developing eidetic memory

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  • 8/10/2019 Developing Eidetic Memory


    Ejdetichesky thinking and subconsciousness.

    Sensitivity and as the developed ability of strong-willed control of nervous system substantially define physiological functioning of an organism.L ? of Grimak Reserves of human mentality.

    The receiving tank of the various exercises is more low presented, many of themhave absolutely various sources. I collect for a long time stuff and not alwaysconserved references, as directly and in this case.In general, in my opinion, ???????? can be of great importance for ?????????? as increases brightness and clearness of its associations. Many exercises were simply a pity for throwing out from the list and on it, here will meet even it would seem the most extravagant, for example, all superfluous on a concentration istaken out in partition - the appendix.

    The inquiry from Wikipedia.

    ????????? special picture character of memory, mainly on the visual impressions, allowing to keep and reproduce extremely live image apprehended before asubject, on the presentation and detail almost not conceding to an image of perception. In this or that form and degree it is inherent in each person, especially at children's or teenage age, however in the bright forms meets seldom enough.

    Among those who the first has described ???????? the Russian scientist Urbanchich (1907). In 1920 to Germany psychologist E.Jenshem together with pupils had been made basic researches ?????????.

    In psychology reproduction in all details of images of the subjects which are not operating at present on visual evaluators. Ejdetichesky images differ from usual themes that the person as though continues to perceive a subject in its absence. A physiological basis ???????????? images residual excitation of the evaluator.

    ??????????? (the term is entered Tateisi Kadzumo in 1970) set of the psychotechnologies constructed on a uniform methodological basis and directed on the decision it is constructive tasks in view with use special, inherent only to mentality

    , properties.In frameworks ??????????? the approach on purposeful use in modern technologiesnot only the refined forms of thinking, but also other mental functions develops. Thanks to it there is a possibility of the decision of some problems which admitted earlier essentially unsoluble.

    From the technological point of view ??????????? is based on such procedures:

    To procedure of strong-willed development of senses in any mental modal and sign environments;Formation of the languages corresponding to a task in view or intention to makethose or other actions on the basis of this procedure;Revealing of forms of the organisation of the consciousness, corresponding to developed technological procedures.

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    Psychonetichesky technologies as the basic are used by such psychotechnicians:?????????????? attention destruction of any developed forms of the organisationof consciousness, overseeing by attention - a reflexion aggravation, backgroundexperiences - preparation for revealing of the weak and latent parametres of the external and internal environment, "dissolution" of forms of the organisation of consciousness in a background - transferring to meditative conditions, work with background perceptions as with "matter" in which senses are developed);Convolution of sensual forms before experience of pure senses (eidoses) and development of these senses in various environments (provocation of experiences of pure senses, allocation of strong-willed intention, development of strong-willedimpulses in sensually displayed forms, purposeful use ??????????????? mechanisms, formation of the set conditions);Management ????????????? in the images, providing continuous character of procedures of convolution and development of senses; empathy development (formation of the "general" areas of consciousness in group, identification of semantic fields of members of group and identical results of development of strong-willed impulses).

    CONTROL OVER THE BODYThe description.Long performance of these, at first sight, unimportant, exercises strongly strengthens will and subordinates to it all muscular movements. It is necessary to increase gradually duration them, remembering that in the field of mental exercises the same sequence and course of training is required, as well as at physical development of a body. Only after such preparation it is possible to start submission of sense organs.External irritations, attacking sense organs, sink as impressions, distract attention. To subordinate to itself sense organs, in the beginning it is necessary to learn to perceive the sensations proceeding from one any sense organ, trying not to perceive others. This ability extremely important also demands long, persistent working on by self. We recommend for this purpose following exercises:

    1) Control over muscles of hands and feet.Sit down. Give a hand level with a shoulder, a palm downwards. Turn a head towards a hand and steadfastly look at a middle finger. Watch attentively that in a hand was not the slightest trembling. Practise so daily with each hand, since any one.Control over body muscles sitting and standing. Sit down in an armchair. ???????? muscles. Direct a sight in one point (pressure should not be: it is necessaryto weaken absolutely muscles of eyes thanks to what the sight will stop). Breathe ??????????, slowly and easy. Breath should be superficial, almost without fluctuation of a breast, ribs and a stomach. Sit motionlessly, all body should congeal as though. The essence of this exercise consists in full easing of muscles about which it was told above. Practise daily for 5-10 minutes. Gradually finish its duration to 20 and even 30 minutes. Manufacture this exercise of 5-7 days.

    2) Sluggishly turn fingers - one round another - from 50 to 100 times, having concentrated all attention to this action. Then, put a hand on a table, having clenched it in a fist. Sluggishly unbend a thumb, directing on this action all your attention, then - index, then centre - anonymous and, at last, a little finger. After that bend fingers in a fist in the same order: a little finger, anonymous, centre, index and big. Then retry exercise again - upside-down.3) Having studied the previous exercise, alter it a little. Become directly, ?????????. Try to congeal in such position. Especially we recommend to "congeal" in

    such position, having extended before myself hands. This exercise besides thatwill teach to operate attention, will bring significant advantage by productionof some phenomena ?????????, demanding long studying ????????????????? a fluid i

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    n a certain direction. This exercise similar with previous, needs to devote 5-7-10 minutes daily.4) Concentrate attention at once to all body. Mentally walk on it the internal look. Try to feel the pleasant wave which is passing on a body from a head to feet. Concentrate attention only to the right hand. Then on a forearm of the righthand. On a brush of the right hand. On a forefinger, on a forefinger tip. And again - on all body. Retry exercise for other hand. After performance of a seriesof relaxation exercises start exercises on training of attention and visual thinking.


    Perception calibration

    1. Exercise - impellent concentrationAttention concentration at any movements: thumbs of hands, forefingers and at ???????? brushes. Connect hands so that fingers of one hand have entered into intervals of fingers another. Direct attention to flavouring sensation, trying to see, not to hear, not to smell, not to perceive nothing. Duration of exercise - two weeks for 5-10 minutes.2. Exercise SightConcentration on a subjectTake any subject (a pencil, etc.) and concentrate to it the attention. Considerit, paying attention to its form, colour, etc.; in general, occupy the attention with the visual impressions received by consideration of this subject. Duration of exercise of 5-10 minutes. Add every day on one minute within 5-7 days.Gradually it is necessary to change the subjects used for this exercise, passing from bright, evident, to more dim, imperceptible, almost uncolored.3. Exercise - concentration of hearing Silent radioInclude radio, then gradually reduce loudness; position the lowermost limit of loudness when still it is possible to understand that speak. Weak intensity of asound will force you to concentrate. Do not continue this exercise over 3 minutes.Take a small pocket watch and put them on a little table about a sofa. Lay down, take over convenient position, muscles weaken and close eyes. Start to listen to ??????? hours, trying about what friend not to think, not to perceive other impressions. That it is even better to concentrate, it is possible to consider blows of hours to hundred, successively or through one blow. Practise daily for ten minutes.

    4. Exercise - concentration on touchHaving taken over convenient position, having closed eyes and ears, put on a bare body any small subject, for example a coin. This subject will manufacture easy pressure upon a skin that will cause sensation of hiting at to certain point of a skin. Direct attention to this sensation. Change subject position, moving its that on a breast on a hand or on a foot, etc. to Put it on the person (on a forehead and so forth)

    5. Exercise - sensation of tasteTo concentrate on flavouring sensation, in the beginning it is necessary to resort to following auxiliaries: sugar, salt, etc. meeting all necessary conditions(to close eyes, ears, etc.), take in a mouth one of these substances and try to

    remember flavouring sensations... Then you should try to feel taste on distance.

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    6. Exercise - sense of smellArrive, as well as at exercise of 7th, but together flavouring sensation cause olfactory, attacking by means of spirits sense of smell. Try to perceive only a smell. Duration of exercise of 10 minutes.

    7. Exercise - switching-offIt is necessary to evolve one from weight of impressions, but not to perceive it absolutely. For example, look at the watch and try not to hear them ???????; listen ??????? hours and so concentrate to cease to see them; bring a bottle of perfume to a nose, trying not to smell a smell. In the same way arrive and with other sensations. If you achieve success in all these exercises, it will be not difficult to you to concentrate actively (on one any point) or is passive (absolutely to stop thinking).

