disable paging of core files

Post on 21-Oct-2015






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Disable Paging of Core Files


Disable Paging Of Core Files

You can improve Core System Performance in Windows NT/2k/2k3 on systems with large amount of RAM, by forcing the core Windows system files to be kept in memory and not paged to disk.

To appply this tweak, open the Registry and edit the value in the key below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

To enable: DisablePagingExecutive=dword:00000001   (Data Type: REG_DWORD, set to 1 to enable tweak and stop core processes from being paged to disk)To disable: DisablePagingExecutive=dword:00000000   (Data Type: REG_DWORD, set to 0 to disable tweak, this is the Windows default setting)

Note: In Windows 2000, there is a bug with enabling this tweak, you might need to update to the latest Service Pack, or install the hotfix described by MS here: MS KB Article 32605


Improve usage of Physical RAM and caches to significantly improve system performance[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]DisablePagingExecutive=1 Will load your core WinXP files into system RAM and keep them there. Use this tweak if you have512MB RAM or more.LargeSystemCache=0 For 512MB RAM or more set to 1 for potential performance improvement.IOPageLockLimit=226492416 Enter value (bytes) in Decimal view. Default of 0 = 512KB. I personally use the Cachemandeterminedsetting of "Large IO page lock limit" (for 512MB RAM it's 226492416) for optimal performance. See Cacheman section.SecondLevelDataCache=256 Enter your CPU's L2 cache size in Decimal view. Microsoft suggest the default setting of 0 willautomatically detect your L2 Cache size, however entering it manually in this way won't harm performance.

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