discover! library catalogues and ra services

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Discover! @ Halifax Public Libraries

HPL’s New Library Catalogue and How It Can Be Used As a Readers’ Advisory Tool

Laurel TarulliCollection Access

The catalogue as a Readers’ Advisory Tool

Uniformity in headings/access points not found in other databases

Personalized for your readers’ and library’s needs

Allows an RA to find titles for the reader that we have in our collection

The experts on this database are in-house – us!

In the past, not a popular RA tool

Mindset – “Myth” that the catalogue is hard to use

Lack of expertise for the different search functions which leads to frustration

Use and knowledge of subject headings and genres

Limitations of catalogue and its content Traditionally considered inventory list, not a

discovery tool

Why should we use the catalogue?

We control the catalogue We are the experts

Enriched content/description Reading lists Personalized annotations Local/specialized access points RA collaboration

Narrative Non-fiction genre headings

Improving your RA skills in the Catalogue

Become familiar with the genres used in your library catalogue

Successful searches combine genre headings with subjects

How do I know what to search? Look at the records to see what is being used Adult fiction records usually include:

Setting/Place Occupation of protagonist Genre

What is Discover? New catalogue using the product AquaBrowser.

HPL is calling it “Discover”.

How many of you are familiar with Discover?

How many of you have started/looked at the tutorial on Discover that was recently sent out?

How many of you have had training on Discover, in addition to the tutorial?

Discover for RA Purposes

Faceted Navigation

Sort by feature

My Discoveries

Faceted Navigation A reader comes up to you and tells you about a great book they

just read, “Beautiful Creatures”. Based on your RA interview, you extract the main themes that the reader enjoyed about this book. Let’s imagine, in this example, our reader enjoyed the supernatural and imaginary feel or imaginary culture that was created by the different characters in the book.

With that information, how can you find similar titles that our reader may be interested in? There are two components here:

The Title “Beautiful Creatures” Two topics or themes: “Supernatural” and “Imaginary


The easiest and most direct way to find similar titles to this book is by searching the book itself,

Beautiful Creatures.

Genre Read-Alikes

A list of genres used for Fiction and Non-fiction can be found on Catawiki

Once you determine a specific genre or two that you’d like to search, enter the genre(s) into the search box on the main page of Discover and Search!

Genre Read-AlikesLet’s use the Genre Headings:

Chick lit, Romance, Humor

Once you choose an author, you can sort byfactors such as location and date

My Discoveries

What is My Discoveries? Social, collaborative feature that allows users and

staff to tag, review and rate items within the catalogue.

Enables users to create lists (public or private depending on preference) of their favourite items, or to organize their reading, listening and viewing interests.

Users can interact and contribute to content in the catalogue.

How can it be used as an RA tool?

Allows a patron to “discover” another reader with similar reading interests.

Sharing or collaborating Reading lists Sharing through Facebook, Twitter, etc. Reviews Tags – with appeal factor terms?

Fast-paced, Moody, Edgy, Bittersweet

Examples A book: Fallen by Lauren Kate

2 Reviews Written by Community Members: Bookworm 95 and

Pepsicola Click on Bookworm95 and see a list of books also review

by the same user; or Type the username into the search box to find other

reviews or lists that community member has created/contributed to the catalogue

Examples An Author: Stephenie Meyer

Local Examples

RA’s can contribute content: Reviews Tags with appeal factors Searchable read-alike lists

Example: SarainHalifax Lists created by one of our staff members at HPL

“Sarainhalifax” – Sara Gillis from Spring Garden


Questions or Comments?

Laurel Tarulli

Collection Access Librarian


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