discovering art - theme

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Part 2 of a three part series on how Form, Theme and Context come together to make meaning in art. Based on the work of Dr. Renee Sandell.


Discovering ArtPart 2 - Theme

How Form, Theme and Context come together to make meaning


• A work of art is about something. In other words it has a theme. Sometimes it is easy to find the theme and other times the theme may not be so clear. Works of art that hold our interest usually operate on many levels.

• THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

• Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

• Artist’s Point of View

• Visual Sources

• References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or science

Jacques Louis David, Death of Socrates, 1787

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Jacques Louis David, Death of Socrates, 1787

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

That the Greek ideals of democracy and “truth” should be the guiding principles of man (and in this case the French Republic).

Jacques Louis David, Death of Socrates, 1787

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

The story of the Death of Socrates

Jacques Louis David, Death of Socrates, 1787

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

David clearly finds these ideals noble and opposes the tyranny of King Louis’ regime

Jacques Louis David, Death of Socrates, 1787

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

David revives the style of Classical Rome (he had studied there). His style is called “Neo-Classical”

Jacques Louis David, Death of Socrates, 1787

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Reference is made to the story of Socrates’ death in ancient Greece

Piet Mondrian, Composition in White, Red, Yellow and Blue, 1918

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Piet Mondrian, Composition in White, Red, Yellow and Blue, 1918

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

That a spiritual harmony and order can be represented in art through purely abstract means

Piet Mondrian, Composition in White, Red, Yellow and Blue, 1918

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Squares and lines using only primary colors and black and white

Piet Mondrian, Composition in White, Red, Yellow and Blue, 1918

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

That abstraction could lead to a higher understanding of spirituality

Piet Mondrian, Composition in White, Red, Yellow and Blue, 1918

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

He was influenced by his friend Bart van der Leck who used only primary colors and the innovative art being done in Paris, especially Picasso and Braque’s cubism

Piet Mondrian, Composition in White, Red, Yellow and Blue, 1918

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

He was influenced by the Theosophical idea that one could gain a deeper spiritual knowledge beyond nature

Chris Burden, Transfixed, 1974

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Chris Burden, Transfixed, 1974

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

That by using his own body in the artwork there is a more authentic relationship between art and life.

Chris Burden, Transfixed, 1974

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

A man crucified to a Volkswagen car

Chris Burden, Transfixed, 1974

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Our faith in symbols needs to be questioned

Chris Burden, Transfixed, 1974

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

Contemporary machinery – the car

Chris Burden, Transfixed, 1974

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

The Crucifixion is a recurring subject matter in both art and Christian religious texts. It also was a Roman punishment for those seen as criminals

Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral (two of the more than 30 paintings Monet did of this cathedral)

Click on the link below to listen to a short discussion about these paintings. Then return here and comment on the Theme of these paintings addressing each criteria on the left of the slide.

THE BIG IDEA – what we can grasp about the human condition

Subject Matter – what the work is about ???

Artist’s Point of View

Visual Sources

References to other areas: art history, other art forms, other humanities or sciences

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