display content manager startup guide

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Startup Guide

Display Content ManagerStartup Guide

September 1,2008Copyright © 2008 Thomson

All rights reserved.


(1) It is prohibited to copy a part or all of this product without prior permission.


(3) We have prepared the contents of this product to the best of our ability; however if you have any questions about the contents, or if there are any errors or missing items, please contact Thomsom Grass Valley.

(4) However we do not take any responsibility for malfunctions arising from use, irrespective of the points outlined in (3).

(5) Irrespective of whether it was due to a usage error, Thomsom Grass Valley takes no responsibility for extraordinary, incidental or derivative claims, including those for lost earnings generated by the application of this product.

(6) It is prohibited to analyze, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any of the items included with this product, including the software, hardware and manual.

(7) Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation, USA. Other product names or related brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Manual Explanation

■ Informationnotdescribedinthismanualmaybedisplayedinsomecases.Makesuretoreadthetextfileattached to the disc.

■ If thereareanyvariationsbetween theexplanation in thismanualand theactualapplicationmethod,priority is given to the actual application method.

■ Thescreensusedasexamplesinthismanualarethoseofthedevelopmentstage,sotheymayvaryfromthoseinthefinalproduct.

■ Thismanualiswrittenforpeoplewhohaveabasicknowledgeofhowtouseacomputer.Iftherearenospecial instructions, perform the same operation as a normal computer operation.

■ Inthismanual,Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional operating system is called Windows XP. Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Standard Edition, Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Enterprise, Microsoft®

Windows ServerTM 2003 Datacenter Edition are called Windows Server 2003. Windows VistaTM Home Basic, Windows VistaTM Home Premium, Windows VistaTM Business, Windows VistaTM Ultimate are called Windows Vista.


Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................11 Introduction ........................................................................................2

1-1 License Agreement ..................................................................21-2 Notes regarding usage ............................................................21-3 Verifying package contents ......................................................31-4 Website ....................................................................................3

2 Display Content Manager Overview ..................................................42-1 What is Display Content Manager? .........................................42-2 Features of Display Content Manager .....................................4

3 Recommended operations environment and devices ........................63-1 DS Server Device ....................................................................63-2 Control Devices .......................................................................73-3 Client devices for playback ......................................................7

Chapter 2 Setup .............................................91 Display Content Manager Setup ......................................................10

1-1 Setup Procedures (Configurations without MEDIAEDGE-SVS3) .......................10

1-2 Setup Procedures (Configurations with MEDIAEDGE-SVS3) ............................19

Chapter 3 Reference....................................311 DCM Console ..................................................................................32

1-1 Navigation bar ........................................................................321-2 Material window .....................................................................331-3 Layout window .......................................................................371-4 Playlist window ......................................................................401-5 Schedule window ...................................................................43

1-6 Target window .......................................................................47

2 Status Monitor ..................................................................................502-1 Main window ..........................................................................50

Chapter 4 Tutorial ........................................551 Operationsworkflow ........................................................................56

2 Operations on the DCM Console .....................................................572-1 Launching DCM Console .......................................................572-2 Operations on the Material window .......................................582-3 Operations on the Layout window .........................................632-4 Operations on the Playlist window .........................................662-5 Operations on the Schedule window .....................................682-6 Operations on the Target window ..........................................70

3 Operations on the Status Monitor ....................................................763-1 Starting the Status Monitor ....................................................763-2 Checking the transfer status ..................................................773-3 Checking the play status ........................................................78

Chapter 5 Specifications.............................791 Limitations ........................................................................................80


This chapter describes the things to check before setting up the system and the notices.

- Introduction- Display Content Manager Overview- Recommended operations environment and



Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1 Introduction

1-1 License Agreement Thank you for purchasing the Display Content Manager. To use the software thataccompanies thisproduct,youmustfirstconsent to the termsof thisLicenseAgreement.Consent to the terms of this Software License Agreement is considered granted upon opening the software envelope.

1-2 Notes regarding usage Regardless of whether negligence occurs during usage, the company assumes no liability, even if there is a claim, for extraordinary, incidental or derivative loss, includingthelossofprofits,thatariseduringpracticalapplicationofthisproduct.Operation of this product is not guaranteed for use other than the original intended use, nor is operation guaranteed in an environment different from the one provided by this company.Operation of this product is not guaranteed if used with a CPU or devices other than those which have been rated.

Please note the following points when recording copyrighted works of others (e.g. video and audio recorded in media such as CD, DVD and videogram, or acquired through radio/TV broadcast or Internet transmission) by use of this product.●Subjecttocopyright,reproductionoreditingofthecopyrightedworkmayinfringe

copyright except as such reproduction is intended for personal or home use. Reproduction and editing requires permission from the author or the copyright holder through the right holder, broadcaster, sender, seller or the group of right holders which is indicated on the recording media or otherwise.

●Transferortransmission,viatheInternetorotherwise(inclusiveofincorporationintotheuser's own web page), of media in which copyrighted works of others are reproduced or editedandthenfixedwithoutpermission,regardlessofwhetherornotcompensationisreceived, constitutes an infringement of copyright.

●PleasenotethatThomsonGrassValleyisnotliableforthecopyrightedworksortheirreproductions, which are created, reproduced or edited by use of this product.


1-3 Verifying package contents Verify that the following components are included in the Display Content Manager package. Product packaging is implemented with stringent quality assurance measures. However, if a component is missing, contact Thomsom Grass Valley.

Display Content Manager Package Contents ■Disc □Applications and other software for use with Display Content Manager are included on the DVD-ROM. The DVD-ROM is contained in a sealed envelope. Prior to opening this envelope, read the attached License Agreement.

Manual □- Display Content Manager Startup Guide (this manual)

License Agreement □

1-4 Website Including Display Content Manager, the latest company information is announced at http://desktop.grassvalley.com/. The latest drivers, utilities, product manuals, FAQs, etc. are also available from our website.

Chapter 1


2 Display Content Manager Overview

2-1 What is Display Content Manager? Display Content Manager is a software tool that expands the features of Thomsom Grass Valley MEDIAEDGE3 DS (that is, MEDIAEDGE-SVS3, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS and MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS) and HDMA-4000/HDMA-4000Sync to support digital signage. Display Content Manager consists of the GUI applications "DCM Console" and "Status Monitor" and the service programs "DCM service" and "Redirect service." Using Display Content Manager, you can enable monitors that previously played only videos to be comprehensive tools for information delivery.

2-2 Features of Display Content Manager Display Content Manager can create multiple regions on a single monitor, displaying the information that you want to convey -- such as videos, images, text messages, etc. -- on each region simultaneously.

