dha - bylaws

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  • 8/11/2019 DHA - Bylaws




    Whereas after repeal of the Defence Housing Authority Lahore

    Ordinance 1999 (Punjab Ordinance L1 1999) Chief Executive's Order No. 26 of

    2002, for the reconstitution of Defence Housing Authority Lahore,

    has been promulgated and published in Gazette of Pakistan dated

    September 1 9, 2002

    And whereas, the Executive Board of the Defence Housing Authority

    (D.H.A.) is improved to make Regulations under Article 23 of Chief

    Executive Order No 26 of 2002 and to get them published in Government

    Notification in the Official Gazette.

    And therefore, the Executive Board in order to carry out the purposes of the

    order and in exercise of its powers conferred upon under Article 23 Read with

    Article 4 and all other enabling provisions of the said Order is pleased to

    make the following Regulations.

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    a. These Regulations shall be called Defence Housing Authority

    Construction and Development Regulations, 2007.

    b. These Regulations /shall extend to the whole area controlled by theDefence HousingAuthority Lahore.

    c. These Regulations shall come into force with effect from the date of

    publication in/the Official gazette and shall be read in consonance

    with Defence Housing Authority Projects/Joint Venture. Regulations 2004

    and vice versa.

    d. If the Moose/building is constructed as per drawing approved on

    previous byelaws/rules which is contradictory to the present byelaws/rules,

    the violation may not be objected and completion certificate be issued



    (i) In these Regulations, unless there is any thing repugnant in the subject or context,

    the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned

    to them or as the context otherwise require:

    (a) 'Addition/Al teration of Building' includes the structural or other

    physical alternation for making any addition/deletion or other

    changes in a building.

    (b) 'Amalgamation' means the joining of two or more adjacent plots ofthe same land use in accordance with these regulations.

    (c) 'Approved Plan' means plan for the building or lay out plan approved by

    the Authority in accordance with these Regulations.

    (d) 'Area means the area of operation of the authority and/or the area shown

    in the Master Plan of the authority and includes and extension or

    modification effected therein from time to time.

    (e) 'Authority' means Defence Housing Authority Lahore.

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    (o) 'Folding Shelter' means a structure made of steel tubes, fixed to

    pillars of the porch, having fabric covering which has the

    arrangement for its opening (extension) and closing using

    gears/handles etc. for parking of vehicles only.

    (p) 'Master Plan' means the plan showing the lay out of the area.

    (q) 'Mezzanine Floor' means floor between ground and first floor of commercial

    building and having headroom not less than seven feet and not more than

    seven feet, forming part of ground floor and having access from within the


    (r) 'NDC' means No Demand Certificate.

    (s) 'NOC' means No Objection Certificate.

    (t) 'Non-Standard Plot' means which are created due to adjustment in town

    planning of an area.

    (u) 'Nuisance' includes any act or omission place or thing which causes or islikely to cause injury, danger, annoyance or offence to the sense of sight,

    smell or hearing, or which is or may be dangerous to life or injurious to

    health, property and environment.

    (v) 'Parapet means wall whether plain, perforated paneled or made of steel

    angle irons/pipes protecting the edge of the balcony, verandah roof of

    building or terrace.

    {w} 'Park means a recreational area which may include all or any of the following


    i Jogging tracks/walkways

    ii Water features like lakes, fountains, gusers etc.

    iii Restaurants or cafeterias or food stalls

    iv Aviary

    v Tubewell

    vi Public toilets:

    vii Any other recreational facilities (out door)

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    (x) 'Parking Space' means an area enclosed or unenclosed covered or open sufficient

    in size to park vehicles in front of the commercial as well as public buildings as

    specified in the Master Plan or as recommended by the authority thereafter.

    (y) 'Pergola' means a structure with perforated roof consisting of cross bars in

    the form of reinforced concrete, wood or steel etc. of which at least 50%

    of roof is open to sky.

    (z) 'Person' means and includes a Registered person, occupant, user tenant and alicense of a plot, house or building.

    (aa) 'Plinth means finished floor level of the building.

    (bb) 'Public Building' means a building used or intended to be used

    either ordinarily or occasionally by the public such as offices of the

    Government as well as Semi Government Institutions and agencies,

    mosque, college, school, library, theater for cultural activities, public

    concert room, public hall, club hospitals public exhibition hall,

    community centers, lecture room or any other place of public assembly.

    (cc) Registered Architect/Engineer means a qualified Architect / Engineer

    registered with the respective council.

    (dd) Registered Person means a person whether natural or legal, who is

    registered under the General Regulations of the Authority.

    (ee) 'Regulation' means the Defence Housing Authority Construction and

    Development Regulations and other Regulations made by the Executive


    (ff) 'Reserved Area' means an area shown in the Master Plan as such, which

    may be developed/re-planned by the authority for any purpose at

    any stage.

    (gg) 'Residential Unit' means an independent unit consisting of rooms forhuman habitation.

    (hh) 'Residential Zone means a zone earmarked for buildings exclusively

    designed for human habitation and in no case shall include its use in whole

    or a part there of for any other purpose e.g commercial activities, schools,

    institutions, shops, offices clinics, beauty parlour guests houses,

    marriage centers, gyms, tuition centers, club activities, work shops,

    stores or godowns, etc. or for the purpose of political, religious and

    sectarian activities. It also includes parks gardens, play grounds sector

    shops and other open spaces located in the area earmarked in the

    residential building.

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    (jj) 'Right of Way (ROW) means the area of road including

    shoulder/berms between two opposite boundary walls of row of


    (kk) 'Sectors Shops' means a row of shops excluding workshops, repairing

    shops and offices, to be constructed in single story in residential zones for

    business related to grocery, vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry fish and tan

    doors, without the provision of any open space in and around the buildingprovided that their height does not exceed prescribed height from the road level

    with a provision of mezzanine floor not covering more than 3/4 of the shops


    (ll) 'Septic Tank' means a tank in which sewage is collected and decomposed

    before its discharge in to the public/main sewer.

    (mm) 'Shop' means a roofed structure primarily used for the retail sale of goods.

    (nn) 'Shop/Offices-cum-Flats' means provision of shops on the ground floor and

    basement with the facility of offices/flats on the first and second floor and

    basement with the facility of offices/flats on the first and Subsequent floors.

    (oo) 'Stores/Godowns mean a building/buildings meant for storage of material or

    finished goods at the ground floor provided those goods are not of

    inflammable or objectionable characteristics and with provision of office

    accommodation above but does not include any garage or residential or

    commercial building.