    Refinement of perception10 Exercise - contemplationSit down about any pattern and peer at it, reflecting on how it is executed, what paints, whether it is well written that could induce the artist to write it, what purpose was pursued by it, etc. Reflect thus within 10-15 minutes, without t

    earing off a sight and attention from a pattern. There will be in the beginningsuch phenomena. Sowing before a pattern and reflecting on it, through two - three minutes you catch yourselves that think of other, and about a pattern for a long time have forgotten. To keep on it the attention serves as the best means a sight. Consider a pattern, and visual impressions will occupy attention and willnot allow to distract. In process of examining you will go deep, comprehend more and more its inner meaning put by the artist. Reflect, and the attention is disciplined, a brain food will amplify, and the thought will get force and brightness.Take any subject, for example, a pencil. Reflect on a way of its preparation, appointment, convenience or inconvenience, etc.Having isolated itself from an external world, direct attention to any part of a body, imagining feeling of hiting at it or, it is better that on it the fly ferments. This exercise is very difficult and important. It appears useful at those experiences ????????? which consist in piercing of hands, cheeks, etc. needles, in drawing of wounds and so forth, and also, as means for awakening of the nervous centres. Then start mental reproduction of flavouring and olfactory sensations that subsequently it is useful for ability to pitch them on distance.

    Exercise of 1 Detail.Take any usual subject (boxes of matches, a pencil and etc.). Consider it attentively, finding as much as possible details and details of its appearance: the form, colour, texture, ?????????, non-uniformity of colouring, feature of inscriptions. Try to make this exercise as it is possible longer, despite desire to distract. That to you it was easier, can describe the details found you aloud.

    Exercise 2 Another's drawing.Take a pattern reproduction, consider it 1 minute. After that postpone it, close eyes, mentally imagine and aloud describe everything that has entered into your vision. Open eyes, consider a pattern again, notice that you have missed. Retry procedure some times.

    Exercise 3 Drawing.Choose any subject or the phenomenon which is near to you. If you choose the phenomenon, it should be steady or retried (as the water flowing from the crane ora branch, shaken on a wind). Look at it 10 seconds.Cease to look and draw on memory that saw.If there is a possibility, compare your drawing to drawing of the partner in tra

    ining.Tell each other about your visualisation which you used when drew. Whether yourdrawing what you imagined when drew is similar in accuracy? If is not present, p

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    ay attention to distinctions.Compare key characteristics of drawing and object: brightness, the size, colour, movement (speed and a direction), distance, an arrangement. Estimate each characteristic on a scale from 1 to 10.Investigate a question, what reference point you have chosen for a characteristic estimation (bright in comparison with what, more close, than as etc.)After discussion make one more drawing.Investigate differences between new and former drawings. How the estimation of characteristics has affected your perception?

    Exercise 4 Parodist. (It is carried out together)And also Would stand the friend opposite to the friend. And takes over any pose. 10 seconds would look at it, closes eyes and mentally imagines appearance And.When eyes are closed, And changes position of any part of the body (heads, hands, feet, fingers, etc.) a little and Would appeal for to open eyes.Should compare a pose And to the fancy and tell that has changed.If It would not be possible to yield the right answer, it closes eyes, and at this time And, without speaking, as it changed a pose, takes over former position.

    Having opened eyes, again Would try to define that has been changed, leaning against the mental vision.Exercise is made until cannot define correctly successively three times change from the first attempt after that And and Would change roles.This exercise can be complicated gradually, doing more and more imperceptible changes. It is possible to make also other variant of this exercise when the various subjects are displayed on a table, one participant closes eyes, and something changes another on a table. The basic mechanism applied in these exercises, creation of a mental vision, whenever possible more exact and detailed, its comparison to real object and necessary correction is. Repeated repetition of these exercises leads to that first, you start to distinguish more and more details of subjects, and also to create more exact visions.


    0 Part

    1. ?????????????Close eyes. Intensively order to itself: I have forgotten all. I that do not remember. All is not familiar. Further during 2-3 mines do internal "contact" (attention sliding on a surface of involuntarily developed visual representations). Then quickly open an eye. If auto-suggestion works, you will see familiar conditions as though anew, apart. Retry it time five each time the effect will amplify, you will come nearer to that protogenic image, is more true ????????????? than things which was at you in infancy.

    2. Movement in not mobilitySo, take over a convenient pose, will relax. Mentally quickly run, being accelerated with each second and thus remain absolutely motionless. Any your muscle doe

    s not shake, and mentally you run faster and faster Then, try to distill in such condition not only the body, but also thoughts, benot fixed on them. Give the chance to them to run.

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    1. A part: "Representation"

    1) Colours an imageThe first exercise consists in fixing by an internal look of involuntarily arising colour images. In the beginning it is randomly alternating colours, and thenagainst alternating colour spots starts to prevail what or one colour.

    2) Colours representationThe second exercise ??????????? on ability development to cause certain colour representations recognising that each colour forms specific experience, and consequently also the subsequent emotional background. So, purple, red, orange, gold, yellow colours cause sensations of heat, blue - a cool in the field of a forehead, black and darkly purple association with unpleasant feelings of depression and the general alarm.

    3) subject ContemplationHaving weakened muscles, having closed eyes and ears, having taken over convenient position, manufacture three penetrating sighs. Then be isolated from external world influences. Cause visualisation (visual) any subject and concentrate to it all attention. It is necessary to forget about an own body. You should merge with the representation. Duration of 10-15 minutes. Under the same conditions mentally cause any sound, a voice or a melody. Learn to concentrate attention on each of scale sounds. In the beginning mentally sing scale from beginning to end and revertively. Each time do this all more slowly and more slowly and, at last,stop attention to one only the note (sound) and try to keep attention to representation of this sound throughout 1-2 minutes, and then 3-5 minutes. Also it is possible to practise in a mental pronunciation of words, for example "Ohm" etc.Having eliminated all representations, concerning four sense organs (sense of smell, touch, taste and hearing), keep visual representation. In 1 2 minutes eliminate also it. In consciousness there should be during this moment no representations. Then again cause all representations of a subject, adding on one. Practise in calling and elimination of the representations, falling into to each of senseorgans, for 30 40 minutes daily, will not become successful yet.

    4)) Representation of abstract conceptsThe fourth exercise consists in formation of visual representations of such abstract concepts as "justice", "happiness", "true" a stream of figurative representations, etc. Arising thus has strictly individual the character depending on a stock of associations of the individual. At the same time, as have shown V.V.Naliova's experiments with co-authors (1972), such abstract concepts can cause bothidentical images and internal experiences.

    Expansion and concrete definition of a spectrum of concepts.Evolve, what be, a separate word and mentally of it think. ????????? imagination also remember from the experience, than it is for you. Stop attention to the first association which will come to to you mind.For example:The HAPPINESS is a REST where it yields you sequence of associations, a beach, the sun, mineral water, a pillow, bed; the FAMILY; VACATION; PUT the BIRTH; MEALetc.As, it makes sense, having considered possible boards of this concept, to deduce its general concept and to issue its volume representation.

    5) the Image the personPresent the person of the person whom often met. You can notice that have aboutit only, general idea, and details disappear. In the subsequent add your supervi

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    sion when will see it again, and start exercise over again. Train until, yet will not start it to see absolutely accurate before itself.

    2. A part: Experience of emotional situations

    1. Concentrate attention on arising, at first it is spontaneous, specific sensations experiences of situations, causing those or other refining emotions, desires. At performance of this exercise training not seldom "sees" itself in the centre of an imagined situation.

    2. RecoveryImagine any action, an act, etc., thus you should connect to participation in representation, the maximum volume of feelings and sensations. Can to go mentally, for example, to travel of the past events made by you, yesterday or one year ago. Thus it is necessary to think strongly, actively, colourfully and observing certain order. We will admit, yesterday, you have risen, have put on, had a snack

    , have taken a train etc. do this exercise of 2-3 weeks for 30 minutes daily.3. Full of sensation ??????It is necessary to reproduce mentally any action, for example, imagine that youeat medical Thus the representations, concerning each of sense organs should take part. In this case will be: colour of honey (visual representation), taste ofhoney (flavouring), a sound from chewing (acoustical), hiting at to language and gums (????????????) and a smell (olfactory). Then, brightly representing all this pattern, reject the representation, concerning one of sense organs, for example, sense of smell: you behold all pattern, but will cease to smell. Duration 10 - 15 minutes.After these exercises start to more difficult, consisting in ability to operatevisualisations, in ability to concentrate attention to one of them. The exercises recommended above for submission of sense organs, appear intellectual and in this case; only these exercises need to be changed a little, namely: the external irritation of a sense organ should not be, it is necessary to direct the attention to corresponding visualisation.

    3 Part: flexibility of representation

    If you have carefully studied the previous exercises your mentality is in dependence from will, and you can start following exercise.

    1) Concentrate attention to any representation, having reached full concentration, and quickly pass to a concentration on any other representation, forgetting for this time about the first, from the second representation also quickly return to the first. Practise 10 20 minutes daily as soon as there will be a free time.

