digital health company information session

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Digital Health Company Information Session

Teri Morris

20 November 2014

Health has changed over the years

Businesses change but Technology has the ability to transform industries.

In a short period of time ...

Change the way that we:

Founded 1998 2013 Revenues $59.8B

Founded 2004 2013 Revenues $7.8B

Founded 1998 2013 Revenues $6.6B

Founded 1994 2013 Revenues $74.4B


advertise, get news


buy books


listen to music

watch movies

Trip Advisor, Expedia

LinkedIn recruit


It’s good for business

But ... you already knew this

Healthy People:

• Make Better Decisions • Make Fewer Errors • Are Happier More Productive

Translates to:



The same is happening in health. Why should you care?

Wellness Programmes

• Compartmentalised – fitness, eating, stress management, etc.

• Basic understanding of tech role

– Benefits

– Responsible Use

Wellness Programmes

• Are for a set period of time

• Benefits often short term

• Can be difficult to justify

Digital Health has the potential to change this

... and give you a Competitive Advantage

Tech Companies leading the way... - have an understanding of Tech - a focus on wellness

Technology is an Integrated part of our life

Internet Smartphones

Sensors Laptops Wearables

It plays a big role and this will increase

Digital Health and the Internet

“Well-being apps can and do play a key role in promoting high well-being for employees. Because of this, leaders should use every tool at their disposal to enhance employee well-being – it will benefit both the company they lead and the employees who work there.” -- Gallup Research Report

Digital Health not all goodness and light

Sitting long periods

Tech Addiction

Lack of focus/too many notifications

Internet Bullying

Losing connection to people and what’s


Can affect physical/mental health

Wellness should ...

Focus on lifestyle

WHO, NIH, US Department of Health

“Health does not occur in the doctor’s office and hospitals only, health also occurs where we live, where we learn, where we work, where we play, and where we pray.” - Regina Benjamin, Surgeon General, US Department of Health & Human Services

40K Health and Wellness Apps Today

• Fitness

• Food

• Weight Loss

• Stress

• Smoking

• Sleep

Not all apps are the same Still some limitations

Health IT Trends

• Patient-centered care • Paticipatory medicine • Self-care/ Patient-engagement • Personalised

• Integrated/Connected • More data/sensors

• Event driven • Live monitoring

We have better outcomes when involved in our own health.

Will drive down costs, make diagnosis more accurate.

Health IT Drivers

• Unsustainable healthcare costs

• Rise in Chronic Disease/Obesity

• Aging Population

• Stretched healthcare system

Technology will reduce costs, provide better information/better diagnosis, reduce much of the work currently performed by healthcare professionals, reduce errors.

Technology will replace 80% of work that doctors do today.

Challenge: Fit the pieces together so that we live in harmony with Technology and lead a healthy life

More Tech does not mean more wellness. But wellness without tech is like trying to run a car without gas. You will struggle to keep up.

Wellness Company Checklist

• Are you looking at Lifestyle?

• Does it incorporate responsible use of technology?

• Is there a clear understanding of technology benefits/risks?

• Are apps bona fide/trusted?

• Is it effective?

• Are you getting value for money?

Want to know more?

Healthy & Well Taking Control with

Digital Health

Saturday, 10 Jan 2015 10am-3pm

We’ll Cover:

• Lifestyle – what’s it mean?

– Food, Activity, Awareness, Sleep

• Healthy Apps

• Behaviour Change

– Keystone Habits, Brain

• Responsible Use of Tech

– Risk Factors, How to mitigate

• Living a Healthy Life in harmony with Tech

Workshop for: • SME Individuals

and Groups who want to know more

• Health/Fitness Professionals

• Corporate Wellness/EAP

• People interested in Health!

Thank you!

Teri Morris

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