discovering christ’s community through building relationships january &...

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Discovering Christ’s community through building relationships JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2018

Redeemer’s Sisters & Brothers,

I hope everyone had a happy, wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year’s celebration! Welcome to 2018!

Everything here at church seems to be running fairly smoothly this cold winter season. Deb has been doing a great job coordinating everything in the office while trying to spend time with Mandy at home. Please keep Deb & Dan and family in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks.

As I said last Sunday, Pastor Rebecca will be back to lead us in worship for several weeks. Please welcome her and let her know you appreciate her time with us. I would like to thank Jan for hosting our holiday party on December 29th. We had great fun and wonderful fellowship with some great treats. Thank you to all who attended and for those who did not, you missed some great games by the master herself!

Our Saturday PADS shelter has been averaging between 30-35 people a week this winter. It truly has been a life saving ministry this year. Again, if you have a few hours on a Saturday night, please talk to Art and let him know you would like to help out.

Our annual congregational meeting will be on Sunday, March 18th after worship. Please plan on staying for this meeting. Reports will be available on Sunday, March 4.

Ash Wednesday is on February 14th. Jan will keep the congregation posted about Ash Wednesday and what will be going on for Lent. We are still putting it all together at this time. Also there will be Meal In the Upper Room (MIUR) this year. More information to come.

Debby & I will be gone until February 17. If you need anything or have any questions, Jan is always available. Deb is in the office most Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We’ll miss you but, will see you on Sunday, February 18.

In closing I want to say that I believe 2017 was another great year for us. We did more than survive, we flourished in many ways. We continue to minister to so many people within these walls through 12-step groups, PADS, therapists, Elsabet, food pantry, community garden, bible studies and love. Financially we are stable. Please continue to be mindful with your giving in 2018. Thank you Redeemer’s! You are a remarkable congregation. It truly is my honor to be of service to all of you. May God continue to look with favor upon us and bless all of us always.

Love and Respect,

Steve Nowlan

This is a monthly newsletter

Of Redeemer’s Lutheran

Church, Oak Forest, Il



Office Admin. Deb Frawley

Music Coord. – Jan Strojny

Pianist/Organ– Amy Ogarek

Sunday School Director-

Linda McHugh

President- Steve Nowlan

Vice President- Jan Strojny

We are an official PADS site

on Saturday nights

from Oct through April


It's January 3rd and I'm salivating, thinking about the apple pancake I'm about to share when the next thing I know, I'm on the ground. Yep, hit probably the only patch of ice in the whole parking lot and now I'm in an awkward position on the asphalt worrying over how many cameras are sending my posterior to the cloud. Now you're probably wondering why I love snow and winter so much if I'm geared to sitting in it. Here's one of my reasons. I was a junior in high school for the biggest snow in 1967. My brother and I were tag team shoveling. In the city, that meant carrying the snow through the gangway to the front park place and stacking it. We decided we needed a break and Dave came up with the absolutely, brilliant idea of walking to the Stevenson to see how many cars were stranded. We lived at 31st St. and the highway is about 43rd. We loaded up with hats, scarves and mittens (and Kleenex) and took off at about 11 am. Walked over to Pulaski and then headed south. Of course, every house had an able bodied person out shoveling. Everyone was in good humor considering the situation. No one seemed overly burdened or upset. This was record breaking snow!!. Dave and I sang Beatles songs all along our journey. It took us over an hour to go about a mile. When we reached the top of the hill, we looked down and the Stevenson was deserted. There were only about 4 cars to be seen. Everyone must have gotten off in time. So, now we had to walk back. That required Dave Clark 5 songs. We sang at the top of our lungs while the snow kept coming down. Now we're passing some of the same

people out shoveling. This time they stopped to hear our news of the expressway and invited us in for hot chocolate and cookies. We couldn't very well be rude and say No. It was a day I will always remember. We didn't return home until 5 pm. My mom and dad had no idea we had even left and even if they had, they wouldn't have been worried. The only bad part was that we still had a gangway and sidewalk to clear of snow. That's when the snowball fights started. It was a day of bonding for the two of us. We've had our struggles over the years since then but I can always go back to that memory and

remember the fun we had as siblings. So when you see the snow coming down, look at it's beauty. Admire the crystals and think how each one is different. God planned it that way, just as he planned for each of us to be different and unique. Enjoy the peacefulness of the snow rather than the inconvenience. Make shoveling fun or just leave the snow alone. It will be gone of it's own accord eventually. Til next month--------------nice chatting with you Jan Strojny

“First Women” by Kate Andersen Brower.

One of the most underestimated—and challenging—positions in the world, the First Lady of the United States must be many things: an inspiring leader with a forward-thinking agenda of her own; a savvy politician, skilled at navigating the treacherous rapids of Washington; a wife and mother operating under constant scrutiny; and an able CEO responsible for the smooth operation of countless services and special events at the White House. Now, former White House correspondent Kate Andersen Brower draws on a wide array of untapped, candid sources—from residence staff and social secretaries to friends and political advisers—to tell the stories of the ten remarkable women who have defined that role since 1960.

Come join us at the home of Linda McHugh on Tuesday, January 23 at 7pm

for discussion and fellowship.

The Church Directories for 2018 are now available in your file! Please look at your entry to make sure the information on file is correct. If not, please email the church or leave a note in the office on the desk. These will not be mailed out. They will need to be picked up. CORRECTIONS: Erica Strojny 815-806-8077

January 30, February 13 & 27

We are fast approaching the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday

will be celebrated February 14th at 7 p.m. We are encouraging

each of you to take time out each week on Wednesday evening

to take the 40 day journey with Christ. We will meet each week

at 6 p.m. for a light supper prepared by one of our members.

