district 308 b2 leo cabinet 2015-16 mid term report

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  • 7/24/2019 District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Mid Term Report


    District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet


    Mid-Term Report


    W UNIT

    W S RV

  • 7/24/2019 District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Mid Term Report


    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my



    At the beginning of fiscal year 2015-16, District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet has set clear and ambitioustargets to be achieved during the entire fiscal year. While some of the item has started showing

    results in the beginning of the fiscal year or the few months since then, many of the initiatives are

    yet to show their outcome and are expected to do so only when the fiscal year coming closer to an


    However, at this point of time, when everyone in the world is celebrating the New Year, it is also

    marking that the fiscal year 2015-16 has completed first half of its journey. It is now time for Leo

    Cabinet to look back on what has been done during the past six months, what are the successful

    stories to share, the failure which has happened throughout the journey, and most importantly, how

    we can move forward to complete what was not done during this first half of the fiscal year.

    This report will show you the agenda which have been completed during the first half of fiscal year

    2015-16 based on the 6 main focuses of the term. In the same time, we will also point out where we

    are moving towards in the second half of the fiscal year.

    The arrangement of the report is according to the 6 focuses set earlier. Some of the initiatives by Leo

    Cabinet have impact on more than one focus. However, they will only be mentioned once in the

    report rather than appearing twice and be redundant.

    We believe that Leo Cabinet can improve only with the inputs from everyone, be it a Lion, a Leo or

    even if you are not related to this entire organization. We hope to hear from you on what we have

    done and how we can improve.

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    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    Goals forDistrict 308 B2

    Leo Cabinet



    YouthExchange andInternational


    The 'We'Factor




    Continuity ofthe Work ofPrevious Leo


  • 7/24/2019 District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Mid Term Report


    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    Club Development

    Publication of the District 308 B2 Leo Clubs Guidebook 2015-16

    The first of its kind in the history of District 308 B2 Leo Clubs!

    This guidebook was one of the most important initiatives by

    Leo Cabinet this year to help the Leos, especially the club

    officers, as well as the faculty advisors and the Leo advisors to

    understand more not only about the Leo program, but also

    about their respective roles and responsibilities, how they

    should function and so on. It was successfully published in

    August 2015 and started to be distributed to all clubs in the

    district from then. Each club is given 5 copies, 3 for club officers,

    1 for faculty advisor and 1 for Leo advisor. Thanks to our kind

    sponsors, this copy of fully-colored guidebook is for free

    distribution. Till date, more than 400 copies have already been


    Following is the content of the guidebook:


    Introduction about the Leo Program

    2. Introduction about Lions Clubs International


    Introduction about District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet4.

    District Governors introduction

    5. District Governors theme and logo

    6. International President Introduction, theme and logo


    Important Lions to be Recognized

    8. District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Officers

    9. District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Logo and Theme Description


    District 308 B2 Leo Clubs Listing

    11.District 308 B2 Leo Clubs Directory

    12.Roles and Responsibilities of Leo Clubs Officers, Leo Advisors and Faculty Advisors


    Sample of Year Planner and Year Budget


    List of Important Dates

    15.Protocol for Leos

    16.District 308 B2 Leo Clubs Rules and Regulations

    17.Email Etiquette

    18.Monthly Reports Submission


    Awards Available from Lions Clubs International


    Common Misquotes

    21. Important Websites


    Continuous Leo Development (CLD)

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    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    Publicity on Leo October Membership Growth Award

    Increasing the awareness about awards available from Lions Clubs

    International to the Leos is also another initiative by Leo Cabinet

    in this fiscal year. To make a start, we promoted on Leo OctoberMembership Growth Award to the entire district during the

    month of October. The Leos will need to register at least 3 new

    members into MyLCI as new member and fill in a form to be

    submitted to Lions Clubs International to qualify for this award.

    From the list just released by Lions Clubs International, there are

    15 recipients of this award, representing Leo Club of IPG Kampus

    Perlis, Leo Club of Penang Metropolitan, Leo Club of Penang Light,

    Leo Club of Sacred Heart as well as Leo Club of SMK USJ 4.

