disrupting your hack with artificial intelligence

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Disrupting Your HackWith Artificial IntelligenceElliot Turner (AlchemyAPI, IBM Watson)

TechCrunch Disrupt SFSept 19, 2015

Disrupt SF 2015

Some Background …

(now 70,000+) !

Disrupt SF 2015

Some Background …

He took it pretty well!

Disrupt SF 2015

HAL? Robots? SIRI? Watson?

A.I.? What exactly are we talking about?

Disrupt SF 2015

A.I. = Smarter Applications

Disrupt SF 2015

A.I. = Disrupting Industries

Disrupt SF 2015

A.I. = Increasingly Embedded Everywhere

Monitoring your credit card transactions for fraud…

Recommending products on retail websites...

Understanding your voice on your mobile phone…

Analyzing your tax returns…

Reading your handwriting on personal checks…

Blocking spam in your inbox…

Disrupt SF 2015

Using A.I. Cloud APIs - No PhD Required

Speech Recognition Machine Translation

Computer Vision Natural Language Processing

Question Answering Automated Dialog

Vast array of A.I. technologies, one HTTP call away. Even a Raspberry Pi can use it!

Disrupt SF 2015

Watson Developer Cloud

IBM is democratizing “Full Stack A.I.” via the Watson Developer Cloud

Disrupt SF 2015

Building an A.I.- enabled Hack

"Is thispoisonous?"

Example app: "Voice + visual assistant for hikers in anycountry"

Intended use case: Answer verbal and visual questions about plants and animals encountered on a hike

“Es esta venenosa?"

Disrupt SF 2015

Cloud APIs provide speech recognition capability to any network-enabled device, across many different

spoken languages.

What you can do: respond to spoken commands, transcribe audio and video files, search audio

streams for specific key phrases ...

Moving beyond the keyboard: Speech Recognition

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Speech Recognition into your App

● APIs support analyzing audio files or streaming audio data in real-time

● Innovators include IBM Watson, Nuance, Google, and AT&T

● IBM Watson speech API info available at:○ https://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developerclou


Speech recognition example:

curl -k -u “username:password” -X POST --limit-rate 40K \--header "Content-Type: audio/flac” --header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \--data-binary @audio.flac \“https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize?continuous=true”

Disrupt SF 2015

{ "results": [ { "alternatives": [ { "confidence": 0.8691191673278809, "transcript": “this is some transcribed speech" }

Integrating Speech Recognition into your App

curl -k -u “username:password” -X POST --limit-rate 40K \--header "Content-Type: audio/flac” --header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \--data-binary @audio.flac \“https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize?continuous=true”

Disrupt SF 2015

Giving machines sight: Computer Vision

Cloud APIs provide the ability to recognize objects (buildings, cars, ...), logos, and faces contained

within photographs.

What you can do: drive search in your application with camera-phone images, automatically organize

photo libraries, "visually" index video files, filter inappropriate content ...

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Computer Vision into your App

● APIs tag photos with what they contain, recognize faces, read signs /product labels, and more

● Innovators include IBM Watson, AlchemyAPI, Google, Baidu, and others

● IBM Watson + AlchemyAPI computer vision API info available at:○ http://www.alchemyapi.com/products/alchemyvision○ http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/


Computer Vision 1-liner:

curl --data-binary @photo.jpg ”http://access.alchemyapi.com/image/ ImageGetRankedImageKeywords?imagePostMode=raw&apikey="$API_KEY

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Computer Vision into your App

curl --data-binary @photo.jpg "http://access.alchemyapi.com/calls/image/ ImageGetRankedImageKeywords?imagePostMode=raw&knowledgeGraph=1&apikey="$API_KEY

"imageKeywords": [ { "text": "boxing", "score": "0.970688”, “knowledgeGraph”: { “typeHierarchy”: “/activities/sports/boxing” } }, { "text": "sport", "score": "0.930862", “knowledgeGraph”: { “typeHierarchy”: “/activities/sport” } }

Disrupt SF 2015

Cloud APIs provide automatic translation of text across many different languages.

What you can do: automatically translate foreign-language content for your users, real-time

translation of forum posts or chat sessions, search within foreign language documents ...

Breaking language barriers: Machine Translation

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Machine Translation into your App

● APIs automatically translate between many different languages.