    4 Part: Work with subconsciousness

    The yielded exercise consists in ability to make active deep functional mechanisms of a brain. I. G.Schultz believes that the favorable results of this exercise are defined by the answer unconscious. It is true it is covered more likely in other. At meditation the brain is temporarily released from those internal noise which invariablly accompany a usual condition of wakefulness. These conditions favo

    ur to passing of programmed associative and logic processes, strong fixing in memory of the found decisions. The exercise maintenance consists that training ina condition of "passive concentration attention puts before itself such for examp

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    le questions: That I want?, who I such?, in what my problem? The stream of images et Arising thus allows it to see itself as though "from outside" in the situations, helping to receive the answer to the supplied questions.


    1. Exercise "Breath".

    Sit down conveniently, relax, close eyes and concentrate attention to the breath. Breathe as usual. Simply observe of this process as though from outside. The rhythm of your breath should not be broken. Try not to think of what. Simply indifferently observe of the breath.

    2. A defocusingRasosredotochenie consciousnessesIt is necessary to retry the yielded exercise 3 times. Your main task consists what in the second part time maximum quantity to keep a condition ?????????.Combine before itself palms together inside where the distance of their arrangement is approximately equal 30 sm aside from the face. Then start them to plant sluggishly in the sides so that the sight was focused simultaneously on two objects. During the same time do gradual exhalation. Then mark (an abacus about) time. The stop should be kept breath on an extent from 2 minutesMake full sniff and an exhalation. Then retry again the first part of this exercise. Combine before itself palms together inside where the distance of their arrangement is approximately equal 30 sm aside from the face. Then start them to plant sluggishly in the sides, thus that ???????????????? the sight was focused ???????????? on two objects. Now your problem to achieve full ?????????????? thoughts.

    Exercises with pole.Take pole, would try that the attention and consciousness were ??????????????, then supply it on a palm or fingers of hands and try to keep in balance taking away a hand in before. Later exercise can be complicated, having added various movements, for example: try to sit down to rise, use as every possible other free movements, such as ??????????? in on a platform etc.

    Brain boxesChoose 3 subjects for reflexion: for example, your plan, a scientific or literary plot and personal memoirs (vacation, travel and etc.). Devote 3 minutes on reflexions about each of three plots. During first 3 minutes think only of item 1 subject; then pass to item 2; at last, to the third plot. During each phase it is necessary to avoid dispersion of thoughts and especially memoirs on other plots.


    Group - eye muscles

    1) On a paper clean sheet draw a small black point. Sheet attach to a wall so that the point was up to standard of eyes. Of 1,5 arshins from a wall sit down ondistance; light should fall behind or on the left side. Steadfastly look at a bl

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    ack point and, keeping the eyes glued from it, rotate ???????????? a head, all time fixing a point. It is fractionally necessary to increase radius of a circleand speed of rotation. If there will be a pain, etc. then exercise is made incorrectly: too quickly or the circle radius is too great. Begin this exercise since one minute and reach till 10 minutes, adding in some days on one minute.2) It is necessary to sit down on the same place to direct the sight at a blackpoint and to fix it about one minute. Then quickly and continuously to direct asight at a floor, then at once on a ceiling, to the right and on the left. Direct a sight, trying to look, how it is possible more steadfastly, every which way, describing zigzags, circles, triangles, etc. can be altered This exercise as follows. As it is known, each wall has four angles. We will represent a wall, having designated angles letters. Having chosen the wall not occupied with anything, attach in the middle a sheet of paper with a black point. It is necessary to sit down against a point and steadfastly to look at it within 1 minute. Then quickly to translate a sight at angle B and immediately - to translate it in angle A, then again to direct on angle B. To do this exercise some times (1-5-10), and then to do it with angles of g and, and then with all four angles ?-? and and-.

    After that to direct a sight at angle and and, quickly translating on g, again t

    o direct it on angle and. Then as practise with angles in and. To alter this exercise it is possible indefinitely. The movement will be more various, the will better develop and muscles of eyes will get stronger.Practise at first 1 minute, gradually adding, reach till 10 minutes.

    3) Direct a stare on a black point and, without tapping off from it eyes, sluggishly turn a head (one head, but not a trunk) to the right, then smoothly and easy result it in former position and sluggishly turn it to the left. All time is necessary as it is possible to look at a black point more steadfastly. At all these exercises to try not to blink, expand at all eye eyelids and to stare. Duration of exercise the same, that is begin with one and lead up till 10 minutes.

    Group - hardness of a sight

    1) of 1,5 arshins from a wall on which the sheet of paper with a black point isattached Sit down on distance. (Light should be less, than moderated). Direct astare on a black point, fixing it, without blinking.While it is felt ??????????? an eye, it is necessary to prevent pressure of will to centuries to fall. Exercise it begin from 1 minute and gradually reach, adding on 1 minute in 3-4 days, till 10 minutes. It is necessary to learn to stare,motionlessly and without blinking, at least, 5 minutes. On this exercise it is necessary to reverse a close attention as it is a basis of many other receptions.

    2) Outweigh a paper with a black point on 1 arshin to the right from a former place, but on the same line. 2-3 seconds on that place where there was a paper earlier sit down and stare, then turn eyes (one eye, but not all head) to the right and fix (steadfastly look) a black point. Then move the person to the left andretry exercise. At this exercise it is necessary to sit on a former place; moveonly a sheet of paper with a black point and turn one eyes, leaving alone a trunk and a head. Duration of exercise and distribution of time the same, as earlier (exercise ?4 see).3) Sit down opposite to a wall. Direct a sight, at a black point. Then, leavinga trunk and a head in rest, direct eyes to a floor (on a floor it is possible to make a point indian ink, a chalk or simply to put any subject, for example, a coin) and steadfastly look at the selected point within 1 minute. Gradually increase duration of fixing till 5 minutes. Then, under former conditions (a head hold directly), direct a sight at a ceiling, steadfastly looking at any small point

    . Begin since one minute and lead up it, gradually adding on 1 minute, to5 minutes. Nevertheless exercise should occupy 10 minutes.

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    Group - magnetic ?????

    1) Sit down against a mirror and direct a sight at the plotting, having supplied preliminarily on ????????? a pencil small, hardly appreciable point. Steadfastly look on ?????????, fixing this point. It is necessary to abstain from a blinking. The sight should be motionless, steadfast, but is easy directed on a point.Begin since one minute and gradually learn to look steadfastly, without blinking and it is motionless, on ????????? about 15 minutes. It will be soon possible not to put on ????????? a label, and to use only its visualisation.

    2) Sit down against a mirror and, having directed a sight at the left pupil of the reflexion, fix a pupil, trying, if it is possible so to be expressed, glancein the brain. Then direct a sight at the right pupil and so steadfastly look atit. As the previous exercises have a little prepared eyes it is possible to begin at once from 5 minutes for each pupil.

    2) Representing modification ?7, this exercise is the most important and demands ability steadfastly, persistently, without blinking, to look. It is necessary to learn to put in the sight any feeling, and face muscles should remain absolute

    ly motionless and quiet. All should be clear from expression of eyes. Sit down against a mirror try to enclose in the sight, for example, feeling of love and caress. Imagine that see the person, made to you a lot of good, - the person to whom are located etc., and try to cause tender and kind expression of eyes. In the same way learn to express the sight and other feelings: displeasure, pleasure.The person should remain absolutely without changes. Force of such sight is enormous. If you direct on the patient the sight with caress and love, he will lighten, will calm down; Having enclosed in it all rage and hatred on which are capable, it is possible to force the healthy person to feel burden and to fall ill, and if our magnetic force is significant even to die. Refusing to someone, make the sight solid, and the applicant will not retard to leave. Talking to the raised person, direct on it a quiet sight, and its excitation will disappear. Wishing to subordinate any person, look at it imperiously and confidently: he will be confused and will concede to your desires.By practice learn to apply a concentrated sight in all cases of life.The appendixIt is useful to apply eye baths to strengthening of eyes. Fulness in small ????? waters, it is necessary to lower there the person, then to open eyes and to try to look in water.Do so twice a day. At first it is necessary to use ambient temperature water, and subsequently it is possible to pass to absolutely cold water.Do so twice a day. At first it is necessary to use ambient temperature water, and subsequently it is possible to pass to absolutely cold water.After exercises it is necessary to moisten eyes with infusion ?????? (accurately - small concentration)The great value has gloss of eyes. As it is known, shining eyes manufacture stronger action, than a sight dim and muddy. ????? from the reasons of gloss of eyes a food is. People who have an abundance of phosphorus, can captivate gloss of the eyes. To add to eyes gloss, brightness and revival, it is necessary to enterinto an organism such vegetables which contain phosphorus (e.g. spinach and salad). The milk use promotes gloss of eyes. Then the significant role is played bya good dream. In the east sight education is almost whole science, named "Tramaka-yoga".Application of force of a sight consists in fixing ????????? the person who aresubject to influence.If the person costs to you a back it is necessary to direct a sight in a nape. Besides, steadfastly to look at the subject it is necessary only in that case when you start to speak and as soon as the interlocutor will start talking, will dr

    op now eyes and do not confuse with its stare.As to practical application of a sight the sight gets especial force only thanks to mental ???????????????, that is here the mental influence strengthened by a

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    stare already stars.

    exercise for formation of installations of free motivation, it it is necessary to learn and retry the HYMN of BADGHI ????? before a dream.

