dispersal and vicariance in hawaiian platynine carabid beetles

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Pacific Science (1997), vol. 51, no. 4: 424-439© 1997 by University of Hawai'i Press. All rights reserved

Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Platynine Carabid Beetles(Coleoptera)1


ABSTRACT: The monophyletic, native Hawaiian Platynini have diversified on theHawaiian Island chain through progressive colonization, mixed with vicariance onthe various islands. Single-island endemism stands at 97% of the species, with thefew widespread species exhibiting distributions largely congruent with the fundamen­tal area cladogram found using cladistic biogeographic methods. The cost ofaccepting an ad hoc dispersal hypothesis for individual taxa that conflicts with thefundamental area cladogram is weighed against the savings in items of error whentaxa are excluded from the biogeographic analysis. Based on this objective assess­ment, only one back-dispersal from Maui Nui to O'ahu is supported. Vicariance ofMaui Nui, leading to the present-day islands of Moloka'i, Uina'i, and Maui, hasresulted in seven resolvable species triplets composed of single-island endemicsoccupying these areas. These seven triplets represent five biogeographic patterns,necessitating explanation by numerous ad hoc hypotheses of extinction to supporta single hypothesis of area relationships. In six of the seven triplets, the cladisticallybasal species exhibits a higher minimum elevational limit of occupied habitat thaneither of the more apical sister species. This result is consistent with isolation ofmore persistent, peripheral populations at higher elevations, leading to speciation.Comparison of higher-elevation endemics to lower-elevation widespread speciessupports this interpretation. Such a finding affirms the importance of understandinggeographic distribution on a scale appropriate to the action of vicariant mechanisms.

HISTORICAL BIOGEOGRAPHIC analysis hasbecome more rigorous because of the develop­ment of the cladistic biogeographic method, inwhich phylogenetic relationships of taxa areused as the basis for hypothesizing historicalrelationships among areas of endemism definedby distributions of those taxa (Platnick and Nel­son 1978, Rosen 1978, Nelson and Platnick1981). Connecting the analysis of historical arearelationships to historical relationships of taxa,coupled with adoption of objective means tohypothesize phylogenetic relationships (Hennig1966, Farris et al. 1970) provided an objectivebasis to the discipline. Recent developments in

I Funding from the National Geographic Society (grantno. 4431-90) and the National Science Foundation (grantno. DEB-9208269) is gratefully acknowledged. This is con­tribution no. 1996-011 of the Hawai'i Biological Survey,Manuscript accepted 3 February 1997.

2 Department of Entomology, Comstock Hall, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New York 14853-0901; Research Associ­ate, B. P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817-0916,

the use of Nelson and Platnick's (1981) conceptof items of error to quantify the fit of one patternto another (Page 1990, 1993, 1994) have alloweda more precise means to analyze congruenceof biogeographic and coevolutionary patterns.Such methods have most often been aimed atilluminating patterns of vicariance, because theargument was made early on that dispersal pat­terns were essentially random (Rosen 1978).More recently, the interpretation that both dis-'persal and vicariance can explain biogeographicpatterns, with such explanation dependenton a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships(Minaka 1987), eliminates the dichotomy be­tween dispersal and vicariance explanations inbiogeography, and replaces it with the searchfor common patterns and causes, versus distinctpatterns and causes.

The Hawaiian Islands are an ideal venue forexploration of such common and distinct pat­terns. Species-level diversity and endemicity areboth extreme on the island chain, with as few


Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Carabids-LIEBHERR 425

as 230 to 250 ancestors necessary as foundersfor the over 5000 native insects (Zimmerman1948, Nishida 1992, Miller and Eldredge 1995).Single-island endemicity approaches 100% innumerous taxa (Nishida 1992): for example,Ag1ycyderidae, Cerambycidae, and Curculioni­dae (Coleoptera); Do1ichopodidae and Droso­phi1idae (Diptera); Cixiidae and Delphacidae(Homoptera); Cosmopterygidae (Lepidoptera);Psocidae (Psocoptera). Because widespread dis­tributions are anathema to cladistic biogeo­graphic analysis (Nelson and Platnick 1981),these high levels of endemism permit derivationof area relationships from phylogenetic relation­ships in a relatively straightforward manner.That much of the biogeographic pattern inHawai'i is based on overwater dispersal is indis­putable given current knowledge of the geologi­cal history of the Islands (Clague and Dalrymple1987, 1989). Nonetheless, the subsidence ofMaui Nui affords the search for vicariant pat­terns among the resulting islands of Moloka'i,Lana'i, and Maui.

This paper analyzes the biogeographic his­tory for a group of Hawaiian carabid beetles:the native species of the tribe Platynini. Thisgroup composes one of only three tribes repre­sented in the native carabid beetle fauna, theothers being the tribe Bembidiini with 26described species represented (Britton 1948a)and the genus Mecyclothorax Sharp of the tribePsydrini (Britton 1948b) with about 165 nativespecies now known (J.K.L. and E. C. Zimmer­man, unpubl. data).

The phylogenetic relationships of the nativePlatynini were used to derive a general hypothe­sis of area relationships (Liebherr and Zimmer­man, in press). Working from that generalhypothesis, deviations including both dispersal­based and vicariance-based elements wereinvestigated. Discordant dispersal is objectivelyidentified by items of error criteria used to quan­tify the fit of observed c1adograms to particularpatterns. Deviations from a general vicariancehypothesis for Maui Nui are explained by theassociation of elevational shifts in peripheralpopulations with speciation. Investigation ofexplanatory mechanisms beyond vicariance ispresented as a complementary approach to bio­geographic analysis. Both methods require com­prehensive field collections with precise data: a

goal worthy of all research programs, but espe­cially needed in Hawai'i because of the limitedgeographic ranges of species and degradationof native habitats due to invasion by exotics(Howarth 1985, Liebherr and Polhemus 1997).

