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Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript


This is a transcript of an extemporaneous, live teleseminar with Dr. Tel-Oren.Please be advised that precise references, additional notes and supplementary information will be compiled and included in a future printed version of these materials. By signing up with your name and email address at www.truthaboutyourfood.com, you ensure that you will be notified when these materials become available.


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

Good Evening Everyone! This is our sixth and final lecture in The Truth About Your Food Lecture Series with Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, and tonight we’re going to learn about the top 10 foods to eat and some of the other factors that come into play in our overall health and wellness. It’s been building up the tension and enthusiasm until tonight and we’re really excited to have so many people listening from around the world, so thank you to everyone listening and Dr. Tel-Oren thank you again for being here with us tonight.

And thank you, Tera for setting this all up and putting it all together. I know it was a lot of work for you to achieve all this, and congratulations on your success.

Well thanks. Success is shared when you see everyone benefitting from it. Even this evening we had a group of about 40 people that came together, just a newly formed group, and it was just amazing to hear people who didn’t know each other, but who had come together through this project and through us, to hear the impact that this is having on some of these people’s lives. It’s exciting and just checking all the messages that have been coming through, it’s really neat to see that the ripples are starting and just to see where this goes!

I know that tonight is a subject that people have been waiting for with breathless anticipation, to finally arrive at the information where you tell us what we can eat. Tell us, where do we start when we’ve looked at all the things to avoid.

Well, first of all, it will not just be what you can eat; it will be what you should eat. So, I’m not giving people too many choices here. I’m asking people to make sure that they eat all the food that I mention as necessary to eat, with the goal of filling up your stomach to the point that nothing else will need to come in after that. And if you’re satisfied, you’ll never feel, “well, what am I missing”, you’ll be just, full. So, there are foods that you must have on your table every day, and they’ll be a few foods that you may have a few days off from, but you’ll still be eating them frequently enough that you’ll still feel satisfied. I want to go over all of those, there are the top 10 and then two little ones that are miniscule in amount, but I still feel they are necessary to be mentioned.

Before we go into the list, we need to understand a few basic principals:

First principal, is let’s think about what is present in nature and try to come close to it as much as we can. Either it should look like it came from nature, or we should know that is has come from nature


Dr. T:


Dr. T:


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

very recently and that it has not been processed too much. So we should listen to the principle of processing, or lack of processing and maintain things as minimally processed as we mentioned in the processing of food lecture.

The second principal, is to remember that food from animal sources in general, is not healthy for human beings, because of the structure of our digestive tract, the structure of our teeth and our mouth, and numerous other factors are indicative of the fact that we humans are designed to be eating almost entirely plant based foods, with maybe the tiny exception is some insects, which you are welcome to eat if you want. I’m not opposed to that, but don’t try to cook them. I’m partially joking of course. If you don’t know my sense of humor, you’ll get to know it sooner or later!

“Food from animal sources in general, is not healthy for human beings.”

If you have to eat any flesh, and I’m not telling everybody in the world to become vegetarian right now; we want to allow everybody to gradually make steps in the right direction towards health and sustainability. So, if you have to eat animal products, I prefer that you avoid all dairy products, but still allow yourself to eat animal flesh once in a while. Maybe once every two or three weeks, you could have a serving the size of a deck of cards, as a part of a transition. Only you can decide how long that transition will last, but I personally prefer that people did not have animal foods, and if they have to have some, they should be dairy free. That’s most important to avoid dairy products, because they are so addictive and so ubiquitous in our environment. If you start eating them, even in a small amount, you won’t be able to get rid of them.

The third principal is, try to eat as organic as possible. This is not always possible, I know. Sometimes it’s difficult, sometimes a little expensive, but it is well worth your while and your money to invest in organically grown foods, for numerous reasons, some of which we have mentioned in our other lectures in the series.

The next principal is, when you eat take your time. Slowly. Chew thoroughly, while you are exhaling through your nose. That allows you to benefit from the multiple flavors in the foods. Lot’s more than you would notice if you did not exhale through the nose, just like you do with wine, to absorb the bouquet of the food. But,


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

more importantly, exhaling through your nose while you eat, will tell you if something you’re eating is rancid, or spoiled, or if there is something in it that should not be eaten. It gives you a clue about the “spoiledness” of the food, and that’s a warning sign. So these are the basic principals that everybody should adhere to.

Two additional principals are that you should not eat just before you go to bed. The last two hours before you go to sleep, try to avoid eating – and more importantly, is not to drink when you eat. Too many people are accustomed, through restaurants and servers who always say, “What would you like to drink?” are accustomed to eating and drinking at the same time. This highly dilutes our stomach acids, dilutes the foods and their substrates, and makes our digestive system start on the wrong foot.

So, from now on, if you eat healthy foods, you don’t need to drink while you eat. Only when you eat foods that are highly processed and refined, and salty, and fried, you get thirsty while you eat. That should not be the case when you eat healthier foods. So no more drinking and eating at the same time!

If you’re truly thirsty before a meal, then drink some water right away, and then wait for 10 or 15 minutes, minimum, before you start eating, so that the water is out of the stomach and you’re not diluting your stomach juices and everything out.

Now it is time to get to the food that you should be eating.

Everyday you need to eat the following. Everyday, the first thing is a big dose, like a handful, a big open fistful of dark, green, leafy vegetables. When I say dark, green, leafy vegetables, I’m not just talking about lettuce and spinach. I’m speaking about the huge variety that exists out there, that most people don’t even bother to look for. There are things like parsley and cilantro, there’s spinach, there’s collards, there’s red mustard and green mustard, there’s red chard, green chard, and rainbow chard, there’s dino kale, there’s red kale, there’s green kale, there’s arugula, there’s mizuna, there’s rapini, there’s kohlrabi greens, dandelion greens, green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, escarole lettuce, endive lettuce, green and red lettuce, green or red bibb lettuce. There are so many types of greens, and then you have the tops, like radish greens and turnip greens.

So as you can tell, there are no excuses as far as, how do we get enough greens? Just keep looking for things that you have not tried before, and be courageous. Have a good variety. Make a rule of going to the Farmer’s market, or the store, or supermarket, and


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

always getting at least one thing that you have never eaten before. There are a lot of those I’m sure. That will increase your variety and give you a bigger amount of nutrients. So, a lot of dark, leafy greens, that’s the first thing that you have to eat, everyday.

