discover our cultural heritage! so where can you go in...

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AAAS Travels • Sigma Xi Expeditions • ACS Expeditions • Planetary Society • Betchart Expeditions Inc.

Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Wonderful Adventures for you and your friends... Join us!

May 2-21, 2013  We invite you to explore one of the world’s greatest wilderness areas—the Kimberleys in Northwest Australia—and to see the Annular Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013.  Our journey will begin in Darwin at the Top End of Australia and will include the living cultural landscape and World Heritage site of Kakadu National Park. We will then head down the historic Stuart Highway to Katherine and Tennant Creek in the vast Red Centre of Australia where we will see the Eclipse.  We will return to Katherine and head west to the Kimberleys -- a vast and virtually inaccessible area except for the Great Northern Highway and 4-wheel-drive tracks across the wilderness. We will be exploring places so remote that very few people have ever been there, with superb leadership by Dr. Don Franklin and Bob Nansen.  Our Kimberleys visit will include the immense El Questro cattle station and wilderness park, with spectacular safari camp accommodations, and the 

Bungle Bungles— a startling landscape of huge domes only discovered in the early 1980’s and now one of Australia’s most notable landscapes, known as Purnululu National Park and World Heritage site.  We will continue on the Great Northern Highway to Hall’s

Creek and Fitzroy Crossing, Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek, and Windjana Gorge which cuts through the ancient Devonian barrier reef. Our adventure will end in the historic pearling town of Broome, with a dazzling sand beach, dinosaur footprints and more!  Our friends in Australia speak in awe of the oppor-tunity to visit Kakadu and the Kimberleys!  We hope you will join this adventure of a lifetime! $9,550 + air.

Let us hear from you!(800) 252-4910

or (408) 252-4910email:

Trips for Wildlife Enthusiasts!

Discover Our Cultural Heritage! So Where Can You Go in Asia & Africa?

  This trip is full of world- class experiences, from Beijing to the discovery site of the feathered dinosaurs, the terra cotta warriors in Xi’an, and the Silk Road from Lanzhou to Dunhuang. Optional extension to the Yangtze River and Shanghai, June 16-21. $3,995 + air + extension.

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know. Prices are per person based on twin share + air.  CST# 2036304-40

Contacts & Questions!

Discover the Wonders of the Kimberleys, the Festivity of Fiji, Christmas in Guatemala, China’s Heritage & More!

SigmaXi • Planetary SocietyAAAS Travels • ACS Expeditions

For Members & Friends of AAAS, Sigma Xi, ACS & Planetary Society17050 Montebello Road, Cupertino, CA 95014-5435



Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Kakadu & the Kimberleys Annular Eclipse

Aegean OdysseyApril 15-29, 2013  We invite you to join us as we explore the cultural heritage of ancient Greece. Like the Athenians in the 5th Century BC, we’ll pay homage to the great Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, and visit the Oracle at Delphi, against the backdrop of Mt. Parnassos. We will cross the “wine-dark sea” like Homer’s heroes (a few centuries earlier) to the islands of the Aegean.  On Santorini, we will explore the ancient Akrotiri archaeological site and learn about the cataclysmic explosion of Santorini in 1450 BC. On Crete we will unravel the mysteries of the Minoans. Sparkling new museums and fascinating archaeological sites 

will enchant us.  All of this with superb leadership by expert Dr. Ken Sheedy. $3,995 + air. 

Mystique of MoroccoApril 20–May 2, 2013  Magical moments await you on this wonderful adventure to explore the Mystique of Morocco! Morocco possesses a wealth of opportunities for the traveler... from the capital of Rabat to the fantastic Roman site of  Volubilis... to the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert... From magnetic Marrakech to the ancient Phoenician coastal city of  Magador (now called Essaquira).  Morocco offers rich cultural experiences and spectacular scenery. Explore kasbahs, medinas, and souks, ride camels in the Sahara desert, explore Roman ruins, cross the spectacular Atlas Mountains, and learn about a 1,200-year-old university heritage important to all of Western Civilization! $3,995 + air. 

Discover the Heritage of SicilyOctober 10-22, 2013  Explore the cultural heritage and landscapes of this fascinating land of myth and legend with Mark Walters! Evocative Greek temples, stately Norman cathedrals, fine baroque facades and scenic wetlands: Sicily is a rich tapestry offering excellence in archaeology, culture and nature. Sample the astonishing diversity of landscape and history, while learning about its rich cultural heritage.  The Greeks had the greatest impact on Sicily. It was home to philosophers and mathematicians, and Syracuse was one of the most powerful cities in the Greek world. Visit Taormina’s breathtakingly beautiful location and impressive ancient remains. From here we visit the slopes of smoldering Mt. Etna, delving into its fascinating history and mythology.  Come join us as we explore ancient temples and theatres, discover a Roman palace, and marvel at the rich heritage of this land of volcanic Mt. Etna! $3,995 + air.

Kenya Wildlife SafariJuly 25–August 7, 2013  Come explore the spectacular parks and reserves of Kenya, and look for elephants, lions, giraffe, and other wildlife at Mountain Lodge, the Samburu Reserve, the private Sweetwaters Sanctuary, Lake Nakuru and in the Masai Mara (one of the finest wildlife reserves in the world!). We will also visit the renowned Sheldrick

Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi, the National Museum, and Giraffe Center, to see the endangered Rothschild Giraffes. This will be a tremendous adventure! $4,595 + air.

China’s Unique HeritageJune 2-16, 2013


The Timeless Heritage of Southern ChinaMarch 1-17, 2013  Some of the finest experiences in China are found “off the beaten track”— away from the tourism main-stream of Beijing, Shanghai, and other major cities.   We’ll visit famous landscapes near Guilin where cormorants catch fish along the Li River. Near Yangshuo, farmhouses are set amidst overhang-ing crags with the misty silhouettes of Guilin beckoning travelers from across the world.   The adventure will continue as we fly to Kunming in Yunnan Province 

to explore the hinterlands of southern Yunnan. We will stay at the Zhu Family Garden, the estate of a 19th Century aristocrat, and enjoy the tofu-making heritage of Jianshui, a delightful town, far from the route taken by most of China’s foreign visitors.  Over the years we have focused 

on finding places in China that are engrossing and that express China’s timeless heritage and dynamic culture. We believe Southern China epitomizes these qualities and hope you will join our leader Dr. Chris Carpenter and our outstanding guide David Huang for a fantastic experience! $3,995 + air.

MADAGASCARExplore the Unique Heritage of this Enchanting Land!August 31–September 15 or September 21–October 6, 2013

  We invite you to join us as we explore the natural heritage and unique wildlife of Madagascar in 2013! This 16-day expedition offers travel enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to become acquainted with the fauna and flora of Madagascar. $3,995 + air.

July 4-19, 2013 (dates tentative) From Genghis Khan to the Gobi Desert & Naadam Festival!  Discover the expansive landscapes and the proud heritage of Mongolia. Explore the Orkhon Valley Cultural Lancscape, the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve, and Gobi Desert, site of the Flaming Cliffs dinosaur site. Horse racing, archery, and other activities of the Naadam Festival will be a treat! $3,995 + air.


Alaska Voyage on board M/V Sea BirdMay 19-26, 2013 or June 2-9, 2013Optional Anchorage – Denali – Fairbanks extension May 26–June 1  Enjoy a fantastic voyage in the scenic bays and fjords of SE Alaska. Discover glaciers, brown bears, nesting bald eagles, pods of humpback whales, and remote islands. Go kayaking in remote inlets and hiking in superb scenery. An outstanding lecture program and underwater camera will add to the adventure. From $5,990 + free air fare from Seattle. Extension $3,690 additional + air.

India Wildlife SafariFebruary 23–March 9, 2013  Discover the national parks and exquisite cultural antiquities of  India! Visit Delhi, Ranthambore National Park, famous for its wildlife and tigers, plus Bharatpur Sanctuary and Kanha National Park. Visit the Taj Mahal and Fatehpur, two of the most famous cultural sites. Enjoy wonderful lodges and leadership by a talented Indian naturalist. $3,995 + air.

Wild IcelandJune 13-22, 2013  With outstanding leadership by expert Siggi Tomasson, we will have a tremendous adventure in Iceland. Enjoy a wonderful introduction to the culture and heritage, as well as wildlife and the natural world.   See glaciers, immense seabird cliffs, go whalewatching, soak in thermal pools, stay at a family farm, and celebrate the summer solstice in Iceland. $3,995 + air.

Wild & Prehistoric FRANCEMay 17-30, 2013  Join Mark Walters and discover wild areas and prehistoric sites in Haute Provence, the Massif Central, and the Dordogne. See spec tacular gorge country, remote villages, and images of the greatest cave paintings in Europe at Lascaux II. Also take the train into the caves at Rouffignac to see the cave art, especially of mammoths. See the wonder of the Cirque de Navacelles, learn about the griffon reintro duction program at Gorges de la Jonte, and discover the prehistory of ancient Millau, an important crossroads in antiquity. Also visit the Vezere Valley, Font de Gaume, Arles, and Les Baux, a spectacular medieval town. $3,695 + air.

Where You Can Go This Christmas!Christmas in Guatemala December 18-26, 2012With Grace Evans  On this expedition, we will discover the Mayan and colonial heritage of Guatemala, and the sparkling natural world of the country including an active volcano!   The Maya people still live in the Guatemala highlands, and many dress in colorful, traditional clothing. From the enchanting colonial city of Antigua, 

we will visit the renowned city of Chichicastenango (“Chichi”) on market day and during the Fiesta of  Santo Tomas. Here we will see richly costumed dancers act out legends of ancient Maya mythology and the Spanish conquest, near the Iglesia de Santo Tomas.  We will then visit Lake Atitlan which is surrounded by dazzling volcanoes, and the lowland peten, which is covered with an expansive rainforest and home to the great Maya ruins of  Yaxha and Tikal.  We invite you to discover the fascinating heritage and great beauty of Guatemala this Christmas! $2,995 + air.

Summer in Antarctica December 12-24, 2012A great savings... From $4,995 (quad share + air)!  Considered by scientists as one of the last pristine regions andmost inhospitable habitats on earth, Antarctica offers the world’s most magnificent wilderness with abundant concentrations of wildlife, icebergs sculptured by the sea, and extraordinary scenery. Travel will be on the excellent M/V Ortelius.  Once we reach the Antarctic Convergence, we will begin to see a profusion of wildlife, which thrives on the nutrient rich waters. In Antarctica, we will look for humpback, minke, and southern right whales, along with several species of true and fur seals, and tens of thousands of penguins of four species. From $4,995 quad share + air, or $5,695 per person twin share porthole + air.