    Correcting Mislabeled Clubs in Lions Clubs International Records

    Leo Cabinet has found discrepancies between the records held by district and the

    records by Lions Clubs International on the Alpha and Omega status in some

    Leo Clubs. However, Leo Cabinet cannot make the correction for them or even

    request for correction to the Lions Clubs International. This can only be done

    through their sponsoring Lions Clubs. Thus, Leo Cabinet has taken the steps to

    send out a template for the sponsoring Lions Clubs to be sent to Lions Clubs

    International to correct the mistake. Till date, 4 out of the 7 cases identified were

    already solved. They are Leo Club of SMJK Chio Min, Leo Club of SMJK Keat Hwa II,

    Leo Club of Penang Chinese Girls High School and Leo Club of SMK Che Tom. The

    other 3 cases are under active follow up and are expected to be solved soon.

    Clubs Report Collection Centre

    This was established from the beginning of the fiscal year for monthly reports

    collection purposes. The reports were collected via

    district308b2leocabinet@gmail.com. The reports collected are used as

    reference for Leo Cabinet officers in knowing the latest projects and activities

    done or planned by individual Leo Clubs, besides those that made their

    appearance on the social media or any other medium. It will be kept for

    future references as well. The submission of monthly reports to this centre is

    not mandatory and is an option which the Leo Clubs can choose to opt-out.

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    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    Assisting Qualified Leo Clubs and Leos in Applying for Awards from

    Lions Clubs International

    The focus now will be on the following awards:


    Leo Club Advisor 5-Year Service Award

    2. Leo-Lion Serving Together Award

    3. Lions Young Leaders in Service Award

    Leo Cabinet will continue to identify suitable candidates for these

    awards and will provide necessary guidance and assistance in

    applying them. While we in Leo Cabinet strongly believe that

    awards should not be the sole purpose or even the major purpose

    of youth involvement in Leo Program, we do believe that the token

    of appreciation and recognition received from Lions Clubs International will be a motivation for them

    to move even further.

    Correcting Mislabeled Clubs in Lions Clubs International Records

    4 of the 7 cases have been successfully solved. However, there are 3 more

    cases to go, which are:

    1. Leo Club of SMJK Keat Hwa- Lions Clubs of Alor Setar (Host)

    2. Leo Club of SM St. Mark- Lions Club of Butterworth Host


    Leo Club of Bukit Mertajam High School- Lions Club of

    Butterworth Host

    Leo Cabinet will continue to follow up with the sponsoring Lions Clubs with the help from District

    Chairperson for Leo Clubs to ensure that the mistakes can be rectify once and for all.

    Encourage Clubs on Public Publicity about Their Successful Projects

    Leo Cabinet is currently working on the Guidelines on

    Preparation of Media Kit, Press Release as well as

    compiling for a copy of potential media to be approached,

    be it newspaper, magazines or radio station. The guideline

    is likely to be released by February 2016. Then, Leo

    Cabinets role on this initiative will be to identify potential

    projects to be published and educate the Leos in charge in getting their projects onto the news.

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    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    Sharing of Successful Club Projects

    Short clips featuring successful and meaningful projects will

    be produced by Leo Cabinet to publicize and share those

    projects not just to our Leos, but also to the public. The

    target is to create 20 short clips by the end of the fiscal year.

    In the same time, Leo Cabinet will also look outside District

    308 B2 Leo Clubs and identify successful projects to be

    shared among the Leos in our district.

    Alpha to Omega Transition Encouragement

    Some of the initiatives that will be taken include:

    1. Production of a video clips on interviews of newly

    converted Alpha Leos.

    2. Proper documentation of the statistics of the

    conversion for future references. (to be started in January

    2016 with the assistance of all existing Omega Leo Clubs)

    3. Invite current Alpha Leos to attend Omega Leo

    Conference as a mean of exposure for them.


