devapur limestone mines of m/s. tsmdc ltd.devapur limestone mines of m/s. tsmdc ltd. devapur ec...

Post on 10-Mar-2020






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EC Compliance Report

Cement Plant Ref: No. F. No. J -11015/234/2007-IA II (M) Dt: 16.10.2007


S.No. Specific conditions Compliance status

i. Topsoil shall be stacked properly with proper slope with adequate safeguards and shall be backfilled for reclamation and rehabilitation of mined out area.


Presently, top soil as and when removed is directly

being utilized for green belt development and spread

over mined out area for reclamation and afforestation.

During the compliance period no top soil has been

generated, all the mining activities in said period are

restricted within already broken area. Till date

Cumulative 174820 cum of top soil is utilized for

reclamation / afforestation.


Garland drains shall be constructed to

arrest silt and sediments flows from

soil and mineral dumps. The water so

collected shall be utilized for watering

the mine area, roads, greenbelt

development etc. The drains shall be

regularly desilted particularly after

monsoon and maintained properly.

Garland drain (size, gradient and

length) shall be constructed for both

mine pit and for waste dump and

sump capacity shall be designed

keeping 50% safety margin over and

above the peak sudden rainfall (based

on 50 years data) and maximum

discharge in the area adjoining the

mine site. Dump capacity shall also

provide adequate retention period to

allow proper settling of silt material.

Sedimentation pits shall be

constructed at the corners of the

garland drains and desilted at regular



The Garland drains of requisite size are constructed

along dumps and other area to arrest silt and

sediments. All garland drains are maintained properly

and de siltation is being carried out with regular

intervals. Adequate size of sump is constructed in the

lowermost benches with proper measures. The

details of garland drains constructed till the

compliance period are given below:



Location Length

in mts





1 Foot of the



1110 1 Gentle

2 Safety bund


Southern side

of mining

lease area

along the ML

Boundary to

avoid outside

1725 1.5 Gentle

S.No. Specific conditions Compliance status

rain water

enter into



3 Safety bund

with garland

drain in

southern side

of ML

boundary &

Foot of




335 1.5 Gentle

TOTAL 3170

iii. Drilling and blasting shall be by using dust extractors/ wet drilling.


The drilling and blasting operation is carried out during daytime only. We are using wet drilling by inbuilt water injection system for drills to suppress dust generation at source. Dust extractor system is provided in crusher and water injectors are provided to arrest fly of dust during unloading of limestone into hopper which is also covered with belt curtains.


Plantation shall be raised in an area of 40.6ha including a green belt of adequate width by planting the native species around the ML area, roads, OB dumpsites etc. in consultation with the local DFO/Agriculture Department. The density of the trees shall be around 2500 plants per ha. The company shall avoid plantation of monoculture species. Herbs and shrubs shall also form a part of afforestation program besides tree plantation. Fencing of mine pit shall be by chain link.

Complied. We have planted till dated 46952 plants in 52.995 hectares area within mining Lease for native type of species, with consultation of local DFO.

v. The project authority shall implement suitable conservation measures to augment ground water resources in the area in consultation with the Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board.

Complied. We are implementing suitable conservation measures to augment ground water resources within the mining area by constructing check dams, rainwater harvesting pits (1no. with 5.5 Lac cum capacity and having an area of 9.3 Ha, 2 no. Part-1 sump area 18.747 Ha and having storage capacity of 33.40 Lac Cubic Meter, level 227 to 259 Mtr RL) development of reservoir etc. So for we have two contour trenches (total length of 360 mts length and 4mts height at two different locations within mining lease) and three check dams (25m, 20mts & 20 mts lengths in 3 locations) have been constructed in mining lease area, one new contour trench of length 100m have been constructed with rain harvesting pit of capacity 7000 Cum.

S.No. Specific conditions Compliance status

vi. The company shall undertake measures for rainwater harvesting to recharge the ground water.

Complied. We have already constructed rain water harvesting pits of 5.5 lakh m3 water storage capacity for recharge of the ground water. This year we have developed a new pit of capacity 30 lakh m3 for storage of rain water.

vii. Regular monitoring of ground water level and quality shall be carried out by establishing a network of existing wells and constructing new piezometers during the mining operation. The monitoring shall be carried out four times in a year – pre-monsoon (April-May), monsoon (August),post-monsoon (November) and winter (January) and the data thus collected may be sent regularly to MoEF, Central Ground Water Authority and Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board.

