district 201n5 s lions, lioness and leo clubs of...

Post on 09-Feb-2018






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Personal development is the key to life







2017 / 2018


Editor: Lion Helen Loseby Bowles Phone: 9948 4389

Assisting Editor: PDG Roger Sherrington Email: sydneynews@lionsclubssydney.org.au

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Health, happiness and long life to all.

You plant a thought, you reap an action. You plant an action, you reap a habit. You plant a habit,

you reap a character. You plant a character, you reap a destiny. There you have it ladies and gen-

tlemen. Your destiny, my destiny is manifested out of our thoughts. We must never underestimate

the power of our thoughts because our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs guide our actions.

My dear fellow Lions. I am Ron Gattone, your District Governor for 2017-2018. I believe that it is my

duty, with the help of all the District Officers, to energise and mobilise the creative and intellectual

resources in each of you so that you have the opportunity to perform to the best of your ability not

only in your Lions work, but also in all of your undertakings.

I follow in the footsteps of extraordinary leaders of our District such as PCC Warren Latham and Li-

on Marilyn, PDG Elvio Munzone, GMT Coordinator Jon Copson, PDG Greg Dunn, PDG Nigel Jeny,

2VDG Jennifer Touzel, Zone Chairperson Elizabeth Lessells, 1VDG Derick Margerison, Cabinet

Treasure Peter Touzel, Greg English and John Chate but to mention a few. All of these Lions have

one thing in common - PASSION. Do you realise that nothing extraordinary is achieved without pas-

sion. I want to harness, at every opportunity, the passion, the intelligence, the power, the

knowledge, skill and attitude of each of these dedicated Lions. I encourage you to do the same.

These Lions know each of you infinitely better than I do. Use them as your resource extensively,

likewise use me. The District team is here to serve you.

My focus for the whole year is on you. I believe passionately that by focusing on you and unleashing

the untapped potential that each of you have, will result in greater enjoyment for you, enhanced har-

mony in your club, growth in the District and more people in need, assisted. Now isn’t that a win-win

for all?

Hence my theme “Personal development is the key to life”. One must be better today than yes-

terday and indeed be better tomorrow than one is today because if one is not, then, one is either

stagnant or going backwards. No one wants to be in either of those camps, does one? The key is

personal development. However you and you alone can only make the change. In the last analysis,

as Marilyn Ferguson observed, “No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a

gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another,

neither by argument nor by emotional appeal”.

If you engage in some meaningful change, I feel comfortable in assuring you several positive things

will happen. Your growth will be evolutionary, but the net effect will be revolutionary. Opening your

“gate of change” significantly increases your self confidence. You will come to know yourself in a

deeper, more meaningful way - your nature, your deepest values and most importantly, your unique

capacity to contribute.

Continued on page 3

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Continued …….

It saddens me though, that there will be some of you who will not agree with this way of thinking for

good reasons of your own and I respect your view without judgment or reservation. To those that

the District Team causes some change for the better, even if only a few, then we will consider that

our journey was worthwhile.

Our IPDG Dennis Halpin, under very challenging circumstances, delivered a sterling performance

for the benefit of the members of our District. We thank you IPDG Dennis for not giving up when

many, in the same situation, would have easily thrown in the towel.

Our International President, Naresh Aggarwal, has very similar goals to myself. He says that his

goal is very simple - to reach a new level of service to Lions and from Lions. Before I ask you

to reach a new level of service, Lionism will reach a new level of service to you.

So, International President Naresh’s goal is also focused on the individual member because he is

of the realisation that that is where the real power lies, with each individual member of our

1,421,975 strong Lions family.

I and the District Team have six expectations of you, however you are at liberty to expect and per-

haps make hundreds of requests throughout the year, and I encourage you to do so, because, with-

in reason they will be granted to you.

The expectations are:

1. That you increase your involvement in Lions work by


2. That you actively seek and convert, as a member, one

person in 2017-2018.

3. That you carry out your duties assigned to you happily

and willingly.

4. That you participate in development courses offered by

District and LCI.

5. That you actively seek assistance from me and the

District Officers and

6. That you cooperate with your Club President in

assisting him/her in running an effective club.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you when I visit your Club. If you do not attend meet-

ings regularly, make the meeting that I visit your Club, the meeting that you don’t miss.

Always at your service

District Governor

Ron Gattone

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A recent study has found women who carry a little extra

weight live longer than men who mention it ...


CALENDAR $$$$$$$$



OF A $250 DJ’s


Welcome to the first edition of Sydney News

for this year.

I encourage you to read it and keep up to date with District events and Lions in general. In each of the editions this year, there will be a hidden quiz or puzzle for you to find within the SN. Everyone can participate. You simply respond to me with your answer and all correct an-swers will be eligible to enter a draw and win a prize for each edition. We will need a mini-mum of 50 responses right or wrong for the draw of the prize to proceed. You may only enter once in each of the editions. The draw, if there are sufficient entries, will take place one week before the issue of the next edition and the winner will be advised by email and published in the next edition of SN.

The prize for this edition is a $250.00 voucher to David Jones Sydney.