Displaying multiple layout contents ●DisplayContentManagercanconfiguremultipleregionsonamonitorbyintuitiveoperations with the mouse, so that individual contents can be displayed on each region.

Displaying multiple contents simultaneously ●The following types of content can be displayed on the regions created on a monitor:- Video: MPEG2-TS, MPEG2-PS- Image: JPEG, BMP, GIF (transparent GIF supported), PNG

(transparent PNG supported)- Text information: txt, RSS (can be registered as URI material)- FLASH: SWF- Audio: WAVE (PCM: 8/16/24 bit, 1/2/5.1ch), MP3- URI material: any URI-Controlcommand:ASCII,canbespecifiedbyHEX(onlysupportssending)

Displaying tickers ●Displayed textscanbescrolledverticallyandhorizontally.With theRSSfieldacquired from the Web, news and weather forecasts can be displayed.


Emergency auto-play feature ●Inanemergency,suchasfireorearthquake,DisplayContentManagercanbemadetoplayanemergencymessagethathasbeenspecifiedbeforehand.


The playback pattern can be edited according to your preference. ●From the materials to register to the schedule for playback, the playback pattern can be edited as you like.

Multiple programs can be specified simultaneously ●Different programs (channels) and schedules can be specified on multiplemonitors. Also, aligned in a control window, multiple programs can easily be edited.

Automatic update is available ●Display Content Manager can be set to update programs and schedules automatically at specified dates and times. You can also manually updateschedules.

Difference updating feature ●When updating the contents, Display Content Manager sends the minimum data required to minimize data size and transmission time.

Chapter 1


3 Recommended operations environment and devices

3-1 DS Server Device

FTP Server ■Serverthatstoresthematerialfilesandsystemfiles(SMILfilethatcorrespondstotheplaylistandschedulefile).- FTP Service

IIS6.0 recommended (Windows Server 2003 standard)•Authoritytoread/writeonthevirtualdirectorywherethefilesarestoredisrequired.•

DB Server ■Server that holds the database where the information to be used on Display Content Manager is registered. - DBMS *DisplayContentManagercreatesadatabasethathasapredefinedname.

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or more•*EnableTCP/IPwiththeSQLServerconfigurationmanager(forremoteaccess)

- DCM Service (Transmission)Servicethatcreatesandtransmitsthesystemfiles.

MEDIAEDGE Server ■- DCM Service (Download)

Service that downloads data from the FTP Server according to the download information (Download.txt) and registers the data to the MEDIAEDGE database.

- Redirect serviceServicethatredirectstoclientsaccordingtotheschedulefile(Schedule.xml).

- MEDIAEDGE-SVS3* MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 is not included in this product.

It is a service at the core of the MEDIAEDGE3 system that records, relays, and delivers videos.* For the supported operation environment, see the "MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 User’s Guide."

&POINTThe FTP Server, the DB Server, and the MEDIAEDGE Server can but need not be installed on a single server PC.


3-2 Control Devices

DCM Control PC ■Supported OS □Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later)Microsoft Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later)

Resolution □In a vertical layout, resolution is required to be 960 pixel or more vertically. (SXGA (1280x1024) or more is recommended.)To preview the playlist properly, resolution of WUXGA (1920x1200) is required.

- DCM ConsoleGUI application that collectively configures the settings, from registeringmaterials to setting update schedules to the targets.

- Status MonitorGUI application that displays the transmission status of the schedule registered by the DCM Console and the playback status of the client terminals. It also specifieshowtoacquireinformationonclient-terminalsettings.

3-3 Client devices for playback

HDMA-4000/HDMA-4000Sync ■Player that plays back video, such as HD/SD video, that was transmitted via network and stored on the internal HDD. It also supports playback of the content streamed from a MEDIAEDGE Server.

MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS ■Set-top box that plays back HD/SD video that was streamed from a MEDIAEDGE Server.

MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS ■Software tool that allows you to use a PC as a playback terminal for the MEDIAEDGE series.

Chapter 1



SetupThis chapter describes how to set up Display Content Manager.

- Display Content Manager Setup

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


1 Display Content Manager Setup

1-1 Setup Procedures (Configurations without MEDIAEDGE-SVS3)

If no MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 is used, the system can be constructed using one or more PCs. Install the Display Content Manager application (DCM Console, Status Monitor) and other components of Display Content Manager to a PC. As the client device for playback, you can use HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, and MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS.

Window XPor

Windows Vista

・ SQL Server 2005・ IIS(FTP/WWW)・ DCM Console/Status Monitor・ DCM Service





1-1-1 Installing OSInstall the OS onto your PC.

1 Install Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1.


1-1-2 Installing IIS componentsInstall the IIS components. (This procedure describes the installation of ISS components (FTP/WWW) onto Windows Vista.)

1 From the [Start] menu, choose [Control Panel] > [Program and Features] to open the [Program and Features].* When you click [Program and Features], if the User Account Control dialog box is displayed, click [Continue].

2 Click [Turn Windows Features on or off].→The[WindowsFeatures]dialogboxisdisplayed.

3 Check [Internet Information Services].Also check all the following components under the [Internet Information Services] tree.

- All the components in [FTP Publishing Service].

- All the components in [Web Management Tools]-[IIS6 Management Compatibility].

- [ASP] component in [World Wide Web Services]-[Application Development Features]-[ASP].

- [Windows Authentication] component in [World Wide Web Services]-[Security]-[Windows Authentication].

* When [Internet Information Service] is checked, [Web Management Tools] and [World Wide Web Services] are automatically checked.

4 Click [OK].→Installationbegins.

Chapter 2


1-1-3 FTP Server setupHere is how to set up the FTP Server.

1 From the [Start] menu, choose [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] and click [Internet Information Service(IIS) 6.0 Manager].→The[InternetInformationServices

(IIS) 6.0 Manager] opens.

&NOTESBefore starting FTP Server setup, set the type of FTP Server startup to automatic. To do so, from the [Start] menu, choose [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] and click [Service]. When the [Services] dialog opens, click [FTP Publishing Service] from the service list. When the [Properties] dialog opens, change [Startup Type] from [Manual] to [Automatic]. If the [Savice Status] is [Stop], click [Start] and start the service.

2 Right-click [Default FTP Site] and choose [New] > [Virtual Directory].→The[VirtualDirectoryCreation

Wizard] opens.


3 Click [Next].

4 Enter the [Alias] name and click [Next].* In this example, [DCM] is entered.

5 Specify the content directory for the FTP site at [Path] and click [Next].* If you want to upload materials of great size, choose

a directory on a disk with a bigger size in advance.

Chapter 2


6 Check [Read] and [Write] and click [Next].

7 Click [Finish].

8 Close the [Internet Information Services(IIS) 6.0 Manager].→FTPServersetupiscompleted.

&NOTESBy default, IIS is accessed under the anonymous authentication. If the FTP Server is opentothepublic,makesuretoadjustthesecuritysettings.