    (pp) 'Sun/Rain Shade' means an outer side projection from the building over a

    minimum height of 7 feet from the plinth level providing protection from


    (qq) 'Verandah means a roofed gallery, terrace or other portion of a building with

    at least one side open to courtyard or a permanent open

    (rr) 'Ware House means a building used for storage of commercially saleable

    goods at the ground floor and office accommodation above.

    (ss) Zone' means the area earmarked for a particular use only.

    Note: All expressions and definit ions mentioned in other Defence

    Housing Authority General Regulations, 2007 shall also be treated as the part

    and parcel of these Regulations.

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    a The Authority shall provide roads, water supply sewerage and shall alsoarrange for facility of electricity through WAPDA/LESCO or any otherprivate power generation company/agency, gas through Sui Northern

    Gas (Pvt) Limited and telephone through Pakistan TelecommunicationLimited or any other agency/company etc. in case of violation ofRegulation, the Authority reserves the right to disconnect the facilitiesand impose fine prescribed by the Authority from time to time in order todiscourage the recurrence of such incidents.

    b. Registered Persons shall plan their houses keeping in view the existingservices at site as these shall not be shifted and the plot shall strictly beutilized for the same purpose for which it has been alloted and nocommercial activity of any nature/ kind shall be allowed in the residentialarea. To preserve the sanctity of planning, no deviation shall bepermitted.

    c. If any of services of the Authority area carried out of the area other thanincluded in the Authority the services at the defaulting premises fromwhere the connection is drawn shall be disconnected, besides fine whichshall be imposed by the Authority.


    (a) Maximum size of the residential plot shall be of 2 kanals (9000 square feetapproximately). The Authority shall maintain the accuracy in themeasurement of the plots allocated to the Registered persons. Standardsizes of residential plots shall be as under:-

    2kanal (I) 100 ft x 90 ft. (II) 75 ft x 120 ft.

    1 kanal 50 ft x 90 ft.

    10 Marias (I) 35 ft x 64 ft. (II) 35 ft x 65 ft.7 Marias 30 ft x 52.6 ft.

    5 Marias 25 ft x 45 ft.

    (b) There can be non-standard plots, which are created due to adjustment inTown Planning or re-planning of the area.

    (c) If the measurement of a plot on account of Town Planning is found to beincreased or decreased, the allottee of such plot, in case of increase,shall be bound to pay the price of extra land determined by the Executive

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    Board whereas in case of decrease in measurement of a plot, the allottee shall beentitled to a refund of the amount equal to the cost of such decrease based onthe cost of land and development charges determined by the Authority at thetime of allotment of plot.

    (d) In case a corner plot alloted to a Registered person, ceases to be as suchbecause of the area adjustment or the Town Planning or any otherinevitable circumstance or reason, the Registered person, shall be

    bound to accept the refund of the additional amount deposited byhim/her for the corner plot.


    a. Every Registered person shall make an application for the demarcation plan ofthe plot located in the area open for construction/possession the aprescribed form to Building Control Section of the authority at least 7 daysprior to such demarcation plan.

    b. The application shall be routed through the Director Finance who shall verifypayments of all dues. After demarcation, Authority shall provide one copy of theSite Plan at the scale of 1 inch= 40 Ft to the Registered Person/legal attorney.

    c. The Authority, on payment of the prescribed charges may allow the demarcationof a newly created plot as a result of sub-division/amalgamation.

    6. DIGGING

    Nobody shall be permitted to dig or cut the road space including shoulders/berms withoutprior written permission from the Authority. Defaulters shall be liable to pay fine asprescribed by the Authority.


    All residential corner plots shall be splayed (champhered) as per Town Planning to avoid blindcorner/increase sight distance.


    The Authority shall not be responsible for leveling the plot in case of any ditch,unevenness or abnormality in the plot.


    a. The occupants or registered persons shall help out the staff of theAuthority in tree plantation and nurturment. Each occupant or Registered

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    Person shall plant at least 4 trees in front of his premises at the

    place marked by the Authority, whereas all the plantation beyond

    the boundary wall shall be the property of the Authority.

    b. No person shall be allowed to grow any vegetation or to raise

    obstruction out side his premises to encroach/occupy the space or to

    block the road or to reduce the openness of areas or create

    obstruction to the visibility i.e. flowers pots/ planters and hedges

    etc. or such like acts or omissions which mars the beautification

    of the area To eradicate such acts or omissions. Authority shall

    reserve the right to remove such vegetation or obstruction at the cost of

    such person.

    c. No person shall be allowed to cut the trees within the area of the

    Authority. Whoever violates, shall be fined as presc

    d. Construction of rockery or hard landscaping beyond the boundary

    wall shall strictly be prohibited, however flowerbeds of smallplants and flowers, upto 2 feet and parallel to boundary wall made of

    bricks or other similar material, having maximum height of 6

    inches, may be allowed.


    a. Application for utility connections such as Sui Gas, Telephone

    and Electricity, Cable, TV, and Cable internet etc. shall be made

    directly to the concerned department/company/agency in

    accordance with their requirements.

    b. The occupants/residents/Registered Persons shall have to observe

    the Rules, Regula t io ns and ins t ruc t ions o f the

    concerned department/agency/ company whose services are being

    utilized.. If for any reason, the facilities to be provided by the

    department/agency/company are delayed, Authority shall accept no

    liability, even if there is a breakdown in services.

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    a. Application for water connection shall be made on the prescribed form to theDirector (Maintenance). The applicant shall also be required to pay waterconnection fee as fixed by the Authority.

    b. The applicant shall also pay for the supply of water as per meter reading or flatrate as decided by the Authority.

    c. Special rates for supply of water, as decided by the Authority, shall becharged at the time of new construction, addition or alteration etc.

    d. In case of disconnection of water supply service by the Authority, theperson shall be liable to pay monthly charges of water supply during thedisconnection period, as per routine. The Registered person shall also payre-connection charges as prescribed by the Authority by restoration ofdisconnected water supply.

    e. The Registered Person shall be liable to make the payment of any arrearswith penalty or fine imposed by the Authority.

    f. No person shall be permitted to bore well/tube well/water pump foralternate supply of water or install motor/pump directly on the watersupply line in any way. If a person commits any such act or omission, shallbe liable to fine prescribed by the Authority.

    g. The Authority may allow boring of shallow pumps only for constructionpurposes and upon completion of the construction the bore shall bedestroyed.

    h. Separate charges shall be levied for the house having swimming pool ormaintaining lawn to adjacent open plot as per DHA rules.


    a At the time of completion. Authority shall provide the facility of sewerage by

    connecting the house to the main network of sewerage system. The

    Registered Person shall pay connection charges as well as monthly sewerage

    charges as decided by the Authority from time to time.