In this edition the quiz is: Find the three words that are written back-wards. State the page numbers and story headings where the three words are located and what the three words are. Entry deadline is 19 September 2017. Editor, Helen L B



1st (Tue) DG Visit (Carlingford-Dundas) & 1VDG


(Thu) DG Visit (Hawkesbury Bells Line) & 1VDG

7th (Mon) DG Visit (Sydney Waratah) & 2VDG

8th (Tue) DG Visit (Kings Langley) ) & 1VDG

11th (Fri)

DG Visit (Sydney South Shapla Shaluk) & 2VDG


(Mon) DG Visit (Mosman) & 2VDG


(Wed) DG Visit (Blacktown Ponds) & 1VDG

17th (Thu) DG Visit (Berowra) & 1VDG


(Mon) DG Visit (Castle Hill) ) & 1VDG



DG Visit (Caringbah) & 2VDG



DG Visit (Winston Hills) ) & 1VDG

24th (Thu)

DG Visit (Sydney Champions Inner West)

25th (Fri) DG Visit (Strathfield Han Ho) ) & 1VDG


(Mon) DG Visit (Penrith) ) & 1VDG


4th (Mon) DG Visit (Cambridge Park) ) & 1VDG

5th (Tue) DG Visit (Bankstown) ) & 1VDG

6th (Wed)

DG Visit (Sydney Eye) Day time & 1VDG

6th (Wed) DG Visit (Sydney Chinese) & 1VDG

7th (Thu) DG Visit (Manly & Pittwater) & 1VDG

11th (Mon) DG Visit (Blacktown City) & 1VDG

12th (Tue) DG Visit (Kogarah) & 2VDG

20th (Wed) DG Visit (Auburn-Lidcombe) & 1VDG

21st (Thu) DG Visit (City of Ryde) & 1VDG

25th (Mon) DG Visit (West Pennant Hills-Cherrybrook) & 1VDG

26th (Tue) DG Visit (Oatley) & 2VDG

Page 5

Sunil’s Corner by Cabinet Secretary Sunil Amaratunga

Welcome to Sunil’s Corner. I hope you will read my corner to get to know what went on and what is going on around the clubs and our District. Happy reading.

District Changeover Saturday 15 July 2017 Our District changeover was held on Saturday 15 of July at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club. Nearly 150 lions and their partners attended this end of the year gala function. It was a fitting tribute to our outgoing DG Dennis Halpin. He gave a very touching speech. IPDG Dennis Halpin presented recognition awards to the following clubs and members:

The Leo Club Award for the Best Record of Community Service was awarded to Cumberland High.

The Lloyd Morgan Trophy for the Best Public Relations project was awarded to Balgowlah.

The Allan J Waters Memorial Trophy for best Tailtwister in the District was Wayne Kedward (Kellyville).

The Ted Tricker Memorial Trophy for the Best Club Bulletin was Emu Plains.

The Reg Prudames Trophy for the Best Community Service Project was awarded to Oatley.

The David Bull Memorial Trophy for the Best Club Secretary was won by Paul De Alwis (West Pennant Hills).

The Diane Sherrington Trophy for the overall winner of the District Club Competition was Blacktown City.

The James P Ledingham Memorial Trophy for service to Diabetes Awareness was won by Sydney Indian.

The Bessie Hammond Memorial Trophy was won by Dianne Weatherall (Sutherland Lioness). This is awarded to a Lady in Lionism for being a Quiet Achiever.

The Anthony Cheung Trophy was won by Greg English (Lugarno) - the Best Media Coverage of Lions Pro-jects or Events throughout the Lions Year.

The MJ (John) Booth Trophy was won by Elizabeth Lessells (Crestwood) - Best Zone Chairperson. All guests were treated to a delicious dinner. We were entertained by Josh the Magician. He visited every table and pro-duced some amazing magic and tricks. Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly. The incoming District Governor gave a very inspiring and passionate speech and laid down what he wanted to do in the next twelve months. All in all, it was a great night.

A friendly Reminder to all Club Secretaries – MMR & Activity Reports by 25 July 2017 Please note that it is very important to report your Total Members as of July 2017 (MMR) and report your activities (Projects and meetings) on MyLCI. Should you have any issue relating to entering these data please do not hesitate to contact me on 0439 223 036 or write an email to me using cabsec@lionsclubssydney.org.au. These have to be done by 31 July 2017, however you do not have to wait until the last day. Hence, it is better to complete them now rather than waiting until the end of the month.


CARLINGFORD / DUNDAS -- VOICE OF YOUTH PUBLIC SPEAKING COMP: – THURSDAY 10 AUGUST A worthy club project to assist students in years 7 and 8 to develop Public Speaking Skills. The competition will encour-age school students in the local area to develop confidence and experience in public forums. It is being held at Nor-manhurst Boys School, Normanhurst, commencing at 6.00 pm. Each participant is given an Impromptu Question to answer in two minutes and will be asked to give a prepared speech of four minutes. All enquiries to Lion Clem Caw-ley 0411 271 357. WEST PENNANT HILLS / CHERRYBROOK – TRIVIA NIGHT – SATURDAY 12 AUGUST 2017 WPH Lions club is organising a Trivia Night in aid of Legacy at WPH Sports Club, West Pennant Hill commencing at 7.00 pm. $25.00 per head. Legacy charity supports the families of fallen veterans and wounded servicemen returning home. TEEJ 2017 CHARITY DINNER & DANCE NIGHT – SATURDAY 12


