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Post on 29-Sep-2020






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© Thank Your Body, LLC, 2015. All Rights Reserved.


CONTENTS (clickable)




















ESSENTIAL OILS have been used for thousands of years

for many applications. Today, there are well over 300

essential oils in use by professional practitioners, each

with its own centuries confirmed practical application.

But don’t worry! You certainly don’t need 300 essential oils in your medicine cabinet to reap their benefits.

A nice collection of 10-20 will do the trick for most things,

though I must admit, I’ve got a hefty collection myself.

Essential Oils have protective properties which are the

plant’s natural defense mechanism that work the same


in us and therefore have medicinal properties. They

penetrate cell membranes and can diffuse throughout

our blood and tissues. These particles are one of the

few things small enough to cross the blood brain barrier.

Essential oils are greaseless, never ever expire and will

evaporate. They are volatile. Keep lids on snug as they’ll evaporate.


Essential oils are the highly concentrated, aromatic

essences of trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, resins and

flowers. They can be clear, amber, yellow, green, and

even dark blue in color and range from very runny to

almost solid in consistency. Each essential oil comes

from specific parts of the plant they come from too.

For example:

▪ Myrrh and Frankincense come from the tree


▪ Lemon, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit and Bergamot

come from the peel of the fruit

▪ Cinnamon comes from the bark of the tree


▪ Eucalyptus comes from the tree’s leaves

▪ Rose comes from the petals

▪ Pine comes from the needles and twigs

On average, each essential oil contains over 100

medicinal components with more being discovered

every day. These components also change even among

the same species of plant. 1 drop contains 40 million

trillion molecules that affect the body at the cellular


Take lavender for example, you can grow the same exact

type of lavender plant in France and one in your garden

and they will have similar but different properties. This is

because the soil, climate, altitude, and many other

factors will be different, therefore producing a very

different oil with its own unique properties and



Making an essential oil takes a lot of work and in some

cases, tons of plant material to make even just a tiny

amount of essential oil.


For instance, to make just 1 ounce of rose essential oil,

you would need 60,000 roses. Crazy right? It’s no wonder high-quality essential oils may seem expensive. Have you

ever thought of purchasing 60,000 roses? You literally

need truckloads of plant material, have to race with the

rising of the sun, or have to wait years before they are


When you consider you can replace beauty products,

first-aid creams and other household products with

essential oils, it usually comes out to be cheaper and

definitely more natural!

Now, the key to producing therapeutic-grade essential

oils is to preserve as many of the delicate compounds

within the Essential Oil as possible!

Some low-quality essential oils can be made from plants

that were treated with pesticides and extracted with

chemical solvents. These are NOT the oils you want to

use for you or your family. Be sure to choose essential

oils that are sourced from reputable farms without

the use of GMOs, pesticides and other harmful


You can see what oils I recommend and use daily here:




Essential oils seem like nature's perfect solution for the

problems that chemicals, poor nutrition and stress have

added to our lives. However, remember that to get great

benefits and results you must use therapeutic-grade

essential oils that NOT been adulterated. Adulterated

oils contain synthetic chemicals or compounds. And,

those chemicals and compounds may actually be

harmful to our body.

Consider the properties of essential oils:

They are a non-toxic alternative for you and your


They are environmentally-friendly.

They promote physical and emotional well-being.

They help to improve quality of life.

They can replace conventional household


They can be used in DIY beauty products.

They are versatile!


What are Toxins and Why Do They Build Up in Our


A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have

harmful effects on the body. Toxins can come from food

or water, from chemicals used to grow or prepare food,

and even from the air that we breathe. Our bodies

process those toxins through organs like the liver and

kidneys and eliminate them in the form of sweat, urine,

and feces. The cleaning products we use, the scented air

fresheners we spray and inhale, the food we eat and the

over-the-counter drugs we reach for are all full of

chemicals that can make us sick.

We are exposed to these toxins on a daily basis, but just

how much toxicity we're exposed to depends on the

foods we eat, the furniture we sit on, the lotions we

decide to put on our bodies, etc. The degree to which we

potentially put our health at risk depends on the

different products we decide to bring into the house.




1. Breathe Clean Air - The air inside our homes contains

2-5 times more contaminants than outdoor air! So, I say

open a window, add plants to your decor, and diffuse

essential oils. By doing these three things you are

helping to clean the air you breathe inside your home.