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    b. Registered Person shall construct a septic tank and maintain iteffectively so that partially treated sewage flows into the seweragesystem.

    c. No person shall be allowed to connect his sewerage with the mainsewerage network himself. For this he has to apply the Authority,otherwise he shall be liable to pay fine prescribed by the Authority.

    d. Incase of disconnection of the sewerage service by the Authority, monthlybill of sewerage shall be charged as per normal routine for disconnectionperiod. The Registered Person shall pay reconnection charges asprescribed by the Authority for sewerage service.

    e. In case a building is occupied without applying for sewerage opening thedate of sewerage opening shall be considered as one and a half year fromthe date of approval of drawing or date of occupation of building whichever is earlier. In such case the Authority may levy fine for this violation.


    a. Authority has designed its services on the basis of one house per plot. TheAuthority may at its discretion al low the sub-division of two kanal plotscorner or duplex only, into two equal parts, Plot shall be sub-divided onlyafter the area is fully developed and finally demarcated, provided that:

    i. The application for sub-division/additional unit shall be made on theprescribed from.

    ii. All dues pertaining to the plot have been cleared. Separate watersupply and sewerage connection shall be provided by the Authorityon payment of prescribed charges.

    iii. The site plan issued by the Building Control Section shall be attached

    with the application.

    iv. Sub-division/addi tional unit fee shall be paid through a challan fromissued by the Authority.

    v. In case of house the applicant shall submit 6 prints of approved)drawing for each unit, with the application.

    vi, Sub-division of duplex shall only be allowed when both portions have

    reached minimum up to plinth level.

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    b. Corner plot of two kanal size may be sub-divided even before constructionsubject to the following conditions:-

    i. Separate sewer and water connection shall be obtained on the payment ofrequisite fee.

    ii. Clear spaces of one kanal shall be applicable to the sub-divided unitsof two kanal plots.

    c. Division of house (duplex), other than non- corner, shall be as per sketchgiven at annexA.

    d. Sub-division of corner plots shall be as per sketch given at annex B.


    Combination/Amalgamation of two or more plots for making one building shall not be allowedunless otherwise mentioned below:-

    a. Amalgamation of plots shall only be permitted subject to payment ofrequisite fee as prescribed by the Authority.

    b. Two residential plots of one kanal or below may only be amalgamatedsuch that maximum plot size for residential buildings shall not be morethan 2 kanals.

    c. Any number of commercial plots may be Combined/amalgamated.

    d. Hard or Soft Landscaping done for the purposes of beautifyingamalgamated adjoining plot provided that such structure is of temporarynature allowing no human or other habitation therein.


    a. The Sub Division of amalgamated plots shall be permitted subject topayment of requisite fee to the Authority.

    b. 2 Kanal plots upto 3 plots can be amalgamated subject to payment of requisitefees as decided by DHA. Foot print area of amalgamated plots will notexceeded 9000 sft for 2 plots and 12000 sft for 3 plots.

    c. Constructed houses will not be amalgamated. However 1 x house and1 x open plot can be amalgamated.

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    The development charges shall be worked out tentatively subject to finalization ofdevelopment works and the person shall be responsible to pay the balance. If anyon completion of the development work.




    a. Every person who intends to carry out building works within thearea of Authority shall comply with the requirements of theseRegulations.

    b. Applicat ion for erection, construct ion addition alteration, majorrenovation and demolition of building shall be made to the

    Authority on the prescribed form for obtaining approval from theAuthority for such erection, construction, addition alteration ormajor renovation.

    c. No erection, construction, addition, alteration or major renovation anddemolition etc, shall be allowed without the prior approval by theAuthority.


    Application for erection, construction, addition or alteration of building shall be madeto the Authority with the following documents.

    a. Six sets of drawings and one original on tracing cloth.

    b. Copy of Site Plan showing the north direction, boundaries ofproposed plot, adjacent plot, roads and the block, sector in which theplot is located.

    c. Copy of computerized national identity card (C.N.I.C.)Andallotment/transfer letter.

    d. Paid challan for dues.

    e. Undertakings required under these Regulations.


    The building plan/drawings, signed by qualified architect, shall be submitted bythe Registered Person to the DHA {Building Control Section), indicating the foll-owing details:

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    a. External dimensions of the main building, with and without extendedportions.

    b. The thickness and composition of all beams/columns/lintels and other,RCC components and all other supports.

    c. Schedule of open and covered area.

    d. Positions and dimensions of all projections beyond the walls.

    e. Internal dimensions of all rooms.

    f. Lay out of water supply including construction details of undergroundand over head water tanks.

    g. Detail of ramp with the help of cross section.

    h. Layout of sewerage system, proposed and existing drains, prives,kitchen, gutters and spouts and cross section of septic tanks.

    j. Schedule of steel reinforcement of roofs, beams and lintelsand other RCC elements.

    k. Location of kitchen greases traps and screens.

    l. The level and width of the foundations and level of the groundfloor and each floor with reference to the level of the center of theroad on which the front of the proposed building is to abut.

    m. The dimensions of all rooms and positions of doors, windowsand ventilators in each room of every storey. Schedule ofdoors and windows indicating cill level.

    n. Overall height of building including overhead water tank,staircase, machine room for lift and parapet walls etc. if any.

    o. Cross-section of boundary wall towards road.

    p. Details for foundations, plinth, super structure, roof, joinery,walls up to the roof level and parapet of the upper storiestogether with size and number of iron bars to be used in pillars,beams and slabs etc.

    q. Assessment of electric load in the proposed building.

    r. Site plan of the plot including width of road and key plan of layout ofbuildings.

    s. Plan and elevation at the minimum scale of 1 inch=8ft.

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    t. Sectional drawings at the minimum scale of 1 inch=4ft.

    u. A certificate from the registered engineer/architect that all componentsof the building have been designed by him or rechecked in case thesame have been originally designed by some one other than the enlistedarchitect/engineer.

    v. A structure stabi l i ty cert i f icate for resident ial bui ldings f rom theregistered structural engineer where as for commercial buildings

    signed by a qualified structure engineer with valid registration withPakistan Engineering Council as consulting Engineer (M. Sc Structure),with min 5 years experience shall be submitted alongwith buildingplans of mul ti storey buildings of public assembly.

    w. The applicant shall on demand produce all necessary details of thestructural designs/calculations in order to ensure the safety of thebuildings.


    a. The Authority Shall scrutinize the drawings and documents with in 30days.

    b. The Authority may reject the application and return the drawing anddocuments, if plans are unintelligible, ambiguous or are in contraventionto the Regulations by giving reason in writing for such refusal or return.

    c. The Authority also reserves the right of rejecting the plans or suggestingany modification which through may not contravene with the Regulationsbut are injurious to health, welfare, safety and comfort of the residents andtheir interests.

    d. The applicant may resubmit such an application after necessarymodifications, corrections and rectification/removal of observations inthe drawings and documents, On resubmission it shall be deemed, as ifthe fresh application has been submitted and a period of 30 days forapproval shall again commence from the date of resubmission.

    e. After the approval the applicant shall collect the documents in person.

    f. Any oversight in the scrutiny of documents and drawing at the time of theapproval and sanction of the building plan shall not entitle the person toviolate the Regulations.


    a. Every Registered Person, intending to carry out entirely new building work orto involve in addition, alteration or demolition, shall engage aregistered engineer/architect to supervise the work.