The Lions Club of Sydney Nepal Himalaya presents a Charity Dinner and Dance Night on Saturday 12 August from 6 pm till midnight at Greg Percival Community Centre, formerly known as Ingleburn Community Hall, corner Oxford and Cumberland Roads, Ingleburn. Enjoy mouth-watering food. Kids below the age of 10 years are free. Bookings Jasa-man Sethi 0432 712 903, Subash Aryal 0452 498 528, Shekhar Mahajan 0408 144 411. RICHMOND 60


The Lions Club of Richmond invite you to join the members for lunch at 12.00 for 12.30 pm on Sunday 13 Au-gust at Richmond Golf Club, Burke Street, East Richmond. $40.00 per head. RSVP 4 August to PDG Roger Sherrington 0420 987 842 or roger.widespan@gmail.com

Continued on the next page

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Sunil’s Corner Continued

BLACKTOWN PONDS CHARITY DINNER DANCE – SATURDAY 26 AUGUST The Blacktown Ponds Lions Club organising a Dinner Dance in aid of The Ponds School, a special needs school established to support students with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities. At Blacktown Workers Club Ballroom, 55 Campbell St, Blacktown. 6.00 for 7.00 pm start. $70.00 per head. For tickets contact Rissa McInness 0414 947 135, Espie Bables 0425 379 011 or Orchy MacQuarrie 0434 418 238. LUGARNO LIONS SPRING FAIR – SUNDAY 17 SEPTEMBER The Lugarno Lions Club is holding its 38th Spring Festival at Gannons Park, Isaac Street, Peakhurst. The festi-val draws an estimated 40,000 plus visitors each year. Should you wish to run a rent free stall please contact John Clarke on 0450 300 192. ANZI PACIFIC FORUM AT BALLARAT, VICTORIA – 1 to 3 SEPTEMBER Lions, Partners and friends are invited to attend the ANZI Pacific Forum to be held in Ballarat, Victoria, from 1-3 September. Registration Form available on Lions Australia website. DISTRICT CONVENTION AT NORFOLK ISLAND – 3 to 5 NOVEMBER As you know, this year, our District Convention is being held at Norfolk Island from Friday 3 to Sunday 5


Time marches on and we get a little closer to the above dates. To make sure you don’t miss out on the cheapest price make your booking now. All you need to pay is a $200 deposit to secure the cheapest price. Maria Massey at the Norfolk Island Travel Centre is the dedicated Travel Consultant for the Convention and she will take care of all your arrangements. Contact her at maria@travelcentre.nf or by free call 1800 140 066. Registration Form and hospitality pack are available on the District Website. For other information regarding the Con-vention please contact Convention Chairman 2017-18 Graham White convention2017@lionsclubssydney.org.au or DG Ron Gattone email dg@lionsclubssydney.org.au There is as much or as little as you’d like to do on Norfolk Island. Whether you are deciding to travel for a spe-cial event or another time of year, this South Pacific gem is guaranteed to safely return you home very much satisfied. SO, DON’T MISS OUT ON VISITING NORFOLK ISLAND FOR N5 DISTRICT CONVENTION



MAY 2018

8 nights in warm & sunny Townsville

Followed by 5 nights in tropical Cairns

See future editions of Sydney News for further details

Page 7

There was a little surprise for long serving Secretary Harold Zev (Ku-Ring-Gai) on the evening of their Changeover. In attendance as a Guest was PDG Diane Sherrington, and way back in 1998 Lion Harold was Chairman of the District Convention held at Macquarie University. Harold took a bit of a nasty turn, largely due to overwork, and missed out on the ‘Thank Yous’. He was also absent from the District Changeover. PDG Diane was to present him with Life Membership of the NSW-ACT Save Sight Foundation. So in safe keeping the plaque was held , along with every other bit of paper from her year, until the night of this year’s changeover. So Harold, unbeknown to him, has been a ‘Life Member’ of the Foundation for the last 19 years. So, the old adage, ‘Good things come to those who wait’ is TRUE.



INDIVIDUAL SEATS $185 OR TABLE $1750 Travel Raffle, Locked Wine Fridge with wine

and plenty of Auction Items Included

Entry, Race Book, Fabulous Buffet Lunch, Beer, Wine, Sparkling Cuvee and Soft Drinks.

Race Track is next to Clarendon Railway

Bookings to Roger on 45 777 914

SUNDAY 8TH OCTOBER 11.30 - 5 pm

Page 8


PHOTOS CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING 2 PAGES Many more photos on our District Facebook page stored in a photo album called

District 201N5 Changeover Dinner 2017 under the PHOTOS tab.

