dg newsletter 02 february 2017

Post on 21-Mar-2017



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GRANT and NADINE DALY DISTRICT WEBSITE http://rotary9400.co.za/ EDITOR: Graham Katzenellenbogen 082 555 1122 gkbogen@gmail.com TABLE of CONTENTS Hover the cursor over item, then Ctrl-Click

EDITOR’s NOTE ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 FROM THE DESK OF R.I. PRESIDENT JOHN F GERM ................................................................................ 2 FROM DG GRANT’s DESK ........................................................................................................................ 3 PRESIDENTIAL CITATION ......................................................................................................................... 5 ABOUT ROTARY ....................................................................................................................................... 5 THE 4-WAY TEST STORY .......................................................................................................................... 5 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL ........................................................................................................................ 6 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ROTARIAN ACTION GROUP ............................................................ 7 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTES .................................................................................................... 8 HIGHLIGHTS FROM R.I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ...................................................................... 9 ROTARIAN ACTION GROUP ADDICTION PREVENTION .......................................................................... 10 ROTARY FOUNDATION .......................................................................................................................... 11 DISCON .................................................................................................................................................. 11 FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE ........................................................................................................................ 12 FROM THE DESK OF DGA NADINE ......................................................................................................... 12 DISTRICT and CLUB ACTIVITIES and PROJECTS ..................................................................................... 13 TAILPIECES and HUMOUR ..................................................................................................................... 15

EDITOR’s NOTE Hi All We trust that we’ll keep the DG’s Newsletter interesting and informative and look forward to your contributions of articles and pictures of your activity.

We look forward to your contributions to the newsletter. Graham

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 2


MESSAGES FOR MARCH https://my.rotary.org/en/news-media/office-president/presidential-message/

Learn more about Rotary’s president

March 2017

Forty years ago, the Rotary Club of Duarte, Calif., admitted three women

members, in violation of the Rotary International Constitution. As a result,

the club's charter was terminated by RI.

Undeterred, the club's members continued to meet. They put an X over their Rotary insignia, made

themselves new pins, and dubbed themselves the Ex-Rotary Club of Duarte as they continued to

fight for the right of women to serve as Rotarians. Ten years later, a restored Rotary Club of Duarte

sent Sylvia Whitlock, Rotary's first female club president, to a presidents-elect training seminar. Not

long after that, in 1989, Rotary's Council on Legislation permanently ended Rotary's status as a

men-only organization.

Today, with more than 240,000 women in our clubs, Rotary is stronger than ever. We are women

and men from nearly every country of the world, serving our communities in more than 35,000 clubs.

At the club level, we need men and women of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, and professions;

internationally, we need clubs in every city, country, and region of the world. The better our clubs

reflect their communities, the better we can serve them. Our diversity is our strength.

It is difficult for most of us to imagine today why anyone argued so strongly against the idea of

women in Rotary. Looking back, I think that opposition came from a simple resistance to change.

Rotarians loved Rotary the way it was and couldn't imagine it any other way.

We still love Rotary as much as we ever did. We love the friendships and connections we make

there, and the ability Rotary provides us to serve humanity. We believe Rotary has tremendous

value in our own lives and in the world at large. And we recognize, more than ever, that for Rotary to

continue to grow, it needs to embrace the world it serves – in all of its diversity, all of its variety, and

all of its evolving needs for service.

The Rotarians of today owe a debt of gratitude to the Rotarians of Duarte 40 years ago. Their

determination, persistence, and enduring goodwill set the stage for the organization we have

become: Rotary Serving Humanity.

