development and implementation of the kbsr

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  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    Development and

    Implementation of the PrimarySchool Integrated Curriculum

    Presented by: Siti Nadhirah binti Zuraidi

    : Nur Shahirah Zafirah binti Zainon

  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    In 1982, Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah was

    implemented on a trail basis in 305 primary school.This was translated through

    to ensure the holistic development of pupils. Thisdevelopment encompasses aspects including

    intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional, talents,character, social, aesthetic values .

    (Primary School Integrated Curriculum, 1991:5)

    Development of the PrimarySchool Integrated Curriculum


  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    Primary education aims at ensuring the overall,

    balanced and integrated development of a childspotentialwhich includes intellectual, spiritual,emotional and physical aspectsin order to producebalanced and harmonious individuals with high moral

    standards. Primary education must enable pupils to:

    Primary education

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    master the Malay language as the national language as well as the officiallanguage of the country;

    master the Malay language as the national language as well as the official

    language of the country;

    master the basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) inthe medium of instruction;

    master arithmetical skills and use them in their daily lives;

    master study skills;

    speak, read, write and understand the English language as a secondlanguage;

    seek and acquire knowledge;

    develop leadership qualities and self-confidence;

    be sensitive towards man and his environment;

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    master scientific and technical skills;

    be interested in, appreciate and participate in charitable works, andcultural and recreational activities in line with the national culture;

    look after ones health and physical fitness;

    acquire the skills of reading, reciting and understanding the meaningof chosen verses from the Quran (Muslim pupils);

    strengthen the basic of Aqidah (belief in God), perform religiously therites of devotion to Allah, and constantly practice noble values;

    be patriotic;

    develop talents and creativity; and

    be well mannered and practice noble values.

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    It is hope that upon completion of their primary

    schooling, pupils can apply their language andmathematical skills to thinking, communicating andproblem-solving in their daily-life situations. Theyshould be able to think logically and understand

    issues relating to humanity and society. Pupils aregiven the chance to develop their potentials, talents,interests and creativity through music, art and writing

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    In 1988, PSIC (KBSR) was reviewed to see the

    strength and weakness, subsequently KBSR whichwas known as the New Primary School Curriculumwas changed to Primary School IntegratedCurriculum.

    Changes In Primary SchoolIntegrated Curriculum

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  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    Some of the changes in the curriculum are as below:

    Introduction of three new subjects;

    - Living Skills (replacing Commerce Practice in 1984),

    - Science and Local Studies (replacing Man and His Environmentin 1994).

    The purpose of this subjects is to provide make pupils withspecific knowledge, skills and values. Also the awareness ofentrepreneurship, humanities, environment and science.

    The Curriculum

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    Changes made on existing subjects:

    - Languages (emphasis given to basic language and grammar skills tofacilitate mastery of other skills such as study and thinking skills);

    - Moral Education (four new moral values added to make for 16 innumbers so as to coordinate the syllabus in the primary andsecondary levels);

    - Islamic Education (addition of Asas Akhlak Islamiah to the existingAsuhan, Tilawah-Al-Quran and Asas Ulum Sya'riah.

    In 1984, Jawi script was introduced into Religious Studies startingfrom Year 3. In December 1990, pupils in Year 1 started Jawi; PhysicalEducation (inclusion of two new element that is health and fitness toachieve quality of life; Introduction of Sempoa (introduced in Level 2to enhance pupil's competence to think and count).

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    School environment. One that is conducive and stimulateslearning to enable pupils to develop harmoniously andholistically from the physical, emotional, spiritual andintellectual aspects.

    Patriotism. Infused into all the subjects across the curriculum toproduce Malaysians who love their country and are proud to beher citizens.

    Integration. Already implemented in the New Primary SchoolCurriculum through cohesion and infusion. Emphasize morethrough values, languages, science and technology across thecurriculum.