1-1-4 Installing Display Content ManagerInstall Display Content Manager.

1 Set the "Display Content Manager Installation Disc" into the DVD-ROM drive.

2 Open the drive where the DVD-ROM is set and double-click [Setup.exe].

3 Click [Next].

4 Click [Next].* To change the installation folder, click [Change] and

specify the folder.

5 Uncheck [MEDIAEDGE-DS Feature Expansion] and click [Next].

Chapter 2


6 Check [install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Now.] and click [Next].

7 Click [Next]. →SQLServer2005ExpressEdition

installation begins.


8 Specify the material folder to be used in Display Content Manager and click [Next].*Specifythefolderwherethematerialfilestobe

registered by the DCM Console are stored.

9 Enter the IP address for the FTP Server to [IP Address] and the AliasnamespecifiedduringtheFTP setting procedures to [Upload Directory] and then click [Check Connect]. Review the connection status and click [Next].

10 Specify the log folder of the service and click [Next].*Thelogfilewillbestoredinthefolderspecified


Chapter 2


11 Click [Install].→Installationbegins.

12 Click [Finish].→Installationiscompleted.


1-2 Setup Procedures (Configurations with MEDIAEDGE-SVS3)

If MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 is used, the system can be constructed using two or more PCs. Install the Display Content Manager application (DCM Console, Status Monitor) onto a PC and other components of Display Content Manager onto another PC. As the client device for playback, HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS, and MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS can be used.

Window XPor

Windows Vista

・ DCM Console・ Status Monitor

(DCM Control PC)

Window Server 2003

・ MEDIAEDGE‑SVS3・ SQLServer2005・ IIS(FTP/WWW)・ DCM Service・ RedirectService






1-2-1 Installing OSInstall the OS onto your PC.

1 Install Windows XP SP3 or later or Windows Vista SP1 or later onto the DCM Control PC.

2 Install Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 or later onto a PC to be used as the MEDIAEDGE Server PC.

Chapter 2


1-2-2 MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 setupHere is how to install and set up the MEDIAEDGE-SVS3.

1 Refer to the "MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 User’s Guide” (pages 14–31) and specify the IP address and install the DBMS.

2 Refer to the "MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 User’s Guide” (pages 32-50) and install the MEDIAEDGE-SVS3, then check the connection to the client.

&NOTESDuring the MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 installation, the following screen is displayed following Step 4 in the "MEDIAEDGE-SVS3 User's Guide" page 33. The screen indicates that the SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition has already been installed. To use the SQL Server instances that have already been installed, choose [use installed SQL Server instance. Please select an instance to make database for MEDIAEDGE.] and click [Next]. To perform a new installation of the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, check [install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Now.] and click [Next]. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition installation begins.

&NOTESThe DCM Console accesses the database with Windows integrated authentication.YoumustcreateanaccountontheDBServerthatrunstheDCMConsole.


1-2-3 Installing IIS componentsInstall the IIS components.

1 From the [Start] menu, choose [Control Panel] > [Add or Remove Programs] to run [Add or Remove Programs].

2 Click [Add/Remove Windows Components] and run the [Windows Component Wizard].

3 Choose [Application Server], click [Details], and open the [Application Server] dialog box.

4 Choose [Internet Information Service (IIS)], click [Details], and open the [Internet Information Service (IIS)] dialog box.

5 Check [File Transfer Protocol(FTP) Service] and check [OK].* When [File Transfer Protocol(FTP) Service] is checked, [Internet Information Service Manager] and

[Common Files] are automatically checked.

6 Click [OK].

7 On the [Windows Component Wizard], click [Next].→Installationbegins.* OS disks may be required.

8 Click [Finish] and close [Add or Remove programs].

Chapter 2


1-2-4 FTP Server setupHere is how to set up the FTP Server.

1 From the [Start] menu, choose [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] and click [Internet Information Service(IIS) Manager].→The[InternetInformation

Services(IIS) Manager] opens.

2 Right-click [Default FTP Site] and choose [New] > [Virtual Directory].→The[VirtualDirectoryCreation

Wizard] opens.

3 Click [Next].


4 Enter the [Alias] name and click [Next].* In this example, [DCM] is entered.

5 Specify the content directory for the FTP site at [Path] and click [Next].* If you want to upload materials of great size, choose

a directory on a disk with a bigger size in advance.

6 Check [Read] and [Write], and click [Next].

Chapter 2


7 Click [Finish].

8 Close the [Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager].→FTPServersetupiscompleted.


1-2-5 Installing Display Content Manager (Server)This is how to install Display Content Manager components onto the MEDIAEDGE Server.

1 Set the "Display Content Manager Installation Disc" into the DVD-ROM drive.

2 Open the drive where the DVD-ROM is set and double-click [Setup.exe].

3 Click [Next].

4 Click [Next].* To change the installation folder, click [Change] and

specify the folder.

Chapter 2


5 Uncheck [DCM Application] and click [Next].

6 Choose [use installed SQL Server instance.] and click [Next].

7 Enter the IP address for the FTP Server to [IP Address] and the AliasnamespecifiedduringtheFTP setting procedures to [Upload Directory], and then click [Check Connect]. Review the connection status and click [Next].


8 Choose a content folder to be used on the MEDIAEDGE Server and click [Next].*Specifythefolderwherethematerialfilesthatthe

MEDIAEDGE delivers are stored.

* We recommend that you choose the same folder astheonespecifiedfortheFTPvirtualdirectorytospare disk space.

9 Specify the log folder of the service and click [Next].* Thelogfilewillbestoredinthefolderspecified


10 Click [Install].→Installationbegins.

11 Click [Finish].→Installationiscompleted.

Chapter 2


1-2-6 Installing Display Content Manager (DCM Control PC)Install Display Content Manager onto the control PC.

1 Set the "Display Content Manager Installation Disc" into the DVD-ROM drive.

2 Open the drive where the DVD-ROM is set and double-click [Setup.exe].

3 Click [Next].

4 Click [Next].* To change the installation folder, click [Change] and

specify the folder.

5 Check [DCM Application] only and click [Next].


6 Enter the Database Server name and click [Next].* In this example, [MEDIAEDGE-SVR], the name for theMEDIAEDGEServerthatwasspecifiedearlier,is entered.

7 Specify the material folder to be used in Display Content Manager and click [Next].*Specifythefolderwherethematerialfilestobe

registered by the DCM Console are stored.

8 Click [Install].→Installationbegins.

9 Click [Finish].→Installationiscompleted.

Chapter 2



This chapter describes the windows and features of the Display Content Manager (DCM Console, Status Monitor).

