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Anishnaabek Healing Circle Sowing the Seeds of Recovery Facilitator Manual Page 1 2013 (05-22-13)

Digital Story Facilitator Manual

Anishnaabek Healing Circle Sowing the Seeds of Recovery Facilitator Manual Page 2 2013 (05-22-13)

Sowing the Seeds of Recovery

Digital Stories

Sowing the Seeds of Recovery is a collection of digital stories told by

people living in tribal communities in Michigan. They are people in

recovery from addictions, and people from families affected by

addiction. Each story belongs to the story-teller. The stories are

shared here with their permission. We strongly believe that these

digital stories have the potential to prevent or delay the onset of

substance abuse, and could become an effective intervention.

We collected the stories with the express purpose of engaging and

educating tribal communities about the healing journey of recovery.

The stories bring a message of hope and healing to families touched

by the spirit of addiction. The stories are for those who do not use;

for those who do; for those who have used and recovered; and for

those who were lost along the way. The stories honor generations

past, today’s children, and seven generations to come. They are

shared here in the spirit of “Mino-Bimaadiziwin” -- the Good Life, the

Life Lived in Balance.

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“Sowing the Seeds of Recovery Digital Story-Telling Project” is an initiative of the

Anishnaabek Healing Circle, Access to Recovery Program (ATR). “Sowing the

Seeds of Recovery” supports prevention, engagement and recovery within a

recovery-oriented system of care: for the individual, the family, and for people

in tribal communities who view the stories. The Inter-Tribal of Michigan, Inc.

and nDigiDreams, LLC have collaborated to produce “Sowing the Seeds of


Special thanks to those who helped make the stories possible. Chi Miigwetch

especially to the Story-tellers, for sharing their journeys of recovery. We are all

richer for their courage, resiliency and messages of hope. We honor their


Thanks also to the team of “nDigiDreamers, who helped each story-teller birth

their story:

Brenda Manuelito: nDigiDreams, Story Mentor & Education Director

Carmella Rodriguez: nDigiDreams, Story Mentor & Instructional Designer

Eva Petoskey: Anishnaabek Healing Circle Director & Story Mentor

Terri Tavenner: Anishnaabek Healing Circle Associate Dir. & Story Mentor

Linda Woods: Story Mentor

Arlene Kashata: Story Mentor,

Editor & Developer of the Facilitator Manual Activities

The manual is designed so that as more stories are told, more pages can be

added to the individual summaries. We hope this is the first of several


Produced by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, Inc. with Anishnaabek Healing Circle, Access to Recovery Grant

(1H79TI023118) funds from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Content is solely the

responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the views of the funding agency.

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Table of Contents

Purpose and Implementation…………………………………………..5

Sample-Group Norms………………………………………….……….8

Individual Digital Story Summary………………………………….…..9

Accepting Life’s Journey – Arlene Naganashe……………....10

Building a New Life – Barbara Raphael……………………….11

Morning Lightning -- Chris Ballew……………………...……...12

Water Spirit – Eva Petoskey…………...………………………13

Healing and Forgiveness – JoAnne Gasko………………......14

A Gift of Love – Linda Woods…..……………………….……..15

Canoe Keepers Song – Terri Tavenner………………………16

Full Circle - Martha Kase…………………..………….…...…..17

Lost and Found – Stephanie Ballew………….………………18

Walking in Two Worlds – Arlene Kasha………………….…..19

Miishiiken – Ambrose Peshlakai………………….…………...20

Tony’s Song – Anthony Davis………………………….….......21

Digital Story Video Note


Digital Story Evaluation


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“Sowing the Seeds of Recovery” Digital Stories

Purpose and Implementation

The purpose of this guide is to assist you with your group/individual

presentation of the “Sowing the Seeds of Recovery” digital stories. The videos

can be used to promote awareness, give information and to inspire change and

hope. These videos could be an excellent intervention tool, an educational

presentation at a workshop, community event, or used at health fairs. The can

also be used for a recovery support group activity. Each video can be viewed in

five minutes or less. The videos are appropriate for use by a variety of

professionals such as: health educators, chemical dependency counselors,

social workers, educators, etc as well as by peers and community members in

all stages of recovery.

The short stories help participants see themselves through the characters or

situations in the video. The short video stories demonstrate what changes were

implemented to promote positive growth or healing. The stories can and will

bring out emotions at times. This insight can stimulate the desire to change

behaviors in the viewers, and instill hope.

For each group presentation you will need the following:

Room that is comfortable with space for seating chairs in a circle

Computer with external speakers , projector and screen, or TV and DVD

player (Check to make sure everything is working prior to presentation)

Facilitator manual

Sufficient copies of handouts for participants that will be filled out prior to

end of group. (Do not send handouts home to be completed)

Binder or folder for handouts


Sign in sheet

Appropriate allotted time for this group

Sage or sweet grass braid and shell to smudge at beginning of group

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Why are the participants here?

Your specific goals will vary widely depending on the reasons for the group

session. It is crucial to understand and plan for the attitudes and feelings that

may occur from viewing the video.

