diamond dialog newsletter - fall 2015

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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News from Diamond Parking Services. Our Mission: Helping you realize your properties full potential. Bring us your parking challenge and we will find the best solution.



Continued on inside

G r o w i n g To g e t h e r.

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- Team Power

- Canadian Corner

- Ahead of the Curve

- Going the Extra Mile

- Connect 2015

- Winter Driving Tips


We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter

Team Power Seattle Self Parking City Manager Joe Koontz and his Operations Manager Paul Myhre and Area Supervisor David Stansfield exemplify the essence of Diamond’s Team approach. Their combined efforts not only produce superior results, but also build a sense of solidarity and success that spreads to all of their employees. Why is this important? “Because if you want your team to be really effective, you’ll need to get the right people for the right job. It’s critical to know a managers or employees’ skill sets and assign them tasks that are well suited to their abilities,” states team leader Joe Koontz. Building on Joe’s comments, Paul adds that well-defined goals are the building blocks of their team’s success. “When goals and responsibilities are clearly defined, our team members understand their specific duties and are able to perform their tasks in a more efficient and effective manner.” Weekly meetings, says, David allows everyone to remember and reaffirm goals, missions and values. “We encourage brainstorming in every team meeting. We respect diversity of opinions, views and ideas, because we believe divergent thinking promotes learning, change and innovation.” There are 3 different parking

entities in one office – Self Park, Seattle Attended and Seattle United. Even though each is unique to itself, David says there is a willingness to share information and work together toward a common good. “We all understand collaboration is an essential ingredient to achieve a shared vision. Everyone is a key contributor to our continued growth and performance. We think of ourselves as one community who share identical values

Joe Koontz, City Manager Self Park Seattle; Paul Myhre, Operations Manager; David Stansfield, Area Supervisor.

Going the Extra Mile – Exceeding Customer ExpectationsHenrietta Armstrong — When Diamond’s Henrietta Armstrong slips on her headset to join her team of customer service agents at Diamond’s Seattle Call Center, she says, in order to provide exceptional customer service you should have strong communication between you and the person you’re talking to, have good work ethics, patience, and most of all “self-control” to be able to communicate with all callers. “I keep my voice calm and introduce myself,” she explains. “It makes them feel that our conversation is about them and not me.” Whether processing payments or setting up accounts, Henrietta says every call is different. “I talk to several people each day. I research all avenues. Listening empowers me to make the right decisions.” The letter below proves Henrietta’s approach is successful.

In our lead story, we

focus on the essentials

of teamwork and the role

teams play in creating

success. At Diamond, we

understand that building

great teams doesn’t

just happen. It takes

planning and patience. At every level in

our company, teamwork is an important

pathway to our continued growth. For

example, teamwork is essential to meet

new challenges and perform strategic

tasks. It is also fundamental to embrace

change and adapt to new challenges.

Our teams work effectively and efficiently

because they know the strengths

and weaknesses of their fellow team

members. Further, our team leaders instill

a strong sense of urgency, enthusiasm

and commitment that builds on the

knowledge and experience of our

employees to accomplish common goals.

Our overall performance and success will

never be measured by the achievements

of only one individual, but to the

collaborative efforts of our managers

and employees – which, in one word, at

Diamond, we call teamwork.

from the

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Jon Diamond

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Henrietta Armstrong, Diamond Call Center, Seattle

T2’s Connect 2015New Orleans, a.k.a., The Big Easy, will play host to one of the parking industry’s premier conferences, Nov. 17-19 at the New Orleans Marriott in the French Quarter. Mike Poirier, Vice President of British Columbia and Joe Koontz, Self Park Seattle City Manager will attend. Mike says the conference is an excellent forum to network and explore new business opportunities. “Keeping up-to-date on trends and new technologies in the industry is key to increasing efficiency, improving ease of parking management, and boosting revenue for all of our customers.” “From our point of view, adds Joe, “it’s important for us to see the latest in new technologies that we can share with our clients.” T2 Systems offers a parking management platform featuring a suite of apps designed to make parking management as seamless as possible.

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Going the Extra Mile – Exceeding Customer Expectations (Continued)

John Nakauye — Reliable, responsive and resourceful, best describe Diamond’s John Nakauye. He joined Diamond in November 2014 and serves as one of two Area Managers for Honolulu. Recently, John was acknowledged for providing excellent customer service to one of Dia-mond’s premiere accounts. “I have always been there for our customers,” notes John. He adds, “I take care of everyone as if they are the most important person.” Did the letter from The Cathedral of St. Andrew – Honolulu, surprise him? “Absolutely. It is very rewarding to be acknowledged for doing what I love.”

Team Power Continued from cover

and goals.” Joe notes that another essential ingredient in the Diamond Team is trust. “We trust each other professionally. We foster mutual trust by communicating openly, exchanging opinions, ideas and feedback on a regular basis.” We all agree that if you want to be part of a team, you can’t claim the glory for yourself. What you accomplish within the team is a shared success. “Great teams make a habit of celebrating success each and every day. We like to think that success has become part of our team’s DNA,” concludes Joe.

