django bogotá. cbv

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Django Meetup Bogotá. Class Based Views con ejemplos. Class Based Views with examples. Código fuente: Class Based Views with examles.


  • 1. Class Based Views RosBusinessConsulting @vero4ka_ru

2. Class Based Views Inspector 3. CBV vs. FBV 4. Classes View TemplateView RedirectView ListView CreateView UpdateView DetailView DeleteView 5. from django.views.generic import View class MyViewClass(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context = # calcular lo que usted desea pasar al template return self.render_to_response(context) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context = # calcular lo que usted desea pasar al template return self.render_to_response(context) View class 6. Models 7. class Rubrica(models.Model): title = models.CharField(u'Ttulo', max_length=255) def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.title) class Noticia(models.Model): is_published = models.BooleanField(u'Status', default=False) pub_date = models.DateTimeField(u'Fecha de publicacin', author = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=u"Autor") rubric = models.ForeignKey(Rubrica, verbose_name=u"Rbrica") title = models.CharField(u'Ttulo', max_length=500, default=u'') body = models.TextField(u'Contenido') def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Meta(object): ordering = ['-pub_date'] Models 8. URLs 9. from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url from django.views.generic import TemplateView from noticias import views urlpatterns = patterns("", # Index static page url(r'^$|^index/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='noticias/index.html'), name="index"), # List view url(r'^noticias/$', views.Noticias.as_view(), name="noticias"), # Update view url(r'^noticia/(?Pd+)/$', views.UpdateNoticia.as_view(), name="update_noticia"), # Create view url(r'^noticia/create/$', views.CreateNoticia.as_view(), name="create_noticia"), # Detail view url(r'^noticia/(?Pd+)/$', views.Noticia.as_view(), name="noticia"), # Delete view url(r'^noticia/delete/(?Pd+)/$', views.DeleteNoticia.as_view(), name="delete_noticia"), ) URLs 10. Views 11. View: from django.views.generic import ListView from noticias.models import Noticia as NoticiasModel class Noticias(ListView): model = NoticiasModel template_name = "noticias/list.html" context_object_name = "noticias" Template: {% include "noticias/base.html" %} {% block main_content %} {% for noticia in noticias %}

{{ noticia.title }}

{% endfor %} {% endblock main_content %} ListView 12. class Noticias(ListView): model = NoticiasModel template_name = "noticias/list.html" context_object_name = "noticias" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(Noticias, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update(page_title='Lista de nuestras noticias') return context def get_queryset(self): return super(NoticiasDeCine, self).get_queryset().filter(rubric__slug="cine") ListView aadir data al contexto modificar queryset 13. View: class Noticias(ListView): model = NoticiasModel context_object_name = "noticias" paginate_by = 5 Template: {% for noticia in noticias %}

{{ noticia.title }}

{% endfor %} {% if paginator.num_pages > 1 %} {% if page_obj.has_previous %} Anterior {% endif %} Pagina {{ page_obj.number }} de {{ page_obj.paginator.num_pages }} {% if page_obj.has_next %} Siguiente {% endif %} {% endif %} ListView paginacin 14. View: from django.views.generic import DetailView class Noticia(DetailView): model = NoticiasModel template_name = "noticias/detail.html" context_object_name = "noticia" Template:

{{ noticia.pub_date }}

{{ noticia.title }}

{{ noticia.rubric }}

{{ }}

{{ noticia.body }}

URLs: url(r'^noticia/(?Pd+)/$', views.Noticia.as_view(), name="noticia"), DetailView buscar un objeto por pk 15. View: from django.views.generic import DetailView class Pubrica(DetailView): model = RubricaModel template_name = "noticias/rubrica.html" slug_field = "slug" Template:

Title: {{ object.title }}

Slug: {{ object.slug }}

URLs: url(r'^rubrica/(?Pw+)/$', views.Pubrica.as_view(), name="rubrica"), DetailView buscar un objeto por slug 16. Form Views 17. Form: from django import forms class ContactenosForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField(label="Email") name = forms.CharField(label="Nombre") message = forms.CharField(label="Mensaje", widget=forms.Textarea()) View: class Contactenos(FormView): form_class = ContactenosForm template_name = "noticias/contactenos.html" success_url = reverse_lazy("gracias") URLs: url(r'^contactenos/$', views.Contactenos.as_view(), name="contactenos"), url(r'^gracias/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='noticias/gracias.html'), name="gracias"), FormView 18. Template: {% include "noticias/base.html" %} {% block main_content %}

{% csrf_token %}
{{ form }}

{% endblock main_content %} FormView 19. from django.shortcuts import redirect class Contactenos(FormView): form_class = ContactenosForm template_name = "noticias/contactenos.html" success_url = reverse_lazy("gracias") def form_valid(self, form): send_mail('Email de {0}'.format(form.cleaned_data["name"]), form.cleaned_data["message"], form.cleaned_data["email"] ['example@'], fail_silently=False) return redirect(self.get_success_url()) FormView enviar un correo cuando el formulario es correcto 20. Otros metodos: def form_invalid(self, form): """ Acciones a realizar si el formulario es incorrecto. """ return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form)) def get_initial(self): """ Definir un diccionario que ser utilizado para proveer los datos iniciales del formulario """ return self.initial.copy() FormView 21. Form: from django.forms import ModelForm from noticias.models import Noticia class NoticiaForm(ModelForm): class Meta(): model = Noticia exclude = ('pub_date',) View: from django.views.generic import CreateView class CreateNoticia(CreateView): model = NoticiasModel template_name = "noticias/form.html" form_class = NoticiaForm success_url = reverse_lazy("noticias") CreateView 22. View: from django.views.generic import UpdateView class UpdateNoticia(UpdateView): model = NoticiasModel template_name = "noticias/form.html" form_class = NoticiaForm success_url = reverse_lazy("noticias") URLs: url(r'^noticia/update/(?Pd+)/$', views.UpdateNoticia.as_view(), name="update_noticia"), UpdateView 23. View: from django.views.generic import DeleteView class DeleteNoticia(DeleteView): model = NoticiasModel success_url = reverse_lazy("noticias") template_name = "noticias/delete_confirm.html" Template:

{% csrf_token %}
Yes, I'm sure

DeleteView 24. Do one thing, and do it well The UNIX philosophy 25. Mixin 26. import json from django.http import HttpResponse class JSONResponseMixin(object): response_class = HttpResponse def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): response_kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/json' return self.response_class( self.convert_context_to_json(context), **response_kwargs ) def convert_context_to_json(self, context): return json.dumps(context) class NoticiasJSON(JSONResponseMixin, ListView): model = NoticiasModel Mixin 27. Decoradores 28. En URLs: from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required as _lr urlpatterns = patterns("", url(r'^noticias/$', _lr(views.Noticias.as_view()), name="noticias"), ) En Views: from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.utils.decorators import method_decorator class Niticias(ListView): @method_decorator(login_required) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(Niticias, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) Decoradores 29. Gracias por su atencin! Ejemplos:

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