    "I have a Native land - the Earth and the Sky became my Native land!I have a weapon! Unshakable Spirit - my strength and my unique weapon!I have a strength! Directed over will - here my strength and the main weapon!I have a Doctrine! My life is and there is my Doctrine!I have a Law! Justice - my Law!I have a Teacher! My life is my unique Teacher!I have a Lord! Mine "superth" - my lord!I have a Magic! Internal Force - my main and unique secret yielding to me forceof the all-powerful wizard!I find great internal values, only having excluded all external! I leave from all I am born for own Spirit! I am born another! I am born omnipotent and all-powe


    Ejdetichesky thinking and subconsciousness.

    Sensitivity and as the developed ability of strong-willed control of nervous system substantially define physiological functioning of an organism.L ? of Grimak Reserves of human mentality.

    The receiving tank of the various exercises is more low presented, many of them

    have absolutely various sources. I collect for a long time stuff and not alwaysconserved references, as directly and in this case.In general, in my opinion, ???????? can be of great importance for ?????????? as

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    s of members of group and identical results of development of strong-willed impulses).

    CONTROL OVER THE BODYThe description.Long performance of these, at first sight, unimportant, exercises strongly strengthens will and subordinates to it all muscular movements. It is necessary to increase gradually duration them, remembering that in the field of mental exercises the same sequence and course of training is required, as well as at physical development of a body. Only after such preparation it is possible to start submission of sense organs.External irritations, attacking sense organs, sink as impressions, distract attention. To subordinate to itself sense organs, in the beginning it is necessary to learn to perceive the sensations proceeding from one any sense organ, trying not to perceive others. This ability extremely important also demands long, persistent working on by self. We recommend for this purpose following exercises:

    1) Control over muscles of hands and feet.Sit down. Give a hand level with a shoulder, a palm downwards. Turn a head towards a hand and steadfastly look at a middle finger. Watch attentively that in a hand was not the slightest trembling. Practise so daily with each hand, since any one.Control over body muscles sitting and standing. Sit down in an armchair. ???????? muscles. Direct a sight in one point (pressure should not be: it is necessaryto weaken absolutely muscles of eyes thanks to what the sight will stop). Breathe ??????????, slowly and easy. Breath should be superficial, almost without fluctuation of a breast, ribs and a stomach. Sit motionlessly, all body should congeal as though. The essence of this exercise consists in full easing of muscles about which it was told above. Practise daily for 5-10 minutes. Gradually finish its duration to 20 and even 30 minutes. Manufacture this exercise of 5-7 days.

    2) Sluggishly turn fingers - one round another - from 50 to 100 times, having concentrated all attention to this action. Then, put a hand on a table, having clenched it in a fist. Sluggishly unbend a thumb, directing on this action all your attention, then - index, then centre - anonymous and, at last, a little finger. After that bend fingers in a fist in the same order: a little finger, anonymous, centre, index and big. Then retry exercise again - upside-down.3) Having studied the previous exercise, alter it a little. Become directly, ?????????. Try to congeal in such position. Especially we recommend to "congeal" in such position, having extended before myself hands. This exercise besides thatwill teach to operate attention, will bring significant advantage by productionof some phenomena ?????????, demanding long studying ????????????????? a fluid in a certain direction. This exercise similar with previous, needs to devote 5-7-10 minutes daily.4) Concentrate attention at once to all body. Mentally walk on it the internal look. Try to feel the pleasant wave which is passing on a body from a head to feet. Concentrate attention only to the right hand. Then on a forearm of the righthand. On a brush of the right hand. On a forefinger, on a forefinger tip. And again - on all body. Retry exercise for other hand. After performance of a seriesof relaxation exercises start exercises on training of attention and visual thinking.


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    Perception calibration

    1. Exercise - impellent concentrationAttention concentration at any movements: thumbs of hands, forefingers and at ???????? brushes. Connect hands so that fingers of one hand have entered into intervals of fingers another. Direct attention to flavouring sensation, trying to see, not to hear, not to smell, not to perceive nothing. Duration of exercise - two weeks for 5-10 minutes.2. Exercise SightConcentration on a subjectTake any subject (a pencil, etc.) and concentrate to it the attention. Considerit, paying attention to its form, colour, etc.; in general, occupy the attention with the visual impressions received by consideration of this subject. Duration of exercise of 5-10 minutes. Add every day on one minute within 5-7 days.Gradually it is necessary to change the subjects used for this exercise, passing from bright, evident, to more dim, imperceptible, almost uncolored.3. Exercise - concentration of hearing Silent radio

    Include radio, then gradually reduce loudness; position the lowermost limit of loudness when still it is possible to understand that speak. Weak intensity of asound will force you to concentrate. Do not continue this exercise over 3 minutes.Take a small pocket watch and put them on a little table about a sofa. Lay down, take over convenient position, muscles weaken and close eyes. Start to listen to ??????? hours, trying about what friend not to think, not to perceive other impressions. That it is even better to concentrate, it is possible to consider blows of hours to hundred, successively or through one blow. Practise daily for ten minutes.

    4. Exercise - concentration on touchHaving taken over convenient position, having closed eyes and ears, put on a bare body any small subject, for example a coin. This subject will manufacture easy pressure upon a skin that will cause sensation of hiting at to certain point of a skin. Direct attention to this sensation. Change subject position, moving its that on a breast on a hand or on a foot, etc. to Put it on the person (on a forehead and so forth)

    5. Exercise - sensation of tasteTo concentrate on flavouring sensation, in the beginning it is necessary to resort to following auxiliaries: sugar, salt, etc. meeting all necessary conditions(to close eyes, ears, etc.), take in a mouth one of these substances and try toremember flavouring sensations... Then you should try to feel taste on distance.

    6. Exercise - sense of smellArrive, as well as at exercise of 7th, but together flavouring sensation cause olfactory, attacking by means of spirits sense of smell. Try to perceive only a smell. Duration of exercise of 10 minutes.

    7. Exercise - switching-offIt is necessary to evolve one from weight of impressions, but not to perceive it absolutely. For example, look at the watch and try not to hear them ???????; listen ??????? hours and so concentrate to cease to see them; bring a bottle of perfume to a nose, trying not to smell a smell. In the same way arrive and with other sensations. If you achieve success in all these exercises, it will be not difficult to you to concentrate actively (on one any point) or is passive (absolut

    ely to stop thinking).

    Refinement of perception

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    10 Exercise - contemplationSit down about any pattern and peer at it, reflecting on how it is executed, what paints, whether it is well written that could induce the artist to write it, what purpose was pursued by it, etc. Reflect thus within 10-15 minutes, without tearing off a sight and attention from a pattern. There will be in the beginningsuch phenomena. Sowing before a pattern and reflecting on it, through two - three minutes you catch yourselves that think of other, and about a pattern for a long time have forgotten. To keep on it the attention serves as the best means a sight. Consider a pattern, and visual impressions will occupy attention and willnot allow to distract. In process of examining you will go deep, comprehend more and more its inner meaning put by the artist. Reflect, and the attention is disciplined, a brain food will amplify, and the thought will get force and brightness.Take any subject, for example, a pencil. Reflect on a way of its preparation, appointment, convenience or inconvenience, etc.Having isolated itself from an external world, direct attention to any part of a body, imagining feeling of hiting at it or, it is better that on it the fly ferments. This exercise is very difficult and important. It appears useful at those experiences ????????? which consist in piercing of hands, cheeks, etc. needles,

    in drawing of wounds and so forth, and also, as means for awakening of the nervous centres. Then start mental reproduction of flavouring and olfactory sensations that subsequently it is useful for ability to pitch them on distance.

    Exercise of 1 Detail.Take any usual subject (boxes of matches, a pencil and etc.). Consider it attentively, finding as much as possible details and details of its appearance: the form, colour, texture, ?????????, non-uniformity of colouring, feature of inscriptions. Try to make this exercise as it is possible longer, despite desire to distract. That to you it was easier, can describe the details found you aloud.