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 3

FROM DG GRANT’s DESK February the month dedicated to Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution but also the month when Rotary International celebrates its 112th birthday. For Nadine and me, it was a month of meetings; functions and conferences. Saturday the 4th of February at Plum Tree Lodge in Polokwane was our Discon committee meeting. Arrangements are coming on just fine. Registration documentation is published and I believe 38 people have registered so far. If Rotarians are looking for cheap convenient accommodation for Discon, they need to book at Bolivia Lodge as soon as possible. Bookings are open. Friday the 10th of February at David Grants office in Rivonia was the Exco meeting followed by the Saturday 11th of February meetings of Finance and then PDG council meeting. Straight after the last meeting Nadine and I had to rush back to Polokwane to attend our own clubs 30th birthday bash, this being at Pietersburg 100. A pleasant surprise awaited Nadine in that along with Gerald Correia, Martiens De Wet and Marlene Wilson they were all awarded a Paul Harris by President Pieter Vermeulen. On Thursday the 23rd of February I was up at 4am and on the road by 5am to Oliver Thambo airport to attend a Foundation workshop seminar with Elizabeth Lamberti from the RI office in Zurich and with local Rotarians and corporates to discuss funding of the Foundation. The presentation by Elizabeth was very informative which certainly prompted the candidates into healthy discussion about Rotary in general and about the Foundation. I believe we need to do more of these workshops with corporates present. Thanks to PDG Shirley Downie for arranging the breakfast/seminar. Straight after the morning session many of us had to leave in haste and make our way down to Durban either by plane or by car so as to attend the COSA conference. Thursday evening was registration and then Meet and Greet where everyone is pleased to see our fellow Rotarians from the three surrounding districts. On Friday morning the 24th of February we started off with the first plenary session and the DG’s of districts 9210; 9350; 9370 and 9400 tabled their reports in terms of reporting on the state of each district. A brief report of our district is as follows;- Membership: 2010 July 01 1600 plus members 2016 July 01 1338 members Loss of 262 members (16.38%) 2017 Jan 31 1367 members Gain of 29 members Note: We were the only District to show a gain in membership. Demographics and Diversity in our District Male: 66,12% Female : 33.88% (world average is 20%) Note: Of the districts that reported on this split, we had the highest female representation. Ethnicity: White 75,02% Black, Asian, etc. 24.98% Average Age: 57 Clubs 1 July 2010 90 clubs 1 July 2016 79 clubs This equates to a loss of 13 and a charter of 2 New club potential for near future:- Nex Gen Midrand RC and Kempton Park RC (watch this space for developments)

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 4

Global Grants Authorised in this Rotary year 3 DDF from all Districts $ 59 500 Cash from Clubs $ 62 050 Total value of all Fundings $214 125 District Grants Available from Share $18 083 Applications 21 Granted Grants 14 Funding for Polio Contribution by District $ 38 000 (highest donation at Cosa) Only 11 out of 79 clubs have embraced the Gates Foundation multiplier Youth Exchange Outward : 10 Long Term 78 Short Term Inward : 9 Long Term 79 Short Term Ryla Warriors Magoebaskloof 2016 Sep 08 – 11 80 students 2016 Dec 01 – 04 40 students 2017 Mar 30 - Apr 02 80 students (estimated) Benoni 2016 Sep 23 – 25 45 students 2017 Feb 17 – 19 55 students 2017 Sep 22 – 24 50 students (estimated) Youth Clubs Early Act 11 clubs Interact 46 clubs Rotaract 35 clubs with 532 members Training and Dates 11 March AG/DGR in Middelburg 18 March Pets in Gaborone 1 April Pets in Benoni 8 April Pets in Badplaas 22 April Pets in Polokwane 6 May NPO/PBO/Section 18A/CSI in Johannesburg 20 May Pets in Maputo 27 May NPO/PBO/Section 18A/CSI in Middelburg Note: Some districts only have one Pets training. Citations Presidential and District Merit Award set as a goal 43/79 clubs (54,43%) Members engaged on “My Rotary” 49.3% Overall Rating of clubs Excellent 20 of 79 clubs Good 39 of 79 clubs Struggling 17 of 79 clubs Critical 3 of 79 clubs Attendance at International Convention Atlanta Target for District 20 Members Actual 26 Members