Kakadu & the Red Centre Annular Eclipse • May 2-16, 2013  This expedition will be a great introduction to the “Top End” of Australia from its Aboriginal heritage to its national parks, wildlife, and history, including the historic cities of Darwin, Alice Springs, and Sydney, and both Kakadu and Yuluru (Ayer’s Rock) National Parks.  We will have special lectures in Darwin, visit the night market, and sail on Darwin Harbor. We’ll then travel to Fogg Dam for the wildlife, and Kakadu National Park to learn about its Aboriginal heritage, billabongs, crocodiles, and more! There will be optional flightseeing over Kakadu.  We will then continue down the Stuart Highway from Katherine to Tennant Creek, where we’ll see the Total Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013. Our adventure will continue as we head down the Track to Alice Springs, the iconic town in the middle of Australia. We will see the Old Telegraph Station and the superb Desert Park.  We will then head overland to Ayer’s Rock in the midst of the Red Centre and the nearby Olgas. Our adventure will conclude in Sydney where we will learn about the Australian Mars program, and explore the historic Rocks area. $6,995 + air.

UGANDA ECLIPSE Gorilla & Chimpanzee Tracking in the “Pearl of Africa” Including the Total Solar Eclipse, Nov. 3, 2013October 23–November 6, 2013

Our safari adventure in Uganda—called the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill for its superb mountains,  climate, and wildlife—will begin in Kampala.  We will first head to Lake Mburo National Park where an afternoon boat ride will allow us to see hippos cooling off in the lake and some of the rich birdlife.  We will then head to the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to go gorilla tracking. (This can be wet and muddy, so be prepared!)  We will continue north to Ishasha which is famous for its tree climbing lions (photographers get ready!) and the Queen Elizabeth National Park to look for African wildlife. We will then go to Fort Portal in the shadow of the fabled “Mountains of the Moon,” an area with tea plantations.

  We will go chimpanzee tracking in the Kibale Forest which is renowned for its primates! We will look for wild chimpanzee, red-tailed monkey, black-and-white colobus monkey, and others.  We will then continue to Murchison Falls National Park where we will see the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013. A visit to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary will conclude our adventure. $5,495 + air.

Other Trips for Eclipse Enthusiasts! So Where Can You Go This Year? Where Can You Go in South America!

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know.Prices are per person based on twin share + air.©2012 Betchart Expeditions Inc. All rights reserved.  CST# 2036304-40

Please pass this brochure along to a friend!

Contacts & Questions!

JUNE 2013China’s Unique Heritage with Dunhuang . . . June 2-16

Yangtze River Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 16-21With Chris CarpenterWild Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13-22With Siggi TomassonLake Baikal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 22–July 3With Victor Kuzevanov

Christmas in Costa Rica December 21-30, 2012  An excellent introduction to the natural wealth of Costa Rica, this 10-day expedition includes a special look at the natural wonders, pristine parks 

and reserves of Costa Rica. Please join us this year, and learn firsthand about the wildlife, tropical ecology, and importanceof tropical forests, and enjoy the spectacular natural world of Costa Rica.  Visits will include Volcan Poas; La Selva scientific research station; the Monteverde Cloudforest, a world-renowned mountain reserve cloaked in mists and cloud; Carara Biological Reserve, beautifully situated on the Pacific Coast; and Braulio Carillo, a montane rainforest park with an aerial tram which allows spectacular views of the rainforest canopy. We will also visit charming San Jose, the bustling capital of Costa Rica, situ ated at 3,000 feet, near the mountainous backbone of the country.  You will delight in the monkeys, sloths, profusion of colorful birds, crocodiles, and more! $2,795 + air.

Christmas in Fiji December 22-31, 2012With Rob McGovern  This expedition will allow you to enjoy the sheer delight of Fiji over the Christmas holidays. In Nadi, we will begin to relax in the ambiance of the South Seas and relish the delights of Fiji from the spectacular firewalking ceremony to the extraordinary marine life of the coral reefs.  We will fly to remote Kadavu Island, off the south shore of Viti Levu, to enjoy the festivity, cultural heritage, and natural world of this Fijian isle.  We will stay at a small resort in modern Fijian bures with easy access to local villages, rainforest trails, beaches, kayaking, and snorkeling. We will discover Fijian culture and village life, birds which are endemic only to Kadavu, the magnificent singing at Sunday church, the kava ceremony, and more! Limited to 15 people. $2,995 + air.

DECEMBER 2012Summer in Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 12-24From $4,995 quad + air — A Terrific Savings!Christmas in Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 18-26A cultural & scenic treasure!Christmas in Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 21-30From Macaws to Monteverde & more!Christmas in Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 22-31A wonderful adventure with Rob McGovern

JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2013Cuba: A People-to-People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 8-16Sponsored by Pacific Horticulture Society License No. CT-2012-295038-1

Heritage of Peru & Easter Island . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 18-31With Dr. Douglas SharonArecibo & the Lesser Antilles . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 30–Feb 9A fascinating visit to Arecibo and on board Royal ClipperBelize—a Caribbean delight!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 2-9On board M/V YorktownIndia Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 23–Mar 9From Tigers to the Taj Mahal

MARCH 2013Heritage of Southern China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 1-17A wonderful opportunity with Chris Carpenter!Alaska Aurora Borealis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 7-13Sled dogs, wildlife & so much more!Costa Rica & Panama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 16-23On board M/V Sea LionBackroads China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 21–Apr 3An enduring favorite with Chris Carpenter & David Huang

APRIL 2013Aegean Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 15-29Explore the heritage of Western Civilization!Mystique of Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 20–May 2Discover colorful, vibrant, intoxicating Morocco!Arizona Skies & New Discoveries . . . . . . . . . . Apr 21-28Mars, the Moon & ancient Anasazi with Bryan Bates!Sikkim & the Himalayas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 27–May 11With the New England Wild Flower Society

MAY 2013Kakadu & the extraordinary Kimberleys . . . . May 2-21

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Dr. Don FranklinKakadu & Australia’s Red Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2-16

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Marj KingWild & Prehistoric France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 17-30Cave art & much more with Mark WaltersAlaska Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 19-26With free air from Seattle or June 2-9Anchorage—Denali—Fairbanks. . . . . . . . May 26–June 1Visit the Kenai, Mt. McKinley & more!

JULY – AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2013Mongolia & Gobi Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 4-19Kenya Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25–Aug 7Xinjiang & Hunza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 1-18Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . Aug 31–Sept 15 or Sept 21–Oct 6Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 30–Oct 12

OCTOBER 2013Heritage of Sicily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 10-22With Mark WaltersAtlantic Crossing Total Eclipse . . . . . . . . . Oct 18-Nov 10Chimpanzee & Gorilla Tracking . . . . . . . . . Oct 23–Nov 6Total Eclipse in the “Pearl of Africa”

Peru & Easter IslandJanuary 18-31, 2013With Dr. Douglas Sharon  Explore the rich cultural heritage of Peru & Easter Island including the classic Inca sites in the Andes, and the ancient coastal cultures north of Lima. We will first visit Caral, where civilization arose in the Supe valley 4,500 to 5,000 years ago, making it one of the earliest city-states in the world, along with Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.  We continue north to explore the Moche civilization near Trujillo and visit Chan-Chan, and the Lord of  Sipan Museum in Chiclayo. We then fly to Cusco, the heart of the Inca Empire, and explore spectacular Andean scenery near the traditional Inca village of Chinchero, the archaeological sites of  Moray, Ollantaitambo, and Machu Picchu.  We will fly to Easter Island from Lima to discover another rich cultural landscape—quite different than the thousands of years of culture in Peru, but equally intriguing and fascinating!  See moias and learn about Easter Island from our terrific guide Sabrina! $4,895 + air.

Arecibo Observatory & the Lesser AntillesJanuary 30–February 9, 2013On board the 5-masted Royal Clipper  This adventure combines two tremen-dous opportunities—a chance to see the Arecibo Radio Telescope near San Juan, Pueto Rico, and an opportunity to explore the ring of volcanic islands called the Lesser Antilles circling the eastern Caribbean. We will travel on board the 5-masted Royal Clipper, one of the world’s largest sailing yachts.

  You will meet scientists who conduct fascinating research on deep outer space and SETI (the search for 

extraterrestrial intelligence) at the world famous Arecibo Radio Telescope.  Our itinerary will then include St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, St Kitts, Isles les Saintes, and Martinique. There will be opportuni-ties for snorkeling, whale watching, hiking, and to discover the night sky with other sky enthusiasts! From $3,750 + air.

Arizona Skies & New DiscoveriesApril 21-28, 2013  Join us in the “Astronomy Capital  of the World” as we learn about new discoveries on Mars and the Moon and see the natural wonders of this desert paradise. Meet the scientist who postulated the origin of our Moon and learn about current research at the Planetary Science Institute. See the renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and also visit Biosphere 2.  Learn about the research on the sun at Kitt Peak and see the historic Mission San Javier del Bac, which represents the Spanish heritage of Tucson. Learn about the Mars program from one of the lead scientists, and also visit the Phoenix Botanic Garden, Sedona, Sunset Crater and Wupati near Flagstaff, and Lowell Observatory.  A terrifically interesting trip, with leadership by astronomer and anthropology expert Bryan Bates. $2,995 + air.

Trips for Astronomy & Space Enthusiasts!

See the Total Solar Eclipse November 3, 2013!


October 18–November 10, 2013On board the 4-masted Tall Ship, Star Flyer

The Atlantic Crossing is waiting list only.Please contact Marisa to be on the waiting list. 


Alaska Aurora BorealisMarch 7-13, 2013See the greatest light show on earth!  Discover the great beauty of Alaska and see the famed Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights—the greatest light show on earth!  Look for marine life and see wildlife near Seward and visit the Ice Festival in Fairbanks. Have an opportunity to learn about the Aurora from special guests atthe Geophysical Institute.  Watch the local curling and sled dog teams and see the Aurora Borealis dance across the night sky with local astronomy enthusi asts at Creamer’s Field and Mt. Aurora. This is a delightful adventure! $2,795 + air.

Please Note: We will have a second eclipse trip to the “Top End” of Australia and the Kimberleys. Both groups will travel together from Darwin to Kakadu–Katherine and Tennant Creek. Then this group will head south to Alice Springs and Ayer’s Rock while the other group goes to the Kimberleys.

A Very Special Trip to China!Backroads ChinaMarch 21–April 3, 2013

  Nestled in Southwestern China, edging 18,000 ft. Himalayan peaks, is the most scenic, spectacular, and culturally rich area in China—Yunnan Province. More distinct ethnic groups live here than in any other area of the country.  A profound cultural transition is underway in Yunnan, as elsewhere in China. Traditional cultures in remote country villages are challenged by images of a vibrant, rapidly modern izing Chinese society. Yet Yunnan possesses delightful backroads to explore and fascinating remote cultures to discover. $3,995 + air.

