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Post on 16-May-2018






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Hit MPIIIt 1 UUP i I hi-jm- Tuu or ttiwrr. ,iu my fon1 hop. are realized bv the! who 11 ww (Wvoto to pnwei nd DRY GOODS. MISCELLANEOUS. TRANSPORTATION. EDUCATIONAL. COTTON FACTORS. BANKING.KHgfflp .rllJ-liriilk- ATf lllp' 'netfthemrsteloquentmen in France knollege of your dear pre-an- ce. 'Htv.rs for the . nnvsion of Enirlaml. In '

H5 --iFBtsdsSsfl GRAND OPENING DAY, FRANK B.DANCY, Dfmm " - BBmnm- - WMmmMf iawuB duw . WOTLT rwa, When he rM to are-- s au au- - Mrs ba'ttiece received your lett. r they ForV.nDB Ladtoa. COTTON' FACTORS, M"MPHI3, TEJI-- f ESSEF.jBB -- - dteore tliere to a thrill of expectation, are all well Jefferson and James are at moment when ofleriug up the cotuiuuti- - LATE OF V n .Hii.i.nf.i . -a- jto-H and a hushed anxiety to eatch he word- - home robert left home for si louis last Ion. he fell into an ecstasy, and hi. face !,. 1 " r

PHI BENJAMIN F. PILL, th4 are,., fall from hi.lip. Hehy an yt , dlnd Uhe.r toy. J , J Til ftfiP-V.AT.-ril 17th TOUT SPBISGS, IM, nitfgSagSttS W AMWCIMMM klTCHl'M, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Banking MOUSe,J Ftq--- l, AxlM S-IS-r iassrsIB j I added to tins a marvelous familiarity .small pox is raying in our citty. ' be sacristy to Inquire what grace God with tatri.Mh ,,.,,. well wi ft. Mi.SH Nora C from street. XKHPHO. 7TCTX

,u- - IJ MMUiaaiMi """.with the growth aei-Umd-pi- ot we have had three caces of cholira in had vouclwafed tobim. He replied: 'O, XoJ''J!!lu ,,MU""U'I rKl,iv.MtM1lita,TrHhS ruauuavi.,-.- .ofaeienca. Recently, at the distribution our in v this spring T am at rars hat- - niy iUdren, I have seen surpftslng mrMMM.r mmmm l?r?ffif,!!.Uon to col JSSmmuCdft w,of Ma Department. (., j niart in m eoaunue.

Efl U . mil par ien.1. : ; m 10 ae- - Uece. at intervale i sew out by the week thing to England ; indeed, marvellous tak .hi. opportunity of announcing to prepayment most ,n..ie iu empnt. m r'dPLAR htrjt aw jTEfJ1I J aBVtiJfuiu "WheV'I wfrn KSilllfKH - , Banking EmIud Basins&EWB 0S-- - !'oot a nowLtol kfcnnSr-S- s, w-- IndVro- - an7ii5oo7te aaeher once a crown.' At theae word lie fell lntera wUI iu future induce n.en. to visit fte-- naiMHUj "

lV1-tOn- .. W,!f Lrc,;repwl have ,.W NOTICE TO SHIPPIRSa yStuXTZr'? ' Oepoaitx,WHm TvmmVZiWnKm"' mmn7VTntSJ? m ione MuSfPlSiU Z2?.yoAZt!l ottox fatk. iif'V AND SKLLwoli.i interest IM3a? : J : : jou to the praaant; to supply the immense demand V raaial flu a Ilia, ill if Hill i. ,Sill " : rir" SB --K'Sd- ' HeTadt K j

p --e h o. - ou... a,,d rf iV-Wi-M fl JVPim ,t 4 Commission Mertrhants, Fore md DomeHl,. 1

H " . tiW nn-ii- m ii. i init been qaavertetl into a universal mecliau- - ball expect an answer ou more than ten-lai- d .ounteraried the detriment iu FamoHT Orrtcit Xm Tsn. 1Uibai. i?r;iWrTi 0,,, Pf. 3TH Frant Mret, . .din.nni ieprwer: the wm engine wae on- - no mora but remain your friend hop- - to onr trade by onr prwient entirely new aud mphis. April . u g wwte, aiu rt' riko, w. r irwTo' I Mm,ar ""- -" taaovn. The stm marketl by tta daily ping that peace and happiness may at- - From , chicaco Tim--, mo.t (ioods at """"" . J.T.TreaeTant: apaapoim DirAitui, feiiMm MKmi-ii- ; ami I nciirrentll4-riM'n,,- "" thf. hU" '" tA..!ifr: !ll y" Utell-- 1.n"-'-V Th- -" nc.ending the aud- -

Pri fuuTllTe Th Je very 1 wliri, aSggwgyaft YOUNG LADIE SVA.e.-l7.- .u. 1H Sfepce Ungtierre naade ,eV.i den death of .Mrs. Annie Zearing, a Hon., uuuw u,e freight preid : ,ewoik. Sell. Krh. m soma to -:- t norrtin. ,

ei arMhB',,",-b- U "of flight a the dociV inatrwient of Naotvjixk. TKSN- - Apnl FerfumerV, boottnutn A it mil, "I3tJto b. m--n . e. art; ptotogrhy


H JSSi!!ZU-o,- S MS u"n ; 'JraXK W -- r S WMWJJ & ' 'tTT 1FOREST HILL, TEITIf.,. so, nea mtli COTTON F ACTORS. sTi,,,,", ,) r n-- T iml r Bwr AMh I dao wh W teetmie any- - i;' ;u llr ,, tm, to

Bi 'ZTTTr-- tte Sv" ?"jsF xrsr ,J;t; - - - mobile & ohio railroad JMMrjr im rBM ..TTTm. a-t i Kutwrtr eM. the rival of rPou.:r tinker. 1 promiaedyou in my former letter h , u marri-- d brother, hona. E.t ox W-- rt. Pf)MT Tam Healthy irui and attrctive m- - fi MEMPHIS

teS!:1 rfWW. rearl.lWouWnotAMiyouthu.mn- -M R jf. Cannon, a eommMoa marl . I ANY. ,.. for Vuun un free Ba-ir.-

