as a Companion – gain 1 Luck point - otherwise she becomes

an Ally. Make a Brains roll for Zoe – if she succeeds roll for a Plot event.

Zoe gains +2 Brains in any Plot or Goal Event.


Ce20. T Mat

(Location) You have discovered a T Mat control station that links two

locations between Earth, the Moon or orbiting space stations and is used

to send people and supplies through the solar system. Roll 1D6, and if

the result is 1-2, then the T Mat station is damaged and you must make

an Engineering 9 roll or a Computers 9 roll to repair it. If the T Mat

works you may use it to visit a new location as an Action.

The station can link ca02, ca10 and ca11. Roll randomly between the 2

other Adventure locations to see where this T Mat station links. This link

will then be constant through the Adventure.

Each time the T Mat is used roll 1D6 and if the result is a 1, then the Portal becomes damaged and must be

repaired again as above. To return to the original Adventure location, you must find the T Mat as an Action with a

Tracking 8 roll. If you encounter an Enemy in either Adventure location then that Enemy will be encountered in the

other Adventure location regardless of any Enemy roll. Your current Turn number, DM and all other modifiers

remain consistent between the two Adventure locations.

Ce21. Professor Travers

You encounter Professor Edward Travers – would-be Yeti hunter and

scientist. If you have encountered him in the Modern Era then he is Brains

7, Brawn 6, Bravery 7 (Aware, Charisma, Marksman, Thief, Tracking).

If you encounter Travers in the Present Era then he is now a much older

man with Brains 7, Brawn 3, Bravery 6 (Aware, History, Science).

Travers is also accompanied by his scientist daughter, Anne – Brains 7,

Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Aware, Charisma, Demolitions, Engineering,

Science, Screamer).

If this is your first encounter with Travers then make a Charisma 8 roll. If you succeed then he (and Anne if she is

with him) become Allies for the Adventure – roll for a Plot event. If you fail then see ce28.

Ce22. Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart

You have encountered Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart, a respectable

and somewhat old-fashioned soldier investigating possible alien activity.

If this is your first encounter he is a Colonel - Brains 5, Brawn 7, Bravery

8 (Bureaucrat, Charisma, Marksman, Running). He is with 1D3+1

soldiers each Brains 4, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 (Demolitions, Marksman,

Troop) Make a Charisma roll with a +2 bonus if an Enemy here:

2-4: You are taken into custody – see e059a

5-6: He brushes you aside – the event is over.

7-8: Lethbridge-Stewart is still suspicious - ce28

9+: He becomes an Ally for the Adventure. Make a Brains roll for him and if successful roll for a Plot event.

Whilst he is your Ally, other Allies with Marksman and Troop are +1 Bravery.

If you encounter Alistair again, he is now the renowned British Commander of UNIT – a special taskforce

designed to repel alien incursions across Earth by any means possible. Alistair automatically becomes an Ally for

the Adventure and gains Aware and UNIT. His soldiers also gain UNIT and are +1 Brawn and Bravery with him.

The Brigadier can then become your Friend for this game at any Present Era Earth Adventure.


Ce23. Framed for Murder

(Plot) You discover the corpse of someone that has been killed by an unknown force. If you can make a successful

Medicine 9 roll then you gain a clue - +1DM but unfortunately you are blamed for the murder - see e059a

immediately. If you manage to convince the authorities (by not escaping) then you may see e251. If you escape

capture then you have -2 to any Talk rolls until you solve e251 or the Enemy is revealed.

Ce24. Tobias Vaughn

You have encountered the suave yet unsettling Tobias Vaughn, Director

of the powerful corporation International Electromatics. He is Brains 10,

Brawn 7 and Bravery 9 (Aware, Bureaucrat, Charisma, Computers,

Domination, Gloating, Madman, Minion, Victim). Take a -1DM penalty.

If there is already an Enemy here, refer to that event to see what is with

Vaughn and have an Enemy encounter. Vaughn reduces Brains rolls

made in Enemy encounters by -1.

If there is no Enemy revealed yet then Vaughn is accompanied by his thuggish assistant Packer – Brains 4, Brawn

6, Bravery 5 (Minion, Victim) and 1D3 IE guards – each Brains 2, Brawn 8, Bravery 5 (Machine, Minion, Troop).