Where You Can Go This Christmas!Christmas in Guatemala December 18-26, 2012With Grace Evans  On this expedition, we will discover the Mayan and colonial heritage of Guatemala, and the sparkling natural world of the country including an active volcano!   The Maya people still live in the Guatemala highlands, and many dress in colorful, traditional clothing. From the enchanting colonial city of Antigua, 

we will visit the renowned city of Chichicastenango (“Chichi”) on market day and during the Fiesta of  Santo Tomas. Here we will see richly costumed dancers act out legends of ancient Maya mythology and the Spanish conquest, near the Iglesia de Santo Tomas.  We will then visit Lake Atitlan which is surrounded by dazzling volcanoes, and the lowland peten, which is covered with an expansive rainforest and home to the great Maya ruins of  Yaxha and Tikal.  We invite you to discover the fascinating heritage and great beauty of Guatemala this Christmas! $2,995 + air.

Summer in Antarctica December 12-24, 2012A great savings... From $4,995 (quad share + air)!  Considered by scientists as one of the last pristine regions andmost inhospitable habitats on earth, Antarctica offers the world’s most magnificent wilderness with abundant concentrations of wildlife, icebergs sculptured by the sea, and extraordinary scenery. Travel will be on the excellent M/V Ortelius.  Once we reach the Antarctic Convergence, we will begin to see a profusion of wildlife, which thrives on the nutrient rich waters. In Antarctica, we will look for humpback, minke, and southern right whales, along with several species of true and fur seals, and tens of thousands of penguins of four species. From $4,995 quad share + air, or $5,695 per person twin share porthole + air.

Kakadu & the Red Centre Annular Eclipse • May 2-16, 2013  This expedition will be a great introduction to the “Top End” of Australia from its Aboriginal heritage to its national parks, wildlife, and history, including the historic cities of Darwin, Alice Springs, and Sydney, and both Kakadu and Yuluru (Ayer’s Rock) National Parks.  We will have special lectures in Darwin, visit the night market, and sail on Darwin Harbor. We’ll then travel to Fogg Dam for the wildlife, and Kakadu National Park to learn about its Aboriginal heritage, billabongs, crocodiles, and more! There will be optional flightseeing over Kakadu.  We will then continue down the Stuart Highway from Katherine to Tennant Creek, where we’ll see the Total Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013. Our adventure will continue as we head down the Track to Alice Springs, the iconic town in the middle of Australia. We will see the Old Telegraph Station and the superb Desert Park.  We will then head overland to Ayer’s Rock in the midst of the Red Centre and the nearby Olgas. Our adventure will conclude in Sydney where we will learn about the Australian Mars program, and explore the historic Rocks area. $6,995 + air.

UGANDA ECLIPSE Gorilla & Chimpanzee Tracking in the “Pearl of Africa” Including the Total Solar Eclipse, Nov. 3, 2013October 23–November 6, 2013

Our safari adventure in Uganda—called the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill for its superb mountains,  climate, and wildlife—will begin in Kampala.  We will first head to Lake Mburo National Park where an afternoon boat ride will allow us to see hippos cooling off in the lake and some of the rich birdlife.  We will then head to the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to go gorilla tracking. (This can be wet and muddy, so be prepared!)  We will continue north to Ishasha which is famous for its tree climbing lions (photographers get ready!) and the Queen Elizabeth National Park to look for African wildlife. We will then go to Fort Portal in the shadow of the fabled “Mountains of the Moon,” an area with tea plantations.

  We will go chimpanzee tracking in the Kibale Forest which is renowned for its primates! We will look for wild chimpanzee, red-tailed monkey, black-and-white colobus monkey, and others.  We will then continue to Murchison Falls National Park where we will see the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013. A visit to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary will conclude our adventure. $5,495 + air.

Other Trips for Eclipse Enthusiasts! So Where Can You Go This Year? Where Can You Go in South America!

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know.Prices are per person based on twin share + air.©2012 Betchart Expeditions Inc. All rights reserved.  CST# 2036304-40

Please pass this brochure along to a friend!

Contacts & Questions!

JUNE 2013China’s Unique Heritage with Dunhuang . . . June 2-16

Yangtze River Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 16-21With Chris CarpenterWild Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13-22With Siggi TomassonLake Baikal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 22–July 3With Victor Kuzevanov

Christmas in Costa Rica December 21-30, 2012  An excellent introduction to the natural wealth of Costa Rica, this 10-day expedition includes a special look at the natural wonders, pristine parks 

and reserves of Costa Rica. Please join us this year, and learn firsthand about the wildlife, tropical ecology, and importanceof tropical forests, and enjoy the spectacular natural world of Costa Rica.  Visits will include Volcan Poas; La Selva scientific research station; the Monteverde Cloudforest, a world-renowned mountain reserve cloaked in mists and cloud; Carara Biological Reserve, beautifully situated on the Pacific Coast; and Braulio Carillo, a montane rainforest park with an aerial tram which allows spectacular views of the rainforest canopy. We will also visit charming San Jose, the bustling capital of Costa Rica, situ ated at 3,000 feet, near the mountainous backbone of the country.  You will delight in the monkeys, sloths, profusion of colorful birds, crocodiles, and more! $2,795 + air.

Christmas in Fiji December 22-31, 2012With Rob McGovern  This expedition will allow you to enjoy the sheer delight of Fiji over the Christmas holidays. In Nadi, we will begin to relax in the ambiance of the South Seas and relish the delights of Fiji from the spectacular firewalking ceremony to the extraordinary marine life of the coral reefs.  We will fly to remote Kadavu Island, off the south shore of Viti Levu, to enjoy the festivity, cultural heritage, and natural world of this Fijian isle.  We will stay at a small resort in modern Fijian bures with easy access to local villages, rainforest trails, beaches, kayaking, and snorkeling. We will discover Fijian culture and village life, birds which are endemic only to Kadavu, the magnificent singing at Sunday church, the kava ceremony, and more! Limited to 15 people. $2,995 + air.

DECEMBER 2012Summer in Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 12-24From $4,995 quad + air — A Terrific Savings!Christmas in Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 18-26A cultural & scenic treasure!Christmas in Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 21-30From Macaws to Monteverde & more!Christmas in Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 22-31A wonderful adventure with Rob McGovern

JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2013Cuba: A People-to-People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 8-16Sponsored by Pacific Horticulture Society License No. CT-2012-295038-1

Heritage of Peru & Easter Island . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 18-31With Dr. Douglas SharonArecibo & the Lesser Antilles . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 30–Feb 9A fascinating visit to Arecibo and on board Royal ClipperBelize—a Caribbean delight!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 2-9On board M/V YorktownIndia Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 23–Mar 9From Tigers to the Taj Mahal

MARCH 2013Heritage of Southern China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 1-17A wonderful opportunity with Chris Carpenter!Alaska Aurora Borealis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 7-13Sled dogs, wildlife & so much more!Costa Rica & Panama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 16-23On board M/V Sea LionBackroads China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 21–Apr 3An enduring favorite with Chris Carpenter & David Huang

APRIL 2013Aegean Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 15-29Explore the heritage of Western Civilization!Mystique of Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 20–May 2Discover colorful, vibrant, intoxicating Morocco!Arizona Skies & New Discoveries . . . . . . . . . . Apr 21-28Mars, the Moon & ancient Anasazi with Bryan Bates!Sikkim & the Himalayas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 27–May 11With the New England Wild Flower Society

MAY 2013Kakadu & the extraordinary Kimberleys . . . . May 2-21

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Dr. Don FranklinKakadu & Australia’s Red Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2-16

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Marj KingWild & Prehistoric France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 17-30Cave art & much more with Mark WaltersAlaska Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 19-26With free air from Seattle or June 2-9Anchorage—Denali—Fairbanks. . . . . . . . May 26–June 1Visit the Kenai, Mt. McKinley & more!

JULY – AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2013Mongolia & Gobi Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 4-19Kenya Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25–Aug 7Xinjiang & Hunza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 1-18Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . Aug 31–Sept 15 or Sept 21–Oct 6Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 30–Oct 12

OCTOBER 2013Heritage of Sicily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 10-22With Mark WaltersAtlantic Crossing Total Eclipse . . . . . . . . . Oct 18-Nov 10Chimpanzee & Gorilla Tracking . . . . . . . . . Oct 23–Nov 6Total Eclipse in the “Pearl of Africa”

Peru & Easter IslandJanuary 18-31, 2013With Dr. Douglas Sharon  Explore the rich cultural heritage of Peru & Easter Island including the classic Inca sites in the Andes, and the ancient coastal cultures north of Lima. We will first visit Caral, where civilization arose in the Supe valley 4,500 to 5,000 years ago, making it one of the earliest city-states in the world, along with Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.  We continue north to explore the Moche civilization near Trujillo and visit Chan-Chan, and the Lord of  Sipan Museum in Chiclayo. We then fly to Cusco, the heart of the Inca Empire, and explore spectacular Andean scenery near the traditional Inca village of Chinchero, the archaeological sites of  Moray, Ollantaitambo, and Machu Picchu.  We will fly to Easter Island from Lima to discover another rich cultural landscape—quite different than the thousands of years of culture in Peru, but equally intriguing and fascinating!  See moias and learn about Easter Island from our terrific guide Sabrina! $4,895 + air.

Arecibo Observatory & the Lesser AntillesJanuary 30–February 9, 2013On board the 5-masted Royal Clipper  This adventure combines two tremen-dous opportunities—a chance to see the Arecibo Radio Telescope near San Juan, Pueto Rico, and an opportunity to explore the ring of volcanic islands called the Lesser Antilles circling the eastern Caribbean. We will travel on board the 5-masted Royal Clipper, one of the world’s largest sailing yachts.

  You will meet scientists who conduct fascinating research on deep outer space and SETI (the search for 

extraterrestrial intelligence) at the world famous Arecibo Radio Telescope.  Our itinerary will then include St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, St Kitts, Isles les Saintes, and Martinique. There will be opportuni-ties for snorkeling, whale watching, hiking, and to discover the night sky with other sky enthusiasts! From $3,750 + air.

Arizona Skies & New DiscoveriesApril 21-28, 2013  Join us in the “Astronomy Capital  of the World” as we learn about new discoveries on Mars and the Moon and see the natural wonders of this desert paradise. Meet the scientist who postulated the origin of our Moon and learn about current research at the Planetary Science Institute. See the renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and also visit Biosphere 2.  Learn about the research on the sun at Kitt Peak and see the historic Mission San Javier del Bac, which represents the Spanish heritage of Tucson. Learn about the Mars program from one of the lead scientists, and also visit the Phoenix Botanic Garden, Sedona, Sunset Crater and Wupati near Flagstaff, and Lowell Observatory.  A terrifically interesting trip, with leadership by astronomer and anthropology expert Bryan Bates. $2,995 + air.

Trips for Astronomy & Space Enthusiasts!

See the Total Solar Eclipse November 3, 2013!


