digital marketing · growth of traffic, gaining more customers or building reputation; is mainly...

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Digital Marketing Dec 2017

Niamh Hogan

B. Eng. in Electronic Engineering in UL

20 years in IT

Worked for technology companies such as Intel, IBM, Meteor, O2

Owner of Web Clare – Web design, SEO, Digital Marketing

About me

Digital marketing is defined as the marketing of products or services using

digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones,

electronic display advertising, and any other digital medium.

Digital Marketing

History of Digital Marketing

1990 first time Digital Marketing term was used

1994 Yahoo was launched – first e-commerce transaction over the internet

2004 Gmail launched & Facebook launched

2007 iPhone is launched

2014 Mobile exceeds PC usage

Digital Marketing Now

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time - that means that you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.

Eight out of 10 online adults in Ireland use social networks

89% of Irish households are online 25% of Irish people shop online weekly 37% of Irish people use social media to find

inspiration for purchases Choice of channels to suit your customers and


Digital Marketing

Generate Leads through awareness – tools: Social Media, Content Marketing, SEO, Paid Advertisements, Public Relations, Email Newsletters/Offers

Landing pages on Website – convert to Sales

Retention through excellent products, good customer service , good reviews, follow up emails

Components of Digital Marketing 1

1. Website It is the online address of your business/brand, having a proper official website is very important for success of your online marketing strategy. 2. SEO Many users and customers start their journey on search engines, by searching for the products and services they need. So, are you getting found when they are looking for services/products offered by your business? 3. Paid Ads Well, SEO is very valuable and also time-taking procedure, and in this competitive world, gaining quick exposure is quite important for building strong customer base. 4. Social Media When we say digital marketing, social media is the non-detachable and unavoidable part of it. Everyone is more and more active on social media platforms when compared to any other online entity, so reaching and connecting with your customers is easy through social media presence.

Components of Digital Marketing 2

5. Content Marketing Content is king, and will always be. Creation of content (like blog posts, videos, photos, social media posts, etc.) and sharing it on different online platforms for brand awareness, lead generation, growth of traffic, gaining more customers or building reputation; is mainly called as content marketing. 6. Email Marketing Email is a great and most effective way to keep in touch with your customers and talk about your services/products. Through emails you can showcase your services, Talk about new offers or resolve customers’ issues. 7. Blogging Having a blog for your business is a must, as it stands out to be additional asset for promoting your business. Blog would help you attain more trust from the users and authenticity in the market. 8. Analytics Greatest asset of digital marketing is that you can measure your performance and efficiency through Analytics.

5 Reasons to Use Digital Marketing

Central Bank statistics show that total e-Commerce spend is likely to exceed €16 billion before year end. 50% increase since 2015. 75% of online consumer spending is currently leaving these shores

Level playing field - Small companies now have the resources to perform sales and marketing processes that were previously only available to large corporations

Digital Marketing facilitates interaction with Targeted Audiences

Increase Brand Awareness Increase Sales

Content – Still the no 1 leader in digital marketing

Chatbots - there's no doubt that they are turning heads and in 2018, will be one of the key ingredients to digital marketing success.

Micro-Moments - 96% of users reach for their smartphones to conduct research on the spot.

Video advertising - 43% of people said they want to see more video content from marketers.

Voice Search - through devices such as the Google app or assistants like Amazon Echo is tending to deliver longer-tail queries than text search & number of voice searches is likely to increase in 2018.

Key Trends for 2017/18

Website – Make sure you have an updated, secure, mobile-friendly website that is easy for users to navigate across all devices and has a modern clean design

Ensure your hours of business/location are available on your website and also claim your business on Google My Business and Bing places for business

Use Content Marketing to help boost your SEO, rankings and exposure

Be Social on Social Media – engage with your followers - you should be using the same social media channels as your customers

Encourage Online Reviews – both on Google and Social Media

Connect with Customers via Email

Tips for moving forward

Thanks for listening

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