WMfiSlii4rtW- mayhadno exiu ,, I.,. my "" chnt, with a Wiu'i.m M. ZearinK. pro- - tffMlMl ' i.Tr;; ZZ22ZZ?U?JZ ' ULZXttS. '1U DepOSlHirj - FlDHidal AMltliig" I jWicatio,, had HTfll famortalie.! his name by manner or i .i ' I," lte iudite in one of the interior counties DO UO lorth- -i. located at Koret mu Mtti,. Mem- - , h'rrr .t--. J u uui m mum,t !'?11 .?" thoae diaeoTM-e- a wliich explain the re- - execution I can but acknowledge youi"-- siaie. an iutimacv unix-- SILK ROOM. iiuuih, Esomra.urfL srpair.i)Tsornn,) lui. and Chariebton Railroad. fnteen mii WHUt, HOirte, HH aaaaaed tke Mnwtnc scale ofjrW. ar T grew eart of th '. . Will nardon mc time MoBiLa, March 24, itejb. city.H a. low m .at into-- - iij mi wia4-- B cipnx-A- l Intlons of mallt-- omiKwitiK Lir ! r!,,,Vi tween them winch resulted two yearn Plain Black Hllka, from fl a to W . CIJI T.OTTTS COTTON FACTOKS,

I e aurftaae of the enrth with the aum -- C!g1y, T"i?--- .. g?'II?m" ago in their marriage. After the bridal Re aad Corded Bilk, from to r U.U.U SiArL; HJH . citt aHMKT- -te? of

't ' . - On and afler Sandar, 25Ui Inst, tbrms per month 'eral Tr'nu11 Forward"e Diir" A s--SlSS-- 5


! -- - many differences velonr da in ,nuful .7 Mon.niy m Advance,: .,0. . .ock. Mem ,,, SEtXBKTIES,

M;t- -W P. omce.Exci Butid-wn- ; theacida. gT7i- - g pnaynrW GeDGFal B-ki-Ilg 'BliUIieSS. H

, . - - employed in so many arte, then only t lew myseii wg V'ef",T:,", riage the de.'easeil separate! from her' nnumt Uaanadlnei. ebw-k- and r.pe xx eoofla ritlLST. ! " ior. J. M.C. KiXO. jHHOB Rrr.aaa-Joh- r. C. oms.. AilaaM mhan w" 'e1101 uT, 1,1,1 ' Lir vnuH.m to s;,,. ,,irr mother. 111 Louisville. Ivy. Both became French do., striped. M., Ion. oa Piano r iultar 00 - f j, p

,re between Bee-J- Thir,i .t-r- of rurtinct from ;(; lequenay reconciled, and so remained Eugem. ren.dine tSm, new. TT7l HHI H11H.IIHH - BUKDITT, --BBBIv,hWnaaraa ta-- J. J. Butler, at. l- -li and not been determined, the proximate ofh-Ti- ng ao Hok imtii Ule ,. of th(j fct ,w,um,Bw. . . AllI,iL WHEELER, PICKENS & CO.. MAIL TRAIN Leave columuiui, Ky., n ii ., J W A JONES A CO of A. P. BantMi a to.

Tax Fred Warner ExrhaaF definea their wa a Would lr.me more ncquai . I.KBOOR,been : respiration ta t- (.jt werestartej L. toed Wllolfvl (iV'Mtr1 .re--P. Eb J nund""" y,x&5 Annie permit mc to -- av tUi. -- Ue bnd committed iujeide XlnT at

'i--wn, a- -p new. FhO.n.le ad Retail Dealer, in mTcS!,. ff' 'rfZ $W

Wm lt-B- . Ueeker. P,n, between Adan,. In 'litJ&TS --. M a TZTSFSSu .OtOOp.M.. LOOKOCT MOTAIM COHimiSSiOIl MeTChSIltS. JH & - ISlfterSi WOO D " litt"i.ztoW Vsq"ZZZZZZ" .I HtAirEOman Dr Wm.rjaTanatk.Jaf- - Pence onauy,Hmn, , Wt. at a distance for if 1 "ud "'"PP1 M her way to Uey.-- ! and ln AMD toMempbla wltriout ehangeoi


i -- " of the surface of the globe and metamor-- to retpe ;!,-- as do not feel tha ; Vs she learned vt tolStwnhte 1,1lt'r ff- - WILLOW WARE. '

M white and black. . a K situated on the .nmmiiallmSSSi lSStlm. irml)UrALim.v-L!- C J .Liieuiw for nur inisto.l.m.wrellieOniatl'oiitintlli.tiiEtW- - 3,,r7 ' K to"! Blaek Laoa Point, from to SM). .A P. M.. Tenn. will b. mtlowa : onlwParllet.otnerwu-inatrnct- afc u(. W. TROTTER, r.n ,M. Brda J" , (.,n which nour- - ing between you and myself hv the Law V, . , , Blaek 81Uc Basques, Bastinea and Arrnlen, rh",'m,,nrr,M"10," Jfi eommaneaMap 15th ' martjiii

.rrroirisio5--Jaiiie.Pord.l.can- ae 1, "ijnt the exoonie of ihe soil of nature Would not permit us' Wit b that "Jel,m?!!n8 .1'jeannar- - from VS to i. We wUl keep on band and all at ihe very MAIL TRAIN leaves HnmWrtdt daily. Lm s,,;r 1 fu and "'opniw viwil v. waK aawra wniTntux WILLIAM A. GWTKJf.H Mmmll lowet prices (lacludlu, aoaday.l. for Commena. Ky. of ch year. .nan

M.BJT-- T Mast -- Ta GaTney. Jame. at tne expense or lne I"sr1 ask to n"ud' In making her usual rounds, came rtotondes; Baakafa Tuition, nse of booka. board, waahlnu. etc.. - 01 o.ter, Uwyan Co.; --fHJBfl- j . and which returns to the soil through the conclusion I W ill again you par b a ri ,- - n M .fails, Slou per kIo. one-ha- lf payable up,.., Moore. WJlittield & Rmimr, -- pasSwmtaA farbljKBs 1 ' Brooms, Tubs, rnn,:rS'": ou ,he - DAVIS,

H agff.-JSjars-W Ka?5S. ., cood.. r, 23o.h.. ggaaea-- cotton faoo8. ;L

USL imagination of the profoundeet Own Self. Ice Mats,M rs. then asked lor water andB ""r- - , N more ,0 presem iui remain voor ..anng a splendid stock of Poplins, and blnrk and Feather Dusters. aaoota adulaaon. For paiueulara, addre- -. ofTate.AbieB af --.Mermen. philoaopher a century ago. mend most respetfuiiv towels, which were brought to her, when colored a loacraa. fn,,ldrr,' MKMPHIS EPRI1K ljeavea Hnmboldt Rav. K. F. WILLI AMB. STORACfc. AMD 'i