How can you eat this? Either you can make a green smoothie, by blending these greens – any one, or two or three of them – blending them together with a fruit base that will make things soft and smooth, like melon, or pineapple, or banana, or ripe pear, or berries, or frozen berries, and then adding some sweetener, like dates, or raisins, or dehydrated pineapple, or dehydrated mango, etc. Any kind of dried fruits could be a sweetener. If you make that type of combination, at least once a day, with a good amount of greens, so that things don’t taste too sweet, but taste reasonable, and eating it very slowly. Don’t swallow it too quickly. What I sometimes recommend is to sprinkle tiny seeds on top, after you finish blending, and that forces you to chew without swallowing to quickly. Small seeds like sesame, or flax, or sunflower seeds would do the job.

“There are no excuses as far as, how do we get enough greens?”

That is the most important thing of the day, but if you want to be even better, you can have a green smoothie, but at another time of day you can have a green savory. This is another opportunity to get more of those dark, green “leafies”, but having it in a savory taste with spices or ginger, or turmeric, lemon, salt, garlic, onion, cilantro, onion greens, garlic greens, chives, leeks, celeriac, celery, fennel, and then you can have for taste, red tomatoes, tomatoes, or sundried tomatoes, or cherry tomatoes, pearl onions, shallots and so forth. You can add other kinds of vegetables in there as well, to make it almost like a green soup.

I like to call it a green savory, because it is more savory in taste. You can have spices and so on. That is a great way to have your greens without fighting the taste of them. For instance, mustard greens or chard might have a strong taste for some people. So then, it will be difficult to fight with sweetness. Instead of doing that, you just work with it with the lemons, salt, and onions, and so forth. You can play with it and put whatever you want in your super-blender, whether it’s a Blendtec or a Vitamix, and you can then enjoy the smoothness of big quantities of greens.


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

So that’s the first thing you must have everyday – a lot of green, leafy vegetables, and you now know how to use them. And by the way, you might have to add a little water in the bottom, but it’s a small amount and it’s okay, because you have such a nutrient density with these foods. These greens are the perfect foods from nature. They have the highest amounts of nutrients per calorie, therefore by eating them you are reassuring yourself of sufficient nutrients to meet your cellular needs no matter where you are, even if you add a little water in the bottom to allow the smoothie to form.

Everybody clear about the dark, green leafy vegetables?

Can I speak on behalf of everyone?

Yes, you should.

Okay, good. Then yes, we’re all clear, Captain.

Well thank you. Then, number two now: everyday, you must eat a good, beautifully colorful, fruit salad. It should be big. It should cover an entire bowl. There’s no reason it should not be extremely filling. When you see the colorful look, it will activate your taste buds and improve your saliva secretion and improve your digestion.

Everyday you do this, and you can add a little bit of pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds or other types of seeds, to again, slow down the chewing. You can also add a little bit of sesame butter that is raw, if you want to enjoy that flavor. You can sprinkle a tiny bit of raisins or dried fruits, or other types of berries. That is a very important part of your day-to-day feeding frenzy.

If you are going to be uninterested in cutting the fruit into a nice fruit salad, then you can have entire, wholesome fruit. You could eat fruit throughout the day - an apple here, a pear there, a persimmon here or there, etc. There are also a big variety of fruits that people usually don’t look for. Many people eat only apples and bananas and forget about the papayas, and kiwis, and persimmons, and mangoes, and pomegranates and so on, plantain, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. There are a lot of things to choose from and you just have to look. Don’t be gravitating automatically to the one or two fruits you are accustomed to eating entirely all the time.

The reason I prefer people have a fruit salad instead of just eating whole fruits, is that this way they can make an entire meal out of it, it looks attractive and beautiful, especially if you add some sauces. We at the restaurant, for instance, like to make date syrup of dates that


Dr. T:


Dr. T:


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

have been soaked for a while in some water, and then blended. That becomes a wonderful sauce that you can drizzle over the fruit salad, making it more interesting and beautiful, adding a few of those nuts or seeds on top, makes it really satisfying.

So that’s number two. Everyday you have to have a fruit salad that is big, the size of a nice bowl, it should satisfy anyone and make him or her feel full. Because the glycemic index in this is low, you’re going to be satisfied for several hours after you eat that. In fact, I guarantee you at least four hours of satisfaction, especially if you add a few nuts or seeds on top of that.

Number three is crucifers. Crucifers are extremely important, because they have numerous molecules that help the liver in detoxification of very toxic environmental pollutants. They are also inhibitory toward viruses, bacteria and other microbes, and they prevent cancer very effectively. Most people don’t eat enough of them. Even though they’ve been hybridized and have reduced amounts of those compounds, they still have many compounds that are beneficial, and we need to eat more of them when we live in polluted environments.

“Crucifers are extremely important, because they have numerous molecules that help the liver

in detoxification of very toxic environmental pollutants.”

So those crucifers are, for instance, we know about cabbage, red or green cabbage, Napa cabbage, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, pak choy, brussel sprouts. Then, there are many other crucifers that are not flowers, but are the greens like radish greens, mustard greens, rutabaga greens, and turnip greens are examples of types of crucifers that are usually eaten as greens or we eat the bulbs, but the most important are the flowers and there are quite a few of those. Look in your local co-ops and you’ll find those interesting things like Napa cabbage and pak choy, and start using them. Start enjoying variety.

So you have at least six or seven types of crucifers that you can enjoy, and when we eat them and add them to our daily menu, we


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

make sure that we have at least double the amount that we have in a fist. If you tighten your fist and look at the size of it – I know everyone is doing it right now, and thinking, “How they can eat that much?” Well, the fist is not that big. If you double that, or almost double the size of a fist, that’s the amount of crucifers I’d like you to eat every day.

They can be eaten raw, by adding them to a salad, or they can be steamed. This is not about being 100% raw. It’s about appealing to everyone who wants to eat healthy foods. Some people will not go 100% raw. Some people will go 90% and some people will only go 80%. That is fine. The important thing is, what is the content of what comes on their plate. Crucifers, when they are steamed, are still more nutritionally dense and healthier than many foods that are raw.

So, I don’t mind at all if you want to steam it to make it easier for you to eat. But of course, you know how you can use cauliflower to make mock-mashed potatoes using garlic and cashew or other nuts. There are many ways to eat crucifers. You can also add them to a green soup in a blender, if you want to eat it raw. If you need to steam it or slightly stir-fry it to make it more palatable at first, then go for it, as long as you have it every day, on your plate, in that amount.

The next thing, number 4 on your list: we need to have between two and four heaping tablespoons of nuts or seeds. We need that for the fat and for the other nutrients that come within those nuts, but they must always be raw. You know that from the fat lecture. You understand why. They must not be roasted, salted, or otherwise processed. They should not be ground. They should come whole, with their peel in tact. I’m not talking about the shell, but at least the peel. If they need to be ground, you grind them yourself.