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DISTRICT 201 N5 CHANGEOVER 15 JULY 2017 Continued

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DISTRICT 201 N5 CHANGEOVER 15 JULY 2017 Continued

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Members of the Lions Club of Sydney Seaside have completed more quilts which where presented to The Li-ons Club of Sydney Nepal Himalaya. These Lions take them to Nepal when they go on holiday to visit their fami-lies during the year. Once in Nepal they are donated to an orphanage. In the last 2 years the lady quilters from Sydney Seaside and their friends have sent over 60 quilts to orphanages in Nepal and also some to Korea. As we all know, warmth is important and these quilts are made with lots of love from Lions in Australia to our friends in Nepal. Pictured below are Seaside Lions Gae and Jessie with PDG Elvio and Lion Jasaman of Sydney Nepal Himalaya Loins Club





is 20 SEPTEMBER 2017



Photo below of me receiving Hearing Dog National Coor-dinator Award from N5 District Governor Dennis Halpin at Cabinet Meeting 4 June 2017. The award was accepted at the MD Convention in Hobart by HD Chairman Rhys Roberts on 7 May. I found out about it in the Chairman’s report for a telecon-ference meeting on the 25


It was a pleasant surprise and shock to receive. It does acknowledge the work that has been done since taking on this Portfolio in March 2008. John Chate, N5 and NSW Delegate Hearing Dogs



Q1: What is the name of Lions International art contest

for kids ages 11-13? Q2: True or false - Lions have pledged $30M for vac-

cines to help save children from measles. Q3: When was Lions Club International formed? Q4: In what year was the 1st Lions Club formed in Aus-

tralia? Q5: True or false - All Lions can earn special awards

for inviting new members through the Centennial Celebration Membership Awards.

See page 15 for the answers

Page 12


We all hear stories of how the Lions Clubs have helped many people and on 8 June at The Hills Shire Council many more stories were shared during a Lions 100

th Birthday Celebration attended by clubs in Zone 10 - Baulkham Hills,

Castle Hill, Crestwood, Kellyville, West Pennant Hills-Cherrybrook plus Leo Clubs of Baulkham Hills, Crest-wood (newly formed) and Cherrybrook. To celebrate this great achievement The Hills Shire Council was approached by IPDG Dennis Halpin, former Cabinet Secretary Jennifer Touzel and Zone 10 Chair Elizabeth Lessells and the Council kindly agreed to assist Lions with the celebrations. The Council hosted both Lions and Leo Clubs to say thank you for the wonderful work they do to support people in the local community and beyond. It was an amazing night full of surprises and special presentations to out-standing Lions and Leos. The Mayor shared her personal appreciation of the incredible work done by the Lions Club of Baulkham Hills. “Our very own awe-in-spiring Lions Clubs have served our region with lion-like courage for over 50 years, raising more than $2.8 million for worthy causes and giving hundreds of volunteer hours to improving the well-being of Hills residents. Indeed, the Lions were one of the first groups to provide seed funding that helped to establish Hear the Children in The Hills – an essential program that helps deaf children to speak like you and I. Because of clubs like Lions, my own son’s impair-ment – like many of the kids from Hear the Children – it will never be a handicap to him in his life.” The Mayor’s son, aged 8, spoke to members on the night and thanked them for their support that had changed his life. Another attendee thanked the Lions Club of Crestwood for their incredible work and always being there to support her son, Nicholas, who suffers from cerebral palsy and autism. “When I approached the Lions, they didn’t hesitate to help,” she said. The Club helped purchase wheelchairs and an app that helps him communicate, which has changed his life for the retteb. He has now progressed from single words to use whole sentences. Recognised Lions poet PDG Greg Dunn read his 100

th Anniversary Lions poem.

A bench unveiling and tree planting in Chelsea Lions Park with Baulkham Hills Lions and other interested Lions was held on 1 June. A bench unveiling in Ted Pike Reserve, Kellyville, with Kellyville Lions and other interested Lions was held on 6 June. Special thanks to Zone 10 Chair Elizabeth Lessells, who took on the task as coordinator with The Hills Shire Council, your efforts were very much appreciated. Article by Lion Jennifer Touzel, Secretary Crestwood Lions Club Pictured below is PDG Dennis receiving a smooch from Mayor Yvonne while being wildly applauded by PCC Warren Latham

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Sunnyfield is a leading disability support services organisation that provides trusted and flexible support services for people with disability, their families and carers. The car Sunnyfield at Allambie Heights had been using to transport their clients was getting very old and in need of much repair. Sunnyfield asked Lions if they would be able to assist with the purchase of a new car, and with a grant of $15,000 from ALF, approved almost overnight, Balgowlah and Frenchs Forest Lions raised the remainder of the pur-chase price and had great pleasure in presenting the new car to Sunnyfield staff and clients.

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Latest news from N5 Chairman Lion Greg English

Help a child walk today (See next page for another good news story and photo)



Fatima is a 4 year old from Granville who needed a Bud-dy Roamer walker at a cost of $5,250 (GA4113). She was fitted with a walker on 14 June at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Smalls Road Ryde. The walker was sponsored by the Lions Clubs of Enga-dine, Baulkham Hills, Auburn, and Cambridge Park. Fatimah lives with her mum, dad, 3 older sisters and a young brother. She is unable to walk independently and access to a Buddy Roamer Walker will allow her to have upright mobility, and will strengthen her bones and mus-cles and play with her siblings. Pictured below with Lion Greg is 4 year old Fatima in her Buddy Roamer.