Hawaiian Platynini

The carabid beetle tribe Platynini comprisesover 2500 species in approximately 350 namedgenera, with an aggregate worldwide distribu­tion. Species-level diversity and endemicity aregreatest in tropical montane forests, with majorradiations in Mexico, Central America, and theAntilles (Whitehead 1973, Liebherr 1986, 1992),South America (Moret 1990a,b, 1993, 1994),Madagascar (Jeannel 1948, Basilewsky 1985),Asia (e.g., Louwerens 1953), New Guinea (Dar­lington 1952), and the Hawaiian Islands (Sharp1903). The restricted geographic ranges ofmon­tane endemic species are due primarily to thelong-term duration of such habitats during cli­matic cycling, resulting in extensive adaptationof species to localized habitats (Southwood1977). This adaptation is best exemplified bythe evolution of reduced flight capacity, throughthe shortening of the metathoracic episterna andflight wings in taxa of most montane tropicalradiations ofthe tribe (e.g., Sharp 1903, Darling­ton 1952, Liebherr 1988).

The Hawaiian Platynini represent a uniquelyprolific level of diversification, with 128 speciesfound within the 16,640 km2 of the Islands(Table 1). In comparison, Japan supports 140species (Habu 1978) within its area of 369,700km2

, Madagascar houses 326 species (Basilew-





Kaua'i 24 24 100O'ahu 32 32 100Moloka'i 21 17 81Llina'i 5 3 60West Maui 17 13 76East Maui 35 31 89Hawai'j 6 4 67Total 128 124 97


sky 1985) in 594,180 km2, and New Guinea is

home to 164 species (Darlington 1952, 1971)over 808,510 km2

• Species distributions ofHawaiian platynines are extremely limited, withonly four species found on more than one island(Table 1), and two of these widespread speciesrestricted to the islands that formerly were part ofthe superisland Maui Nui. Even within islands,known distributions may be limited to singleridges or valleys. On Kaua'i, two undescribedspecies ("atra" and "kahili") are known onlyfrom Mount Kahili, a southern spur of theKawaikini-Wai'ale'ale central uplands. OnO'ahu, the 32 species include 8 restricted to thewestern Wai'anae range and 14 restricted to theeastern Ko'olau Mountains.

The extreme endemicity of the Hawaiianplatynines makes them ideal candidates for cla­distic biogeographic analysis (Platnick and Nel­son 1978). Cladistic analysis of the HawaiianPlatynini (Liebherr and Zimmerman, in press),based on 206 morphological characters andincluding all native Hawaiian species plus 41outgroup taxa, indicates that the Hawaiianplatynine radiation is monophyletic, with theclosest outgroup the genus Lorostema Motschul­sky, distributed in India, Southeast Asia, NewGuinea and northern Australia, and the South­west Pacific as far as Tahiti (Figure 1). There­fore, biogeographic analysis of the Hawaiianplatynines provides the opportunity to deduce

PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 51, October 1997

the history of a radiation resulting from coloniza­tion by a single common ancestor that has subse­quently been played out on all the high islands.This not only adds another case study to thegrowing core of studies dealing with biogeo­graphic relationships of Hawaiian endemicorganisms (Wagner and Funk 1995), but becauseof the extreme endemicity and diversity of thegroup, also permits the search for repeated bio­geographic patterns among the included taxa.Because cladistic biogeography attempts to sum­marize all area relationships in a single clado­gram of areas, deviations from that summarycan be investigated in light of various attributesof the attendant taxa. In this study, I first presentthe general biogeographic pattern exhibited byHawaiian Platynini and then investigate concor­dant and discordant patterns of dispersal amongthe major islands, as well as the vicariant patternamong the fragments of the superisland MauiNui.

Biogeographic Patterns

The cladistic analysis of native HawaiianPlatynini (Liebherr and Zimmerman, in press)was used as the basis for this biogeographicanalysis. The strict consensus cladogram of14,169 equally parsimonious cladograms-thenumber of trees stored was limited by computermemory and the NONA tree-finding programrr Loros'ema (SE As;a, Japao, SW Padl~1

nsp. "mandibularis" (K)

I :'Pocaccus posticatus (K)

UI Colpocaccus tantalus (0)

[[ Co/pocaceus ~naieosls (Mk + l + WM + EM)

Colpocaccus hawaiiensis (H)

FIGURE I. Cladistic relationships at base of Hawaiian platynine radiation and closest outgroup, Lorostema Motschulsky.Undescribed species name in quotation marks preceded by abbreviation "nsp." Area abbreviations are as follows: K, Kaua'i;0, O'ahu; Mk, Moloka'i; L, Lana'i; WM, West Maui; EM, East Maui; H, Hawai'i (Big Island).

Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Carabids-LIEBHERR 427

(Goloboff 1995)-showed that all discoveredcladograms agreed on the monophyly of thegroup (Figure 1). Because the strict consensuscladogram (e.g., Figures 2, 3) retained a consis­tent and repeated pattern of area relationshipsamong the major islands (Kaua'i, O'ahu, Maui,

and the Big Island) and because the COMPO­NENT program of Page (1993) requires a fullyresolved taxon-area cladogram, the first clado­gram stored in memory was arbitrarily chosenfor this analysis.