Two to four tablespoons are not a lot, but it is sufficient, especially if you’re going to sprinkle those nuts and seeds over your vegetable salads, or your smoothies, or your savories, or your fruit salads, everything we mentioned so far. Or, if you use them as sauces, you can make some amazing sauces and pates with some of those nuts and seeds that can compliment the food that we’ve mentioned so far.

Why is it important to eat them? Partially, because in areas that are polluted, like the cities or like agricultural centers, where there are a lot of pesticides, we need those fats to dilute the toxins and we need the fats and the nutrients that are in those nuts and seeds to help detoxification. But, because they should never be eaten alone,


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

because they’re so hard to digest for the digestive tract, we must have them sprinkled over vegetables or fruits, or blended with them, to dilute them.

It’s really important to keep rotating them. Have a good variety. Everyday have another one or two types of nuts. Don’t have five, or six, or seven in one sitting. Don’t buy too many products that have five, or six, or seven types of nuts and seeds in them, making you believe it’s good for you because it has a nice variety. No, it will make you allergic to those nuts and seeds unless you rotate them and give your body and your immune system a break. Keep rotating your nuts and seeds at that dose and that is number four that you must eat everyday.

Some of you may say, “I’m already getting full, just thinking of all the foods I have to eat from number one until four.” But we still have more food to eat. We’re not done!

Number five: every day you must have a big bowl, full with a completely colorful rainbow of vegetable salad. This is not just tomatoes and cucumbers, like some people love to eat. They have to contain many other colors and keep having a big variety of food that you don’t normally eat. You can have baby greens, radishes, turnips; you can have rutabaga, daikon, snow peas, snap peas, green beans and many others. There are so many types of vegetables that people usually don’t look at, don’t think about, and don’t see. You can have sprouts added too, if you like fully grown sprouts, like alfalfa sprouts, mung sprouts (which are more vegetables than beans, as they have grown into mature sprouts). All of those qualify as greens.

You can grate beets and parsnips. You can add jicama – and I’m intentionally using names that some of you might not know or recognize, like kohlrabi or jicama. These are delicious in a vegetable salad, either grated or chopped thinly and finely, because you get more colors in there. The more colors there are, the more beautiful to your eye.

When you add lemon juice, or olive oil, or other types of dressing that we can provide you with recipes for, you will enjoy these vegetable salads immensely. They can be so wonderful. One way you can turn them into gourmet salads, is to add small amounts of fruit, like, tiny pieces of apple or orange, raisins, pieces of mango. Things like that make the vegetables suddenly enriched and enhanced with amazing additional flavors. It is very enjoyable if you do that. You can add spices to your heart’s content. This is also true for your green savories and your green, leafy vegetables. You can add spices


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

to your heart’s content, especially organic things like oregano and chives and so on.

So, that was number 5. By now, 90% of you are already full. You’ve already had enough food for the entire day, but we are not done.

Now we have to eat fats that are coming from fruit. Like fats from olives, avocados, coconut oil, coconut milk that contains a lot of fat, and maybe palm oil. These are the oils that we need to eat fairly frequently, and hopefully on a daily basis, to further dilute the toxins that occur in our polluted environment. You don’t have to eat these all the time, and if you live in a pristine and natural environment with no pollution, you can skip these oils and it won’t be a problem. It’s necessary to have these oils that are stabilizing. The oils that you’re going to get from your nuts and seeds, flax seeds, walnuts and so forth, are good to have, but they have unstable fats in them. Therefore, we need to add these fruit oils in order to dilute or stabilize the overall amount of fats in our body.

“There is a lot of mythology surrounding [food combining] and too many people are worried and

concerned about food combination.”Now, some people might ask about food combining. I have a whole lecture about food combination and what it really means. There is a lot of mythology surrounding that and too many people are worried and concerned about food combination. The fact is, if you eat really healthy foods, you don’t need to worry so much about combining. You have enough things to worry about in life besides obsessing about what foods go with what other foods. I have never seen animals in nature combining foods in a certain way. They eat simply what they have, but if they have digestive problems then they need to address them and then they can eat foods without worry.

Everything I’ve mentioned so far will not cause any problem with combination, and it will be so rare, and it will mostly be with people with severe problems that they might attribute to a combination, but in fact, it might be that they have an allergy to a certain food and if they combine it with anything, they will not feel good.


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

There are a few exceptions with that, but most of them are very easy to understand on your own. For instance, we don’t want to combine water or drinks with our food. That is a rule that I adhere to and recommend for anybody, as we said earlier. But most other rules and regulations are man made, and not necessary for you to be too concerned about, especially if you do what we have said so far. You’ll notice that the complex foods, like the nuts and seeds, were sprinkled over fruits or vegetables, diluting their complexity, because fruits and vegetables are simple to digest.

So, that takes care of that. If you have these oils I just mentioned, the fruit oils, the tropical oils and the subtropical oils like the Mediterranean olive oil and avocado, you can add those to your salads, you can add those to your fruit or smoothies, or savories. Avocado is always nice in a green savory, but I like my avocados whole. I love the taste of them and don’t want to dilute it with other things, so I eat my avocado with my vegetable salads. It makes them so much tastier and smoother. Avocados can be used as a spread over crackers as well.

“At least three times a week, make sure you get coconut oil inside your


Everyday try to have some of these fats and at least three times a week, make sure you get coconut oil inside your body. You need at least one to two tablespoons that can go either on a spread or inside a smoothie or savory, however you choose. If you want to have food slightly cooked, then you can use coconut oil as part of that process, as in stir-frying. Or if you cook soups, you can add coconut oil to those soups, especially if they are Asian-style or Thai type soups.

No more than four teaspoons, or tablespoons if you are in a more polluted environment, of these oils. You can have a whole avocado, and in some cases two whole avocados in one day, which should not be a problem. You can also have fruits like durian and jackfruits, which contain tropical oils in them.

Number seven is, legumes. Everyday – but I don’t mind if you skip a few days a week if you’re already full and don’t have enough room


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in your stomach – then you can have a day off, but generally I like people to have, at least three or four, or even five times a week, small legumes that are not soy and are not peanuts. So, all the others, like lentils, peas and other kinds of beans that can be sprouted especially, like lentils and garbanzo beans, ideally they should be sprouted. But, if for any reason you don’t feel like sprouting, or don’t have time, or still prefer to eat foods in a cooked fashion, that’s fine. You can just cook them in water and eat them like that and that’s still a good source of many nutrients that you normally don’t get from greens and fruits, even though legumes and beans in general, will have a much, much lower nutrient density. They have maybe one tenth or one twentieth of green leafy vegetables, so only five to ten percent of nutritional density. That’s why it’s number seven on the list. We want to increase nutritional density, but some of those nutrients are unique and necessary for our immune system and detoxification apparatus. That is why we eat the legumes everyday.