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    b. Architects shall be required to know the regulations policiesand procedures, in order to avoid any confusion and difficultiesto the Registered Person. He shall also ensure that he keepshimself updated about any changes or modifications in the regulations.

    c. A certificate as per Annex C duly signed by the architect, shall beobtained by the Registered Person and shall be submitted to the

    Authority for such work, which is executed under the supervision of

    such experts.

    d. The Authority reserves the right of blacklisting the architects or suchother person/person whose, in opinion of the Authority performance/attitude towards the profession is objectionable.


    a. The Registered Person shall commence construction of the buildingwithin a period of 3 years from the date the area has been openedfor possession/construction by the Authority failing which the personshall be liable to pay non -construction penalty as prescribed by the


    b. The person shall complete the building within a period of two yearsreckoned from the date of approval of the drawing by the Authority,failing which the Authority may impose penalty/fine for non-completion.

    c. The drawing shall remain valid for two years from the date of itsapproval.


    a. Registered Person shall have to leave the following minimum clear

    spaces for each category of plotFront Rear Side Side

    (i) 2 kanal plots 20ft 9inch 8ft 4 inch 5ft 4 inch 5ft 4 inch

    (ii) 1 kanal plots 15 ft 9 inch 5ft 4 inch 5ft 4 inch 5ft 4 1/2 inch

    (iii) 10 marlas plots 10 ft 9 inch 5ft 4 inch 5ft 4 i inch

    (iv) 7/5 marlas plot 5ft 3 ft 3 ft

    Note: Front clear space for 2 kanal plot will be 15 feet 9 inches if itlies in the row of 1 kanal plots. However, covered area of 1st floorwill be calculated considering front clear space 20 feet 9inches

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    b. For odd shaped/non-standard plots the requirements of clear spaces wouldbe governed as stated below.

    I. The open area required to be left as clear spaces on each side and isto be kept clear in totality instead of uniform space from the boundarywall.

    II. The total area permissible to be covered could be built leaving the restas open.

    III. In case of non standard plots covered area proportionate to theplots size may be covered leaving the rest as open space on varioussides.

    IV The width of clear space on any side, for any size of plot would notbe less than 3ft-9 inch (including the thickness of boundarywall).

    Note: No construction, even temporary shall be carried out in the clear spacesexcept stairs for basement {2.5 feet wide) under ground water tank, drains,septic tanks, sewers and spiral steel stairs at the rear if servant quarter islocated at the first floor, Pergola shall not be extended into clear space

    Sunken area can be extended into clear space leaving 2.5 feet wide clearpassage only in case of construction of basement.


    a. Maximum height of residential building of any type shall not exceed 30 feetfrom road for phase I to IV whereas it can be 35 feet for such buildings in phaseV and onward.

    b. The height of sector shop shall be restricted to a maximum of 18 feetfrom the crown of the road.

    c. The height of car porch if resting on boundary wall shall not be less than9 feet and not more than the roof level of ground floor.

    d. Height of sector shops in Ph-IV shall be 33 feet, allowing construction ofbasement (ground+ mezzanine) and first floor.

    e. Maximum height of buildings in Commercial Zones shall be as follow:-

    (1) Phases I to IV

    (a) For 4 to 20 Maria Plots Height of building may be increased to 50feet for accommodating machine room for lift and water tank andstair mumtee (Ground floor, mezzanine and two floors).

    (b) For plots more than 20mariabutupto 3 kanals.

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    (i) The height of building may not be exceed 72 feet includingmachine room for lift, water tank and stair mumtee (ground floor,mezzanine and four floors).

    (ii) Additional floors may be allowed to the existing configurationof building in commercial area. Maximum height ofcommercial buildings constructed on plot more than 20 Marlabut upto 3 kanal shall be 72 feet from adjacent road level subjectto the satisfying the authority with respect to the structurestrength/stability.

    (c) For plots more than 3 kanal upto 6 kanal

    (i) Maximum height of commercial building constructed on plotmeasuring more than 3 kanal upto 6 kanal with single basement forparking and ground, mezzanine and four floors shall be 72 feet fromadjacent road including stair mumtee, machine room for lift andoverhead water tank.

    (ii) Maximum height of commercial building constructed on plotmeasuring more than 3 kanal upto 6 kanal with double basementfor parking and ground mezzanine and five floors shall be 82 feet

    from adjacent road including stair mumtee machine room for lift andoverhead water tank

    (d) For plots more than 6 kanal Maximum height of commercial buildingconstructed on plot measuring more than 6 kanal shall be decided bythe executive Board on case to case basis.

    (2) Phases V Onwards

    (a) For 4 to 20 Marla plots Height of building shall be 72 feet includingmachine room for lift, water tank and stair mumtee (Ground floor,mezzanine and four floors)

    (b) For plots more than 20 Marla upto 3 kanal Height of building shall be

    82 feet including machine room for lift, water tank and stair mumtee(Ground floor, mezzanine and five floors) and minimum two basement forparking.

    (c) For Plots more than 3 kanal Maximum height of commercial buildingconstructed on plot measuring more than 3 kanal shall be decided bythe Executive Board on case to case basis.

    (3) Height of Building Commercial Broadway Phase-VIII

    (a) Height of 4 Marls plot will be 72 feet.