Also roll 1D6 and on a 5-6 there is also an IE scientist – Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 4 (Minion, Victim).

Choose an option below:

Talk: Roll 1D6 and if the result is 1-2 then you cannot choose this option. Make an Opposed Brains roll against

Vaughn (with a -1 to your roll unless you have Gloating). If you fail, take a -1DM and choose another

option. If you succeed gain a +1DM. If you encounter Vaughn alone and you can Oppose however, if you

can make a Gloating 9 roll (adding any Domination), Vaughn becomes your unreliable Ally against the

Enemy – gain +1DM but at the end of each turn roll 1D6 and if the result is 1-2 then Vaughn deserts you.

Evade: You may always Evade Vaughn if he is alone, otherwise you need to make Running 8 rolls.

Hide: Make Thief 8 rolls before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to hide, choose another option

Surrender: See e061 but gain a +1DM as Vaughn cannot resist gloating.

Fight: Combat occurs as normal although if Vaughn is ever alone, roll 2D6 at the end of a combat round and on

a result of 8+ he has escaped. If you win a Fight against Vaughn then gain a +1DM. You may try to

Evade, or Surrender in the combat as normal.

**Before further Enemy encounters roll 1D6: 1: Instead encounter Vaughn alone; 2-3: Encounter Enemy normally;

4-6: Encounter Enemy and Vaughn.

Ce25. Web of Fear

(Goal 4) You discover that the Great Intelligence wishes to spread a

fungal web across the planet and then push itself into our reality where it

will cause unending chaos and destruction! Take a -1DM Penalty. If you

wish to make any Defeat, Move or Rescue Action then roll 2D6 - if the

result is less than current Turn you must encounter the spreading Web! If

the Characters performing the Action do not have Aware, Running and

Science then you must select one non-Machine Character to be killed. If

you do have those Traits roll 1D6 – on a result of 1-3, the Action cannot

be performed as it has been blocked by the Web. If you have 3

Marksman, Thief, Troop and 25 Bravery then gain a +2DM.


Ce26. Capture Technology

(Goal 3) You discover that the Enemy is intent on capturing important technology and then using it for their own

nefarious purposes. If you have an Enemy encounter at a Location and have to flee then take a -1DM penalty. If

you have Aware, Computers, Engineering, Science and either 25 Brains or 25 Brawn then gain a +2DM.

Ce27. Under Seige

You realize that you are under siege from the advancing Enemy forces.

Reveal the Enemy if not already known. You may not complete any Move

or Rescue Actions (or have a new Location event) unless the Characters

performing the Action can make a successful Thief 9 roll. If they fail then

they have an immediate Enemy encounter.

Ce28. Under Suspicion

Your Allies are not entirely convinced of your motives. Ignore this event if an Enemy has been revealed. If you

currently have no Allies then further Talk rolls with Characters that could become Allies are made with a -1

penalty. If you do have Allies (or if you have been referred here from a Character event) then you must make a

new Charisma 8 roll as an Action to further convince them that you are trustworthy.

Ce29. Sickbay

(Location) You have found a sickbay – an ideal place to tend Wounds or do some Research. All Characters may

Heal here as an Action to heal a Wound or reduce a Serious Wound to a Wound. All Research Actions using

Medicine gain a +1 bonus and you may automatically gain Medicine as a result of choosing a Planning Action.

When you first enter the bay, roll 1D6: 1: e181; 2-3: e194; 4-5: e023 with any Science skill replaced by

Medicine if the Character does not already have it; 6: No additional effect.

Ce30. Virus

(Disease) (Danger) You discover that a virulent and debilitating disease is

spreading through the area. At the start of each turn, unless you have

Aware and either 2 Medicine or 2 Science then roll 1D6 – on a result of

4-6 randomly select (but Victims first) one non-Machine Character to be

disabled until the virus is cured. If you do not Defeat the Enemy here, the

Characters are killed. If you cure the virus gain a +1DM. If you encounter

Cybermats in this Adventure, if a Character is Wounded you

automatically have result 4-5. This event counts as a Plot event.

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