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 5

In the second plenary we were introduced to the 2017/18 theme by watching the video of the International assembly. DGE Jankees Sligcher will present the theme at the various above said training venues however be prepared to listen to a very inspiring Mitty Chang on how to attract the youth into Rotary. The third plenary was an update on Polio Plus by PDG Richard Brooks, followed by feedback on the RFHD by Sue Paget and Kgomotso Kwenje. The surrounding countries are very keen to join in on the project. The evening was concluded on a very pleasant boat cruise of the Durban harbour where snacks and drinks were provided on the boat. For some delegates it was their first trip on a boat. Saturday morning started at 8:30 with the fourth plenary where we listened to presentations on Council on Legislation, Rotary Africa and the upcoming Institute meeting in September at Misty Hills. PDG Gerald Sieberhagen was most amusing with his Rotary Africa presentation in that he shared some facts with us and the most disturbing one was the fact that some Rotarians have opted for the electronic version, however since 2014 they have yet to open their electronic copy of Rotary Africa. The fifth plenary covered topics such as RI Foundation, the Southern African Foundation of Rotary clubs, the SA Convention, and also the Atlanta Convention. Of interest is the fact that we have previously failed to attract an International Convention to South Africa but it would seem that with standards of compliance being made more flexible, we stand a very good chance to hold an International Convention in Durban. We wish PDG Nick Phillips all the best in his endeavour to do so. I was very proud of our DGE Jankees Sligcher as he made a passionate plea for everyone to attend Atlanta. While we have 26 people registered, district 9210, just north of us has 65 members registered and paid for Atlanta. The final plenary dealt with topics such as Membership strategy; E-club discussion; RLI as good training for leadership. Clubs need to be mindful of the MOP when it comes to receiving transferring Rotarians. Always check that the transferring Rotarian is in good standing with his previous club. The formal evening function concluded the weekend for some of us whereas some could attend the Sunday morning breakfast at Mangrove Swamps on the mouth of the Umgeni.

PRESIDENTIAL CITATION See https://map.rotary.org/en/rcc/Pages/DistrictSummaryView.aspx/ A reminder to all Club Presidents! A 2016-2017 Presidential Citation user guide has been created for Rotary clubs. This resource includes how goals are calculated and how to submit certain goals in Rotary Club central. Goal data is collected automatically, such as Foundation giving and membership goals, others need to be reported in Rotary Club Central. Citation Resources • Learn about the Presidential Citation • See Citation goals for Rotary Clubs, Rotaract and Interact • Rotary club Citation user guide ABOUT ROTARY


Read more

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 6



It's just a few months until we'll be together at the ROTARY CONVENTION in Atlanta - 10-14 June -

celebrating The Rotary Foundation's 100th anniversary, networking with old and new friends, and

enriching our Rotary experience. If you haven't registered yet, there's still time, and you can save if you

register by 31 March. If you've already registered, be sure to invite your Rotary friends.


The Presidential Peace Conference will be held 9-10 June at the Georgia World Congress Center. Hear from Bernice King, CEO of the King Center and daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and other internationally recognized keynote speakers. Network and take part in breakout sessions that explore Rotary's commitment to peace. This special event is open to the public and all preconvention and convention attendees, including Rotary members, Rotary Peace Fellows, program alumni, young leaders, and friends of Rotary.

Learn more about the event Register for the conference

Rotary International is lining up impactful and engaging convention speakers, including those listed

here. More are planned, so check the website regularly for updates.

Nathan Deal, governor of Georgia

Johann Olav Koss, founder of Right to Play International

Rajashree Birla, chair of the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development

Jack Nicklaus, golf legend Out of Africa, June 16 & 17, 2017

in to Kansas City Kansas City Airport Embassy Suites, Missouri

Join us as Rotarians from Africa and the USA come together to enjoy fellowship and celebrate the centennial of our dynamic Rotary Foundation. Rotarians from Kansas City area districts will host African Rotarians, providing transportation and companionship to our guests during this celebratory weekend.

Friday … Get acquainted! An evening reception at the Embassy Suites will allow us all to become acquainted – a great way to build friendships and relationships.

Saturday … Explore our city Hosts and guests will tour local attractions of our guests’ choosing. Midday the Rotary Club of Kansas City will host a luncheon at the Rotary Youth Camp. Kansas City ...the club with the camp for kids

Saturday night … Celebrate A banquet and program will celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s 100 years of helping Rotarians advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, education and alleviation of poverty.

