developing through transformation

Post on 31-Dec-2016






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  • Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

    Developing Through TransformationBerkembang Melalui Transformasi

  • Laporan tahunan ini memuat pernyataan kondisi keuangan, hasil operasi, proyeksi, rencana,

    strategi, kebijakan, serta tujuan Perseroan, yang digolongkan sebagai pernyataan ke depan

    dalam pelaksanaan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, kecuali hal-hal yang bersifat

    historis. Pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut memiliki prospek risiko, ketidakpastian, serta dapat

    mengakibatkan perkembangan aktual secara material berbeda dari yang dilaporkan.

    Pernyataan-pernyataan prospektif dalam laporan tahunan ini dibuat berdasarkan berbagai

    asumsi mengenai kondisi terkini dan kondisi mendatang Perseroan serta lingkungan bisnis di

    mana Perseroan menjalankan kegiatan usaha. Perseroan tidak menjamin bahwa dokumen-

    dokumen yang telah dipastikan keabsahannya akan membawa hasil-hasil tertentu sesuai


    Laporan tahunan ini memuat kata Perseroan dan Bank Sinarmas yang didefinisikan

    sebagai PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. yang menjalankan bisnis dalam bidang perbankan. Adakalanya

    kata Perusahaan juga digunakan atas dasar kemudahan untuk menyebut PT. Bank Sinarmas

    Tbk. secara umum.

    Laporan Tahunan PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. yang berakhir pada 31

    Desember 2014 ini diterbitkan sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia

    No. 3/22/PBI/2001 tentang Transparansi Kondisi Keuangan Bank dan

    juga Keputusan Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga

    Keuangan 431/BL/2012 Peraturan No. X.K.6 tentang Kewajiban

    Penyampaian Laporan Tahunan Bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik.

    Penyebutan satuan mata uang Rupiah, Rp atau IDR merujuk pada

    mata uang resmi Republik Indonesia, sedangkan Dolar AS atau USD

    merujuk pada mata uang resmi Amerika Serikat. Semua informasi

    keuangan disajikan dalam mata uang Rupiah sesuai dengan Standar

    Akuntasi Keuangan Indonesia.

    Laporan Tahunan Bank Sinarmas 2014 disajikan dalam dua bahasa

    yaitu Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan jenis

    dan ukuran huruf yang mudah dibaca dan dicetak dengan kualitas

    yang baik. Laporan Tahunan ini dapat dilihat dan diunduh di website

    resmi Bank Sinarmas yaitu

    The Annual Report of PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. for the year ended on

    December 31, 2014 is published in accordance with the Regulation

    of Bank Indonesia No. 3/22/PBI/2001 regarding the Transparency of

    Banks Financial Condition, and Decision of the Head of Capital Market

    Supervisory Board and Financial Institutions 431/BL/2012 Regulation

    No. X.K.6 on the Oblgation to Submit Annual Report for Issuers or

    Public Company.

    The currency of Rupiah, Rp or IDR throughout this report refers to

    the official currency of the Republic of Indonesia, while US Dollar refers

    to the official curreny of the US. All financial infromation is presented in

    Rupiah currency in accordance with the Indonesia Financial Accounting


    The 2014 Annual Report of Bank Sinarmas is presented bilingually,

    both in Bahasa Indonesia and English, in which the English part uses

    fonts of other types and sizes. It is also published in good quality. This

    Annual Report can be read and downloaded from the offical website of

    Bank Sinarmas, namely

    Sanggahan Dan Batasan Tanggung Jawab

    About The 2014 Annual Report of Bank Sinarmas


    Tentang Laporan Tahunan Bank Sinarmas 2014

    This annual report contains financial condition, operation results, projections, plans, strategies,

    policy, as well as the Companys objectives, which is classified as forward-looking statements in

    the implementation of the applicable laws, excluding historical matters. Such forward-looking

    statements are subject to known and unknown risks (prospective), uncertainties, and other

    factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results.

    Prospective statements in this annual report are prepared based on numerous assumptions

    concerning current conditions and future events of the Company and the business environment

    where the Company conducts business. The Company shall have no obligation to guarantee

    that all the valid document presented will bring specific results as expected.

    This annual report contains the word Company and Bank Sinarmas hereinafter referred

    to PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk., as the company that runs business in banking industry. The word

    Company is at times used to simply refer to PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. in general.

  • Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 1

    Penyusunan Laporan Tahunan Bank Sinarmas merujuk pada ketentuan-

    ketentuan yang berlaku mengenai penyajian keterbukaan informasi

    yang harus disampaikan dalam Laporan Tahunan yang terdiri dari

    beberapa bab, sebagai berikut:


    Menyajikan berbagai informasi umum mengenai Bank Sinarmas,

    yang meliputi sejarah pendirian Bank Sinarmas, Visi dan Misi,

    Pemegang Saham dan Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham, berbagai

    penghargaan yang diterima oleh Bank Sinarmas, hingga Peta

    Operasional. Selain informasi umum, terdapat laporan manajemen

    dari Komisaris dan Direktur Utama. Profil Bank Sinarmas

    selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada halaman 41 hingga 125.

    Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen Atas Kinerja Bank


    Menyajikan deskripsi analisis atas kinerja Bank Sinarmas yang

    meliputi tinjauan industri perbankan, tinjauan bisnis, tinjauan

    operasional, tinjauan keuangan, termasuk aspek pemasaran yang

    terdiri dari strategi pemasaran dan pangsa pasar. Analisis dan

    Pembahasan Manajemen atas Kinerja Bank Sinarmas selengkapnya

    dapat dilihat pada halaman 127 hingga 171.


    Menyajikan informasi mengenai penerapan tata kelola perusahaan

    yang diimplementasikan Bank Sinarmas secara lengkap dan

    menyeluruh sesuai dengan Pedoman Umum GCG oleh KNKG. Tata

    Kelola Perusahaan selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada halaman 173

    hingga 393.

    The drafting of Bank Sinarmas Annual Report refers to the prevailing

    stipulations on the presentation of information disclosure that must be

    submitted in the Annual Reports which consisted of several chapters,



    Providing various general information regarding Bank Sinarmas,

    encompassing the establishment history of the Bank, Vision and

    Mission, Shareholders and the Composition, awards received by

    the Bank suring the year, as well as operational map. In addition to

    the general information, there will also be Reports from the Board

    of Commissioners and Board of Directors. Detailed Profile of Bank

    Sinarmas can be read on page 41 to 125.

    ManagementDiscussionandAnalysison thePerformance of

    Bank Sinarmas

    This chapter provides analytical description on the performance

    of Bank Sinarmas which encompasses banking industry overview,

    business overview, operational overview, financial overview, as well

    as marketing aspects which include marketing strategy and market

    share. Management Discussion and Analysis on the performance of

    Bank Sinarmas can be read on page 127 to page 171


    Provides detailed and comprehensive information on the

    implementation of corporate governance by Bank Sinarmas

    in accordance with GCG General Guidelines issued by KNKG.

    Information on Corporate Governance of the Bank can be read on

    page 173 to 393.

    PenyajianInformasiDalam Laporan Tahunan Bank Sinarmas 2014Information on The Presentation of 2014 Annual Report of Bank Sinarmas

  • PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 20142

    Bank Sinarmas senantiasa melanjutkan budaya

    melayani di setiap kegiatan operasional

    perusahaan dalam hubungan bersama nasabah,

    pemangku kepentingan, dan masyarakat luas.

    Sesuai dengan asas kami, pelayanan prima

    bagi nasabah dapat menambah kepuasaan dan

    kepercayaan nasabah pada Bank Sinarmas.

    Seiring dengan semangat mendukung budaya

    bangsa, Bank Sinarmas mempersembahkan

    tema Melanjutkan Budaya Melayani dengan

    sentuhan elemen tradisional. Tari selamat

    datang dari Bali menjadi simbol penyambutan,

    ramah tamah, dan pelayanan yang menjadi

    budaya Perusahaan dalam berkarya.

    Bank Sinarmas continues to serve the people

    of Indonesia in all operational aspects of the

    company, particularly in the relationship with the

    customres, stakeholders, and society in general.

    In line with our principles, premium service for

    the customer, we strive to gain satisfaction and

    trusts from all customers of the Bank.

    Accompanied with the spirit to support the

    nations culture, Bank Sinarmas presented

    the theme of Continuing the Culture of

    Serving with a touch of traditional elements

    in it. The Balinese welcoming dance symbolizes

    the welcoming atmosphere, hospitality and

    excellent service of Bank Sinarmas that serve as

    our culture in carrying out business activities.

    Perusahaan yang besar terbentuk berdasarkan

    kinerja maksimal yang didukung oleh budaya

    Perusahaan yang baik. Bank Sinarmas bertekad

    untuk meraih pencapaian terbaik dengan

    melestarikan tradisi yang baik di Perusahaan

    dan senantiasa memanfaatkan potensi dan

    peluang yang tumbuh di tengah dinamika

    perkembangan bisnis guna meraih kesuksesan

    di masa mendatang.

    Melalui semangat Consistency Striving for

    Excellence, kami memvisualisasikan semangat

    tersebut dengan memadukan elemen tradisional

    Indonesia yang tetap kami pertahankan dalam

    setiap tema laporan tahunan. Tari Kancet Lasan

    dari suku Dayak menjadi tanda keagungan.