B ruse Wajm-Jo- hn Glancey. V ,4ai.ony. ' Geology was only inspired romance: . a she closeti the door and retired - i m . . rriugt:3t dally, xrpt Hunaayt), for Columbu, Ky. mar31 Tw Ilox 111, Ch&ttiioof(&, Temi. f j nxj WJS, a J Hi "STirSJ0nl.w-- f Ph-- Write as it may please you to do The clamlermaid did not disturb Mrs. xamboun 7 vo. n,eck eonal toAnd a lanja list of ather goods. ' fipnPl rummisOim Mrph-ltl- of l Howsa cmbx ; JHrocwrn V-- a rp BrWlr. Hiu plcred : the history of its tormation na.i , -- .nt to tfce above, we copy Tearing until about noon yesterday. In We ;nv-t- the altenlfon of the ladles to oar " i ai IBurae. a M H. :i-i- d. not yet been written ; it was then un- - ,h fn,ra the same paper of the the hum- - of perpetual labor she had , fancy W.ok l,-u- . Flower Uaakela anduw- - aar crs u tka Memphia Expreas train run LIOJLEIX.O U H. 1 Wmm w. -- KITH,

srrrjWAab-- R K Beeatel V. n known that in the foaaU remains of a JT.te- - j and renassfsi tlie room of the la-- lMiTm ,,,,-- , delicate shadea. fnl household articles and the public generally through nom Memphis to Colaibaii. Ky. 50. W Front btrcft. S . B iH sh ots k.lly. J. S. Tool. inflli. t,,rv of T? . gassro checked AlpaccaR. to our laige stock, .mbraring uverytliing In nur BAUaUNT,M IisaTM W 111,-1- 1. R. lirace. J. f . tireane. roe is eontaneo tne Yesterday a tiiwhargcil negro s- - ,y, but no suspicion was excited until a 'Iwimuhii (Hp Stat. Morty Hunt's Block.' - -taunt of Preneh KnrMsh .n.i H. LITTLETON Beaumont..Ma..pkk. I '"S?11; ZStZTZXJti theaeeofaradt. walke.1 ytordy. when, approaching the door, ..VXo ' d Intend to do. legiun.ate bunes- - A -D- AN ARE .. ltm,,toutoiexchmattMul.

HailU-,- P; jHoi-rcTa-ai iTTaaAL ftivwi f. R. Hougk. I of tut. j the office of the freedmen s bureau, a thought of tbe deathlike stillness that FrBnci, pnaiiah Scotch .ml Doireatic (iin- - SALE SAMPLE lltX)M. HOi: J. W. LEFTWICH. f Hof the mountadns and the MmmrtUB. max..,s ua ree relative ages im a wW(p jr) H. A. LITTLETON A COSD Poaraa-m-- R. c i,cora Third J(- - ; elew to the former eondiUen of the Alps eaning lovinglv 011 Ins arm, and She knocke.1 at the door, but 4h North lourt St.. Memphis, f-n- n. AU Trains Make Close Connection, mm- - Conaignmenu and orders to pnrehan F. S.DA.ISJ.K s, and Pyrenees and of th ir rival chains. olieeted thai tbev miglit be united In die there was no tramp of feet or tone of WABKHOUSE corner Vuuiugtou.

' aonntad. PrKidenU HilsnAt. T T. Ry ler. Jaekaon Hork. j fhooMnds of plants bad been collected jjnt3 0f matriniony ! He claimed that veiea to answer the sucanm. She HOSIERY DEPARTMENT both I 1 1 ll.PNrY ! F. W. SMITH,BR r 8 -- SA2''" WUlia.- - IMj lln(1i, Tul Jua-iei- . liaJ no! yel h(1 knuwn his ,nv, m knil(,kl!(, btit all wm silent m the I WA8,. IHOUi.fl.lLC 0 5. J- - V. RICHARDS, lll BHn ..,,, fcLflffPiBd 1116111 laV natural fa m dies ;

fw0 monti, ami she said with fear, an. 1 frantic with A 5Pienu1'1 Une of English and German 1 hmt v oJlKIS.- -- - l:ilnotawl:e-- ws to for him was -- upi eme e hail a hideous thought, she stepped upou. a HT- - 0 G . At n.imlK.ldt. with the Memphis and Ohio axhier' p teiwiS ' un d M . ; the animal kingdom. One could no w verv kid to her. s;he claimed chair, and, peering throngh the transr.m, B""n How, plain and embroidered, i

. J Radroand with the Illinois Central Kail- - il-l- .. Au-St-m, mrj-t-o Hlltneoibl moTCVlewefurm or K-- oweta. w S 9 checked from Memphis toCalro. VOM-MM--h M..V .s. flrraaaiea a kma nature, from the ephemeral lichen hich, ng-ro- Ham-s- aid that her parent- - late. Geo Hose, do. do. 3 -- J aid. statement of Uie TFNNESSEK

.H-H-I irJTl?5;nS ?Gare?ltl- - I M the suiait of theAlm or oti the n.n- - were both ne(roea and were sUves. Her The affrighted chambermaid giving Boys-an- Misse.' Hdery. in all quallUea. - . Pf . IVm. ffoftson F Co.,

K H.re2Abr?wVdS.L , H OjL . iMATlOIMAL BANK.Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains.,- - j tiena of Ufe, up to the gteee tropi- - pveif aM,i IiKht hair, and is evidently a the house opened and entered the room. est quality. 9 a H i.-firv- . BBK Huntar. Jndr : Wm cal forest, whose existence date beyond A Judge and there found the deceased reclining Pionte-p-nn Pilk and Lisle Thread Gloves. M H. , ijlVM;! K Cotton laotOTO. iJHw5ion.y oeoarai: Ji' anadmirera.be in the hetl, with ont, arm arched over a A full line of Embroiders. 5 V

cnlef SSi fB llNiV CP MEMPHIS, ; jiBe OjMaajaa--d Mo4ap ta Oraobw. pil!ow-t- he fingers of her left Imnd Lace and Linen Seta, something new. g J H mura lmtngiaeerand fjBf g Jjg-gCg- ? DaeMabar lag, IMS, IBH

