ditch any fears of risk for mad seduction success and massive attraction

Post on 02-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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http://mindpersuasion.com/products/ Most guys are terrified of approaching a hot girl. They want to wait until the perfect opening, but they end up waiting too long. The trick is to act before the fear of risk bubbles up in your brain. Do this and you'll enjoy more success than all your friends. To learn more, please visit http://mindpersuasion.com today.


Are You

Afraid Of


One of the biggest controversies in game is the idea of "being yourself."

This is one of the most loaded pieces of advice ever given out.

You see a girl you'd like to talk to, get to know, and get busy with.

But you're scared to talk to her.

"That's just not me," you tell yourself.

Or maybe you've tried to "be yourself" and have come to the conclusion that

girls don't like nice guys.

Or maybe you think "being yourself" is the worst possible advice, and girls only go for guys that have oodles of self confidence and wicked language


Now here' a tough question.

You see your buddies over there slamming shots.

You've know these guys since kindergarten.

You spend the night in jail in Mexico together.

How do you act when you're with them?

How about that really pretty girl you see walking to church once in a while.

She looks like the perfect picture of innocence.

But hot as hell.

How would you act around her?

Would you act the same in both situations?

Of course not.

But what if you did?

Many guys fool themselves into thinking they are "being themselves" or they are "being a nice guy" but in reality they are doing EVERYTHING

with one singular goal in mind.

Their primary goal is to avoid rejection.

So they hold back part of themselves, and sugar coat other parts.

This isn't nice.

This isn't real.

This is scared.

This is incongruent.

It's not that girls don't like nice guys.

It's that they don't like people that are incongruent.

Most people don't like people that are incongruent.

Even dogs can sense that something's up when people are incongruent.

So when some guys think they are "being themselves" or "being a nice guy" they're actually doing neither.

They are playing it ultra safe.

In many ways, the dating world is a lot like the investing world.

The only way to make a ton of money is to take some risks, watch them

closely, and then BAIL at the first hint of trouble.

Do this enough times and you can pretty rich.

If you cut your losses quickly, you'll have plenty of cash left for the next


It's only a matter of time before you hit a big one that takes you for the ride

of your life.

Now, how much money would you make if your primary goal was to play

it safe?

If hid your money under your mattress or buried it in your back yard?

Not much.

If you want to get some action, in ANY AREA of life, you've got to take some


Of course, if you just throw your money around and hope you hit something, you won't likely hit


Similarly, if you walk up to girls and start talking about whatever's on your

mind, it may work, it may not.

That's why learning some basic skills of persuasion and influence can take you

a long, long way.

Make your returns MUCH bigger.

Learn More


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