Complied. Water quality testing is carried out with the help of MOEF certified third party laboratory on quarterly basis. Water levels are being recorded in three open wells of buffer zone and two piezometers are constructed in mines area core zone as per recommendations of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB). Data collected is being submitted regularly to CGWA, New Delhi, MoEF Regional Office(SEZ) Chennai, CGWB Regional Director Bandlaguda, Hyderabad and District Ground Officer, Mancherial. Water Quality Analysis data attached as Annexure-I.

viii. Prior permission from the competent authority shall be obtained for drawl of ground water if any.

Presently, no groundwater is drawl, all the water quantity required for mines for dust suppression, etc is being met from mines rain water harvesting sump and necessary permission will be obtained from competent authority as and when required.

ix. Conceptual Mining Plan for every 5 years for the life of the mine shall be prepared and submitted to the Ministry within six months.

The current Review of Mining Plan is for the balance period of 4 years of the block period from 2015-16 to 2019-20 submitted under Rule 17(1) of MCR 2016 and get approved from Indian Bureau of Mines, Hyderabad. This document is prepared for conceptual period up to 04-10-2029.

x. The existing water bodies and that to be created during the course of mining may be utilized to develop pisciculture by organizing fishermen cooperative society with the land losers, if any and specially the poorer section of the people as members of such society with initial financial assistance in the form of share money and managerial assistance so that the members themselves can run the affairs of the society in due course. The project proponent shall arrange marketing tie up so that the society gets fair price of their product and the profits are equitably shared by the members of the society as regular source of income.

There are no land losers as the mining area is Reserve Forest. The water bodies shall be used for supplying water for plantations, dust suppression and for the cement plant operations.

xi. Action plan for abatement and compensation for damage to agricultural land/common property land (if any) due to mining activity

There is no agricultural land / common property land. The entire mining lease area is reserve forest.

S.No. Specific conditions Compliance status

shall be submitted to the Ministry within six months.

xii. Occupational health surveillance program of the workers shall be undertaken periodically to observe any contractions due to exposure to dust and take corrective measures, if needed. Occupational health and safety measures for the workers including training on malaria eradication, HIV, and health effects on exposure to mineral dust etc. shall be carried out. The company shall engage a full time qualified doctor who is trained in occupational health surveillance and health records of the workers shall be maintained.

We are providing personnel protective equipment (PPE) to workers at mining area. They are also provided adequate training and information on safety and health aspects. Occupational health surveillance is being conducted periodically and health records are maintained properly. The company has engaged full time qualified Doctors in the dispensary and it is recognized by the State Government as an extension of their PHC at Kasipet (located at 16 kms distance from dispensary). The Company provides fully equipped Ambulance services for bringing patients from villages to the dispensary every day.

xiii. Vehicular emissions shall be kept under control and regularly monitored. Measures shall be taken for maintenance of vehicles used in mining operations and in transportation of mineral. The vehicles shall be covered with a tarpaulin and shall not be overloaded.

Vehicular emissions are being monitored regularly. We are taking care of all dust emissions during mining activities. Vehicular emission monitoring reports of few are as Annexure – II.

xiv. A Final Mine Closure Plan, along with details of Corpus Fund, shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests 5 years in advance of final mine closure for approval.

Final Mine Closure Plan (FMCP) shall be submitted to IBM and MoEF as per prevailing rules for necessary approval. As our Mining Lease is valid up to dated period up to 04-10-2029.


S.No. General conditions Compliance status

i No change in mining technology and

scope of working shall be made without

prior approval of the Ministry of

Environment and Forests.


There is no change in mining technology and scope of


ii No change in the calendar plan

including excavation, quantum of

mineral limestone ore and waste shall

be made.

There is no change in the Calendar Plan for the

production of Quantum of Mineral Limestone and


iii Conservation measures for protection

of flora and fauna in the core & buffer

zone shall be drawn up in consultation

with the local forest and wildlife


Conservation measures are being taken up in Core &

buffer zone in consultation with local forest and wild life


S.No. General conditions Compliance status

iv Four ambient air quality-monitoring

stations shall be established in the core

zone as well as in the buffer zone for

RPM, SPM, SO2 & NOx monitoring.