- DCM Console- Status Monitor


Chapter 3

Chapter 3


1 DCM Console

1-1 Navigation bar On the DCM Console, the navigation bar is on the left. Selecting a button causes a new window, set of functions, and menu bar to be displayed.






(1) [Material] button OpenstheMaterialwindow.(Seethenextpage.)You

can register materials and transfer them to an FTP Server.

(2) [Layout] button OpenstheLayoutwindow.(Seepage37.)Youcan

create and edit layouts.

(3) [Playlist] button OpensthePlaylistwindow.(Seepage40.)Youcan

create and edit playlists.

(4) [Schedule] button Opens the Schedule window. (See page 43.) You

can create channels and register schedules.

(5) [Target] button OpenstheTargetwindow.(Seepage47.)Youcan

register a server, register clients, specify clients as a group, and specify schedule-update settings.


1-2 Material window On the Material window, you can register materials, specify the display settings on the registered materials (properties settings), and transfer the materials to an FTP Server.







(1) Menu bar

Displays the menu regarding material registration.

(2) Tool bar

Displays the shortcut icons to be used frequently on the Material window.

(3) Navigation bar


(4) Main area

Lists the materials by type, for easy searching.

(5) Properties area

Displays the display properties for the selected material. This information can be edited.

(6) Information area

Displaysthefile-specificinformationontheselectedmaterial.Thisinformationcannot be edited.

(7) Status bar

Displays the status of operations.

Chapter 3


1-2-1 Menu barOn the menu bar of the Material window, the following operations are available.

[File] menu- NewThesame typeof thefileof thematerialdisplayedon theMainarea isregistered as materials.

- CategoryOpens the [Category list] dialog box. You can create, edit, and deletecategories.

- FTPUpload: UploadsregisteredmaterialsfilesfromtheMaterialfolderonto

the FTP Server. Download: DownloadsmaterialsfilesfromtheFTPServertotheMaterial

folder.Both upload and download operations work on only the server selected from the FTP Server list.

- ExitCloses the DCM Console.

[Edit] menu- Delete

Removes the selected material from the registration. When a material is about to be unregistered, you can choose whether or not to delete the associatedfileintheMaterialfolder.Onceamaterialisunregistered,whenanuploadoperationontotheFTPServerisperformed,theassociatedfileis also deleted from the FTP Server.

- Reset Upload StatusReset the upload status of the selected material to the FTP Server. Once the upload status is reset, when an upload operation onto the FTP Server isperformed,theassociatedfileintheMaterialfolderistransferredtotheFTP Server again.


[View] menu- Material type

Choose a material type displayed on the Main area. The following material types are available.Material type used for the playlist components:Video, Image, Ticker, FLASH, HTML, Audio, URIMaterial type used for commands registered onto a command channel:Command, Volume

- ThumbnailsDisplays the list of the material on the Main area in thumbnail style.

- DetailDisplays the list of the material on the Main area in detail style.

- Tool barShows/Hides the Tool Bar.

- Status barShows/Hides the Status Bar.

[Go] menuSwitches the functions. (See "1.1. Navigation bar" on page 32.)

[Action] menu- PreviewPreviewstheselectedmaterial.Duringthepreview,thevaluesspecifiedfor the material properties take effect.

[Option] menu- FTP ServerOpensthe[FTPServerlist]dialogbox.Youcancreate,edit,anddeleteFTP servers. If multiple FTP servers are registered, you can choose an FTP Server to be used to register materials. When an FTP Server is changed, onlythefilesregisteredasmaterialsfromthenonwillbeuploadedtotheFTP Server.

-ConfigurationOpens the [Environment Settings] dialog box.DCMConsole: SpecifiestheMaterialfolder.DatabaseSettings:Specifiesthedatabasenameandtheinstancename.

Chapter 3


- Default SettingsOpens the [Default Settings] dialog box.Materialtab: Specifiesthedefaultpropertiesvaluessetwhennew

materials were registered.Playlisttab: Specifies the default values setwhen a playlist was


[Help] menu- About

Opens the [About DisplayContentManager] dialog box of the DCM Console.


1-3 Layout window Youcancreate,edit,anddeletelayouts.






(1) Menu bar

Displays the menu for creating layouts.

(2) Tool bar

Displays the shortcut icons to be used frequently on the Layout window.

(3) Navigation bar


(4) Main area

Displays the layout/region you are editing.

(5) Properties area

Displays the setting information for the layout, setting information for selected regions, and list of regions.

(6) Status bar

Displays the status of operations.

Chapter 3


1-3-1 Menu barOn the menu bar of the Layout window, the following operations are available.

[File] menu- New

Region: Adds a region on the region opened.Layout: Opensthe[Createanewlayout]dialogbox.Youcancreatea

new layout.

- OpenOpensthe[Layoutlist]dialogbox.Youcanopenanexistinglayout.

- CloseCloses the opened layout.

- CategoryOpens the [Category list] dialog box. You can create, edit, and deletecategories.

- ExitCloses the DCM Console.

[Edit] menu- Undo

Undoes the previous operation performed on the open layout.

- CopyCopies the selected region to the clipboard.

- PastePastes the selected region from the clipboard to the layout.

- DeleteRegion Del: Deletes the selected region.Layout: Deletes the opened layout.

- Aspect-ratioPreserves the aspect ratio of the selected region.

- OrderChanges the layer order of the region within a layout.


[View] menu- Show Grid

Shows/Hides the grid on a layout.

- Grid SettingsOpensthe[GridSettings]dialogbox.Youcanspecifythehorizontalandvertical intervals of the grid.

- Tool barShows/Hides the Tool bar.

- Status barShows/Hides the Status bar.

[Go] menuSwitches the functions. (See "1.1. Navigation bar" on page 32.)

[Action] menu- Copy LayoutOpensthe[CopyLayout]dialogbox.Youcancopythecurrentlyopenedlayout to a new name.

[Option] menuSpecifiesthevarioussettingsontheDCMConsole.(See"1.2.1.Menubar[Option] menu" on page 34-35.)

[Help] menu- About

Opens the [About DisplayContentManager] dialog box of the DCM Console.

Chapter 3


1-4 Playlist window Youcancreate,edit,anddeleteplaylistsonthePlaylistwindow.






(1) Menu bar

Displays the menu for creating playlists.

(2) Tool bar

Displays the shortcut icons to be used frequently on the Playlist window.

(3) Navigation bar


(4) Main area

Displays the name of the playlist you are currently editing.

(5) Properties area

Displays the setting information for the playlist, setting information for selected components (that is, materials registered to the playlist), and list of components.

(6) Status bar

Displays the status of operations.


