different prospective of america and canada on labor laws

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Different Prospective of America and Canada on Labor Laws

Although divorce lawyer Mississauga offer family advice yet a heated topic of discussion is the rising rates of family issues due to constant job lay-offs. This in turn is related to the archaic labor laws in Canada. No wonder divorce lawyers Mississauga are looking into labor laws. The popular case called Greater Omaha Packing Co. has taken the whole labor law discussion to a different level. After considering numerous scenarios the American National Labor Relations Board reached on a decision. The board has presented some of their crucial points that differentiate the Canadian and American labor laws. The models of both the labor laws are similar. After the American Wagner Act of 1935, the Canadian model based on majority trade unionism was modeled on similar lines. Canadian model of labor law supports union organization and the rules on union certification. On the other side, the American model renders more protection to the workers. The key difference between both the laws is that American law protects ‘concerted activities’, whereas Canadian laws protect ‘trade union activities’ by the workers. The American model has a much wider protection than Canadian model. Key Facts of Consideration In April 2012, the non-union workers of a meat factory in Nebraska complained the management about the conveyor belt moving very quickly. When the workers didn’t get any response from the management, they left the workstations and started protesting in the cafeteria. This awakened the management and their representative came to the cafeteria to listen to their complaint. He requested them to continue with their work and the issue will be resolved at the end of the shift.

At the end of the shift, workers again complained about the conveyor belt and also about their wages. The workers planned another work halt as even after a month; the issue could not be resolved. The management dismissed three workers for different reasons just an hour before the strike could take place. The Decision of National Labor Relation Board Heartland Workers Centre that works to safeguard the rights of the workers filed a complaint on behalf of the dismissed workers. The dismissal was considered as unlawful, since according to the American law, laborers are allowed to indulge in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.” (Section 7, NLRA). This section protects the workers striking to improve the working environment of the workstation, even if they are non-union. The NLRB canceled the dismissal and reinstated the workers with full payback. What is the Scenario of Canadian Labor Law? In Canada only the unionized workers have authorization to strike. They need to fulfill some requirements in labor relations legislation. The Omaha Packaging strike will be declared unlawful in Canada as nonunion members have no right to strike. This brings a key difference between the labor rights in America and Canada. Where in America the rights of both union and nonunion workers are protected, on the contrary in Canada only trade union activities are protected. There has been constant argument regarding modification in Canadian labor law. People are demanding the laws that can safeguard the rights of nonunion workers too.

Nanda & Associate Lawyers is a general practice law firm that render tailor made law solutions to its clients. Our family lawyers Mississauga deal in family law, Canadian immigration, real estate, business laws, personal injury and many other matters. Our highly qualified and experienced lawyers will resolve your issues in less than no time.

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