Pictured below with Antonio are his mother with Lions Rodney Troy, Greg English, Paul McInnes, Rissa McIn-nes, Lachlan and Eric L

Antonio is a 4 year old boy from Kellyville and in need of a Buddy Roamer walker at a cost of $5,660, which was fitted on 14 June at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Smalls Road Ryde. The walker was sponsored by the Lions Clubs of Blacktown Ponds, Kings Langley, Oatley Leo's, Carlingford Dundas, Cambridge Park and Maroubra Rotary Club. Antonio has Cerebral Palsy and vision impairment. He is learning to sit and can roll himself on the floor however he needed support to stand and required a supportive walker to help him walk. In the Buddy Roamer he can take steps and his walker will allow him to play with his little sister.

Page 15


Latest news from N5 Chair-

man Greg English continued



Angeline is a 5 year old girl from Hillsdale who needed a Nimbo Posterior walker size 2 at a cost of $770.00 (GA4138) and was fitted with a walker on 13 June. The walker was sponsored by the Lions Club of West Pennant Hills-Cherrybrook and was fitted at the RIDBC Matilda Rose Centre on the grounds of the Waverley War Memorial Hospital. It was a pleasure to meet Angeline and her mother. Angeline is a bubbly happy little girl whose mother says she is always like this. The fitting brightened up my day with a feeling that I had helped a little girl who needed it. This walker will allow Angeline to walk on her own rather than relying on other people. It will also allow her to par-ticipate in activities with her peers such as kicking a soc-cer ball. Pictured below are Lion Chaminda Hindurangala from West Pennant–Hills Cherrybrook and Greg English with Angeline and Angeline’s Physiotherapist.


Centennial Trivia Answers

Answers to the questions on page 11. Q1: Lions International Peace Poster Contest (or

Peace Poster) Q2: True Q3: 7 June 1917 Q4: 1947 Q5: True How did you score?




At their June dinner meeting the Lioness Club of Suth-erland Shire donated $1,600 to the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Foundation (raised recently at a Bun-nings BBQ, and $2,000 to Lions Hearing Dogs.

The Lioness Club is now in its 38th year and is a wonder-

ful group of enthusiastic ladies who not only raise money for many worthwhile causes but have fun doing it! Article and photos submitted by Lynn Sutherland, Pub-licity Officer Photos below: $2,000 cheque presented to Faye Yarroll and John Chate from Lions Hearing Dogs by Charter President Di Weatherall and $1,600 cheque presented to Rod Bowman, accepting on behalf of the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Re-search Foundation, by Club Treasurer Sue Maclean

Page 16


DG Ron lists members who he knows have cele-brated a birthday in July. If you know any of them, it is not too late to give them a birthday greeting. Kevin Douglas Penrith Kevin Yau Sydney Chinese Martin Orchard Frenchs Forest Felicity Wilson Balgowlah Kate Turner Sydney Host John Redding Frenchs Forest Pat Pillai Caringbah Barbara Margerison Kings Langley Bob Leedow Sydney Markets Industries Ilinka Simonovski Oatley Tracy Zhang Sydney Chinese Rodney Troy Blacktown Ponds Denys Ede Oatley Denis Feledy Frenchs Forest Marlicia Travis Parramatta Pio Ollet Blacktown Ponds Sue Backer Kogarah Ivan McKay Lugarno Sarjoh Bah Blacktown Ponds John Patterson Frenchs Forest Roger Luo Sydney Chinese Adam Jones Parramatta Rita Kwan Sydney Chinese Maria Van Den Boogaard Hornsby Roy Stanway Penrith David Carter Sydney Host Eric Rode Parramatta Helen Lau Sydney Waratah Cony Wai Ling Cheng Sydney Chinese Bill Paraska Oatley Lilian Li Sydney Chinese Billy Carlon Parramatta Marilyn Courts Kellyville Alan Thompson Lugarno Prem Kumar Kogarah Bill Newbold Hornsby Helen Brown Berowra Neil Thompson Lugarno Ray Lawler Sydney Markets Industries Kevin Dunncliffe Penrith David Flynn Lugarno Ellen Klees Caringbah Uday Mitra Sydney Indian Linda Robinson Oatley Reg Walker Lugarno Alice Crabtree Kogarah Alan Cadman Baulkham Hills Jason Zhang Sydney Chinese Alan Judd Ku-ring-gai Ka Yin (Kat) Suen Sydney Chinese Pauline Henebery Hornsby Karan Sardana Sydney Indian Roxby Phil Caringbah Graeme Harvey Ku-ring-gai Vinal Singh Blacktown Ponds Wayne Brown Frenchs Forest Peter Freame Auburn-Lidcombe Sue Booth Berowra Val Carey Sydney Host




2017 LUNCH &



11.30 am TO 3.30 pm



$49 PP



SUE 9522 2429 All profits will support "THE BEAUTY BANK" - who sup-

ply toiletries and basic beauty products to victims of do-

mestic violence


We express our sympathy and condolences to the families of the late

Frank Killen Penrith (past member) Leslie (Tom) Lloyd Norfolk Island Frank Watson Norfolk Island