Create Physical and Emotional Safety

Make the room safe for issues to surface and be prepared to address them

appropriately. (Smudging, lighting, seating arrangement, enough staff for

the group size)

Do you have group norms and expectations in place? ( see the sample for

Group Norms)

Is there a follow up activity that is appropriate

Evaluation for the session ( what worked, challenges, suggestions, keep the

evaluation simple, what needs to be added, deleted, how was participation)


Present one digital story per workshop, followed by discussion

Introduce the digital story series with a brief overview

Introduce the digital story you will use for this session

Use the Facilitator Manual to guide the discussion:

Show a digital recovery story

Follow the discussion format

Use the nDigiStory Video Notes to guide discussion

Collect evaluations

Collect sign-in sheets for ATR documentation

(add a Recovery Support group note for ATR participants)

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Digital Story

Each video has an overview of the content and the group it is most appropriate

for. The focus statement or message for each video is highlighted. A digital

story participant note is included at the end of this manual to be copied and

distributed at the beginning of the session to be completed while viewing the

digital story. This note can be used for your case documentation and to

promote discussion for the group process.

Watch the video yourself prior to showing to the group/individual

Set the stage for viewing with your audience by identifying the main points

Have participants complete handouts and share their insight with the group

Use open ended questions to stimulate discussion or questions

Discuss the focus statement


Evaluations need to be completed for each session: We encourage everyone

who views the stories to fill out an evaluation as we are trying to answer the


“Does the impact of watching this story prevent or mitigate future

substance abusing behavior?”

No individual identifying information is asked --- we just want your


Fax or email the completed evaluations to us, following directions on the forms.

In addition to the evaluation form, ask your audience what worked, challenges,

suggestions, what concepts did individuals have difficulty with, what needs to

be added, deleted, how was participation, and were the openings and closing

appropriate. Feedback is important so we can make viewing the stories a

positive experience.

(Please see attached Evaluation and Session Note to be copied for sessions. These

forms are the last three pages of the manual for easy access.)

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I will keep what is said and who attends this group in confidence. This means that I

won’t repeat what someone shares even to other group members outside of the group.


I will not put down, make fun of, minimize, or attack other people. I will not put myself

down by saying things like “Well, this probably isn’t important, but . . .” or this may

sound stupid, but . . .”


I will participate in discussions and be respectful of other participant’s views and input. I

will listen to others respectfully and give honest feedback.


I will respect my feelings and the feelings of other group members as these are part of

the healing process and change.


I will only speak for myself and my own experiences. This means I will use the “I” word

in place of the words “you, “we”, or “they”. This will help me stay focused on myself, my

feelings and acknowledge my ownership for my statements/behaviors.


I will make myself physically comfortable and I will ask for help when I need it. I will try

to have fun during the process and keep a sense of humor where appropriate.


I will not use alcohol or other drugs before coming to the group

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A brief summary of each author’s video is listed individually with information

regarding: appropriate audience, length of video, highlighted message the

author wants to share with their audience and a photo-copy of their Title

Page for easy referencing.

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Arlene Naganashe

This video tells Arlene’s journey to overcome illness, the gift of recovery from alcohol

and her family story. She uses her traditional culture and attaining an education to

guide her successfully to her goal of attaining her MSN at the age of 60.

Message: I learned to walk in both worlds as an Anishinabeg Quay. I’ve learned to live

each day in a good way and follow the direction of my Creator. And as a great

grandmother I share what I have learned.

This video is appropriate for: Teens to Adults

Length of video: 4:14 minutes

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Barbara Raphael

This video tells Barbara’s journey with alcohol/drugs, death and loss. In an alcohol

black-out Barbara shares that she shot a police officer and ended up with a sentence of

20 years in prison. In prison she uses the educational opportunities to change her life

around to prepare her for the day she is released from prison.

Message: With the help of family, friends, and community, recovery is possible. You

have to work at it every single day. I thought I could do it myself but I couldn’t. Don’t

be afraid to ask for help.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adults

Length of video: 3.28 minutes

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Chris Ballew

This video tells Chris’s journey with alcohol and drugs like heroin. He was in the army

and then lived in highly populated urban communities. His recovery and growth

occurred from attending treatment, attending AA and utilizing his traditional spirituality.

He received his Indian name and attends pow-wows.

Chris passed on in 2012: his story continues to inspire hope for his family and friends.

Message: All things promised to me in sobriety, have come true.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens and Adults

Length of video: 3.51 minutes

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Eva Petoskey

This video utilizes her own poem regarding our Sacred Water to stress the importance

of our spirituality and important teachings regarding our women. Eva addresses the

intergenerational effects of the boarding school within her own family. She shares her

journey with addiction and her successful sobriety utilizing her traditional ceremonies

and strong family values.

Message: We hold the Anishinabeg genetic memory-it is our birthright. Our Ancestors

stand with us. Within that memory are the seeds of great suffering and great strength.

