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DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. Visit our website at www.dibels.org. Revised 2/6/12

DIBELS® Next Student MaterialsDaze/Level 5

Benchmark Assessment

Roland H. Good III

Ruth A. Kaminski


Kelli Cummings, Chantal Dufour-Martel, Kathleen Petersen,

Kelly Powell-Smith, Stephanie Stollar, and Joshua Wallin

Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.


benchmark assessmentDIBELS

Copyright 2011 Dynamic Measurement GroupAll rights reserved

© 2011 All rights reserved

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G5/Benchmark 1


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

benchmark assessmentDaze


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A Train Trip to Remember

Several months ago, my father told me that he and I would take a train trip together this summer.

He explained that our journey woulddecidedfollowwaterfalls

the trail that was taken by the Lewis and Clark


. The expedition happened almost two hundredyearstogetherexactly


My father and I began topreparebookspulling

for the trip by going to thelibrarysaladwere

and checking out books

on theseveralshoreexpedition

. I learned that during Lewis and Clark'sawarefinishingera

, the United States had just

purchased aforcerestauranthuge

portion of land from France. Thepresidentservicerough

wanted Lewis and Clark to

explore theagoeighteencountry's

new territory. Lewis and Clark gathered agroupbecamewindow

of men to assist them. They


wooden boats near St. Louis andseebeganhundred

rowing down the Missouri River. In addition to


supplies, the group took many notebooks todocumenttwoplace

all the exciting events that were


to happen. They made it all theputwayriver

to the Pacific Ocean before returning to St. Louis.


my father and I got on thegavestretchedtrain

, we stored our suitcases above ourcalledseatsmen


Then we went to the diningwaterscarseats

to have lunch. I was surprised toboardedimaginesee

that the dining car

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looked just like arestaurantseatsaw

. I ordered a chicken eggplant sandwich andpreparehoweverfruit

salad. While we

were finishing oursummerflowinglunch

, a man from the forest servicewasassistgave

us detailed maps of the trail that

Lewis and Clarkcarfollowedstored

. He put a circle on therangeknewmap

to show us exactly where weweredifficulttake

. He

even answered our questions about theexpeditionpaddledglided


After lunch, we returned to ourassignedsurprisedwater

seats. I stretched out and stared at theexpeditionbeganscenery

outside the window. I saw aquestionsmapshuge

mountain range looming in the distance and thefinallyriverthen

running close to the train. Iterritorywentcould

almost see Lewis and Clark, along with thepresidentrestassigned

of their

group. They would havepaddleddiscoverdirectly

their boats on the flowing river.

About angoingexplorehour

later, the river became extremely choppy. Iextremelyreturningchecked

the map again to

discover that we hadrockingreachedmade

a place called Great Falls. I remembered that itwascountry'swould

one of the

most difficult places for thewantedpasstravelers

on the expedition to pass. Thereturnedlookedwater

became rough and

choppy and thetravelerssupplieshour

had to get out of theirboatsreachedcarried

and walk along the shore, pulling the boats

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behind them.LaterToldDining

, they got into the water with theirneverboatslooming

and struggled to force them upstream

against thestrongportionland

currents. They finally decided to take theboatsmanmountain

out of the ferocious waters


them. They carried the boats fortookwheneighteen

miles on slippery boulders while climbing past a


of waterfalls.

At that moment, Itripbecamecushion

aware of a gentle rocking motion as thecarrytrainmonths

glided along the

tracks. My seatnotebooksmomentcushion

was very comfortable, and my stomachwaspurchasedslippery

full. I could see the trail

that Lewis and Clarkfollowedstruggledvery

directly from my window. However, Iupstreamknewanswered

that I could never

fully imagine what themeneventshappened

in the expedition experienced.

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C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G5/Benchmark 2


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

benchmark assessmentDaze


© 2011 All rights reserved

Theatre for the Whole Community

At times, success can come in a way you never would have expected. When Jose Gonzalez and

Danielle Malantheatreproducedthird

their first play in Portland, Oregon, theydidn'tnewwent

think it would be the first


that would lead to their owncompanysomeideas

. At the time, the two knewlittlecenterstill

about producing

a play. Danielle was acostumerrelatedfirst

, and Jose was a scene designer, and theytrieshopedarts

only to attract the

notice ofhavesometime

of the other theatres in thethanincludecity

. They didn't know that, twenty-five yearsnextlaterlocal


they would be at the head of areadingsknowngroup

that helps bring Latino culture to theheadtheatredid

, and the arts to

the Latinomainspringcommunity


That first play that they put oncompanytogethershare

didn't help them get known aroundnoticemanytown

, but it did

help them see that theyhelpsuccessliked

producing their own shows. They began tostageimaginedlines

many more

plays, and formed the Miracle Theatre Group. Theythengrowncultural

went on to found the city's Ancient Greek

Theatre Festival. Theycompanieswouldproduced

continue to produce Greek plays forsevenoftenare


At the same time, Joseisgroup'sfound

he missed the culture of the American Southwest. He and

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to produce a Hispanic cultural festival in theproducespringstopped

. They still produced the Greek

festival in thewouldchildrenfall

. The new festival had plays forseeculturechildren

and bilingual plays, as well as


, music, and poetry. Jose and Danielle hadpoetrybegunshown

to bring the community together using


and cultural education. After two years of this, theyactingwaystopped

producing the Greek plays to


on the Hispanic plays and events.