When the resolved taxon cladogram was used

Barypristus sharpi (EM)r----I Baryprislus incendiarius (H)

Barypristus rupicola (EM)Colpodiscus lucipetens (Mk+L +WM +EM +H)

nsp. kukui (H)Apteromesus maculatus (K)

Mysticomenus mysticus (0)Mysticomenus tibialis (0)

Chalcomenus costatus (K)Chalcomenus corruscus (0)Chalcomenus molokaiensis (Mk+WM +EM +H)

nsp. polhemusi (Mk)nsp. pilikua (EM)

r-----Atelothrus aaae (EM)Disenochus curtipes (K)

nsp. polipoli (EM)Atrachycnemis sharpi (EM)

Atrachycnemis perkinsi (Mk)Atrachycnemis koebelei (WM)

Disenochus sulcipennis (K)nsp. atra (K)Disenochus erythropus (K)

nsp. bryophila (K)Mauna frigida (EM)

Disenochus munroi (Mk)nsp. viridis (WM)

Disenochus aterrimus (K)Derobroscus micans (0)

Brosconymus optatus (0)nsp. hihia (0)Anchonymus agonoides (EM)

Disenochus longipes (Mk)nsp. pukalaina (WM)Disenochus fractus (EM)

Disenochus agilis (EM)nsp. medeirosi (EM)

Prodisenochus terebratus (EM)Broscomimus lentus (EM)Disenochus anomalus (EM)Disenochus brevipes (Mk)

Disenochus cephalotes (WM)Disenochus micantipennis (K)

nsp. waialeale (K)Anchotefflus elegans (K)

Anchotefflus gracilis (0)Blackburnia insignis (0)Deropristus blaptoides (0)

Deropristus punctatus (Mk)Deropristus deroderus (EM)nsp. kipahulu (EM)

FIGURE 2. Resolved cladogram of division I used for biogeographic analysis. Internal cladogram nodes to the rightof stars collapse on the strict consensus cladogram. Undescribed species names preceded by abbreviation "nsp." Areaabbreviations as in Figure 1.

428 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 51, October 1997








as the basis for cladistic biogeographic analysisusing items of error as implemented in COMPO­NENT 2.0 (Page 1990, 1993), a single funda­mental area cladogram (Figure 4) exhibited thebest combination of fewest duplications, fewesthypothesized losses, least items of error (Page1993), and strongest underlying character sup­port (Liebherr and Zimmerman, in press). Thishypothesis recognizes the dominant pattern ofarea relationships exhibited by Hawaiianplatynines to be progressive colonization fromKaua'i to the younger islands. This progressivepattern is at the level of superislands, as the BigIsland is the sister area to the islands previouslyunited as Maui Nui: Moloka'i, Lana'i, and Maui.Therefore a vicariant pattern associated with thesubsidence of Maui Nui (Clague and Dalrymple1987) is overlain on a progressive dispersal pat­tern composing distinct oceanic islands. The pre­dominant pattern of Maui Nui vicariancerecognizes Moloka'i and West Maui as sisterareas, with East Maui their sister area. Lana'i iscladistically basal within Maui Nui. This generalpattern is at odds with the presence of the Pailolo

FIGURE 4. Single fundamental area cladogram that bestminimizes duplications, added leaves, and hypothesizedlosses (Page 1993) for Hawaiian platynine carabid taxa. Areaabbreviations as in Figure I.

FIGURE 3. Resolved c1adogram of division 2 used forbiogeographic analysis. Internal c1adogram nodes to the rightof stars collapse on the strict consensus cladogram. Unde­scribed species names preceded by abbreviation "nsp." Areaabbreviations as in Figure I.

Metromenus aequalis (0)Metromenus fraternus (0)

Melromenus limbatus (K)Metromenus pavidus (K)

Metromenus cuneipennis (0)Melromenus perpolilus (0)

Metromenus meticulosus (0)Atelolhrus fraclistriatus (0)

nsp. fordi (0)nsp. foveolala (EM)

Atelolhrus metromenoides (0)Metromenus hilaris (0)

Metromenus caJigino511s (0)Metromenus mUlabilis (0)

Metrornenus epicurus (0)nsp. hakeakapa (Mk)

* nsp. kauwa (WM)nsp. fulgida (EM)Atelothrus insociabilis (EM)

Metromenus fraudator (Mk)Atelolhrus filipes (I.)

nsp. bartlelti (WM)Atelolhrus gracilis (WM)

Alelothrus dyscoleus (EM)Melromenus palmae (0)

Atelothrus platynoides (Mk)Metromenus sphodriformis (Mk +WM +EM)

Atelolhrus depressus (I.)Metromenus moerens (Mk)

Alelothrus longulus (WM)* * Atelothrus constrictus (Mk)

Atelothrus erro (EM)nsp. asquithi (K)

nsp. kahili (K)nsp. huhula (0)

Mesothriscus muscicola (0)nsp. paludicoJa (0)

Mesothriscus kauaiensis (K)Atelolhrus transiens (K)

Mesothriscus optimus (K)Mesothriscus alternans (K)

Mesothriscus opacus (K)Metromenus lenlus (H)

Mesothriscus lauaiensis (L)Mesothriscus vagans (Mk)

nsp. auana (WM)Platynus ambiens (K)

Alelolhrus howarthi (EM)Plalynus calalhifonnis (EM)

Atelothrus debilis (Mk)nsp. kuiki (EM)

nsp. pauma (K)nsp. ulaula (EM)

Mesothriscus Iricolor (Mk)Mesolhriscus concolor (WM)Mesosthriscus microps (WM)

Metromenus latifrons (Mk)Mesolhriscus abax (Mk)

nsp. kolukala (EM)nsp. abawides (EM)

nsp. kuewa (EM)Mecumenus putealis (EM)MeCOSlomus perkinsi (EM)

Mecomenus koebelei (WM)Metromenus audax (0)

nsp. lihau (WM)Atelolhrus cheloniceps (Mk)

Metromenus calathoides (EM)nsp. paloloensis (0)

Metromenus bardus (0)Melromenus oceanicus (0)

Metromenus fossipennis (0)Metromenus fugitivtls (0)Metromenus prolervtls (0)

Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Carabids-LIEBHERR 429

Channel between Moloka'i and Maui, and thepresence of an isthmus joining West and EastMaui. Under a strictly vicariant scenario, thisimplies that mechanisms other than sea levelinundation are responsible for fragmentation ofplatynine habitats on Maui Nui; that is, vicariantpatterns were established before final subsidenceof Maui Nui resulted in establishment of thePaHolo Channel.