    The School Culture

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    In general, values infusion in the teaching and learning process;mastery and use of basic skills in daily activities; restructuringstudy skills (basic to complex) by topics; syllabus review foreach subject.

    In specific, integration of problem-solving skills and arithmeticaloperations in topics e.g. Money, Measurement of Length andWeight;

    separation of Man and His Environment into two separatesubjects namely Science and Local Studies; use of Englishlanguage for Mathematics, Science and technical subjects forYear 1 starting January 2003.

    KBSR changes can be seen throughtwo perspectives

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    KBSR Implementation Process

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    Principle 1. Integrated Approach

    The integrated approach is where knowledge, skills and valuesare combined to integrate the physical, emotional, skills and

    values. Occurs through for ways: skills cohesion, infusion,integration of two elements and element-across the curriculum.

    i) skills cohesion

    - in one subject: e.g. the four main skills for languages arespeaking, listening, reading and writing. In one teaching andlearning session, cohesion of only two skills is emphasized for

    example: listening and speaking; or listening and writing

    - between subjects: for example: singing is used for in theteaching of physical education and health science.

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    ii) infusion

    - various knowledge areas and across subjects e.g. the mathematical

    elements is infused in the teaching of Art

    - moral values in subjects e.g. emphasis on co-operation and respectduring group work or project

    iii) integration of two elements

    - curriculum and co-curriculum e.g. co-curricular activities (uniformedbodies, clubs, societies, games or sports) are complementary tocurricular activities in the classroom

    - knowledge and practice e.g. knowledge acquired in the classroom canbe applied to situations in the home, society and so on

    - previous experiences with new experience

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    iv) element-across-the-curriculum

    e.g. language across curriculum, environment across curriculum,science across curriculum, thinking skills across curriculum.

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    Principle 2. Holistic Development of the Individual

    According to psychologists, individual potential cannot be

    developed in isolation. Each potential in related to others. e.g. apupil who is a potential skilled footballer needs to developknowledge (e.g. effective ways of playing) and skills (e,g, agility)of the games, as well as nurture cooperation, adherence to game

    rules, discipline and so on.

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  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    Principle 3. Life-long Learning

    Education is likened to an on-going effort; it starts from the time

    we were born until we go back to our creator. This learningprocess occurs continuously and is not restricted by time. For thisreason, there should not arise a time or occasion when theindividual stops learning. What is the role of school?

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    Schools has two roles: they are the first formal institutionwhere pupils obtain knowledge and basic skills, thus KBSRbuilds the foundation for pupils' acquisition of the necessary

    knowledge and skills to enable them to face their daily lifesituations. Upon completion of schooling, this educationprocess does not stop. Instead each one of us are encouragedto continue with our own learning. They also nurture everypupil's interest to pursue knowledge and contribute to theexisting pool. This endeavour requires the habit of wanting toand knowing how to pursue knowledge. In this respect,teachers play an important role in inculcating and nurturing theknowledge and reading cultures in their pupil.

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  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    Principle 4. One Education for All

    KBSR is meant for all. All pupils at the same schooling levelfollow the same curriculum , irrespective of school type; the

    difference being the medium of instruction. Learning areas in KBSR include communication, man and his

    Environment and Individual Self-Development. These areaslisted can be divided into six components namely: basic skills,

    values and attitudes, living skills , arts and health and co-curriculum.

  • 7/27/2019 Development and Implementation of the KBSR


    Learning Area Component Subject

    Level 1 Level 2

    Communication Basic skills -Malay Language





    -Tamil Language

    -Malay Language





    -Tamil Language

    Men and His



    Values andAttitudes


    Islamic EducationMoral Education


    Islamic Education,Moral Education,


    Individual Self-

    DevelopmentLiving Skills, Arts

    and Health

    - Living Skills, Local


    Co-Curriculum - Living Skills

    Music Education Music

    Art Education Art Education

    Physical and

    Health Education

    Physical and

    Health Education

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