Again, there is a huge variety - many colors of peas and beans and different types of lentils. Just look for great variety and keep experimenting. Some of them can be sprouted, some of them are already broken and can only be soaked to become softer, and some of them you might need to cook a little bit if you want to cook. Again, I am not against cooking, per se, if the food is wholesome and if it’s not hotter than water boiling. There is no broiling, baking, frying or barbequing.

Like I said, ideally they should be sprouted and then you can turn them into hummus and other types of pates that are really delicious. With lentils that are sprouted you can make things like eco-burgers. You can use it with different types of savory cakes. Many things can be done. Many Mexican dishes can be made. You just need some good recipe books and some menus, or you can go with our program that we are putting together for 35 people to become chefs on three different levels.

Remember, soy is not a healthy choice, and I don’t recommend it. It is heavily genetically modified. It is only a rare compromise when you travel, where you would eat that, but we are not talking about compromises, we’re talking about what you have to be eating everyday.

Number eight, if you still have any room left, I’d like you to have, everyday – not everyday necessarily, at least three or four times a week, some sort of algae. Macro algae, not micro algae like the blue green and the spirulina algae, but the large ones, like kelp and nori rolls, etc. Those are big vegetables of the sea. You need to get them


Top 10 Foods Teleseminar Transcript

organically grown or from a good source, and they need to be nicely cleaned, by they have many nutrients, including iodine, that are hard to find nowadays on the land, on the earth, where agriculture has depleted our soil. Those can be eaten raw. Many times they are raw and dehydrated and you can easily sprinkle them on a salad and if you cook, you can cook them slightly and add them to a slight stir-fry. There are many ways to eat them. They are wholesome and they are very, very dense with nutrition, almost like the dark greens, but because they have been dehydrated and packaged, they have a lot less nutrients remaining in them, but the minerals remain, and that is why they are good for us.

“We don’t want gluten grains unless you know for a fact that you have no gluten issues, but most people have gluten issues and just don’t know

about them.”So that’s number eight. Number nine; we want to have, at least a few times a week, some sort of sprouted or in some cases, cooked, grains, preferably without gluten. We don’t want gluten grains unless you know for a fact that you have no gluten issues, but most people have gluten issues and just don’t know about them. If you have a really healthy digestive tract and no genetic predisposition, than gluten will not be so harmful for you and you could occasionally eat gluten, even if it’s cooked. But, for health and for optimal eating in polluted city environments, we need some grains and we prefer gluten-free, and if we can sprout them, like sprouting buckwheat or quinoa, or soaking them, like amaranth. Then we are getting additional nutrients without a significant amount of fat.

Those nutrients are necessary, although again, as in the discussion with the legumes, we are reducing our nutrient density drastically once we are getting to grains and legumes. They might have a density of less than one twentieth of the density of some of the dark “leafies”, but we need some of them. Therefore, when you eat a dose of legumes or a dose of grains, make sure they are at least the size of a fist, so you are satisfied with it.

You can make tabouleh salad for instance, or other grain salads that


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are made into savory flavors with maybe olives and some vegetables, cilantro or parsley, or you can sprinkle them over vegetables. Buckwheat that is sprouted can easily be dehydrated into a granola type food and sprinkled over your fruit salad, if you wish. You could dehydrate the sprouted grains with vegetables and make pizza crust or crackers, and those are very satisfying and those are excellent things to spread avocado or coconut oil on, together with some spice like oregano, sage, etc. So you can make crackers, if you know how to do that with a dehydrator.

“Ezekiel bread is not that good. Most people who eat it daily end up allergic

to a lot of grains and legumes.”

If you don’t have a dehydrator, or you don’t want to do that, than grains can also be cooked in water. You would prefer to do that rather than baking. If you have to ever eat baked bread, it is a compromise. I’m not saying it’s a horrible compromise, as long as it is entirely wholesome grain and has not been turned into flour and has not been refined, but is completely wholesome. Then it’s not a huge compromise if you do it once in a while and we aren’t going to feel guilty about it when we do.

But, be aware that you’re trying to learn about optimum here, and what is best to eat. Once you know that, we’re not going to lie to ourselves and say, “Oh, this is not so bad, this is actually good for us, because it’s Ezekiel bread”. Ezekiel bread is not that good. Most people who eat it daily end up allergic to a lot of grains and legumes that are in it, because they have no choice and cannot rotate it.

I prefer that all the legumes, all the grains, just like the nuts and seeds, are rotated. So, today if you had buckwheat, tomorrow you have quinoa and the next day you can have amaranth, and the next day you can have other types of grain and the next day you can go back to the first one and you can also have a day off or two days off in between them so you can increase the time that your immune system is having a break from these grains.

Remember, if you are a raw foodist; best to have them sprouted and that is fine. If you’re not, it’s okay to cook them. The best is to cook them in water, and that is how anybody can eat a healthy meal every day, three times a day, or even more, by maintaining a wholesome


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So, so far we have already covered nine different foods. Nobody can eat all nine everyday without feeling extremely satiated and full. But, because the grains and legumes don’t have to be done every day, you can still avoid excessive satiety. You might still have occasional moments when you say, “I don’t have enough food,” but I don’t believe it. If you tell me you don’t have enough food after everything I’ve told you to eat everyday, I would think that you have not followed the instructions.

But, sometimes, even if people are 100% trying to stay raw or semi-raw, there are situations where you have to eat other foods, especially if you go out, or if you live in Northern climates where there is a long winter and you want to be ecological and eat food grown locally, and you want to eat foods that are available fresh in your area, even though they might not be raw. Those are foods similar to sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash, yellow squash, zucchini, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, acorn squash, eggplant, and also other roots like turnips and radishes, parsnips, horseradish, rutabaga, black radish, sweetheart radish, etc.

“Even if people are 100% trying to stay raw or semi-raw, there are situations where you have to eat

other foods...”There are many kinds of roots that can stay for a long time in a root cellar, into the deep winter, without even being refrigerated and they are still fairly nourishing. Those foods are better, even if they are slightly cooked in water or steamed, than some foods that you might think are raw that are coming from South America or South-East Asia and are packaged and dehydrated, but are called raw. The nutrient density is still going to be higher in some of those starch vegetables and you’ll get starch, which will provide you with calories during those cold winters when you need access to calories and not all the time want to buy expensive things from far, far away that are not ecological and take a lot of gasoline for transportation.