    Exercise 2 Another's drawing.Take a pattern reproduction, consider it 1 minute. After that postpone it, close eyes, mentally imagine and aloud describe everything that has entered into your vision. Open eyes, consider a pattern again, notice that you have missed. Retry procedure some times.

    Exercise 3 Drawing.Choose any subject or the phenomenon which is near to you. If you choose the phenomenon, it should be steady or retried (as the water flowing from the crane ora branch, shaken on a wind). Look at it 10 seconds.Cease to look and draw on memory that saw.If there is a possibility, compare your drawing to drawing of the partner in training.Tell each other about your visualisation which you used when drew. Whether yourdrawing what you imagined when drew is similar in accuracy? If is not present, pay attention to distinctions.Compare key characteristics of drawing and object: brightness, the size, colour, movement (speed and a direction), distance, an arrangement. Estimate each characteristic on a scale from 1 to 10.Investigate a question, what reference point you have chosen for a characteristic estimation (bright in comparison with what, more close, than as etc.)After discussion make one more drawing.Investigate differences between new and former drawings. How the estimation of characteristics has affected your perception?

    Exercise 4 Parodist. (It is carried out together)And also Would stand the friend opposite to the friend. And takes over any pose.

    10 seconds would look at it, closes eyes and mentally imagines appearance And.When eyes are closed, And changes position of any part of the body (heads, hands, feet, fingers, etc.) a little and Would appeal for to open eyes.

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    Should compare a pose And to the fancy and tell that has changed.If It would not be possible to yield the right answer, it closes eyes, and at this time And, without speaking, as it changed a pose, takes over former position. Having opened eyes, again Would try to define that has been changed, leaning against the mental vision.Exercise is made until cannot define correctly successively three times change from the first attempt after that And and Would change roles.This exercise can be complicated gradually, doing more and more imperceptible changes. It is possible to make also other variant of this exercise when the various subjects are displayed on a table, one participant closes eyes, and something changes another on a table. The basic mechanism applied in these exercises, creation of a mental vision, whenever possible more exact and detailed, its comparison to real object and necessary correction is. Repeated repetition of these exercises leads to that first, you start to distinguish more and more details of subjects, and also to create more exact visions.


    0 Part

    1. ?????????????Close eyes. Intensively order to itself: I have forgotten all. I that do not remember. All is not familiar. Further during 2-3 mines do internal "contact" (attention sliding on a surface of involuntarily developed visual representations). Then quickly open an eye. If auto-suggestion works, you will see familiar conditions as though anew, apart. Retry it time five each time the effect will amplify, you will come nearer to that protogenic image, is more true ????????????? than things which was at you in infancy.

    2. Movement in not mobilitySo, take over a convenient pose, will relax. Mentally quickly run, being accelerated with each second and thus remain absolutely motionless. Any your muscle does not shake, and mentally you run faster and faster Then, try to distill in such condition not only the body, but also thoughts, benot fixed on them. Give the chance to them to run.

    1. A part: "Representation"

    1) Colours an imageThe first exercise consists in fixing by an internal look of involuntarily arising colour images. In the beginning it is randomly alternating colours, and thenagainst alternating colour spots starts to prevail what or one colour.

    2) Colours representation

    The second exercise ??????????? on ability development to cause certain colour representations recognising that each colour forms specific experience, and consequently also the subsequent emotional background. So, purple, red, orange, gold,

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    yellow colours cause sensations of heat, blue - a cool in the field of a forehead, black and darkly purple association with unpleasant feelings of depression and the general alarm.

    3) subject ContemplationHaving weakened muscles, having closed eyes and ears, having taken over convenient position, manufacture three penetrating sighs. Then be isolated from external world influences. Cause visualisation (visual) any subject and concentrate to it all attention. It is necessary to forget about an own body. You should merge with the representation. Duration of 10-15 minutes. Under the same conditions mentally cause any sound, a voice or a melody. Learn to concentrate attention on each of scale sounds. In the beginning mentally sing scale from beginning to end and revertively. Each time do this all more slowly and more slowly and, at last,stop attention to one only the note (sound) and try to keep attention to representation of this sound throughout 1-2 minutes, and then 3-5 minutes. Also it is possible to practise in a mental pronunciation of words, for example "Ohm" etc.Having eliminated all representations, concerning four sense organs (sense of smell, touch, taste and hearing), keep visual representation. In 1 2 minutes eliminate also it. In consciousness there should be during this moment no representatio

    ns. Then again cause all representations of a subject, adding on one. Practise in calling and elimination of the representations, falling into to each of senseorgans, for 30 40 minutes daily, will not become successful yet.

    4)) Representation of abstract conceptsThe fourth exercise consists in formation of visual representations of such abstract concepts as "justice", "happiness", "true" a stream of figurative representations, etc. Arising thus has strictly individual the character depending on a stock of associations of the individual. At the same time, as have shown V.V.Naliova's experiments with co-authors (1972), such abstract concepts can cause bothidentical images and internal experiences.

    Expansion and concrete definition of a spectrum of concepts.Evolve, what be, a separate word and mentally of it think. ????????? imagination also remember from the experience, than it is for you. Stop attention to the first association which will come to to you mind.For example:The HAPPINESS is a REST where it yields you sequence of associations, a beach, the sun, mineral water, a pillow, bed; the FAMILY; VACATION; PUT the BIRTH; MEALetc.As, it makes sense, having considered possible boards of this concept, to deduce its general concept and to issue its volume representation.

    5) the Image the personPresent the person of the person whom often met. You can notice that have aboutit only, general idea, and details disappear. In the subsequent add your supervision when will see it again, and start exercise over again. Train until, yet will not start it to see absolutely accurate before itself.

    2. A part: Experience of emotional situations

    1. Concentrate attention on arising, at first it is spontaneous, specific sensations experiences of situations, causing those or other refining emotions, desires. At performance of this exercise training not seldom "sees" itself in the centre of an imagined situation.

    2. RecoveryImagine any action, an act, etc., thus you should connect to participation in re

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    presentation, the maximum volume of feelings and sensations. Can to go mentally, for example, to travel of the past events made by you, yesterday or one year ago. Thus it is necessary to think strongly, actively, colourfully and observing certain order. We will admit, yesterday, you have risen, have put on, had a snack, have taken a train etc. do this exercise of 2-3 weeks for 30 minutes daily.

    3. Full of sensation ??????It is necessary to reproduce mentally any action, for example, imagine that youeat medical Thus the representations, concerning each of sense organs should take part. In this case will be: colour of honey (visual representation), taste ofhoney (flavouring), a sound from chewing (acoustical), hiting at to language and gums (????????????) and a smell (olfactory). Then, brightly representing all this pattern, reject the representation, concerning one of sense organs, for example, sense of smell: you behold all pattern, but will cease to smell. Duration 10 - 15 minutes.After these exercises start to more difficult, consisting in ability to operatevisualisations, in ability to concentrate attention to one of them. The exercises recommended above for submission of sense organs, appear intellectual and in this case; only these exercises need to be changed a little, namely: the external

    irritation of a sense organ should not be, it is necessary to direct the attention to corresponding visualisation.

    3 Part: flexibility of representation

    If you have carefully studied the previous exercises your mentality is in dependence from will, and you can start following exercise.

    1) Concentrate attention to any representation, having reached full concentration, and quickly pass to a concentration on any other representation, forgetting for this time about the first, from the second representation also quickly return to the first. Practise 10 20 minutes daily as soon as there will be a free time.

    4 Part: Work with subconsciousness

    The yielded exercise consists in ability to make active deep functional mechanisms of a brain. I. G.Schultz believes that the favorable results of this exercise are defined by the answer unconscious. It is true it is covered more likely in other. At meditation the brain is temporarily released from those internal noise which invariablly accompany a usual condition of wakefulness. These conditions favour to passing of programmed associative and logic processes, strong fixing in memory of the found decisions. The exercise maintenance consists that training ina condition of "passive concentration attention puts before itself such for example questions: That I want?, who I such?, in what my problem? The stream of images et Arising thus allows it to see itself as though "from outside" in the situations, helping to receive the answer to the supplied questions.