Location of the stations should be

decided based on the meteorological

data, topographical features and

environmentally and ecologically

sensitive targets and frequency of

monitoring should be undertaken in

consultation with the State Pollution

Control Board.

Four ambient air quality-monitoring stations each in core

and buffer zone have been established. Ambient air

quality monitoring of core zone and buffer zone is being

done every month. Monitoring test reports are submitted

regularly to Regional Office, Nizamabad of Telangana

State Pollution Control Board.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data for the period April-18 to September-18 attached as Annexure – III.

v Data on ambient air quality (RPM,SPM, SO2 & NOX) should be regularly submitted to the Ministry including its Regional Office located at Bangalore and the State Pollution Control Board/Central Pollution Control Board once in six months.

Complied. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data for the period April-18 to September-18 attached as Annexure – III.

vi Fugitive dust emissions from all the sources shall be controlled regularly. Water spraying arrangement on haul roads, loading and unloading and at transfer points shall be provided and properly maintained.

Fugitive dust emissions from all the sources are controlled. Blast hole drilling is by wet method, water spraying on haul roads, on mineral heaps while loading, at crusher hopper and at conveyor transfer points etc. blasting is carried during non-windy times.

vii Measures shall be taken for control of noise levels below 85 dBA in the work environment. Workers engaged in operations of HEMM etc. shall be provided with ear plugs/muffs.

Noise levels are monitored and maintained within the prescribed limits and reports enclosed herewith. Personnel protective equipment like ear plugs/muffs is provided to all workers engaged in mining operations.

viii Industrial waste water (workshop and waste water from the mine) should be properly collected, treated so as to conform to the standards prescribed under GSR 422 (E) dated 19th May, 1993 and 31st December, 1993 or as amended from time to time. Oil and Grease trap shall be installed before discharge of workshop effluents.

The workshop waste water is being collected in Oil and Grease trap (3 chamber tank) and after settling and clean water is utilizing for dust suppression over haulage road.

ix Personnel working in dusty areas shall wear protective respiratory devices and they shall also be provided with adequate training and information on safety and health aspects.

All personnel working in mines are provided with protective and safety equipment. They are also provided adequate training and information on safety and health aspects. Health status also periodically monitored as per Mines Rules.

x A separate environmental management cell with suitable qualified personnel shall be set-up under the control of a Senior Executive, who will report directly to the Head of the Organization.

A separate Environmental Management cell is established under the control of senior executive and direct reporting to the head of the organization who is responsible for environmental management of Mines.

xi The project authorities shall inform to the Regional Office located at Bangalore regarding date of financial closures and final approval of the

This is an existing and ongoing project.

S.No. General conditions Compliance status

project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of land development work.

xii The funds earmarked for environmental protection measures shall be kept in separate account and should not be diverted for other purpose. Year wise expenditure shall be reported to the Ministry and its Regional Office located at Bangalore.

Expenses incurred against Environmental Protection for Apr’18 to Sept’18 is Rs.- 4168597/-

xiii. The project authority shall inform to the Regional Office located at Bangalore regarding date of financial closures and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of land development work.

This is an existing and ongoing project.

xiv. The Regional Office of this Ministry located at Bangalore shall monitor compliance of the stipulated conditions. The project authorities should extend full cooperation to the officer (s) of the regional office by furnishing the requisite data/ information / monitoring reports.

Already in the practice and will continue in future also to comply all the conditions as advised by the authority.

xv. A copy of clearance letter will be marked to concerned Panchayat/local NGO, if any, from whom suggestion/representation has been received while processing the proposal.

Complied. No suggestion / representation received.

xvi. State pollution control board should display a copy of the clearance letter at the Regional office. District Industry Centre and Collector’s Office/Tehsildar’s office for 30 days.


xvii. The project authorities should advertise at least in two local newspapers widely circulated, one of which shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned, within 7 days of the issue of the clearance letter informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and a copy of the clearance letter available with the State Pollution Control Board and also at web site of Ministry of Environment &

Forest at and a copy

of the same shall be forwarded to the regional office of this Ministry at Bangalore.