Try Purification to clean your air and try Joy to lift your


2. Clean Your Fruits and Veggies - Just because you

may buy organic foods, doesn't mean your fresh food is

clean. Here is a simple produce wash using essential oils:



3. Switch to Homemade Cleaning Products - Ditch the

nasty chemical and petroleum-based cleaners in your

home and make your own eco-friendly products. You

can find a whole bunch of DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes


here: http://www.thankyourbody.com/diy-all-natural-


4. Use Wool Dryer Balls - I hate to tell you this, but dryer

sheets are not your friend. They are concentrated with

chemicals and heavy fragrances. Simply throw a wool

dryer ball with some Lavender EO in your dryer and voila

you have very own homemade non-toxic dryer "sheet".

5. Take Outdoor Shoes Off at the Door - Our shoes can

track in dangerous pollutants that can be harmful to us.

Just think whatever you step on, will be tracked back into

the home. Remember that gum you stepped on? Yes,

that too. Since your shoes are a big ball of dirty, take the

time to give them a good clean as well. I would suggest

some Thieves oil, vinegar and water.



Using essential oils isn't complicated, but you do want to

follow a few good practices to reap the real benefits.

Below is a simple, breakdown on safe application.


Aromatic uses of essential oils can heighten the senses

and have positive effects for the mind and body.

1. Inhale the oil directly from the bottle: simply smell it!

You can rub a drop or two on your hands and cup your

nose or just inhale directly from the bottle.


2. Diffuse the oils with a diffuser which disperses the oils

in a micro-fine vapor throughout the air. A diffuser does

not heat the oils which can damage their therapeutic


3. Breathe in steamy vapors deeply by carefully pouring

hot water into a glass bowl, adding in a couple drops of

essential oils, and covering the bowl in a tent like fashion

with a cloth or towel.

Topical Application

Young Living essential oils are safe to use topically on

our skin or even our pet’s fur. Because of their molecular

structure, Essential Oils are rapidly absorbed by the skin.

It takes seconds to get them into our bloodstream.

Massaging 1 - 4 drops (diluted with a carrier oil as

indicated on the bottle) is a great way to topically use

essential oils. Common areas for topical application

include the feet, stomach, neck, and hands.

Vitaflex points on hands, feet, spine and ears that relate

to organ systems and activate their reflex. The chart on

the following page is found in the Essential Oils pocket

reference or desk reference.


Sensitive people may taste it in their mouth in a few

moments. Our pores on soles of our feet are very big

and have great absorption so be mindful what you’re walking barefoot on and what cleaners you use or yard

chemicals that you, your kids or your pets may walk on

or if you stand in a bathtub when you clean it. The

pores on our feet absorb a lot!

Image source: Essential Oil Desk Reference, Life Science Publishing.


Internal Consumption

Many Young Living essential oils are safe to ingest as a

dietary supplement or food flavoring. It’s always important to follow the recommended dosage on

individual product labels before taking oils internally.

You can put essential oils in empty veggie capsules, in

your water, put a drop in raw honey, or on bread. Citrus

oils eat petrochemicals so use glass or stainless steel

only to drink oils from.

Adults can make rectal or vaginal suppositories with oils

diluted with a carrier oil in a capsule before bed or lying

down for a few hours. This can give 100% absorption as

opposed to orally which is 70-80% absorption. Please

dilute your suppositories with a carrier oil like olive oil

because some essential oils are hot.

Of course, using essential oils in DIY cleaning products,

beauty recipes, or personal care items is another simple

way to utilize the power of essential oils.

But wait! Safety is Important!

Before you start there are a few things I’d like to recommend. Because I want you to love your essential


oil experience the way I do. So, do this mama proud and

take care to do the following before jumping in:

There are 2 places we NEVER put essential oils

1. In the eyes

2. Deep in ear canal

If either of these accidently happens, it shouldn’t damage your eye but it will sting and you can put in a

couple drops of a carrier oil and it takes the sting out in


Do NOT use water! Oil and water don’t mix and sting will be worse. If you don’t have access to a carrier oil (in the car, at a restaurant, etc.) find something fatty like milk or


Start Slowly with the Diffuser

Start with just 2-3 drops of oil in your diffuser for a 15

minute time period. If all is well then increase the time

intervals. The home diffuser will run for about 3-4 hours

and after this initial test period, feel free to run it as long

as you are able and with up to 8-10 drops of essential


oils. We tend to use fewer of strong oils like Joy for

example and more of fresh, citrus oils like Lemon!

