devarim - ariel congregation · devarim my most important things: ! 1. honor yhvh, creator of all....

Post on 24-Aug-2020






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Devarim “Words”

Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22

Devarim 1:1

!  ELe HaDeVaRim ASher DiBer MoShe El-Kol-YisRaEl BeEVer HaYarDen BaMidBar,…

!  These are the words which Mosheh spoke to all Yisra’ĕl beyond the Yardĕn in the wilderness,…

“Deuteronomy” !  A Greek mistranslation

from Deut. 17:18: !  “a copy of this law” !  “Second Law”

3 Sermons !  1. The 40 Years in the

Wilderness (1:5 – 4:40)

!  2. “The Law of Mosheh” (5:1 – 26:19) !  YHVH ALONE !  Keeping the laws, the land

!  3. The Blessings and the Curses (27:1 – 30:20) !  Repentence and


Conclusion !  Conclusion (31 – 34):

!  Yehoshua installed

!  The Song of Moshe

!  Moshe’s blessing

!  View of the Promised Land

!  Moshe’s death.

Devarim !  What “things” do YOU think are

the most important to impart before you die?

!  What if you only had 1 month (or so) to write them?

!  For Moshe: !  The last 40 years !  YHVH + laws for the new nation !  Emphasizing the importance

!  Life and death! !  The future of the nation!

History Command to leave Horeb (1:1-8)

“Go in and possess the land…” (8)

History Command to leave Horeb (1:1-8)

“Go in and possess the land…” (8)

11 days walk (2)

180 miles Avg. 16.36 mi./day or 18 mi. x 10 days

About a 3-hr. drive. Daytona to Tampa.

History Command to leave Horeb (1:1-8)

Appointment of Leaders (1:9-18)

Spies sent out (1:19-25)

Rebellion (1:26-46)

History Command to leave Horeb (1:1-8)

Appointment of Leaders (1:9-18)

Spies sent out (1:19-25)

Rebellion (1:26-46)

Wanderings in the Wilderness (2:1-23)

History Command to leave Horeb (1:1-8)

Appointment of Leaders (1:9-18)

Spies sent out (1:19-25)

Rebellion (1:26-46)

Wanderings in the Wilderness (2:1-23)

Defeat of Sihon and Og (2:24-3:11)

Division of the land (3:12-20)

Devarim !  Why was this history SO vital?

!  YHVH’s commands, His plan, (take the land) is for your good.

!  FEAR causes disobedience !  Not receiving His plan for you !  40 year penalty, and death !  Learning: He is good, providing. !  TRUST in Him, Him ALONE.

!  Rebellion = your own plan: bad.

!  You CAN beat walled cities, strong peoples, and giants, if it’s His will.

!  Now, here we go again!

Devarim What “things” do YOU think are the most important to impart before you die?

Devarim MY most important things:

!  1. Honor YHVH, Creator of ALL. (Rev. 14:6-7)

And I saw another messenger flying in mid-heaven, holding the everlasting Good News to announce to those dwelling on the earth, even to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying with a loud voice, “Fear Elohim and give esteem to Him, because the hour of His judgment has come. And worship Him who made the heaven and the earth, and sea, and fountains of water.”

Solomon’s Devarim !  13 Let us hear the

conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commands, for this applies to all mankind!

!  14 For Elohim shall bring every work into judgment, including all that is hidden, whether good or whether evil.

Devarim MY most important things:

!  2. OBEY YHVH. LOVE Him. (Deut. 6:4-5)

4 “OBEY, O Yisra’ĕl: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה ALONE! 5 “And you shall LOVE יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might.

Devarim MY most important things:

!  3. He has a plan for you, and it’s for your good. (Deut. 6:3)

…that it might be well with you, and that you increase greatly as יהוה Elohim of your fathers has spoken to you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

Devarim MY most important things:

!  4. TRUST Him, Him ALONE. (Ex. 20:2-6)

2 “I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery. 3 “You have no other mighty ones in my sight. 4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth, 5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.

Devarim MY most important things:

!  5. Do not FEAR. You CAN, and WILL, win over ANY obstacles. (Deut. 31:6,8)

6 “Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For it is יהוה your Elohim who is going with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you.”

8 “And it is יהוה who is going before you, He Himself is with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be discouraged.”

Devarim !  Here we go again!

Go, and make disciples! (Matt. 28:19-20)

“Go and make taught ones of all the nations…teaching them to guard ALL that I have commanded YOU!”

Devarim “Words”

Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22

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