Page 17




Parramatta Lions Club held its 59th Annual Changeover

Dinner On 28 June. Apart from acknowledging some of the great local com-munity organisations with donations on behalf of the ef-forts of members, we were also able to acknowledge Parramatta PCYC’s Manager, Jeannie Banks with a Mel-vin Jones Fellowship. Jeannie has worked with youth across Sydney through her 27 years involvement with PCYC’s and optimises the true essence of the PCYC movement in all that she does. Jeannie has been at Parramatta PCYC for the last 6 years and has sought to harvest fruitful partner-ships of which we are proud to be a part of. Article and photo submitted by Jon Copson Secretary, Parramatta Lions Club

Picture is IPP Leeanne Hurren with Jeannie Banks




The Lisa Harnum Foundation was presented with a cheque for $7,170 by the Lions Club of West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook at its June dinner meeting to further help this very worthy organisation’s work in assisting abused victims of domestic violence in Sydney’s North-west and Hills area. The Club’s cheque was presented to the Foundation’s Chairperson, Frank Sedmak, who said that funds would be used for casework, family support, education and counselling services to assist women and child victims. The Lions Club raised the funds from the recently held Masquerade Ball at the Castle Grand Pioneer Room, which was generously supported by the Hills community and many sponsors. The Lisa Harnum Foundation supports and empowers families affected by domestic violence while striving to prevent and end the cycle of abuse through education and social change. Its goal is to be part of a community in which domestic violence is reduced as far as possible or eradicated. Lisa Harnum was 30 years old when she died tragically in 2011 as a result of her then fiancé throwing her from the 15th floor balcony of their city apartment. She had long been intimidated and controlled by this man. The West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Club has joined many other organisations to give families hope and support to fight this social scourge within our com-munity. Photo and article submitted by Lion Geoff Irvine L to R: Lions Shala Karan and Chaminda Hinduragala, Frank Sedmak (Lisa Harnum Foundation), Club Presi-dent Sunil Aramatunga and Club Secretary Paul De Alwis

Page 18


Wednesday 7 June District 201N5 Zone 8 and friends celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Lions Clubs International with

a fantastic party at the Conca D’Oro Lounge at Riverwood. DG Dennis and Anita travelled quite a distance to join us on the night, as did the fabulous entertainers, The SiRenics who travelled from the South Coast and kept many of us on the dance floor until late! Members of Bankstown, Caringbah, Kogarah, Chatwood Business, Sydney Waratah, Lugarno, Oatley, St George Lions and Georges River Lioness were well represented. The very special 100

th Birthday cake was made by

Nick Street, son-in-law of Lugarno Lion Tony, and was cut by Ken Nimmo, Dennis Halpin and Ray Cook, see photo be-low. Representatives from the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Catherine Bell and Laurissa Creek joined Greg English, District ALCMF Chairman. We were also honoured to have with us our State and Federal Parliamentary Members. MC for the evening was Lugarno Lion Reg, who did an excellent job of keeping things running smoothly and to sched-ule. All that remains to be said is “Happy Birthday Lions Clubs International” and congratulations to all involved in and with this wonderful organisation.

Article and photo submitted by Lion Tina Harrison, Lions Club of St George (NSW) Inc

Page 19


On 27 May we celebrated a wonderful Changeover Dinner and thank everyone for joining us. It was our pleasure to be with DG Dennis and Anita Halpin, PDG Elvio Munzone and Lion Gae Bergin, Lion Greg Eng-lish, VDE2 Derek and Barbara Margerison, Cab Sect Jennifer and Cab Treasurer Peter Touzel, Zone Chair Jon Copson, Lion Shabeen and Lions from our club, our families, friends from Kruti and community members. We are proud to announce Lions Shekhar Mahajan and Subhash Aryal received the Follow Your Dreams Foundation trophy for their exemplary service to our Lions Club. Felicitation was done by PDG Elvio Munzone of Follow Your Dreams Foundation. Long Serving Lions were awarded 5 years and 7 Years Membership Tab by Lion Praveen Chaur-asia. Lions Chandeshwar, Ranjan and Santosh entertained us and carried out bingo and raffle activities. Exciting pric-es were courtesy of Kruti Foundation. ‘Where there is a need there is a Lion’: Kruti Foundation awarded a trophy to Nifty Knitters of Caringbah Lions in appre-ciation and to acknowledge efforts of those ladies, their generosity to donate many blankets towards Kruti’s Mission of Reaching out to Thalassemia Kids. President Lion Jasaman Sethi accepted a trophy on behalf of Lions Club of Sydney Nepal Himalaya in appreciation of the bond towards delivering humanitarian projects in past years Article and photo submitted by Lion Jasaman Sethi President, Lions Club Of Sydney Nepal Himalaya






Speak with your club secretary to obtain details of business agenda

Page 20


It has taken a long time but finally the Lions Club of Manly has its new BBQ trailer! We inherited the caravan – 2


hand – in 1992. It has done good service but has degenerated to just a vessel for totting BBQ gear. To the extent that the SES who towed it to our monthly BBQ at the Manly Village School, refused to take it as they said it was un-roadworthy! We didn’t disagree. Thanks to Tony Abbott and a federal grant, club funds were sufficient though the Ad-min. account is pretty depleted. So the decision was made. Though Nigel & I have taken photos of BBQ trailers all over Australia, none were exactly

what we wanted so we took the eye-teeth out of them all. Next problem was to find someone to make it. Though we did

ask various people to follow our design – fabricators would not install the BBQ & gas fitters wouldn’t build the trailer.