    Tarian ini juga sering disajikan dalam

    penyambutan tamu dan acara-acara lainnya.

    A reputable company is a fruit from perseverance

    to exert maximum efforts, coupled with spirit

    to internalize corporate culture within the

    company. We are determined to reach the best

    achievements by keep maintaining our good

    tradition while studying every single potential

    and opportunity amid the vibrant business

    development to attain success in the future.

    Through a Consistency Striving for Excellence

    spirit, we strive to give a dynamic performance

    to keep being in line with the economic

    development. We are now revealing a business

    policy reflecting an underlying quality of the

    Companys performance.

    Theme Continuity of Annual Reports of Bank Sinarmas (2012-2014)

    KesinambunganTemaLaporanTahunan Bank Sinarmas (2012-2014)

  • Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 3

    Indonesia memiliki banyak kesenian tari tradisional yang

    membanggakan. Tarian-tarian tersebut terus diwariskan

    dari waktu ke waktu. Keindahan tarian tradisional kami

    visualisasikan dalam gambar silhouette dengan aksen batik,

    ukiran dan satwa khas Indonesia.

    Tari Topeng Betawi, diangkat karena berasal dari Jakarta yang

    merupakan domisili Kantor Pusat Bank Sinarmas. Selain itu, Tari

    Topeng Betawi memiliki konsep unik yang memiliki ciri khas

    berbeda dari tari topeng lainnya.

    Tari Piring, diangkat karena filosofinya yang energik dan

    dinamis, sebagaimana Bank Sinarmas yang berkembang secara

    dinamis sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar dan nasabah. Tarian

    ini juga dilakukan secara berkelompok yang mencerminkan

    kerja sama.

    Tari Rantak Kudo, perpaduan antara gerakan yang penuh

    filosofi dengan pencak silat. Beberapa teknik gerakan dalam

    tari ini memiliki makna inisiatif, kewaspadaan, arif, dan

    kemampuan yang diukur dengan baik.

    Tema Developing Through Transformation sangat tepat

    menggambarkan visi dan misi perusahaan serta cita-cita

    Bank untuk menjadi Payment & Transaction Bank dengan

    melakukan transformasi di bidang SDM dan TI Bank.

    Indonesia is proud of its rich cultural background, particularly

    its traditional dances. Over time, the dances are inherited to the

    next generation to preserve its cultural values. Thus, by referring

    to these fundamentals, we chose the beauty of Indonesias

    traiditional dances and visualizes them in silhouette, patterned

    in batik, carvings, and endemic faunas of Indonesia.

    Tari Topeng Betawi (Betawis Mask Dance) is uplifted due to

    its origin of Jakarta, which is the location of Bank Sinarmas

    Main Office. Furthermore, this dance has a unique concept that

    differentiate it from other mask dances in the nation.

    Tari Piring (Piring Dance) is higlighted due to its philosophy

    value that shows energy and dynamic, similar to the Bank that

    continues to develop dynamically in line with the requirements

    from the market and customers. This dance is performed in

    group and reflects the spirit of cooperation.

    Tari Rantak Kudo (Rantak Kudo Dance) is a dance that combines

    philosophical movements with pencak silat movements. Several

    dance sequences in this traditional dance describe initiative,

    awareness, wisdom, and capabilities that are well measured.

    Our theme of Developing Through Transformation is

    observed as the most appropriate to describe vision and mission,

    as well as the target of the Bank to become a Payment and

    Transaction Bank through transformation in the aspect of

    Human Resources and Information Technology.

  • PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 20144

    Table of Content

    DaftarIsi2 Kesinambungan Tema Laporan

    Tahunan Bank Sinarmas (2012-2014)

    Theme Continuity of Annual Reports

    of Bank Sinarmas (2012-2014)


    Financial Highlights

    10 Ikhtisar Saham

    Stock Highlights

    12 Peristiwa Penting

    Significant Events

    18 Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi

    Awards and Certifications


    Board of Commissioners Report

    30 Laporan Direksi

    Board of Directors Report


    Corporate Identity

    45 Visi dan Misi

    Vision and Mission

    46 Bidang Usaha

    Line of Business

    58 Jejak Langkah


    64 Struktur Organisasi Bank Sinarmas

    Organization Structure of Bank


    66 Profil Dewan Komisaris

    Board of Commissioners Profile

    69 Profil Direksi

    Board of Directors Profile

    77 Manajemen Senior

    Senior Management

    78 Struktur Grup Perusahaan

    Company Group Structure

    80 Komposisi Pemegang Saham

    Share Ownership Composition

    81 Informasi Pemegang Saham Utama

    dan Pengendali

    Information on Main and Controlling


    82 Sumber Daya Manusia

    Human Resources

    95 Testimoni Karyawan

    Testimonials from Employees

    96 Testimoni Mitra Usaha

    Testimonials from Business Partners

    98 Teknologi Informasi

    Information Technology

    103 Lembaga Profesi Penunjang Pasar


    Capital Market Supporting Institutions

    103 Jaringan


    104 Peta Operasional Dan Alamat Kantor


    Operational Map and Branch Office


    106 Alamat Kantor Cabang

    Branch Office Address


    Global Economic Overview

    129 Tinjauan Umum Ekonomi Indonesia

    Indonesias Economic Overview

    130 Tinjauan Industri Perbankan

    Banking Industry Overview

    131 Tinjauan Operasional Per Segmen


    Operational Overview Per Business


    139 Analisis dan Pembahasan Kinerja


    Financial Performance Analysis and


    147 Target dan Realisasi 2014 serta

    Proyeksi Keuangan 2015

    Target and Realization 2014 and

    Financial Projection 2015

    148 Kemampuan Membayar Utang dan

    Tingkat Kolektibilitas Piutang

    The Capacity To Pay Debts and the

    Level of Receivables Collectability

    148 Struktur Modal Dan Kebijakan

    Manajemen Atas Struktur Modal

    Capital Structure and Management

    Policy regarding Capital Structure

    150 Ikatan yang Material untuk Investasi

    Barang Modal

    Material Ties for the Investment of

    Capital Goods

    150 Informasi Dan Fakta Material yang

    Terjadi Setelah Tanggal Laporan


    Information and Fact Material

    Subsequent to the Date of Accountant

    151 Informasi Material Mengenai Investasi,

    Ekspansi, Divestasi, Restrukturisasi


    Material Information On Investments,

    Expansion, Divestments, Capital/Debt


    152 Informasi Transaksi Material yang

    Mengandung Benturan Kepentingan

    dan Transaksi Dengan Pihak Berelasi

    Material Information Transaction

    Which Contains Conflict of Interest

    and Transaction with Related Parties

    153 Kebijakan Suku Bunga Bank Sinarmas

    Bank Sinarmas Interest Rate Policy

    154 Aspek Pemasaran

    Marketing Aspects

    155 Kebijakan Dividen

    Dividend Policy

    156 Realisasi Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum

    Realization of Funds from Public


    157 Perubahan Peraturan

    Perundangundangan yang


    The Change of Influenced Laws and


    163 Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi

    The Change of Accountant Policy

    169 Prospek Usaha

    Business Prospects

    171 Strategi yang Telah Ditempuh pada

    2014 dan Strategi Ke Depan

    Strategies That Have Been Taken in

    2014 and Future Strategies


    Sharia Business Units

    174 Profil Unit Usaha Syariah PT.

    Bank Sinarmas Tbk.

    Profile of Sharia Business Units

    PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk.

    175 Visi, Misi dan Nilai Sharia

    Vision, Mission and Sharia Value

    176 Jejak Langkah


  • Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 5

    178 Dewan Pengawas Syariah

    Sharia Super Visory Board

    182 Direktur Unit Usaha Syariah

    Board of Directors of Sharia

    Business Unit

    187 Komite Di Bawah Direksi UUS

    Committees Under The Board

    of Director

    190 Tinjauan Operasi Per Segmen


    Committees Under The Board

    of Director

    200 Kinerja Keuangan

    Financial Performance

    203 Tata Kelola Perusahaan

    Implementation Of Good

    Corporate Governance

    215 Tanggung Jawab Sosial


    Corporate Social Responsibility

    216 Manajemen Risiko

    Risk Management

    216 Sistem Penerapan Manajemen Risiko

    Risk Management Implementation


    219 Evaluasi Atas Efektivitas Sistem

    Manajemen Risiko

    Evaluati on of Effectivity of Risk

    Management System

    220 Jenis Risiko Dan Pengelolaanya

    Types Of Risks And Its Management



    The Implementation of Good

    Corporate Governance

    290 Implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan

    The Implementation of Corporate


    291 Penilaian Tata Kelola Perusahaan

    Corporate Governance Assessment

    292 Peta Arah Tata Kelola Perusahaan

    Peta Arah Tata Kelola Perusahaan

    292 Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan

    The Corporate Governance Structure

    295 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)

