directions to the monument on i-80,take exit 24 (leroy...

Post on 29-Jul-2020






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C A T H E R I N E J O N E S B E N N E T T8 8


On I-80, take Exit 24 (Leroy), turn right.

Go south on dirt road towards Piedmont. The

road follows Muddy Creek. 2.8 miles from the

freeway you will see a stand of cottonwood trees,

which is Muddy Creek Camp. The D.U.P monu-

ment is a little farther on your right. Across the

creek from Muddy Creek Camp is the location of

the Pony Express Station. Power lines cross the

creek and a fence runs parallel to the creek.The

monument is 58 feet north of the telephone pole

and 40 feet east of the fence.



Earl & Jody Guild (307) 789-3171

Wendy Peterson (307) 789-4203

Kelly Guild (307) 789-8609

September 26 came very quickly. It seemed so far away on

that cold day in May.I couldn’t believe how everything came

together so well.The plaque was ready.The fence was in.The

money came. Mabel was worried back then what kind of

weather we would have at the end of September in

Wyoming.I said that no matter what,it had to be on that day,

the anniversary of her death.The week before I was the one

who was worried about the weather.And the weathermen

on TV didn’t give me much hope.Mabel said not to worry,just

to pray.The forecast was for bad weather, but it ended up

being a nice day.We didn’t know how many people would

show up. I made 100 programs and brought 100 name tags.

Those ran out very quickly.I couldn’t believe all the cars that

just kept coming.A lot of people had a lot of faith in someone

(me) whom they had never met.We figure that nearly 250

people showed up. We had representatives from Utah,

California, Idaho,Texas,Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and even

Wyoming.The dedication was a great experience,and a trib-

ute to Catherine Jones Bennett and her sacrifice. Mabel said

that everyone who has called or written her since has men-

tioned that they sensed a special feeling.One person told her

“It was so much more than I ever expected.”

I had Geoffrey Arnold help choose a good Welsh song for us

to sing.“Guide Us Oh Thou Great Jehovah.”is a favorite Welsh

anthem (even sung at Princess Diana’s funeral) and was also

included in the first Mormon hymnal in 1835.The tune name

in Welsh is Cwm (valley) Rhondda (river).

A P I O N E E R J O U R N E Y F R O M T H E D E E T O T H E M U D D Y 8 9

C H A P T E R 1 0

The DedicationSeptember 26,1998

The marker adorned with flowers from lovingdescendants.

We had a written greeting sent from Wales which we were

going to read at the occasion, but with the help of Carolyn

Johnson, Brett Wilcox, and AT &T cellular, we were able to

connect the Muddy and the Dee in actual time and hear

Geoffrey’s greetings from himself.We put the cell phone up

to the microphone and everyone could hear.It really brought

the circle together. It also makes us realize what wonders of

technology now exist.That our voices not only connected

between the USA and Wales,but that they bounced between

a satellite or two in outer space in the process.

Wendy Guild Peterson, whose family owns the property,

spoke to us about the history of the area and answered ques-

tions about Muddy Creek and about Catherine Jones Bennett.

She concluded by reading a letter in verse from a pioneer

ancestor to us in our day. It was very moving. She did not

acknowledge it at the time,but after a little probing by peo-

ple who were interested in the poem,she admitted that she

had written it herself. Many people wanted copies and she

gave us permission to print it in this book.

Mary June Hemphill called me early in the summer and said

that if we were going to do this dedication, that we had to

have Craig Stephenson sing.She called him and he gracious-

ly accepted.He hadn’t sung much since the death of his own

mother and we are thankful he chose to sing for us.

He sang “Yes! My Native Land I Love Thee,” another song

which was included in the first Mormon hymnal, and was

sung by Mormon emigrants on board ships as they departed

Liverpool.The song addresses the mixed emotions one has at

leaving friends, family, and homeland to go to a new strange

land.Craig sang it as though he had written it.

C A T H E R I N E J O N E S B E N N E T T9 0

We had a visit from Catherine Jones Bennett through the per-

sonage of Mabel Bennett Williams.She was a little reluctant to

dress up like Catherine and portray her,but after a little elbow

bending I convinced her that no hired could bring what

Mabel could to the occasion.Her words and presence really

helped to personalize the occasion.

Craig sang part of the hymn“Come,Come,Ye Saints,” written

by a pioneer for pioneers, and then had us all join in.When

we sang the words “And should we die before our journey’s

through, Happy day! All is well.” Craig motioned to

Catherine’s marker. It was a very touching moment because

those words applied so much to the occasion we were com-

memorating.It was also very reassuring to continue with the

words “We then are free from toil and sorrow too. with the

just we shall dwell.”I don’t think any of us will forget blessing

that moment with the words “All is well,all is well.”

Reed Bennett gave a dedicatory prayer for the marker that

was both to-the-point and poignant.Afterwards Mabel buried

a jar with the names of all those who were in attendance at

the event and who had contributed for the erection of the


Afterwards,it was very fun to meet and mingle with so many

new people who all shared a common bond.Several people

went to Piedmont ghost town and took a tour from Wendy

Peterson, others went on to Fort Bridger.A very few of us

spent the night at Muddy Creek and enjoyed the stars at night

and we had a chance to sort of take in all that has happened

this year and in past years at Muddy Creek.

A P I O N E E R J O U R N E Y F R O M T H E D E E T O T H E M U D D Y 9 1

C A T H E R I N E J O N E S B E N N E T T9 2

A panoramic view taken during the dedica-tion. Wendy Peterson is in the center giving

her presentation.

A P I O N E E R J O U R N E Y F R O M T H E D E E T O T H E M U D D Y 9 3

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