Afterwards, we will go up to the sanctuary to participate in a

small service. This year we will feature dramatic monologues.

The title of the series is "The Women Speak". These are very

powerful portrayals of the women in Christ's life and how he affected each and every one of them.

Please mark your calendars and plan on attending.

An early start to spring cleaning Although Lent starts early this year, before spring appears in many areas, it’s an appropriate time for spring

cleaning. Indeed, Lent comes from old German and English words for “spring.” So, while it might be too

soon to open windows or hang clothes on the line, now is ideal for some spiritual spring cleaning.

Lent calls us to examine our beliefs, confess and dispose of old grudges and selfish habits, dust off our Bibles

for a new routine of study and prayer, air out our hearts and brighten up our attitudes. “Lent cleaning” lets

the Holy Spirit freshen our faith — and it’s never too early for that.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Jan Strojny , and family & friends of her friend, Heidi Watzer upon Heidi’s death. Also, to Pastor Linnea & her husband on the passing of Pastor’s father, Carl Bostrom on December 5 May they all be comforted by the resurrection and the life yet to come.

Women’s Happenings Happy New Year

Coffee Hour will resume in February. Yum

The Cook Books went to press and are ready for sale. I am sure you

all have copies and are selling them like crazy. What a nice birthday

gift, hostess gift, or thinking of you gift. Thank you to Deb Majewski

for all her hard working pulling it all together. SELL SELL!

In December the Women's Group; and 45-5 Group prepared Christmas Gift bags. The bags were

delivered to Waterford Estates in Crestwood by Mary Ann White. What a wonderful community

awareness project. A big thank you to all that helped!

The Women's Group will be taking a break from projects and will regroup the spring.

God's blessings to all.

Yours in prayer Carol Schaafsma

Thank you to Nancy Ulloa, Natalie & Andrew, Cheryl Dykstra, BC, Deb & Ray Majewski, Marilyn Fisher & Kaya, Dan Frawley, Connie Martin and Jan Strojny for decorating the church and creating 2 lovely bulletin boards.

To Gary Rickert and BC for correcting our heating issue.

Gladys from Waterford Estates would like to thank the Women’s group for the lovely Christmas bag. She enjoys it very very much!

Thanks to Jan & Erica Strojny, Winnie French, Gary Miller, and Linda

McHugh for removing the Christmas Decorations

To Marilyn, Art and all the helpers for the endless assistance you


To the women’s group for providing Christmas gift bags to a nursing facility. You have captured the giving spirit of the season.

To Steve, Art and Jan for leading our worship service and for inspiring sermons.

Sunday, February 4 is Souper Bowl Sunday. We will gather donations to be given to a needy organization, We ask

that you come prepared to give for those in need. Thank you in

advance for your generosity.

TOGETHER WE COPE HELPING HANDS IN 2018: In the month of January we will be collecting Peanut butter & jelly for our February 1st target date. In the month of February we will be collecting canned juice and drink boxes for our March 1st target date. These items are brought weekly to the food pantry at Together We Cope. Any and all items are welcomed anytime… with the focus being the item of the month. Let’s fill up our Food Baskets in the narthex! Thank you


Dan, Deb & Amanda Frawley; Avery Hawker; Deb Animagi; Jim Lillie; Dolores Sheputis; Bob Kropack; Shirley Aggen; Wendy Freeman; Carroll Shockley; Larry Watkins; Ida Twyman; Doug Vansickle; Jacob Munoz; Donna Gleason and her daughter, Lori; Steve Homberg; for wisdom, peace and justice to prevail in God’s world; for prejudice & racism to end in our nation & world; for the poor and the hungry, especially Elsabet, her family and those affected in Ethiopia; the unemployed and the underemployed; the homeless, the marginalized; for our earth and healing of our environment; for the safety of all children who face violence, danger and hostile environments; for our nation; for those affected by the wildfires out West. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Are given by:

JANUARY 7 Ray & Deb Majewski wish everyone a Happy New Year!

14 The Strojny’s who are celebrating Erica’s driver’s permit!

21 The Stephens for blessings received.

28 Still available

FEBRUARY 4 Jennie Brown in celebration of Hailee’s birthday!

11 Still available

18 Winnie French for blessings received and lovingly remembering Del’s birthday!

25 Still available

Altar flowers are still available for January 28, February 11 & 25 and March 4

The 2 bouquets are $20 per Sunday and payable 2 weeks ahead of selected date.

USHERS FOR JANUARY: Alec Ogarek, Erica Strojny, Gary Rickert, Bill Kostecki

1, Erica Strojny 24, Gary & Sherri Miller

11, Gary Miller

21, Amy Ogarek

24, Mary Ann White

Jeff Kanacki

27, Gina Graniczny

31, Jennifer Kanacki

USHERS FOR FEBRUARY: Deb & Ray Majewski, Mike & Traci Stephens

10, Dan Frawley 25, Bill & Sharon Kostecki 11, Marilyn Fisher 14, Dolores Sheputis 18, Jim Mueller 28, Connie Martin


7 Deb Nowlan Steve Nowlan

14 Cheryl Dykstra Dan Frawley

21 Gary Miller Dorothy Kropack

28 Mike Stephens Traci Stephens


4 Deb Majewski Erica Strojny

11 Art James Kathy Meckel

18 Tony Ogarek Alec Ogarek

25 Steve Nowlan Deb Nowlan

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