devon barrett’s personal site evaluation http ...knight56/wra210/modules/module02.pdf ·...

Post on 17-Aug-2020






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Module02 Sarah Knight

Devon Barrett’s Personal Site Evaluation

1 Identify at least one instance of the four CRAP principles

on the site. Contrast : Contrast shows differentiation in two elements of a web page. Elements of a design different enough to be sharply distinguishable from each other. • Headers and such are made clear by darker color or

different font type. Repetition : Design as part of a larger whole. Unifies the image.

• Mountain image at shows up the same on each tab (home, work, resume).

• Body font/color. Alignment : All objects in a design are purposefully placed; nothing looks like it was randomly placed. All elements are connected via an invisible line. Organization, polish and strength. • Clear tabs (home, work, resume). • In the work tab, available PDFs are grouped and

organized by variety. • Home tab gives introduction on clean, crisp page.

Proximity : “The principle of proximity is about moving things closer or farther apart to achieve a more organized look.” Establishes a relationship between the objects on a given page. Closer pieces are together indicates they are connected/related. • In the work tab, different groupings//categories of work

are viewable in PDF format when clicked on. • Resume has headings and bulleted lists of said


Module02 Sarah Knight

2 Choose one aspect of the site's graphic design that you find visually appealing. Analyze this using CRAP - why is it pleasing? What choices did the designer make that make it pleasing?

I really like the opening page (also found under “Home” tab). It gives an introduction of the site’s purpose as well as a little bit about Devon and why one might want to hire her . The page has an aesthetically soothing picture at the top of mountains – which is actually significant of Devon’s desire to work in Colorado someday (yay personality!) (also, alignment). The body of the page is split into an easy to read paragraph with one line bolded to jump out at the reader (contrast). The paragraph is informative and cohesive with the rest of the site (repetition) (proximity). 3 Repeat step 2, but identify the feature you find least

appealing, and discuss how the designer could use CRAP principles to improve it.

The “Work” tab is quite unappealing to the eyeballs. The WRITING heading has Feature Writing and Short & Snappy next to each other but then Press Releases underneath and Academic underneath that. To be more cohesive Short & Snappy should be placed on it’s own line, as is Academic, as opposed to being next to Feature Writing. It is confusing and distracting.

Module02 Sarah Knight

In addition, if you scroll down a little bit further to the Document Design tab, the thumbnails are all different sizes. This is also distracting. The same issue I talked about previously is also present here. Flyers has two items whilst Editorial and Graphic only have one, but they are arranged in a beguiling fashion which would be easy to re-arrange and fix!

Module02 Sarah Knight

4 If you were to mimic or replicate one aspect of your alum's design on your own portfolio, what would it be and why?

I would replicate the design itself. I like the way there are three obvious tabs. Someone looking at the website for hiring purposes (a.k.a. why the site was created) can easily navigate, find exactly what they are looking for with ease, and clearly get a sense of the persona Devon represents herself as.

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