Skin Test

It’s a good idea to skin test an essential oil before using it. Everybody is different and just because one oil did

incredible things for one person doesn’t automatically mean it will be a perfect fit for you, and in some rare

instances an oil may irritate your skin:

▪ Start with just one oil or blend at a time.

▪ Apply the oil (neat or diluted, as indicated on

your bottle) to a small area first.

▪ When trying oils that are new to you, allow

enough time (3 – 5) minutes for the body to

respond before applying a second oil.

▪ Placing oils on the bottom of your feet is most

often a safe place to use essential oils topically if

you experience irritation elsewhere.

Be careful when using with other chemicals

Most people don’t think of their skin as full of chemicals,


but certain things like cosmetics, personal-care products,

soaps, and cleansers can contain synthetic chemicals.

Your skin may have residual chemicals hanging out that

could come in contact with your essential oils. Some of

these chemicals, especially petroleum-based chemicals,

can penetrate and remain in the skin and fatty tissues

for days or even weeks after use. Essentials oils may

work against such toxins that are stored in your body,

whether from personal care products, food, or the

environment. This is another reason why you’ll want to do a skin test. If any redness or irritation occurs, dilute

the area with a carrier oil and then cleanse with soap

and water.

The oils aren’t bad for you and are gently detoxing your body of these chemicals, but you may find it beneficial to

reduce use or stop using the oils for a few days and then

try again slowly. Here are some natural detox efforts can

help cleanse your body safely. If you are ready to try

again, do a skin test (diluted for all oils, this time) and

wait 30 minutes to see if there is any reaction.

Keep “Hot” Oils Away from Children

Oils such as oregano, cinnamon, thyme, eucalyptus,

mountain savory, lemon, and orange… or blends like


Thieves, PanAway, Relieve It, and Exodus II should be

stored away from children (although, really, I keep all my

oils away from my children!). These are also the types of

oils that should always be diluted for both children and


If a child swallows an essential oil:

▪ Seek immediately emergency medical attention,

if necessary

▪ Give the child milk, cream, yogurt, or another

safe, oil-soluble liquid to drink

Start with Some Basic Oils

Because the world of essential oils is so vast, it’s easy to

get overwhelmed when you are first starting out. I highly

recommend choosing some basic oils and begin using

them. This is truly the best way to learn about their

potential and how they can fit into your life. I personally

recommend the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living

as it includes 10 everyday oils that are the most popular

oils with 100 uses. It also comes with a diffuser and

information on how to jump right in with the oils in a

safe and effective way. (Not to mention that the initial


investment in the package will save your money and the

oils will last a long time!)

You can learn more about the kit and get one here:


And enjoy!

Okay, now that we got the technical safety stuff out of

the way, don’t stress too much about using the “wrong” oil. Reactions or burning sensations to the oils are most

often an indication of fast blood flow to that area. Oils

don’t burn the skin the way a chemical can. If an oil doesn’t work for you, there are always other oils to try until you find the best fit for your body. Essential oils

metabolize in the body quickly. They do their goodness

and then move on. You want to be safe, sure, but unless

you’re doing something ridiculous you should be just fine.



Carrier oils are fatty oils and can be referred to as

vegetable oils, fixed oils, or base oils. Essential oils are

also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetherolea, or

simply as the “oil of” the plant from which they were extracted. We use carrier oils mainly in skin care

products. They provide properties such as being

emollient or soothing to the skin. We also use them to

dilute or carry essential oils. Each carrier oil offers

different properties and the choice of carrier oil can

depend on the therapeutic benefit you are looking for.


Three types of Carrier Oils

Did you know carrier oils can be drying, semi-drying or

non-drying? Carrier oils often do not have a strong

aroma and do not evaporate.

Non-drying Oils (useful for dry skin):

Almond Oil

Castor Oil

Cocoa butter

Olive Oil

Palm Oil

Peanut Oil

Rape Oil (Canola Oil)

Semi-drying Oils (more suitable for normal to oily


Corn Oil

Cottonseed Oil

Croton Oil

Sesame Oil

Sunflower Oil

Drying Oils (more suitable for oily skins but are best

used when mixed with other oils):

Linseed Oil


Hempseed Oil

Soybean Oil

Tung Oil

Other Examples of Carrier Oils Include:

Apricot Kernel








Cranberry seed

Evening Primrose


Grape seed





Macadamia nut

Marula (Sclerocarya birrea)


Palm Kernel

Peach Kernel





Pomegranate Raspberry seed





Sweet Almond


Wheat germ

How do you buy carrier oils?