    1. Exercise "Breath".

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    Sit down conveniently, relax, close eyes and concentrate attention to the breath. Breathe as usual. Simply observe of this process as though from outside. The rhythm of your breath should not be broken. Try not to think of what. Simply indifferently observe of the breath.2. A defocusing

    Rasosredotochenie consciousnessesIt is necessary to retry the yielded exercise 3 times. Your main task consists what in the second part time maximum quantity to keep a condition ?????????.Combine before itself palms together inside where the distance of their arrangement is approximately equal 30 sm aside from the face. Then start them to plant sluggishly in the sides so that the sight was focused simultaneously on two objects. During the same time do gradual exhalation. Then mark (an abacus about) time. The stop should be kept breath on an extent from 2 minutesMake full sniff and an exhalation. Then retry again the first part of this exercise. Combine before itself palms together inside where the distance of their arrangement is approximately equal 30 sm aside from the face. Then start them to plant sluggishly in the sides, thus that ???????????????? the sight was focused ???????????? on two objects. Now your problem to achieve full ?????????????? thought


    Exercises with pole.Take pole, would try that the attention and consciousness were ??????????????, then supply it on a palm or fingers of hands and try to keep in balance taking away a hand in before. Later exercise can be complicated, having added various movements, for example: try to sit down to rise, use as every possible other free movements, such as ??????????? in on a platform etc.

    Brain boxesChoose 3 subjects for reflexion: for example, your plan, a scientific or literary plot and personal memoirs (vacation, travel and etc.). Devote 3 minutes on reflexions about each of three plots. During first 3 minutes think only of item 1 subject; then pass to item 2; at last, to the third plot. During each phase it is necessary to avoid dispersion of thoughts and especially memoirs on other plots.


    Group - eye muscles1) On a paper clean sheet draw a small black point. Sheet attach to a wall so that the point was up to standard of eyes. Of 1,5 arshins from a wall sit down ondistance; light should fall behind or on the left side. Steadfastly look at a black point and, keeping the eyes glued from it, rotate ???????????? a head, all time fixing a point. It is fractionally necessary to increase radius of a circleand speed of rotation. If there will be a pain, etc. then exercise is made incorrectly: too quickly or the circle radius is too great. Begin this exercise since one minute and reach till 10 minutes, adding in some days on one minute.2) It is necessary to sit down on the same place to direct the sight at a blackpoint and to fix it about one minute. Then quickly and continuously to direct asight at a floor, then at once on a ceiling, to the right and on the left. Direct a sight, trying to look, how it is possible more steadfastly, every which way, describing zigzags, circles, triangles, etc. can be altered This exercise as follows. As it is known, each wall has four angles. We will represent a wall, having designated angles letters. Having chosen the wall not occupied with anything,

    attach in the middle a sheet of paper with a black point. It is necessary to sit down against a point and steadfastly to look at it within 1 minute. Then quickly to translate a sight at angle B and immediately - to translate it in angle A,

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    then again to direct on angle B. To do this exercise some times (1-5-10), and then to do it with angles of g and, and then with all four angles ?-? and and-.

    After that to direct a sight at angle and and, quickly translating on g, again to direct it on angle and. Then as practise with angles in and. To alter this exercise it is possible indefinitely. The movement will be more various, the will better develop and muscles of eyes will get stronger.Practise at first 1 minute, gradually adding, reach till 10 minutes.

    3) Direct a stare on a black point and, without tapping off from it eyes, sluggishly turn a head (one head, but not a trunk) to the right, then smoothly and easy result it in former position and sluggishly turn it to the left. All time is necessary as it is possible to look at a black point more steadfastly. At all these exercises to try not to blink, expand at all eye eyelids and to stare. Duration of exercise the same, that is begin with one and lead up till 10 minutes.

    Group - hardness of a sight

    1) of 1,5 arshins from a wall on which the sheet of paper with a black point is

    attached Sit down on distance. (Light should be less, than moderated). Direct astare on a black point, fixing it, without blinking.While it is felt ??????????? an eye, it is necessary to prevent pressure of will to centuries to fall. Exercise it begin from 1 minute and gradually reach, adding on 1 minute in 3-4 days, till 10 minutes. It is necessary to learn to stare,motionlessly and without blinking, at least, 5 minutes. On this exercise it is necessary to reverse a close attention as it is a basis of many other receptions.

    2) Outweigh a paper with a black point on 1 arshin to the right from a former place, but on the same line. 2-3 seconds on that place where there was a paper earlier sit down and stare, then turn eyes (one eye, but not all head) to the right and fix (steadfastly look) a black point. Then move the person to the left andretry exercise. At this exercise it is necessary to sit on a former place; moveonly a sheet of paper with a black point and turn one eyes, leaving alone a trunk and a head. Duration of exercise and distribution of time the same, as earlier (exercise ?4 see).3) Sit down opposite to a wall. Direct a sight, at a black point. Then, leavinga trunk and a head in rest, direct eyes to a floor (on a floor it is possible to make a point indian ink, a chalk or simply to put any subject, for example, a coin) and steadfastly look at the selected point within 1 minute. Gradually increase duration of fixing till 5 minutes. Then, under former conditions (a head hold directly), direct a sight at a ceiling, steadfastly looking at any small point. Begin since one minute and lead up it, gradually adding on 1 minute, to5 minutes. Nevertheless exercise should occupy 10 minutes.

    Group - magnetic ?????

    1) Sit down against a mirror and direct a sight at the plotting, having supplied preliminarily on ????????? a pencil small, hardly appreciable point. Steadfastly look on ?????????, fixing this point. It is necessary to abstain from a blinking. The sight should be motionless, steadfast, but is easy directed on a point.Begin since one minute and gradually learn to look steadfastly, without blinking and it is motionless, on ????????? about 15 minutes. It will be soon possible not to put on ????????? a label, and to use only its visualisation.

    2) Sit down against a mirror and, having directed a sight at the left pupil of the reflexion, fix a pupil, trying, if it is possible so to be expressed, glance

    in the brain. Then direct a sight at the right pupil and so steadfastly look atit. As the previous exercises have a little prepared eyes it is possible to begin at once from 5 minutes for each pupil.

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    2) Representing modification ?7, this exercise is the most important and demands ability steadfastly, persistently, without blinking, to look. It is necessary to learn to put in the sight any feeling, and face muscles should remain absolutely motionless and quiet. All should be clear from expression of eyes. Sit down against a mirror try to enclose in the sight, for example, feeling of love and caress. Imagine that see the person, made to you a lot of good, - the person to whom are located etc., and try to cause tender and kind expression of eyes. In the same way learn to express the sight and other feelings: displeasure, pleasure.The person should remain absolutely without changes. Force of such sight is enormous. If you direct on the patient the sight with caress and love, he will lighten, will calm down; Having enclosed in it all rage and hatred on which are capable, it is possible to force the healthy person to feel burden and to fall ill, and if our magnetic force is significant even to die. Refusing to someone, make the sight solid, and the applicant will not retard to leave. Talking to the raised person, direct on it a quiet sight, and its excitation will disappear. Wishing to subordinate any person, look at it imperiously and confidently: he will be confused and will concede to your desires.By practice learn to apply a concentrated sight in all cases of life.

    The appendixIt is useful to apply eye baths to strengthening of eyes. Fulness in small ????? waters, it is necessary to lower there the person, then to open eyes and to try to look in water.Do so twice a day. At first it is necessary to use ambient temperature water, and subsequently it is possible to pass to absolutely cold water.Do so twice a day. At first it is necessary to use ambient temperature water, and subsequently it is possible to pass to absolutely cold water.After exercises it is necessary to moisten eyes with infusion ?????? (accurately - small concentration)The great value has gloss of eyes. As it is known, shining eyes manufacture stronger action, than a sight dim and muddy. ????? from the reasons of gloss of eyes a food is. People who have an abundance of phosphorus, can captivate gloss of the eyes. To add to eyes gloss, brightness and revival, it is necessary to enterinto an organism such vegetables which contain phosphorus (e.g. spinach and salad). The milk use promotes gloss of eyes. Then the significant role is played bya good dream. In the east sight education is almost whole science, named "Tramaka-yoga".Application of force of a sight consists in fixing ????????? the person who aresubject to influence.If the person costs to you a back it is necessary to direct a sight in a nape. Besides, steadfastly to look at the subject it is necessary only in that case when you start to speak and as soon as the interlocutor will start talking, will drop now eyes and do not confuse with its stare.As to practical application of a sight the sight gets especial force only thanks to mental ???????????????, that is here the mental influence strengthened by astare already stars.

    exercise for formation of installations of free motivation, it it is necessary to learn and retry the HYMN of BADGHI ????? before a dream.

    "I have a Native land - the Earth and the Sky became my Native land!I have a weapon! Unshakable Spirit - my strength and my unique weapon!I have a strength! Directed over will - here my strength and the main weapon!I have a Doctrine! My life is and there is my Doctrine!

    I have a Law! Justice - my Law!I have a Teacher! My life is my unique Teacher!I have a Lord! Mine "superth" - my lord!

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    I have a Magic! Internal Force - my main and unique secret yielding to me forceof the all-powerful wizard!I find great internal values, only having excluded all external! I leave from all I am born for own Spirit! I am born another! I am born omnipotent and all-powerful!"

