directory services by sajid

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Directory & Naming Services


Dick Steflik

A Directory

Directory Services

• Services provided by special network databases that map names to addresses

• Same idea as a telephone directory– unique key (name)

– set of attributes (name value pairs)• address: 12 Beethoven Street• phone: 777-1234

Example Directories

• Domain Naming System (DNS)– maps IP address to Host names

• ARP/RARP– map NIC addresses to IP addresses

• File System– maps file names to disk addresses

• RMI Registry– maps servers to IP addresses

Example Directories

• CORBA Naming Service– maps CORBA servers to IP addresses

Directory Uses

• Corporate Address Book for e-mail

• Corporate Phone Directories

• Web user authentication

• Corporate Asset Management System

• Persistent Object Storage for Java Objects

• Web Enabled Work Flow Management


• ISO Specification for Directory Services

• Defined for the OSI Protocol Stack– very heavy weight Directory Access Protocol

• US implementation for TCP/IP stack kept same data model but defined Light-weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for accessing data repository.

Data Model

• Distributed Hierarchical Database

• Data Store– usually on proprietary file based database

• optimized for fast tree searches

– Oracle and IBM DB2 are both LDAP enabled (searchable using LDAP )

– Netscape currently has fastest Directory Server– OpenLDAP (Berkley Database)


• Every node is keyed uniquely with a distinguished name

• the distinguished names is made up of name/value pairs that reflect the hierarchical relationship between the name/value pairs

• attribute names can be freely assigned but there are some standard ones that have been defined by common usage

Common Attributes

• dn Distinguished name

• c Country

• o Organization

• ou Organizational Unit

• cn Common Name

• sn Surname

• givenname First name

• l Location

• mail e-mail address

• uid userid

• userpassword password to go along with uid

Airius Corporation


• ldap://host:port/dn[?attributes[?scope[?filter]]]– host - the dns name of the server (or IP address)– port - 389 (well known port or whatever port that

LDAP is installed on)

– dn - distinguished name of of the entity of interest– attributes - comma separated list of ldap attributes

types to be returned– scope - base, one, sub– filter - search filter for entity selection

Search Filter Examples

• RFC 1960

• (sn=Jensen) - Entries with a surname of Jensen

• (objectclass=*) - All entries

• (cn=*bert*) - All entries containing the string “bert” in the common name attribute

• (cn>=Fred) - all entries with a common name lexicographically greater than Fred

• (&(objectclass=person)(mail=*)) - all people with an email address

• (&(objectclass=person)( | (title=*director*)(title=*executive*))) - all people with the string director or executive in the title attribute


• Six basic filters – Equality - (<attr> = <value>)

– Approximate - (<attr> -= <value>) – Substring - (<attr> = [<leading>* (sn=*Jensen*) [<any>*[<trailing>])– Greater than or equal - <attr> <= <value>– Less than or equal - <attr> <= <value>

– Presence - <attr> = *

• Booleans– AND - & - (&([<filter1>])(<filter2>))– OR - | - ( | (<filter1>)(<filter2>))– NOT ! - (! (<filter>))

Popular APIs

• University of Michigan - C language for LDAP - free - de facto standard, solid and ubiquitous

• Netscape LDAP SDK - C, Java and Perl - included with Netscape Communicator, or a free download

• Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) - Sun, part of J2EE, provides common interface to all Directory servers and Naming Services

• Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) Microsoft, C++ and Microsoft Java versions

• ColdFusion - tags for LDAP Queries (comes with Cold Fusion)

• PHP - Libraries built in for doing LDAP queries

• Perl - Netscape PerLDAP SDK and Net::LDAP (free and open source)

JNDI Architecture

The Naming package

• classes and interfaces for accessing naming services.

• Create a hash table for passing environment information

• Set up environment info

• Get a reference to the Directory Context

The Naming package (more)

• Once you have the reference to the Directory context use the methods and classes in the Directory package to do things like searching and retrieve and/or modify entry attributes

The Directory Package

• extends the naming package to provide functionality for accessing directory services in addition to naming services.

• This package allows applications to retrieve attributes associated with objects stored in the directory and to search for objects using specified attributes.

The Service Provider package

• Service providers are classes and services provided by OEMs that provide a consistent API for accessing their Naming/Directory product.

• These are like JDBCs database drivers; i.e. they abstract the interface to the product to a consistent API across all service providers

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