There are a few things to consider when buying carrier


1. Cold-pressed. Make sure the oils you are buying are

cold-pressed and not heated. Oils that have been

heated lose their therapeutic benefit.

2. Eating and skin care. Make sure the label also says

that it is for eating and skin care.

3. Mineral oil. Mineral oil is NOT a natural product and

should not be used with essential oils. It may even

prevent the essential oils from being absorbed into the



How do you apply essential oils topically?

Many essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil. Each

bottle’s label will indicate whether or not it needs

dilution, and how much.



As you begin implementing the benefits of essential oils

into your life, here are some valuable resources to have

on hand.

Recommended Books & Guides

(Book titles are clickable for more information on each.)

▪ Essential Oils Pocket Reference

(P.S. I give this book to anyone who

enrolls with me with a Premium Starter

Kit. Learn more here:


▪ Essential Oils Desk Reference

▪ Gentle Babies

▪ All Natural Living


▪ Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide by Gary Young

▪ Healing Oils of the Bible

▪ Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple: God's Love

Manifest in Molecules

▪ Print off: 100+ Uses for Your Everyday Oils

Helpful Links for Finding Essential Oil Testimonials

▪ YL Search: http://www.ylsearch.com/

▪ Oil-Testimonials: http://www.oil-testimonials.com/



There's a reason that Lavender essential oil is called the

"Swiss Army Knife" of essential oils...because it is so

versatile and has so many uses! I've heard many people

say "when in doubt...use lavender"!

Favorite Lavender Oil Uses


Lavender is a great tool to help you relax and unwind.

Put 6-10 drops in a bath with Epsom salts or diffuse 5-8

drops before bedtime. You can also apply Young Living

lavender topically on the wrists or behind the ears.


Bug Repellent

Lavender along with purification essential oils can help

keep bugs away.

Occasional Sleep Aid

Lavender is wonderful for relaxation and easing a busy

mind. I like to diffuse lavender next to my bed before

sleeping or add a couple drops to my pillow.

Beautiful Skin

2 drops of Lavender along with avocado or jojoba oil as a

carrier oil especially can do wonders for your skin.


You can apply a few drops of lavender directly to a

sunburn for relief. You can also mix a few drops of

lavender with aloe vera and rub it on the sunburn.

Dry Lips

Check out this great lavender lip balm recipe:




Lavender can be very helpful for calming children.


Diffuse a few drops or put 2-4 drops on the wrists or

behind the ears.

Jet Lag

Use a roll on fitment (you receive one in your Premium

starter kit). It makes applying lavender easy while


Moth repellent

Add a couple drops of lavender to cotton balls and place

in closets to keep away moths.



If you are looking for an invigorating and refreshing

essential oil, look no further than lemon. Lemon

essential oil is derived from the rind of lemons. It takes

3,000 lemons to produce 1 kilo of this amazing,

refreshing oil. Lemon oil works primarily with the

digestive, immune, and respiratory systems, promoting

healthy function in the body. Its sharp and sweet scent is

undeniable, and one of the easier oils to discriminate

quality by aroma.

Emotionally and spiritually, lemon essential oil promotes

focus and clarity. Its uplifting effects awaken the senses,

clear the mind of distractions, and help a person tune in


to the task at hand. It helps a person to overcome

confusion or doubt, fatigue, overwhelm, and lack of

enthusiasm, as well as helps to clear self-doubt, limiting

beliefs, stagnant energy, and rigidness in the mind,

heart, or body.

Favorite Uses for Lemon Essential Oil

In the home:

Combine 2–3 drops of lemon essential oil with water in a

spray bottle to help cleanse and sanitize surfaces.

Add 10–15 drops of lemon essential oil to a gallon of

natural carpet cleaning solution to help pull out stains,

brighten carpet and rugs, and leave a fresh smell in the


Use as a stain remover for laundry.

Use 1–2 drops to remove gum, oil, grease spots, glue or

adhesive, and crayon from most surfaces. Best natural


Place a few drops of lemon essential oil on a cotton ball

and put in the refrigerator, or garbage can to help

eliminate odors.


Add lemon essential oil to baking soda and water and

use as an all-natural soft scrub.