    Ejdetichesky thinking and subconsciousness.

    Sensitivity and as the developed ability of strong-willed control of nervous system substantially define physiological functioning of an organism.L ? of Grimak Reserves of human mentality.

    The receiving tank of the various exercises is more low presented, many of themhave absolutely various sources. I collect for a long time stuff and not alwaysconserved references, as directly and in this case.In general, in my opinion, ???????? can be of great importance for ?????????? as increases brightness and clearness of its associations. Many exercises were simply a pity for throwing out from the list and on it, here will meet even it would seem the most extravagant, for example, all superfluous on a concentration istaken out in partition - the appendix.

    The inquiry from Wikipedia.

    ????????? special picture character of memory, mainly on the visual impressions, allowing to keep and reproduce extremely live image apprehended before asubject, on the presentation and detail almost not conceding to an image of perception. In this or that form and degree it is inherent in each person, especially at children's or teenage age, however in the bright forms meets seldom enough.

    Among those who the first has described ???????? the Russian scientist Urbanchich (1907). In 1920 to Germany psychologist E.Jenshem together with pupils had bee

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    n made basic researches ?????????.

    In psychology reproduction in all details of images of the subjects which are not operating at present on visual evaluators. Ejdetichesky images differ from usual themes that the person as though continues to perceive a subject in its absence. A physiological basis ???????????? images residual excitation of the evaluator.

    ??????????? (the term is entered Tateisi Kadzumo in 1970) set of the psychotechnologies constructed on a uniform methodological basis and directed on the decision it is constructive tasks in view with use special, inherent only to mentality, properties.

    In frameworks ??????????? the approach on purposeful use in modern technologiesnot only the refined forms of thinking, but also other mental functions develops. Thanks to it there is a possibility of the decision of some problems which admitted earlier essentially unsoluble.

    From the technological point of view ??????????? is based on such procedures:

    To procedure of strong-willed development of senses in any mental modal and sign environments;Formation of the languages corresponding to a task in view or intention to makethose or other actions on the basis of this procedure;Revealing of forms of the organisation of the consciousness, corresponding to developed technological procedures.

    Psychonetichesky technologies as the basic are used by such psychotechnicians:?????????????? attention destruction of any developed forms of the organisationof consciousness, overseeing by attention - a reflexion aggravation, backgroundexperiences - preparation for revealing of the weak and latent parametres of the external and internal environment, "dissolution" of forms of the organisation of consciousness in a background - transferring to meditative conditions, work with background perceptions as with "matter" in which senses are developed);Convolution of sensual forms before experience of pure senses (eidoses) and development of these senses in various environments (provocation of experiences of pure senses, allocation of strong-willed intention, development of strong-willedimpulses in sensually displayed forms, purposeful use ??????????????? mechanisms, formation of the set conditions);Management ????????????? in the images, providing continuous character of procedures of convolution and development of senses; empathy development (formation of the "general" areas of consciousness in group, identification of semantic fields of members of group and identical results of development of strong-willed impulses).

    CONTROL OVER THE BODYThe description.Long performance of these, at first sight, unimportant, exercises strongly strengthens will and subordinates to it all muscular movements. It is necessary to increase gradually duration them, remembering that in the field of mental exercises the same sequence and course of training is required, as well as at physical development of a body. Only after such preparation it is possible to start submission of sense organs.External irritations, attacking sense organs, sink as impressions, distract atte

    ntion. To subordinate to itself sense organs, in the beginning it is necessary to learn to perceive the sensations proceeding from one any sense organ, trying not to perceive others. This ability extremely important also demands long, persi

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    stent working on by self. We recommend for this purpose following exercises:

    1) Control over muscles of hands and feet.Sit down. Give a hand level with a shoulder, a palm downwards. Turn a head towards a hand and steadfastly look at a middle finger. Watch attentively that in a hand was not the slightest trembling. Practise so daily with each hand, since any one.Control over body muscles sitting and standing. Sit down in an armchair. ???????? muscles. Direct a sight in one point (pressure should not be: it is necessaryto weaken absolutely muscles of eyes thanks to what the sight will stop). Breathe ??????????, slowly and easy. Breath should be superficial, almost without fluctuation of a breast, ribs and a stomach. Sit motionlessly, all body should congeal as though. The essence of this exercise consists in full easing of muscles about which it was told above. Practise daily for 5-10 minutes. Gradually finish its duration to 20 and even 30 minutes. Manufacture this exercise of 5-7 days.

    2) Sluggishly turn fingers - one round another - from 50 to 100 times, having concentrated all attention to this action. Then, put a hand on a table, having clenched it in a fist. Sluggishly unbend a thumb, directing on this action all your

    attention, then - index, then centre - anonymous and, at last, a little finger. After that bend fingers in a fist in the same order: a little finger, anonymous, centre, index and big. Then retry exercise again - upside-down.3) Having studied the previous exercise, alter it a little. Become directly, ?????????. Try to congeal in such position. Especially we recommend to "congeal" in such position, having extended before myself hands. This exercise besides thatwill teach to operate attention, will bring significant advantage by productionof some phenomena ?????????, demanding long studying ????????????????? a fluid in a certain direction. This exercise similar with previous, needs to devote 5-7-10 minutes daily.4) Concentrate attention at once to all body. Mentally walk on it the internal look. Try to feel the pleasant wave which is passing on a body from a head to feet. Concentrate attention only to the right hand. Then on a forearm of the righthand. On a brush of the right hand. On a forefinger, on a forefinger tip. And again - on all body. Retry exercise for other hand. After performance of a seriesof relaxation exercises start exercises on training of attention and visual thinking.


    Perception calibration

    1. Exercise - impellent concentrationAttention concentration at any movements: thumbs of hands, forefingers and at ???????? brushes. Connect hands so that fingers of one hand have entered into intervals of fingers another. Direct attention to flavouring sensation, trying to see, not to hear, not to smell, not to perceive nothing. Duration of exercise - two weeks for 5-10 minutes.2. Exercise SightConcentration on a subjectTake any subject (a pencil, etc.) and concentrate to it the attention. Considerit, paying attention to its form, colour, etc.; in general, occupy the attention with the visual impressions received by consideration of this subject. Duration

    of exercise of 5-10 minutes. Add every day on one minute within 5-7 days.Gradually it is necessary to change the subjects used for this exercise, passing from bright, evident, to more dim, imperceptible, almost uncolored.

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    3. Exercise - concentration of hearing Silent radioInclude radio, then gradually reduce loudness; position the lowermost limit of loudness when still it is possible to understand that speak. Weak intensity of asound will force you to concentrate. Do not continue this exercise over 3 minutes.Take a small pocket watch and put them on a little table about a sofa. Lay down, take over convenient position, muscles weaken and close eyes. Start to listen to ??????? hours, trying about what friend not to think, not to perceive other impressions. That it is even better to concentrate, it is possible to consider blows of hours to hundred, successively or through one blow. Practise daily for ten minutes.

    4. Exercise - concentration on touchHaving taken over convenient position, having closed eyes and ears, put on a bare body any small subject, for example a coin. This subject will manufacture easy pressure upon a skin that will cause sensation of hiting at to certain point of a skin. Direct attention to this sensation. Change subject position, moving its that on a breast on a hand or on a foot, etc. to Put it on the person (on a forehead and so forth)

    5. Exercise - sensation of tasteTo concentrate on flavouring sensation, in the beginning it is necessary to resort to following auxiliaries: sugar, salt, etc. meeting all necessary conditions(to close eyes, ears, etc.), take in a mouth one of these substances and try toremember flavouring sensations... Then you should try to feel taste on distance.

    6. Exercise - sense of smellArrive, as well as at exercise of 7th, but together flavouring sensation cause olfactory, attacking by means of spirits sense of smell. Try to perceive only a smell. Duration of exercise of 10 minutes.

    7. Exercise - switching-offIt is necessary to evolve one from weight of impressions, but not to perceive it absolutely. For example, look at the watch and try not to hear them ???????; listen ??????? hours and so concentrate to cease to see them; bring a bottle of perfume to a nose, trying not to smell a smell. In the same way arrive and with other sensations. If you achieve success in all these exercises, it will be not difficult to you to concentrate actively (on one any point) or is passive (absolutely to stop thinking).

    Refinement of perception10 Exercise - contemplationSit down about any pattern and peer at it, reflecting on how it is executed, what paints, whether it is well written that could induce the artist to write it, what purpose was pursued by it, etc. Reflect thus within 10-15 minutes, without tearing off a sight and attention from a pattern. There will be in the beginningsuch phenomena. Sowing before a pattern and reflecting on it, through two - three minutes you catch yourselves that think of other, and about a pattern for a long time have forgotten. To keep on it the attention serves as the best means a sight. Consider a pattern, and visual impressions will occupy attention and willnot allow to distract. In process of examining you will go deep, comprehend more and more its inner meaning put by the artist. Reflect, and the attention is disciplined, a brain food will amplify, and the thought will get force and brightness.Take any subject, for example, a pencil. Reflect on a way of its preparation, appointment, convenience or inconvenience, etc.