    General Meeting of Shareholderds


    305 Dewan Komisaris

    Board of Commissioners

    314 Direksi

    Board of Directors

    332 Hubungan Kerja Dewan Komisaris dan


    Work Relation of The Board of

    Commissioners and Board of Directors

    337 Kebijakan dan Prosedur Penetapan

    Remunerasi Direksi

    Policies and Procedures of The

    Board of Directors Remuneration


    339 Assessment Dewan Komisaris dan


    Assessment of The Board of

    Commissioners and Board of Directors

    340 Komite-Komite Di Bawah Dewan


    Committees Under The Board of


    340 Komite Audit

    Audit Committee

    344 Komite Pemantau Risiko

    Risk Monitoring Committee

    349 Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi

    Committee of Remuneraion and


    354 Komite Good Corporate Governance

    Komite Good Corporate Governance


    358 Komite-Komite Di Bawah Direksi

    Committees Under Board of Directors

    358 Asset & Liability Management

    Committee (ALCO)

    Asset & Liability Management

    Committee (ALCO)

    259 Komite Kredit Korporasi

    Companys Credit Committee

    360 Komite Information Technology

    Information Technology Committee

    361 Komite Manajemen Risiko

    Risk Management Committee

    362 Komite Human Capital Management


    Human Capital Management

    Committee (HCM)

    363 Satuan Kerja Audit Internal (SKAI)

    Internal Audit Work Unit

    368 Sistem Pengendalian Internal (SPI)

    Internal Supervision System

    369 Satuan Kerja Manajemen Risiko


    Risk Management Work Unit

    371 Satuan Kerja Kepatuhan (SKK)

    Compliance Work Unit

    378 Sekretaris Perusahaan

    Corporate Secretary

    382 Akuntan Publik

    Public Accountant

    383 Transaksi yang Mengandung Benturan


    Transaction Containing Conflicts of


    383 Perkara Perusahaan

    Legal Cases

    383 Akses Informasi Perusahaan

    Access to Company Information

    384 Buy Back Shares dan Buy Back Obligasi


    Buy Back Shares and Buy Back Obligasi


    384 Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Tingkah Laku

    Codes of Conduct

    385 Budaya Bank Sinarmas

    Bank Sinarmas Culture

    388 Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran

    Whistleblowing System

    390 Penyimpangan Internal

    Internal Fraud

    393 Praktik Bad Corporategovernance

    Bad Corporate Governance Practice

    393 Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan

    Pengawas dan Direksi

    Diversity of The Composition of The

    Board of Supervisors And Board of




    Philosophy And Basic Policy Of


    398 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang

    Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan, dan

    Keselamatan Kerja

    Corporate Social Responsibility on

    Manpower Occupational Health and


    399 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

    Terhadap Kelestarian Lingkungan

    Corporate Social Responsibility on The


    400 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Bidang

    Pengembangan Sosial dan


    Corporate Social Responsibility on

    Social and Community Development

    402 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terhadap

    Kepada Nasabah

    Corporate Social Responsibility To The


    Surat Pernyataan Anggota Dewan Komisaris

    dan Direksi Tentang Tanggung Jawab atas

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 PT Bank Sinarmas


    Statement of Members of Board of

    Commissioners and Board of Directors on the

    Responsibility for the 2014 Annual Report of

    PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk



  • Laporan ManajemenReport of Management

    Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

    Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

    Kilas Kinerja 2014Flashback Performance of 2014

    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 20146

  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 7

    KilasKinerja2014Flashback Performance of 2014


  • Laporan ManajemenReport of Management

    Profil PerusahaanCompany Profile

    Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

    Kilas Kinerja 2014Flashback Performance of 2014

    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 20148

    Uraian 2012 2013 2014 Description


    Pendapatan Bunga Bersih 780.192 826.360 987.625 Net Interest Revenues

    Pendapatan di luar Bunga 171.150 275.230 251.106 Non Interest Revenues

    Pendapatan Operasional 1.622.734 1.665.377 2.045.612 Operating Revenues

    Beban Operasional 1.337.255 1.379.277 1.844.717 Operating Expensess

    Laba Sebelum Pajak 285.479 286.100 200.895 Income Before Tax

    Laba Bersih 227.906 221.100 154.932 Net Income

    Jumlah Laba Komprehensif 233.351 221.156 159.624 Total Comprehensive Income

    Laba Bersih per Saham Earning per Share

    Dasar 23,57 17,87 11,80 Basic

    Dilusian 20,15 16,50 11,56 Dilluted


    Jumlah Aset 15.151.892 17.447.455 21.259.549 Total Assets

    Aset Produktif 12.668.515 14.562.067 17.991.951 Earning Assets

    Dana Pihak Ketiga 12.860.714 13.819.061 16.946.231 Third Party Fund

    Jumlah Ekuitas 1.825.608 2.754.260 3.160.482 Total Equity


    Permodalan Equity

    Pemenuhan modal minimum 18,09% 21,82% 18,38% Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)

    Aset tetap terhadap modal 34,74% 26,85% 26,71% Fixed Assets to Total Equity

    AsetProduktif EarningAssets

    Aset produktif bermasalah terhadap total aset produktif

    2,63% 1,88% 2,33%

    Kredit bermasalah (NPL)-bruto 3,18% 2,50% 3,00% Non-Performing Loan (NPL) - Gross

    Kredit bermasalah (NPL)-neto 2,57% 2,12% 2,56% Non-Performing Loans (NPL) - net

    PPAP-CKPN terhadap aset produktif 0,73% 0,39% 0,46% Provision to Earning Assets

    Pemenuhan PPA-CKPN 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% Provisiom Compliance

    Rentabilitas Profitability

    Laba terhadap total aset (ROA) 1,74% 1,71% 1,02% Return of Assets (ROA)

    Laba terhadap ekuitas (ROE) 15,42% 9,23% 5,72% Return on Equity (ROE)

    Marjin bunga bersih 5,72% 5,23% 5,87% Net Interest Margin (NIM)

    Biaya operasional/Pendapatan operasional (BOPO)

    83,75% 83,25% 91,35% Operational Expenses/Operational Income

    Likuiditas Liquidity

    Kredit terhadap dana yang dihimpun (LDR)

    80,78% 78,72% 83,88% Loans to Deposit Ratio (LDR)


    Presentase pelanggaran BMPK - - - Percentage of Legal Lending Limit Violation

    Pihak terkait Nil Nil Nil Related Parties

    Pihak tidak terkait Nil Nil Nil Non Related Parties

    IKHTISAR KEUANGANFinancial Highlights

    Dalam jutaan Rupiah atau dinyatakan dalam bentuk lain | In million Rupiah unless stated otherwise

  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 9

    Uraian 2012 2013 2014 Description

    PresentasepelampauanBMPK PercentageofLegalLendingLimitExcesses

    Pihak terkait Nil Nil Nil Related Parties

    Pihak tidak terkait Nil Nil Nil Non Related Parties

    Giro wajib minimum (Rupiah) 9,45% 9,37% 8,64% Minimum Balance with Bank Indonesia (Rupiah)

    Posisi devisa neto 6,58% 0,75% 0,18% Net Open Position

    2012 2012

    2012 2012

    15.151.892 1.825.608

    987.625 13.819.061

    21.259.549 3.160.482


    17.447.455 2.754.260

    2013 2013

    2013 2013

    2014 2014

    2014 2014

    Pendapatan Bunga BersihNet Interest Revenues

    Dana Pihak KetigaThird Party Fund

    Jumlah AsetTotal Assets

    Jumlah EkuitasTotal Equity


  • Laporan ManajemenReport of Management

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    Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

    Kilas Kinerja 2014Flashback Performance of 2014

    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201410

    IKHTISAR SAHAMStock Highlights


    Kurs(RG)PeredaranSahamdiPasarRegulerShare Circulation in Regular Market JumlahSaham

    TercatatAmount of Listed


    KapitalisasiPasarCapitalization Market






    (Rp) (Rp) (Rp) (Unit) (Rp) (X)


    Januari / January 235 215 230 1.801.500 402.670.000 336 10.148.836.246 2.334.232.336.580

    Februari / February 275 220 250 21.194.500 5.321.610.000 3.187 10.148.837.282 2.537.209.320.500

    Maret / March 290 240 255 70.648.500 18.967.992.500 14.201 10.149.362.282 2.588.087.381.910


    April / April 305 245 255 110.570.500 31.396.440.000 16.055 12.864.922.291 3.280.555.184.205

    Mei / May 260 245 255 8.052.000 2.034.870.000 876 12.864.922.291 3.280.555.184.205

    Juni / June 255 220 255 4.358.500 1.016.302.500 410 12.975.346.668 3.308.713.400.340


    Juli / July 240 225 235 3.201.500 736.897.500 313 12.976.125.168 3.049.389.414.480

    Agustus / August 240 225 225 5.466.500 1.259.672.500 1.079 12.977.636.668 2.919.968.250.300

    September / September

    240 225 230 4.876.000 411 12.978.255.668 2.984.998.803.640


    Oktober / October 250 225 250 2.504.000 584.662.500 375 12.978.255.668 3.244.563.917.000

    November / November

    255 235 245 4.216.500 1.036.875.000 384 12.978.756.498 3.179.795.342.010

    Desember / December

    245 235 240 4.821.500 1.172.805.000 627 12.981.631.498 3.115.591.559.520


    Kurs(RG)PeredaranSahamdiPasarRegulerShare Circulation in Regular Market JumlahSaham

    TercatatAmount of Listed


    KapitalisasiPasarCapitalization Market






    (Rp) (Rp) (Rp) (Unit) (Rp) (X)


    Januari / January 253 235 250 6.540.700 1.613.786.900 301 12.985.531.698 3.246.382.924.500