To clean and increase the shelf life of fresh fruits and

vegetables, fill a bowl with cool water and 2-3 drops of

lemon essential oil. Place produce in water, stir around

so all surfaces come in contact with the lemon.

Soak dish clothes in a bowl of water with 1-2 drops of

lemon essential oil overnight to kill germs.

Add to water or a smoothie for a refreshing pick-me-up.

(SO tasty and uplifting!)

For a natural furniture polish, add several drops to a half

cup of olive oil or beeswax.

For the body:

Place a drop of lemon essential oil on oily skin or

blemishes to help balance oil glands and minimize oil


Soothe corns, calluses, or bunions by rubbing lemon

essential oil on the affected area morning and evening.


Massage lemon essential oil into cellulite to help

improve circulation and eliminate waste from cells.

Add lemon essential oil to a cup of water in the morning

for a detoxifying and pH balancing drink.

Add several drops of lemon essential oil to a chicken

marinade for a delicious dinner.

For a natural hand sanitizer, rub a drop on your hands.

Lemon is incredibly effective against germs!

Combine lemon with a small amount of coconut oil and

use as a wrinkle reducing moisturizer.

Apply a drop of lemon oil to the tongue to freshen


Reduce the discomfort of heartburn by massaging

lemon oil across the arches and pads of the feet and

down the throat, sternum and stomach.

For the mind:

Increase brain function and stimulate neurons by

diffusing lemon essential oil for study or testing.


Inhale lemon essential oil or place a few drops on a

cotton ball to replenish your mind, body, and spirit.

Place a drop in your hands to inhale, rub a drop into long

or short hair, or diffuse through the room during times

to uplift the spirits.

Cautions When Using Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is photosensitive. This means that lemon oil can

cause the skin to burn if exposed to sunlight after

applying the oil. Avoid applying to skin that will be

exposed to sunlight or UV light within 24 hours.



Peppermint: Uplifting, invigorating, and it has so many

applications! This gem of an oil belongs in every home

and can replace many items you have in your medicine


Favorite Uses for Peppermint

Stomach discomfort... oh my!

Rub 4 - 6 drops of peppermint essential oil in the palm

and rub over the stomach and around the navel to

relieve discomfort. We like to add this to a small amount

of coconut oil to really massage it into the skin.


Cool down!

Rub several drops of peppermint on the bottoms of the

feet or to the wrists to cool off. It's very refreshing!

Motion sickness

Massage several drops of peppermint on the abdomen (I

like to use a carrier oil) or diffuse.

Invigorate the mind

Rub a drop of peppermint essential oil on the temples,

forehead, over the sinuses (avoid the eyes), and on the

back of the neck. Cup your hands over your nose and

breathe deeply.

Freshen breath

Another good reason to carry Peppermint essential oil in

your purse: One drop of it on your tongue is the perfect

substitute for a breath mint.

Repel Ants and other Pests

Bugs do not like Peppermint! Put a few drops in problem

areas and they will stop coming!

Amp up the flavor in recipes!

Peppermint tastes great with chocolate! Or what about

making some Peppermint Tea!


Your body will love Peppermint

Check out my favorite body butter recipe:





Frankincense reminds me of my little boy. The midwife

applied Frankincense after he was born and the smell is

such a sweet memory for me. But beyond that, this oil is

a great one to have in your home.

Favorite Uses for Frankincense


Massage 2-3 drops of Frankincense into your temples

and on the back of your neck to calm you down.


Scars and Stretch Marks

Apply a drop of Frankincense to scars and stretch marks

twice a day to help them fade away.


Apply a drop of Frankincense 3-5 times daily to speed


Sun Damaged Skin and Sun Spots

Fade sun spots and heal sun damaged skin by applying a

drop of Frankincense twice a day.

Improve Concentration

Diffuse Frankincense or apply to the temples and back of

the neck to improve concentration.

Healthy Lung Function

Breathe easier by applying a few drops of Frankincense

to the chest.

Healthy Fingernails

Massage Frankincense oil into the fingernails and

cuticles to support fingernail health.

Fight Wrinkles

Add a few drops of Frankincense to your moisturizing oil

to fight aging and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


Boost Your Mood

Feeling low or overwhelmed? Apply 1-2 drops of

Frankincense essential oil to the wrists and back of the

neck to lift your spirits and reduce stress.


Apply a drop of Frankincense to acne to speed healing.