So, I’d rather, in certain situations like this, that people who live in these areas and grow these types of foods, that they feel comfortable


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doing this for number ten and that is steamed vegetables, steamed roots, steamed bulbs. You can also steam some onions, and shallots and garlic and other bulbs and roots that I mentioned and make them more edible. Spaghetti squash is a good example, it becomes so edible when it has been slightly steamed and made a bit soft. It’s true that you can have raw pumpkin pie. It’s delicious, and you can make raw pumpkin soup and Thai soup. It’s wonderful, but some people prefer and will not stop the cooking habit of it, and I don’t want to make them feel bad about doing that as a part of their daily routine, if it prevents them from eating junk foods or “comfort foods”.

These are the steamed vegetables, and you can eat every part of the food, not just the roots and the bulbs, but also the fruit of the vegetables, like eggplant. And the stems and flowers, like artichokes.

Whatever you can eat raw is always ideal and better, and we know how we can make zucchini noodles easily, but for the hard ones I’m not opposed to people cooking them. It’s a part of the eco-raw lifestyle, because it’s ecological and it’s locally grown. If we choose to live in the far north, we might have no choice sometimes, but to do that.

If you can be 100% raw, great! You still have to eat all the foods up to and including number nine. Number ten is steamed vegetables that you can have everyday that you are not satisfied with number one through nine. It will still be a very good compromise that I am happy with if it prevents you from eating white sugars and white flours and meat and dairy.

So, these are the top ten, but we are not done completely.

There are two things that are very minor, but you need to be aware of them. First, I would like you to consider once in a while, maybe once a week in the summer or whenever you travel places that are not under permafrost during the winter, to try and do some foraging. This means, going to nature and taking some food that you find there, that you never find in the supermarket.

There are numerous, delicious and extremely nutritious, probably more than any food that we buy from agriculture. Food that we can find with nature in their natural state, in the place where they have selected to grow with the best nutrients and they have never been hybridized and they have the best soil to grow as they wish and they are the healthiest plants with the highest density of nutrients.


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When you forage, some of the things that you can find are not just leaves and blackberries, but are flowers. For instance, you can find [unintelligible] flowers throughout the entire spring in most places in the country, in United States and Southern Canada. You can find wild sunflowers towards the end of summer. The entire summer you will find flowers that are edible almost everywhere.

I think that people don’t eat enough flowers nowadays, and flowers contain a lot of amazing nutrients that are not thought of as nutrients. They have amazing colors, and that means a lot of pigments that are nutritious that we don’t get enough of.

When you cook, you destroy those pigments. That’s why those colors disappear. But when you have the pigments, you have the nutrients. It’s a great thing to eat some of those flowers. They taste good. They are satisfying. A small amount will make you feel full and satiated.

“I think that people don’t eat enough flowers nowadays, and

flowers contain a lot of amazing nutrients that are not thought of

as nutrients.”

One of the aspects that’s really important about flowers that is there, is basically the sex organs of the plants, which means that they are denser nutritionally. One other aspect is, tiny animals like those flowers. Tiny insects like aphids, or microscopic insects that you cannot notice unless you look with a magnifying glass, are probably doing something inside those flowers, trying to enjoy the powder and fertilizing those flowers. Those are good for us to eat without thinking about them.

I’m not going to look for insects to eat. It is not something that appeals to me personally, although some people in some cultures love eating insects. I have nothing against that if they eat them in their natural raw state, but I will not do that personally, because I have been indoctrinated like most of us, to be repulsed by the idea of eating insects. But, if you eat a beautiful flower and you cannot see any insects on it, and you just chew it and swallow it and enjoy


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it, there’s a very good chance that a tiny, tiny amount of invisible insects are hidden in there and are making their way through your digestive tract, giving you additional nutrients that you normally don’t have when you only eat plants. Maybe a tiny amount of B12, or a tiny amount of fatty acids in their finalized form and other types of nutrients that are only to be found in their final form in living things. Not plants, but animals. So tiny, tiny aphids, if I happen to eat a few, I am not going to mind it and if you think I’m crazy, go ahead and think that I’m crazy. I’m really not eating the insects knowingly or visibly. I never do that. I think it is wonderful that we can enjoy the flowers without thinking about those tiny, tiny, tiny insects that are actually giving us additional nutrients.

So once every week, or two weeks, or three weeks, if you can go foraging and eat flowers and also eat other forageable plants like wild amaranth and mallow, lambs quarter, wild sunflower, wood sorrel or sheep sorrel, purslane, plantain, burdock, thistle, sumac, even hazelnut you can find in nature in places like Minnesota and Wisconsin and you can enjoy hazelnuts that are growing wild in the end of summer. That is really, really a wonderful thing to do with the highest amount of nutrients.

When you go foraging, I have to warn you not to trust mushrooms that you see. Even if you think that they are recognizable and probably not toxic, there are so many types of mushrooms that look like other mushrooms. They might be toxic and poisonous and we cannot trust our instincts anymore in that regard. I am warning people when they go foraging, not to eat mushrooms that they find, because there have been some fatalities.

But, edible mushrooms I would add to the list of vegetables you can eat them raw in salads, you can eat them steamed with your steamed vegetables in number ten if you want to eat them steamed or water cooked. I have no problem with people eating mushrooms twice a week. You don’t have to eat them everyday, just like you aren’t going to eat the other vegetables everyday. Keep varying the types of vegetables you eat.

So, that was number eleven, the foraging of the flowers. The potential tiny amount of insects, maybe in even worms that might be in some of those things that you forage is not a problem.

Number twelve, and that could also have to do something with foraging, is natural dust and dirt; earth. When you forage fruits of the vegetables like tomatoes or cucumbers, etc. Or, when you forage


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for greens or leaves, even from the vegetable garden, there’s a little bit of dust or earth on the leaves that has accumulated over time. That comes from the soil. Assuming you are in a clean environment without soot or diesel fumes or other gasoline exhausts. These types of dust contain some microbes, probiotics, soil organisms that are actually good for us.

In nature, we see other animals eat fruits and vegetables from the ground, things that touch the earth. They aren’t cleaning them, wiping them, washing them. They don’t think about them. They just eat them with the healthy bacteria that is on them that is continuously helping with the gastrointestinal balance. Those microbes manufacture B12 inside our colon. That is a part of how we used to be before we all became extremely sterile in our approach to life. Cleaning everything before we put it in our mouth makes us only more susceptible to immune challenges and infectious agents.