Dispersal Patterns: Big Island Colonization

Based on the geologic history of the Islandsand the pattern of area relationships summarizedfrom all species, the most recent colonizationsare likely to have occurred during the populationof the Big Island. Based on the taxon-area clado­gram, the six Big Island species have beenderived from at least five colonization events(Table 2). Two of these involve sister specieson Maui Nui: the sister pairs Colpocaccushawaiiensis Sharp and C. lanaiensis Sharp, andBarypristus incendiarius (Blackburn) and B.rupicola (Blackburn). In a third case, the MauiNui sister group comprises three speciesrestricted to various islands, with Metromenuslentus Sharp now occurring on the Big Island.Thus, colonization of the Big Island by M. lentuspredates the origin of the three distinct specieson Lana'i, Moloka'i, and West Maui.

One Big Island species, Chalcomenus molo­kaiensis Sharp, is widespread also on Maui Nui.On the Big Island, C. molokaiensis is restrictedto the Kohala Mountains, the northernmost andoldest volcano composing the Big Island. Thespecies is a streamside resident on Moloka'i and

Maui, suggesting that erosional aspects of theKohala Range may provide ecological require­ments necessary for this species' existence there.

The final two species-Colpodiscus lucipe­tens (Blackburn) and undescribed species"kukui"-are sisters and most parsimoniouslymay be hypothesized to have been derived viaallopatric speciation within the Big Island aftercolonization of the Big Island by a commonancestor. Colpodiscus lucipetens is distributedacross the island and on Maui Nui, whereas theundescribed species has been collected only inwindward forest on the Big Island from Hilo toKIlauea. The undescribed species is much lesscommon than C. lucipetens, and its knownrestricted range may represent inadequate col­lections from areas outside the historical collect­ing axis along the Hilo-KIlauea Road (Manning1986). Continued sampling of these taxa isrequired to adequately assess their area ofsympatry.

Based on the variety of divergence levelsexemplified by colonization events among BigIsland Platynini, the inescapable conclusion isthat the fauna of this island is being built byaccretion of individually successful colonizingtaxa. Major geologic events, such as massivefailures of older islands (Moore et al. 1989) maycontribute to such colonizations, but synchro­nous colonization does not appear to be thenonn. Three of the five colonizing episodesinvolve species currently widespread acrossislands that composed Maui Nui-Colpocaccushawaiiensis and C. lanaiensis, Chalcomenusmolokaiensis, and Colpodiscus lucipetens. Eco­logical requirements for these species are poorly





CoLpocaccus hawaiiensisBarypristus incendiariusCoLpodiscus LucipetensUndescribed sp. "kukui"ChaLcomenus moLokaiensisMetromenus Lemus





CoLpocaccus LanaiensisBarypristus rupicoLaUndescribed sp. "kukui"CoLpodiscus LucipetensChaLcomenus moLokaiensisMesothrisclls Lanaiensis + M. vagans + undescribed sp. "auana"


Maui NuiEast MauiBig IslandBig IslandMaui NuiMaui Nui

NOTE: Macropterous metathoracic wings with wing ratio 3.0-5.0 (+ + J. macropterous wings with wing ratio 1.7-2.3 (+ J, vestigialwings (-J.


understood, but the association of the majorityof colonizations with widespread species paral­lels the widespread distributions of colonists onKrakatau (Thornton et al. 1990).

Successful Big Island colonization hasoccurred in both macropterous and brachypter­ous lineages (Table 2). Of the minimum fivecolonization events possible, three involve fullywinged colonists and two involve vestigiallywinged colonists. The flight-wing configurationof the winged colonists varies. Both Colpocac­cus hawaiiensis and Colpodiscus lucipetens pos­sess metathoracic wings 3.0--4.3 times the lengthof the elytra (Liebherr and Zimmerman, inpress), the length hypothesized to be plesiomor­phic for the Platynini. Records for these speciesinclude captures on a window and in a window­pane trap, respectively, suggesting that activeflight occurs in these species. Chalcomenusmolokaiensis individuals possess flight wingswith full venation; however the alar surface isonly 1.7-2.3 times the elytrallength. All ecologi­cal information associated with this speciesinvolves collection in streamside habitats, underrocks, in litter, or on Cyanea plants. Thoughwinged, flight is therefore not proven for thisspecies. Both vestigially winged Big Island taxa(Barypristus incendiarius and Metromenus len­tus) are sister to other vestigially winged taxa,indicating that their differentiation on the BigIsland occurred in the absence of serviceableflight wings. Successful colonization in theabove cases therefore may occur by active flight,but as often by means not requiring flight, suchas transport on floating trees or other occupiedplant parts.

Older Dispersal Patterns

Hennig (1966) advanced the progression ruleto permit determination of historical dispersalpathways. By this rule, taxa possessing the mostderived character states are reasoned to occupythe most recently colonized areas. Distributionsof common ancestors are determined by the dis­tribution of the patristically closest terminaltaxa. He used the concept of rassenkreisen(sequences of subspecific taxa) to exemplify theprogression rule. Thus, a pectinate cladogram ofinfraspecific taxa inhabiting areas in the relation­ship (A(B(C(D,E)))) indicates dispersal of the

PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 51, October 1997

entire lineage from area A to area E leavingdescendants in the intermediate areas. Such anapproach is seriously deficient, because the pat­tern can also be explained by successive vicari­ance of a primordial distribution composed ofall areas. Moreover, the simple example of fivetaxa in five areas with the relationship«A,B)(C(D,E))) precludes the ability to assigna single unambiguous dispersal path connectingthe taxa in their areas.