    Alpha-to-Omega Conversion Recognition Certificate

    5. Identify 5 Omega Leo Clubs to participate in the

    Mentor-Mentee System and provide them with proper


    While there are efforts which Leo Cabinet can take, there are still limitations as what we can achieve

    on this target as the results of this depends a lot on the overall perception of Alpha Leos on Omega

    Leo Clubs and this is not something which can be changed so easily.

    Provide Help for Leo Clubs in Membership Recruitment and


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    Generally, Leo Cabinet members will continue to accept

    invitations to give talks during meetings or recruitment drive.

    Meanwhile, we understand that in many cases the problems

    faced by each and every Leo Clubs are unique and should be

    solved from within.

    Ensure all Leos in District 308 B2 are Registered with Lions Clubs


    We in Leo Cabinet believe that this is important as it helps

    the individual Leos to record their service years which can

    then be carried forward in the future when they convert

    to become Lions. We are in the process of surveying clubs

    by clubs on their MyLCI accessibility and updates on their membership registration status. We will be

    providing necessary assistance if it is not accessible and will be providing guidance on how to use it

    for clubs who are still new to it.

    Club Adoption System

    This new system will help Leo Cabinet to focus on inactive clubs or clubs

    which need special attention in guiding them and ensuring that they

    follows what is happening at the regional or district level. One Leo Cabinet

    officer will take care of one to three clubs identified as inactive or weak.

    This will only be done after it is consented by the respective sponsoring

    Lions Clubs. Areas which will be focused will be different according to the

    difference in need for every club. However, generally it will be based on

    the following 12 areas:


    General understanding of Leo Program


    Officers understanding of individual roles

    3. Projects

    4. Members


    Relationship with sponsoring Lions Club

    6. Understanding of Leo Cabinet

    7. MyLCI


    Contacts with other Leo Clubs

    9. Knowledge on Must Know Lions (names, positions of DG, DCs etc)


    Monthly reports (punctuality, quality, format etc)11.

    Other paper works (e.g. emails, letters etc)

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    Meetings (format, content etc)

    Leo Cabinet is currently working on the permission from the respective sponsoring Lions Clubs to

    proceed. Then short term targets and long term targets will be set and achieved together with the

    respective Leo Clubs.

    District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 1stMeeting

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    Youth Exchange and

    International ContactsCoordination of Youth Exchange Program

    Leo Cabinet has been working very

    closely with all of the 5 District

    Chairpersons for Youth Camps and

    Exchange, giving them support and

    assistance as needed by them. In thesame time, we have also through the

    platform that we have, tried to promote

    this program to the Leos. Some of the

    works which Leo Cabinet has engaged in


    1. Dissemination of Youth Exchange inbound and outbound forms to interested Leos

    2. Preparation of Youth Exchange Outbound Interview Tips


    Promotional Video about Youth Exchange Program


    Answering to enquiries from Leos about Youth Exchange Program


    Attended Youth Exchange Farewell

    6. Attended Clubs Meetings to present about Youth Exchange Program

    Inter-District Spotlight on Children Joint Initiative between District

    308 B2 (Malaysia) and MD 307 (Indonesia)

    From the period of 31st October till 25th

    December 2015, 53 Leo Clubs from Malaysia

    & Indonesia had organized and spent quality

    time of approximately 53 different

    orphanage homes filled with different

    unique activities which includes camping,

    house cleaning, museum visitation, Dominos

    Pizza visitation, Petrosains visitation,

    shopping malls and movie. For some even

    took the initiative to celebrate the festive

    season of Christmas for them by giving

    Christmas gifts which was bought by theirmystery Secret Santa. Some even provide

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    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    education and health awareness lessons such as learning how to use the computer, how to brush

    and take care of their teeth, eyesight checkup and many more. In the month of December, both

    Multiple District President, Leo Silvia Holianti and District President, Leo Wong Tze Cheng visited and

    participated the spotlight on childrens project in Malaysia & Indonesia respectively. A special

    certificate was given out to all participating clubs in recognition of their participation in this initiative.

    Assistance is also being provided to help the clubs in applying for the Spotlight on Children

    Recognition Award and Banner Patch from Lions Clubs International.

