digital sources that inform the reconstruction of my days

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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A look at the sources I use to catch up my daily blog entries when I get behind. Presented at SpeedCon 2012. #speedcon


John MartinTechnical Communicator

NC State

Digital Sources that Inform the Reconstruction of my Days

Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em

Why I’m interested in reconstructing my days

What about my days I reconstruct when I do

What sources I use to reconstruct them

Reconstructing November 8, 2012

What are the implications and what is the future of reconstruction?

What did you do last

No idea!


In the beginning…

Creative writing entriesThree Things I Think, Do, or Feel Even Though I Know They Are Irrational...

Daily diary entriesMorning


Work highlights


Eat / Walk

AfternoonWork highlights


The gym

Stayed in / went out / attended an event

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I caught the Wolfline in to work, and my only meeting today was our weekly INS Working Team Meeting in the afternoon, which was pretty productive.

At lunch time, I walked over to Schaub Hall for a turkey bacon taste-testing, about which I'm going to do a public posting, and for which I received a $20 Target gift card. On the way there, I was struck by rows and rows of flags that had been put out on the lawn in front of Witherspoon in advance of Veteran's Day this weekend.

I walked back to DH Hill, where I caught a bus down to the Bell Tower and then walked over to Harris Teeter, bought some coffee, and walked back to my office, getting a nice, long walk in for lunch.

After work, I went to the gym, where I did 200 crunches−100 upper abs, 100 lower abs, and all with 20 pounds of weights on the machine. I followed that up with an upper body workout.

I got to Bob's at about 8:15, where we ate popcorn and Raisinets, and watched a movie.

♫ Memories… Sometimes Dim in the Corner of my

Mind ♫

8 years, 10 months ago“I haven’t missed a day of blogging in 8 years and 10 months”

♫ Memories… Sometimes Dim in the Corner of my

Mind ♫

8 years, 10 months ago“I haven’t missed a day of blogging in 8 years and 10 months”

“I have a blog entry for every day in the last 8 years and 10 months.”

Sometimes I get behind

Mediums of expression




AudioAn unwritable sentence (.wav, 4 seconds)

Rap (.wav, 54 seconds)

Jeane Wells Perry’s Eulogy (.mp3, 10 minutes)

Physical places where I save crap


iPod Touch

Home Mac laptop

Home Windows desktop

Work Mac laptop

Work Windows desktop

Digital camera

Sticky notes


Complimentary hotel pads

In my wallet

In my pockets

In my laptop bag

Virtual places where I save crap

LiveJournal web interface

LiveJournal Semagic client

Notes app on the iPhone and iPod Touch

Notepad on Windows

TextWrangler or TextEdit on Mac

Camera Roll app on iPhone


Dropbox (iPhone, Windows & Mac desktops and laptops)

Content “warehouses”

Personal Google calendar

Work Google calendar



Credit card statement

Google search

Reconstructing my day…

Thursday, November 8, 2012

What was on my personal calendar?

What was on my work calendar?

Were there any notes on my phone?

Were they any photos on my phone?

How did I get to work?

Did I eat lunch out?

Did I get a lunch walk in?

Did I get to the gym tonight?

What did I do at the gym?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I caught the Wolfline in to work, and my only meeting today was our weekly INS Working Team Meeting in the afternoon, which was pretty productive.

At lunch time, I walked over to Schaub Hall for a turkey bacon taste-testing, about which I'm going to do a public posting, and for which I received a $20 Target gift card. On the way there, I was struck by rows and rows of flags that had been put out on the lawn in front of Witherspoon in advance of Veteran's Day this weekend.

I walked back to DH Hill, where I caught a bus down to the Bell Tower and then walked over to Harris Teeter, bought some coffee, and walked back to my office, getting a nice, long walk in for lunch.

After work, I went to the gym, where I did 200 crunches−100 upper abs, 100 lower abs, and all with 20 pounds of weights on the machine. I followed that up with an upper body workout.

I got to Bob's at about 8:15, where we ate popcorn and Raisinets, and watched a movie.

In summary…

A number of disparate sources inform the reconstruction of my days…

A number of disparate sources inform the reconstruction of my days…

A number of disparate sources inform the reconstruction of my days…

A number of disparate sources inform the reconstruction of my days…

Broader questions…How did I get to this multimedia, multigadget place?

How many more disparate devices and sources will I be drawing from in 5 years?

What’s a good balance between documenting your life and living your life?

If I can reconstruct my days like this, can’t:Advertisers?

A stalker?

The police?Wait for it…

Broader questions…How did I get to this multimedia, multigadget place?

How many more disparate devices and sources for data will I be drawing from in 5 years?

What’s a good balance between documenting your life and living your life?

If I can reconstruct my days like this, can’t:Advertisers?

A stalker?

The police?


Thank you!Broader questions that come to your mind?

Questions for me about anything?


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