TIlrV wTtb tne Part"0 of mouiaii-oa- s generation, j comply itu the'uegro's re-- clasped in her hair, and in the other Our stack 01 NoUona will be found very at- - --s g M - f7la VAttW HK Th oWMrsn"?m; up to man createj in the image of OtsL' M, ., hand a bottle half full of chloroform, 2 A CP LJ Important ttt Travelers Wfiwtef .TAJor DSSICNATEO DEPOSITORY HIHfl. SST ggjaaaal Monday in Xovem-a- r, One could not. thus guided by Cuvier or " ami a handkerchief which was still held 1 W S3 5r AV JBHBrMt ma 01 rill, mil IfcllTl LINEN DEPARTMENT.fll . from to revon- -Bmidrng. -- -Gra-al- aw Brogniart, mount age age, to her nostrils' LJ b5 bitwos WSfiw AWM h""

Hf structing in their forms their aspect, and The bodvwaa stiff and 00M when dto-- uUk Linens from the mart celebrated and f fl. KSS' ' HSSIatliamMdpi eowred. The features of the face, beau- - beat manufactnren, Z 0 Q MEMPHIS &9 EASTERN CITIES. rW KkIT" FIWNOI .1 rrVr SHHB saaaUx. plant whicli have preceuea tne antra IrrevressMe Shorn a Source of Uful in life, were now d sco ored and Linen she, ting and Pillow Linen, bestqual- - r t,K..C 1H M IIIH

S1--wS!?r.- ? Z3 U pression of refinement and Intelligence' A splenUbl l.ae of napkins and Deylies. B - S g Tb. Grou Brol Guag. JAN. i. !. beml (OBIHailOII Merrllil. .

i 'mometnwhenlifehrstmanifestodit.il .on'. ia-- 7 --Wo--, an by the effecte of the vaporous poison. A ToweU and Towelling Cruh. a. very ,ow f ? U agnrOTTOg rarmn oaMi cagnrTB-CharIe- W .jnn.coiw ; upon our g'obe. .. "JVVrf Citiztrti. am Th tj llr 117." stogie glance around the rmim told the prie 4 I P Atlantic and Great Western Railway t'ashAaeto. : $4.067. 1.w M) Mmmal court an j sea aA I "-- y man nas acqmrea tne ngn observer that the dead girl, Ixjfore Inhal- - A splendid line of Damask, tram the snow I Mi Oo ,,,. Liabilities. 244.39! 13 o. ;j orth Levee i I ommerrlal M.. H(arrr P. M. Wlalaia. Oreeaiaw BaiWUnc to sa v : ing the fatal vapor, had crefiy disrobed drop to tna real double damask. I j P r5TSnL1mmim!! 3,W,UI 3; at.lH.riU OaOAUIg tniSIQPSS,

f a ! " Matter, and the fcrces which it obeys, prom Uie London Times. April 10.1 iherperson. The garments, useless now Wlae Cloth, ln different .pmiitn' EiTlu SI SmSm T35i BT. WMIDMIO. HH FtaTS ni: .x,i i 1'!L cooialti i.ti secrers tncl: I not En). jt j8 not jwyg that we can remark on to their owner, lay carelesslv heaped 8S r C3 most desirable routa. The equipments of this br HHK 1 l. N . ivkkr. 14 Xadana

' or shall not be able at some future period troubles and difficulties of our ncigb- - upon the sofa. Here and CENTS' FURNISHING . X road are uneqnaled by Tnls leternil ol IO.IMIO Fire And will give special stUBBeai KBKUmrtK&3g!Si o LnntWrfot m"1! apartment wer- - e VrlSS'Sf OQ O MUl HM at Wrid GEORGE C YATESanJ gratulation ; but in the ' D"' before drew, without which a lady's toilet can- - Hlmo,neak Helgur's Cloth and Camimeres. F si mgU Ume is alloyed at regular hours for nT AN ' MUMIMHi SOFTHH .J IHheBS ; SS5SS!is r--W ..,.PyTgto of " tranaiorina- - jij,,,, jost ha,i ,4, .noept rrom our chief stance - trivial in ittialf, indeed - told A larv stook of Plantation Snppliea of evmr MMm MMUXa, A.agmaa Cbleaip , !m, .V"" ': dtaare on Front Row. MKMPHIS, TKNN. -,-.--, . -.--- , . 1H laaiiurg nm fy'"- ;ioi:s upon its surface. wt t,,ii, an ilmost ; ,1 ,1 nlainlv th th. .t,. .. route are oertaln ; also Plus- - altfornia Su HTior, U tt--!-?mmm preXdent; J. RFarn.wort. Caller. Mv eve ieriwirates uie profundity' of J . JSJ,f ic i,?.-

-!t ti,ii rmlt'- -

. !., .. - burt, Baiumore and Washingtou. Mexico ami Ihe (iulf. liar n u- - lyent for Bouh,, & Hye Mtih . AWLSAJJ, HH .B-ni-n- M. surrenderor ..-- . been thrown there All of which we offer at prices, la accordance wr(.vj Jt Co.. Tickets can be had and baggage checked , ! mMl.lom 1HI ign to each star lU place in at home the busi- - flie through at ail southw,.stern ,mce. i.ing ol a.er- - BPMeat: iq thed ,( upon sofa, thought of suicide had wito m having been principal ,-,-mWt V""G-h.C-

-r mSm Ma. jTorbit nwh.ch it must move; Iweh ()f fe, reconstruction, we ., entered into her mind. There is ai57ii..in intlast t h"r,y dayhicb UTT"' 'SL!L?'S8E?' w k. ,t,,,, .w.caS AndUh-.nree- u. w:Iyle,WWr0wH cannot help sympathizing with all three that about the female dress which ma v will be .add for h. Importers and Dealer, m can. lUU--ii ent, ..--- crt: :.,,(. Stale anri CHfccrWMMV itiseo-nos- ed. M m urancbe8 American legisla- - not be seen br men. And no womai 7J,, ,d 2; i:YU,0TS- -

Welftre- -

J&rZT-,..,-. Jja ,u7- - , "k UKht a Je:! the knowledge that she is never to Hardware. CBtlen', Nails, Castings, 3. WJiC r'1"" ODDIIMDBUp VMD A 1AL0NR, s.,mH.H aSEJSTtt Price Only! o0 plattkhino tht,moniab or the O'r- - 'lMmrPiySI VaST?: TSiSC 5- - J S&brl.lhn's ofe5Sai "xhmitWd 10 I IRON, STEEL, SPKK1 ! COMFORT! SAFETY JBVXT COTTON FACTORS d-M- ...-,

