digital marketing? · ing strategies that are quite important to business-es. email marketing is...

Post on 28-Sep-2020






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How to Get a Job inDigital Marketing?

Introduction to Digital Marketing

This is rather ironic because in a country where about 730 million people are daily internet users and whose Prime Minister is determined to make the entire nation digital, people not knowing about this emerging field is quite a bit of a drawback.-So for starters, let me just begin by explaining what digital marketing is for easier understanding by laymen.

So when I told people that I was working in the field of digital marketing, I was abysmally shocked at the number of people who were ignorant about the term, let alone knowing any-thing about what work is done in it.

What is Digital Marketing?Imagine that you own a business, say a local bakery store. Your sales are pretty much alright, but then, they are mostly constant. It’s obvious that you want better sales, as well as a wider range of customers. You have access to the Inter-net. So you go online and set up a website for your bakery store. But, aren’t there enough websites on the Internet already? So what do you need to do to stay ahead? Advertise!

So you start setting advertisements, but this time, it’s digital, so that when people are browsing on Facebook or Instagram or any other website, they see the ad about your bakery. You set ads for Google as well, so that when people search for “Bakery Stores”, your website comes up. But like they say, “Life’s a competition”, it’s a competition in this case as well.

To be in the first position of the first results page of Google, or for that matter any other search engine, you have to bid higher than your competi-tors. But being on the first position for a long time depends on how well you manage your busi-ness,both online as well as physically.

Suppose, everything is set up and people start clicking on your advertise-ments and are redirected to your web-site. Now, there are two possibilities- either your website is sloppy and con-gested, without proper navigation, which leads to viewers leaving your website immediately, no matter how excellent your products are; or you’ve a visually appealing website that goes well hand-in-hand with your physical store.

Assuming you’re wise enough to know which works better, you’ll be making a pretty awesome website to complement your store. So, it’s obvious that people will not just click your ads, they will connect with you and turn into your customers, thus, increasing your sales! There you have it-that’s Digital Marketing for you! Well, that’s the founda-tion stone of this massive field that holds more opportunities than you can imagine.On a more technical basis, Digital Marketing refers to the marketing of products and/or services digitally, mostly on the Internet, and any other digital medium that may be included.

Components of Digital Marketing

Content is key. Your website’s content has a great role in converting viewers to customers. Content Marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing content related to your business, but relevant to your target audience as well.

Have you seen all those bloggers and celebrities endorsing products? They are called influencers, and since they have a huge follower base, they influence people to buy or avail the product or the service that they are endorsing. Affiliate marketing isa marketing method where an influencer pro-motes a product which they not just endorse, but also believe that it works positively.

Social Media MarketingSo many social media platforms, and so many people using social media! Isn’t it a perfect place to make all those people aware of your product or brand? Social Media Marketing, as the name sug-gests, is marketing on various social media plat-forms and driving traffic to your website via these channels. The best about social media marketing is that your content can easily be shared by people.

Search Engine MarketingThere are times when SEO doesn’t completely work. That is where SEM comes in. Search Engine Marketing is a technique where you promote your business of website on the Internet via paid adver-tising. These ads are the ones that you see on the top or the bottom of a search engine results page.

Content Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

In this competitive market, your business needs to be visible. Search Engine Optimization ensures that you rank better than the competitors. SEO is a marketing strategy used to get traffic from the unpaid search results of a search engine results page. These results are often referred to as ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ results and often consists of both the technical as well as the creative aspects required to get traffic for a website. Better the SEO techniques, greater the traffic inflow.

Every day, I get about tonnes of promotional emails from ecommerce websites, travel businesses, restaurants, and a variety of businesses. And I’m sure you do too. While you might find these annoy-ing, these emails are game-changing digital market-ing strategies that are quite important to business-es. Email marketing is the process of sending pro-motional emails to the target audience. The entire concept of email marketing has been proven to generate quite a good number of leads, which eventually turn into customers.