    Februari / February 255 249 250 8.023.700 2.006.327.700 269 12.985.531.698 3.246.382.924.500

    Maret / March 252 236 252 2.458.800 614.726.400 120 12.987.589.702 3.272.872.604.904


    April / April 275 250 274 5.125.400 1.343.830.000 302 12.987.589.702 3.558.599.578.348

    Mei / May 275 269 270 6.070.100 1.639.435.700 490 12.989.113.102 3.507.060.537.540

    Juni / June 284 270 280 8.675.000 2.416.926.900 4.139 3.640.330.661.800


    Juli / July 285 262 284 58.073.300 16.259.632.300 2.738 13.003.797.135 3.693.078.386.340

    Agustus / August 284 272 280 2.054.500 573.540.600 864 13.003.797.135 3.641.063.197.800

    September / September

    288 271 283 7.661.000 2.160.996.000 3537 13.895.104.424 3.932.314.551.992


    Oktober / October 284 263 275 495.300 134.387.200 206 13.895.104.424 3.821.153.716.600

    November / November

    280 240 270 1.708.500 461.212.000 876 13.895.104.424 3.751.678.194.480

    Desember / December

    339 273 339 17.003.000 5.116.973.300 5990 13.895.104.424 4.710.440.399.736



  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 11

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4








    2014 6.540. 700 8.023.700 2.458.800 5.125.400 6.070.100 8.675.000 58.073.300 2.054.500 7.661.000 495.300 1.708.500 17.003.000

    2013 1.801.500 21.194.500 70.648.500 110.570.500 8.052.000 4.358.500 3.201.500 5.466.500 4.876.000 2.504.000 4.216.500 4.821.500

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4







    2014 3.246 3.246 3.273 3.559 3.507 3.641 3.693 3.641 3.932 3.821 3.752 4.710

    2013 2.334 2.537 2.588 3.281 3.281 3.309 3.049 2.920 2.985 3.245 3.180 3.116

    Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4









    2014 250 250 252 274 270 280 284 280 283 275 270 339

    2013 230 250 255 255 255 255 235 225 230 250 245 240

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    PERISTIWA PENTINGSignificant Events


    Penandatangan Percepatan Pendalaman Pasar

    Repo antar Bank di Bank Indonesia


    Signing of the Acceleration and Deepening of

    Repo Market


    Penandatanganan Mini Master Repurchase

    Agreement (Mini MRA) antar Bank di Menara



    Signing of Mini Master Repurchase Agreement

    (Mini Mra) Inter Bank at BNI Tower


    Penarikan Undian Simas Lion Ticket di Metro TV


    Drawing of Simas Lion Ticket Lottery at Metro





  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 13


    Penandatanganan Master Repo Agreement

    Bank Mandiri dan Bank Umum Nasional di

    Plaza Mandiri


    Signing of Master Repor Agreement between

    Bank Mandiri and National Public Banks at

    Plaza Mandiri


    Program Pelatihan Manajemen Usaha Mikro

    Kecil Bank Sinarmas dengan P2EB Universitas

    Gajah Mada di yogyakarta


    Management Training Program for Micro and

    Small Enterprises of Bank Sinarmas with P2eb

    Gadjah Mada University in yogyakarta


    Peresmian Mobil Kas Bank Sinarmas di Sinarmas

    Land Plaza


    Launching of Bank Sinarmas Cash Car at

    Sinarmas Land Plaza




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    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201414


    Forum Regional Rollout Bank Sinarmas bersama

    seluruh Kantor Wilayah di Plaza Simas


    Rollout Regional Forum of Bank Sinarmas

    together with all Regional Offices at Plaza Simas


    RUPST dan RUPSLB Bank Sinarmas di Sinarmas

    Land Plaza


    GMS and EGMS of Bank Sinarmas at Sinarmas

    Land Plaza


    Sumbangan Komputer layak pakai kepada Panti

    Asuhan Santo yusuf di Cipanas, Puncak


    Donation of Computer Appliances to Santo

    yusuf Cipanas, Puncak




  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 15


    Dalam Rangka Menyambut Idul Fitri 1435 H Tahun

    2014, Bank Sinarmas mengadakan Acara Halal Bihalal

    Bersama Anak yatim Piatu di Plaza Simas


    In the event of Eid Al-Fitr 1435 H of 2014, Bank

    Sinarmas held Halal Bihalal event with orphans at Plaza



    Launching Kartu Debit Union Pay Bank

    Sinarmas di Grand Hyatt


    Launching of Union Pay Debit Card of Bank

    Sinarmas at Grand Hyatt


    HUT Bank Sinarmas ke 25 Tahun di Plaza Simas


    Celebration of 25 Anniversary of Bank Sinarmas

    at Plaza Simas




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    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201416


    Edukasi Perbankan oleh Bank Sinarmas kepada

    SDN 02 Lebak Bulus


    Banking Education event conducted by Bank

    Sinarmas at SDN 02 Lebak


    Perjanjian kerja sama dengan PT Nurbaya Artha

    Pratama dalam Bidang UMKM di Thamrin City


    Partnership Agreement with PT Nurbaya Artha



  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 17


    Public Expose 2014 Bank Sinarmas di Plaza Simas


    2014 Public Expose of Bank Sinarmas at Plaza Simas


    Kunjungan Miss Internet Bali di Sinarmas Land



    Visit from Miss Internet Bali to Sinarmas Land




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    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201418

    PENGHARGAAN DAN SERTIFIKASIAwards and Certifications



    Bank yang berpredikat Sangat Bagus atas kinerja keuangan

    tahun 2013 selama 5 tahun berturut - turut.



    Bank dengan Holding Terbaik

    Peringkat 4 Kelompok Bank Go Public



    Obtained the predicate of Excellent on the financial

    performance of 2013 for 5 years consecutively.



    Bank with the Best Holding

    Fourth Position in the Category of Go Public Bank

  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 19



    Bank BUKU 2 (dua) Peringkat ke 4 (empat) kategori Bank Go

    Public dengan modal inti Rp1 Triliun - Rp5 Triliun.



    Second runner-up in the Category of Financial Access


    Bank BUKU 2 (two), fourth position in the category of Go Public

    Bank with core capital amounting to Rp1 trillion - Rp5 trillion.



    Pemenang ke-3 (III) Kategori Akses Keuangan

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    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201420

  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 21

    Laporan ManajemenManagement Report


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    Analisis dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

    Kilas Kinerja 2014Flashback Performance of 2014

    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201422

    LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARISBoard of Commissioners Report

    Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa,

    karena atas karunia-Nya Bank Sinarmas kembali meraih

    perolehan yang positif meskipun pemulihan kondisi ekonomi

    global masih belum sesuai dengan harapan. Selama tahun

    2014, Bank Sinarmas tetap memperlihatkan kinerja yang solid

    terutama ditunjukkan dengan risiko kredit, likuiditas dan pasar

    yang cukup terjaga, serta dukungan modal yang kuat.

    Laporan ini berisi penilaian terhadap kinerja Perseroan selama

    tahun 2014, implementasi tata kelola perusahaan, serta

    pandangan kami terhadap prospek usaha Perseroan yang telah

    disusun oleh Direksi untuk masa mendatang.


    Dalam upaya menghadapi tantangan selama tahun 2014,

    Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa Direksi telah bekerja dengan

    optimal dalam menjalankan program - program serta telah

    mengimplementasikan strategi yang telah direncanakan

    sebelumnya dengan tepat.

    Kondisi ini merupakan hal yang membanggakan karena

    pertumbuhan kredit Bank Sinarmas sebesar 30%, berada jauh

    di atas rata-rata industri yang bertumbuh sekitar 12%, yang

    dikontribusi oleh kredit korporasi. Selain itu, dengan dibentuknya

    divisi kredit Retail dan Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME),

    maka kredit yang disalurkan Bank Sinarmas kepada Usaha

    First of all, let us extend our gratitude to God Almighty for His

    blessings so that Bank Sinarmas was able to record another

    positive performance in 2014 despite the fluctuations in global

    economic condition. Bank Sinarmas continues to show solid

    performance, particularly shown by credit risk, liquidity, and

    market risks, as well as the ability to sustain strong capital

    support throughout the year.

    This report encompasses evaluations on the Companys

    performance during 2014, implementation of corporate

    governance, and our opinion on the Companys business

    outlooks as drafted by the Board of Directors.

    EVALUATIONONTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSPERFORMANCEThe Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that the Board

    of Directors has performed its management functions in 2014

    admirably, particularly in implementing various programs and

    strategies that have been planned at the beginning of the year.

    This result was very satisfying since the credit growth of Bank

    Sinarmas in 2014 was recorded at 30%, far above the average

    growth of the industry which was at 12% as contributed by the

    corporation credit sector. In addition, with the establishment of

    credit division of Retail and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise

    (MSME), loans distributed by Bank Sinarmas to several Micro,

    Para Pemangku Kepentingan yang Terhormat,Honorable Stakeholders,

  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

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    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 23

    TjendrawatiWidjajaKomisaris Utama

    President Commissioner

    Kerja keras dan keteguhan dalam memegang prinsip telah menjadi bukti akan kekuatan Perseroan dalam menghadapi tantangan hari ini dan masa yang akan datang.