“Cleaning everything before we put it in our mouth makes us only more

susceptible to immune challenges and infectious agents.”

That is why I recommend occasionally; eat some dirt! Make sure it’s clean dirt. Not dirt that’s had gasoline spilled all over it, but nice and clean dirt and you’ll be in very good shape in comparison to people who eat only sterile, washed foods.

So, number eleven and twelve don’t count for a lot of substance, that’s why we mentioned the top ten, but be aware of eleven and twelve and take advantage of foraging whenever you can. It’s a lot of fun and there are a lot of websites about it. I think there’s one, www.foragingpictures.com. It gives you a lot of photos of many, many foraged and foraging plants that you can easily identify based on these and enjoy them when you go out to nature and look at nature a little differently. Don’t look at it just as something you can walk within. Like walking in the forest, or walking in the meadow. Look at is as a kitchen, a place where you can find food. Start looking around and start recognizing some of those things and enjoy them!So, that is the top ten foods, with two small foraging additions.

What about wine? A lot of people love wine. I’m not recommending


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drinking a lot of it. Some people are genetically susceptible and are not able to detoxify very well. I would say, if you have to drink wine, don’t do it more than once or twice a week. Most important, never support buying or drinking wine that contains sulfites, and that has not come from organic grapes.

Organic grapes don’t have intentionally sprayed fungicides, and the wine industry is the number two industry in terms of the amount of fungicides they add to our atmosphere. Number one is cotton, for our clothing.

We don’t want fungicides from cotton, that’s why we recommend organic cotton, or from wine. That’s why we only recommend organic wine that has no added sulfites.

Also, wine should be vegan. We don’t want wine with animal parts added to it to clarify it, which is normally the case, and you don’t want wine to be cooked obviously, if it’s going to have any quality.

I don’t usually recommend getting used to wine consumption on a regular basis, but if you love your wine and you feel like this is the only thing giving your life any meaning, and you have to have it, than fine. Have it a couple of times a week and have organic wine without any added sulfites.

“The wine industry is the number two industry in terms of the amount

of fungicides they add to our atmosphere. Number one is cotton,

for our clothing.”

So, these are the foods that people can eat and would eat, but beyond food, we have the issue of water.

We mentioned that you should never drink water or other drinks while you eat, because of the dilution of the stomach acids, the juices and the enzymes secreted by the stomach. What about drinking water aside from that? This is a big controversy.


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I like to follow my instincts, and not to follow man-made rules, and I have had many patients who were overdoing the water. I think that the eight glasses a day, is a strict rule that is man-made and is not natural to some people.

If you are an athlete, and if you are dehydrated, and you eat dehydrating foods, and you go in the sun all the time, if you sweat profusely, and you live in the desert, maybe eight glasses would be fine, assuming you purify the water and add all the trace minerals and elements to the water to make it mineralized again. But, most people who follow the eight glasses a day, are drinking too much water, and I see that their bodies’ juices are being diluted and they are having all types of health problems that they are not aware of, that are caused by excessive hydration.

Once you eat the way we mentioned, with the ten top foods, you are going to have a lot of water occurring in those foods and you will not feel so thirsty. Your body manufactures water also, from the metabolic pathways of energy creation. We always manufacture water in large amounts, and most of the water in your urine is actually water that has been manufactured by your own metabolic pathways in the cells and not by what you have been drinking.

So, you don’t have to be too concerned about it. Maybe initially, as you transition, you may need a little more water, just to be on the safe side, but gradually reduce it to something that feels comfortable based on your level of thirst; being aware that it is originally somehow compromised by our lifestyle. Also, look at your urine color and see if it is concentrated a lot. That would give you some kind of an indication.

Of course, anything you drink that is containing phosphorus and sugars, and other artificial compounds, like soft drinks, caffeine, hot chocolate, and all those liquids that people like to drink that are actually dehydrating us, making us lose water through the kidneys, those you need to compensate for in many ways, not just in water.So, that gives you my ideas about water. It varies from one person to the next, but we should not necessarily follow man-made rules, blindly, thinking that we’re doing ourselves a favor, when sometimes we are actually damaging ourselves by following dogmatic ideas that have been propagated by people in a position of authority, even thought every ten years they change their minds and give you a new rule, rather than following the rules of nature that have been around for many thousands of years and we don’t have to worry about their accuracy level.


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If you eat the way that I have mentioned, you’ll never have to worry about calories. You’ll never have to count them. You’ll never have to think about them. You’ll just eat the way we have specified, and you’ll already have the highest density of nutrients, so the calories will matter less and your cells will be nourished and you won’t feel hungry regardless.

“If you eat the way that I have mentioned, you’ll never have to worry

about calories.”So don’t worry about calories, especially if you eat the foods from numbers one through five, exactly as specified, and then add a not excessive amount of oils. Then you can even lose weight without trying or thinking, whether it is raw or not.

Some people, who go on a 100% raw approach, think that it is the only reason they lost weight. But the reality is, anyone who goes on a vegan diet that is similar to what I mentioned, even if they cook their vegetables, grains and legumes, they lose weight regardless. We can see that billions of people in China and India and other places, are completely nothing; no weight gain whatsoever, even if they eat a lot less healthily than what I have prescribed here. They don’t have nearly the amount of vegetables, greens and crucifers as you can have, yet despite the fact that they are not as healthy, as optimally as they can be, they still have no weight gain and therefore we don’t have to worry so much about that.

So, that is the aspect of what we have to eat. Now, some people like to take some little condiments to add things to make the food taste a little better, like olives, and pickles and little things, like kimchee and sauerkraut. Those things could be used in small amounts, once in a while, maybe twice a week, as long as you rotate them.

Don’t overdo them if they have been fermented too much and have altered their form in some way, because some of them could cause a histamine reaction in the gut – histaminases, but if it’s a small amount and you just have some sauerkraut for fun, or some kimchee added to your vegetable salad and diluted by it, I think it is a good way to enjoy your food and I’m in favor of people enjoying their food. That’s why you can go to a restaurant like “Ecopolitan” and you can enjoy a lot of gourmet dishes that are amazing, and you never feel like you are missing anything, as you probably know if you


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have a raw food restaurant around you.

But, at “Ecopolitan”, we don’t support the soy industry, and the GMO, and the use of nama shoya, and the use of concentrated or artificial sweeteners, like agave nectar or maple syrup, because we want to show people that you can have delicious foods without those things. You don’t have to drown all the flavors in those additives, like so many raw food chefs like to do, losing the real taste and amazing flavors of so many delicious, fresh foods that are out there.