    (b) In case of amalgamation, height of original unit is to be maintained

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    A. In case of Residential Buildings

    a. Basement 100% of allowable covered area excluding porch area.

    b. Ground Floor Refer to regulation No 23

    c. First floor if construction is envisaged on the first floor, covered area of first floor

    shall not exceed 75% of the total permissible area, of the ground floorirrespective of the area covered at the ground floor, the second floor shall not bepermitted However for 5 and 7 marlas plot 100% area of Ground Floor may becovered at First Floor.

    d. 2 feet wide sun/rain shade shall be permitted however, the shade cannotbe combined with open terrace except on front side. This shade shall notbe used as balcony, walkway and passage however, concrete/bricksparapet wall & railing may be allowed

    e. Towards front porch roof shall be projected as cantilever maximum of 2feet provided no construction shall be made on the extended portion.

    f. Folding Shelter can be used to extend car porch by maximum of 6 feetfrom the edge, of the car porch for use as sunshade for parking vehiclesas per sketch annexed as Annex D

    g. No balcony shall be made on the sides

    h. Maximum number of porches which may rest on boundary wall:-2 Kanal Two

    1 Kanal One (Corner plot shall have two)

    10 marla or less One

    (1) Depth of car porch shall not be less than 12 feet excluding 2 feet projection, where

    as maximum depth shall not exceed 18 feet excluding 2 feet projection if resting onboundary wall

    (2) Explanation: Covering open area and pergola with fiberglass, steel structure,asbestos, cement sheet and with other similar material shall be taken as covered


    B. In Case of Commercial Building s

    a. Basement 100% of plot leaving space for septic tankand under ground water tank

    b. Ground floor 100 % of plot

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    c. Mezzanine floor 70% of shop area excluding verande

    d. 1st floor & onward 100%

    C. In Case of Sector Shop,

    a. Ground floor 100%

    b. Mezzanine floor 75%


    a. The top of plinth of the buildings shall not be less than 1.5 feet from thecrown of the adjoining road, in case of building without basement and 3 ft- 6 inch incase of building with basement.

    b. Lawn level/top of ramp and clear spaces shall be 6 inch higher than thecrown of the adjoining road in order to have smooth slope of ramp. Ramp

    shall be made as per approved plan of the Authority.


    a. Registered Person who constructs boundary walls first shall be entitled to make9 inch thick wall using 4 1/2 inch of the adjoining plot, provided the layout, hasbeen got approved from the Authority However no space from Right of Way(ROW) of Road/street shall be utilized for this purposes. The boundary wall shall

    be considered as Common Boundary Wall and both neighbors shall have fullright to use it on their respective sides/top. The maximum height of boundarywall shall be 7 feet from the crown of the adjacent road, however 2 feet high steelgrill can be erected on top of the boundary wall for security purposes.

    b. Before starting main building, boundary wall shall be got checked at groundlevel.

    c. The gate of the house of the corner plot shall not be provided in thechamfered portion of the boundary wall.


    A water channel of 3 inch x 6 inch size shall be constructed in line with boundary wall inside thegate This drain shall suitably be disposed off into septic tank of the house.


    a. The minimum size of living room shall be less than 100 square feet (minimumdimension not less than 9 feet). All rooms shall be well lit and well ventilated.

    b. The height of ceiling of living rooms in residential building shall not beless than 10 feet or more than 12 feet for ground and first floors for phases1 to IV Minimum height of ceiling for phase V and onward shall be 9 feet 6inches where as maximum height shall be 12 feet.

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    c. Height of ceiling of basement shall not be less than 9 feet and more than 10feet.


    The maximum size of machine room for lift will be75sft and area of stair mumtee will be asfollow within permissible height:-

    a. 10 Marls plot & below - 100Sftb. More than 10 Maria to 1 Kanal plot - 175 Sft

    c. 2 Kanal and above plot - 225 Sft

    Note: Incase of amalgamation of plots, area of stair mumtee will be same as oforiginal unit.


    Construction of swimming pool shall not be permitted in the residential building having arealess that one kanal and the construction of swimming pool on roof top of first floor shall alsobe not allowed


    a. Single storey basement shall be permitted in the residential area. In suchcases, the height of plinth of ground floor shall be 3 ft-6 inch fromthe crown of adjoining road, However height of plinth of ground floorcan be relaxed upto the normal plinth level where sunken area is allowed.

    b. Sunken area can be extended into clear space leaving at least 2.5 feet wideclear passage.

    c. Construction of basement is optional for residential building


    Every Registered Person shall be bound to get construction verified from theEngineering branch of the Authority at the following stages in order to avoid violations of theRegulations.

    a. When the layout has been completed before starting the work.

    b. On completion of the boundary wail at Natural Ground Level.

    c. On construction of the main building upto DPCIevel.

    d. Before pouring of roof slab of the ground floor.

    e. On raising of 1st floor structure one foot above roof of ground floor.

    f. Before pouring roof slab of 1st


    g. On Construction of septic tank and ramp.

    h. On final completion before occupation at the time of getting sewer connectionopened.

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    Note: Permission to proceed further after inspection of a stage does notabsolve the registered person from his responsibility toconstruct a house free of violations in case some violations areobserved at any stage the registered person shall have toget these regularized/ removed as soon as such a violation isintimated to him by the Authority.


    a. The authorized officer/staff of the Authority may inspect the premises, atany time during execution of work or after the completion withoutgiving prior notice, to ensure the compliance of the regulations and checkviolations. If the Registered Person denies inspection, the authority maydisconnect water supply sewerage services and a fine may be imposed.Water supply sewerage services shall be restored on payment of fine (if any)and restoration charges.

    b. If on such inspection, it is found that the building works contravene toany of the regulations, the Authority shall give due notice to theRegistered Person with the object of bringing the works in conformityto the approved plan or stop the work till the approval of amended/revisedplan.

    c. In the event of non-compliance the work shall not be proceeded furtherand the Authority may order to demolish that much of the constructionas contra venus to any of the Regulations at the cost of the person,The Authority reserves the right to disconnect or refuse any or all theservices and impose fine. Water supply and sewerage services shall berestored on payment of fine {if any) and restoration charges.

    d. If the Registered Person is dissatisfied with the notice under Regulation35 (b) he/she can file an appeal before the administrator within 15 daysto reconsider the case, provided that work is suspended on filing of thesaid appeal and till the decision of such appeal. The Authority shalldecide the said appeal after hearing the appellant within such period

    as consented or agreed upon.

    e. If the appeal is rejected, the appellant shall be bound to rectifythe violation with in such period as specified in the decision made onsaid appeal.


    The Registered person shall construct underground and over head water tank in thehouse/shop. He shall make arrangements for pumping water from underground water tankto overhead water tank. The Authority shall be responsible to ensure that the water reachesunderground water tank.

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    36. GUARD POST

    In a residential building a guard post may be constructed having size of 5ft x 5ft. with a

    maximum height of eight feet from the road level adjoining to the main gate towards the lawn.


    a On completion of building the Registered Person shall contract Authority

    for sewer connection before occupation of the building.

    b. The Registered Person shall submit two copies of completion drawing

    two photograph of 6 inch x 4 inch size showing front elevation of the

    building and 2 more for side elevation in case of corner plot along with

    requisite fee for issuance of completion certificate.

    c. Completion certificate shall be issued normally within 20 days, if no violation

    is observed and construction is found in accordance with the approved

    drawing. Date of completion shall be treated as 1.5 year from the date of

    approval of drawing or opening sewer whichever is earlier.

    d. Registered Person is bound to obtain completion certificate within 2

    years of approval of drawing failing which fine shall be levied per month.