1-4-1 Menu barOn the menu bar of the Playlist window, the following operations are available.

[File] menu- NewOpens the [Create a new playlist] dialog box. You can create a newplaylist.

- OpenOpensthe[Playlistlist]dialogbox.Youcanopenanexistingplaylist.

- CloseCloses the opened playlist.

- CategoryOpens the [Category list] dialog box. You can create, edit, and deletecategories.

- ExitCloses the DCM Console.

[Edit] menu- Undo

Undoes the previous operation performed on the open playlist.

- CutCuts the selected component to the clipboard.

- CopyCopies the selected component to the clipboard.

- PastePastes the selected component from the clipboard to the playlist.

- DeleteComponent Del: Deletes the selected component.Playlist: Deletes the opened playlist.

[View] menu- Region width

Sets the width of a region Fixed/Valiable.

- Time ScaleSpecifiesaunitofthetimelinescalefortheplaylist.

Chapter 3


- Bin WindowShows/Hides the Bin window.

- Display Bin Window to TopDisplays the Bin window on the top of the screen.

- Keep Bin Window on TopSpecifieswhethertheBinwindowisalwaysdisplayedontop.

- Tool bar Shows/Hides the Tool bar.

- Status barShows/Hides the Status bar.

[Go] menuSwitches the functions. (See "1.1. Navigation bar" on page 32.)

[Action] menu- PreviewOpensthe[Preview]dialogbox.Youcanstartaplaybackwiththestartingtimespecified.

- Copy playlistOpensthe[CopyPlaylist]dialogbox.Youcancopythecurrentlyopenedplaylist to a new name.

[Option] menuSpecifiesthevarioussettingsontheDCMConsole.(See"1.2.1.Menubar[Option] menu" on page 34-35.)

[Help] menu- About

Opens the [About DisplayContentManager] dialog box of the DCM Console.


1-5 Schedule window Youcancreate,edit,anddeletechannels/commandchannelsandschedules(playlist/command) on the Schedule window.






(1) Menu bar

Displays the menu for creating channel/command channel and schedule (playlist/command).

(2) Tool bar

Displays the shortcut icons to be used frequently on the Schedule window.

(3) Navigation bar


(4) Main area

Displays the name of the schedule you are currently editing.

(5) Properties area

Displays the setting information for the channel/command channel, setting information for selected schedules (playlists/commands), and list of schedules.

(6) Status bar

Displays the status of operations.

Chapter 3


1-5-1 Menu barOn the menu bar of the Schedule window, the following operations are available.

[File] menu- NewOpens the [Create a new channel] dialog box. You can create a newchannel/command channel.

- OpenOpensthe[ChannelList]dialogbox.Youcanopenanexistingchannel.

- UpdateOpens the [Update Channel] dialog box. You can specify a channel/command channel to be updated. Schedules are updated on all servers and groups that use the selected channel/command channel.

- Export ScheduleOpensthe[ExportSchedule]dialogbox.Youcanspecifyaperiodandatarget folder and can export "Schedule.txt."

- ExitCloses the DCM Console.

[Edit] menu- Undo

Undoes the previous operation performed on the schedule (playlist/command).

- CutCuts the selected schedule (playlist/command) to the clipboard.

- CopyCopies the selected schedule (playlist/command) to the clipboard.

- PastePastes the selected schedule (playlist/command) from the clipboard to the channel/command channel.

- DeleteSchedule Del: Deletes the selected schedule (playlist/command).Channel: Deletes the selected channel/command channel.


[View] menu- Channel width

Sets the width of a channel/command channel Fixed/Valiable.

- Channel TypeSpecifiesachanneltypetodisplay.Playlist: Displays the timeline for the playlist schedule.Command: Displays the timeline for the command schedule.

- Time scaleSpecifiesaunitofthetimelinescaleforthechannel/commandchannel.

- InformationOpensthe[ChannelInformation]dialogbox.Youcanlistgroupsthathavea particular channel/command channel.

- Bin WindowShows/Hides the Bin window.

- Display Bin Window on TopDisplays the Bin window on the top of the screen.

- Keep Bin Window on TopSpecifieswhethertheBinwindowisalwaysdisplayedontop.

- Tool barShows/Hides the Tool bar.

- Status barShows/Hides the Status bar.

[Go] menuSwitches the functions. (See "1.1. Navigation bar" on page 32.)

- TodayDisplays today's schedule on the main area.

- Current timeMoves the timeline so that the current time is displayed on the main area.

[Action] menu- Copy 1day's ScheduleOpensthe[Copy1day'sSchedule]dialogbox.Youcancopytheschedulesofthedaydisplayedonthemainareatoaspecifieddate.

Chapter 3


- Delete 1day's ScheduleOpens the [Delete 1day's Schedule] dialog box. You can delete theschedules(playlist/command)inaspecifiedrange.

[Option] menuSpecifiesthevarioussettingsontheDCMConsole.(See"1.2.1.Menubar[Option] menu" on page 34-35.)

[Help] menu- About

Opens the [About DisplayContentManager] dialog box of the DCM Console.


1-6 Target window Youcanregister,edit,anddeletetargets(server,group,client),specifyauto-updatesettings, and manually update schedules..






(1) Menu bar

Displays the menu for registering targets (server, group, client) and updating schedules.

(2) Tool bar

Displays the shortcut icons to be used frequently on the Target window.

(3) Navigation bar


(4) Main area

Lists the registered targets (server, group, client).

(5) Properties area

Displays the setting information for selected targets (server, group, client).

(6) Status bar

Displays the status of operations.

Chapter 3


1-6-1 Menu barOn the menu bar of the Target window, the following operations are available.

[File] menu- NewServer:Opens the [Createanewserver]dialogbox.Youcanregistera

MEDIAEDGE Server and specify its shared-directory settings, access information (account, password), and auto-update schedules.

Group:Opensthe[GroupSettings]dialogbox.Youcanregisteraclientgroup.Youcanspecifythechannelandthechanneledcommandsto deliver to the groups. For groups that belong to a MEDIAEDGE Server, you can specify the delivery method for video materials.

For groups that do not belong to a MEDIAEDGE Server, you can specify settings for auto-updating schedules.

Client: Opensthe[CreateanewClient]dialogbox.YoucanspecifyanIPaddress for registering clients.

- UpdateOpensthe[UpdateSettings]dialogbox.Youcanupdateselectedservers/groups. Schedules are updated on all the servers and groups selected.

- ExitCloses the DCM Console.

[Edit] menu- Delete

Deletes the selected targets (server, group, client). Once a server or a group is deleted, all targets that belong to the server or the group are deleted.

[View] menu- Tool bar

Shows/Hides the Tool bar.

- Status barShows/Hides the Status bar.