Book your hotel now! Rooms at the Embassy Suites are available at the special rate of $119 per night. To make your reservation, call or go online. • Call 1-800-362-2779 from the USA or +1-816-891-7788 Specify “Rotary” or the code “ROT.” • Go to http://rotary13.org/page/outofafrica, and select the “Hotel Info” page. Register now! And it’s easy to do online! Your registration of $75/person includes both receptions and lunch and dinner on Saturday. http://rotary13.org/page/outofafrica


District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 7


In October 2016 the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Group (ESRAG) obtained recognition as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the USA, as ESRAG, Inc. In June 2017 ESRAG will formally elect its first complete Board of Directors. The ESRAG founding Directors are asking you to recommend any interested and qualified candidates from your District to serve on ESRAG’s Board of Directors. The role of the Board of Directors is to provide leadership, strategic direction and the intersection between ESRAG and Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus. To be eligible nominees must be Rotarians in good standing, and willing to become members of ESRAG. The slate of ESRAG nominees will be voted upon prior to the ESRAG Annual General Meeting and the new board members announced at the 2017 Atlanta Rotary International Convention. ESRAG’s primary purpose is to provide technical assistance to Rotarians and their clubs in reaching any environmental sustainability goals that they have included in their District and Global Grant projects. R I President--‐Elect Ian Riseley has noted that “Environmental degradation and climate change threaten us all. They are having a disproportionate impact on those who are most vulnerable, those to whom Rotary has the greatest responsibility” (RIPE Ian Riseley, RI Assembly in San Diego, January 20, 2017).

To the hundreds of Rotarians who helped to establish ESRAG we acknowledge the urgency of This task and stand behind President--‐Elect Riseley’s call to service, particularly in implementing service projects, building awareness, and inspiring action toward environmental sustainability (ESRAG’s Mission statement). Please send your recommendations for nominees to chris@esrag.org by April 14, 2017. We will be very pleased to follow up. For more information about ESRAG’s work and how to join, please visit our website at www.esrag.org . OFFICERS

Chair: Paul Riehemann Vice Chair (Projects) Karen Kendrick-Hands Executive Director: Christopher F. Puttock Secretary: Melissa Mills Treasurer: Lawrence M.Hands DIRECTORS

Kazi Amdadul Hoque Mark Krawczynski, Kurt Kroesen, Kenneth Leonard, Patricia Materassi, Peter Moralee, Mahfusa Mousami, Jeremy Wright

ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ROTARIAN ACTION GROUP (ESRAG) 2 South Carroll Street, Suite 255, Madison, Wisconsin 53703 www.esrag.org

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 8


The Rotary world representing more than 200 countries and geographical areas is divided up into zones for administration purposes. Rotary International Zone 20A consists of the 54 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. The convenor will be Rotary International Director Corneliu Dinca and the 2017 Institute will be held at the Misty Hills Resort near Johannesburg from 14 to 16 September with the theme of 'World peace Through Understanding'. Each year, past, present and incoming district and senior leaders attend Rotary institutes to share information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. The institutes usually meet for three to five days, and the program includes: An update on The Rotary Foundation and its programs A report on our polio eradication efforts A five-year forecast presented by a director or other Board representative An open forum where participants can make recommendations to the Board Local and international speakers sharing information on relevant topics A chance to network, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration for continuing your service and

leadership in your community Entertainment and social outings During Council on Legislation years, Rotary institutes also include a session for Council representatives and alternates and a general session for discussing Council proposals. Organizing the institute An institute may assemble leaders from one zone, part of a zone, or several zones. The RI president designates one or more conveners to organize each institute and serve as his or her representative there. Past Rotary officers often participate as speakers, panellists, discussion leaders, and institute committee members. Who can attend Past, present, and future district governors, RI presidents, directors, trustees, regional leaders, Rotarians and guests will attend the institute and we will be honoured with the attendance of Rotary International President Ian Riseley. Nick Phillips - PO Box 394 - 7 Natural Arch Drive, Eshowe, Eshowe 3815 - South Africa Tel: +27 35 4744481 - Cell: +27 82 550 5000 - Fax +27 86 647 9475 Rotary International Institute chair - Zone 20A - 2017