    The following shall also be considered as construction violations.

    a. Sewer manhole shall not be tempered for drainage of surface water.

    b. Ramp slope must finish within 5 ft from the boundary wall and driveway shall have a slope conforming to road slope towards the house.

    c. Since the area outside the boundary wall is liable to be dug by theAuthority for providing connection/carrying out repairs wi thoutintimation therefore the Registered Persons must not construct costlyramps.

    d. No water points/taps shall be installed outside the commercial buildingas well as outside the boundary wall the residential building.

    e. Permanent fence, rockery hedge and other permanent structure outside the boundary wall shall not be permitted.

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    f. Earth filling out side the boundary wall shall be 2 inches below the adjo iningroad edge. Authority reserves the right to work there whenever theneed a rises or it wishes to widen the Road.

    g. No permanent or temporary guard post including tents shall be madeout side the boundary wall.

    h. Damaging the Road by mixing concrete or cutting/bending steel barson the road, placing concrete mixer on road berm.

    j. Cutt ing the Road surface wi thout wr it ten approval from the Author ityor causing damage to the road or erecting speed breakers or anyother obstruction on road shall not be permitted.


    a. Basement may be constructed under verandah by leaving space oneither side to accommodate under ground water tank and septic tank.The level of verandah shall be kept at the same level as that ofexis ting building on either side in that row.

    b. The slope of verandah floor shall be 1:20 width or verandah shall be 8feet between the wall and the outer side of verandah pillars forcommercial buildings, whereas for sector shops and commercial plotshaving two marla areas the clear verandah of 6 feet shall be constructed.

    c. The person may construct one or two shops in the availablefrontage.

    d. The person shall ensure the fulfillment of the following standards:-

    i. Floor level of the shop shall be 1 ft 6 inch above the roadlevel for shops without basement and 3 ft - 6 inch for shops with


    ii. No spouts shall be fixed on the top roof for drainage ofwater. It shall be drained through down pipes.

    Iii. Height of the ground floor excluding the roof thickness shallnot be more than 16 feet if mezzanine floor is constructed andshall not be less than 12 feet without mezzanine floor whereasminimum height of first floor and second floor excluding roofthickness shall be 10 feet. Minimum height, if mezzanine flooris constructed, shall be 8 feet. Clear head room of mezzanine floorshall not be less than 7 feet.

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    iv. Mezzanine floor may be allowed at ground floor only up to70% of ground floor area excluding verandah. The approach tothe mezzanine floor shall be from the ground floor shop. Areaadjacent to verandah shall be kept void. No access shall beprov ided to mezzanine floor from the stairs leading to upper floors.

    v. For the first and onward, the person shall make the stairs in

    his own space excluding verandah.

    vi. The fascia shall be provided at the roof level of ground floorand first floor , which should be 2 feet wide to fix the hoarding etc.Sponsored hoardings are not permitted.

    vii. No step are allowed to be constructed in the verandah toaccess shop or upper floor these shall be planned within the shops.

    e. Joining of two independent buildings/shops through inter connectingDoor/opening shall not be permitted.

    f. 2 feet projection is allowed towards road side but no construction shall bepermitted on the projection.

    g. Layout of sewerage shall show grease trap, screen, main hole, septic tank etc.

    h. Foundation shall not be permitted to extend beyond the property line.

    j. No. ramp shal l be constructed in commercial area but hard standing witha gradient of 1:300 shall be constructed sloping from road edge toproperty line, terminating into a masonry drain of approved designedand size, covered with steel grating to receive storm water. Thedrain would be linked to service sewer through septic tank. There shallbe no separation between adjacent hard standings.

    k. Obstruction of any nature, such as steps (concrete, steel,wooden) placing of flower pots, erection of any fence/structure andstorage of any items in verandah of any shops/building shall not bepermitted it shal l be used as free passage only.

    I. Basement parking in all commercial buildings having area more than4 kanals shall be compulsory.

    m. Machine room for lift is permitted to be constructed on roof top up to 75 sq.feet but within permissible height.

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    n. Staircase {Mumtee) is permitted to be constructed on rooftop withinpermissible height as follow:-

    (1) 4 Maria commercial plot - 150 Sft

    (2) 8 Maria commercial plot & above - 275 Sft

    Note: Incase of amalgamation of plots, area of stair mumtee will be sameas of original unit.


    a. Clear Space; Clear space having a width of 8 feet shall be left on bothsides of bu i l d i n g to accommodate services, providing a i rcirculation/sunlight to the occupants of building and caters foremergency requirements such as access for the fire fighting etc.

    b. Number of floor; Maximum number of floor can be four (i.e. Ground,

    Mezzanine plus three floors) with single basement parking or five (i.e. Ground.Mezzanine plus four floors) in case of double basement parking inPhase-l to IV.

    c. Const of Basement; For construction of basement beyond 15 feetdepth, (one basement plus lower ground floor) from Road level, RCCpiling along all the four sides of the plot after leaving four feet clear spaceis must. The design of RCC piling will be based on the soil investigationreport and the design shall be submitted along with the building plan.

    d. Width; Minimum width of main corridors shall not be less than 10 feet.However corridors serving up to three shops only can have a width of 8 feet.

    e. Size of shop; Minimum size of individual shops shall not be less than150 square feet.

    f. Parking space; Minimum parking space in the basement shall be one parkingbay for every 1000 square feet of covered area (excluding basement Area).for providing required space two basements can be constructed. Sufficientspace for surface parking shall also be depressed by 20 feet for entirelength of on all sides (facing Road) supported on columns, if required.Construction of first second and onward up to plot line on sides (facingRoad)shall be anyhow be permitted.

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    g. Reserved Parking Area; One parking per 9000 square feet for coveredarea shall be reserved in surface parking close to main entrance forhandicapped/senior citizen which shall be marked as such prominently.

    h. Minimum Accesses; Minimum two accesses i.e two stairs or twoescalator or one stair and one escalator (other than lifts) shall beprovided if the plot size is upto 3 kanals. One additional accesses shall beprovided for every subsequent area of 2 kanals or its fraction. In case of

    double basement parking or number of floors more than 3 it shall bemandatory to provide one lift/escalator providing access throughlift/escalator to all the floors.

    i. Public Toilets; Public toilets (separate for gents and ladies) shallbe provided on each floor. One toilet each for ladies and gents wouldbe mandatory for covered area of 4500 square feet and its fraction.

    j. Fi re Fighting; Latest fi re alarm and fi re fighting systems shal l beinsta lled in all the buildings constructed on large size plots.

    k. Maximum Height; Maximum height of commercial buildingcons tru cted on plot more than 3 kanal but upto 6 kanal shall be 72 feet, 82feet as per para 25d(1)(c).

