developmental phychology and learning ( ii bimestre abril agosto 2011)

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Universidad Técnica Particular de LojaCiclo Académico Abril Agosto 2011Carrera: InglésDocente: Mgs. Elvia Ivanova Pinza TapiaCiclo: QuintoBimestre: Segundo






Mgs. Eliana Pinza Tapia

TERM: Second

Abril Agosto 2011

when experience causes a relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge

or behavior

This change may be deliberate or unintentional for better or for worse, correct or incorrect, and conscious or unconscious

To qualify as learning this change must be brought about by experience or by interaction of a person with his or her environment

Stimulus event that activates behavior

Response observable reaction to a stimulus


Association of two events because of repeated paring

Learning in which voluntary behavior is strengthened or weakened by consequences or antecedents

People actively operate on their environment to produce different kinds of consequences

We learn to behave in certain ways as we operate on the environment

› Cueing is the act of providing a stimulus just before a particular behavior is supposed to take place. It is useful in setting the stage for behaviors that must occur at specific time, but are easily forgotten.

Sometimes students need help learning to respond to a cue in an appropriate way. For this reason, it will be useful to provide an additional cue, called a prompt.

› Prompt is a reminder that follows a cue to make sure the person reacts to the cue. (For example, remember to share ideas)

When teachers need to change inappropriate classroom behavior, they often employ applied behavior analysis.

It is the application of behavioral learning principles to change behavior.

It requires clear specification of the behavior to be changed, careful measurement of the behavior, analysis of the antecedents and reinforces that might be maintaining inappropriate behavior, and careful management of changes

In classrooms teachers can

› Clearly specify the behavior to be changed and note the current level.

› Plan a specific intervention using antecedents, consequences, or both

› Keep track of the results, modify the plan if necessary

A general approach that views learning as an active mental process of acquiring, remembering, and using knowledge.

Knowledge is learned, and changes in knowledge make changes in behavior possible

Reinforcement is a source of information that provides feedback about what is likely to happen if behaviors are repeated or changed

One of the most important elements in learning process is what the individual brings to new learning situations. What we already know is the foundation and frame for constructing all future situations.

Sensory memory

Working memory

Long-term memory

It is the initial processing that transforms incoming stimuli from the environment (sights, sounds, smells, etc.) into information so we can make sense of them

It is the interface where new information is held temporarily and combined with knowledge from long-term memory, to solve problems or comprehend a lecture. Information that you are focusing on at a given moment

Holds the information that is well learned

Sensory memory

Working memory

Long-term memory

Information is encoded in sensory memory. In working memory, new information connects with knowledge from long-term memory. Thoroughly processed and connected information becomes part of long-term memory, and can be activated to return to working memory.

There are number of differences between working and long-term memory

Information enters working memory very quickly

To move into long-term storage requires more time and a bit of effort

Whereas the capacity of working memory is limited, the capacity of long-term memory appears to be practically unlimited

Once information is securely stored in long-term memory, it can remain there permanently

Access to information in working memory is immediate because we are thinking about the information at that very moment

Access to information in long-term memory requires time and effort




Adding meaning to new information by connecting with existing knowledge

Material that is well organized is easier to learn and to remember, especially if the information is complex and extensive

If you try to remember the information, it will be easier if the current context is similar to the original one

METACOGNITION Awareness of one's own learning or thinking processes

Metacognition knowledge

Declarative Procedural Self-regulatory

Knowing what to do

Knowing how to use the strategies

Knowing when and why to apply the procedures and strategies

It involves deciding how much time to give to a task, which strategies to use, how to start, what resources to gather, what order to follow, etc

It is the real-time awareness of “how I’m doing”

It involves making judgments about the processes and outcomes of thinking and learning “Should I change strategies?”

There are three essential skills that allow us to do this:

• Planning

• Evaluating

• Monitoring

The way something is learned in the first place greatly influences how we remember and how appropriate we can apply the knowledge later

Learning strategies

General plans for approaching learning tasks

Learning tactics

Specific techniques for learning, such as using outlining

Metacognition includes knowledge about the value of using

Reading strategies

R Review headings and subheadingsE Examine boldface wordsA Ask, “What do I expect to learn”D Do it - Read!S Summarize in your own words

C Who are the characters?A What is the aim of the story?P What problem happens?S How is the problem solved?

K What do I already know?W What do I want to know?L At the end of the reading, what have I learned?