    Maintain in Close Contacts with Leo Cabinet in Other Districts

    At this moment, District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet is

    actively interacting with Leo Cabinet in Indonesia,

    Philippines as well as Hong Kong. At this moment

    the interaction with MD 307 Indonesia is the closest

    as there has already been a joint cross-district

    initiative done as per mentioned above and the

    District President from both sides have visited each

    others district during December 2015. Interaction

    with Philippines and Hong Kong are still active and

    healthy and we are looking forward for possible meet up or joint initiative together in the second

    half of the fiscal year.

    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    Inter-District Tree Planting Joint Initiative between District 308 B2

    (Malaysia) and MD 301 (Philippines)

    District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet together with Multiple District 301

    Philippines Leo Council has started an international cross district

    initiative on Tree Planting. The target of this initiative is to plant

    500 trees within 2 months, starting from 1stof March, till the end of

    the April, which is also the month of Lions Global Service Action

    Campaign on Protecting our Environment. Clubs which are

    interested will be identified and targets will then be set by

    individual clubs with coordination from Leo Cabinet to ensure that

    the target can be met on time.

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    Inter-District Dialogue 2016

    This is planned to be held in conjunction with District 308 B2

    Omega Leo Conference 2016, which is currently scheduled to

    be held on 9th

    April to 10th

    April 2016. If negotiation goes onwell and logistics arrangements can be done adequately, we

    believe that we will be able to get representatives from

    Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines as well as Hong Kong to

    come and join us. In the same time, representatives from

    District 308 B1 and District 308 A2 will also be invited to join

    in. The dialogue will act as an ice breaking for all districts

    from different backgrounds to know each other better and to find platform for greater collaboration


    Establish New Relationships with other Leo Cabinet/ Leo Clubs in

    the World

    District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet is currently identifying available Leo Cabinet or

    any Leo Clubs in other parts of the world and looking into the possibility of

    establishing relationships with them. Surveys done in Constitutional Area V

    and Constitutional Area VII has shown no positive outcome on any suitable

    Leo Cabinet where the new relationships can be formed. However, efforts

    will be continued and in the second half of the fiscal year, individual Leo

    Clubs who are interested to build up new relationships with Leo Clubs in

    Malaysia will also be identified and given guidance on the correct pathway.

    Formation and Installation Ceremony of

    Leo Club of Sri KDU International School

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    The We Factor

    District Go Green Initiative

    The idea started with the District 308 B2 Go Green

    Declaration but has then evolved into an initiative which

    will help to maintain the sustainability of this Go Green

    Declaration. The Go Green Declaration was signed by

    almost every active Leo Clubs in District 308 B2, sending

    a strong indication of the determination of the district to

    go green. The signing ceremony was done at regional

    level to maximize the number of clubs which are able to

    make it to sign this declaration. In Region 1, the signing

    ceremony was done during the School for Key Officers.

    For Region 2, it was done in conjunction with the 7 th

    Installation of District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet. In Region 3

    and 4 as well as Region 5, the ceremony was done in

    conjunction with their respective 1stRegional Meetings.

    The concept is simple, which is to get the Leos to exhibit Go Green effort in as many aspects as

    possible. To encourage them, clubs which have managed to fulfill the requirements set will beentitled to receive the District 308 B2 Go Green Banner Patch. The 5 criteria which will need to be

    fulfilled are:

    1. Signed the Go Green Declaration


    Publish 5 posts in social media with #givegreenachanceeveryday

    3. Completed an individual Go Green Project in fiscal year 2015-16

    4. Exhibit Go Green effort in at least 3 non- environmental related projects in fiscal year 2015-


    5. Participate in any of the Go Green Initiatives by the Leo Cabinet

    The Go Green Initiatives planned at this moment are:


    District 308 B2 Go Green Day 5thMarch 2016

    2. Inter-District Tree Planting Joint Initiative between District 308 B2 (Malaysia) and MD 301


    3. Notice Board Decoration with Go Green Theme

    District 308 B2 Go Green Day will be done at regional level. On 5thMarch 2016, 4 regional projects

    will run concurrently to celebrate this day. In the same time, clubs interested in doing their

    individual Go Green project can also do it on the same day.

