digital social innovation

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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An analysis on how digital tools can boos social innovation.


Digital Social Innovation

November 2014

Sofian Meguellati

7 levers

1 – Mobile

2 – Web platforms

3 – Open Source

4 – Crowdfunding

6- Social Media

5 – Data

7- Knowledge

1 – Tablets and mobile apps

More precisely, touchscreen and mobile to foster social integration

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Case study #1: Auticiel startup and autism

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1 out of 88 people in the world have autistic disorders

“  Sarah Cherruault, CEO Auticiel

Mobile apps enables people with autism to develop their autonomy

Case study #1: Auticiel startup and autism

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  Help Focus


Case study #2: Roger Voice startup and the deaf and hard of hearing

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

Case study #2: Roger Voice startup and the deaf and hard of hearing

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The first worldwide phone app for the deaf and hard of hearing

“  Mary Pat Radagaugh

For most people, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible

2 – Web platforms, communities and


Case studies: from a local event to replication by the community

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The importance of naming to develop the feeling of belonging

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Discopains Cuistos


Carrotmobers Captain Carrot

Gangsters Hold-ups


“  Caroline Delboy, French proponent Disco Soupe

Everything is super agile, there is no enrollment process, so that everyone can get involve very easily

The key features for community web platforms

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

Replication kit

« I create my event » button

Community mapping

Collaborative agenda

Manifesto Local leaders

“  Corinne Dardelet, Project Manager Kawaa

We wanted to allow anyone, anywhere, to organize his own Kawaa. And for that, using the web was obvious

To replicate!

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

“  Malo Richard, Co-President CarrotMob

Communities gather online but stengthen with real life meetings

@MeguellatiSoso #socinn

Case study:, the world’s plateform for change

3 – Open Source

Open source: from code to social

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

Open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public

Social innovation actors use open source tools and embrace open source spirit to boost change with collective intelligence and co-creation

“  Florian Guillaume, Co-President CarrotMob

From the very beginning, we wanted to be an open source website that any other community could use for itself

@MeguellatiSoso #socinn

Discourse: the open source forum for growing communities

Case study: an example of the application with


From… To…


4 – Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is an efficient tool to finance social entrepreneurs projects

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#socinn @MeguellatiSoso



Case study:, the global funding platform for medical treatments

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

5 – Data

@MeguellatiSoso #socinn

Case study:, accessible and crowdsourced political information

“  Léonore de Roquefeuille, Co-founder,

Each visit on generates a complex sequence of data. As a result, Voxe is a very powerful and transparent polling organisation

6 – Digital Communication &

Social Media

Case study: Social Media Squad, digital megaphone for sensemaking ideas

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

7 – Knowledge and Education

Sourcing social innovations

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Sharing and inspiring… to replicate?

Learning and taking action with French MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

#socinn @MeguellatiSoso

How to become an entrepreneur

of change

Entrepreneurship that changes the


MOOCasso: how to create an association

To conclude We are the digital generation, so

let’s act for social innovation!


Thanks! Let’s keep in touch


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