diagnosing common causes of engine failure

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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Diagnosing Common Causes Of Engine Failure

Engine failure is always a stressful scenario for everyone. But smart choices always make us less vulnerable to expensive


The more you ignore the problem, the more tricky it will become to diagnose. Also it takes more time to repair the


Let's know how it works ---

The engine coverts the gasoline to energy through combustion process which makes the vehicle run.

It's also a universal truth that rough driving and the ignorant driver can kill the engine.

Let's have a look on the causes of engine problem :-

Improper oil change schedule :-

Vehicle needs oil change in right time which can protect the engine and its components from getting rusty and remove

excess heat.

Irregular oil change causes the engine to overheat and that results in a poor fuel economy.

Engine starts to show problem when you add lower octane level oils than prescribed in owner's manual.

Use of lower octane fuel :-

The bad fuel can clog the intake valve, spark plug etc which results in improper fuel delivery and misfire.

As per owner's manual, make sure to use recommended additive and right octane fuel that will give a better fuel


A leaking oil pump can cause misfire and loss of fuel within a very limited period of


Oil Pump Failure :-

The leakage also can cause overheat as the right amount of fuel doesn't get delivered to

the combustion chamber.

Spark knock happens due to excess heat generation at time of combustion due to improper fuel ratio.

Spark knock:-

When spark knock starts, it generates a metallic knocking or pinging noise as a symptom of this issue.

This sensor measures the amount of oxygen left unborn in the exhaust.

Faulty oxygen sensor :-

This problem of improper oxygen leads to lower gas mileage and release of harmful gases to environment.

The leaking coolant or lower coolant level can harm the engine while engine overheats at time of combustion.

Coolant leaking :-

Make sure to keep the coolant in its appropriate level and the cooling system in good working condition.

When spark plug gets worn out, it causes misfire and loss of fuel economy.

Worn out spark plug :-

The misfire also leads to damage of other engine component due to overheating.

The loosen gas cap can give potential risk of gas evaporation from the vehicle.

Loosen gas cap :-

This problem ultimately leads to decrease the gas mileage and give you a potentially expensive repair bill.

Sometimes the worn out engine bearings can cause the engine not to start and this only can be avoided by a thorough servicing

and maintenance.

If the piston ring is worn out then it also makes the engine not to start after

a proper combustion.

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