October 18–November 10, 2013On board the 4-masted Tall Ship, Star Flyer

The Atlantic Crossing is waiting list only.Please contact Marisa to be on the waiting list. 


Alaska Aurora BorealisMarch 7-13, 2013See the greatest light show on earth!  Discover the great beauty of Alaska and see the famed Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights—the greatest light show on earth!  Look for marine life and see wildlife near Seward and visit the Ice Festival in Fairbanks. Have an opportunity to learn about the Aurora from special guests atthe Geophysical Institute.  Watch the local curling and sled dog teams and see the Aurora Borealis dance across the night sky with local astronomy enthusi asts at Creamer’s Field and Mt. Aurora. This is a delightful adventure! $2,795 + air.

Please Note: We will have a second eclipse trip to the “Top End” of Australia and the Kimberleys. Both groups will travel together from Darwin to Kakadu–Katherine and Tennant Creek. Then this group will head south to Alice Springs and Ayer’s Rock while the other group goes to the Kimberleys.

A Very Special Trip to China!Backroads ChinaMarch 21–April 3, 2013

  Nestled in Southwestern China, edging 18,000 ft. Himalayan peaks, is the most scenic, spectacular, and culturally rich area in China—Yunnan Province. More distinct ethnic groups live here than in any other area of the country.  A profound cultural transition is underway in Yunnan, as elsewhere in China. Traditional cultures in remote country villages are challenged by images of a vibrant, rapidly modern izing Chinese society. Yet Yunnan possesses delightful backroads to explore and fascinating remote cultures to discover. $3,995 + air.

Where You Can Go This Christmas!Christmas in Guatemala December 18-26, 2012With Grace Evans  On this expedition, we will discover the Mayan and colonial heritage of Guatemala, and the sparkling natural world of the country including an active volcano!   The Maya people still live in the Guatemala highlands, and many dress in colorful, traditional clothing. From the enchanting colonial city of Antigua, 

we will visit the renowned city of Chichicastenango (“Chichi”) on market day and during the Fiesta of  Santo Tomas. Here we will see richly costumed dancers act out legends of ancient Maya mythology and the Spanish conquest, near the Iglesia de Santo Tomas.  We will then visit Lake Atitlan which is surrounded by dazzling volcanoes, and the lowland peten, which is covered with an expansive rainforest and home to the great Maya ruins of  Yaxha and Tikal.  We invite you to discover the fascinating heritage and great beauty of Guatemala this Christmas! $2,995 + air.

Summer in Antarctica December 12-24, 2012A great savings... From $4,995 (quad share + air)!  Considered by scientists as one of the last pristine regions andmost inhospitable habitats on earth, Antarctica offers the world’s most magnificent wilderness with abundant concentrations of wildlife, icebergs sculptured by the sea, and extraordinary scenery. Travel will be on the excellent M/V Ortelius.  Once we reach the Antarctic Convergence, we will begin to see a profusion of wildlife, which thrives on the nutrient rich waters. In Antarctica, we will look for humpback, minke, and southern right whales, along with several species of true and fur seals, and tens of thousands of penguins of four species. From $4,995 quad share + air, or $5,695 per person twin share porthole + air.

Kakadu & the Red Centre Annular Eclipse • May 2-16, 2013  This expedition will be a great introduction to the “Top End” of Australia from its Aboriginal heritage to its national parks, wildlife, and history, including the historic cities of Darwin, Alice Springs, and Sydney, and both Kakadu and Yuluru (Ayer’s Rock) National Parks.  We will have special lectures in Darwin, visit the night market, and sail on Darwin Harbor. We’ll then travel to Fogg Dam for the wildlife, and Kakadu National Park to learn about its Aboriginal heritage, billabongs, crocodiles, and more! There will be optional flightseeing over Kakadu.  We will then continue down the Stuart Highway from Katherine to Tennant Creek, where we’ll see the Total Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013. Our adventure will continue as we head down the Track to Alice Springs, the iconic town in the middle of Australia. We will see the Old Telegraph Station and the superb Desert Park.  We will then head overland to Ayer’s Rock in the midst of the Red Centre and the nearby Olgas. Our adventure will conclude in Sydney where we will learn about the Australian Mars program, and explore the historic Rocks area. $6,995 + air.

UGANDA ECLIPSE Gorilla & Chimpanzee Tracking in the “Pearl of Africa” Including the Total Solar Eclipse, Nov. 3, 2013October 23–November 6, 2013

Our safari adventure in Uganda—called the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill for its superb mountains,  climate, and wildlife—will begin in Kampala.  We will first head to Lake Mburo National Park where an afternoon boat ride will allow us to see hippos cooling off in the lake and some of the rich birdlife.  We will then head to the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to go gorilla tracking. (This can be wet and muddy, so be prepared!)  We will continue north to Ishasha which is famous for its tree climbing lions (photographers get ready!) and the Queen Elizabeth National Park to look for African wildlife. We will then go to Fort Portal in the shadow of the fabled “Mountains of the Moon,” an area with tea plantations.

  We will go chimpanzee tracking in the Kibale Forest which is renowned for its primates! We will look for wild chimpanzee, red-tailed monkey, black-and-white colobus monkey, and others.  We will then continue to Murchison Falls National Park where we will see the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013. A visit to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary will conclude our adventure. $5,495 + air.

Other Trips for Eclipse Enthusiasts! So Where Can You Go This Year? Where Can You Go in South America!

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know.Prices are per person based on twin share + air.©2012 Betchart Expeditions Inc. All rights reserved.  CST# 2036304-40

Please pass this brochure along to a friend!

Contacts & Questions!

JUNE 2013China’s Unique Heritage with Dunhuang . . . June 2-16

Yangtze River Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 16-21With Chris CarpenterWild Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13-22With Siggi TomassonLake Baikal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 22–July 3With Victor Kuzevanov

Christmas in Costa Rica December 21-30, 2012  An excellent introduction to the natural wealth of Costa Rica, this 10-day expedition includes a special look at the natural wonders, pristine parks 

and reserves of Costa Rica. Please join us this year, and learn firsthand about the wildlife, tropical ecology, and importanceof tropical forests, and enjoy the spectacular natural world of Costa Rica.  Visits will include Volcan Poas; La Selva scientific research station; the Monteverde Cloudforest, a world-renowned mountain reserve cloaked in mists and cloud; Carara Biological Reserve, beautifully situated on the Pacific Coast; and Braulio Carillo, a montane rainforest park with an aerial tram which allows spectacular views of the rainforest canopy. We will also visit charming San Jose, the bustling capital of Costa Rica, situ ated at 3,000 feet, near the mountainous backbone of the country.  You will delight in the monkeys, sloths, profusion of colorful birds, crocodiles, and more! $2,795 + air.

Christmas in Fiji December 22-31, 2012With Rob McGovern  This expedition will allow you to enjoy the sheer delight of Fiji over the Christmas holidays. In Nadi, we will begin to relax in the ambiance of the South Seas and relish the delights of Fiji from the spectacular firewalking ceremony to the extraordinary marine life of the coral reefs.  We will fly to remote Kadavu Island, off the south shore of Viti Levu, to enjoy the festivity, cultural heritage, and natural world of this Fijian isle.  We will stay at a small resort in modern Fijian bures with easy access to local villages, rainforest trails, beaches, kayaking, and snorkeling. We will discover Fijian culture and village life, birds which are endemic only to Kadavu, the magnificent singing at Sunday church, the kava ceremony, and more! Limited to 15 people. $2,995 + air.

DECEMBER 2012Summer in Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 12-24From $4,995 quad + air — A Terrific Savings!Christmas in Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 18-26A cultural & scenic treasure!Christmas in Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 21-30From Macaws to Monteverde & more!Christmas in Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 22-31A wonderful adventure with Rob McGovern

JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2013Cuba: A People-to-People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 8-16Sponsored by Pacific Horticulture Society License No. CT-2012-295038-1

Heritage of Peru & Easter Island . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 18-31With Dr. Douglas SharonArecibo & the Lesser Antilles . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 30–Feb 9A fascinating visit to Arecibo and on board Royal ClipperBelize—a Caribbean delight!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 2-9On board M/V YorktownIndia Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 23–Mar 9From Tigers to the Taj Mahal

MARCH 2013Heritage of Southern China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 1-17A wonderful opportunity with Chris Carpenter!Alaska Aurora Borealis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 7-13Sled dogs, wildlife & so much more!Costa Rica & Panama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 16-23On board M/V Sea LionBackroads China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 21–Apr 3An enduring favorite with Chris Carpenter & David Huang

APRIL 2013Aegean Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 15-29Explore the heritage of Western Civilization!Mystique of Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 20–May 2Discover colorful, vibrant, intoxicating Morocco!Arizona Skies & New Discoveries . . . . . . . . . . Apr 21-28Mars, the Moon & ancient Anasazi with Bryan Bates!Sikkim & the Himalayas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 27–May 11With the New England Wild Flower Society

MAY 2013Kakadu & the extraordinary Kimberleys . . . . May 2-21

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Dr. Don FranklinKakadu & Australia’s Red Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2-16

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Marj KingWild & Prehistoric France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 17-30Cave art & much more with Mark WaltersAlaska Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 19-26With free air from Seattle or June 2-9Anchorage—Denali—Fairbanks. . . . . . . . May 26–June 1Visit the Kenai, Mt. McKinley & more!

JULY – AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2013Mongolia & Gobi Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 4-19Kenya Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25–Aug 7Xinjiang & Hunza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 1-18Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . Aug 31–Sept 15 or Sept 21–Oct 6Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 30–Oct 12

OCTOBER 2013Heritage of Sicily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 10-22With Mark WaltersAtlantic Crossing Total Eclipse . . . . . . . . . Oct 18-Nov 10Chimpanzee & Gorilla Tracking . . . . . . . . . Oct 23–Nov 6Total Eclipse in the “Pearl of Africa”

Peru & Easter IslandJanuary 18-31, 2013With Dr. Douglas Sharon  Explore the rich cultural heritage of Peru & Easter Island including the classic Inca sites in the Andes, and the ancient coastal cultures north of Lima. We will first visit Caral, where civilization arose in the Supe valley 4,500 to 5,000 years ago, making it one of the earliest city-states in the world, along with Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.  We continue north to explore the Moche civilization near Trujillo and visit Chan-Chan, and the Lord of  Sipan Museum in Chiclayo. We then fly to Cusco, the heart of the Inca Empire, and explore spectacular Andean scenery near the traditional Inca village of Chinchero, the archaeological sites of  Moray, Ollantaitambo, and Machu Picchu.  We will fly to Easter Island from Lima to discover another rich cultural landscape—quite different than the thousands of years of culture in Peru, but equally intriguing and fascinating!  See moias and learn about Easter Island from our terrific guide Sabrina! $4,895 + air.