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    International Leo Day Celebration

    5th December is the International Leo Day. For that,

    this year Leo Cabinet hopes that the focus can be on

    spreading the awareness about Leo Program as whatwe do to the public. For that, 5 regional level

    International Leo Day Celebration was held. On 5 th

    December, 3 of the celebration was held, namely in

    Tropicana City Mall, SS12 Subang Jaya and Ipoh

    Parade. On 6th December, another one was held in

    Occupy Beach Street, Penang. Then on the following

    week, the last of the series of the celebration and

    awareness campaign was held in Alor Star Mall. All these celebration although are done in different

    ways, e.g. through giving out recycle bags, blood donations, exhibition and so on, all of them have

    the same aim of promoting Leo Clubs to the public, which is highly remarkable.

    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    District 308 B2 School Service Month

    January 2016 has been declared as District 308 B2 School ServiceMonth. This initiative has been endorsed by the Education Ministry of

    Malaysia. During this month, Alpha Leos and college based Omega

    Leo Clubs are encouraged to do a project at their school or college

    compound as a return of thanks for the place which they spent a lot

    every day. Focus is currently placed on Alpha Leo Clubs as they are at

    the beginning of the school year and have a lot which can be done to

    produce a conducive study environment for themselves. Clubs which

    have participated will receive a special recognition certificate.

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    Service Activities

    EncouragementIncorporation of Book Donation Drive into 7th District 308 B2 Leo

    Cabinet Installation 2015-16

    To show a good example to the Leos, the organizing committee of the Leo Cabinet Installation has

    decided to turn this annual event into one which incorporates social service component, which is the

    core of the Leo program. For this, two major steps have been taken. Firstly, we have invited about

    20 kids from SuperKids Home in Alor Star to join in the lunch held in conjunction with the Installation

    Ceremony for free. In the same time, we have also started a book donation drive as a platform for

    the Leos to contribute back to the community by donating their unwanted books and allow it to be

    circulated either to the local library or orphanages. The books which are collected are then donated

    to SuperKids Home to build up their library.

    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    Compilation of Lists of Orphanages, Old Folks Homes etc forReference Purpose for LeoClubs

    Leo Cabinet will be looking for current available contacts of the orphanages

    and old folks home which need our help so that we can delive r our care to

    more who are in need. Assistance from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat will

    be helpful on this.

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    Youth Development

    Engaging Youth Camp 2015

    Engaging Youth Camp is a camp organized for youth of District

    308 B2. The youth camp is organized by fellow Omega Leos from

    District 308 B2 and youth whom are non-Leo. Youth camp is fully

    supported by Lions Club of Serdang and advised by District

    Chairperson for Youth, Hng Chee Wey. Engaging Youth Camp was

    held on 18thDecember 2015 to 20thDecember 2015. The youth

    camp consists of approximately 60 campers with the combination

    of Leos and youth from District 308 B2. Engaging Youth Camp

    main objectives are to build the leadership skill of youth today, to

    foster a better relationship among youth and to provide more

    information of Leo programme to fellow youth today. Throughout

    the camp, they went through plenty of activities planned by the

    Camp committees such as Walks of Life to learn surviving skills,

    Obstacle Course to train up their mentality and strengthening

    their physical stamina and Critical Thinking session to ensure they think out of the box. Besides that,

    on the last day of the Engaging Youth Camp, participants were given the chance to help out in a

    health services project organized by Lions Club of Serdang. The task given to the participants were

    helping those attendees to check their blood pressure, calculating their Body Mass Index (BMI) andhelping to check their eye sight. For the last activity of the youth camp, the participants were given a

    chance to participate in the Youth Quiz which is quite similar format to the Leo Quiz. In the end of

    the Engaging Youth Camp, we have get a huge number of positive response from participants and

    stating that they enjoy the camp a lot and hope to participate in the camp again.