So, that is why we should not overdo them. Histaminases and loss of the natural flavor, and we lose our imagination and we start relying on them too much as a result. Of course, we can use nama shoyu once a month; it’s not a big deal. You can compromise that, but if you start cooking with it and it’s in every savory meal that you make, that’s already too much.

That’s the issue of food fermentation and pickling. I love olives, I love pickles, and I have to admit that I eat olives quite a lot. They are delicious, but there are days that I just skip them and give myself a rest from olives for two or three days. Those are the same days that I will give my body a rest from olive oil and focus more on avocado or coconut oil, so that I don’t develop an allergy to something by eating it every day of my life, which in nature would never happen. I don’t have to be too worried about it and neither do you. You don’t have to be religious about it. You don’t have to be fanatical about it. Once in a while, say, “hey, time for some variety in my life. I’m going to give this food or that food a break,” especially if it’s a food that you have been eating every day, and especially if it is a complex food like a nut, a seed, a grain, or a legume.

Now, eating like that on a regular basis is very sustainable. You’re not going to suddenly feel like you are craving something so badly, because you are so deficient in fat, or in the nutrients that occur in grains or legumes, or in nuts and seeds, that you would totally get off the wagon and eat junk and do all kinds of horrible things that will result in guilt and yo-yo dieting, reduced health and life-span.

I would prefer that people compromise, like I recommended in these foods that I listed, and live to 118 instead of shooting for 120. If you shoot to be 120 by being 100% raw, 100% everything you’re being told, then you get so obsessed with it, and uptight about it, that you break under the social and emotional pressure, and you end up eating the opposite, the horrible junk that everyone else eats around you. And then you feel horrible.


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Going back and forth from one extreme to the next is a sure-fire way to get sick, if not physically, than emotionally, and once you do then you’re not going to have the productive lifespan that you deserve. But, if you shoot ahead of time for 118, instead of 120, there’s a good chance that you will stick with it and will indeed get to 118. Of course, we’re being proverbial here and just using it as an analogy. For some people 118 is 105, for others 118 might be 120, but optimally they may have been able to get to 125.

“Going back and forth from one extreme to the next is a sure-fire way

to get sick, if not physically, than emotionally...”

Our goal is not to get to our 100% optimum, because it is too tough in today’s environment to even attempt it, unless you live in the tropics or in a place where you can forage every day without a problem. It’s very difficult for most people to do that.

If you maintain everything that I listed in as minimally processed and minimally cooked as possible, you can occasionally compromise with the cooked food that I mentioned, especially when you go out and eat in a restaurant. You can eat slightly stir-fried or steamed or cooked. You can tell them to make a nice concoction of anything that they have on the menu that’s plant-based, and add some avocado and spices, and they love you for giving them the opportunity to prove that they are good chefs. Then you are maintaining a reasonably good health compared to 99.9% of the rest of the population. But if there has been damage done to your body in the past when you ate poorly, eating like this will definitely improve your health drastically. Everybody who has changed to a healthier lifestyle will testify to the improvement in their sugar metabolism, in their weight situation, and in their metabolism overall in many other aspects. They feel good, they look better, but they don’t last very long, because they go to extremes.

This approach allows them to be less extreme, while maintaining maximum quality of the food they ingest, and hopefully they will undo some of the damage that has occurred as a result of poor eating habits, but I cannot guarantee that everything is reversible, because some people have conditions that are not reversible. They might


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improve, but get stuck. Some people only have partial reversibility, which is something that requires additional testing, and investigation, laboratory tests, or inspections, or at least a good medical history. Most people can definitely improve a lot using this approach, especially if they also use some of the supplements that they might need, as we have talked about in the lecture, “The Truth About Supplements”.

“Why is it that cows don’t get allergic to grass when they eat it every day?” The answer is, grass is a green, simple

vegetable.”I mentioned earlier how we need to rotate our foods and avoid becoming sensitive or allergic to those foods. So, someone might ask, and someone indeed asked, “Why is it that cows don’t get allergic to grass when they eat it every day?” The answer is, grass is a green, simple vegetable. The simpler the foods are, the lesser the capability of these foods to cause an allergic reaction.

Most people can eat lettuce every day and almost never develop a sensitivity, though I have seen a few that do have it, but in nature you would eat grasses just like we would eat salad greens. There’s a good variety, and you don’t always eat the same ones all year long. There are different ones at different times of seasons. Even if you eat the same ones, they are very simple and if you have a healthy digestive tract, you will not likely end up partially digesting some of the molecules, the compounds, therefore you will not end up developing allergies to them. That is why cows do not develop allergies and humans, who are healthy in their digestive tract, and who are eating mostly simple foods, will not likely develop sensitivities to those foods until they cause some damage, and then it’s a different story.

I wish that we could all be as healthy as animals that graze in the wild. If we did that, we would never have allergies, or sensitivities, or any type of disease. We might get injured. We might get eaten by a tiger, or fall on a rock, a branch might hit our face, but this is the extent of injuries. We might fall from a tree, but we would not develop chronic degenerative diseases as long as we eat all of the nutrient-dense foods that nature has provided us with its abundance, and love, and quality of sharing.

So, that is what I wanted to share about food. If there are any


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questions, I would ask Tera to deliver a question to me now and I’ll try and answer it.

That was great! That was well done. Thank you! You got out some great stuff and the questions have been gradually diminishing, because you’ve been answering them as we go, which is fantastic! I’m just excited to know that everybody finally has some tools and things to work with. I thought you did a great job.

What I wanted to do is start to get a bit specific. One of the questions is related to nuts. At one point you talk about the volume of nuts and one of the questions is, “When people are making nut milks, how does that factor into the total consumption for nuts?”

What an excellent question! When you’re making nut milk, you are not supposed to be drinking the entire gallon that you have just made. You keep it in the fridge and drink it in the next two days or so, and then the next nut milk you make will hopefully be made of a different nut.

So, A, you can rotate your nuts that way, and B, you don’t need that many nuts per glass of nut milk. Usually, per glass, maybe one tablespoon, maybe one and a half, should be enough, and you have maybe three or four, depending on your size, per day. Go sparingly. Don’t overdo it. If once in a while, when you go out, you eat a little more nutty food, you treat yourself to some “splurgy” gourmet, and it’s okay to go slightly above that amount, knowing that some other days you’ll be slightly below.