[Go] menuSwitches the functions. (See "1.1. Navigation bar" on page 32.)

[Action] menuNot available.

[Option] menuSpecifiesthevarioussettingsontheDCMConsole.(See"1.2.1.Menubar[Option] menu" on page 34-35.)

[Help] menu- About

Opens the [About DisplayContentManager] dialog box of the DCM Console.

Chapter 3


2 Status Monitor

2-1 Main window On the Status Monitor, you can check the status of each terminal.




(1) Menu bar

Displays the menu for the Status Monitor.

(2) Main area

Displays the monitoring targets (MEDIAEDGE Server/Client) and operation logs.

(3) Status bar

Displays the status of operations.


2-1-1 Menu barOn the menu bar of the Status Monitor, the following operations are available.

[File] menu- SaveSavestheinformationdisplayedonthemainareaasatextfile.

- ExitCloses the Status Monitor.

[Edit] menu- Copy

Copies the information displayed on the main area to the clipboard.

[View] menu- Refresh

Updates the information displayed on the main area.

-RefleshintervalSpecifies how often to update the information displayed on the mainarea.- Manual: Does not update.-15sec–5min:Updatesinthespecifiedintervals.

- Display Log TargetSpecifiesatargettodisplayonthemainareaoftheLogwindowand/orPlay Log window.

- Log DirectoryOpens the shared directory where the log files for the DB Server,MEDIAEDGE Server, and MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS are stored.

- Status barShows/Hides the Status bar.

[Go] menuSwitches the functions to use.

- Play StatusJumps to the Play Status window. Lists the status of the playback on clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS, MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS).

Chapter 3


- Transfer StatusJumps to the Transfer Status window. Lists the status of the transfer on target(MEDIAEDGEServer,clientsthatdownloadschedulefiles locallywithout belonging to a MEDIAEDGE Server), where schedules are transferred to.

- Status 1, 2, 3Jumps to the Status window. Lists the status of the clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS, MEDIAEDGE-SWT3 DS).

-ConfigJumpstotheconfigurationstatuswindow.Liststhesettingsoftheclients(HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS). You canexport/import these settings.

- LogJumps to the Log window. Displays the DCM service log of the MEDIAEDGE Server or the operation log of the client (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS).

- Play LogJumps to the Play Log window. Displays the playback log of the clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS).

[Control] menu- Web Console

Displays the Web console of the clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS).

- Firmware UpdateOpens the [Firmware Update] dialog box for clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync,MEDIAEDGE-STB3DS). Updates firmware of the specifiedclients.

- RebootOpens the [Reboot] dialog box for clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3DS).Restartsthespecifiedclients.

- Shutdown (SNMP)Opens the [Shutdown] dialog box for clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS). Turns the power of clients off via SNMP.YoumustspecifytheSNMPsettingsonclientsbeforehand.


- Export settingOpens the [Export setting] dialog box. Saves the settings information on thespecifiedclient(HDMA-4000,HDMA-4000Sync,MEDIAEDGE-STB3DS)asatextfile.

- Import settingOpens the [Import setting] dialog box. Applies the information in the settings fileonthespecifiedclient(HDMA-4000,HDMA-4000Sync,MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS).

[Option] menu-Configuration

Opens the [Settings] dialog box.Target: Ifchecked,thestatusofanytargetspecified

is displayed. If unchecked, the status of the target registered to the DCM Console is displayed.

Webconsole: Specifies the user name and password forspecifying settings on the Web console of clients (HDMA-4000, HDMA-4000Sync, MEDIAEDGE-STB3 DS).

SNMP: SpecifiesthecommunitynameforSNMP.

- Server LoggerOpens the [Server logger setting] dialog box.Server: Specifiestheservertomodifythelogrecord

settings.Enablesyslogreceiver: ReceivesSyslogandsavesasafile.Enable client log collection: Saves the log for the client to which the

selected MEDIAEDGE Server delivers (for the DB Server, the log for the client that works inlocalplayback)asafile.

Collectioninterval: Specifieshowoften theserveracquires logfrom clients.

CollectTimeatonce: Specifies howmany lines of log to acquirewith a single acquisition operation. To acquire all lines, specify 0.

Logpreservation: Specifieshowmanydaystostorethelog.Tostoreindefinitely,specify0.

Chapter 3


- Column settingOpens the [Column setting] dialog box. Shows/Hides the list items on Play status,Transferstatus,Status,Configwindows.

[Help] menu- About Status Monitor

Opens the [About Status Monitor] dialog box of the Status Monitor.


This chapter describes the operations of Display Content Manager (DCM Console, Status Monitor).

-Operationsworkflow- Operations on the DCM Console- Operations on the Status Monitor


Chapter 4

Chapter 4


1 Operations workflow

On Display Content Manager, you can realize comprehensive workflow, fromregistering materials to creating schedules and specifying schedule updates to targets,withtheDCMConsole.Youcanviewinformationsuchasschedule-updatestatus on the target and the playback status on client terminals. The following table showsanoverviewoftheDisplayContentManagerworkflow.

Procedure Window Action

(1) Registering materials > page 58

DCM Console/Material window

Register materials to use as components in a playlist. Upload registered materials to the FTP Server, where they can be updated.

(2) Creating layouts > page 63

DCM Console/Layout window

Create the screen layout. Divide a monitor screen into multiple regions, for placing multiple materials.

(3) Creating playlist > page 66

DCM Console/Playlist window

Create a playlist (program) out of the layout. Place materials as components for a playlist.

(4) Creating channel, schedule > page 68

DCM Console/Schedule window

Create channels (programs) and schedule playlists.

(5) Registering targets, updating schedule > page 70

DCM Console/Target window

Register a MEDIAEDGE Server and clients. Assign clients to a group. Specify a channel to play on each group. Then start updating schedule.

(6) Checking the transfer status > page 77

Status Monitor/Transfer status window

Check the progress and result of a schedule update on the MEDIAEDGE Server and clients.

(7) Checking clients > page 78

Status Monitor/Playback status window

Check the playback status of the clients.


2 Operations on the DCM Console

2-1 Launching DCM Console Here is how to open the DCM Console.

1 Double-click the [DCMConsole] icon on the desktop. Alternatively, from the [Start] menu, choose [All Programs] > [canopus] > [DisplayContentManager] and click [DCM console].→TheDCMConsoleopens.

Chapter 4


2-2 Operations on the Material window You can register materials and upload them to an FTP Server. In this section,procedures for video and ticker materials are explained as an example.