    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    Career Development Workshop Series

    This district initiative will be carried out at regional level. It will focus on

    subjects such as curriculum vitae preparation, tips on job interviews and

    so on. The syllabus will be formulated and the speakers will also be

    identified by Leo Cabinet. Meanwhile, hosting clubs will be identified and

    they will be in charge of the logistics and any fellowship program. The

    target audience of this workshop will be Alpha Leos who are Form 5,

    Omega Leos as well as the youth especially those who are in college oruniversity with Leo Clubs.

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    Continuity of Work of

    Previous Leo Cabinet(A) Cabinet Administration Enhancement

    Endorsement of District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet Guidelines and By-Laws

    The District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet Guidelines and By-Laws have beenpassed by District 308 B2 Lions Cabinet during the 3 rdLions Cabinet

    Meeting on 17thJanuary 2016.

    Leo Cabinet Monthly Administrative and Activities Report

    This is an administrative report of Leo Cabinet completed monthly

    to help Leo Cabinet to keep track on the progress of Leo Cabinets

    work. The reports are available on the Leo Cabinet official website.

    Information which is available from the reports includes:

    1. District Leo Clubs summary

    2. Treasurer Report summary



    4. Projects and Activities attended

    5. Letters received


    Regional reports (Region 1, 2, 3&4, 5)


    Departmental reports (Club Development, Information Technology, E-newsletter and LeoReporter, Youth Exchange and International Contacts, Youth Development, CLD and

    Leadership Development)

    8. Other reports

    Enhancement of the Social Media Platforms of Leo Cabinet

    Some of the new initiatives taken to enhance the efficiency of the social media platform:


    Rename the official Facebook Page to `District 308 B2- Malaysia Leo Clubs


    Create the Leo Cabinet official Instagram account d308b2leocabinet

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    Create the Leo Cabinet official YouTube channel

    Leo cabinet District 308 B2

    4. Create the Leo Cabinet official Twitter account


    Frequent updates on all these platforms are done by the

    Leo Cabinet. Updated information includes Leo

    Reporters Report, A Fact A Day post, short clips,

    announcements and so on.

    366 Facts for A Fact A Day

    This is an initiative by the District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet to

    provide inputs to the Leos about important and

    interesting facts about the Leo Program and Lions Clubs

    International as a whole. The target is that this can be

    sustainable at least until the end of the fiscal year.

    Information which is being disseminated out via this

    channel includes:

    1. Cabinet officers

    2. District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet

    3. District 308 B2 Lions Cabinet

    4. Continuous Leo Development5. Lions Clubs International

    6. Leo Program

    7. Leo Constitutions and By-Laws

    8. Prominent Leos

    9. Prominent Lions

    10. Protocol

    11. Important dates

    12. International Awards

    13. Youth Exchange

    14. Leo Forum

    15. Club Administration

    16. Proper translation of terms

    Revitalize District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet Official Website

    In September 2015, the website has undergone a refurbishment work and now has a completely

    new look which is more user-friendly, more informative and more attractive. Some of the

    information available in the website includes:1.

    Leo Program

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    Leo Cabinet Officers

    3. Resource Centre

    4. Directory


    District 308 B2 Go Green Initiative

    6. E-newsletter



    8. Youth Exchange

    Leo Reporters System

    This is a new system adopted by the Leo

    Cabinet to empower the Leos to report

    interesting projects in their clubs directly to

    the Leo Cabinet so that the story about that

    project can be published not only in the e-

    newsletter, but also in the social media. Up till

    now, there are 44 Leo Reporters appointed

    directly by their clubs. In the first half of the

    fiscal year, 78 Leo Reporters Reports are being

    published in social media. The target set for

    the entire fiscal year, which is 150 reports are

    highly likely to be achievable looking at thecurrent speed we are moving.

    Publication of the 1stIssue of District 308 B2 Leo Clubs e-newsletter

    This issue of e-newsletter covers Leo stories in the district

    which has happened from the month of July 2016- September

    2016. In this issue, stories which have been covered include

    Leo Cabinet Installation, Leo Reporter System as well as

    selections of projects done by the different Leo Clubs across

    the district under the themes of health service, social service,

    environmental service, school service, fund raising,

    installations etc.