Search Engine Optimization

Mobile Marketing Email Marketing

You must have seen ads when you’re reading blogs or looking through any other websites. Those are called PPC ads. PPC ads have 2 ends-the advertiser, whose ad is shown, and the publisher, who is the owner of the website and allows to publish the ad on the website. In PPC advertising, the advertiser has to pay the publisher every time someone clicks on the advertisement. The best part about PPC is that since you pay when someone clicks the ad, your budget stays unhampered.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Every day, I get about tonnes of promotional emails from ecommerce websites, travel businesses, restau-rants, and a variety of businesses. And I’m sure you do too. While you might find these annoying, these emails are game-changing digital marketing strate-gies that are quite important to businesses. Email marketing is the process of sending promotional emails to the target audience. The entire concept of email marketing has been proven to generate quite a good number of leads, which eventually turn into customers.



Digital Marketing - Talk of the TownBefore divulging the details, let me answer one of the most frequently asked ques-tions - Who can use or who can become a student of digital marketing? The answer is-Everyone. Yes, digital marketing is that easy and fun-filled to learn as well as implement, which is why it is an emerging field. So, let’s move on to the bigger questions- “Why to learn digital marketing?” and “Why does your business need digital marketing?“.


Is Digital Marketing Worth Learning?

Have you ever looked online for places that offer you any sort of technical training? Then you must have also seen their sky-high prices. Digital market-ing, however, is completely affordable, providing you with the best skills of the current age. Have you heard of the saying, “You get back what you give”? Well, digital marketing gives you back more than that. That’s great, isn’t it?

If you are still wondering whether or not you should go ahead and take up a course in digital marketing, the below points would certainly clear all your doubts.

If you still don’t know, digital marketing has been around since quite a few years now, and is still going to be in the future. The reason? It is highly futuristic with all the strategies it offers and involves that can be positively game-changing for a brand. The type of drastic changes it has brought and is bound to bring later is sure enough brilliant.

Attractive Position Affordable

Digital marketing is one of the few fields that doesn’t necessarily need you to be a part of an organization and work under someone. You can open your own firm, and work as a freelancer. Being a freelancer is often a good thing, since you can come across hundreds and thousands of companies that require individuals to work on their digitalprojects.

A Boss isn’t Necessary

Honestly, I have never liked coding. It is tedious and entirely drains your mental energy. Digital Market-ing, on the other hand, is not just exciting and interesting to learn, it offers you a better job profile and position than regular software jobs. The cherry on the cake is that digital marketing offers an even better salary, even if you are just a fresher. Isn’t itawesome?

Plethora of ProspectsRemember how we talked about the various compo-nents of digital marketing in the introductory part? Well, each of those segments have job profiles to offer! You can be the leading SEO marketer, or a brilliant content manager, or soar high with your mobile marketing skills. Basically, digital marketing is a storehouse of amazing prospectives!

What works faster and better than digital market-ing? People running businesses and brands often look for professionals who can advise them and help them in carrying out marketing strategies that suit their brands the best. As a professional digital marketer, things are definitely going to be on the sunny side not just for the business, but for you as well.

Need of the Hour

How can Digital Marketing Help a Business?If any of the above discussions didn’t get to you, the next ones will surely do.

Better ResultsWhen business owners spend a lot on traditional marketing, the results they get are not quite as much as what they had expected. With digital marketing, people not only have the freedom to choose their target audience, but the results they-receive are a complete boost for the business. Thisis a good thing as it makes the audience aware of your brand.

ReputableWhile traditional marketing media reaches many people, the number of people who actually turn into customers is quite questionable.On the con-trary, digital marketing also reaches numerous people, but additionally, it allows people to engage and connect with a brand and understand more about it, which has leads to better chances of them turning not long-term customers.

Leads Become CustomersWhile traditional marketing media reaches many people, the number of people who actually turn into customers is quite questionable.On the contrary, digital marketing also reaches numerous people, but additionally, it allows people to engage and connect with a brand and understand more about it, which has leads to better chances of them turning not long-term customers.

Customer LoyaltyAs we know, digital marketing offers users the flexibility to interact with the brand via their ads and contents. Because of such high flexibility, people connect better with the business, which increases customer loyalty. One of the biggest factors influencing this is that digitalmarketing allows the brands to generate sharable content which has a wide reach.