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 9

HIGHLIGHTS FROM R.I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 2017 The third 2016–17 RI Board of Directors meeting was held in Evanston. At this meeting, the Board reviewed eight committee reports and recorded 61 decisions. Clubs and Districts In accordance with the RI Bylaws which requires the Board to review the composition of zones at least every eight years, the Board agreed to a realignment of the 34 Rotary zones. This new zone structure will be posted to rotary.org. The Board noted that the RI Bylaws permit a Rotarian to be a member of more than one club at the same time. The Board affirmed, however, that for any dual-member Rotarian, Rotary will officially recognize only the membership in the club to which the Rotarian pays dues. In accordance with the findings from Rotary’s strategic planning effort, the Board agreed in concept with testing a global membership model that is not club-based. In addressing how to grow Rotary’s membership, the Board approved regional membership initiatives that align with the zone structure, to include annual funding tailored for each zone for training and other membership-related initiatives. In reviewing districting matters, the Board approved a national redistricting plan in Brazil. Programs and Awards

to more efficiently administer service awards and recognition at the Secretariat, approved a new Rotary Service Awards and Recognition program;

recognized the proposed Hepatitis Eradication Rotarian Action Group; approved 117 recipients of the 2016–17 RI Service Above Self Award; designated the week (Mon through Sun) that includes 7 October as “Rotary Alumni Reconnect Week.”

Administration and Finances The Board approved President-elect Riseley’s proposed 2017–18 committee structure and appointments. The Board amended its policy to encourage candidate interviews at Director Nominating Committees and further stipulated that if candidate interviews are conducted, the committee shall ensure that 1) each candidate is asked the same questions; 2) each interview lasts the same amount of time; and 3) the committee conducts all interviews on the same day and at the same location. The Board approved the 2017-18 budget assumptions, including a list of enterprise projects for inclusion in the budget.

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 10

ROTARIAN ACTION GROUP ADDICTION PREVENTION The year of 2016 was for our organization very important. The main event is of course the recognition by Rotary International. Changing Prospective Rotarian Action Group Addiction Prevention (PRAG AP) to Rotarian Action Group Addiction Prevention (RAG AP) gave us the opportunity to grow to a higher quality level. At the same time we could improve our administration by creating an INPA (International Not for Profit Association), accepted by RI. Our past chair and PDG Dirk Schockaert resigned and accepted his nomination as honorary founding president. The secretary Jacques De Maen resigned and his function is taken by Paul Smitz, also responsible for Membership. We welcome a new member on the board, Johan Denolf, with the function of International Relations which includes the coordination of the work of the regional responsible. Report of the Executive committee meeting of 17/01/2017. The main points on the agenda were: Looking for new members for the international board. Preparations of shooting a film in schools where prevention programs are in use. The follow up of the publications on the social media. Preparation for contact with a new potential sponsor. Waiting for new information concerning Global Grant of Brindisi (Italy) and Beirut (Lebanon). Program of suicide prevention RC Vilnius (Lithuania) must be broader then suicide prevention. Therefore seeking contact with the District. Global Grant RC Maldegem/Mumbai concerning training addiction prevention will be discussed on next meeting of the commission Grants in RC Maldegem. 'MEET AND GREET' IN BEDFORD Richard DeVito, a member of Weston-Wayland Rotary followed Senator Lewis with a presentation about his work on pain management and opioid addiction. Mr. DeVito was a founder of the International Conference on Opioids and his company publishes the Journal of Opioid Management. He showcased the Rotarian Opiate Safety Card Project. He is leading, and provided details on how clubs can help get this addiction-prevention resource into every household in the Commonwealth and beyond. He spoke about balancing patients’ needs while reducing risk, abuse and death due to addiction. Heidi Heilman, the final speaker of the evening and also a member of Weston-Wayland Rotary, spoke about the International Rotarian Action Group for Addiction Prevention (RAG AP), her work at the United Nation's Global Assembly Special Session on Drug Policy and the statewide network of the Massachusetts Prevention Alliance, an organization made up of leading stakeholders in almost every community in the Commonwealth working to address local youth risk, drug use and addiction. For full information, click here. Risk factors for drug use and drug abuse The development of substance use - Why do people use legal and illegal substances? Drug use prevention - school programming and protective factors How does substance use develop into substance abuse?