Arecibo Observatory & the Lesser AntillesJanuary 30–February 9, 2013On board the 5-masted Royal Clipper  This adventure combines two tremen-dous opportunities—a chance to see the Arecibo Radio Telescope near San Juan, Pueto Rico, and an opportunity to explore the ring of volcanic islands called the Lesser Antilles circling the eastern Caribbean. We will travel on board the 5-masted Royal Clipper, one of the world’s largest sailing yachts.

  You will meet scientists who conduct fascinating research on deep outer space and SETI (the search for 

extraterrestrial intelligence) at the world famous Arecibo Radio Telescope.  Our itinerary will then include St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, St Kitts, Isles les Saintes, and Martinique. There will be opportuni-ties for snorkeling, whale watching, hiking, and to discover the night sky with other sky enthusiasts! From $3,750 + air.

Arizona Skies & New DiscoveriesApril 21-28, 2013  Join us in the “Astronomy Capital  of the World” as we learn about new discoveries on Mars and the Moon and see the natural wonders of this desert paradise. Meet the scientist who postulated the origin of our Moon and learn about current research at the Planetary Science Institute. See the renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and also visit Biosphere 2.  Learn about the research on the sun at Kitt Peak and see the historic Mission San Javier del Bac, which represents the Spanish heritage of Tucson. Learn about the Mars program from one of the lead scientists, and also visit the Phoenix Botanic Garden, Sedona, Sunset Crater and Wupati near Flagstaff, and Lowell Observatory.  A terrifically interesting trip, with leadership by astronomer and anthropology expert Bryan Bates. $2,995 + air.

Trips for Astronomy & Space Enthusiasts!

See the Total Solar Eclipse November 3, 2013!


October 18–November 10, 2013On board the 4-masted Tall Ship, Star Flyer

The Atlantic Crossing is waiting list only.Please contact Marisa to be on the waiting list. 


Alaska Aurora BorealisMarch 7-13, 2013See the greatest light show on earth!  Discover the great beauty of Alaska and see the famed Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights—the greatest light show on earth!  Look for marine life and see wildlife near Seward and visit the Ice Festival in Fairbanks. Have an opportunity to learn about the Aurora from special guests atthe Geophysical Institute.  Watch the local curling and sled dog teams and see the Aurora Borealis dance across the night sky with local astronomy enthusi asts at Creamer’s Field and Mt. Aurora. This is a delightful adventure! $2,795 + air.

Please Note: We will have a second eclipse trip to the “Top End” of Australia and the Kimberleys. Both groups will travel together from Darwin to Kakadu–Katherine and Tennant Creek. Then this group will head south to Alice Springs and Ayer’s Rock while the other group goes to the Kimberleys.

A Very Special Trip to China!Backroads ChinaMarch 21–April 3, 2013

  Nestled in Southwestern China, edging 18,000 ft. Himalayan peaks, is the most scenic, spectacular, and culturally rich area in China—Yunnan Province. More distinct ethnic groups live here than in any other area of the country.  A profound cultural transition is underway in Yunnan, as elsewhere in China. Traditional cultures in remote country villages are challenged by images of a vibrant, rapidly modern izing Chinese society. Yet Yunnan possesses delightful backroads to explore and fascinating remote cultures to discover. $3,995 + air.

AAAS Travels • Sigma Xi Expeditions • ACS Expeditions • Planetary Society • Betchart Expeditions Inc.

Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Wonderful Adventures for you and your friends... Join us!

May 2-21, 2013  We invite you to explore one of the world’s greatest wilderness areas—the Kimberleys in Northwest Australia—and to see the Annular Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013.  Our journey will begin in Darwin at the Top End of Australia and will include the living cultural landscape and World Heritage site of Kakadu National Park. We will then head down the historic Stuart Highway to Katherine and Tennant Creek in the vast Red Centre of Australia where we will see the Eclipse.  We will return to Katherine and head west to the Kimberleys -- a vast and virtually inaccessible area except for the Great Northern Highway and 4-wheel-drive tracks across the wilderness. We will be exploring places so remote that very few people have ever been there, with superb leadership by Dr. Don Franklin and Bob Nansen.  Our Kimberleys visit will include the immense El Questro cattle station and wilderness park, with spectacular safari camp accommodations, and the 

Bungle Bungles— a startling landscape of huge domes only discovered in the early 1980’s and now one of Australia’s most notable landscapes, known as Purnululu National Park and World Heritage site.  We will continue on the Great Northern Highway to Hall’s

Creek and Fitzroy Crossing, Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek, and Windjana Gorge which cuts through the ancient Devonian barrier reef. Our adventure will end in the historic pearling town of Broome, with a dazzling sand beach, dinosaur footprints and more!  Our friends in Australia speak in awe of the oppor-tunity to visit Kakadu and the Kimberleys!  We hope you will join this adventure of a lifetime! $9,550 + air.

Let us hear from you!(800) 252-4910

or (408) 252-4910email:

Trips for Wildlife Enthusiasts!

Discover Our Cultural Heritage! So Where Can You Go in Asia & Africa?

  This trip is full of world- class experiences, from Beijing to the discovery site of the feathered dinosaurs, the terra cotta warriors in Xi’an, and the Silk Road from Lanzhou to Dunhuang. Optional extension to the Yangtze River and Shanghai, June 16-21. $3,995 + air + extension.

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know. Prices are per person based on twin share + air.  CST# 2036304-40

Contacts & Questions!

Discover the Wonders of the Kimberleys, the Festivity of Fiji, Christmas in Guatemala, China’s Heritage & More!

SigmaXi • Planetary SocietyAAAS Travels • ACS Expeditions

For Members & Friends of AAAS, Sigma Xi, ACS & Planetary Society17050 Montebello Road, Cupertino, CA 95014-5435



Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Kakadu & the Kimberleys Annular Eclipse

Aegean OdysseyApril 15-29, 2013  We invite you to join us as we explore the cultural heritage of ancient Greece. Like the Athenians in the 5th Century BC, we’ll pay homage to the great Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, and visit the Oracle at Delphi, against the backdrop of Mt. Parnassos. We will cross the “wine-dark sea” like Homer’s heroes (a few centuries earlier) to the islands of the Aegean.  On Santorini, we will explore the ancient Akrotiri archaeological site and learn about the cataclysmic explosion of Santorini in 1450 BC. On Crete we will unravel the mysteries of the Minoans. Sparkling new museums and fascinating archaeological sites 

will enchant us.  All of this with superb leadership by expert Dr. Ken Sheedy. $3,995 + air. 

Mystique of MoroccoApril 20–May 2, 2013  Magical moments await you on this wonderful adventure to explore the Mystique of Morocco! Morocco possesses a wealth of opportunities for the traveler... from the capital of Rabat to the fantastic Roman site of  Volubilis... to the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert... From magnetic Marrakech to the ancient Phoenician coastal city of  Magador (now called Essaquira).  Morocco offers rich cultural experiences and spectacular scenery. Explore kasbahs, medinas, and souks, ride camels in the Sahara desert, explore Roman ruins, cross the spectacular Atlas Mountains, and learn about a 1,200-year-old university heritage important to all of Western Civilization! $3,995 + air. 

Discover the Heritage of SicilyOctober 10-22, 2013  Explore the cultural heritage and landscapes of this fascinating land of myth and legend with Mark Walters! Evocative Greek temples, stately Norman cathedrals, fine baroque facades and scenic wetlands: Sicily is a rich tapestry offering excellence in archaeology, culture and nature. Sample the astonishing diversity of landscape and history, while learning about its rich cultural heritage.  The Greeks had the greatest impact on Sicily. It was home to philosophers and mathematicians, and Syracuse was one of the most powerful cities in the Greek world. Visit Taormina’s breathtakingly beautiful location and impressive ancient remains. From here we visit the slopes of smoldering Mt. Etna, delving into its fascinating history and mythology.  Come join us as we explore ancient temples and theatres, discover a Roman palace, and marvel at the rich heritage of this land of volcanic Mt. Etna! $3,995 + air.

Kenya Wildlife SafariJuly 25–August 7, 2013  Come explore the spectacular parks and reserves of Kenya, and look for elephants, lions, giraffe, and other wildlife at Mountain Lodge, the Samburu Reserve, the private Sweetwaters Sanctuary, Lake Nakuru and in the Masai Mara (one of the finest wildlife reserves in the world!). We will also visit the renowned Sheldrick

Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi, the National Museum, and Giraffe Center, to see the endangered Rothschild Giraffes. This will be a tremendous adventure! $4,595 + air.

China’s Unique HeritageJune 2-16, 2013


The Timeless Heritage of Southern ChinaMarch 1-17, 2013  Some of the finest experiences in China are found “off the beaten track”— away from the tourism main-stream of Beijing, Shanghai, and other major cities.   We’ll visit famous landscapes near Guilin where cormorants catch fish along the Li River. Near Yangshuo, farmhouses are set amidst overhang-ing crags with the misty silhouettes of Guilin beckoning travelers from across the world.   The adventure will continue as we fly to Kunming in Yunnan Province 

to explore the hinterlands of southern Yunnan. We will stay at the Zhu Family Garden, the estate of a 19th Century aristocrat, and enjoy the tofu-making heritage of Jianshui, a delightful town, far from the route taken by most of China’s foreign visitors.  Over the years we have focused 

on finding places in China that are engrossing and that express China’s timeless heritage and dynamic culture. We believe Southern China epitomizes these qualities and hope you will join our leader Dr. Chris Carpenter and our outstanding guide David Huang for a fantastic experience! $3,995 + air.

MADAGASCARExplore the Unique Heritage of this Enchanting Land!August 31–September 15 or September 21–October 6, 2013

  We invite you to join us as we explore the natural heritage and unique wildlife of Madagascar in 2013! This 16-day expedition offers travel enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to become acquainted with the fauna and flora of Madagascar. $3,995 + air.

July 4-19, 2013 (dates tentative) From Genghis Khan to the Gobi Desert & Naadam Festival!  Discover the expansive landscapes and the proud heritage of Mongolia. Explore the Orkhon Valley Cultural Lancscape, the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve, and Gobi Desert, site of the Flaming Cliffs dinosaur site. Horse racing, archery, and other activities of the Naadam Festival will be a treat! $3,995 + air.


Alaska Voyage on board M/V Sea BirdMay 19-26, 2013 or June 2-9, 2013Optional Anchorage – Denali – Fairbanks extension May 26–June 1  Enjoy a fantastic voyage in the scenic bays and fjords of SE Alaska. Discover glaciers, brown bears, nesting bald eagles, pods of humpback whales, and remote islands. Go kayaking in remote inlets and hiking in superb scenery. An outstanding lecture program and underwater camera will add to the adventure. From $5,990 + free air fare from Seattle. Extension $3,690 additional + air.