    Our hard work and dedication in upholding the principles serve as the proof of the Companys strength to face the challenges at the present and that may arise in the future

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    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201424

    Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) juga bertumbuh dengan

    signifikan yaitu sebesar 69%. Hal ini tentunya tidak terlepas

    dari jaringan kantor Bank Sinarmas yang tersebar di 34 provinsi

    dan 157 kota, sehingga akan lebih mudah dalam menjangkau


    Dana pihak ketiga yang dihimpun bertumbuh 23% pada tahun

    2014. Kenaikan ini dikarenakan meningkatnya volume deposito

    secara signifikan.

    Selama tahun 2014, Bank Sinarmas terus meningkatkan kualitas

    dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia dengan merekrut lebih

    dari 1.000 orang karyawan baru dan secara berkesinambungan

    mengadakan program - program pelatihan dan pendidikan.

    Disamping itu, investasi atas perangkat keras, perangkat

    lunak serta peralatan kantor juga terus dilakukan. Investasi -

    investasi ini merupakan bagian dari strategi jangka panjang

    yang dilakukan Bank Sinarmas untuk meningkatkan daya saing

    dalam menghadapi kompetisi di masa mendatang. Namun di

    lain sisi, investasi ini mendorong naik beban operasional diluar

    beban bunga sebesar 27% dari tahun 2013 dan berdampak

    terhadap penurunan laba bersih sebesar 30%.

    PELAKSANAANTUGASPENGAWASANKEPADADIREKSISepanjang tahun 2014, Dewan Komisaris melakukan tugas

    pengawasan terhadap kebijakan manajemen, mekanisme

    kepengurusan dan operasional Bank yang dijalankan oleh

    Direksi serta memberikan masukan dan arahan kepada Direksi

    mengenai kinerja yang sedang dijalankan. Berdasarkan evaluasi

    atas kinerja operasional di tahun pelaporan, Dewan Komisaris

    mengamanatkan kepada Direksi untuk terus memperkuat

    posisi modal, meningkatkan kualitas dan kompetensi sumber

    daya manusia serta memperkuat jaringan dan pengembangan

    teknologi informasi. Kami mengarahkan agar Direksi melakukan

    berbagai inovasi dengan melihat perkembangan pasar.

    Terkait dengan likuiditas, Dewan Komisaris mendorong

    manajemen untuk fokus pada pengumpulan dana murah,

    dengan tetap memperhatikan likuiditas dan kondisi pasar, serta

    Small and Medium Enterprises grew by 69%. This was also

    influenced by the vast branch network of Bank Sinarmas that is

    spread over 34 provinces and 157 cities in Indonesia. Hence, we

    were able to reach our customers easily.

    Third Party Funds that were collected grew 23% in 2014. This

    increase was due to the significant improvement in volume of


    Throughout 2014, the Bank continues to improve the quality and

    quantity of its human resources as marked by the recruitment

    of 1,000 new employees. Moreover, the Bank also continues

    to conduct various training and educational programs to

    contribute to the improvement of its Human Resources. During

    the year, Bank Sinarmas also conducted several investments on

    software and hardware aas well as office supplies as a part of

    the Banks long-term strategy to improve its competitiveness

    in facing the dynamics of the future. However, at the same

    time, these investments also escalated our operating expenses

    outside of the interest expenses amounting to 27% from that

    of he previous year, and impacted on the decrease of net

    income amounting to 30%.


    its supervisory function on management policies and

    mechanism, as well as Banks operations conducted by the

    Board of Directors. Moreover, the Board of Commissioners had

    provided inputs and recommendations for the Board of Directors

    regarding the performance of Bank Sinarmas. Based on the

    evaluation of operational performance in 2014, we advised the

    Board of Directors to continue strengthening the Companys

    capital position, improving the quality and competencies of

    human resources as well as developing information technology

    and network. We directed the Board of Directors to continue

    innovating by taking into account the market development.

    Pertaining to the liquidity, the Board of Commissioners

    encouraged the management of the Bank to focus on low

    cost funds gathering, by always taking into account liquidity

  • Tinjauan Unit-Unit BisnisOverview of Business Units

    Tata Kelola PerusahaanGood Corporate Governance

    Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

    Laporan Keuangan KonsolidasiConsolidated Financial Statement

    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 25

    melakukan berbagai upaya untuk memperkuat penghimpunan

    dana masyarakat melalui intensifikasi strategi dan pelayanan

    yang berkualitas. Terkait pengelolaan risiko, Dewan Komisaris

    senantiasa mendorong manajemen untuk semakin intensif

    dalam upaya meningkatkan mitigasi risiko melalui Enterprise

    Risk Management (ERM) secara terintegrasi, sehingga risiko

    yang dihadapi dapat diubah menjadi peluang peningkatan

    usaha. Selain itu, Dewan Komisaris juga terus mengawasi

    dengan seksama pengelolaan risiko yang dilaksanakan Direksi

    dengan dukungan dari komite yang relevan pengelolaan

    risiko yang bijak dan melibatkan seluruh risk owner dalam

    upaya memitigasi risiko utama, akan menghindarkan Bank

    Sinarmas dari kejadian risiko yang fatal dan dapat menjamin

    keberlangsungan usaha dalam jangka panjang.

    PERANKOMITE-KOMITEDIBAWAHDEWANKOMISARISDalam menjalankan pengawasan yang ketat terhadap

    Perseroan, baik dalam hal kinerja keuangan maupun tata kelola

    yang baik secara keseluruhan, kami dibantu oleh 4 (empat)

    komite yaitu Komite Audit, Komite Pemantau Risiko, Komite

    Remunerasi dan Nominasi, serta Komite Good Corporate


    Selama tahun 2014, keempat komite tersebut telah menjalankan

    tugas dengan baik dan telah memberikan kontribusi besar

    terhadap pertumbuhan Bank Sinarmas. Implementasi program

    kerja serta fungsi masing-masing komite yang tepat, senantiasa

    mendukung tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris.

    Dibantu oleh keempat komite tersebut, Dewan Komisaris

    senantiasa mendorong penerapan standar tata kelola

    yang baik secara menyeluruh di semua aktivitas Perseroan

    serta memperkuat fungsi - fungsi komite demi mendorong

    tercapainya sistem perbankan yang sehat.

    TATAKELOLAPERUSAHAANPada tahun 2014, self assessment Good Corporate Governance

    (GCG) Bank Sinarmas menunjukkan kinerja yang baik. Hal ini

    dapat memberikan nilai positif bagi para pemegang saham dan

    pemangku kepentingan. Penerapan tata kelola perusahaan

    yang baik oleh Direksi juga tergambar dengan jelas dalam

    kegiatan Perseroan yaitu dengan meningkatnya kesadaran

    segenap karyawan akan pentingnya nilai-nilai transparansi

    and market condition, and strive to improve fund collection

    from the public through intensification of strategy and high-

    quality service. In managing risks, the Board of Commissioners

    constantly encourages the management to be more intensive

    in mitigating risks through the integrated Enterprise Wide Risk

    Management (EWRM) program in order to transform the risks

    faced by the Company into business opportunities. In addition,

    we constantly monitor risk management performed by the

    Board of Directors with the support of the relevant committees.

    With proper management of risks and involvement of all risk

    owners in order to mitigate the main risks, Bank Sinarmas will

    be able to avoid adverse impact generated from potential risks

    and thus, ensuring the sustainability of the Company in the


    ROLESOFTHECOMMITTEESUNDERTHEBOARDOFCOMMISSIONERSIn implementing a tight supervisory function on the Companys

    operational and financial performance as well as the overall

    governance, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by 4

    (four) committees namely Audit Committee, Risk Oversight

    Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee, and

    Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Committee.

    During 2014, these four committees had performed their

    duties and responsibilities commendably, and had provided

    significant contribution to the growth of Bank Sinarmas.

    Proper implementation of work program and function of each

    committee constantly supported duties and responsibilities of

    the Board of Commissioners. Moreover, through the assistance

    of these four committees, the Board of Commissioners

    continues to support the implementation of thorough good

    corporate governance in all activities of the Company, while

    strengthening the functions of other committees to achieve a

    healthy banking procedure in the future.

    GOODCORPORATEGOVERNANCEIn 2014, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) self-assessment

    of Bank Sinarmas showed excellent performance which

    consequently provided positive values for all shareholders and

    stakeholders. Implementation of GCG by the Board of Directors

    during the year was reflected on the improvement of employees

    awareness on the importance of transparency aspect; thus,

    GCG principles of Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility,

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    PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. | Laporan Tahunan 201426

    sehingga prinsip Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility,

    Independency, Fairness (TARIF) dapat berjalan dengan semakin

    maksimal. GCG telah dibuktikan dengan berkurangnya

    pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak terkait.


    Dewan Komisaris mengamanatkan kepada Direksi untuk

    meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan program tanggung jawab

    sosial sehingga pelaksanaannya lebih efisien, terukur, terarah

    serta menjangkau pemangku kepentingan sekitar dengan baik.

    Bagi Bank Sinarmas, pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial

    merupakan investasi sosial yang akan memperdalam hubungan

    timbal balik dengan masyarakat sehingga pada akhirnya dapat

    memberikan dampak peningkatan kinerja dan branding Bank

    Sinarmas. Seluruh program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan

    termasuk dalam komitmen Bank Sinarmas untuk menerapkan

    prinsip pertanggungjawaban dalam rangka meningkatkan

    kualitas GCG dan selalu berupaya menciptakan keselarasan

    antara kinerja operasional dan pertumbuhan profit dengan

    tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.