HSB TaT ,- -. W Ly 1h.,.1.T I hi broken, and he is a ala- -e no 1 ,tl by Mrs. Zeartitf. Irds HA'-fi-

irTCl6 Slocks, Hore Shoes, Boat Spikes,


Pmmi00lJ!"MBw,l,o-f- n C'"ne3tain BHIME Hi!iV.ol i, aa--di a. fa,', "t ! J,tT? Jrtvmore ' to fight f,- - that she had been in the habit of using W Min Sl"apJI "

'onrt OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Eo R. RrrrER. i ' ,a rs. v . --Wraanua Iwro W his oountry and foroiuai j liioruronn rar some years naat. anil. Presiuem. .'"BKae McClarr. Psadil ra: S. a. Wty. fayrer. jato agetlsm. magnetism into electri- -CT,mCT the ,iiWt.,,i,v. s he also a citizen, ihotnrh the reiatiou. esisliug taween her FREHCH WIJIDUW GLASS. T T TTT MT AWT Fram Ihe Insurance Department uou m Madlaaa aliaai. Ska M. tBSxBm iSS-wasiss-

v,.I "VatTtT "'t' uu -- M "'.t11 tor?M w m7vny wiUiiu the pale and her hulud were such as to erioi. FROFESMO-ffA-- -.

JU A JCl .... J. I SuTbI, , H8iH 'Zrti g'ZiZ 'ftbreowUtntion, s we say at home ' :y die.ret--a nrearImid add. 6ABDEN SEEM, ,JT , vioPrd.i. MMg-w-i--agi- !2T8rlla.Car Maiare. j The qiwrtion has agitated parties ecu- - icate intiueuce. as characterized herearly ' Jr..lXJiO.l) STATE OF NKW YORK. CmnJlS ,

ri S s morgan'&1&&2jtt "ANN PENH, FCoen,,BeUUMSAPac, vi. clumbu, S,SS 3-!!a--C!:S k rH?: E3jSr2 Shortest A Qnickett Sou tc (Tom Clnrlr ! 5? made ." consignment. not.I'uSL1 U. S. COMMISSIONER --3 lmnee OmjmIm0p to the f

n tWhaff-S- n death , "The tnsurat- r- of o. w. macraf. Lata Pwrtar Maciae. Memphis ,Wher- - ,, tna Hartfonl. JB.,, b VjllSITK &e Wfrwill rM,nttjanip ttfme.-ii-cta-- a.I of tha animal. I rtad wltlioiit PS0U'TI ' j mJwtera. Ah well be the slave of one doubt, niethentijeneeof her - I'i Deewt, ., SBpjjjgt Mowing and Thrashing lUWlIS, uldUDuL ranoiiiie ec,,- - I Si C , , .,

- New !ya?.J.y ?S' t blw" ,w--'.rriu ",';'.!


. . . as of a stole- - nay, better, some death with a MMUftw that will follow them aw The little MIAMI I. the only Lin Torian. Macrae Jt Co., IllwUilMllij t UV'Tlritll 1 f HH'.'!!.' 251 "' .hat of the lieari. UI:D neats, ' tu for one man must care for the to Uie of their Her Arkanaaa Texas and Ruunlng Lightning from tin- - i "Connecticut ' ompanles ollow tne rules and HRUroad.,,-,.- .,. ,,r r lungs which ; that of the msph -

shae at JT M mwh M be Jobs fur his broth, r1ef to keen and T."n in ' mhfrRtM. MACHINLh, ,mUHti , i,Uugthe short Line, practice, of the iKi-- aim, refnily . if COTTON & TOBACCO FACTOHS. ncoor to Cameron a , .rv .,.WMM n?.-Srt-

Vi 1S2TB? .. ayaa, Bank. And everything ,o lbs9aSSSZSS SSg&4g3jf P35mS5 Hanlware and Agricultural Trade. c,. mXX?S2X2 Commission Merchants. r,B t!on aad Eal Toa A--d irguu deuce adduced points only to an insldi- - Boston In J4 hour- -. Baltimore In a hours, "It still remain, more a matter of wonder No. CARoXfFLoT STREI'.T,

WWUm roai ' "PF1? ? m.) "f "'e'011-- 4UU py, if the negro is atlll tobeecludt.il ous, acvideatal death. Jr Vra-e- T At Their Old Stand. Aii.ny In 27 houia. Washington C'yStiHhrs, than lmlution In the insurance world." .&,T HM n,i a Uak ud . itogtm and of the glfU of nature. from civil riirbls in faid to be nothing XfWmpavn qiovRONT m'KKFT New ork In ! hodrs, Saraioga Spr'gs, a rs, "By whatanbUe alchemy hasthiscorporaUon marl m HEW OBLEAKL vvir-- .R go. . Maad Ibis -- ketch bv a mii-- rev. - ,..'. ito. iiaaa.a, Huoai.i in lo hours, Philadelphia t hours, been enabled to tarn Its full-pai- d capital into , , . .. H

mmm -- m '1LV f but "a man and a Thecvil The AriatMaep af iriaae. A TToRNEVS AT LAW. aorthwest corner Corner Monroe, Huuklrk in 14 hours,cleve!and lu 'i hours Uie pUdowopher ' sione?" r.DiAS.o M...;.i .t iihi . HomoBaijoac t"1' extraordinary 1"" ' lull f ihcilar A A Second and MouroeMet.pliis.Teun. Will ....... Ja ft oC MMM aoea. A. JOHJImm&M riihti liillisthe leloriu Boston correspondent savs shoddy 7J Ittuourg ln IDS hours, Crestline In 6 hoonv Aaay. F. CAMERON, : : Prem.lanrVleksBKm. river aad way ' liaas,l-S- ll ;.- - 1 n. duriatf hundred years. il shows wMiiton The .resident, and Detroleum now hide ihir i,7 idso atund to claims In North Mississippi. nova TENNEHBKK. Wheeling inl2nonr, steubenville in 11 hour. "The extraordinary erent. which have dla-- T. Uarr, of W. UaH Aurora. Indiana. h"lmWWU a week. how uutetR W9 auRkeh each addition ' Jr'','A.,, r be"