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 11


ROTARY FOUNDATION 100TH ANNIVERSARY GALA DINNER Mopani Camp – Kruger Park - 25th March 2017 Region 6* District 9400 invite Rotarians and partners to enjoy a once in a lifetime event

celebrating the Rotary Foundation’s 100th Anniversary in a spectacular setting in Mopani Camp in the Kruger National Park. Enjoy pre-dinner sundowners in the bush overlooking the Tsendze River. The exciting

dinner program including entertainment, a guest speaker and DG Grant Daly proposing the toast to The Rotary Foundation will ensure a night to remember. Plus a chance to win an incredible prize of 2 nights at the five star luxurious Kings Camp

in the Timbavati Game Reserve with the District’s Foundation Anniversary Appeal. The Rotary Foundation 100th Anniversary Gala Dinner is limited to an exclusive group of 100 local and international guests at the incredible price of only R250.00 per person. For more details and a registration form contact PP Malcolm Lister malclister@gmail.com *Rotary Clubs of Giyani, Haenertsburg, Hoedspruit, Louis Trichardt, Phalaborwa, Pietersburg 100, Polokwane, Potgietersrus, Tzaneen.

DISCON As we are approaching the final quarter of the Rotary year 2016-2017, preparations for the District Conference is well underway. Please click on the links for your Official Invitation to District Conference 2017 and a list of Accommodation and tours available before and after the event. Please note that all future communications regarding the District Conference will be from the Conference Chair Klaus Rabiega and all registration communications will be from the Conference Secretary Linda Stokes. Registration forms will be emailed and available on the District website shortly. Be prepared for great fun and amazing speakers! See you at District Conference 2017, Bolivia Lodge in Polokwane (Pietersburg) All received this message from Linda Stokes Conference Secretary linda@aircelsius.co.za> Reminder that registration is for District 9400 DISCON, 22nd to 25th June 2017 at Bolivia Lodge: Polokwane (Pietersburg) Limpopo. Please note registrations can be submitted now and payment made before due date of 31st May 2017. Invoices will be sent when registration is received. If you do not hear from me within 48hours, please re-send your registration. Remember to contact Bolivia Hotel directly if requiring accommodation, you must tell them it is for the

Rotary Conference in order to get the DISCON discounted rate.

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 12

FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE TOUR TO D5330 14 – 30 June 2017 An unique opportunity to experience the culture and diversity of Southern California Visit San Bernardino, Palm Springs, Temecula, and Lake Arrow Head Expected cost for Tour R28 000.00 (inclusive of flights and land cost). This tour is ideal should you intent to visit the RI Conference in Atlanta. Why not extend your trip immediately thereafter by joining the friendship exchange team. Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator: Amanda van Biljon (+27) 83 632 5899 e-mail: Amanda@secundes.co.za Flyer More Information


The Rotarians of District 2340 are looking forward to hosting you in their country. Visit the land of Alfred Nobel and ABBA! See medieval castles, lakes and forests in Stockholm, Västerås, Örebro, Askersund and Karlstadt. Enjoy traditional meals with your hosts. Expected cost for Tour R15 000 (all inclusive) Should you be interested you can contact the tour co-ordinator: Carol Allais (+27) 82 573 7493 e-mail: carol.allais@gmail.com Flyer : Information


Now that all our club visits are over my focus is on different district things

– mainly DISCON and all the planning and arrangements – don’t forget to

register and join us.

I have been busy within my own club with some of our projects and

handovers – nappies to the Association of People with disabilities, a

Valentines tea at the old age home, and much more.

I am looking forward to the Anns Mini – Conference on the 11th March at

Kariba Ranch and hope to see many of you there

– it promises to be a wonderful morning. I will be

going to the Region 6 Centennial celebrations

later this month, which is a formal dinner in the

Kruger Park and can only be great.

Wishing all the Anns who have had birthdays a

wonderful year ahead and congratulations to the

Anns who have received Paul Harris Fellowship

awards in the last month – you do us all proud.

Remember……..Everywhere you go, leave a glitter

trail of kindness behind you,

Someone who needs it may just pick it up.