2-2-1 Registering video materials

1 Click the [Material] button on the Navigation bar.→TheMaterialwindowopens.

2 From the menu bar, choose [View] > [Material type] > [Video].→Thelistofthevideomaterialsis


&POINTTo reduce the number of displayed items, allocate materials to categories and then display selected categories. To allocate materials to a category, create a category, display the items with the category, and then register them as a new material. Alternatively, choose materials registered and choose a category from the properties area.

3 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New].→The[SelectVideoFile]dialogbox



4 Choose materials to register and click the [Open] button.* Multiple materials can be registered at one time.

Chapter 4


2-2-2 Registering ticker materials

1 From the menu bar, choose [View] > [Material type] > [Ticker].→Thelistoftickermaterialsis


2 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New].

3 Choose the created tickers from the list and double-click the [String] on the Properties area.

4 Specify parameters other than [String] on the Properties area.*Tocheckthebehaviorofthespecifiedparameters,

from the menu bar, choose [Action] > [Preview].


&POINTWhen you click a created ticker, setting parameters are displayed on the properties area on the right of the window. If necessary, modify settings such as font color, backgroundcolor,anddisplayspeed.Youcanalsopreviewthematerialwiththecurrentmodifications.

&Tips: "Materials that originally have a duration and materials that do not have a duration”

For material types of video and audio that have an original duration, once the material is registered, you can set its display duration to a value shorter than the original duration. For material types such as still pictures that do not have an original duration, youcansetanylengthofdisplayduration.ForthematerialtypeofFLASHfilesthatmay have an original duration, handle them as materials that do not have an original duration on the DCM Console. For the material type of command (control command, volume), you cannot specify a display duration.

&Tips:"Operationsofcopyingfilesatthetimeofregisteringmaterials"AllthefilesthathavebeenregisteredasmaterialsaremaintainedintheMaterialfolder.Whenafilethathasbeenstoredelsewhereisregisteredasamaterial,itiscopiedtoapredefinedfolderintheMaterialfolder.WhenafilethathasbeenstoredintheMaterialfolderisregisteredasamaterial,thatveryfileisregisteredasmaterial;itis not copied.

&Tips: "Material type of HTML"Normally,aWebpageconsistsofHTMLfilesandthepicturefilesthatarereferredtofromHTMLfiles.ForthematerialtypeofHTML,registertheHTMLfilesasmaterialsfirst,andthenregisteralltheotherfilesthatarereferredtofromtheHTMLfilesaschildmaterials.AlsonotethattheURIsforthefilesreferredtomustbedefinedasrelative path. When you register the material type of HTML, do so from the Material foldersothattherelativepositionsbetweenfilesareretained.

Chapter 4


2-2-3 Uploading registered materials to FTP

1 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [FTP] > [Upload].→The[FTPServer]dialogboxopens.

2 Check the FTP Servers to upload materials to and click [OK].

&NOTESNormally, choose all the FTP servers. When any of the FTP servers are unchecked, thefilesmaynotbeuploadedproperly.

3 Click[Yes].→Uploadingmaterialsbegins.

4 Once uploading is completed and the [Upload Result] dialog box opens,click[OK]tofinishuploadprocedures.


2-3 Operations on the Layout window Here is how to create layouts and specify regions.

2-3-1 Creating layout

1 Click the [Layout] button on the Navigation bar.→TheLayoutwindowopens.

2 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New] > [Layout].→The[Createanewlayout]dialogbox


3 Specify the layout settings to create and click [OK].→Thelayoutiscreatedanddisplayed

on the main area.

- [Name]

Enter a layout name.

- [Category]

Choose a category to belong to.

- [Product]

Choose a target product.

- [Preset]/[Size]

Choose/Specify a layout size.

Chapter 4


2-3-2 Creating region

1 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New] > [Region].→ARegioniscreatedinalayer.

&POINTYoucanalsocreatearegiononthelayoutbydraggingthemouseonanareawhereno region exists.

2 Modify the size and the position of the region on the layout.

&POINTYoucandrag&dropacreatedregiononthewindowtomodifyitssizeandposition.Also, you can enter values in the Properties area on the right of the window to obtain fineparametersettings.


&NOTESIn order to specify the size of a region, check the size and the aspect ratio of the content to display in advance.


&Tips: "Saving layout"Layoutchangesarealwayskeptoverwritten.Youdon'tneedtoperformanyoperations for saving.

&Tips: "Video region"On the region whose [use video material] option on the Properties area is checked, you can place any types of materials, including video. On other regions, you can place only materials other than video.YoucancreateonlyonevideoregioninalayoutforHDMA-4000orMEDIAEDGE-STB3DS.YoucancreateuptofourvideoregionsinalayoutforMEDIAEDGE-SWT3DS.

3 To create additional regions, repeat Steps 1 and 2.

Chapter 4


2-4 Operations on the Playlist window Here is how to create playlists and place materials on the timeline for a region.

2-4-1 Creating playlist

1 Click the [Playlist] button on the Navigation bar.→ThePlaylistwindowopens.

2 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New].→The[Createanewplaylist]dialog

box opens.

3 Specify the duration of the playlist and a layout to make a playlist out of, and click [OK].→Theplaylistiscreatedanddisplayed

on the main area.


2-4-2 Registering components

1 From the menu bar, choose [View] > [Bin Window].→TheBinWindowopens.

2 Click a material on the [Bin Window] and click on the timeline to place it in a region.→Thematerialisplacedasa


3 To register additional components to regions, repeat Steps 1 and 2.

&Tips: "Saving playlists"Changestotheplaylistarealwayskeptoverwritten.Youdon'tneedtoperformanyoperations for saving.

Chapter 4


2-5 Operations on the Schedule window Here is how to create channel and register schedules.

2-5-1 Creating channels

1 Click the [Schedule] button on the Navigation bar.→TheSchedulewindowopens.

2 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New].→The[Createanewchannel]dialog

box opens.

3 Choose a channel name and a product to use from the pulldown list and click [OK]. →Achanneliscreated.


2-5-2 Creating schedules

1 From the menu bar, choose [View] > [Bin Window].→TheBinWindowopens.

2 Click a playlist on the [Bin Window] and click on the timeline to place it in a channel.→Theplaylistisplacedasaschedule.

&POINTUnlikethe[Playlist]timeline,the[Schedule]timelinespecifiesschedulesbasedontheactual date and time to broadcast.

3 To register additional schedules to a channel, repeat Step 2.

&Tips: "Saving schedules"Schedulesregisteredtochannelsarealwayskeptoverwritten.Youdon'tneedtoperform any operations for saving.

Chapter 4


2-6 Operations on the Target window Here is how to register targets and update schedules.

2-6-1 Registering servers

1 Click the [Target] button on the Navigation bar. →TheTargetwindowopens.

2 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New] > [Server].→The[Createanewserver]dialogbox



3 Specify the server information to register and click [OK]. →Aserverisregistered.

- [Name] Enter a server name to register.

