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Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Do Now. What were the primary reasons for exploration of the New World? What was the Columbian Exchange? What were the benefits and drawbacks of the Columbian Exchange?. Finish Your Project!. 15 minutes. End. Project Debrief. What are PEGS?. Political Economic Geographic Social - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1. What were the primary reasons for exploration of the New World?

2. What was the Columbian Exchange?

3. What were the benefits and drawbacks of the Columbian Exchange?

Do Now

Finish Your Project!

15 minutes


Project Debrief

What are PEGS?PoliticalEconomicGeographicSocial

PEGS help us categorize information in social studies so that we can compare and contrast

important terms and concepts.

PEGSPolitical Economic


government structure

Money $$$$$TradeAgricultureJobsTaxes

PEGSGeographic Social

Physical environment

How environment affects people



1400 AD -1600 AD

Age of Exploration

Christopher Columbus Columbus set sail in August 3 of 1492 and reached land

on October 12. Columbus believed he had reached the islands off the coast of China – part of the East Indies. He called the people he encountered Indians.

Columbus crossed the ATLANTIC OCEAN

The trade that took place between the “Old World” and the “New World”became known as the Columbian Exchange.

Including “cultural diffusion”

The Columbian Exchange

GodSpread Christianity to the Natives!

GoldBring back (actual) boatloads of Gold!

GloryProve that Spain is better than France and


Spanish Reasons for Exploration

Unlike other countries, Spain was more interested in conquering natives than trading with them.

Hernan Cortes conquered the entire Aztec Empire!Spain focused on South America Texas, and Mexico

Spanish Conquistadores!

GodSpread Christianity

Claim LandWanted to beat out Spain, they hated those

guysFur Trade

France LOVED fur hats. Really.

(France focused on Canada & the area around the Mississippi)

French Reasons for Exploration

GodEnglish wanted religious freedom

Claim LandEngland was building an empire

TradeEngland loved tobacco in particular

(England focused on what is the NE U.S. today (New York, etc.)

English Reasons for Explortion

The End!

1. How was the English religious reason for exploration different than Spain & France?

2. What was the primary drawback of the Columbian exchange?

3. What is a conquistador?4. How did Spain differ from France &

England in how it dealt with natives?

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