Easy to TrackUnlike traditional marketing, strategies used in digital marketing help you track the results that are generated from it, and based on the data, you can accordingly make changes and further improve your business.Not just that, you can also track your growth as well as your position in the market as compared to that of your competitors.

Digital Marketing Trends

Factors Affecting Digital Marketing

As someone opting to take up digital marketing as a study course or as a profes-sion, it’s important that you know about the important factors and trends that are associated with digital marketing presently.

PlanningStarting from the theme of your website, to the categories of people you want to target your brand towards, every single detail needs to be planned perfectly and in a fool-proof manner. A tiny mis-management in the plan and framework can become a great blunder, which can result in a huge loss for the brand.

User ExperienceThe smoother the user experience, better is the engagement by a potential customer. Ensure that your website is not clumsy and offers a good navi-gation, which makes it easy for users to check out the things you want to offer as well the things they want to know about the brand.

Customer OutreachWho are the part of your target audience? Are you targeting the right people? The type of people comprising of your audience can speak a lot about the business. Apart from the audience, your Modus Operandi of attracting traffic matters a lot. So your SEO activities-both on-page and off-page-need to be flawless.

Conversion EngagementIf your brand attracts a lot of audience, but the majority of them just have a look at it, instead of converting into actual customers, then you need to up the game. Using multiple platforms to introduce your brand helps a lot, because it not just builds brand awareness, it also converts potential cus-tomers to actual, long-term customers.

Remember when we talked about engagement as one of the most important parts of digital marketing? The content you provide not only has to be relevant, it should convince people to engage and interact more with your content, and thus, the brand. And that should be applicable to you as well. Reciprocate with your customers. This builds trust and credibility.

Hot Trends of Current Digital Marketing SceneDigital marketing is an ever-growing and ever-evolving field. The best practices of yesterday may not apply today, and what’s trending today may not be the best tomorrow. So what are the current trends that are best suited for digital marketing today?

Lifecycle Marketing

Connect Socially via Message AppsAutomated MarketingMarketing automation refers to the use of soft-ware and internet-based platforms that help busi-ness in marketing on various channels and auto-mate repetitive tasks, such as mailing out to pro-spective buyers or existing customers. Implement-ing marketing automation helps you save a lot of time, as well as do your tasks smoothly over multi-ple platforms and channels. Hubspot and Marketo are two of the best marketing automation tools.

Lifecycle marketing is a three-phase marketing technique for small businesses that has the strate-gies “Attract”, “Sell” and “Wow”. This marketing technique is used to improve marketing strategies and thus increase sales. The “Attract” phase involves targeting a small but specific and efficient audience; arousing interest via engaging content and web-based activities; and collecting leads who can sign up for your email list, which might lead them to become your customers in future. The “Sell” phase involves educating the audience about your brand, your products and your services; offering the best to your customers; and closing the sales in the best managed and manoeuvred way possible. The “Wow” phase involves deliver-ing the exact same thing to your customers as you promised, thus wowing them; offering them better products and services every time; and involving referrals and discounts and reward points to cus-tomers as well as leads.

Customized User JourneyUser journey is something that can totally change your business game. User journey is the user’s experience in a single webpage session that include a series of actions from the time they entered that webpage till the time they completed a particular goal set-be it buying a product or filling up a form or sharing a content or anything else. Imagine yourself as a customer and list out the things that you would want from a website as a customer. Customize or personalize your business, both online and offline, because a happy customer is a loyal customer. Thebenefits of customized user journey include: 1) Increased Customer Engagment2) Better Customer Acquisition3) Increased Conversions4) Better Customer Retention5) Better Brand Awareness6) Better Customer Relationships7) Brand Growth

Everyone who uses the Internet, uses messenger apps, and that number is massive. And if you own a business, having your own inbuilt messaging app, or chatbot, on the website can be of a great help to customers as well as you. While customers can use it to know about the brand policies, discounts, customer services, etc., you can use it to know what your customers are interested in, what their queries are, and even use it to advertise other products.