India Wildlife SafariFebruary 23–March 9, 2013  Discover the national parks and exquisite cultural antiquities of  India! Visit Delhi, Ranthambore National Park, famous for its wildlife and tigers, plus Bharatpur Sanctuary and Kanha National Park. Visit the Taj Mahal and Fatehpur, two of the most famous cultural sites. Enjoy wonderful lodges and leadership by a talented Indian naturalist. $3,995 + air.

Wild IcelandJune 13-22, 2013  With outstanding leadership by expert Siggi Tomasson, we will have a tremendous adventure in Iceland. Enjoy a wonderful introduction to the culture and heritage, as well as wildlife and the natural world.   See glaciers, immense seabird cliffs, go whalewatching, soak in thermal pools, stay at a family farm, and celebrate the summer solstice in Iceland. $3,995 + air.

Wild & Prehistoric FRANCEMay 17-30, 2013  Join Mark Walters and discover wild areas and prehistoric sites in Haute Provence, the Massif Central, and the Dordogne. See spec tacular gorge country, remote villages, and images of the greatest cave paintings in Europe at Lascaux II. Also take the train into the caves at Rouffignac to see the cave art, especially of mammoths. See the wonder of the Cirque de Navacelles, learn about the griffon reintro duction program at Gorges de la Jonte, and discover the prehistory of ancient Millau, an important crossroads in antiquity. Also visit the Vezere Valley, Font de Gaume, Arles, and Les Baux, a spectacular medieval town. $3,695 + air.

AAAS Travels • Sigma Xi Expeditions • ACS Expeditions • Planetary Society • Betchart Expeditions Inc.

Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Wonderful Adventures for you and your friends... Join us!

May 2-21, 2013  We invite you to explore one of the world’s greatest wilderness areas—the Kimberleys in Northwest Australia—and to see the Annular Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013.  Our journey will begin in Darwin at the Top End of Australia and will include the living cultural landscape and World Heritage site of Kakadu National Park. We will then head down the historic Stuart Highway to Katherine and Tennant Creek in the vast Red Centre of Australia where we will see the Eclipse.  We will return to Katherine and head west to the Kimberleys -- a vast and virtually inaccessible area except for the Great Northern Highway and 4-wheel-drive tracks across the wilderness. We will be exploring places so remote that very few people have ever been there, with superb leadership by Dr. Don Franklin and Bob Nansen.  Our Kimberleys visit will include the immense El Questro cattle station and wilderness park, with spectacular safari camp accommodations, and the 

Bungle Bungles— a startling landscape of huge domes only discovered in the early 1980’s and now one of Australia’s most notable landscapes, known as Purnululu National Park and World Heritage site.  We will continue on the Great Northern Highway to Hall’s

Creek and Fitzroy Crossing, Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek, and Windjana Gorge which cuts through the ancient Devonian barrier reef. Our adventure will end in the historic pearling town of Broome, with a dazzling sand beach, dinosaur footprints and more!  Our friends in Australia speak in awe of the oppor-tunity to visit Kakadu and the Kimberleys!  We hope you will join this adventure of a lifetime! $9,550 + air.

Let us hear from you!(800) 252-4910

or (408) 252-4910email:

Trips for Wildlife Enthusiasts!

Discover Our Cultural Heritage! So Where Can You Go in Asia & Africa?

  This trip is full of world- class experiences, from Beijing to the discovery site of the feathered dinosaurs, the terra cotta warriors in Xi’an, and the Silk Road from Lanzhou to Dunhuang. Optional extension to the Yangtze River and Shanghai, June 16-21. $3,995 + air + extension.

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know. Prices are per person based on twin share + air.  CST# 2036304-40

Contacts & Questions!

Discover the Wonders of the Kimberleys, the Festivity of Fiji, Christmas in Guatemala, China’s Heritage & More!

SigmaXi • Planetary SocietyAAAS Travels • ACS Expeditions

For Members & Friends of AAAS, Sigma Xi, ACS & Planetary Society17050 Montebello Road, Cupertino, CA 95014-5435



Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Kakadu & the Kimberleys Annular Eclipse

Aegean OdysseyApril 15-29, 2013  We invite you to join us as we explore the cultural heritage of ancient Greece. Like the Athenians in the 5th Century BC, we’ll pay homage to the great Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, and visit the Oracle at Delphi, against the backdrop of Mt. Parnassos. We will cross the “wine-dark sea” like Homer’s heroes (a few centuries earlier) to the islands of the Aegean.  On Santorini, we will explore the ancient Akrotiri archaeological site and learn about the cataclysmic explosion of Santorini in 1450 BC. On Crete we will unravel the mysteries of the Minoans. Sparkling new museums and fascinating archaeological sites 

will enchant us.  All of this with superb leadership by expert Dr. Ken Sheedy. $3,995 + air. 

Mystique of MoroccoApril 20–May 2, 2013  Magical moments await you on this wonderful adventure to explore the Mystique of Morocco! Morocco possesses a wealth of opportunities for the traveler... from the capital of Rabat to the fantastic Roman site of  Volubilis... to the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert... From magnetic Marrakech to the ancient Phoenician coastal city of  Magador (now called Essaquira).  Morocco offers rich cultural experiences and spectacular scenery. Explore kasbahs, medinas, and souks, ride camels in the Sahara desert, explore Roman ruins, cross the spectacular Atlas Mountains, and learn about a 1,200-year-old university heritage important to all of Western Civilization! $3,995 + air. 

Discover the Heritage of SicilyOctober 10-22, 2013  Explore the cultural heritage and landscapes of this fascinating land of myth and legend with Mark Walters! Evocative Greek temples, stately Norman cathedrals, fine baroque facades and scenic wetlands: Sicily is a rich tapestry offering excellence in archaeology, culture and nature. Sample the astonishing diversity of landscape and history, while learning about its rich cultural heritage.  The Greeks had the greatest impact on Sicily. It was home to philosophers and mathematicians, and Syracuse was one of the most powerful cities in the Greek world. Visit Taormina’s breathtakingly beautiful location and impressive ancient remains. From here we visit the slopes of smoldering Mt. Etna, delving into its fascinating history and mythology.  Come join us as we explore ancient temples and theatres, discover a Roman palace, and marvel at the rich heritage of this land of volcanic Mt. Etna! $3,995 + air.

Kenya Wildlife SafariJuly 25–August 7, 2013  Come explore the spectacular parks and reserves of Kenya, and look for elephants, lions, giraffe, and other wildlife at Mountain Lodge, the Samburu Reserve, the private Sweetwaters Sanctuary, Lake Nakuru and in the Masai Mara (one of the finest wildlife reserves in the world!). We will also visit the renowned Sheldrick

Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi, the National Museum, and Giraffe Center, to see the endangered Rothschild Giraffes. This will be a tremendous adventure! $4,595 + air.

China’s Unique HeritageJune 2-16, 2013


The Timeless Heritage of Southern ChinaMarch 1-17, 2013  Some of the finest experiences in China are found “off the beaten track”— away from the tourism main-stream of Beijing, Shanghai, and other major cities.   We’ll visit famous landscapes near Guilin where cormorants catch fish along the Li River. Near Yangshuo, farmhouses are set amidst overhang-ing crags with the misty silhouettes of Guilin beckoning travelers from across the world.   The adventure will continue as we fly to Kunming in Yunnan Province 

to explore the hinterlands of southern Yunnan. We will stay at the Zhu Family Garden, the estate of a 19th Century aristocrat, and enjoy the tofu-making heritage of Jianshui, a delightful town, far from the route taken by most of China’s foreign visitors.  Over the years we have focused 

on finding places in China that are engrossing and that express China’s timeless heritage and dynamic culture. We believe Southern China epitomizes these qualities and hope you will join our leader Dr. Chris Carpenter and our outstanding guide David Huang for a fantastic experience! $3,995 + air.

MADAGASCARExplore the Unique Heritage of this Enchanting Land!August 31–September 15 or September 21–October 6, 2013

  We invite you to join us as we explore the natural heritage and unique wildlife of Madagascar in 2013! This 16-day expedition offers travel enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to become acquainted with the fauna and flora of Madagascar. $3,995 + air.

July 4-19, 2013 (dates tentative) From Genghis Khan to the Gobi Desert & Naadam Festival!  Discover the expansive landscapes and the proud heritage of Mongolia. Explore the Orkhon Valley Cultural Lancscape, the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve, and Gobi Desert, site of the Flaming Cliffs dinosaur site. Horse racing, archery, and other activities of the Naadam Festival will be a treat! $3,995 + air.


Alaska Voyage on board M/V Sea BirdMay 19-26, 2013 or June 2-9, 2013Optional Anchorage – Denali – Fairbanks extension May 26–June 1  Enjoy a fantastic voyage in the scenic bays and fjords of SE Alaska. Discover glaciers, brown bears, nesting bald eagles, pods of humpback whales, and remote islands. Go kayaking in remote inlets and hiking in superb scenery. An outstanding lecture program and underwater camera will add to the adventure. From $5,990 + free air fare from Seattle. Extension $3,690 additional + air.

India Wildlife SafariFebruary 23–March 9, 2013  Discover the national parks and exquisite cultural antiquities of  India! Visit Delhi, Ranthambore National Park, famous for its wildlife and tigers, plus Bharatpur Sanctuary and Kanha National Park. Visit the Taj Mahal and Fatehpur, two of the most famous cultural sites. Enjoy wonderful lodges and leadership by a talented Indian naturalist. $3,995 + air.

Wild IcelandJune 13-22, 2013  With outstanding leadership by expert Siggi Tomasson, we will have a tremendous adventure in Iceland. Enjoy a wonderful introduction to the culture and heritage, as well as wildlife and the natural world.   See glaciers, immense seabird cliffs, go whalewatching, soak in thermal pools, stay at a family farm, and celebrate the summer solstice in Iceland. $3,995 + air.

Wild & Prehistoric FRANCEMay 17-30, 2013  Join Mark Walters and discover wild areas and prehistoric sites in Haute Provence, the Massif Central, and the Dordogne. See spec tacular gorge country, remote villages, and images of the greatest cave paintings in Europe at Lascaux II. Also take the train into the caves at Rouffignac to see the cave art, especially of mammoths. See the wonder of the Cirque de Navacelles, learn about the griffon reintro duction program at Gorges de la Jonte, and discover the prehistory of ancient Millau, an important crossroads in antiquity. Also visit the Vezere Valley, Font de Gaume, Arles, and Les Baux, a spectacular medieval town. $3,695 + air.