Finally the Toolbox Centre at St Peters agreed to do both. They were so helpfully in customer service and suggestions

we ended up with a fantastic result. From the engineer to the office staff – we couldn’t be happier.

The through-side-to-side extra section on the front was their suggestion. Invaluable space for the little things. Inside on

one side is a bread tray rack, baskets for napkins, condiments, utensils and the side of the 1mt BBQ plate. There is a

double floor – 1 between the wheel arches for all the long things

There are also 6 power points inside & 1 outside, and in-ternal lights. Behind the baskets no the other side there is space for the bain maries, dustbins, eskeys etc. Don’t you just love it as much we do? Article and photos submitted by Genevieve Jeny Lions Club of Manly

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Kings Langley Lions Club has installed Rolando De Leon as its President for 2017/18 at the Club’s Annual Changeover Dinner. The Changeover Ceremony was conducted by Past Council Chairperson Warren Latham. Rolando is taking over the Presidency from John Fer-nandes who will become the Zone 13 Chairperson, Vice District Governor Derek Margerison congratulated Rolando and John on their respective elections. He said both members have been active Lions for many years and participated in a wide range of the Club’s activities and projects. The Kings Langley Lions Club is reflective of the wide community with members from Australia, Philippines, India, England, China, Nepal, Uganda and Fiji. Kings Langley is certainly a multi-cultural Club. Written by Lion Derek Margerison Kings Langley Lions Club Pictured below are PCC Warren Latham, Lions Alfin Okullo, Rolando De Leon, John Fernandes, Mike Cook, Barbara Margerison, Sharfraz Rahim, Sarju Shrestha, Joaane Lowles and Jodie Siddle

A thief broke into my house last night … He started

searching for money … so I woke up and searched with

him ...




On 2 June Parramatta Lions Club undertook their 20th

Anniversary Kids Big Fun Day Out Shows. The crowds had swelled this year with the word on the street that the shows were going to be the biggest and best ever. Many arrived early to get a front row seat for first show and they were not disappointed. With our usual venue undergoing renovations, we were forced to move to a new location and the team at Went-worthville Leagues Club went above and beyond to ac-commodate the excited kids, enthusiastic siblings, car-ers, parents and grandparents. With capacity set at 525 per show, we needed to get erom in to avoid disappoint-ment and the staff were more than accommodating. We actually had 700 in each show this year which has never been heard of in the 20 year history! We served up a smorgasbord of juggling, puppetry, mime and of course illusion and magic. On board was our very entertaining Lion Brendan Colucci (pictured below), who acted as MC and kept all running smoothly as well as Magician Extraordinaire Jonas Jost and a host of other performers. St John Ambulance – Parramatta Division were once again with us to keep the kids safe (more like-ly the parents) as they have been for the whole 20 years. Many thanks to the Parramatta Lions Club members who assisted on the day and ensured everyone had fun. We shall be back for our Christmas Shows in mid-December where we will see 3 shows over the course of 1 day and a total of 12,000 kids, parents, siblings, carers and more come along and have some fun.

Jon Copson Secretary, Parramatta Lions Club

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It was a special night for Lion Tom McQuillan at the Castle Hill Lions Changeover Dinner at the Castle Hill RSL. He won a marvellous, very unexpected trifecta. Tom has been a Lion for 45 years and during that time has worked behind the scenes to ensure that everything has run smoothly. He is held in high esteem by all who know him for the work that he has done over a lifetime in Lions. He had just finished enjoying his meal when Club President, Lion Stephen Scotney invited Zone 10 Chairman Elizabeth Lessells to the microphone to present Tom with a Certificate of Appreciation for his contributions to the community from the Hills Shire Council. The Council had requested a list of 3 Lions from each club in Zone 10 that club members thought should deserve spe-cial recognition. This recognition took place at the special Centenary Celebrations that Council had provided for Lions on the 8 June. Unfortunately, Tom was not able to attend. Consequently, after the presentation of certificate, his trophy from that night came out and was presented to a very surprised Tom. More was to follow. President Stephen then presented Tom with his 45-year chevron and certificate. A beaming but bemused Tom smiled for photos and then had a wonderful surprise. He was presented with a Melvin Jones Award! Congratulations from all of us must go to this Lion who has spent a lifetime helping others.

Pictured on the night with a beaming Tom are 1st VDG Derek Margerism, Zone Chair Elizabeth Lessells and Lion Ste-

phen Scotney.



Editor requests that you do not email for publication, photos

of a large group of people as often they will not come out

clearly, especially when space permits the photo to be only

one column wide. Close up photos are preferred.