Incorpote Search Marketing Engage Via VideosA business needs to be visible.That’s the entire and the eventual point. So every possible positive strategy counts. This is an excellent way for people to get a view inside your business. Search market-ing refers to increasing a website’s visibility via paid advertising. So, apart from setting up ad cam-paigns, another very efficient search marketing technique is using it in your content. Content is key. So with better and relevant content, your search marketing strategy will get a boost.

Take InsightsData and insights are helpful in the growth of your business. They tell you your strengths, your weak-nesses, help you know about your customers, your competitors and show your growth record. So ensure that you go through all possible insights, both web-based as well as from customers, so that you can improve your brand.

It’s not just customers that need to engage. You need to interact with them as well. And nothing works better than videos. Use videos to talk about your brand, talk about products, let employees talk about their experience, get video testimonials from customers, etc. This is an excellent way for people to get a view inside your business. Video marketing helps in boosting your sales and conversions, increases ROI, getting better engagement and is highly persuasive.

Scopes in Digital Marketing

Where will Digital Marketing take you?

Bravo! You’ve come this far, which allows me to believe that you’re pretty consid-erate about choosing the path of digital marketing. But I assume that before tread-ing the path, you want to know what it holds for you in the future, which is rea-sonable enough.

Become a Professional More Jobs to Choose fromDigital Marketing is on the rise, and even though there are a lot of digital marketing jobs out there, there aren’t enough professionals to bridge the huge gap. You can be that sought after digital marketing professional, who not only has an expertise in a particular field in digital marketing, but also has ample knowl-edge in the other areas of digital marketing as well. If you don’t know it yet, it acts as an excellent add-on on your behalf.

If you think that digital marketing is only for the marketing grads or the Commerce clan, then you are really wrong. Digital marketing is for everyone. And if you have a knack for data and reports and statistics, you can work won-ders in the field of digital marketing. You can have a more detailed analysis of the market scenario, as well as know about company trends.

As told earlier, each part of digital marketing is a specific field in itself. This means there are more jobs that are offered. With almost every company adopting digital marketing, no wonder there are more jobs out there than you expect. Some of the most sought - after jobs are: 1) Digital Marketing Analyst2) Content Manager3) Advertisement Manager

Close Look at the Market

This requires a firm and thorough understanding of Google AdWords. Your job as an Advertising Direc-tor is to oversee and manage ad campaigns and set budgets, negotiate contracts and prepare relevant and efficient campaigns. It also requires you to check the ad efficiency.

Advertising Director

One of the most important career options in digital marketing, content marketing has a lot to offer. The work of a content marketing manager is to create relevant content for the website of the client, which is powerful enough to drive traffic to the website.

Content Marketing Manager

A Digital Marketing Manager is considered as an all-rounder, based on the fact that they plan and supervise everything. A digital marketing manager creates and plans a number of digital marketing strategies, such as SEO frameworks, PPC ads, paid search etc.

Digital Marketing Manager

As a Brand Strategist, you are required to plan and execute marketing strategies for the client/compa-ny. Your job is to provide a relevant brand message that represents the brand’s values and beliefs, as well as work out a marketing plan based on the marketing trends and data.

Brand Strategist

What Jobs Can Digital Marketing Offer?We’ve talked about how every single part of digital marketing is a potential field in itself. Each of those aspects have their own paths, principles and practices. While knowing each bit of digital marketing is a great add-on on your side, gaining com-plete knowledge in a particular field can get you great career opportunities. So what opportunities does digital marketing offer?


Email marketing is one of the best ways to convert prospective leads to customers. The work of an email marketer is to manage the email campaigns of the company, implement remarketing trategies to persuade customers, send out loyalty mails to existing customers and carry out database seg-mentation.

Email Marketer

An SEO Manager combines the knowledge of content marketing, internet marketing and SEO marketing and creates a marketing strategy that enhances and increases the visibility of thecompany website in the search engine results, andworks on on-page and off-page strategies.