Breast Wellness

Massage 2-3 drops of Frankincense oil into breast tissue

to naturally support your breasts.

Itchy Bug Bites

Dab a drop of Frankincense on bug bites to calm itching.


Apply a drop of Frankincense essential oil to warts twice

a day until healed.

Acne Scars and Red Marks

Apply Frankincense to acne scars and red marks to

speed healing and help them fade away.




Remember when Tea Tree oil was the hot new

ingredient in every beauty product? Well, that wasn't for

nothing. Tea Tree oil is a very healthy ingredient when it

comes to skin care. But it's even better when it's in

essential oil form. May I introduce... Melaleuca


This essential oil actor is known as the cleansing essential

oil, because it works so hard to cleanse your body from

the skin on down. It cleanses and purifies like nothing

else. There's always room for something like that in your

medicine cabinet.


Favorite Uses for Melaleuca alternifolia Oil

Cleanse Acne

Dab a little bit of Melaleuca alternifolia on a zit or

blemish, and the cleansing properties will have it cleared

up in no time.

Treat diaper rash

Melaleuca alternifolia pairs very well with coconut oil,

especially when tending to rashes on sensitive bottoms!

Alleviate Toenail Fungus

Ugh, no one likes trying to get rid of toenail fungus. But

thankfully, Melaleuca alternifolia cuts through it.

Super-Charge Your Body Wash

You know that gunky feeling you get when your soap or

cleansing gel just isn't doing the job? Add a few drops of

Melaleuca alternifolia, and boom. It'll cleanse like nothing


Lighten Skin Tags

A few dabs, and those pesky little tags will dry right up.

Make Deodorant Do Double Duty

If you use an all-natural deodorant, adding a little

Melaleuca alternifolia gives it a brand-new superpower.

It'll make your skin feel even cleaner!



What better than a cleansing essential oil for making

injured parts of the skin clean and sterile?

Soothe Dry Scalp

In select amounts, Melaleuca alternifolia is amazing at

soothing scalp dryness. It also helps to repel lice,

something we can all use during back-to-school time.



Thieves is a FAVORITE oil in the 10 basic everyday

essential oils kit. Why? Thieves oil is a special blend of

therapeutic-grade essential oils, including clove, lemon,

cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary.

The blend is named after four thieves who supposedly

used the oils to protect themselves while robbing people

dying of the plague. Sound unbelievable? Thieves oil has

actually been tested for its cleansing abilities and has

shown to be very effective in supporting the immune

system and eliminating bacteria. And it smells AMAZING!


Favorite Uses for Thieves Essential Oil

Disinfect the air

Diffuse for 15-20 minutes to purify the air.

Disinfect surfaces for a natural clean

Just add a 5-10 drops of Thieves to a small spray bottle

and fill with water. Great for cleaning toys and baby gear

without the harsh chemicals.

Make a natural hand soap

Make a homemade foaming hand soap to clean

naturally, yet still kill bacteria.

Support the immune system

Add a few drops of Thieves with a carrier oil and rub on

feet (great for kids). Or put a few drops in a capsule and

take with water.

Use as an air freshener

If you don't have a diffuser, just add a 3-4 drops of

Thieves to a small spray bottle and fill with water. Spray

rooms, closets, shoe bins, lockers, backpacks and other

spaces with odor problems.

Make a DIY hand sanitizer

Check out this easy recipe for a DIY hand sanitizer that

you can carry in a purse or backpack.


Make your own toothpaste

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of

water to make a paste. Add 1-2 drops of Thieves to the

paste and brush teeth as usual.

Make your own immune boosting syrup

Mix 1-2 drops of Thieves with a teaspoon of raw or

organic honey. Take a few times a day as needed.

Soothe a sore throat

Add a few drops of Thieves to a small cup of filtered

water and gargle for a few minutes. You can also make

an all-natural throat spray. Add a few drops of Thieves

and filtered water to a small spray bottle and use as


Clean on the go

Add a few drops of Thieves to a mini spray bottle and fill

with water. Keep the spray bottle in your purse or

luggage. Disinfect hotel beds, public toilet seats,

restaurant tables and chairs, high chairs, and much


Disinfect the dishwasher

Add a few drops of Thieves to the detergent container in

your dishwasher and run a normal cycle (either with or

without a full load of dishes).


Clean floors

Add a few drops of Thieves to a sink half full of water

and use to disinfect and clean floors. I have wood and

tile floors and this Thieves solution works great!