    PENGEMBANGANSUMBERDAYAMANUSIADANTEKNOLOGIINFORMASISemua staf dan manajemen Bank Sinarmas memiliki kesamaan

    visi dan komitmen untuk menjadi mitra terbaik bagi nasabah.

    Untuk itu, berbagai pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi

    masing - masing individu terus dilakukan secara berkala.

    Perseroan juga telah menyediakan dana yang diinvestasikan

    untuk pelatihan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia

    sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 31/310/

    KEP/DIR 1999. Evaluasi secara berkala juga dilakukan terkait

    dengan pengembangan sistem rekrutmen, seleksi, dan on-

    boarding, serta menyangkut pembaharuan sistem informasi

    yang digunakan dan peningkatan kompetensi para recruiters.

    Independency, Fairness (TARIF) can be implemented optimally

    in all business activities of the Company. Furthermore, the

    function of each GCG instrument showed positive performance

    as proven by the low rates of fraud and violation of regulations

    in the Bank throughout the year.

    CORPORATESOCIALRESPONSIBILITYOFBANKSINARMASWe have mandated the Board of Directors to improve bte

    quality of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program of the

    Bank through a structured coordination in order to ensure a

    more efficient, measured, and directed implementation so as

    to be able to reach all stakeholders of the Bank.

    For us, the implementation of CSR Activities is a social investment

    that will deepen our mutual relationship with the community

    which ultimately will impact on the growth of performance and

    development of the Comapanys brands. All CSR programs of

    the Bank are included in our commitment to incorporating the

    responsibility principle in order to improve the quality of GCG

    implementation. Furthermore, we will always strive to create

    harmony between the operational performance and profit

    growth with our CSR programs.

    DEVELOPMENTOFHUMANRESOURCESANDINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYAll staffs and management of Bank Sinarmas have a common

    vision and commitment to be the best partner for our

    customers. To that end, a variety of trainings to improve the

    competence of each individual continued to be conducted

    periodically. The Company had also provided funds invested in

    training and development of human resources of the Company

    in accordance with the Regulation of Bank Indonesia No.

    31/310/KEP/DIR 1999. The evaluation was also conducted at

    regular intervals associated with the development of the system

    of recruitment, selection, and on-boarding; both related to the

    tools used, and to increase the competence of the recruiters.

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    Selama tahun 2014, Bank Sinarmas terus meningkatkan

    kinerja unit kerja information Technology (IT) sehingga dapat

    terus mendukung perkembangan Bank yang selanjutnya

    meningkatkan daya saing Bank Sinarmas. Teknologi yang

    diimplementasikan berfokus pada peningkatan efektivitas dan

    efisiensi kerja yang berorientasi pada nasabah. Sebesar 60%

    dana hasil Penawaran Umum Terbatas I (PUT I) digunakan

    untuk pembelanjaan teknologi informasi. Hal ini dilakukan

    untuk mewujudkan cita-cita Perseroan untuk menjadi Bank

    terbaik di Indonesia.

    PANDANGANDANPROSPEKKEDEPANBerdasarkan data statistik Bank Indonesia, hingga saat ini

    jumlah Bank yang ada di Indonesia mencapai 119 Bank. World

    Bank juga mencatat bahwa masih ada sekitar 53% masyarakat

    Indonesia yang belum tersentuh jasa perbankan. Oleh karena

    itu, strategi yang disusun oleh Direksi difokuskan untuk

    membidik pasar yang masih besar tersebut dan mencapai

    objektif jangka panjang. Dengan mengoptimalkan jaringan

    dan sistem yang dimiliki, kami optimis bahwa Bank Sinarmas

    dapat menjadi Payment and Transaction Bank yang terkemuka


    Selain itu, melihat peluang pasar yang masih terbuka pada

    tahun 2015, prospek yang disusun oleh Direksi untuk tetap

    membidik kredit sektor usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah,

    akan ditingkatkan. Berbekal pengalaman yang telah dimiliki,

    kami yakin Bank Sinarmas mampu menjadi bagian dari

    program pemberdayaan rakyat dengan menjadi penyalur kredit

    bagi usaha kredit kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Kami yakin

    bahwa langkah-langkah konkret dan strategis yang disusun

    Direksi akan mampu meningkatkan performa Perseroan dan

    membantu pemerintah dalam menekan angka pengangguran.

    Kerja keras dan keteguhan dalam memegang prinsip telah

    menjadi bukti akan kekuatan Perseroan dalam menghadapi

    tantangan hari ini dan masa yang akan datang. Visi dan misi

    serta budaya perusahaan merupakan pedoman nyata bagi

    Perseroan untuk terus tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi yang

    terbaik dalam sektor perbankan Indonesia.

    During 2014, we continued to improve the performance of IT

    work unit in order to continue supporting the development

    of the Bank so as to be able to improve its competitiveness.

    Technology that was implemented focused on improving

    the effectiveness and efficiency, and customer-oriented

    improvement. 60% proceeds from the Rights Issue I (PUT I) are

    used for information technology spending. This is performed

    to realize the ideals of the Company to be the best bank in


    FUTUREPROSPECTSAccording to the statistical data from Bank Indonesia, total

    banks in the country currently reach 119 banks. On the other

    hand, World Bank recorded that there are approximately 53%

    of the total of Indonesians that are categorized as unbankable

    people, meaning that they do not have access to banking

    services. Thus, strategies that are compiled by the Board

    of Directors shall be focused on targeting the market and

    achieving the long-term objective of the Bank. By optimizing

    our established network and system. We are optimistic that

    Bank Sinarmas will be able to become a leading Payment and

    Transaction Bank in the future.

    In addition, by taking into account the market opportunities

    of 2015 that are wide open, business outlooks compiled by

    the Board of Directors will continue prioritizing the sector of

    MSMEs that is projected to remain lucrative in the following

    years. Supported by our experiences, we are optimistic

    that Bank Sinarmas will be able to participate in society

    empowerment program by becoming a loan distributor for

    the sector of SMEs. The Board of Commissioners believes that

    with the proper implementation of the Board of Directors

    strategies, Companys performance will improve and we can

    assist the nation in reducing unemployment rate.

    Our hard work and dedication in upholding the principles serve

    as the proof of the Companys strength to face the challenges

    at the present and that may arise in the future, Vision, mission

    and corporate culture are the actual guidelines for the Bank to

    always grow and develop to be the best in Indonesias banking


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    Jakarta, 24 April 2015 / April 24, 2015

    Atas nama Dewan Komisaris / On behalf of the Board of Commissioners,

    TjendrawatiWidjajaKomisaris Utama / President Commissioners


    tanggal 13 Juni 2014, telah terjadi perubahahan komposisi

    Dewan Komisaris di mana Bapak Rusmin diangkat sebagai

    Komisaris Independen menggantikan Bapak Wimpie Rianto

    yang telah resmi menyelesaikan masa jabatannya. Semoga

    susunan komposisi Dewan Komisaris yang baru dapat

    memberikan kontribusi yang maksimal bagi Perseroan. Kami

    mengucapkan terima kasih dan menyampaikan apresiasi

    yang setinggi-tingginya kepada Bapak Wimpie Rianto atas

    kontribusinya kepada Perseroan selama ini.

    APRESIASIKami mengucapkan apresiasi yang tinggi kepada Direksi dan

    segenap karyawan PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk., serta seluruh

    pemangku kepentingan atas dukungan, dedikasi dan

    keberhasilan yang memuaskan sehingga Bank Sinarmas dapat

    memberikan yang terbaik kepada pemegang saham, nasabah,

    dan masyarakat. Semoga Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih dan

    Penyayang selalu memberikan karunia-Nya untuk kita semua.

    CHANGESINTHECOMPOSITIONOFTHEBOARDOFCOMMISSIONERSBy virtue of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    (EGMS), convened on June 13, 2014, there was a change in

    the composition of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Rusmin

    was appointed as Independent Commissioner, replacing Mr.

    Wimpie Rianto who has completed his term of office. With this

    new composition, we, the Board of Commissioners, believe that

    we will be able to continue providing optimum contribution

    to the Company. We would like to extend our gratitude and

    appreciation to Mr. Wimpie Rianto for his dedication and

    contribution to the Company during his tenure.

    APPRECIATIONSWe would like to appreciate the Board of Directors and all

    employees of PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk., as well as all stakeholders,

    for their hard work, dedication and supports so that the Bank

    was able to record a satisfying performance in 2014 and

    provided best results to all shareholders, customers and public

    in general. May God Almighty always bless us all.

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    TjendrawatiWidjajaKomisaris Utama

    President Commissioner

    SammyKristamuljanaKomisaris Independen

    Independent Commissioner

    RusminKomisaris Independen

    Independent Commissioner

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    LAPORAN DIREKSIBoard of Directors Report

    Pertama-tama atas nama Direksi PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. kami

    mengucapkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa atas

    berkah dan karunia-Nya sehingga Perseroan dapat melalui

    tahun 2014 yang penuh tantangan dengan menorehkan

    kinerja yang positif. Bank Sinarmas menunjukkan performa

    yang lebih baik daripada ekspektasi pasar industri perbankan

    lainnya. Pencapaian ini mencerminkan hasil kerja keras

    seluruh manajemen dan karyawan yang telah berfokus pada

    peningkatan kinerja dengan hasil yang maksimal.