SEO Manager

One of the most challenging jobs, an internet marketing coordinator sees that a website runs smoothly and the ads and the content have a good progress among the audience online. The job also includes studying the interests and preferences of the audience and creating content relevant to those.

Internet Marketing Coordinator

A marketing research analyst has one of the most important jobs. A marketing research analyst is required to gather data about the company as well as the competitors based on the market trends involved, which are then to be used for strategizing techniques and presentations for a better reach.

Market Research Analyst

Social media is an important platform that helps in increasing the popularity of a brand. The work of a social media marketing analyst is to bid and boost the popularity of the company on all possible social media platforms.

Social Media Marketing Analyst

Digital Marketing RecruitersWhile digital marketing is a very popular and efficient field of career, there are alot of companies that are yet to embrace this emerging technology as their marketing strategy. Nevertheless, there are many companies that have enticing jobs to pro-vide in the field of digital marketing. Some of them are:

How to Get a Digital Marketing Job?You’ve finally reached the end! So it’s time to address the elephant in the room. You took a digital marketing course. You know how most things work in the field. But, how do you get a job?

How to Get a Job?

Build a Strong Online Presence

Apply on Online Job Portals

If you are looking for a digital marketing job, you need to make a digital presence for yourself as well. A strong and professional online presence is highly important, because recruiters, before con-necting personally, take a look at your online profile on your social media pages. It is necessary that you maintain a positive personality not just in real life, but online as well, because the first impression lasts long. Try to be as mild and uncon-troversial, but still creative, as possible on your social media pages. Summarize yourself in an apt bio or description which can let your recruiters, or anyone else, know as much about you in a short time. If you have a special skill, don’t shy away from showcasing it, but also make sure that it doesn’t overshadow the rest of your profile.

There are thousands of job opportunities that go unnoticed, or are bagged by the wrong set of people. Online job portals help you in finding the job that suits you the best, based on your educa-tion and skillsets. It also helps recruiters get the exact type of candidate they are looking for. So, it acts as a symbiosis-provider. Online job portals like LinkedIn, Monster, Shine etc. provide a great deal of jobs, which you can apply to based on your suitability.

Confidence is KeyBefore you start walking down the road, the first and the most important thing you need to have is strong self-confidence. Although this applies for anything you have to do in life, since we are talking about grabbing a digital marketing job, I’ll get straight to the point. Digital marketing can get challenging at times, when market trends and scenes fluctuate. To be able to have a handle in that, your confidence plays a great role. So go ahead and impress your interviewer with your confidence.

Build an Impressive ResumeYour résumé is the most important thing when it comes to looking for a job. An interesting and impressive résumé works wonders. It helps you stand out from your competitors. Every job profile has its specific résumé template, so make sure that you know which template suits your résumé the best. Next, make it legible, because you don’t want your recruiter squinting at congested texts and improper formatting. Provide precise and real information. Do not add skills which you do not possess as that counts as a drawback on your part. Stay away from grammatical and spelling errors, because they are a huge let-down. Before finalizing it, get it checked. Your résumé is good to go. Remember: A strong résumé is a happy recruiter.

Digital and Analog Go Hand in Hand

Choose the Boss

To be able to go big in Digital Marketing, you need to have a strong base in analog marketing, that is, physical marketing. Digital marketing is no differ-ent from analog marketing, except that it is over the Internet and other digital media, with compara-tively better strategies involved. You need to focus on how to get more traffic to a business, because it’s traffic that matters at the end of the day, which is the same for both digital as well as physical is marketing.

The other day, while going through my LinkedIn feed, I came across this post- “Don’t just choose the company, choose the boss”. While choosing a good company can make your résumé look good, it’s also important that you choose to work for a person who is not just knowledgeable, but is also highly professional, treats subordinates well and has an understanding of situations, because a difference of opinion can always take ugly turns.