Steam clean carpets

Add a few drops of Thieves to a carpet steamer with

water to disinfect and freshen carpets. The whole house

will smell divine.

Treat fungus

Apply neat (undiluted) to feet to kill fungus and promote


Soothe a bee sting

Apply neat (undiluted) to a bee sting to relieve pain and

neutralize the toxin. Be sure to dilute with a carrier oil

for children.

Natural pesticide

Add a few drops of Thieves to a small spray bottle and

spray on plants and flowers. The scent helps to repel


Acne spot treatment

Apply neat (undiluted) to a treat acne and promote


healing. The clove and lemon oils in the Thieves blend is

particularly helpful in reducing acne.

Sanitize a toothbrush

Did your toothbrush fall on the floor? Or did the kids

share toothbrushes? Add a drop of Thieves to the

toothbrush head to sanitize it.



Purification Essential Oil blend is a fresh smelling blend

consisting of citronella, lemongrass, melaleuca, lavandin,

rosemary and myrtle. Purification Essential Oil Blend has

many uses around the home and for your health and


Favorite Uses for Purification

Air Freshener and Purifier

Diffuse Purification oil to eliminate odors and purify the

air. If you do not have a diffuser, put drops of oil on a

cotton ball and place in air vents or mix with water to


make a spray. This is great to get rid of kitchen smells or

to clean out a stinky car!

Insect Bites

Put a drop or two of Purification oil on an itchy bite for

immediate relief.

Skin Blemishes

Put a drop of Purification oil on a pimple to help it clear

up faster. Try this great zit zapper recipe here.

Tip Top Shape Throat

Rub a drop of Purification oil on the outside of throat.

Stinky Shoes

Put a few drops of Purification oil on cotton balls and

place in shoes. Good bye stink!

Insect Repellent

Spritz water with a few drops of Purification oil to repel

pests. Check out this homemade recipe for bug repellent


Immune boosting

Mix a drop of Purification oil with a carrier oil and, using

a cotton swab, swab the inside of the nose to support a

strong immune system.


Purify the Air When Traveling

Put a few drops on your hands and inhale during a flight.

This can help get rid of germs from the recycled

air…anything we can do to protect ourselves on planes, right?

Gets Rid of Wet Dog Smell

I don’t have any pets, but I did grow up with them and visit people who have them. And, to me, one of the worst

smells is a dog that comes in from the rain…wet dog smell. When your dog comes in from the rain, diffuse

Purification oil to get rid of the smell!

Freshen Laundry and Dishes

Add a drop to your washing machine or dishwasher to

freshen! Smells great!



Joy essential oil blend may have a short name, but this

essential oil is anything but simple. This essential oil

blend is actually a combination of ten different essential

oils, and some of the best smelling ones too! Joy

essential oil blend is composed of: Lemon, Mandarin,

Rose, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Jasmine,

Rosewood, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, and Bergamot.

Together they combine to create a scent sweeter than

any essential oils give off on their own. This particular

essential oil blend is powerful, precisely because it lives

up to its name. It's practically designed to bring joy!


Favorite Uses for Joy

Have an uplifting bath

A bath should raise your spirits, right? Add 2-3 drops of

Joy essential oil blend to 1/2 cup Epsom salts and dump

into your bath for an instant mood boost.

Freshen up your floors

Add a few drops of Joy essential oil blend to a rag, and

rub down your hardwood floors. You'll be surprised at

the difference it makes! Alternatively, try dabbing a few

drops on a cotton ball and place it inside the canister of

your vacuum.


Feeling tense? Rub a drop of Joy essential oil blend on

your wrists, neck, heart area, or feet.

DIY scented deodorant

Use Joy to create a beautifully scented deodorant. Here

is a deodorant recipe that works for even sensitive skin.

Apply directly to the underarms.

Rejuvenating body lotion

Add a few drops of Joy essential oil blend to an everyday

lotion for a lovely additional scent.


Eases Stress

If you suffer from high stress, you can calm your body

naturally by applying Joy essential oil to your wrists,

neck, forearms and heart area.

DIY Car scent

This is an extremely useful application for Joy essential

oil. Just put one drop on a cotton ball and stick it in the

air vents of your car for a sweet scent. Otherwise, add it

to a full water bottle and spritz away!