Items of error analysis (Page 1990, 1994)permits use of an objective criterion to evaluatehow well a particular set of taxa adheres to aparticular pattern of area relationships. In itemsof error analysis, an observed tree is modifiedthrough the addition of hypothetical terms sothat its overall pattern of relationships is congru­ent with a particular general pattern. The hypo­thetical terms are called added leaves (Page1993); the total number of leaves correspondsto the number of terminals in the modifiedobserved tree. Items of error are the differencein total cladogram edges between the modifiedobserved tree and the original observed tree.Because cladogram edges are two times thenumber of terminals in a dichotomous clado­gram, added leaves X 2 = items of error.

As an example, the Colpocaccus clade (Fig­ure 1) is perfectly congruent with the fundamen­tal area cladogram found for the entire platynineradiation (Figure 4). Colpocaccus cannot resolvethe Maui Nui areas, because C. lanaiensis iswidespread across Moloka'i, Lana'i, West Maui,and East Maui; however this lack of resolutioncannot conflict with the overall pattern. Otherparts of the resolved taxon-area cladogram fitless well. For example, the clade basally definedby Disenochus aterrimus Sharp (Figure 2) de­fines the area relationships (K(O(EM(Mk(WM,EM))))). To make this pattern congruent withthe fundamental area cladogram (Figure 4), sev­eralleaves must be added: (1) Hawai'i must beincluded as a sister area to Maui Nui, resultingin the addition of one leaf or two items of error;(2) the redundant distribution of East Mauirequires the addition of two duplications and fiveleaves so that the apical four taxa (in bold) arepresent in three replications of an identical sub­pattern-«EM(Mk,WM), «EM(Mk,WM»,(EM(Mk,WM»)))-resulting in addition of fivemore terms or 10 items of error; and (3) the

Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Carabids-LIEBHERR 431

missing area Uina'i must be inserted as sisterto the other Maui Nui areas, resulting in yet onemore term (i.e., two more items of error). Thus,for the Disenochus aterrimus clade to fit thefundamental area cladogram (Figure 4) requiresa total of seven additional leaves or 14 items oferror. However, if we were to accept a hypothesisthat dispersal by the ancestor of D. fractus Sharpinto East Maui from West Maui occurred subse­quent to vicariant events congruent with the fun­damental area cladogram, we could eliminatethe need for the five added leaves required underpoint 2 above. This ad hoc assumption of dis­persal can be viewed as equivalent to five addedleaves, or 10 items of error.

To assess the cost of assuming that relation­ships of each of the various taxa represent thegeneral hypothesis of area relationships (Figure4), each taxon was excluded sequentially fromcalculation of duplications, leaves added, andlosses based on the other taxa. The resultanttotals were then compared with the totals basedon all taxa (Table 3). The savings in fit criteriawere considered the decrease in duplications,leaves, and losses relative to those of the entiredata set. These values were evaluated in thecontext of savings accrued for all taxon exclu­sions; only the greatest relative savings meritacceptance of an explanatory ad hoc dispersalhypothesis. In like manner, if a certain savingsin the criteria merit acceptance of dispersal forone particular taxon, then taxon exclusionsresulting in greater savings must also meritacceptance of dispersal.

Before the analysis was conducted, mono­phyletic groups of taxa were condensed into sin-








All species 60 244 140Metromenus patmae 58 221 122Disellochus jractus 58 239 136Undescribed sp.

"foveoJata" 60 229 135Disenochus curtipes 60 237 133

gle terminals. This resulted in a total of 100terminals across the entire taxon-area cladogram(Figures 1-3), a total within the capacity of theCOMPONENT program (Page 1993).

Exclusion of 37 of the 100 terminals resultedin no change in duplications, and exclusion of61 others resulted in reduction by one duplica­tion. A decrease of two duplications to a totalof58 was observed for only two terminals (Table3). Duplications can be viewed as speciationevents undiscoverable because of the scale ofthe areas of endemism. Thus the speciation eventmight be considered "sympatric" at the level ofresolution of the areas of endemism, with bothresultant taxa the common ancestors of theirown subsequently evolving lineage. Pectinatelyredundant taxa (e.g., undescribed species "atra"and Disenochus erythropus Sharp [Figure 2])are one example of such a pattern. In the caseof these two taxa, their redundancy requiresinsertion of leaves representing the other sixareas as sister to each species' representation.Thus a taxon exclusion resulting in only onefewer duplication is always associated withredundancy in the cladogram.

Exclusion of Metromenus palmae (Black­burn) results in reduction by two duplications(Table 3). Strong conflict with the fundamentalarea cladogram explains this reduction (Figures3, 4). Metromenus palmae is the only O'ahutaxon within an entire clade of Maui Nui species.The cladistically closest O'ahu species is Met­romenus epicurus (Blackburn), eight nodesaway. Assuming that M. palmae is the result ofback-dispersal from Maui Nui to O'ahu saves23 added leaves, equivalent to 46 items of error.Those 23 added leaves are distributed in 18monophyletic sets, as indicated by the saving of18 losses. No other taxon exclusion is even closein such reductions of leaves added and losses(Figures 5, 6). Therefore, if we assume that theorigin ofM. palmae involved dispersal of a colo­nizing propagule from the Moloka'i portion ofMaui Nui (Figure 3), we can reduce the leavesadded by nearly 10% at a cost of one ad hochypothesis of dispersal.