    I . H igh Rise Bu i ld ings ; Max imum he igh t o f commerc ia l bu i ld ing(constructed on plots measuring more than 6 kanals) shall be decided bythe executive board on case to case basis.

    Other byelaws pertaining to commercial buildings, not specially covered above for largesize plots, shall be applicable to the commercial buildings constructed on large size plots.


    a. Parking Space; All Educational institutions shall leave 20 feet wide parkingspace in addition to the Road Space (ROW) on all the sides of theirhaving roads. Parking shall also be provided in the basement forveh icles of the staff as approved by the Authority.

    b. Clear Spaces: All Educational institutions shall leave 30 feet clearspace at front whereas 10 feet space at other three sides between thecompound wall and the building line.

    c. Ventilation: Each classroom should have at least two doors, one oneach end for better and free ventilation Adequate cross/forcedventilation shall be provided at opposite directions.

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    d. Lavatories; An adequate number of lavatories should be provided ateach floor.

    e. Water Points; Electric water cooler shall be provided on as required basis.

    f. Residential Accommodation; No residential accommodation shall be built forthe staff in the premises allocated for institute. However guardrooms may beconstructed in the premises with the approval of the Authority.

    g. Height of Rooms:

    (1) Minimum 12 feet clear height from floor to ceiling shallbe provided for main rooms such as classrooms.

    (2) Within compound, height of activity rooms like hallslaboratories, library etc shall be 12 to 15 feet. The clearheight of these rooms may be 10 feet, if air conditioning isproposed and implemented.

    (3) In off ice complex floor to ceiling height shall not be less than 10feet.

    (4) In basement floor to ceiling height shall not be less than 9 feet.

    h. Master plan: School administration shall submit a Master Plan ofthe use of space even if they may not be interested to construct thetotal area initially. The master plan shall clearly indicate the playingareas, which shall never be utilized for cons t ruc t i on pu rpos es .Th e as se ss me nt of su ch ar eas sh al l be made keepingin view the standard sizes of playground for various games. Above2nd storey all storeys be used for senior classes.

    j. Building Height;

    (1) Minimum height of the educational institutions shall berestricted to 44 feet with three storeys, if it is constructedin area other than residential area, whereas it shall be 30 feetwith two storeys in residential area.

    (2) In Phase-V and onward height of the educationalinstitutions shall not be less than 40 feet and not more than 72feet.

    k. M.I. Rooms; A room for medical treatment shall be provided.

    I. Grill Height;

    Height of grill in front of verandah at upper storeys shall not beless than 6 feet and spacing between grill rods also not more than 6inches.

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    m. Fire Protection;

    (1) Building shall be planned, designed and constructed to ensureelaborate fire safety to the property and inhabitants.

    (2) All education institut ions shall be bound to provide at leastone fire extinguisher in each floor with indication the locationof the same in the proposed plan.

    (3) The thickness of all wall enclosing stair case shall not be less than 9

    inches in case brick masonry and not less than 6 inches in case ofRCC.

    (4) Standard fire alarm/ protection system shall be installed in allschool buildings.

    (5) All other rules/construction byelaws of DHA will be adhered to.

    Note:- The Authority can take any action deemed fit and proper, inrespect of any violation done by anyone. Therefore, noviolation done by an person would be treated as precedent for theothers.



    a. Buildings shall be planned, designed and constructed to ensureadequate fire safety to the property and inhabitants.

    b. All Registered Persons shall be bound to provide at least onefire extinguisher in each house/building, indicating the location of thesame in the proposed Plan.

    c. The thickness of all wall enclosing stair case shall be 9 inches in caseof brick masonry or 4 inches of RCC.

    d. Standard fire alarm/protection system shall be installed in all schoolsand other commercial buildings.


    State of the art security, system, approved by the Authority shall be mandatory for allbuildings constructed in phase V and onward.

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    a. Subject to grant of permission by the Authority and payment of fee asprescribed by the Authority from time to time, sky boards can beerected on the rooftops of buildings in commercial area by theowners/tenants of the buildings only. Rooftops cannot be rented outby the owners/tenants to any other person/ party for advertisementpurposes.

    Note:- An sky board erected beyond 54 feet shall be demolished by theAuthority at the risk and cost of owner/tenant.

    b. The owner/tenant shall get the permission from the Authority prior toinstallation of sky boards. For the purpose of obtaining permission, theowner/tenant shall submit following documents with the application:-

    I. Structural drawing of the sky boards.

    II. Stability certificate from a qualified structural engineer.

    III. Copy of matter to be displayed on the sky board.

    IV. Affidavit tat owner/tenant shall compensate damages to thepersons/property of others if caused due to failure/falling ofthe sky boards and that the owner/tenant shall remove the sky

    board without any claim/charges as and when ordered by theAuthority.

    Permission for installation/erection of sky boards shall be granted for one year.Application for renewal shall be submitted by the owner/tenant at least one monthbefore the date of expiry of permission, failing which the board shall be removed by the

    Au thor it y at the risk ad cost of the owner/ tenant wi thou t se rv ing any no ti ce .


    Subject to grant of permission by the Authority and payment of fee as prescribed by theAuthority from time to time antennas/communications towers for transmission ofdata/communication etc. can be installed/erected on the rooftops of buildings incommercial areas by the owner/tenants of the buildings only. Rooftops cannot be rented by

    the own/tenant to any other person/party for installation/erection of antenna.

    The owner/tenant shall get the permission from the Authority prior toinstallation/erection of antenna/communication tower. For the purpose of obtainingpermission the owner/ tenant shall submi t fol lowing documents with the application:-

    I. Structural drawing of the antenna.

    II. Stability certificate from a qualified structural engineer.

    III. Affidavit that owner/tenant shall compensate damages to thepersons/property of others if caused due to the failure/falling of theantenna/Communication tower and that the owner/tenant shall remove the

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    antenna/communication tower without any claim/charges as andwhen ordered by the Authority. Affidavit shall include statement thatall the formalities prescribed by different agencies of theGovernment for installation/erection of antennas/communicationtower have been completed.

    IV. Permission/Al location of Frequency letter from PakistanTelecommunication Authority certifying that the setup is

    permitted to install such an antenna/communication tower.