This was just an average that you need to have, per day. You can go up and down a little bit. There are not great rules there for you to count exactly. I gave you general guidelines as to the quantities so that you can feel calorically satisfied and nutritionally complete, as much as possible. Satisfy yourselves so that your body does not have to crave anything, and that should take care of this. Don’t worry too much if you sometimes exceed a little bit, and sometimes are below, especially with the nuts or seeds.

Remember, some people eat only 10% of their calories from fat. Eating like I’ve mentioned, you’ll have somewhat more than that, because you live in an area that I think requires it. But, if you live in the tropics, you can be without any nuts and seeds for a whole month and feel that nothing is missing, if you’re in a clean environment. You might not need to add any fatty foods intentionally. So, it will vary a lot from person to person, and from environment to environment. Just don’t worry about it too much, and I’m saying this to the general


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population, it’s not worth worrying about. There’s enough to worry about in life, but if you have medical conditions or situations that you are worried about, they need to be addressed, and dealt with so that you can be in a position where these things are no longer of concern to you.

Are there any other questions?

Yes, there are some. Now, the best way for them to address that would be for them to find a functional medicine practitioner, or setting up an appointment?

Yes, finding a functional medicine practitioner, or setting up an appointment, or they can join us for our clinical seminars that are coming up. We’ll have a whole series of optimal health education with a focus on various clinical and various nutritional specifics that are of great interest, like vitamin D, and B12, and numerous health conditions, and how to maintain hygiene and different aspects on health on the body, how to nutritionally influence our hormones… Many, many topics that we will have, and those will give people many tools to learn about their own bodies and how to advise other people, practically, how to improve their health. People who study with us will even learn how to interpret lab tests, for themselves and for other people, under our guidance. So, that is a possibility for everyone to learn and to take care of him or herself. We’ll start pretty soon, with a series of seminars that will give people certification as practical health advisors. If they don’t want to be certified they can take the courses in a different format and not be certified, and if they change their minds later, they can get certified anyway. That gives people the tools so that they can make decisions about their health.

One of the things that will be happening sooner, rather than later is that Dr. Tel-Oren’s entire website, which is ecopolitan.com, is going to be redone. It’s beautiful! There’s a whole new site and a whole new look, and it’s all part of preparing for this new community, and really taking some of these resources that Dr. Tel-Oren’s been sharing with us and getting them out to a much wider audience. Because of the work he has been doing, it is really clear that there are people throughout the world who are interested in implicating themselves in this process of educating others about health, and wellness, and nutrition.

So, part of this project that’s coming with ongoing education in association with the university, is really community-based. One of the things that happens, is so many people learn this information and then try to go out on their own and make something work. Part of


Dr T:



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the reason that these seminars were put on, is because we’ve seen so much confusion and so much dissention, even in the natural health movement. So we’re really going to be systematizing the materials and support, and enabling people, not only to get the information, to apply the information, and to facilitate these kinds of experiences for others, but also helping them to build their clients so we can really create a network of practical health advisors around the world.

We’re really excited about the people who are a part of this, and the projects and the materials that we’re putting together. We’d have loved to have been able to show it all to you and to unveil it

“There’s enough to worry about in life, but if you have medical

conditions or situations that you are worried about, they need to be

addressed, and dealt with...”

tonight at the end of the series, but there are still a few pieces to put in place, and so what we will do though, is in order to ensure that you receive this information and that you’re notified about what is coming, I would like to encourage all of you to go to the current Ecopolitan website, that’s ecopolitan.com, and on the left side of the screen, there’s a small place where you can put in your name and sign up for the latest news.

The other thing we’ll do, because I promised a surprise at the end of the teleseminar series; anyone who is signed up for Dr. Tel-Oren’s Ecopolitan newsletter, will be receiving a special gift of recipes. Now that you’ve heard some of what Dr. Tel-Oren has shared about the foods he says we should eat, so now you’ll have some recipes moving forward. That’s also the best place to stay notified of anything Dr. Tel-Oren is doing, because that’s his website.

Thank you for that. Just for your information, there are many levels of education, so some people can choose a very basic level of information that they are happy with, that will help them optimize their own healthy lifestyle, and some people will want to go further and help others even more, and some people will want to be certified, and some people would want to continue from there, to

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become nutritional counselor and general health coach, and even obtain University degrees, right up to a PhD. If they already have a bachelor’s degree, or a master’s, they can go all the way and do research and help us spread the good word about natural, holistic – but truly natural, not man made natural, but nature’s natural - healthcare approach that we are trying to teach and is not based on local decision-making practices of governments, or corporations, or classes in power, or even authorities that make decisions for us. Everything has to make sense within nature, so that it resonates with our own sense of what is true and makes us feel comfortable with it, because we know it’s true, even axiomatically, without the scientific explanation. Nature does know best, because we have adapted in her for so many thousands of years.

“There are so many things to eat, besides what we put through our

mouth.”I just want to mention one last thing, what else we need to eat. Besides the food that we mentioned, we need to eat a lot of love. We need to eat a lot of affection. We need to eat leisure. We need to eat walks in nature. We need to eat understanding. We need to eat security.

Every day we need to have a dose of all of those things that will feed our soul and our mind, and not just our body. That means we don’t want to only think of food. We want to be fed by the sun, with the sun’s rays. There are so many things to eat, besides what we put through our mouth. I’d like you to think about all of those things and try to incorporate them into your body, and into your mind, and into your soul, and into your life. Your life will reward you back.

Thank you so much for being a part of this six teleseminar series. I really look forward to seeing you, or hearing from you, or having you as a part of our growing company, and growing community, into the future. Thank you very much.

That was beautifully said! So, I will let it finish on that. I’ll just let people know that I’ll be keeping all of you updated on what’s coming. We’ve been working hard on the curriculum, and I know that many of you have been sending in questions about specific health concerns, even just oxalic acid, for example, people have been asking about



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that. There’s an entire two-hour lecture on these kinds of issues. Many of you have specific health concerns for adrenals, thyroid, all of these kinds of things are finally going to be answered by someone who has knowledge about the raw food, or natural diet – well, Dr. Tel-Oren.

So, what I’ll do is just make sure that within the next few days we let you know what’s coming. Again, I just want to encourage everyone to go to the Ecopolitan site and where it says, “latest news”, that’s where you want to sign up. That way you’ll be sure to get the special recipes and the first announcements about anything else coming through with Dr. Tel-Oren’s resources.

A big thank you to all those who have sent in feedback, who have participated and been here every night, and who will continue becoming a part of what we’re doing. We’ve really appreciated this, and we look forward to growing with you.Good night!

Good night everybody!Dr. T:

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