Excluding Disenochus fractus also results inreduction by two duplications, and eliminationof five added leaves and four losses (Table 3).This amount of reduction in leaves added isless than or equal to that observed because of

PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 51, October 1997

• I I • I *ill ill




ctS 20

XctS 15r-. 100Z


o221 223 225 227 229 231 233235237239 241 243 245

Leaves AddedFIGURE 5. Distribution of numbers of leaves added for taxon exclusion trials. Analysis of all 100 terms of taxon-area

cladogram requires 244 added leaves (*, see Table 3).

exclusion of 38 other terminals (Figure 5); forlosses the value is less than or equal to thatobserved by exclusion of 14 other terminals(Figure 6). Therefore, savings in items of errorare less than for numerous other taxa, and forus to invoke an ad hoc hypothesis of dispersalin this case would call into question whether weshould consider it for the numerous other taxa

associated with larger savings in items of error.We will return to this example when vicariantpatterns of Maui Nui are investigated later inthe paper.

It is important to analyze the cladistic rela­tionships and distributions of taxa when evaluat­ing the total reductions in items of error in suchan analysis. For example, exclusion of the unde-


• • I






o122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140

LossesFIGURE 6. Distribution of losses for taxon exclusion trials. Analysis of all 100 terms of taxon-area cladogram requires

140 losses (*, see Table 3).

Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Carabids-LIEBHERR 433

scribed species "foveolata" saves 15 addedleaves accounted for by five losses (Table 3),the first value falling well below the values of98 other terminals (Figure 5). However, inspec­tion of the taxon-area cladogram indicates thatthis savings reflects paraphyletic redundancy ofthree taxa on O'ahu that are successive sistergroups of the new species (Figure 3). In fact,the pattern expressed is congruent with the fun­damental area cladogram in that a Maui Nuitaxon is related to those on O'ahu.

Disenochus curtipes Sharp and its four rela­tives are hypothesized to be the sister groupof the East Maui cave species Atelothrus aaaeSamuelson & Liebherr (Figure 2). This relation­ship is supported by three characters: (1) reducedouter curvature of the eyes, (2) sparsely pubes­cent third antennomere, (3) elytral striae evenlypunctured throughout length (Liebherr and Zim­merman, in press). The first and second traitsare features often observed in cave species (Barr1983), and the third is reversed from the derivedcondition wherein punctations are stronger onthe base of the elytra than near the apex. Basedon the weak character support for its currentplacement, and biogeographic relationships ofD. curtipes and its sister group, it seems unlikelythat the current cladistic hypothesis is correct.Be that as it may, the exclusion of D. curtipesresults in the second fewest losses (Figure 6),but no reduction in duplications and only sevenfewer leaves added, a value equal to or lessthan that for eight other terminals. Therefore,acceptance of an ad hoc dispersal hypothesiswhereby D. curtipes colonized Kaua'i fromMaui is not called for in this instance.

Taking the fundamental area cladogram (Fig­ure 4) as the template, the taxon-area cladogramwas scanned and island transformations (i.e.,colonization events) noted (Figure 7). The singleback-dispersal event involving Metromenus pal­mae is the lone exception to progressive coloni­zation from older to younger islands. The 10colonization events linking Kaua'i and Maui Nuimay very well represent colonizations of O'ahu,with subsequent extinction of the O'ahu specieson that highly eroded island. Currently,platynines are restricted to above 700 m onO'ahu, reducing the Ko'olaus to an extremelythin strip of suitable habitat. In the Wai 'anaes,Mount Ka 'ala represents the only substantial

portion of extant suitable habitat for thesespecies.

Viewing the five colonization events of theBig Island in this more global (albeit islandic)context, it appears that this youngest island hasreceived about 25% of the number of colonizinglineages observed for Maui Nui and those possi­ble for O'ahu. The isolation of Kaua'i is pro­found, because it has witnessed the emigrationof propagules to O'ahu and/or Maui Nui, buthas not yet delivered evidence of receiving acolonist from one of the younger islands.

Maui Nui Vicariance

One of the central tenets of cladistic biogeog­raphy is the assumption of a single history ofareas decipherable from phylogenetic informa­tion held in common among a variety of taxa(Platnick and Nelson 1978). That there is a singlehistory is tautological. That it is decipherableremains a challenge, with numerous techniquesadvanced that provide different hypotheses ofarea relationships given the same input of data(Morrone and Carpenter 1994). The approachtaken here is slightly different. Rather than com­pare methods of analysis, the fundamental areacladogram (Figure 4) is used to identify patternsfor taxa that conform and conflict with the gen­eral pattern of vicariance for Maui Nui. Thegoal is to find distributional attributes other thangeographic range that might explain why a par­ticular taxon deviates from the general pattern,which is simply the predominant pattern in thetaxon-area cladogram.

Six three-taxon triplets involving areas com­posing Maui Nui (Figure 8B-G) are implicit inthe strict consensus cladogram (Liebherr andZimmerman, in press). A seventh triplet is com­posed of Disenochus munroi Perkins and unde­scribed species "viridis," sister taxa on the strictconsensus (Figure 2), and Maunajrigida (Black­burn), sister group to these taxa in one class ofmost parsimonious cladograms, but only patris­tically closest in the second arrangement of thesespecies. In the second arrangement, M. jrigidacomposes the outgroup to the resolved Anchony­mus agonoides Sharp clade (Figure 2). Themonophyletic interpretation of M. jrigida, D.munroi, and the undescribed species is illustrated

434 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 51, October 1997

FIGURE 7. Dispersal pathways derived from taxon-area cladogram using the fundamental area cladogram (Figure 4)as a template. Dispersals from Kaua'i to Maui Nui (area inside dashed lines) hypothesized to include colonization ofO'ahubased on general area relationships of fundamental area cladogram. Back-dispersal from Maui Nui to O'ahu supported bysavings in items of error through taxon exclusion trials.

for this analysis (Figure 8A), with interpretationunder the alternate topology also discussed later.