"arpaiin . ZauesvUfe in S hours. Columbus ln 4 hours. Unjjniaed its dnanclal hi.tor. HUHSDEK CAKT, . . , w Wtary.Mot..adMa4 f'thbsurihunauceofthebogU8 averaae LoSr diem .n Ui. u.ii iBAMS A OAFT,1 iT4, aaily, at Sa.. 1JabioMemphb to o.r JUMWU-C-t, JaWJ' i i V; wudo B4 of th? '.o: :::;j::;ly, aud aot wish- - growth of Wealth obtained from S 7's ia,i Mo. Memphis

cajuiack,Tenn. ITL '1 four daily BAHTLRW TRAINS! states, atTkls period of the year, are aison

D8AX, HHlou ! J I.B---. " ffiii lf l in- - tarj cofMkrM, uJ 6.00 A. M. liahtning Eiprees. "i, ZlvTn F naaion.BHB Miif an4T--B KaUTo .daily, at m must have pre-- ld suwntbl; jifflcu,t, haa, however, iahed, and Uvisl.lv rewarded. We have Hart & CamuU'k. Ml Ml I M tJ.OO A. M. Eipress Mail. lb ClhTbllial, SHH. ...- - 11 "f D7,,I:i,,. ,nrmli t vetoed this bilk The great work of the in oor vioinity now two members of this . ttorneyb and Counselors at Law No. 12 7.UO P. M. Lightning Express. .tcgirtiIH ?S2tS!!!!S !!X n. ,o p. m. Niht xpr- - uammm... Commission Merchants. tiULU, blLVtl. & UrlCUBREflT HIiHH ' p8 7h wllu totbePr0reMB0' anditishe!.' can be done bet- - Adams, the robber of the Concord bank, V-- kg Modern SLEEPING CARS by Night Trains Pollciwiwcdwhnct delay hy . -

K.iir.-- a. ter without previously putting the negro who, after all the hnhbuh made over his lk I V all IIOIXI mWmW 3 sxloon caru ny Oay Trains H. A. LITTLETON, ACENT. so. lie taratier Mreel, ,. HBfHS sira am. ls.rr;sA.L.r. K. into KafX. altogether new to him. His detection, baa aettled down for life with J . mTT MT NiJht iSliidof A I Co. ttUBQm mew ORLBA-as- . J Vj N X . dHSSHK 2B ?oUC TM " EXITIi O ? T Front .Street, up rtalrs HiZrV&H SSSt. n..w -- esar,. s, am .i.. a, T.n. it to not newwBry to a dd his ci vilenality '- - t J. OFFICE, 117 8IC0W1I ST., N U-- A o-- T'"

" FRANKLIN JlOOVe iX W Oft, Bays and Sell uitlianjc on 5ew Tork, HKaaP ai. ohio Waa- - and cittoeoahlp. awt Uu oa ik dr es a aplen- - W aa-A- eHknris forTlcaeisMaClnclnnaUAColnmbus ii 1- - Xiadlsoii Strtt-J- ,

re It a. corner Main yd AucMoa It is observable that the iniestlon IS did span, with the bride whom his sue- - Comer Adams MEMPHIS, TENN. gm. I I P. W. stkaDKK, Uenl .... . , (Inrlnnatlt -k "..t.;i. P ii A ..... www Wm. . ft not made to turn on the merit. of the sulatfon ha enabled him to f .SSSPl.' xfV cSS3f INSURANCE COMPANY. L" stal"-- ; tp.nnb-- .. Loals A 5. (Meant. -- HSHV 'lia lmX V-"- "- tf tah a .r ker neg. Nobody thinks it necessary to marry within a month past, envied by Ip. j. Jmrra, KOgert aad DP. ttorlenslus ST JCT CapuT w. J Baow", f "n1 Al!t agaao. for. and mage !. reason HHV J r.-Ji- i Tteket aiias- - aa assert eilhT tbat be is wise, temperate, all her piatr and houeat neigh lairs. The lra l Gt n. K. H. Baown. General Wanern Agent. --or- t-o- Papa Interest at the rate of st par cent per MIm suwet v. am; tP houest and !q lependent, or the contrary other to H e Anuis, the hero of the lZ"lv i, die ,. Wl 1J IH Jauusoi. uas Howard, lreston Jt Barrett mM HHMempllifa. TIMM.BHH Naahviiie Cataa aad American, l'eople do not even seem to aak how the still holder operatic, which oarried a H.t Mn, to P.! .VW (lit I Hit A liHIillt RH o Jar aaa of wa-a- and driver. IT. April i. negro would vole and act for himself, midion and a half of money in broad surgloal cases. - W) 'aVM unLCiA.liJ O, SMIItn. Ma ....., " ftn"' ...... O O T T O --V JtilUSilS RPTIiailliriff TTlPPPTfflilthf flf Iflr8'BHE XSZfrSZ'?. We are called upon to record a moat There can be no doubt of President John- - day-lig- from tlie counting-roo- of a JBzAsZlZ? 1 M JL W - HHW&SBE ,Ero?.Ph-I- 2 heartless atUrn;,!, upon the ia.t .f a son's warm and slnrng. feeling for 1 he purblind New Virk brok and wlw has hETMen.ph T f Ml BUil oonUno-- a to tran-a- ct a ffWH.an. f the ctty. ? &" ; , white woman u.abdiict from theboaem race, and bto hearty desire to make the within the week, brazeu In the Mr. T. D. ffldndge, do W TOBACCO FACTORS, RECEIVES depositslor ufarM 1olSuiiSirS If i,, 'ilv , ..,lore,l ifeutleman af thi beat bargain for it within the compass of security from arrest whichwaaeae of the Bav.Tk H. Risers, D.D., SomerviUe, Tenn. N pBJB GENERAL BANKlNCi- - lHH 'f;rJe v,cf,J a;iaK5 o,iaa ? N"i Important To Travelers. MS nmmm m, prom Trenty-Fir- e c xrPwtu. BBEflRrigjg awtt-- Bret ao-r.- Mi .'. L!!Vf!f!i, " ' rhnrarlTT The cts are brierlv theae tician is committed to this, as well as I adnWCfel. deleiiives and sporting men Prof. Myddletou M;cW,M.u..Chariesiou, S.C. 3 M d NEW ORLEANS, LA. IhH1gSSWfe "f" ,c,?3i4!r" .ciwru.r hi philanthropy. The mason which who are bis fluniiurs of the cool hundnd Office, 59 Madison Strott, 2 Tmfmf M EXCHANGE BUSINESS, airtaccBs: , , , , SfiHifli .i5Sk;.' T,S?r5SrtlebrtMrd.dnfb-i.- . td-ndTh- n c. P NotHsEm,.,' .merKlrstNaUonalEk. ci1r HHRIMil III ' J o state, which is only a asthensniltofhisspulations, .cu.ai. n, a. . snoax, 25 At the Comar of I 'ZZnn "aar SJ E, IHBHB MISCEM.AJ.EOUS. 7: mZti l9luv. "amm Q W W TTttiAI, ifEII, 3, , FroBt d Streets. W.?ZZZZ' JAMES TAIT CO..