    KINERJA2014Di tengah kondisi ekonomi global yang belum membaik serta

    perekonomian nasional yang menantang, ditengarai dengan

    likuiditas yang ketat dan suku bunga yang tinggi, Bank

    Sinarmas tetap bertahan dengan serangkaian pencapaian yang


    Pada tahun 2014, Bank Sinarmas telah mengungguli ekspektasi

    pasar dalam pertumbuhan kredit sebesar 18% dan dalam

    pertumbuhan dana pihak ketiga sebesar 10%. Di akhir tahun

    2014, kredit dan dana pihak ketiga (DPK) Bank Sinarmas

    masing-masing tumbuh sebesar 30% dan 23% dari akhir tahun


    On behalf of the management of PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk., we

    would like to offer our sincerest gratitude to God Almighty for

    His blessings and mercy that the Company is able to overcome

    various challenges and dynamics in 2014 by recording positive

    and satisfying growth. Bank Sinarmas showed an admirable

    performance thorughout the year, exceeded the banking

    industry market expectation in the country. This achievement

    reflected the hard work of all management and employees that

    had been focusing on the optimization of performance during

    the year.

    2014PERFORMANCEIn spite of the fluctuations of global economy as well as the

    challenging situation in the domestic front marked by tight

    liquidity and high interest rate, Bank Sinarmas was able to

    maintain its performance and even record a series of positive

    achievement during 2014.

    This year, we had exceeded market expectation in terms of loan

    growth by 18% in in third party fund growth by 10%. At the

    end of 2014, the growth of loan and third party fund were

    recorded at 30% and 23% respectively compared to the same

    aspect recorded at the end of 2013.

    Para Pemangku Kepentingan yang terhormat,

    Respectable Stakeholders,

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    FreenyanLiwangDirektur Utama

    President Director

    By optimizing the Companys network over 382 established branch offices spread over 34 provinces in Indonesia, Bank Sinarmas expects to transform into Payment and Transaction Bank.

    Dengan mengoptimalkan jaringan yang sudah terjalin di 382 kantor cabang yang tersebar di 34 provinsi di Indonesia, kami mengharapkan Bank Sinarmas dapat bertransformasi menjadi Payment and Transaction Bank.

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    Di tengah ketatnya persaingan industri perbankan Indonesia,

    komposisi DPK Bank Sinarmas mengalami perubahan. Pada

    tanggal 31 Desember 2014, dana Giro dan Tabungan (CASA)

    turun 15%, persentase CASA terhadap total DPK turun dari

    65% di tahun 2013 menjadi 50% di tahun 2014. Namun, secara

    rata - rata persentase CASA terhadap total DPK hanya turun

    0,06% menjadi 62,35% pada tahun 2014 dari sebelumnya

    62,41% pada tahun 2013. Dari segi pendapatan, perubahan

    komposisi CASA tidak berdampak terhadap pendapatan bunga

    bersih Bank yang meningkat secara signifikan sebesar 19,512%

    dari Rp826 miliar pada tahun 2013, menjadi Rp988 miliar pada

    tahun 2014.

    Menanggapi tantangan industri perbankan selama 2014, kami

    menerapkan langkah-langkah strategis untuk memperkuat

    modal dan memperoleh pertumbuhan yang positif. Perseroan

    mengeluarkan saham baru sebesar 10% dari modal

    ditempatkan dan disetor penuh melalui Penambahan Modal

    Tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih dahulu (PMTHMETD) dan

    memperoleh tambahan modal sekitar Rp354 miliar.

    Dilihat dari bursa perdagangan saham pada 2014, saham BSIM

    ditutup pada level 339 pada akhir 2014. Volume perdagangan

    saham BSIM mencapai 17.003.000 lot saham per 31 Desember


    KINERJAUNITUSAHASYARIAH Pada 2014, Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) kembali mencatatkan

    pertumbuhan yang signifikan. Pendapatan operasional Bank

    tumbuh 132,87% dari Rp126,11 miliar pada 2013 menjadi

    Rp292,54 miliar pada 2014. Sedangkan DPK tumbuh 128,16%

    dari Rp628 miliar pada tahun 2013 menjadi Rp1.432 miliar

    pada tahun 2014.

    Untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional UUS, dilakukan

    perekrutan sumber daya manusia (SDM) sebanyak hampir 400

    orang. Jumlah SDM UUS pada tahun 2014 meningkat 68,29%

    menjadi 966 karyawan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya

    sebesar 574 karyawan. Perseroan juga menambah jumlah

    kantor cabang UUS sebanyak 2 (dua) kantor sehingga sampai

    31 Desember 2014, jumlah kantor cabang UUS sebanyak 38


    Amid the rigidity of banking industry competition in the country,

    the composition of third party fund of the Bank changed. As of

    December 31, 2014, the value of Current Accounts and Saving

    Accounts (CASA) declined by 15% with the percentage of

    CASA to third party fund down from 65% in 2013 to 50%

    in 2014. However, in average, the percentage of CASA value

    to total third party fund decreased slightly by 0.06%, from

    62.41% in 2013 to 62.35% in 2014. In terms of income, the

    decrease of CASA did not provide significant impact on the

    net interest income of the Bank in 2014 which was recorded

    to increase by 19.52% from Rp826 billion in 2013 to Rp988


    In overcoming the challenges of banking industry during the

    year, we had implemented several strategic steps to strengthen

    capital structure in order to obtain positive growth. The

    Company issued new shares through Capital Increment without

    the issuance of preemptive rights (HMETD) of 10% of the total

    issued and fully paid capital and gained approximately Rp354

    billion to increase out capital.

    Regarding the stock exchange for 2014, share of BSIM

    was closed at the level of 339 by year end. The Banks stock

    transaction volume reached 17,003,000 lot of shares per

    December 31, 2014.

    PERFORMANCEOFSHARIABUSINESSUNITIn 2014, the Banks Sharia Business Unit recorded a significant

    growth. Operating revenue of the Bank grew by 132.87%

    to be at Rp292.54 billion from that of the 2013 recorded at

    Rp126.11 billion. Meanwhile, Third Party Fund increased by

    128.16% from Rp628 billion in 2013 to Rp1,432 billion.

    To support the operations of Sharia Business Unit, the Bank

    increased the quantity of its Human Capital by recruiting

    almost 400 people during the year. Thus, total Human Capital

    employed in the Sharia Business Unit were 966 employees,

    increased by 68.29% from the previous year which was 574

    employees. In addition, the Company also added 2 (two) new

    branch offices for this business unit; thus, by the end of 2014,

    the number of branch offices for the unit amounting to 38


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    SUMBERDAYAMANUSIADANTEKNOLOGIINFORMASITahun 2014 menjadi titik tolak yang progresif dari perencanaan,

    pengelolaan dan pengembangan human capital untuk

    diarahkan pada peningkatan kinerja Bank Sinarmas. Hal ini

    tercermin pada pertumbuhan jumlah karyawan Perseroan yang

    mencapai 23,45% dengan jumlah karyawan pada akhir tahun

    2014 sebanyak 6.421 karyawan.

    Seiring dengan transformasi yang dilakukan Perseroan, jumlah

    karyawan tersebut akan terus bertambah pada tahun - tahun

    mendatang. Namun demikian, Perseroan tidak ingin hanya

    menambah karyawan dari sisi kuantitas, tapi juga berusaha

    untuk meningkatkan kualitas karyawannya. Oleh karena itu,

    serangkaian program pendidikan dan pelatihan di Learning

    Center terfokus pada pelaksanaan pelatihan yang bersifat

    operasional atau spesifik, sertifikasi, serta pelatihan motivasi

    untuk meningkatkan ownership dan accountability karyawan.

    Learning Center juga mendukung program penerimaan

    karyawan (On-Boarding Program), dengan memberikan

    pendidikan melalui fasilitas e-Learning. Pada 2014, Bank

    Sinarmas sudah mengivestasikan dana pendidikan sebesar

    5,27% dari Biaya Tenaga Kerja, lebih dari yang diwajibkan oleh

    Regulator Perbankan.

    Menindaklanjuti kerja sama dengan institusi pendidikan di

    tahun sebelumnya, Bank Sinarmas menunjukkan komitmen

    dengan melakukan pengembangan kerja sama serupa pada

    tahun 2014 dengan beberapa institusi pendidikan lainnya.

    Saat ini, Bank Sinarmas telah bekerja sama dengan Universitas

    Gadjah Mada, Prasetiya Mulya University, Bina Nusantara

    University dan Boston School of Banking.

    Manajemen menyadari bahwa Teknologi Informasi sangat

    berperan besar dalam kegiatan perbankan, baik operasional

    maupun non operasional. Dalam rangka mewujudkan cita-cita

    perusahaan untuk menjadi Bank terkemuka di Indonesia, Bank

    Sinarmas terus melakukan pengembangan Teknologi Informasi

    secara berkelanjutan sesuai dengan IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) Bank.

