discovering and teaching the grammar of academic writing · 2016. 4. 4. · the grammar of academic...

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Discovering and Teaching the Grammar of Academic WritingA workshop in Systemic Functional Linguistics

A Functional View of Grammar

A Functional View of Grammar

A Functional View of Grammar

Derewianka & Jones, Teaching Language in Context (Oxford, 2012)

For example …

Today’s workshop

Adventures in SFL

Adventures in SFLthe disorders of the central nervous

system (CNS)

understanding the complex functionality of the human brain

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

powerful tool in both research and clinical areas, helping further the understanding of brain functions

Ahhh … that’s better

disorders of the central nervous system controls mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of humans

understanding the complex functionality of the human brain

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

the further understanding of brain functions in both research and clinical areas

Three Paragraph Patterns

Linking (Old-New Information) – “Zig-zag”

New information

Theme (old) New information

Theme (old)

Repeated/Constant Theme

uper Theme (“Fan” Pattern)

StarbucksThe Starbucks employee manual

The employees

This coffeehouse Starbucks

the experience of the individual, the two concepts are related An increase in the customer’s satisfaction with their Starbucks experience

The employees a barista

Magnus Ljung origination of curse words and how they evolvedHe 1198 and 1166 BC

These initial uses

The Bible Modern curse words

During this timePeople

In the last hundred years

Grammar Toolkit for Controlling Theme

•The employees •This coffeehouse •He •During this time •In the last hundred years

Grammar Toolkit for Controlling Theme


increase satisfaction

Grammar Toolkit for Controlling Theme

•The employees are encouragedwere

meant•These initial uses contain

has become •Modern curse words … come into existence

Your turn!

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