W , ,3 rr 7e shn fD ft F IychP MmamMl aa Jant. Nadonai

I 7Fa.-- wprincipal ciu-t- njb. Umtad --Ut-s jlL-TfeSTH--

nt Htn,fl. MM.-- M La. .Nual IX.er.in

VAMBPOirrFlrYS dr,,'v..f,hc"rich, ..called. W',y cannot obede Ath.y S'S g i Union CU U 6 VCVk A. M. WSSS. gg "fe1'- - SP-C-'II. BA1 SUTB, B..CHAJM ITC. W"fiSBM warm blood of the African" over that clared a eittwu and Investedj with all isS: n hve. i,. iue ,f tli.: faction, both in prieas aad wort ""1 u danta at nearly all the town, m the Wesiarn

sUamer, Offlosaa) Main stre.t, oorner Main and JeffSr-- " District of Teuneasea, North Miaaualppl, Wea. Promp. attention gvren to Colleetloas 1BW Xiau.OWISi :& v p;"k:-t:- .:race iL,,o,,.citi8,.,icicrti, 'S .m--- i- q TT 2 xi..ta W M CAMER0N4C0 No..sprcs, mobil,aia. J3lIt .f; f'Smir.S2 "".r . a.dksws, ia Oji darke- y- wilb favor; and not- - made a j. Amawa. oatt per, po--Sd by but few, n y. Ja1,. Tait

ww 4f r IZS gL iVKiueoA, iy., if. BuUders and Manufacturers, . HHi I J &1LTtor -'-


:s ATTORNEYS AT LAW C)oor : , ,., ----- -. MERCHANTS' HBP ind nad.- -, VlHIlf Vll TiS? BBP f waaee um. -- a- TRAINS GOINGSOUTH N. si WWLTK

1ST r, rf 7 SWhil tXbr howT.enL, Aiilhur',in- - SS.?lKrSS.S',s real estate acents, uir.otor.: rwmmommm. HBBHK , "Jen tie Annie ' bv means, ,f letU-r-s the stincts and haliitsgoii.the w.u ....... . J. J. Rawlla Ann of J. J. Rawllng. Ca p,",. !vehoCi r: 'mK: huroa"T:of .jirr w.ll.av. a.ofirwin.s.rpac,, IBi,SS, ES. '? .uerA NATIONAL BANK HHHHi iV7, 0fheTO UU or. valileo, c. SwSSr --rr KJfofd. SbBtters, Hash, eto-e- tc. HHy s Arm of Newton, Pord Co.BKBB WSw-y- &y

x. l" tS WtWU wife of (1er haTing for stronger wffl. He is material for the Totally Ml ,,.. G.Humphreys JacknMiL . Padacah, Ky., Ot 15 P. M. aa. SST"1' -- C

IV rTl make aal.ta tplj imn.l and raannfactom -- r MEMPHIS,hto band. of anvbodv who wiahes to Wa always keep ..n fK3gHBlitVAL &TF ?Cb hiB1-- ' ' wiUl fu" lK)llt" a! rubi.c Mea.. i. u,ii To Architcis. Ifl FflR Ran oik.nd.rw

WkW lF""S .l",5ff by the wicked mahi--- -a of thto righto, the rac i must be a mgaaiue of The stoto perintendent of public THOMAS O. SMITH , pLAN AND SPKtlPlCATIONH WANTEDAKRIVE AT CAtUOL OnCAU. BilJi,,,, AiatorialsEmmU OD TON'C SCHNAPPS. '' dreadful white woman," vesterday mtochief. In Jamaica it appears Uiat Instruction in California haspubUshed a A KuU c'KNTkai. baptist chiirch. No 9 ,Iorr,rion St niUB mii.. nr the of her would imbibe at a day's report of four hundred and Memnhis. Teu.a. Pro(sai are sollelt- e- TTkinn Citu l.wWiJl TW hclubho ti rA,ca n l

,BE un. P- -ly Z ,lb. folto wTg SU- - W 1. to r pes. The nuUer of white 'children UNDERTAKER, &3ZAl?Si , poT4BLK HIJvr.r uiutiiu. uil7wuB-Oa-tr The fliat thority awl Wtoha of i.ueen, under twenty-on- e years of age, in Call- - lot is ninety feat froiit by ,uu hUna, O R T --A- JN -- OITAGS.

BE ?afi.S)Tir-l'a''"r',,t,,,- the l.l '! rrvd by tJtlX& rWAV rC'iS .lSU,,.ta with the u GCOr Ready Made Home, PSM tO CPllal. S350.IHW 1

him from Mrs Annie Adair, exclud- - eta., moln ed. capacity for an audience trcn, .VI Mobile .s:om,,, Memphis a ohio aud New iSf i ,..,,-.,- , IBj the second intended waa MMnethllig to be given them, ot some-- ing school-house- s, for each child between , --.

eight a thousand in main hall. with East aF , 'L'U1 '2 ?T?rthe HHH NA 4 MtTfOM Beodoche, . .yW.gj --- r- thlnK e done fwthem. r law four and eighteen, in public schooto,tJn-to- -er In elty --Sved UU Uu- r.t day of June --MMmySgV ft, jjSSgS. Pa.: b; " ABlhOrlWd TaplCal, - - $1,000.0(10

0vwtm, thathe I. not entirely ruin-- d yet, for. malto thm 1 rieh, happy lan.iown- - '.s MA.-hnM-tts- for ea,-!- , scholar he- -,

" IValrman Building com.', Memphis, Nashville, lMWZ,&ri'r?. t, la-.-on than ite be boiitoiuL promisesiA,r CMtiulaint. notwithataad-H- E there is an evident re- - ers. and lai-fre- e forerr. hiich men are Uween live and fifteen, $6 i. The achool Ikfli-- attend promptly " ' "f, " Pl, Box&i mentsand rsstou ooardfirstcla-ima- ii packets. J Vl . sBBaHEH