Passion is ImportantIf you are in for the money, then digital marketing is not for you. Digital marketing is something that not just requires patience and observation, it also requires high passion. Without having a passion for the market trends and reports and company statis-tics, you can never be a true-blue digital marketer. Your recruiter needs to see that zeal in you, because that’s what makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Don’t Hesitate for Start-upsStart-ups are one of the most underratedthings in our country. The experiences and the knowledge that start-ups provide are tremendous. Agreed, the payslips are not as crunchy as the big shots. But while established companies pay huge, the learning curve is highly slow, and almost negligi-ble. Start-ups, on the other hand, offer you ample skills and experiences, which are enough for you to explore the field.

Have a VisionYou possess a bunch of skills, don’t you? So how would those skills help the company that hires you? If you were a recruiter, what skillsets or qualities would you expect from a candidate? If you have a knowledge of something but the com-pany you are interviewing for doesn’t have a pro-file for that, convince them about the importance of your skill in a way that they consider hiring you as their best decision. Make your recruiter see what you believe for yourself and the company.

Learn Digital Marketing at Digital Ready

Digital Ready offers you a Certification Course in Digital Marketing. From the basics to the advanced details of Digital Marketing, CCDM covers every single detail that Digital Marketing is comprised of. The course focuses on:

• Digital Marketing Fundamentals• Website Creation• Search Engine Optimization• Google AdWords• Social Media Marketing• Content Marketing• YouTube Marketing

• Influencer/Affiliate Marketing• Email Marketing• Google Analytics• AI-based Digital Marketing• Marketing Automation• Live Projects

Crash Course

Online Training

Morning Classes

Weekend Classes

Evening Classes

1 Month Intensive Training + 1 Month Internship, - Monday - Friday (10:00am to 4:00pm)

3 Months Training, - Saturday & Sunday (8:00am to 10:00am)

2 Months Training + 1 Month Internship (Optional), - Monday - Friday (8:00am to 9:30am)

2 Months Training + 1 Month Internship (Optional), - Saturday & Sunday (10:00am to 1:00pm)

2 Months Training + 1 Month Internship (Optional), - Monday - Friday (7pm to 9pm)

Batch Schedules

For more info visit:

Certifications Provided by Digital Ready

Google Analytics for BeginnersAdvanced Google Analytics

Facebook Blueprint Certification

Hubspot Inbound Marketing CertificationHubspot Email Marketing Certification

Google AdWords FundamentalGoogle Search AdvertisingGoogle Display AdvertisingGoogle Video Advertising

The Google Analytics Certification Test deals with the knowledge and trends involved in Google Analytics. The test comes in two variations:

Facebook Blueprint Certification provides knowledge about the basic and the advanced marketing features of both facebook and instagram.

The Google Adwords Certification Test is taken in order to gain proficiency in Adwords and the ad categories concerned with it. The test includes:

Hubspot, as we all know, is a leading developer for inbound marketing and sales, founded by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah in 2006. Hubspot Certifi-cation Test includes

About the Author

Sonal Sai

An Electronics and Electrical Engineering graduate, Sonal found her passion in Digital Marketing and came across Digital Ready while looking for institutes that would provide the best possible knowledge of Digital Marketing. After taking the CCDM course and interning with Digital Ready, Sonal showed her feat in content management. She is currently working in Digital Ready as a content strategist and plans and creates content related to Digital Marketing and various latest technologies.

Deeply passionate about photography, novels and music, she has a keen and sharp eye for details, something which she says helped her pursue Digital Marketing. She feels Digital Marketing is something that everyone should know about. It is not just a marketing technique, it is something so revolutionary that it has a great potential to change the entire market game plan.

Even while watching a really scary movie, Sonal can simultaneously talk about the latest trends, technologies, animals, books and pretty much everything else. As a content strategist for Digital Ready, she feels that she could let more people aware of digital marketing and the advancements in the field with her content. She also has her own blog called Reels and Feels.

Contact USDigital Ready - Hyderabad#204, Sai Datta Residency, Arunodaya Colony, Madhapur, Hyderabad, India, 500081Phone: 040-6012-4499 / 9490043625, Email:

Digital Ready - CaliforniaiGebra, 42840 Christy Street, Suite 234, Fremont,CA 94536Phone: 510-509-9986

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