Increase Romance

Diffusing this essential oil in the air during a romantic

night (or dabbing a little on yourself) can help set the


Get Happy

Diffusing or directly applying Joy essential oil can help

uplift the spirits.

Alleviate Menstrual Cramps

A few drops of Joy essential oil rubbed directly onto the

abdomen will help chase the cramps away.

Give a romantic massage

To give a massage a little more "heat," add 10-12 drops

of Joy essential oil to 2 oz. of your planned massage oil.


Have great-smelling laundry naturally

You do not have to use chemically-laden detergents to

get laundry that smells nice. Just place a few drops of Joy

essential oil on a cloth and throw it in with the rest of the




PanAway essential oil blend is a very popular essential oil and

is used by many every day to PanAway is soothing to the skin

while providing comforting warmth to muscles after exercise.

PanAway essential oil blend contains the following essential

oils: Helichrysum, Wintergreen, Clove, Peppermint

Keep PanAway essential oil blend handy in your purse as a go-

to oil to rub on tired shoulders and achy wrists. However, this

isn't all PanAway can do. Check out these amazing uses for

PanAway essential oil blend.


Favorite Uses for PanAway Essential Oil

Tend to sore muscles

Work out too hard? PanAway can help!

Sit at your computer too long?

Simply apply 2-3 drops of PanAway essential oil blend directly

to the bottom of the spine, neck and shoulders.

Ease Tension

PanAway essential oil is not just for muscles! Apply PanAway

essential oil directly to your temples, forehead and the back

of the neck to ease tension naturally.

Relieve cramps

Sudden cramp?! Quick! Apply PanAway essential oil blend and

watch the muscle cramp ease naturally!

Tend to growing pains in children and teenagers

My friend's daughter's favorite essential oil scent is actually

PanAway. She often wakes up in the night with growing pains

in her legs and asks specifically for this essential oil blended

with a carrier oil. (Note: I wouldn’t use PanAway on children under the age of 5.)



Lots of people use essential oils to calm down and chill

out after a long day. Rub some on your skin, pour some

into a bath… great stuff! Which is why I'm extra-excited

to tell you about one of the newest essential oil blends

on the market: Stress Away!

This essential oil blend has everything you need to calm

your body down. It contains Ocotea, Lime, Lavender,

Cedarwood, and best of all, Copaiba. This blend smells

amazing, and have a lovely twist of fruit that will definitely

appeal to those not keen on "flowery" scents.


Stress Away is designed to appeal to everyone, no

matter what their age or gender (as long as they're over

6 years old). We can all use a little stress relief every now

and then!

Favorite Uses for Stress Away

Add to a Calming Sugar Scrub

Even though Stress Away comes with a coconut oil

carrier oil, it's a great addition to a beauty scrub made

with sugar in the proper amounts.

Sleep issues?

Having trouble initially getting to sleep? Apply Stress

Away to help ease your body into the process naturally.


Yes, essential oils can even be used to tend to your

emotions. Apply this oil to your neck, wrists or temples

and feel relief wash over you.

Tend to Stressed-Out Animals

This essential oils blend is one of the few that is NOT

harmful to dogs or horses. Apply with caution, and you'll

have a new all-natural way to tend to your animal's



Shoulder Tension

I love to rub on Stress Away after spending too much

time at a computer. It’s a great way to give your muscle a little tender loving care.



I have shared with you some amazing information about

the power of essential oils and how they can help you

make you healthy, keep your home free of toxic

chemicals, and uplift your spirits!

Do you want to learn even more?

When you get started with a Premium Starter Kit I'll send

you my personal promo gift of the Essential Oil Pocket

Reference*. This book will give you the confidence to use

essential oils safely and for your unique needs.

As your sponsor I'll also make sure you have the support

you need and help you in any way I can. When you buy

from Young Living you don't just get the best oils on the

market, you get support from an amazing team who

wants YOU to benefit from these oils.

Plus you'll be part of my larger essential oil family: The

Oily Angels. We are a team of enthusiastic individuals

who are determined to help people live healthier lives.


We'd love for you to join our family and continue


To learn more about getting started with me go here:


Whether you decide to become a wholesale member or

not, I sincerely hope you have benefited from this eBook,

and that you feel more confident to use essential oils in

your home. They are powerful and wonderful natural

alternatives available to us. Thank you for letting me

share with you.

Stay healthy and happy!


* Please note, while Young Living ships to over 100 countries, my personal

promotional gift of the pocket reference is only available to U.S. residents.


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