This video is age appropriate for: Adults

Length of video: 5:56 minutes

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JoAnne Gasko

This video shares JoAnne’s journey of living in an alcoholic home and the abuse that

resulted from usage. This behavior then resulted in the children being removed from

home and placed in foster care. She highlights the importance of her spirituality,

blended family and traditional ceremonies in her healing process and the choices we all

have to opportunity to make.

Message: Memories are precious. Healing is for everyone. Forgiveness is ours if we

choose it. The future can be bright for our children.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adult

Length of video: 4:03 minutes

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Linda Woods

This video portrays Linda’s childhood challenges and the important role of her

Grandmother. She shares her journey with alcoholism especially during her years in

the Armed Services. She addressed the importance of AA in attaining and maintaining

her sobriety. She is currently involved in her traditional ways of dancing at pow-wows to

give herself strength and ongoing hope in her sobriety.

Message: The love my grandmother gave me as a young child transformed me and I’ve

carried it throughout my life. The circle of love that now surrounds me continues to heal

and sustain me.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adults

Length of video: 5:03 minutes

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Terri Tavenner

This video is Terri’s journey with her gift of songs and being given a Northwest red

cedar dugout canoe to care for. She shares her commitment to Native traditional ways

as a non-native woman walking a path of healing. She speaks of the responsibility to

seven generations.

Message: There is a great healing here: in the canoe-and in the songs and in the


This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adults

Length of video: 3:37 minutes

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Martha Kase

This video begins with Martha’s narration about her mother’s challenging childhood in

the boarding schools. She shares her own childhood experiences of isolation and

discrimination while attending school as a child. She describes her journey with alcohol,

living with anger and feeling spiritually bankrupt. It was during a Talking Circle that her

healing began. She realized her mother’s story had become her own story.

Martha passed on in April, 2013 and will be sorely missed by all those who knew her.

Message: As a Substance Abuse Counselor I help people reconnect to their Spiritual


This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adult

Length of video: 4.31 minutes

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Stephanie Ballew

In this video Stephanie describes being abandoned at 2-weeks old and to be raised by

her Grandmother for five years. She describes the discrimination and prejudice that

existed in the 1950’s that was a prevalent part of her life. She shares her struggles with

alcohol and two failed marriages. She finds her sobriety with AA and acquires two

masters’ degrees. She finds her traditional spirituality and walks the red road every


Message: Now we are three generations strong - dancing and living in circle - at home.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adult

Length of video: 4:03 minutes

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Arlene Kashata

In this video Arlene tells her story of being raised in an alcoholic, abusive home and

being placed in numerous foster homes at the age of 10 until 18. She shares her

values of attaining an education and her journey of finding her cultural and spiritual

identity as an Odawa woman.

Message: We need to walk in both worlds to succeed. We need you as an Indian

person to obtain an education and for you to learn and remember our Traditional


This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adult

Length of video: 4:52 minutes

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Ambrose Peshlakai

This video tells of Ambrose’s journey of 16 years of drinking, losing jobs, being

homeless, spending time in jail and surviving five car accidents to hit his bottom. He

speaks of his journey to sobriety by following the Red Road with his traditional beliefs

and being a single dad to his pride and joy, his son. Today, he has been in recovery for

24 years and has awakened to a new beginning in life as a Dine artist.

Message: Recovery is a blessing and my personal journey in life.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adult

Length of video: 5:21 minutes

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Anthony Davis

In this video Tony tells his story of beginning to drink alcohol at the age of nine due to

his abuse at the Catholic Elementary school and as a teenager being abused sexually,

physically and emotionally by family and friends. Tony speaks of his journey in the

Navy, being a father and his spiritual awakening to sobriety through AA. He shares how

his sobriety led him to his traditional spirituality of ceremonies, the Pipe and pow-wows.

Message: All that I am today is because of my choice to live sober.

This video is age appropriate for: Teens to Adult

Length of video: 3:49 minutes

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Write in the sections of the Medicine Wheel that the story addressed:

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Write what you learned from the story:

What touched you the most in this story:

Were any parts similar to your life:

What helped the individual in the story to make changes in their life:


Facilitator’s Comments: Time:

Facilitator signature:

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Digital Story Evaluation

Participant (optional):

Date of session: Location (Tribe/Place)


Check: Individual Community Event Recovery Support Group Training

__ Other: ___________________________________

Facilitator should pre-fill this box. FAX to ITC/ATR 906-253-1899, or email to

(also available on Survey Monkey)

Please rate your experience by checking the appropriate spaces and adding your comments.

Miigwetch for taking the time to tell us what you liked and did not like about the digital stories.

Excellent Very Good Good Poor Needs


Overall, watching the story was

Content was helpful and useful

Facilitator(s) covered material clearly

Time allotted was adequate for discussion

The stories were effective at communicating


Have you learned something that you will use? Yes No

Would you like to make a digital story? Yes No

If you have never abused drugs or alcohol, did watching the story help you decide NOT to use? Yes No

If you have ever abused drugs or alcohol, did watching the story help you think about quitting? Yes No

What part of the session did you find most helpful?

How could this session be improved?

Any other comments or suggestions:

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