Where You Can Go This Christmas!Christmas in Guatemala December 18-26, 2012With Grace Evans  On this expedition, we will discover the Mayan and colonial heritage of Guatemala, and the sparkling natural world of the country including an active volcano!   The Maya people still live in the Guatemala highlands, and many dress in colorful, traditional clothing. From the enchanting colonial city of Antigua, 

we will visit the renowned city of Chichicastenango (“Chichi”) on market day and during the Fiesta of  Santo Tomas. Here we will see richly costumed dancers act out legends of ancient Maya mythology and the Spanish conquest, near the Iglesia de Santo Tomas.  We will then visit Lake Atitlan which is surrounded by dazzling volcanoes, and the lowland peten, which is covered with an expansive rainforest and home to the great Maya ruins of  Yaxha and Tikal.  We invite you to discover the fascinating heritage and great beauty of Guatemala this Christmas! $2,995 + air.

Summer in Antarctica December 12-24, 2012A great savings... From $4,995 (quad share + air)!  Considered by scientists as one of the last pristine regions andmost inhospitable habitats on earth, Antarctica offers the world’s most magnificent wilderness with abundant concentrations of wildlife, icebergs sculptured by the sea, and extraordinary scenery. Travel will be on the excellent M/V Ortelius.  Once we reach the Antarctic Convergence, we will begin to see a profusion of wildlife, which thrives on the nutrient rich waters. In Antarctica, we will look for humpback, minke, and southern right whales, along with several species of true and fur seals, and tens of thousands of penguins of four species. From $4,995 quad share + air, or $5,695 per person twin share porthole + air.

Kakadu & the Red Centre Annular Eclipse • May 2-16, 2013  This expedition will be a great introduction to the “Top End” of Australia from its Aboriginal heritage to its national parks, wildlife, and history, including the historic cities of Darwin, Alice Springs, and Sydney, and both Kakadu and Yuluru (Ayer’s Rock) National Parks.  We will have special lectures in Darwin, visit the night market, and sail on Darwin Harbor. We’ll then travel to Fogg Dam for the wildlife, and Kakadu National Park to learn about its Aboriginal heritage, billabongs, crocodiles, and more! There will be optional flightseeing over Kakadu.  We will then continue down the Stuart Highway from Katherine to Tennant Creek, where we’ll see the Total Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013. Our adventure will continue as we head down the Track to Alice Springs, the iconic town in the middle of Australia. We will see the Old Telegraph Station and the superb Desert Park.  We will then head overland to Ayer’s Rock in the midst of the Red Centre and the nearby Olgas. Our adventure will conclude in Sydney where we will learn about the Australian Mars program, and explore the historic Rocks area. $6,995 + air.

UGANDA ECLIPSE Gorilla & Chimpanzee Tracking in the “Pearl of Africa” Including the Total Solar Eclipse, Nov. 3, 2013October 23–November 6, 2013

Our safari adventure in Uganda—called the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill for its superb mountains,  climate, and wildlife—will begin in Kampala.  We will first head to Lake Mburo National Park where an afternoon boat ride will allow us to see hippos cooling off in the lake and some of the rich birdlife.  We will then head to the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to go gorilla tracking. (This can be wet and muddy, so be prepared!)  We will continue north to Ishasha which is famous for its tree climbing lions (photographers get ready!) and the Queen Elizabeth National Park to look for African wildlife. We will then go to Fort Portal in the shadow of the fabled “Mountains of the Moon,” an area with tea plantations.

  We will go chimpanzee tracking in the Kibale Forest which is renowned for its primates! We will look for wild chimpanzee, red-tailed monkey, black-and-white colobus monkey, and others.  We will then continue to Murchison Falls National Park where we will see the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013. A visit to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary will conclude our adventure. $5,495 + air.

Other Trips for Eclipse Enthusiasts! So Where Can You Go This Year? Where Can You Go in South America!

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know.Prices are per person based on twin share + air.©2012 Betchart Expeditions Inc. All rights reserved.  CST# 2036304-40

Please pass this brochure along to a friend!

Contacts & Questions!

JUNE 2013China’s Unique Heritage with Dunhuang . . . June 2-16

Yangtze River Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 16-21With Chris CarpenterWild Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13-22With Siggi TomassonLake Baikal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 22–July 3With Victor Kuzevanov

Christmas in Costa Rica December 21-30, 2012  An excellent introduction to the natural wealth of Costa Rica, this 10-day expedition includes a special look at the natural wonders, pristine parks 

and reserves of Costa Rica. Please join us this year, and learn firsthand about the wildlife, tropical ecology, and importanceof tropical forests, and enjoy the spectacular natural world of Costa Rica.  Visits will include Volcan Poas; La Selva scientific research station; the Monteverde Cloudforest, a world-renowned mountain reserve cloaked in mists and cloud; Carara Biological Reserve, beautifully situated on the Pacific Coast; and Braulio Carillo, a montane rainforest park with an aerial tram which allows spectacular views of the rainforest canopy. We will also visit charming San Jose, the bustling capital of Costa Rica, situ ated at 3,000 feet, near the mountainous backbone of the country.  You will delight in the monkeys, sloths, profusion of colorful birds, crocodiles, and more! $2,795 + air.

Christmas in Fiji December 22-31, 2012With Rob McGovern  This expedition will allow you to enjoy the sheer delight of Fiji over the Christmas holidays. In Nadi, we will begin to relax in the ambiance of the South Seas and relish the delights of Fiji from the spectacular firewalking ceremony to the extraordinary marine life of the coral reefs.  We will fly to remote Kadavu Island, off the south shore of Viti Levu, to enjoy the festivity, cultural heritage, and natural world of this Fijian isle.  We will stay at a small resort in modern Fijian bures with easy access to local villages, rainforest trails, beaches, kayaking, and snorkeling. We will discover Fijian culture and village life, birds which are endemic only to Kadavu, the magnificent singing at Sunday church, the kava ceremony, and more! Limited to 15 people. $2,995 + air.

DECEMBER 2012Summer in Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 12-24From $4,995 quad + air — A Terrific Savings!Christmas in Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 18-26A cultural & scenic treasure!Christmas in Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 21-30From Macaws to Monteverde & more!Christmas in Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec 22-31A wonderful adventure with Rob McGovern

JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2013Cuba: A People-to-People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 8-16Sponsored by Pacific Horticulture Society License No. CT-2012-295038-1

Heritage of Peru & Easter Island . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 18-31With Dr. Douglas SharonArecibo & the Lesser Antilles . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan 30–Feb 9A fascinating visit to Arecibo and on board Royal ClipperBelize—a Caribbean delight!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 2-9On board M/V YorktownIndia Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 23–Mar 9From Tigers to the Taj Mahal

MARCH 2013Heritage of Southern China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 1-17A wonderful opportunity with Chris Carpenter!Alaska Aurora Borealis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 7-13Sled dogs, wildlife & so much more!Costa Rica & Panama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 16-23On board M/V Sea LionBackroads China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 21–Apr 3An enduring favorite with Chris Carpenter & David Huang

APRIL 2013Aegean Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 15-29Explore the heritage of Western Civilization!Mystique of Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 20–May 2Discover colorful, vibrant, intoxicating Morocco!Arizona Skies & New Discoveries . . . . . . . . . . Apr 21-28Mars, the Moon & ancient Anasazi with Bryan Bates!Sikkim & the Himalayas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr 27–May 11With the New England Wild Flower Society

MAY 2013Kakadu & the extraordinary Kimberleys . . . . May 2-21

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Dr. Don FranklinKakadu & Australia’s Red Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2-16

Annular Solar Eclipse With Bob Nansen & Marj KingWild & Prehistoric France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 17-30Cave art & much more with Mark WaltersAlaska Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 19-26With free air from Seattle or June 2-9Anchorage—Denali—Fairbanks. . . . . . . . May 26–June 1Visit the Kenai, Mt. McKinley & more!

JULY – AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2013Mongolia & Gobi Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 4-19Kenya Wildlife Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25–Aug 7Xinjiang & Hunza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 1-18Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . Aug 31–Sept 15 or Sept 21–Oct 6Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 30–Oct 12

OCTOBER 2013Heritage of Sicily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 10-22With Mark WaltersAtlantic Crossing Total Eclipse . . . . . . . . . Oct 18-Nov 10Chimpanzee & Gorilla Tracking . . . . . . . . . Oct 23–Nov 6Total Eclipse in the “Pearl of Africa”

Peru & Easter IslandJanuary 18-31, 2013With Dr. Douglas Sharon  Explore the rich cultural heritage of Peru & Easter Island including the classic Inca sites in the Andes, and the ancient coastal cultures north of Lima. We will first visit Caral, where civilization arose in the Supe valley 4,500 to 5,000 years ago, making it one of the earliest city-states in the world, along with Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.  We continue north to explore the Moche civilization near Trujillo and visit Chan-Chan, and the Lord of  Sipan Museum in Chiclayo. We then fly to Cusco, the heart of the Inca Empire, and explore spectacular Andean scenery near the traditional Inca village of Chinchero, the archaeological sites of  Moray, Ollantaitambo, and Machu Picchu.  We will fly to Easter Island from Lima to discover another rich cultural landscape—quite different than the thousands of years of culture in Peru, but equally intriguing and fascinating!  See moias and learn about Easter Island from our terrific guide Sabrina! $4,895 + air.

Arecibo Observatory & the Lesser AntillesJanuary 30–February 9, 2013On board the 5-masted Royal Clipper  This adventure combines two tremen-dous opportunities—a chance to see the Arecibo Radio Telescope near San Juan, Pueto Rico, and an opportunity to explore the ring of volcanic islands called the Lesser Antilles circling the eastern Caribbean. We will travel on board the 5-masted Royal Clipper, one of the world’s largest sailing yachts.

  You will meet scientists who conduct fascinating research on deep outer space and SETI (the search for 

extraterrestrial intelligence) at the world famous Arecibo Radio Telescope.  Our itinerary will then include St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, St Kitts, Isles les Saintes, and Martinique. There will be opportuni-ties for snorkeling, whale watching, hiking, and to discover the night sky with other sky enthusiasts! From $3,750 + air.

Arizona Skies & New DiscoveriesApril 21-28, 2013  Join us in the “Astronomy Capital  of the World” as we learn about new discoveries on Mars and the Moon and see the natural wonders of this desert paradise. Meet the scientist who postulated the origin of our Moon and learn about current research at the Planetary Science Institute. See the renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and also visit Biosphere 2.  Learn about the research on the sun at Kitt Peak and see the historic Mission San Javier del Bac, which represents the Spanish heritage of Tucson. Learn about the Mars program from one of the lead scientists, and also visit the Phoenix Botanic Garden, Sedona, Sunset Crater and Wupati near Flagstaff, and Lowell Observatory.  A terrifically interesting trip, with leadership by astronomer and anthropology expert Bryan Bates. $2,995 + air.

Trips for Astronomy & Space Enthusiasts!

See the Total Solar Eclipse November 3, 2013!


October 18–November 10, 2013On board the 4-masted Tall Ship, Star Flyer

The Atlantic Crossing is waiting list only.Please contact Marisa to be on the waiting list. 