    Having isolated itself from an external world, direct attention to any part of a body, imagining feeling of hiting at it or, it is better that on it the fly ferments. This exercise is very difficult and important. It appears useful at those

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    experiences ????????? which consist in piercing of hands, cheeks, etc. needles, in drawing of wounds and so forth, and also, as means for awakening of the nervous centres. Then start mental reproduction of flavouring and olfactory sensations that subsequently it is useful for ability to pitch them on distance.

    Exercise of 1 Detail.Take any usual subject (boxes of matches, a pencil and etc.). Consider it attentively, finding as much as possible details and details of its appearance: the form, colour, texture, ?????????, non-uniformity of colouring, feature of inscriptions. Try to make this exercise as it is possible longer, despite desire to distract. That to you it was easier, can describe the details found you aloud.

    Exercise 2 Another's drawing.Take a pattern reproduction, consider it 1 minute. After that postpone it, close eyes, mentally imagine and aloud describe everything that has entered into your vision. Open eyes, consider a pattern again, notice that you have missed. Retry procedure some times.

    Exercise 3 Drawing.

    Choose any subject or the phenomenon which is near to you. If you choose the phenomenon, it should be steady or retried (as the water flowing from the crane ora branch, shaken on a wind). Look at it 10 seconds.Cease to look and draw on memory that saw.If there is a possibility, compare your drawing to drawing of the partner in training.Tell each other about your visualisation which you used when drew. Whether yourdrawing what you imagined when drew is similar in accuracy? If is not present, pay attention to distinctions.Compare key characteristics of drawing and object: brightness, the size, colour, movement (speed and a direction), distance, an arrangement. Estimate each characteristic on a scale from 1 to 10.Investigate a question, what reference point you have chosen for a characteristic estimation (bright in comparison with what, more close, than as etc.)After discussion make one more drawing.Investigate differences between new and former drawings. How the estimation of characteristics has affected your perception?

    Exercise 4 Parodist. (It is carried out together)And also Would stand the friend opposite to the friend. And takes over any pose. 10 seconds would look at it, closes eyes and mentally imagines appearance And.When eyes are closed, And changes position of any part of the body (heads, hands, feet, fingers, etc.) a little and Would appeal for to open eyes.Should compare a pose And to the fancy and tell that has changed.If It would not be possible to yield the right answer, it closes eyes, and at this time And, without speaking, as it changed a pose, takes over former position. Having opened eyes, again Would try to define that has been changed, leaning against the mental vision.Exercise is made until cannot define correctly successively three times change from the first attempt after that And and Would change roles.This exercise can be complicated gradually, doing more and more imperceptible changes. It is possible to make also other variant of this exercise when the various subjects are displayed on a table, one participant closes eyes, and something changes another on a table. The basic mechanism applied in these exercises, creation of a mental vision, whenever possible more exact and detailed, its comparison to real object and necessary correction is. Repeated repetition of these exercises leads to that first, you start to distinguish more and more details of su

    bjects, and also to create more exact visions.

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    0 Part

    1. ?????????????Close eyes. Intensively order to itself: I have forgotten all. I that do not remember. All is not familiar. Further during 2-3 mines do internal "contact" (attention sliding on a surface of involuntarily developed visual representations). Then quickly open an eye. If auto-suggestion works, you will see familiar conditions as though anew, apart. Retry it time five each time the effect will amplify, you will come nearer to that protogenic image, is more true ????????????? than things which was at you in infancy.

    2. Movement in not mobilitySo, take over a convenient pose, will relax. Mentally quickly run, being accelerated with each second and thus remain absolutely motionless. Any your muscle does not shake, and mentally you run faster and faster Then, try to distill in such condition not only the body, but also thoughts, benot fixed on them. Give the chance to them to run.

    1. A part: "Representation"

    1) Colours an imageThe first exercise consists in fixing by an internal look of involuntarily arising colour images. In the beginning it is randomly alternating colours, and thenagainst alternating colour spots starts to prevail what or one colour.

    2) Colours representationThe second exercise ??????????? on ability development to cause certain colour representations recognising that each colour forms specific experience, and consequently also the subsequent emotional background. So, purple, red, orange, gold, yellow colours cause sensations of heat, blue - a cool in the field of a forehead, black and darkly purple association with unpleasant feelings of depression and the general alarm.

    3) subject ContemplationHaving weakened muscles, having closed eyes and ears, having taken over convenient position, manufacture three penetrating sighs. Then be isolated from external world influences. Cause visualisation (visual) any subject and concentrate to it all attention. It is necessary to forget about an own body. You should merge with the representation. Duration of 10-15 minutes. Under the same conditions mentally cause any sound, a voice or a melody. Learn to concentrate attention on each of scale sounds. In the beginning mentally sing scale from beginning to end and revertively. Each time do this all more slowly and more slowly and, at last,stop attention to one only the note (sound) and try to keep attention to representation of this sound throughout 1-2 minutes, and then 3-5 minutes. Also it is p

    ossible to practise in a mental pronunciation of words, for example "Ohm" etc.Having eliminated all representations, concerning four sense organs (sense of smell, touch, taste and hearing), keep visual representation. In 1 2 minutes elimina

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    te also it. In consciousness there should be during this moment no representations. Then again cause all representations of a subject, adding on one. Practise in calling and elimination of the representations, falling into to each of senseorgans, for 30 40 minutes daily, will not become successful yet.

    4)) Representation of abstract conceptsThe fourth exercise consists in formation of visual representations of such abstract concepts as "justice", "happiness", "true" a stream of figurative representations, etc. Arising thus has strictly individual the character depending on a stock of associations of the individual. At the same time, as have shown V.V.Naliova's experiments with co-authors (1972), such abstract concepts can cause bothidentical images and internal experiences.

    Expansion and concrete definition of a spectrum of concepts.Evolve, what be, a separate word and mentally of it think. ????????? imagination also remember from the experience, than it is for you. Stop attention to the first association which will come to to you mind.For example:The HAPPINESS is a REST where it yields you sequence of associations, a beach, t

    he sun, mineral water, a pillow, bed; the FAMILY; VACATION; PUT the BIRTH; MEALetc.As, it makes sense, having considered possible boards of this concept, to deduce its general concept and to issue its volume representation.

    5) the Image the personPresent the person of the person whom often met. You can notice that have aboutit only, general idea, and details disappear. In the subsequent add your supervision when will see it again, and start exercise over again. Train until, yet will not start it to see absolutely accurate before itself.

    2. A part: Experience of emotional situations

    1. Concentrate attention on arising, at first it is spontaneous, specific sensations experiences of situations, causing those or other refining emotions, desires. At performance of this exercise training not seldom "sees" itself in the centre of an imagined situation.

    2. RecoveryImagine any action, an act, etc., thus you should connect to participation in representation, the maximum volume of feelings and sensations. Can to go mentally, for example, to travel of the past events made by you, yesterday or one year ago. Thus it is necessary to think strongly, actively, colourfully and observing certain order. We will admit, yesterday, you have risen, have put on, had a snack, have taken a train etc. do this exercise of 2-3 weeks for 30 minutes daily.

    3. Full of sensation ??????It is necessary to reproduce mentally any action, for example, imagine that youeat medical Thus the representations, concerning each of sense organs should take part. In this case will be: colour of honey (visual representation), taste ofhoney (flavouring), a sound from chewing (acoustical), hiting at to language and gums (????????????) and a smell (olfactory). Then, brightly representing all this pattern, reject the representation, concerning one of sense organs, for example, sense of smell: you behold all pattern, but will cease to smell. Duration 10 - 15 minutes.

    After these exercises start to more difficult, consisting in ability to operatevisualisations, in ability to concentrate attention to one of them. The exercises recommended above for submission of sense organs, appear intellectual and in t

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    his case; only these exercises need to be changed a little, namely: the external irritation of a sense organ should not be, it is necessary to direct the attention to corresponding visualisation.

    3 Part: flexibility of representation

    If you have carefully studied the previous exercises your mentality is in dependence from will, and you can start following exercise.

    1) Concentrate attention to any representation, having reached full concentration, and quickly pass to a concentration on any other representation, forgetting for this time about the first, from the second representation also quickly return to the first. Practise 10 20 minutes daily as soon as there will be a free time.

    4 Part: Work with subconsci

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