Three of these triplets (Figure 8A-C) are con­gruent with the fundamental area cladogramwithout addition of any leaves. Four othersrequire added leaves to gain congruence,because of sister-area relationships hypothesizedfor Moloka'i and East Maui (Figure 8D), Molo­ka'i and Lana'i (Figure 8£), West and East Maui(Figure 8F), and Moloka'i and West Maui butlacking East Maui (Figure 8G). Therefore,among these seven triplets, five biogeographicpatterns are represented.

A single unifying distributional attribute ispredominant among the seven triplets. In six ofthe seven (Figure 8A-F), the basal species of thetriplet has its lower elevationallimit of habitat atequal or higher elevation than either of the sisterspecies. In the case of Mauna frigida, this basalspecies occurs above timberline in openscrubland, whereas the Moloka'i D. munroi and

West Maui undescribed species are found inclosed canopy to fragmented 'ohi'a forest atlower elevations. From what we know of thehabitat preferences for the other species, all areassociated with mesic to wet 'ohi'a forest. Themembers of the Mesothriscus lanaiensis­vagans-undescribed species "auana" triplet (Fig­ure 8G) comprise streamside species; howeverthey have been collected along streams in'ohi 'a forest.

The M. lanaiensis-vagans-undescribed spe­cies "auana" triplet is also the single exceptionto the elevational generalization that more basalgroups are restricted to habitats at higher eleva­tion. The basal species of this triplet, Mesothris­cus lanaiensis Sharp, is known from only twospecimens collected by Perkins at the 2000-footelevation on Lana'ihale in 1894 (Perkins 1894,Sharp 1903), most likely in a streamside situa­tion. More collections of species in this triplet,and especially determination of whether the

J~ frigida (EM; 1210)

~munroi(Mk; 1040)

A "viridis" (WM; 1210)

Jc ;"",,~b;Ij, (EM; 910)

--=~ fraudator (Mk; 820)

E filipes (L; 605)

gracilis (WM; 700)

longipes (Mk; 1150)

fractus (EM; 1060)

"pukalaina" (WM; 1050)

dyscoleus (EM; 600)

platynoides (Mk; 575)

J~ sharpl (EM; 1210)

~ perkinsi (Mk; 1210)

B koebelei (WM; 910)

anomalus (EM; 1515)

brevipes (Mk; 1180)

cephalotes (WM; 890)~L


J[; ~ I.",~",;, (L; 60s)

~[ vagans (Mk; 395)

G "auana" (WM; 1210)


sphodriformis (Mk; 910)

sphodriformis (WM; 890)

sphodriformis (EM; 880)


molokaiensis (Mk; 820)

molokaiensis (WM; 600)

molokaiensis (EM; 700)

L/anaiensis (Mk; 100)

~t lanaiensis (WM; 605)

~l,.".,en,;, (EM; 450)

J lanaiensis (L; 605)

[ lucipetens (Mk; 455)

~~ lucipetens (WM; 455)

--:-ll:~"."' (E"; 150)

K lucipetens (L; 1020)

L constrictus (Mk; 910)

T longulus (WM; 910)

L erro (EM; 455)


cheloniceps (Mk; 1180)

"Iihau" (WM; 1270)

calathoides (EM; 1210)

FIGURE 8. A-G. Resolved triplets of single-island Maui Nui endemic species. Area abbreviations as in Figure I; lowerelevational limit of known habitat in meters following area abbreviations; branch lengths for apical stems on c1adogramproportional to minimum elevational habitat limit. H-K. Lower elevational limits for widespread species on volcanoescomposing the former Maui NuL L-M. Lower elevationallimits for ambiguous triplets of single-island Maui Nui endemicspecies. Undescribed species names in quotation marks.


West Maui undescribed species is found at eleva­tions equivalent to those of M. vagans Sharpof Moloka'i, is the means to test the currentelevational hypothesis.

Given the alternate topology for the Maunajrigida triplet (Figure 8A), wherein Anchonymusagonoides is the root of a clade sister to M.jrigida, the elevational generalization for thistriplet still holds. Anchonymus agonoides hasbeen found no lower than 1210 m elevation,a lower limit identical to that of M. jrigida.Therefore, no closely related species outside theD. munroi-undescribed species "viridis" sisterpair exhibits a lower elevationallimit than eithersister species.

This pattern is consistent with speciation viaperipheral isolation (Mayr 1963). Those periph­eral isolates that occupy higher elevations arethe ones that persist longer as independent enti­ties and thereby are able to speciate. Isolatedpopulations at more climatically variable lowerelevations: (1) have more opportunity to reestab­lish connections with other adjacent populations,thus delaying speciation, or (2) have undergonea higher rate ofextinction with or without specia­tion. By this scenario, speciation is the meansby which morphological distinctiveness is fixed(Futuyma 1989).

If higher-elevation populations are the onesisolated on various volcanoes, widespread spe­cies composing conspecific populations acrossthese same volcanoes should exhibit lower eleva­tionallimits. In general this is so (Figure 8H-K).Of the four widespread species, Colpocaccuslanaiensis and Colpodiscus lucipetens both occuras low as 100 to 150 m elevation at some sites.Colpodiscus lucipetens is known from a singleLana'i specimen collected atop Lana'ihale (Fig­ure 8K). Documenting permanent habitation ofLana'i by this winged species requires subse­quent collections. Chalcomenus molokaiensisoccurs along streams and may have had a largerdistribution with lower elevational limits beforethe advent of human introductions and deforesta­tion (e.g., Asquith and Messing 1993). Onemight investigate infraspecific patterns of rela­tionship in this case, predicting that Moloka'ipopulations would be less closely related relativeto populations on West and East Maui (Figure8/).

Two triplets are composed of single-island

PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 51, October 1997

endemics whose relationships were ambiguousbased on the strict consensus (Figure 8L, M).Unlike the other resolved triplets (Figure 8A-G),in these cases no single sister-species pair wasrepresented in all most parsimonious clado­grams. However, based on the elevational gener­alization for the resolved triplets, it might bepredicted that Atelothrus constrictus Sharp orA. longulus Sharp (Figure 8L) and undescribedspecies "lihau" (Figure 8M) will be the cladisti­cally basal species in these two triplets aftermore data are brought to bear.