Alaska Aurora BorealisMarch 7-13, 2013See the greatest light show on earth!  Discover the great beauty of Alaska and see the famed Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights—the greatest light show on earth!  Look for marine life and see wildlife near Seward and visit the Ice Festival in Fairbanks. Have an opportunity to learn about the Aurora from special guests atthe Geophysical Institute.  Watch the local curling and sled dog teams and see the Aurora Borealis dance across the night sky with local astronomy enthusi asts at Creamer’s Field and Mt. Aurora. This is a delightful adventure! $2,795 + air.

Please Note: We will have a second eclipse trip to the “Top End” of Australia and the Kimberleys. Both groups will travel together from Darwin to Kakadu–Katherine and Tennant Creek. Then this group will head south to Alice Springs and Ayer’s Rock while the other group goes to the Kimberleys.

A Very Special Trip to China!Backroads ChinaMarch 21–April 3, 2013

  Nestled in Southwestern China, edging 18,000 ft. Himalayan peaks, is the most scenic, spectacular, and culturally rich area in China—Yunnan Province. More distinct ethnic groups live here than in any other area of the country.  A profound cultural transition is underway in Yunnan, as elsewhere in China. Traditional cultures in remote country villages are challenged by images of a vibrant, rapidly modern izing Chinese society. Yet Yunnan possesses delightful backroads to explore and fascinating remote cultures to discover. $3,995 + air.

AAAS Travels • Sigma Xi Expeditions • ACS Expeditions • Planetary Society • Betchart Expeditions Inc.

Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Wonderful Adventures for you and your friends... Join us!

May 2-21, 2013  We invite you to explore one of the world’s greatest wilderness areas—the Kimberleys in Northwest Australia—and to see the Annular Solar Eclipse May 11, 2013.  Our journey will begin in Darwin at the Top End of Australia and will include the living cultural landscape and World Heritage site of Kakadu National Park. We will then head down the historic Stuart Highway to Katherine and Tennant Creek in the vast Red Centre of Australia where we will see the Eclipse.  We will return to Katherine and head west to the Kimberleys -- a vast and virtually inaccessible area except for the Great Northern Highway and 4-wheel-drive tracks across the wilderness. We will be exploring places so remote that very few people have ever been there, with superb leadership by Dr. Don Franklin and Bob Nansen.  Our Kimberleys visit will include the immense El Questro cattle station and wilderness park, with spectacular safari camp accommodations, and the 

Bungle Bungles— a startling landscape of huge domes only discovered in the early 1980’s and now one of Australia’s most notable landscapes, known as Purnululu National Park and World Heritage site.  We will continue on the Great Northern Highway to Hall’s

Creek and Fitzroy Crossing, Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek, and Windjana Gorge which cuts through the ancient Devonian barrier reef. Our adventure will end in the historic pearling town of Broome, with a dazzling sand beach, dinosaur footprints and more!  Our friends in Australia speak in awe of the oppor-tunity to visit Kakadu and the Kimberleys!  We hope you will join this adventure of a lifetime! $9,550 + air.

Let us hear from you!(800) 252-4910

or (408) 252-4910email:

Trips for Wildlife Enthusiasts!

Discover Our Cultural Heritage! So Where Can You Go in Asia & Africa?

  This trip is full of world- class experiences, from Beijing to the discovery site of the feathered dinosaurs, the terra cotta warriors in Xi’an, and the Silk Road from Lanzhou to Dunhuang. Optional extension to the Yangtze River and Shanghai, June 16-21. $3,995 + air + extension.

For detailed brochures and more information, please contact: Betchart Expeditions Inc., 17050 Montebello Road

Cupertino, California 95014-5435 Telephone: (800) 252-4910 or (408) 252-4910Fax: (408) 252-1444Email:

See pdf’s of brochures on our web

If you are unable to travel and wish to be removed from the mailing list, please let us know. Prices are per person based on twin share + air.  CST# 2036304-40

Contacts & Questions!

Discover the Wonders of the Kimberleys, the Festivity of Fiji, Christmas in Guatemala, China’s Heritage & More!

SigmaXi • Planetary SocietyAAAS Travels • ACS Expeditions

For Members & Friends of AAAS, Sigma Xi, ACS & Planetary Society17050 Montebello Road, Cupertino, CA 95014-5435



Expedition Calendar December 2012 – October 2013

Kakadu & the Kimberleys Annular Eclipse

Aegean OdysseyApril 15-29, 2013  We invite you to join us as we explore the cultural heritage of ancient Greece. Like the Athenians in the 5th Century BC, we’ll pay homage to the great Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, and visit the Oracle at Delphi, against the backdrop of Mt. Parnassos. We will cross the “wine-dark sea” like Homer’s heroes (a few centuries earlier) to the islands of the Aegean.  On Santorini, we will explore the ancient Akrotiri archaeological site and learn about the cataclysmic explosion of Santorini in 1450 BC. On Crete we will unravel the mysteries of the Minoans. Sparkling new museums and fascinating archaeological sites 

will enchant us.  All of this with superb leadership by expert Dr. Ken Sheedy. $3,995 + air. 

Mystique of MoroccoApril 20–May 2, 2013  Magical moments await you on this wonderful adventure to explore the Mystique of Morocco! Morocco possesses a wealth of opportunities for the traveler... from the capital of Rabat to the fantastic Roman site of  Volubilis... to the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert... From magnetic Marrakech to the ancient Phoenician coastal city of  Magador (now called Essaquira).  Morocco offers rich cultural experiences and spectacular scenery. Explore kasbahs, medinas, and souks, ride camels in the Sahara desert, explore Roman ruins, cross the spectacular Atlas Mountains, and learn about a 1,200-year-old university heritage important to all of Western Civilization! $3,995 + air. 

Discover the Heritage of SicilyOctober 10-22, 2013  Explore the cultural heritage and landscapes of this fascinating land of myth and legend with Mark Walters! Evocative Greek temples, stately Norman cathedrals, fine baroque facades and scenic wetlands: Sicily is a rich tapestry offering excellence in archaeology, culture and nature. Sample the astonishing diversity of landscape and history, while learning about its rich cultural heritage.  The Greeks had the greatest impact on Sicily. It was home to philosophers and mathematicians, and Syracuse was one of the most powerful cities in the Greek world. Visit Taormina’s breathtakingly beautiful location and impressive ancient remains. From here we visit the slopes of smoldering Mt. Etna, delving into its fascinating history and mythology.  Come join us as we explore ancient temples and theatres, discover a Roman palace, and marvel at the rich heritage of this land of volcanic Mt. Etna! $3,995 + air.

Kenya Wildlife SafariJuly 25–August 7, 2013  Come explore the spectacular parks and reserves of Kenya, and look for elephants, lions, giraffe, and other wildlife at Mountain Lodge, the Samburu Reserve, the private Sweetwaters Sanctuary, Lake Nakuru and in the Masai Mara (one of the finest wildlife reserves in the world!). We will also visit the renowned Sheldrick

Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi, the National Museum, and Giraffe Center, to see the endangered Rothschild Giraffes. This will be a tremendous adventure! $4,595 + air.

China’s Unique HeritageJune 2-16, 2013


The Timeless Heritage of Southern ChinaMarch 1-17, 2013  Some of the finest experiences in China are found “off the beaten track”— away from the tourism main-stream of Beijing, Shanghai, and other major cities.   We’ll visit famous landscapes near Guilin where cormorants catch fish along the Li River. Near Yangshuo, farmhouses are set amidst overhang-ing crags with the misty silhouettes of Guilin beckoning travelers from across the world.   The adventure will continue as we fly to Kunming in Yunnan Province 

to explore the hinterlands of southern Yunnan. We will stay at the Zhu Family Garden, the estate of a 19th Century aristocrat, and enjoy the tofu-making heritage of Jianshui, a delightful town, far from the route taken by most of China’s foreign visitors.  Over the years we have focused 

on finding places in China that are engrossing and that express China’s timeless heritage and dynamic culture. We believe Southern China epitomizes these qualities and hope you will join our leader Dr. Chris Carpenter and our outstanding guide David Huang for a fantastic experience! $3,995 + air.

MADAGASCARExplore the Unique Heritage of this Enchanting Land!August 31–September 15 or September 21–October 6, 2013

  We invite you to join us as we explore the natural heritage and unique wildlife of Madagascar in 2013! This 16-day expedition offers travel enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to become acquainted with the fauna and flora of Madagascar. $3,995 + air.

July 4-19, 2013 (dates tentative) From Genghis Khan to the Gobi Desert & Naadam Festival!  Discover the expansive landscapes and the proud heritage of Mongolia. Explore the Orkhon Valley Cultural Lancscape, the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve, and Gobi Desert, site of the Flaming Cliffs dinosaur site. Horse racing, archery, and other activities of the Naadam Festival will be a treat! $3,995 + air.


Alaska Voyage on board M/V Sea BirdMay 19-26, 2013 or June 2-9, 2013Optional Anchorage – Denali – Fairbanks extension May 26–June 1  Enjoy a fantastic voyage in the scenic bays and fjords of SE Alaska. Discover glaciers, brown bears, nesting bald eagles, pods of humpback whales, and remote islands. Go kayaking in remote inlets and hiking in superb scenery. An outstanding lecture program and underwater camera will add to the adventure. From $5,990 + free air fare from Seattle. Extension $3,690 additional + air.

India Wildlife SafariFebruary 23–March 9, 2013  Discover the national parks and exquisite cultural antiquities of  India! Visit Delhi, Ranthambore National Park, famous for its wildlife and tigers, plus Bharatpur Sanctuary and Kanha National Park. Visit the Taj Mahal and Fatehpur, two of the most famous cultural sites. Enjoy wonderful lodges and leadership by a talented Indian naturalist. $3,995 + air.

Wild IcelandJune 13-22, 2013  With outstanding leadership by expert Siggi Tomasson, we will have a tremendous adventure in Iceland. Enjoy a wonderful introduction to the culture and heritage, as well as wildlife and the natural world.   See glaciers, immense seabird cliffs, go whalewatching, soak in thermal pools, stay at a family farm, and celebrate the summer solstice in Iceland. $3,995 + air.

Wild & Prehistoric FRANCEMay 17-30, 2013  Join Mark Walters and discover wild areas and prehistoric sites in Haute Provence, the Massif Central, and the Dordogne. See spec tacular gorge country, remote villages, and images of the greatest cave paintings in Europe at Lascaux II. Also take the train into the caves at Rouffignac to see the cave art, especially of mammoths. See the wonder of the Cirque de Navacelles, learn about the griffon reintro duction program at Gorges de la Jonte, and discover the prehistory of ancient Millau, an important crossroads in antiquity. Also visit the Vezere Valley, Font de Gaume, Arles, and Les Baux, a spectacular medieval town. $3,695 + air.

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