Hgl f,IW'". hi UoLlikebtopatofai-e-diw,l- t dent Joh.D, to ,. , " 1 Cn"" slxlh iinauiey SiiS 'fltt tad, , ,. is accouul toe eAlucat . S. LEVY A CO., toS&WSfc as MSmmmmW ftM-A- - "S" " CHERRT, - - - - PreaKieni. H9Hticket. to Bmwoo-- i ceo.eu.ry a, WlB. MHaeaa f Bladder, mtaadfi.! of '' th. rktTtrt that a, well a. toe race These four millions wges average 74 ; female, $; the nt, hounu mmWXW U " - A. T. LACEY - e. S9VSt ? ni f likll e.tota betWKeu them by the Uw. of na- - ve, ha ed, ,usl emerged frouj average wages in twelve eastern states uu and aftar th. an da. of May all person., AUCTION AND ORTni-ASA- FnTTWTlTiVLoa OT ytw and to, uoticea that the I uted being, for maiea, $4 ; and females, $20. mu.t ive enc uS to Winchester Elegant Sleeping Cara on U fiht - M H-- C. DAJTIEL, earner. ggHiK; --rNMerl n oftwomiTTb; & ye ya.' tramtog in The whole r.prt. Ix,th in tocto aiid in &'.'t;i.rKS. Commission Merchants, Trau lltlH 2B9T H ni iinl ' barber - name we --upptees. out of onsid- - repu-Oc- an institutions and habits before method of presentation, is highly crad- - and relative, interrad ahara wid please call ai i -a- nd- FSBBHI u w hoiSoma, v rjfc toato. adje tnafm for the feeling, of hi. faaaUy, they admit a European foreigner to ciu- - itabie to the atate. thsoace of Th-o- 0. SmithNo Mooraa su Xo. 35( hea-on- Mrc t. .1. J. WILLI 4X19. rl WmVi " DIRECTORS: HBmm $r- -'' .t sf r1 tS,uvro',ou: ,.! c "i. Opporite thB an,. mook. Aattrns g HP machine shop. --ap- -a- HHH flpiS5t.ttkaa.aal Try It ! sad SW ! The slave mt -e-Ve at least as muc- h- kp a Haapielaaa TaaaaL Wa have reraovod to the above honss where (,,-::- .

c2t,val" ii"lm Mu, Anril . Capt. Hoae, P L --A. -- N T S E S ' I.rT prepr'i to UUind 'yJ sLgy'y Y co"' SwT TT f ; ,. fflDi1"au-!!ir- Lwt; virtor In Sla q j fc gjj J iyjj HKATI jno. iV riVw f fgWBrTaS VA pQjvcd and read with pleasure I wa favorably with the white ma0. Nobody porta that, in latitude 37 and longitude DO T0U WAUX COAL. I .B& a Ms U-- - a--J cas eoaaw- r- --rpttod hat -- wMblar m to wishes to .paak ill of h.m, but be --Imply 78, he was ohaaad by a .chooner carrying Marcs9 IHVIN CV BLOOg rro,r,..i.J r. ,... PROPRIETORS, J.Tw S' '..e Drwwa. , .laaet, Ctuoago. lettor from you for I bad aj- - to not capable of goverumeut in the sense (lie Kugliah Hag, which overhauled him, 9t,JZUlWVr IT iieapeat and moat economical Pioar la I S. a. Pakti i ItL --r Qa. liII ..a.l'rroM ahaS-i- d W M of ever hear- - w. mean whan we tolk of common- - r, under hi. stern, and ascertained hto WM RODGERS AfifGIlt se.nst. 1866. ai f "' iuInn Hootheast tor. Wlnchf?tep A Secoad S4fc. 2 r wSLiNst. 4--wet -- 7Mmm i Ais T from you again hat however your , ii to not n hln?. name. Tbecaptainof the schooner then LP so, go to as BHHSI 7 Mouro. aire. 2iv is it --USotont as wards . hauled down hto flag, and, on being , NO YKAST. CRKAM TAKTAR, (0ppte Maikaiaquar-- J j w.h. cwkuit, 01 JfcE--t- a

SB r?arU--m

MemphtsT Jf, toe past deep oto Tk-- Ma--- -4 a. aaa. sed his desuaaUon, replicsj, afte: van. Tl WPWCU S S816 SttDieS, JNdLeTC-ia- nt 1 ailOT, 8HLirXTH' uul. oPN.V , nrenaaad of Casting and CSY' 01 laa, MBH"vion aTlook to We am m- - A ! correandent of 7- - 7;mua hesitation, New York, though toe cre m M J PLO0R.vrlL -- . a ha. roW4 JoneM, ""YscREiiLE'T

-.- rTT-tTofxrrftK A writing for 1 m truly at a of Part. say. that great imporuanoe to 0f hto vawal was not laid for that porL 1" J"er8B f Jnat raert-e- d his .priug stock or Cloths . BBHIH f Jf1 lLakr how i.Taddraai yoa I aaa- - attaohed in Ilome to eertafu interior Tbe orow of he aohooner waa unusually 2rraf.Vfwnr ,He Z""2

--das AMd to it Ting F Croaa t $8 aartOonpald ,Ura.s-a- ai --fB Bank afii h. --- .

B ..ey.thti.cuau- - movemenu now &n, on in the .boaom i.rge for a merchant vW, and a tar- - .TJ. M yi". 8o"e PITTSBURC COAL r nrU I tCMmm. ?S, Mt p. a S?1.',."", 'u' : BRlaaa k - tLul tetter von wrote tee however Lmurt of the Church of TugUnd toward, a re- - puiin amidahip. covered wmetomg like The dea StaWe Keeper in U dtj. him a call, ah wrk ar-nu-d. apia-i- spam, ' . .aa;Hit lISaSBEsS NOTICE. MEMPHIS, TJSlflt. lWrr$Zl T. d, BKao, HL " .JlrTJ".Tl I. SAVTHOS HH''HS H.b.ysch-r,- u, tr.-,it-do, A (IJe-l-w re taed 'tha? iiJ0eIJl imbJZTZSI sS&l --r? XoT'iST imt-- u bd uSthefvr 3-3S-H- w. h. brown, JO. --SfnS "-- HW 1 FiSu S-w?c-

?S aw V-sS- &fctorydr sy- - .r"1 - r-r-w-a- ISSSS.? H---- -- JH

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