John Nakauye, Area Manager, Honolulu, HI

Steven Chaves, Attendant, Honolulu, HI

Canadian Corner

Steven ChavesIn 1980, native born Hawaiian Steven Chaves applied for the job of parking attendant. In January of 2015, Steven celebrated 35 years with Diamond. “Back then, I remember seeing Diamond’s ad in the phone book. They had a great listing. I was impressed. They were always my first choice,” notes Steven. He adds that Diamond gave him a career when he was only searching for a job. “I love the opportunity to meet so many people,” states Steven. “I have a lot of fun in what I do. I take one day at a time and try not to get too far ahead.” Interesting to learn that when Steven is not working at Diamond he pursues his lifelong passion of surfing. Next time you visit the South Shore of Diamond Head beach, you may catch Steven as he climbs a wall of water and “takes the drop.”

ahead of the Curve

Kelowna, BCKelowna, British Columbia is an exciting hybrid of food, wine, and retail perched on the shores of the Okanagan Lake. In 2010, Diamond Parking Canada, opened parking operations under the leadership of City Manager Peter Grewal. “We started from scratch identifying niche markets often overlooked by competitors,” explains Peter. He says anticipating trends and being “opportunistic” has helped Diamond develop a growing portfolio of highly visible properties such as Kelowna’s Mission District. “It’s vibrant and

trendy. Today we manage parking for garages, hotels, restaurants and resorts.” Peter says “the big news for Diamond is being awarded a new parking contract for SOPA” – a huge mixed use development of residential and retail that is finally being developed thanks to a prominent Canadian family. “The Vancouver-based Aquilini Family Investment Group is backing SOPA, by far Kelowna’s biggest development. The project stalled when the economy softened in 2008. Now it’s on a fast track and we will manage the parking.” Peter attributes

Diamond’s track record of providing excellent customer service as well as increasing parking revenues as the primary reasons of winning the SOPA business. “I’m really pumped that a very sound financial group is able to get this project moving and completed. It’s a huge opportunity for Diamond Parking Services.”

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Your observations, ideas and opinions are very important to us. Whether you are a landlord, customer or employee, you can use Actionline to provide comments, suggestions or observations; to ask questions, voice concerns, report situations, or to forward information that you feel may need attention.

Actionline is served by an independent communication services firm. Through this service, you may provide your personal contact information and receive a response directly from Diamond Parking. Or, you may provide your personal contact information, request to remain anonymous to the company, and receive a reply through the Actionline service.

You may contact Actionline by e-mail at ask@actionline.com, by telephone at 1-800-426-0426 (day or night, toll-free) or by using a postage-paid mailer available at any Diamond Parking field office.

We want to congratulate those employees who are celebrating 10 or more years with Diamond Parking.

Thank you for your dedication!

30+ YearsDaniel Geiger Spokane Downtown 38 yearsDiane M. King Honolulu 32 yearsCheryl O’Reilly Seattle Attended 30 years

20+ YearsSiyoum G. Tesfay Seattle Self Park 27 yearsRoger R. Pagaduan Honolulu 25 yearsDavid W. Parks Spokane Airport 23 yearsSara Baraki Seattle Attended 22 years

15+ YearsRobert L. Turley Home Office 19 yearsKevin Campbell Parking Service 19 yearsEllory Earl I. Bannister Seattle Attended 19 yearsJill Daher United Parking 18 yearsHaileslasie N. Asres Seattle Attended 17 yearsSonia N. Nakamoto Honolulu 16 yearsYonas Tegegn Demessie Seattle Attended 16 yearsAnh Thi Hoang Nguyen Salt Lake City Airport 15 years

10+ YearsLinda S. Fait Medford 14 yearsLance Morrison United Parking 14 yearsBernardo T. Tagaca Honolulu 13 yearsSteven R. Smith Eugene 12 yearsTesfaye F. Debebe United Parking 12 yearsTheresa L. Malufau Honolulu 11 yearsDonna M. Richardson Tacoma 11 yearsMarc E. Rand Anchorage Airport 10 yearsRodney D. Larsen Salt Lake City Airport 10 yearsDarrell G. Taylor Seattle Attended 10 yearsAhmed A. Farah Seattle Attended 10 years

diamond feedbaCk


Employment OpportunitiesDiamond Parking is a full-service parking operator which prides itself on the quality of its employees. We do everything possible to accommodate our clients and make sure each and every client is satisfied.

Such exceptional service can only be delivered by hiring the brightest and hardest working people in the industry.

If you are interested in joining Diamond Parking, please e-mail your resume to: hr@diamondparking.com.

Diamond Parking is an equal opportunity employer.

We welcome your comments: Diamond Dialog is published by Diamond Parking. For comments and suggestions please write to us at: dialog@diamondparking.com.

To learn more about the Diamond Difference visit www.diamondparking.com

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diamond anniverSarieS

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We draw on the substance and depth of decades of experience to assist property owners and building managers to develop comprehensive plans for maximizing their parking potential.


From parking facilities in every conceivable size of commercial buildings to major hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, sports arenas, multilevel garages and ‘Park N Fly’ facilities – we’ve done it. And we can excel for you too.

Bring us your parking challenge. We’ll find the best solution.


Monthly Parking

Daily Parking

After Hours Parking

Event Parking

Valet Parking

Garage Management

Hotel Parking Management

Municipal Parking Enforcement


Hospital Parking Management

Enforcement & Checking Services

Revenue Control



Tips for Winter DrivingWinter weather is a mixed bag. Snow and sleet, wind and rain, ice and cold can present several challenges to you and your car. Here’s a mini check list to get you thinking about winter driving.

Start by scheduling a service appointment for peace of mind.

Buying a new car? Research safety features in winter driving.

Pack an emergency kit with recommended essentials.

Keep your gas tank full.

Check your front and rear wipers.

Fully charge your battery.

Don’t use cruise control when driving on slippery surfaces.

When driving in snow SLOW DOWN.

Bottom Line - Cold weather tests the limits of your car’s mechanical abilities. Treacherous conditions test your abilities as a driver. It pays to be prepared.

SeaSonal tipS

www.DiamondParking.com • 605 First Avenue, Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104 • 1-800-340-PARK

When parking, save time and avoid the rain!4 Creat a FREE account4 Enter Location Code and License Plate4 Select Parking Time and Rate4 Confirm your purchase with your PINTo get started, call 877-647-4707 or visit www.calltopark.com


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