    V. Copies of requisite certificates obtained from different agenciesof the Government including NOC from Headquarters SignalsLahore Corps for installation/erection of antennas/communicationtowers.

    c. Permission for installation/erection of antenna/communication tower shallbe granted for one year Application for renewal shall be submitted by theowner/tenant at least one month before the date of expiry of permissionfailing which the antenna/communication tower shall be removed by the

    Authority at the risk and cost of the owner/tenant without serving any notice

    d. Red revolving/blinking light, used for warning to the aircraft etc. shall

    be installed and maintained at all the time. In case of failures to ensurethis the Authority has the right to cancel the permission without noticeand remove/demolish the antenna/communication tower immediately.


    (i) Independent Antenna Tower with base on ground can be allowed forGovernment Organizations only and that too within theirown premises and after obtaining permission from the Authority.

    (ii) Any antenna/Communication tower projecting beyond 94 feet heightshall be demolished removed by the authority at the risk and cost of theowner/tenant.



    Neon, plastic and painted sign boards can be displayed by the owner/tenant of ashop subject to following provisions:-

    a. Signboard shall not be sponsored.

    b. Height of signboard shall not be more than 4 feet, and length will notbe more than front of the shop Maximum depth for back lit boards willbe 10 inches.

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    c. Signboard shall be displayed on front side only for non-corner shopswhere as for corner shops it can be displayed on front as well as on side of theshop Length of signboard on open side of corner shop will not be more than thewidth of veranda.

    d. Neon/other signboards can be displayed on rooftop subject to byelawspertaining to these.

    e. Signboard shall not be displayed on pillars or placed on ground.

    f. Signboards shall be fixed properly. Owner/tenant will compensate damage tothe persons/property of others if caused due to failure/falling of the sign board.

    Note:- If the signboards are installed in violation to byelaws. these will beremoved by the Author ity at the r isk and the cost of theowner/tenant without serving any notice and member would be liableto pay penalty imposed by the Authority.


    No constructions, erection, alteration and installation shall be allowed for the purposes ofthe following businesses in commercial areas without prior written permission of the


    a. Hotels restaurants and takeaway.

    b. Auto works hops and repair shops.

    c. Industrial activities.

    d. Mutton/beef, chicken shops, vegetable/fruit shops {only allowed insector shops).

    e. Any other activity of public nuisance or environmental pollution.


    Hospitals, Clinics and Laboratories will not be allowed to be constructed on Commercial plotsother than those earmarked for construction of such buildings in the town plan.


    a. Every commercial building having an area of 4500 square feet orabove shall have at least one access/exit for the disabled persons, whichshall be indicated with proper signage. The entrance shall bethrough a ramp (slope not more than 25 degrees with non-slipsurface) together with stepped entry. If floor of the building is morethan two steps high or the riser of step is equal to or more than 6inches ramp, thus provided shall start in line with the lowest steps butinside the property line.

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    b. Space for parking of one car at road level near the main entrance withmaximum travel distance of 20 feet to the main entrance and one in thebasement parking (if provided) for every 4500 square feet of area.

    c. Handrail shall be provided with the ramp if the numbers of steps are morethan four.

    50. PRIVACY

    a. The construction and erection shall be carried out on the norms of privacyof the neighbors.

    b. Keeping in view the sanctity of the privacy of the neighbors window cillsand pardoh walls of the servant's quarters shall be kept at 7 feet from thefloor.


    Generators shall not be used as a prime source of electric supply. It may be usedas standby with following conditions.

    a. Noise beyond the boundary limit shall not be more than 15 decibel.Proper arrangements for noise control shall be made.

    b. Generator can only be placed in basement or in front lawn 5 Feet awayfrom common boundary wall. The generator shall not be placed in rear &side clear spaces.

    The maximum capacity of generator shall be 25 KV for the residential building.


    a. There is positive evidence of the presence of white ants in the area ofthe Authority. Registered Persons are advised to carry out termiteproofing.

    b. Green belts shall always be kept lower than the road berm falling whichit shall be dozed off by the Authority, without giving any notice.

    c. Washing of cars outside the house is not permitted.

    d. Garbage shall not be thrown in front of houses/shops/ publicbuildings. Garbage shall be placed in basket, which shall be fixed onthe boundary wall of the houses from where Authority staff shall pick upthe garbage for disposal. The Authority shall provide basket on payment.Shopkeepers shall place dustbin in front of their shops and place thegarbage in dustbin, from were it should be picked up under Authorityarrangement.

    e. In order to avoid inconvenience to the customers, air conditioners shallbe installed at the height of 8 feet from the level of verandah and properarrangements shall be made for drainage of water, preferably split typeof air conditions may be installed.

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    f. Wall chalking, writing on walls and pasting of posters etc. on the wallshall not be allowed.


    a. The Authority shall have the exclusive powers to develop, maintain, protect,up grade and to make proper maintenance and administration of theGraveyard, for the welfare and facility of the resident Registered Persons only.

    b. The corpse of the Registered person, their spouses, parents and dependentchildren can be buried in the graveyards managed and maintained bythe Authority where as in exceptional circumstances the corpse of anotherperson may be allowed to buried with the permission of the President DHAonly.


    a. Buildings erected by or on behalf of Government or the Authority maybe exempted from these regulations.

    b. The Authority may also wave off the application of these regulations inspecial cases of research and new form of construction at its



    If the building works shall be commercial or carried out contrary to the provisions of theseregulations/approved building plan the Authority shall.

    a. By written show cause notice require the Registered Person, who is carryingout such building works to stop all work forthwith.

    b. If such person fails to show suffici ent cause to the satisfac tion ofthe Authority why such building works or part there of shall not beremoved or altered, the Authority may take the following actions.

    i. Require the person who has carried out the works against the provisions ofthese regulations/approved building plans or order him to demolish thewhole building or part thereof.

    ii. In case of failure to demolish the unauthorized works, the Authorityshall demolish such works at the risk and cost of the RegisteredPerson, in case of non compliance registration may be cancelled andpremises may be taken over by the Authority.

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    Annex B

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    Annex C

    C E R T I F I C A T E

    Certified that:-

    1. The proposed house for Mr./ Mrs._____________________________ to

    be constructed on Plot No. ___________________ Sector _________________

    Phase _____________ in Defence Housing Authority, Lahore Cantt, has been

    checked by us in the capacity of Consulting Architects/ Engineers and we

    certify tha t the said building is struc turally sound.

    2. It is also certified that the building in question has been designed

    according to the seismic zone in which the building is located and is structurally

    sound against earthquakes.

    3. If asked to supervise the said building, we certify that approved

    drawings / byelaws of the DHA will be adhered to strictly in every respect

    and no change w ill be made on s ite without prior written approval of the DHA

    and that we also take full responsibility for any violation and damage to the

    struc ture during the construction of the above house/building.

    Signature: ___________

    Head Draughtsman: __________________

    Architect: ___________________________

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    Annex D

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top related