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 13


ROSEBANK Dipesh Metha President of RC Ahmeda recently visited the RC Rosebank. Here he and Peter James Smith President of Rosebank Rotary exchange banners PIETERSBURG 100 RC

PHF recipients with DG Grant Daly and President Pieter Vermeulen

From left to right : DG Grant Daly; President Pieter Vermeulen; Martiens De Wet; Marlene Wilson; Gerald Correia; and DGA Nadine Daly

BOKSBURG LAKE A rose is a rose is a rose, also for senior Scouts and Rotarians Serious Boksburg Boy Scout Sean Statt visited Rotary Club Boksburg Lake as part of his training for his Springbok level (the highest) Scout qualification. This includes a meeting on a community project. He attended the business meeting led by Club President Nicky Savvides and learnt much about how to hold a community meeting. Once the formal meeting was over Sean found himself as part of the St Valentine's celebrations, which was something quite different and unexpected. A photo shoot followed where single long stemmed red Valentine's roses were gripped between the teeth to create the spirit of St Valentine's Day. Back L-R Scout Sean Statt, Rtns MartinStokes and John Smith Front L-R Rtn Lynda Milligan-Van Eeden, President Nicky Savvides, Club secretary Michele Choromanski.

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 14

Prince Michael of Kent PAUL HARRIS EVENING By Steve Margo steve_margo@global.co.za We had 86 attendees at the Bryanston Country Club who once again went out of their way to make us comfortable. The food was excellent and the atmosphere really pleasant We did away with all table décor and background music so that people could speak to each other and network and it worked like a charm I went armed with a fistful of jokes as MC to get everyone in the right mood & there was so much raucous laughter that I even missed some of the punch lines of the jokes which caused even more laughter Our speaker was Siphiwe Moyo a young black fellow from Unique Speaker Bureau who had the audience rolling in the isles with tears running down their cheeks (me included) It was one of the funniest nights that I can remember & everyone said that they enjoyed the evening We had a voluntary cash collection, as this was not a fund raising evening, and raised R3500 FOR FOUNDATION from those present A truly perfect evening. BENONI AURORA and BOKSBURG LAKE The awesome hand bell recital by Gottfried Schiele was hugely enjoyed at RC Benoni Aurora's Foundation fundraiser. L-R: Aurora's Long Term Exchange Student Alyssa Mendoza from Ketchikan, Alaska, Boksburg Lake President Nicky Savvides, hand bell artist Gottfried Schiele, Aurora President Heidi Tucker and Assistant Governor Kevin Norris.

District 9400 D.G.’s NEWSLETTER 2017 FEBRUARY pg 15

TAILPIECES and HUMOUR Ed’s Note: Send contributions but be warned - our censors are checking!!

FROM THE LONDON TIMES: A WELL-PLANNED RETIREMENT This is one of the best. Outside England’s Bristol Zoo there is a parking lot for 150 cars and 8 buses. For 25 years, its parking fees were managed by a very pleasant attendant. The fees were 1 for cars (£1), for buses (about £7). Then, one day, after 25 solid years of never missing a day of work, he just didn’t show up; so the Zoo Management called the City Council and asked it to send them another parking agent.. The Council did some research and replied that the parking lot was the Zoo's own responsibility. The Zoo advised the Council that the attendant was a City employee. The City Council responded that the lot attendant had never been on the City payroll. Meanwhile, sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain (or some such scenario), is a man who'd apparently had a ticket machine installed completely on his own; and then had simply begun to show up every day, commencing to collect and keep the parking fees, estimated at about £560 per day -- for 25 years. Assuming 7 days a week, this amounts to just over £7 million! And no one even knows his name. I think this is my favorite E -Mail ever.

Last month a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world. The survey was a huge failure because of the following: 1. In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant. 2. In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant. 3. In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant. 4. In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant. 5. In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant. 6. In South America they didn't know what "please" meant. 7. In the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant 8. In the UK they hung up as soon as they heard the foreign accent.

I decided to stop calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet.

I don't need anger management. I just need people to stop irritating me!

When I was a child I thought nap time was a punishment. Now, as a grown up, it feels like a mini holiday.

My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance of idiots that needs working on. TWO WAYS OF LOOKING AT EVERYTHING My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table. My wife asks, "Do you know her?" "Yes," I sighed, "She's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since." "My God!" says my wife, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?"

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