The failure to find a single vicariant patternfor Maui Nui that fits all repetitions of areasacross the taxon-area cladogram should not beconstrued as a weakness of the cladistic biogeo­graphie method. Without a cladistic hypothesisof taxon relationships, no tests of any kind arepossible. Moreover, the presentation of a singlegeneral pattern permits the search for deviants.Extinction, quantified by items of error, canaccount for disparities in how clades adhere tothe general pattern. The means to test this sortof hypothesis include (1) showing that hypothe­sized "extinctions" really represent undiscov­ered taxa, and (2) generating more detaileddistributional data that might allow us to recastour definition of areas of endemism at a scaleappropriate to vicariant mechanisms. As shownabove, extensive deviation from the general pat­tern costs numerous items of error, which canbe objectively mitigated through adoption of anad hoc dispersal hypothesis.

Changing the scale of areas of endemism willcause us to define different numbers of wide­spread species and change the number of timesparticular areas are redundantly represented onthe taxon-area cladogram. For example, the WestMaui mountains include the isolated block calledLIhau that is topped with a forest no more than0.65 km2 in area. This isolated forest is hometo seven species of Platynini, one of which isknown only from this summit. Based on thedefinition of Platnick and Nelson (1978), thispatch of forest could be defined as an area ofendemism. Recognizing LIhau in an analysiswould result in its placement seven times on thetaxon-area cladogram, but the 10 other WestMaui species would lack this area. Thus LIhau'srelationships would be based on phylogeneticrelationships of less than half the known West

Dispersal and Vicariance in Hawaiian Carabids-LIEBHERR 437

Maui fauna. Moreover, the six LIhau speciesfound at other sites would be treated as wide­spread species: some distributed over discordantsets of sampled localities on the volcano (e.g.,Hana 'ula, Pu 'u Kukui, and 'Eke Crater). To date,a comparative approach whereby the scale ofendemism is modulated in repeated analyses ofthe same aggregate area has not been done.Given comprehensive sampling of Maui Nuilocalities, the rampant endemism of platyninecarabids could allow such an attempt. The goalwould be to find an optimal mix of precise areasand informative endemism. Moreover, the stabil­ity of hypotheses of area relationship throughoutsuch modulation should be investigated.

Corroborating elevational habitat shifts as theoverriding factor in the isolation and persistenceof peripheral populations also requires a greaterunderstanding of the distributional aspects of allspecies. This scenario assumes that populationalprocesses operating at the level of individualdemes work to produce shifts in occupied habi­tat. Extinction of only a portion of species'populations may be the cause of discordant vic­ariance. Therefore, a sound understanding ofhow selection and limited effective populationsize can influence these species is essential.

Bringing more character data to bear canimprove our confidence in the phylogenetic rela­tionships of the species, thereby eliminating mis­takes in homology or polarity assessment aspossible causes for disparate patterns. Corrobo­ration using infraspecific divergence data elimi­nates the problem of extinct taxa, though it cannever overcome the possibility that repeatedbouts of gene exchange have replaced older pat­terns of area relationship with newer ones.Finally, addition of information from other taxaendemic to the volcanoes of Maui Nui can testboth the general hypothesis of area relationshipsand the elevational generalization made here.


The diverse Hawaiian platynine speciesswarm provides abundant information for gener­ating a general biogeographic hypothesis andthen testing repeated congruent and discordantpatterns. Contrary to older arguments about therandom nature of dispersal (e.g., Rosen 1978),in this study the dispersal patterns across the

Island chain are more congruent than the vicari­ant patterns on Maui Nui. This is in part becauseof the high cost established (i.e., relatively largenumbers of items of error) for the adoption ofan ad hoc dispersal hypothesis. Also, the areasof endemism used to test dispersal are of greaterscale than the component volcanoes of Maui Nuiused in the vicariance analysis.

The establishment of a biogeographic re­search program that distinguishes common anddistinct patterns followed by a search for com­mon and distinct causation (Minaka 1987) isan advance over other methods that attempt torestrict causation before identifying patterns.Items of error analysis provides an objectivemeans to accomplish this, permitting the integra­tion of dispersal and vicariance, a goal pro­pounded by a variety of biogeographers (Croizat1962, Thornton 1983, Stace 1989, Grehan 1990,Briggs 1991). Nonetheless, a common dispersalpattern may still be based on independent dis­persal events, as shown for Big Island coloniza­tion by platynine carabids. Conversely, acommon vicariant history of areas may be expe­rienced differently by resident taxa facing popu­lational extinction and habitat alterationsoperating on a fine geographic scale.


I thank Curtis Ewing, Zack Falin, Chris Mar­shall, Michael McDonald, Jose Santisteban,Teresa Wells, and Kip Will, all of whom haveworked on the Hawaiian carabid beetle project,contributing their considerable talents to itsimprovement. Adam Asquith, Curtis Ewing, ArtMedeiros, and Dan Polhemus have vastlyimproved our knowledge of carabid diversityand distribution. I thank Betsy Harrison-Gagneof the Hawai'i Natural Area Reserve System,Barrie Fox Morgan, Ed Misaki, and Mark Whiteof The Nature Conservancy of Hawai 'i, and EdPetteys of the Hawai'i State Department of Landand Natural Resources, for permission to workin lands under their care. The Bishop Museum,represented by Gordon Nishida, Scott Miller,Dan Polhemus, and Al Samuelson, has sup­ported and assisted my activities in Hawai'i. Ithank Roderic Page and Rosemary Gillespie for


constructive reviews that helped improve themanuscript.


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