● Innovators include IBM Watson, Google, and Microsoft

● IBM Watson translation API info available here:○ https://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developerclou


Language Translation example:

curl -u “username:password“ -H "content-type: plain/text“ -X POST -d "text=Hello world.“ "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/language-translation/api/v2/translate?source=en&target=es"

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Machine Translation into your App

"translations": [ { "translatedText": ”Where is my hotel?" } ]

“¿Dónde está mi hotel?"

curl -u “username:password“ -H "content-type: plain/text“ -X POST -d "text=¿Dónde está mi hotel?" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/language-translation/api/v2/translate?source=es&target=en"

Disrupt SF 2015

Cloud APIs provide the ability for computers to derive "meaning" from text (documents, web pages,

tweets, …)

What you can do: tag documents by topic, drive content recommendation engines, contextually

target advertisements ...

Reading like a Human: Natural Language Processing

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Natural Language Processinginto your App

● APIs automatically tag documents, extract facts and events, ...

● Innovators include IBM Watson, AlchemyAPI, Google, and others

● IBM Watson + AlchemyAPI language API info available here:○ https://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/


○ http://www.alchemyapi.com/

Named entity tagging + sentiment analysis 1-liner:

curl "http://access.alchemyapi.com/calls/text/ TextGetRankedNamedEntities?apikey=$API_KEY&sentiment=1&text=Woohoo+I+am+coming+to+San+Fran!"

Disrupt SF 2015

"language": "english", "entities": [ { "type": "City", "relevance": "0.33", "sentiment": { "type": "positive", "score": "0.325672" }, "count": "1", "text": ”San Fran", "disambiguated": { "name": ”San Francisco", "website": "http://www.sfgov.org", "dbpedia": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/San_Francisco", "freebase": "http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/m.0d61p"

”Woohoo I am coming to San Fran! #TCDisrupt"

Integrating Natural Language Processing into your App

curl "http://access.alchemyapi.com/calls/text/ TextGetRankedNamedEntities?apikey=$API_KEY&sentiment=1&text=Woohoo+I+am+coming+to+San+Fran!"

Disrupt SF 2015

Expert in a box: Question Answering

Cloud APIs provide the ability to answer natural language questions, such as "Who invented the


What you can do: leverage questions like "was this company acquired?" to trigger processes in data pipelines or GUI displays, automatically answer

questions from your own corpus of data ...

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Question Answering into your App

● APIs automatically answer questions posed in plain language

● Innovators include IBM Watson, AlchemyAPI, Google, and others

● IBM Watson question answering API info available here:○ https://www.ibmdw.net/watson/docs/

IBM Watson Example API Call JSON:

{ "question":{ "questionText":"His 1983 hit \"Beat it\" featured Eddie Van Halen on guitar." }}

Disrupt SF 2015

Integrating Question Answering into your App

"answers": [ { "id": 0, "text": "Michael Jackson", "confidence": 0.42276 }

{ "question":{ "questionText":"His 1983 hit \"Beat it\" featured Eddie Van Halen on guitar." }}

Disrupt SF 2015

Putting it all together: Sample A.I. App Workflow

Use Watson Speech API to accept speech input

Use Watson Translation API to convert to English

“Es esta venenosa?"

"Is this poisonous?"

Take a picture of the item the question is about

Use AlchemyVision API to interpret the photograph "fly agaric"

Use Watson Q&A API to answer the question Is this poisonous + fly agaric

Example app: "Voice + visual assistant for international hikers"

Disrupt SF 2015

Getting Started: Watson + Alchemy Resources

Sign up for Bluemix (Get API keys!)


GitHub (Sample code!)

Watson: https://github.com/watson-developer-cloudAlchemyAPI: https://github.com/AlchemyAPI

App Gallery (Get inspired!)


Ask for help! Just look for someone wearing a Watson shirt.

Disrupt SF 2015

Hackathons: Where great ideas are born!• I’ve been sponsoring and judging hackathons for the past 5 years

• Seen multiple teams raise funding, build companies, have successful exits

• We hold internal hackathons monthly and frequently see innovations pushed into production

• If your startup isn’t doing internal hackathons yet – get going! They’re *awesome*

Let’s go build something amazing. Change the world. Use A.I. to make it happen!

Disrupt SF 2015

Thanks for listening! Questions ?

Elliot TurnerDirector of Alchemy, IBM Watson

CEO & Founder, AlchemyAPI


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