- [IP Address] Enter an IP address to a server to register.

- [Folder]

Enterthenamefortheshareddirectorythatwasspecifiedduringinstallation.* Enter the alias name for the shared directory.* For the account and password, enter information for the account that has access privileges to the shared


- [Account] Enter an account name.

* Enter the account name in the form [computer name]\[account name] or [domain name]\[account name].* In the default OS settings, if the server password is blank (not set), a connection cannot be established.

Be sure to set a password in advance.

- [Update Start Time] Specify the starting time for auto-updating schedules.

- [Update Length] Specifyanestimateddurationfortheauto-update.Ifyouwantthefiletransferto execute slowly, specify a large value.* This option does not guarantee the actual duration for the update.

- [Update Pattern] Specify the intervals at which to auto-update schedules.

* Auto-update updates schedules for the period of a week. Specify this option so that an auto-update happens at least once a week.

Chapter 4


2-6-2 Registering groups

1 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New] > [Group].→The[GroupSettings]dialogbox



2 Specify the group information to register and click [OK]. →Agroupisregistered.

- [Name] Enter a group name to register.

- [Product] Choose a product to use.

- [Server] Choose a server to use.*Settingsspecifiedontheserverareused.You

cannot specify [Update Start Time], [Update Length], or [Update Pattern].

- [Parent Group] Choose a parent group to use.

- [Channel] Choose a channel to use.

- [Command Channel] Choose a command channel to use.

- [Delivery] Specify a delivery method for video materials on the MEDIAEDGE Server.

* When the [None (local)] option is selected on the server, this option is not available.

- [Update Start Time] Specify the starting time for auto-updating schedules.

- [Update Length] Specifyanestimateddurationfortheauto-update.Ifyouwantthefiletransferto execute slowly, set a large value. * This option does not guarantee the actual duration for the update.

- [Update Pattern] Specify the intervals at which to auto-update schedules.

* Auto-update updates schedules for the period of a week. Specify this option so that an auto-update happens at least once a week.

&POINTA group is a target to deliver programs. If multiple programs exist, the same number of groups are required, and clients to display programs should be registered within each group.

Chapter 4


2-6-3 Registering clients

1 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [New] > [Client].→Opensthe[Createanewclient]

dialog box.

2 Specify the client information to register and click [OK].→Aclientisregistered.

- [Name] Enter a client name to register.- [Group] Choose a group name to use.- [IP Address] Enter the IP address for the client.

&POINTNetworkconfigurationsforaclient’sIPaddressdifferaccordingtowhethertheclientis connected via an Intranet or the Internet. Be sure to check a client’s IP address in advance.


2-6-4 Manual update of schedules

1 From the menu bar, choose [File] > [Update].→The[UpdateSettings]dialogbox


2 Check the target (MEDIAEDGE servers or groups that do not belong to any MEDIAEDGE servers) to update schedules and click [OK]. Schedule updates begin.

3 Schedule updates begin.→Oncescheduleupdatesarecompleted,thenextschedulefromthefinished

time is enabled to play.* To view the update status of the schedules, see "3.2. Checking the transfer status" in the next section.

&Tips: "Auto-update of schedules"Even if you manually update schedules, auto-updates are performed according to the specifiedauto-updatesettings(UpdateStartTime,UpdateLength,UpdatePattern).

&Tips: "Manual update of schedules on the Channel window"Youcanupdateschedulesbychoosing,fromthemenubarontheChannelwindow,[File] > [Update]. Specify the channel/command channel to update and click [OK]. Schedules are updated on all servers and on groups that use the selected channel/command channel.

Chapter 4


3 Operations on the Status Monitor

3-1 Starting the Status Monitor Here is how to start the Status Monitor.

&POINTBefore opening the Status Monitor, open the Target window of the DCM Console and register servers and clients.

1 From the [Start] menu, click [All Programs] > [canopus] > [DisplayContentManager] > [Status Monitor].→TheStatusMonitoropens.


3-2 Checking the transfer status Here is how to monitor the transfer status on the Status Monitor.

1 From the main menu, choose [Go] > [Transfer Status].→Thetransferstatuswindowopens

and the transfer status on the registered server and clients is displayed.

Chapter 4


3-3 Checking the play status Here is how to monitor the play status on the Status Monitor.

1 From the main menu, choose [Go] > [Play Status].→Theplaystatuswindowopensand

the play status on the registered clients is displayed.

&Tips: "Auto-update of list"To update the displayed list automatically, choose, from the main menu, [View] > [Refresh Interval] and set the update intervals.

&Tips: "Setting the list items"To change the items to display and their orders, choose, from the main menu, [Option] > [Column setting].


- Limitations


Chapter 5

Chapter 5


1 Limitations

Maximum number of contents that can be played ■simultaneously

HDMA-4000/STB3 DS ●Video: 1, Image: 1, Ticker: 1, FLASH: 1, HTML: 1, Audio: 1* Note that the video and audio cannot be used simultaneously.

SWT3 DS ●Video: 4, Image: 16, Ticker: 2, FLASH: 4, HTML: 4, Audio: 4

Layout ■ Fixed size of 1920x1080 dots is available on HDMA-4000/STB3 DS; any size between -480x480 dots and 1920x1920 dots is available on SWT3 DS.

* WithregardtoplaybackonHDMA-4000orSTB3DS,accordingtothehardwarespecifications,playbackisexecutedin video: 1920×1080 dots, others (image, ticker, FLASH, HTML): 960×540 dots. (Materials other than video are played zoomed to 1920×1080 dots.)

* WithregardtoplaybackontheHDMA-4000orSTB3DS,accordingtothehardwarespecifications,videoisplayedin the background. Tickers are played in the foreground.

Up to 20 regions are available to place on a layer. - Up to 1 video region is available to place on a layout on STB3 DS or HDMA4000; up to -4 video regions are available on SWT3 DS.

Playlist ■ The duration of a playlist can be between 15 seconds (minimum) and 23 hours 59 -minutes 59 seconds (maximum).Upto1000componentscanbespecifiedinaplaylist. -

Schedule ■ The duration of a schedule can be between 15 seconds (minimum) and 23 hours 59 -minutes 59 seconds (maximum).Upto1000itemscanbespecifiedinascheduleforaday. -Upto100itemscanbespecifiedinacommandscheduleforaday. -

Limitations on the material playback ■Materials (video, image, ticker, FLASH, HTML, audio) on a playlist can be registered, even though the times of the playback overlap. However, materials thatcanbeplayedsimultaneouslymustcomplywiththespecificationslistedin"Maximum number of contents that can be played simultaneously." Also note that materials that are executed later take playback precedence.

top related