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PO Box 3021 Clontarf MDC 4019 Qld ChairmanR4S@lions.org.au phone 0418871396



Edited extract from a letter forwarded to Bondi Lions Club from Lions Recycle for Sight Australia Inc. Chair PDG Ken Leonard: Our workforce is 20+ persons on “work for the dole” Monday to Friday mornings receiving 10,000 pair of used specta-cles a week from all over Australia and Japan, generally around 45% from Lions Clubs, 45% from non-Lions groups in country and 10-15% direct from citizens wishing to donate direct. The process is-

1 Each Tuesday and Friday mornings our Lions Club utility collects boxes, parcels and letters from our PO box and transports them to either our Redcliffe or Caboolture Depots.

2 Upon receipt, “small” incoming boxes/packages etc. are opened and the items examined primarily to

ensure the area in front of the eye is clear of scratches (effectively imagine a 10c coin placed in the centre of the lens). Items that pass this initial test are packed into standard size Xmas cake boxes. The frames must be unbroken and in reasonable order.

3 Cases (unless” sesame” type suitable to be given to children in hospital) are discarded as these dou-

ble the weight involved and cost of transport, and spectacles overseas are worn from daylight to dark and cases not used.

4 Xmas cake boxes containing spectacles go to the second stage together with the boxes from “small”

boxes/parcels; In this stage each pair is examined (or re-examined) and sorted into specific boxes;

a. Single lens b. Bifocal lens c. No prescription d. Sunglass e. Progressive . f. Triple focal (few only) g. Quality frames with poor lens h. Loose lens or new lens packages i. Safety Glass j. Cases suitable for sick children in hospital (with either sunglasses or prescription spectacles) k. Unique styles, generally plain lens but fancy frames (Dame Edna styles)

5 Each box is then washed in 1 of our 4 industrial cleaners (similar to those used in motor shops for

cleaning engines –we use “finish” not oil). A quick check on quality before washing, and after drying a sec-ond check (results in about 2-5% unsuitable). Then boxed ready for grading.

6 At Redcliffe we operate 8-12 latest lensometer grading machines (4 at Caboolture and 3 in Numin-

bah Women Correction Unit). We also have lens cutting machines and repair kits.

7 The process is firstly to examine each pair for quality and then grade using the lensometer. In prac-tical terms we recognise that overwhelmingly spectacles have a difference in lens prescription of 1 dioptre or less, a cylinder variation of no more than 1 dioptre between the lens (and not over 2.5 dioptre in either lens).

8 The prescription is written on a label - right eye lens first, prescription, cylinder and angle then left

eye lens and sealed in a bag with the spectacles.

9 Generally speaking the overwhelming prescriptions received (and used overseas) are in the range +0.00 to +5.00 and +0.00 to -5.00 plus a small number of extreme readings - (The group over +5.00 or-5.00 are boxed as a special group to assist persons with extreme prescriptions in the third world, the aim being to improve their sight even if we cannot match their specific needs).

Carried on to next page

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10 A quality control check is made by an experienced operator prior to placing in a specific box for a par-ticular prescription range such as +0.00 to +0.75 or +1.00 to +1.75 etc both positive, negative, readers (both lens identical), bifocal, trifocal, no script.

11 As boxes fill, we pack 100 pair of one prescription in the left hand side of a despatch box and a 100

pair of the next size on the rhs before placing the box(es) in our storeroom ready for despatch. Despatch generally relates to the needs of the group desirous of undertaking a humanitarian project in a particular country, or a repetition of a series of projects in that country.

12 We have a capacity to use our lens cutting machines to shape loose lens (whether new or used) into

quality frames, generally to help any difficult requests.

13 We also receive contact lens (new only), hearing aids (recycled direct overseas for adjustment there to suit a need), equipment no longer meeting Red Cross Redcliffe requirements in Australia but legal over-seas).

14 As you will understand, “sesame” type cases are usable (locally), and our general approach is that if

the quality examiner of a pair believes he or his/her mother would not wear the pair why should a person overseas be expected to wear such a pair?

15 Our end result is that over 500,000 pair of refurbished spectacles are exported every year to the third

world, thanks to the persons who donated a pair of used spectacles, whether by a 7 years primary school child through to spectacles donated in the name of a departed relative.

16 Our Australian enterprise enables, each year, an additional 450,000 persons overseas in need

of spectacles to see the blackboard at school, to see to gain useful employment and support of fam-ily, through to persons able to see to support their family, at no cost to the recipient. A programme that thanks to Australians, we are able to donate over $50 million dollars of Humanitarian Aid to the Third World yearly, thanks to that individual who forwarded a pair of spectacles no longer suitable for the person.

17 The greatest reward is the look in the eyes of a total stranger who can now see. The smile, the clasped

hands says it all.

Kenneth G Leonard OAM JP(Q), Chairman, January 2017







When the Commanding Officer of the Riverwood Squadron of the Australian Air League heard the Lions Purposes and Ethics read out at the Lugarno Lions Club annual community appreciation night, he was so struck with the contents that he asked for copies so that he could display them in the Squadron’s training rooms as inspiration to the over 100 young squadron mem-bers. The Lions promptly agreed and the framed copies were presented to the Squadron by Lion Colin Campbell on 16 June. Pictured on the right are Lion Colin Campbell and the Commanding Officer Submitted by Lion Greg English, Lugarno Lions Club

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