The way something is learned influences how we remember and how we can apply the knowledge later.

The use of good learning strategies helps students learn.

Deciding what is important Writing summaries Underlining and highlighting Taking notes

Students must

1. Be cognitively engaged (to focus attention on important aspects of the material)

2. Invest effort (to make connections, elaborate, translate, organize, and recognize)

3. Think and process deeply (the greater the practice and processing, the stronger the learning)

4. Regulate and monitor their own learning (to make sense and notice when a new approach is needed)

Problem Solving

Problem: Any situation in which you are trying to reach a goal and must find a means to do so

A problem

Initial state (the current situation)

A goal (the desired outcome)

A path for reaching the goal (including operations or activities that move you toward the goal)

Problem solving is creating new solutions for problems

General problem-solving strategies

I Identify problems and opportunitiesD Define goals and represent the problemE Explore possible strategiesA Anticipate outcomes and ActL Look back and Learn

• Identifying: Problem findingIt is a critical first step and we have to

spend time considering the nature of the problem

• Defining goals and representing the problem

To represent the problem and set a goal, it is important to fucus on relevant information, understand the words of the problem, and activate the right schema to understand the whole problem

• Exploring possible solution strategies In conducting your search for a

solution there are two general kinds of procedures:

Algorithm: Step-by-step procedure for solving a problem

Heuristic: It is a general strategy that is particularly used to rapidly come to a solution that is hoped to be close to the best possible answer

• Anticipating, Acting, and Looking back

After selecting the solution strategy it is necessary to anticipate the consequences. After this, you need to implement it and evaluate the results by checking for evidence that confirms or contradicts your solution.

(Plucker et all., 2004) “Creativity is important for an individual’s psychological, physical, social, and career success”

It is important for teachers to promote it in the classroom because teachers are in a great position to encourage or discourage creativity through their acceptance or rejection of the unusual and imaginative.


It emphasizes learning through observation of others

In social cognitive theory, internal and external factors are important

All of them influence and are influenced by each other

Social Environmental (resources, consequences of actions, other people, and physical settings)

Personal factors (beliefs, expectations, knowledge)

Behaviors (individual actions)

Teacher feedback can lead students to set higher goals.

If students seem to misunderstand, teachers may change instruction strategies

Social influence Personal factors

Behavior Social environment

Self-efficacy = A person’s sense of being able to deal effectively with a particular task

Self-regulated learning= Process of activating and sustaining thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in order to reach goals

Both are key elements of social cognitive theory that are important in learning and teaching

If learners have a high sense of efficacy in a given area, they will set higher goals, be less afraid of failure, and find new strategies when old ones fail.

Self-regulated learners are motivated to learn. They have the skill and the will to learn

General approaches to motivation

Behaviorists: Emphasize extrinsic motivation caused by incentives, rewards, and punishment

Humanistic views: Stress the intrinsic motivation created by the need for personal growth

Cognitive views: Stress a person’s active search for meaning, understanding, and competence, and the power of the individual’s attributions and interpretations

Sociocultural views: Emphasize legitimate engaged participation and identity within a community

Motivation to learn in school

Teachers are interested in a particular kind of motivation (student motivation to learn). It involves:

• taking academic work seriously, • trying to get the most from it,• applying appropriate learning strategies in the process.

Decisions made by teachers can influence student motivation to learn

T Task (the nature of the task that Ss are asked to do)

A Autonomy (the autonomy Ss are allowed in working)

R Recongnized (how Ss are recognized for their accomplishments) G Grouping (practices)

E Evaluation (procedures)

T Time (schedule of time in the classroom)

PROGRAMA: Tutoría (Nombre de Tutoría) Carrera:Fecha:Docente:Hora Inicio: Hora Final:


Puntos de la Presentación

Intervienen Duración Aprox. en minutos

Material de Apoyo

- Presentación- Objetivos

Nombre del docente y/o invitados

• 2 minutos• 3 minutos

Sin material.Sin material.

-Desarrollo del contenido: Capítulo I Capítulo II …………….

Nombre del docente y/o invitados

• 35 minutos Diapositivas (cambios cada 5 seg.), videos, otro o ningún material.

- Preguntas

- Despedida (Contactos, Sugerencias)

Nombre del docente y/o invitados

•15 minutos (Si no existen, proponer y dar solución)• 5 minutos

Correo, teléfono, ext, horario de tutoría.

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