django district pip, virtualenv, virtualenv wrapper & more

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Quick intro of pip, virtualenv, virtualenv wrapper, followed by a current ways to extend and add on.


Pip, Virtualenv, VirtualenvWrapper &

MoreDjango District

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012

Jackie Kazil@jackiekazil

Where we all start

● easy_install Globally● And it works! Yay!● But then....

○ dependencies or versions○ coordination w/ other developers○ keeping different systems on same page○ breaking sys python

Case study: Dependencies

Once upon a time in city, much like this one, there was a newspaper...

….. over 90 Django applications updated from 0.96 to 1.1.

Case study: Breaking sys python

From stackoverflow... "Is there a way to ensure I can clean everything up and start from zero?"

"If you remove everything in these 2 directories, it should clear out all modules...."

Why Pip & Virtualenv

● Isolate○ System packages from project packages○ Projects from each other

● No sudo required - sys python requires sudo access, project python doesn’t

Becoming the standard...

Pep 405Python 3.3

"... proposes to add to Python a mechanism for lightweight "virtual environments" with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories...."

What is...

● pip - replaces easy_install

● virtualenv - creates isolated python environments

● virtualenvwrapper - to be explained later

Basic setup

$ sudo easy_install pip$ sudo pip install virtualenv$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Add to bash settings... source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.shexport WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs

Make environment

$ mkvirtualenv foo

You can add more to this... like setting python version.$ mkvirtualenv --python=python2.7

What is virtualenvwrapper?

Helps make things easier...

workon foo vs

source ~/.virtualenvs/foo/bin/activate

Installing libraries

pip install djangopip install -r requirements.txtpip install -U django

Where does it live? ~/.virtualenv/foo/...

…/binBinaries in your env. Example: ipython

.../includeDev headers used by the #include directive in C.

…/libWhere all your python libraries will livelib/python2.7/site-packages

.../shareMans & Docs


● mkvirtualenv (calls hooks)● rmvirtualenv● workon (calls hooks)● add2virtualenv● cdsitepackages● cdvirtualenv● deactivate (calls hooks)


● postmkvirtualenv● prermvirtualenv● postrmvirtualenv● postactivate● predeactivate● postdeactivate

Hook example: postactivate

proj_name=$(echo $VIRTUAL_ENV|awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')

if [ $proj_name = "foo" ]; then cd /opt/foo/core/ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings.dev_settings' echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set to:" $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULEfi

Hooks example: postmkvirtualenv

Other helpful stuff

pip freezepip freeze > requirements.txt

yolk -l

python -c "import sys,pprint;pprint.pprint(sys.path)"

More... virtualenv-burrito

With one command.... BAM! (or maybe not)... a virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper environment

More... virtualenv-tools

"This repository contains scripts we're using at Fireteam for our deployment of Python code."

More... Tox

Tox as is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool you can use for:● checking your package installs correctly with different

Python versions and interpreters

● running your tests in each of the environments, configuring your test tool of choice

● acting as a frontend to Continuous Integration servers, greatly reducing boilerplate and merging CI and shell-based testing.

More .... Keeping things fresh

Autoenv"Magic per-project shell environments. Very pretentious."

Bundle Scout"Daily emails keep you on top of the latest updates from your favorite libraries."

More .... Keeping things fresh (cont)

Pip Lint"Piplint validates your current environment with the requirements files you've specified."

Pip Tools"A set of two command line tools to help you keep your pip-based packages fresh, even when you've pinned them"

The End

Me: Jackie Kazil, @jackiekazil

W/ contributions from... Chris Adams, @acdha

&Members of Django-District :-)

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