, the Miracle Theatre Group has now grown totogetherhopedinclude

three companies. The first

of theseputsonlybe

on plays that are in English, but thatcityoftendidn't

have themes and issues that aresevenhelpsrelated


the Latino community. These playsdesignerareformed

put on at the group's mainsiteknowjust

in Portland. The next of


companies tours the United States, Canada, and Mexico.EducationItsScene

plays cover Latino

culture as well asissuescomecover

from around the world, and oftenhaveattractyears

music and lines that are in Spanish.


company is the one that mosttriesplaysart

to bring together the local community. It


shown both Spanish and bilingual plays, asleadwellways

as dance, music, and readings. But the

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Miracle Theatre Groupincludesneverclasses

the community in more ways thangetexpectedjust

as members of the

audience. Itmissedhasworld

classes in acting and writing thatnowthinkare

in both Spanish and English. The


cultural center is a place wheremeetpeopletimes

can come to meet and share theirideastheatrestown


dreams for the future. Nowlikedmorelater

than they had ever imagined, Danielle and Jose'stheatresiteevents


truly helps to bring theoneplaycommunity


G5/Benchmark 2Page 3


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C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G5/Benchmark 3


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

benchmark assessmentDaze


© 2011 All rights reserved

Making Music

If you enjoy playing a musical instrument, you may have considered a career as a musician in a

symphony orchestra. These musicians play in orchestras inbecausecitiesopening

around the world. Most of them


that their work is very rewarding. Carl Smith, whorewardingplayschallenging

French horn for an

orchestra in aadmitvacationlarge

city, would agree. “I still can'tmorninghornbelieve

that I get to do theeverythingshape

I love most

every day and thatsomeoneplacesplan

pays me to do it,” hesixsayspiece


Smith says that, in some ways,paidplayingmusic

for an orchestra is like manybeautifulotherfind

jobs. He works

five or sixbothcareerdays

a week and goes to work atbeeightwait

o'clock every morning. He gets paidsymphonytwicearrives

a month, and he has twoweeksthingcreating

of vacation each year.

Smith arrives at thesymphonyhearsatisfying

hall early each morning so hewillworldbecome

have time to practice

before therehearsalorchestrashigh

begins. This time is one of Smith'scan'tthenfavorite

parts of the job. Other musicians


join him and begin warming up. Theweekblastdegree

of horns mixes with the softmurmurloveother


flutes and the squeals ofplayingviolinsjobs

, creating a confusion of sound. Then therecordingpracticesconductor

arrives and the

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musicians take theirsoundplacesexample

. A few minutes later, the disorganizedbelievecacophonyespecially

is transformed into

beautiful music.


of the job that Smith especiallydostronglikes

is hearing the musicians who come to


as guest performers. He says that hehornshassay

heard some of the most well-knownhavetears


in the world. He alsosaysmanagerstart

that he is often moved by themurmurdecidemusic

he hears. “I admit that I'm


moved to tears when I hear aanotherbeautifulperformers

piece of music played skillfully and



Smith says that his job isplayedagreedemanding

and challenging. He practices at home asalsowelllarge

as with

the orchestra. He says that hewayshasviolins

to practice three to six hours afewdaysqueals

. “The symphony plays

several concerts eachmonthwarminghappens

, so practicing is essential.” He alsofindssometimeshours

that it is necessary to

stay inshapejobstore

because playing the horn requires stronglungssomeconsidered

. Smith explains that the high notes


the most physically demanding to play.

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you're considering becoming a musician for anmightemotionorchestra

, you should plan to study

music at asaysuniversityblast

. However, even with a college degree, youcitymayyear

have to wait for an opening to


available in an orchestra. If thisgethappensare

you can work at other musicminutesjobssmall

while you

wait. For example, youwellmightmusicians

teach music, become a recording manager, orworkdayshearing

in a music

store. Some musiciansskillfullystartphysically

off by playing in orchestras insmallfivecollege

cities. Whatever you decide

to do, youwillbecomingdisorganized

find this career to be bothcansoexciting

and satisfying.

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