do you get git?

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Done with Codecademy? Ready to build something real? Although Git started out as a way to track versions and collaborate on code with other developers, it has now become much more than that. GitHub is an online repository of code that is committed using Git, and has become a platform for developers all over the world to collaborate on open source projects. Hiring managers look at GitHub profiles to check out a prospective hire’s past projects. As a result, GitHub has become a de facto portfolio in the world of software. TechTalk Agenda In this TechTalk, we’ll give you a crash course in Git: What is version control and why should you care? Why Git is the industry standard, and why you should be using it What’s the difference between Git and GitHub? The basics of Git: branches, merging, and collaboration Publishing to Heroku Advanced features of Git About the Host- Dave Paola Dave it the co-founder and CTO at Bloc. Prior to Bloc, Dave was a developer at Kontagent, has over 15 years of software development experience, and has founded numerous other companies.


IntroAbout Dave

● Co-Founder & CTO at Bloc● Programmer since childhood● Bloc, Kontagent/Upsight, Djangy

About Bloc

● Immersive, online mentorship courses in web dev, mobile dev, design

About Git

● Git is an extraordinarily powerful tool● This is a brief intro!

AgendaWe will cover:

1. What is Version Control?a. Why should you care?b. Historical contextc. Why you should use it

2. Git terminology + basics (w/ Demo)3. GitHub4. Collaborating on GitHub: branches and pull requests5. Publishing from git directly into Heroku (w/ Demo)6. Advanced features7. Q&A

Version Control

● Changes○ Record changes○ Attribute changes○ “Apply changes”

● Change should be something we model and care about


● The dark times (no version control)○ email source files around○ keeping track of changes difficult, if not impossible○ messy (June 5 Version 5 revised v2 v3 REVISED AGAIN filenames)


● Diffs and patches● Make a copy every time you change something● diff = file containing difference between your new copy and the original● patch = replay the diff on someone else’s original to produce your



● CVS (Concurrent Versions System) - 1990○ Central repository

● SVN (Subversion) - 2000○ Central repository

● Git - 2005○ Built by Linus Torvalds for the linux kernel○ Distributed

● Hg (Mercurial, very similar to git)

Basics● Commit

○ Set of changes to one or more files● Branch

○ A collection of commits in a certain order○ Main branch is called “master”○ Branches for all sorts of things

■ New features■ bug fixes■ copy changes■ releases

○ Branches are “merged”● Repository = set of branches






● Push/Pull● Branching● Pull Requests

Branches and Pull Requests


● Before heroku○ purchase virtual server (or physical server)○ configure application server software○ configure reverse proxy (apache / nginx)○ configure databases, caches, permissions, other services

● After heroku○ git push heroku master○ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql


Heroku demo



● Stashing● Rewriting history (Merging vs. Rebasing)● Squashing commits (Interactive Rebase)● Reflog

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