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    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    More Effective Updates about the Work of Leo Cabinet

    The Leo Cabinet Monthly Administrative and Activities Report, Monthly

    Treasurer Report as well as Meeting Minutes will be uploaded to the websites

    as well as emailed to the Lions Cabinet officers and also Leo Clubs presidents.

    Publication of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Issue of the District 308 B2 LeoClubs e-Newsletter

    The 2nd issue of the e-newsletter will be published in January

    2016 covering news from October 2015- December 2015. The 3rd

    and 4th issue of the quarterly published e-newsletter will be

    covering the 3rdand 4thquarter of fiscal year 2015-16.

    If funding is available, we hope to be able to print out at least

    one of the issue of the e-newsletter for distribution purposes.

    (B) Leo and Leadership Development

    Targets for the 2ndHalf of Fiscal Year

    One Day Leadership Camp

    This is another district initiative which will be hosted by local Leo Clubs at regional level. This camp

    focuses on development of current and future club officers on items e.g. club administration, crisis

  • 7/24/2019 District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Mid Term Report


    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    management, project execution and so on. The entire

    module of the camp will be planned by Leo Cabinet and

    the moderators as well as the speakers needed will also

    be invited by Leo Cabinet. The hosting club will only need

    to be in charge of logistics arrangement, teambuilding

    activities, registration as well as food and beverages.

    (C) Continue to Support on District and

    Regional Level Projects and EventsLeo Quiz

    Regional Leo Quiz in Region 3&4 as well as Region 2 has already

    been successfully completed. Currently Leo Quiz for Region 1 and

    Region 5 have also already been planned and will be carried out in

    February 2016 and March 2016 respectively. This fiscal year, besides

    preparing the question and adjusting on the format of the quiz, Leo

    Cabinet has also decided to standardize the trophy for winnersacross the regions. Champion and 1strunner up of each region will

    also be representing their respective regions in the District Leo Quiz

    final which will be held together with District Leolympics Finale.


    Regional Leolympics has already been started in Region 5. In the

    other regions, the games will also be started soon and areexpecting to be completely finished by early March 2016. As the

    need for different regions are not the same, each regional

    committee has the liberty to choose on the sports which they

    would want to have in their regional Leolympics. However, Leo

    Cabinet has again decided to standardize the medals across the

    regions despite the different types of sports being competed. For

    the District Leolympics Finale, it will be held in late March 2016 in

    Perak and will be a 2 day 1 night event, which will also incorporate

    social service project and District Leo Quiz as part of the agenda of

    the entire event.

  • 7/24/2019 District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 Mid Term Report


    Mid-Term Report District 308 B2 Leo Cabinet 2015-16 www.leo308b2.org.my


    Leo Camp

    Regional Leo Camp has already successfully been

    conducted in Region 5 (The 4thIR Camp) and Region 3

    and 4 (T.E.A.M. Leo Camp). For Region 1 and Region 2,the planning for their Leo Camps are currently going

    on and both the Leo Camps are expected to be

    carried out in the 2ndhalf of the fiscal year.

    Omega Leo Conference 2016

    This is a district initiative jointly hosted by a few

    Omega Leo Clubs in District 308 B2, led by Leo Clubof Taylors University Lakeside Campus. It will be a

    platform for exchange of ideas between Omega Leos

    as well as the planning of the future of Omega Leos

    in District 308 B2. The theme this year will focus on

    volunteerism and many of the activities during the

    conference will be related to this topic. It is planned

    to be held in 9th-10thApril 2016 in Taylors University

    Lakeside Campus. The targeted participants will no

    longer be just District 308 B2 Omega Leos, but will also involve representatives from District 308 B1,

    A1, A2, Hong Kong, Philippines and Indonesia. The ultimate goal of this years conference is to

    rebrand it and make it a regional level Leo Conference which will be looking forward to by the Leos

    not only in Malaysia, but also around the region every year.

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