    Pada tahun 2014, unit kerja IT Bank Sinarmas telah melakukan

    pengembangan-pengembangan sesuai dengan roadmap ITSP

    HUMANCAPITALANDINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYThe year of 2014 served as a progressive turning point for the

    Company in terms of planning, management, and development

    of its human capital, that was directed for the improvement of

    the performance of the Bank. This was reflected on the total

    employees of the Company which grew by 23.45% with 6,421

    employees recorded at the end of the year.

    In line with the transformation conducted by the Company,

    amount of employees is projected to grew accordingly in the

    following years. Nevertheless, the Company will not increase

    only the quantity of employees but also improve their quality.

    Thus, various trainings and education are implemented for the

    personnel of the Bank through the use of its Learning Center

    with the focus on both operational and technical trainings, such

    as certifications as well as motivational trainings that aim to

    develop the ownership and accountability of all employees. Our

    Learning Center will also support the On-Boarding Program,

    a recruitment program of the Bank that provided education

    through the e-Learning facility. In 2014, Bank Sinarmas had

    invested education fund amounting to 5.27% of the total

    of Employee Expenses, exceeded the mandatory fund set by

    Banking Regulators.

    To follow-up our partnership with various educational

    institutions that had been established in the past years, Bank

    Sinarmas showed its commitment by carrying out similar

    programs with other educational institutions in 2014. As of

    now, Bank Sinarmas has been partnering with Gadjah Mada

    University, Prasetiya Mulya University, Bina Nusantara University,

    and Boston School of Banking.

    We are aware of the fact that information technology plays an

    important role in banking activities, both in terms of operational

    and non-operational activities. Hence, in order to actualize the

    vision of the Company to be the leading bank in Indonesia,

    Bank Sinarmas continues to innovate in the field of information

    technology in line with our IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) that had

    been drafted beforehand. In 2014, the Banks IT work unit

    had carried out various developments in accordance with the

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    yang berorientasi pada nasabah, seperti mengembangkan dan

    meningkatkan fitur e-channel untuk meningkatkan layanan dan

    kemudahan bagi nasabah dalam bertransaksi, meningkatkan

    layanan dalam kegiatan operasional perbankan Syariah dengan

    menyiapkan sistem Customer Service Syariah, mengembangkan

    layanan bill payment yang dimiliki dengan terus meningkatkan

    kerja sama dengan para biller, mengimplementasikan Sales

    Management System, serta membangun ruang monitoring

    untuk Network Operation Center (NOC).

    Dalam memasuki tahun 2015, Bank Sinarmas telah menyiapkan

    rencana strategis terkait teknologi informasi untuk semakin

    meningkatkan pelayanan kepada nasabah serta mendukung

    kegiatan bisnis dan operasional Bank. Rencana strategis ini

    mencakup seluruh aspek yaitu Organisasi dan IT Governance,

    Aplikasi, dan Infrastruktur IT.


    Selama tahun 2014, komite di bawah Direksi yang terdiri dari

    Asset & Liability Management Committee (ALCO), Komite

    Kredit, Komite Teknologi Informasi, Komite Manajemen

    Risiko serta Komite Human Capital Management (HCM),

    telah menjalankan perannya dengan baik dan bekerja sesuai

    dengan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya masing - masing. Setiap

    komite secara berkala melakukan pertemuan untuk membahas

    program kerja atau melakukan kajian terhadap aturan yang

    ada disesuaikan dengan perkembangan kondisi Perseroan.

    TATAKELOLAPERUSAHAANYANGBAIKBank Sinarmas selalu berkomitmen untuk mengimplementasikan

    prinsip - prinsip good corporate governance (GCG) di semua lini

    Perseroan. Terkait hal ini, Perseroan melakukan self assessment

    yang menunjukkan penilaian yang lebih baik dari tahun

    sebelumnya. Penyempurnaan dalam setiap komponen GCG

    akan terus ditingkatkan demi menjaga stabilitas performance

    perusahaan. Kami menyadari bahwa terlaksananya prinsip -

    prinsip GCG secara konsisten akan memperkuat posisi daya

    saing, meningkatkan kinerja serta meningkatkan kepercayaan

    shareholders dan stakeholders serta pemangku kepentingan


    strategis stated in the ITSP road map that were oriented to the

    customers, such as developing and improving e-channel feature

    to exted our services and facilitate the customers in transaction

    activities; improving services in the Sharia banking operations

    through the system of Sharia Customer Service; developing the

    established bill payment service by improving partnership with

    the billers; implementing Sales Management System; as well

    as preparing a space for the monitoring function of Network

    Operation Center (NOC).

    As we enter 2015, Bank Sinarmas has prepared several

    strategic plans related to the information technology system

    to be implemented to improve services to all customers as well

    as supporting the Banks business and operational activties.

    These strategic plans encompass all aspect of the Bank such

    as Organization and IT Governance, Application, and IT


    COMMITTEESUNDERTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSDuring 2014, the committees under the Board of Directors,

    namely Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO), Credit Committee,

    Information Technology Committee, Risk Management

    Committee, and Human Capital Management Committee, had

    performed their duties and responsibilites well and efficiently.

    Each committee periodically convened in a meeting to discuss

    work program or review the established regulations and

    GOODCORPORATEGOVERNANCEBank Sinarmas is fully committed to implementing the principles

    of good corporate governance (GCG) in all levels and business

    activities. To support this commitment, the Company conducts

    self-assessment on GCG implementation that show positive

    result in each passing year. Improvement in all components of

    GCG in the Company will continue to be carried out to maintain

    the stability of the Companys performance. We are aware of

    the fact that consistent implementation of GCG principles will

    strengthen our competitiveness, improve our performance, and

    increase the trusts of all shareholders and stakeholders of the


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    Annual Report 2014 | PT. BANK SINARMAS Tbk. 35

    TANGGUNGJAWABSOSIALPERUSAHAANBank Sinarmas berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan program

    tanggung jawab sosial sesuai dengan butir -- butir ketentuan

    Bapepam-LK Nomor: KEP-431/BL/2012 tertanggal 1 Agustus

    2012 yang meliputi tanggung jawab sosial dalam bidang

    Ketenagakerjaan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja,

    Lingkungan Hidup, Pengembangan Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan,

    serta Tanggung jawab terhadap Nasabah. Pelaksanaan program

    tanggung jawab sosial ini juga bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan

    prinsip responsibility atau pertanggungjawaban sesuai

    Pedoman Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG).

    Bank Sinarmas melangkah maju mengembangkan diri secara

    berkesinambungan dengan slogan We Always Care yang

    merupakan komitmen bersama dari pemegang saham,

    pengurus dan karyawan Bank untuk selalu memiliki kepedulian

    kepada nasabah, rekan kerja, rekan bisnis dan lingkungan

    sehingga Bank Sinarmas dapat mewujudkan visi perusahaan

    sebagai Bank Terkemuka di Indonesia juga sebagai good

    corporate citizen.

    PERISTIWAPENTING2014Manajemen mengapresiasi seluruh kerja keras dan kerja sama

    seluruh karyawan sehingga Bank Sinarmas berhasil memperoleh

    berbagai prestasi sepanjang 2014, antara lain:

    1. Memperoleh Golden Trophy Infobank Awards 2014

    sebagai Bank yang berpredikat Sangat Bagus atas kinerja

    keuangan tahun 2013 selama 5 (lima) tahun berturut -


    2. Sebagai Bank dengan Holding Terbaik dan mendapatkan

    Peringkat 4 (empat) dalam Kelompok Bank Go Public

    dalam Anugerah Perusahaan Tbk. Indonesia 2014 Economic


    3. Bank BUKU 2 (dua) Peringkat ke 4 (empat) kategori Bank

    Go Public dengan modal inti Rp1 Triliun - Rp5 Triliun dalam

    Anugerah Perbankan Indonesia 2014; dan

    4. Pemenang ke 3 (III) Kategori Akses Keuangan dalam

    Kompetisi Inkuliusi Keuangan (Koinku) Otoritas Jasa


    CORPORATESOCIALRESPONSIBILITYBank Sinarmas is fully committed to implementing Corporate

    Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in accordance with

    the stipulations og Bapepam-LK Number: KEP-431/BL/2012

    dated August 1, 2012, which covers social responsibility in

    Manpower, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment,

    Social and Community Development, as well as Responsibility

    to Customers. The implementation of CSR programs is also

    intended to apply the principle of responsibility in line with

    the Guidelines of the National Committee on Corporate

    Governance (KNKG).

    Bank Sinarmas continues to develop its operations and business

    as marked with our slogan of We Always Care which serves

    as the commitment of all shareholders, management, and

    employees of the Bank. With this slogan, we aim to always

    prioritize the needs of customers, colleagues, partners and

    environment in which we operate, so that Bank Sinarmas will

    be able to realize the vision of becoming the Leading Bank as

    well as the good corporate citizen in Indonesia.

    SIGNIFICANTEVENTSIN2014The management appreciates all hard work and cooperations of

    all employees in recording satisfying achievements throughout

    the 2014, such as:

    1. Obtaining the Golden Trophy Infobank Awards of 2014 as

    a Bank with the predicate of Excellent for the financial

    performance of 2013, for 5 (five) years respectively;

    2. The Bank with the Best Holding as well as obtaining the 4th

    position in the 104 Indonesias Public Company Awards in

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