division 11 newsletter 5

Post on 27-Jan-2016






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- Dues! Regular Dues deadline: Dec. 1st - Club Monthly Report Forms due September 8 th ! Things to Remember: inclusiveness Early Bird Dues deadline: Nov. 1st leadership - RTC September 26 th ! - Fall Rally October 10 th ! Register by October 1 st ! Division 11, New Jersey District Key Club Issue 5


Things to Remember: - Club Monthly Report Forms due September 8th! - RTC September 26th!

- Fall Rally October 10th! Register by October 1st! - Dues! Regular Dues deadline: Dec. 1st Early Bird Dues deadline: Nov. 1st

I hate to remind you all, but school is here. It’s time to buckle down on Key Club work. I have no doubts in any of your abilities, but remind you that organization is the key (pun intended). There are monthly forms to be filled out, dues to be collected, and events to be planned, but remember that I am here to help every step of the way. Also, I will be having a meeting with all club presidents this Friday and want to help tentatively plan out the Key Club year. Any ideas for the year should of course be thought out ahead of time. If you need my help in any of the planning or would just like me to attend, let me know!

There is a lot of information and planning that goes into this first month. Please keep in mind that Fall Regional Training Conferences (RTCs) are this September. The Central NJ RTC is September 26th at JP Stevens HS from 9am-1pm. Also, Fall Rally is October 10th, meaning you should have had one officers meeting and at least one general members meeting before October. I will send reminders and time lines to each of you. I know this is a lot to take in along with school, but please keep in contact with me an all will go smoothly.





character building

Crystal’s Currently

September Newsletter

Division 11, New Jersey District Key Club Issue 5



Officer Duties By: Gabrielle Gutierrez, LTG Division 21

Now with school right around the corner, your club meetings will be taking place soon and your duty as a leader and officer will begin then. Since I trained you all awhile ago, below are a

little reminders to keep in mind about your positions: Presidents:

• Attend the monthly PCMs (if you cannot attend please remember that you can send another officer in your place)

• Plan club meeting and officer meetings and communicate with the other officers and your advisor

• Communicate with me on all that your club is doing Vice Presidents:

• Help any officer that needs you and oversee events and meetings

• Make sure your Secretary is completing and submitting CMRFs in a timely manner Secretaries:

• Submit CMRFs the 8th of every month � Keep track of attendance and events to fill out in the form

• Create basic agendas for each meeting


• Prepare to collect dues for this 2010-2011 service year

• Dues: $12 ($6.50 to Key Club International, $5.50 to the NJ District)

• Your club may charge up to $17.50, however, it is suggested to charge $16 � Early Bird Dues Deadline: November 1st � Regular Dues Deadline: December 1st


• Publicize upcoming events, such as Fall Rally and Key Leader

• Send me your newsletter! (if you have one)

This year, Fall Rally costs only $32 if you get your payment in by

October 1st! If payment comes in late, it costs $37. Regardless, you are getting admission into the park for almost half of the regular price. Of course, if you are a season pass holder, the cost of Fall Rally is a mere $6. Presidents and advisors, start talking to your schools and Boards Of Education now about arranging transportation to Fall Rally, since things are difficult to schedule once school starts again in the fall. All officers, start promoting this wonderful event to all of your clubs. And, last not but not least, general members, start getting excited to attend this phenomenal event. If you are having issues arranging transportation for Fall Rally, contact either your Kiwanis Club, who would be glad to help you get transportation to this event, or your Lieutenant Governor, who is equipped with materials that can guide you through any logistical problem you may have in attending Fall Rally.

Fall Rally Money Reminders

Staying in touch is the best tool we have in our arsenal. It will ensure not only a better service year of fundraising and community service but also a year filled with fun. By staying in touch and connected our division can work together, become friends, and share ideas. Luckily communication is not only effective, but it is easy too! You can call me, shoot me an e-mail, or even send me a text. Talk to me if you’re ever having trouble with your club, want some advice on a service project, or you want your club, officer, or event to be featured in my next newsletter!


One way to keep in touch and stay connected is through club visits. If your Key Club is having a meeting or event coming up let me know and I’ll try to come. Visits are the best form of communication that we can have together because rather than virtual interaction I get to see you in person and observe all the great things your club is up to. I can also bring with me resources, help you with various ceremonies, and make your lives altogether easier. I can also speak to your clubs about exciting new things happening with Key Club in general. I would like to visit each club this September. Please let me know if there is a particular date you would like (such as a club meeting or event).

Club Visits

J.P. Stevens High School September 26th 2010

9am to 1pm



Thank You, Crystal Ibe

LTG Division 11

District Administrator Mr. Barrie Werfel


Zone Administrator Ms. Helene Meissner


Governor Rachel Orbach


District Secretary Kevin Sun


District Treasurer Devan Corona


District Editor Nicole Darrah


District Webmaster Shivam Patel


Lieutenant Governor Crystal Ibe


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