Advertisement was published in Deccan Chronicle (English) dated: 25-10-2007 and Eenadu (Telugu) dated: 25-10-2007 newspapers and copies were submitted to MOEF & CC, New Delhi and their regional office at Bangalore.


Water Analysis (April-2018 to September-2018 – Average values)

Locations 1 2 3 4 5 6

Colour (Hazen units) 7.5 3 0 4.5 <01 <01

Turbidity (NTU) 10.8 0.4 0 3.55 0.6 0.4

pH 7.325 7.44 7.46 7.51 7.4 7.4

E.C. (Micromhos/cm) 960 1312.5 270 1002 1233.5 1298

Total dissolved solids 605 806.5 146 625 729.5 772

Phenolphthalein alkalinity as CaCo3 0 0 0 0 0.0 0

Methyl orange alkalinity as CaCo3 369.5 169.5 75 292 287.0 416.5

Total hardness as CaCo3 371.5 486.5 102 382 358.0 460.5

Calcium as Ca 91 142.5 27 113 94.0 146

Magnesium as Mg 35.085 31.85 8.655 24 29.7 23.2

Sodium as Na 71 62.5 15.5 61 117.5 49

Potassium as K 3.185 2.795 0.815 2.39 3.9 1.46

Chloride as Cl 75 222.5 27 108.5 176.5 79.5

Sulphate as So4 54.5 224.5 21 55 65.0 68.5

Nitrate as NO3 20 14.875 6.16 20.5 23.5 32.5

Carbonates as CaCO3 0 0 0 0 0.0 0

Bicarbonates as CaCO3 451 206.5 91 356 350.0 508.5

Residual Chlorine 0.17 0 0 0.445 0.0 0

Copper as Cu 0.05 0.06 <0.05 0.12 0.0 <0.05

Manganese as Mn 0.025 <0.01 <0.02 0.06 0.0 <0.02

Iron as Fe 0.415 0.19 0.2 0.345 0.2 0.24

Fluoride as F 0.88 0.685 0.39 0.81 0.6 0.61

1.Open Well (Near Devapur Vagu)

2. Bore well (Near magazine)

3. Bore well (Near Crusher)

4. Open well (Devapur village)

5.Open well Water (Maddimadugu village)

6. Bore Well (Devapur Village) Note: All the values except pH are expressed in mg/L.


Annexure-III Ambient Air Quality Data

(April-18 to September-18)


Core zone Buffer zone 1. Loading Area 5. Devapur Village 2 .Unloading Area 6. Forest Area 3. Drilling Area 7. Gatlarapalli Village 4. Haulage Road 8. Maddimadugu Village



PM10 (µg/m3)

PM2.5 (µg/m3)

SO2 (µg/m3)

NOx (µg/m3)

Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg.

1 69 79 73.5 21 30 25.6 7 12 9.3 20 26 23.6

2 75 86 80.6 26 36 31.3 8 14 11.3 17 27 22.5

3 73 83 78.2 25 33 28.7 6 11 8.5 17 26 21.0

4 65 75 71.3 20 28 23.8 8 13 10.8 18 25 22.0

5 54 65 61 21 28 23.8 6 12 9.8 17 23 20.3

6 40 59 47.3 15 20 17.7 5 11 15.3 13 18 15.3

7 44 54 49.8 15 22 18.7 6 10 7.7 16 23 18.1

8 59 68 63.8 23 28 25.1 7 13 9.8 20 25 22.5

SOIL ANALYSIS (April-18 to September-2018)


1 2 3 4


pH 7.38 7.71 7.49 7.75

E.C. µ mhos/cm 322.5 372 319.5 352

Calcium as Ca m eq/100g 46 45 39.5 25

Magnesium as Mg m eq/100g 15.55 11.55 8.7 9.2

Sodium as Na m eq/100g 52.5 45.5 16 11

Potassium as K Kg/ha 60.5 62.5 122 122

Phosphorous as P Kg/ha 8.5 6.5 22 16.5

Nitrogen as N Kg/ha 123.5 131 211 211.5

Organic Carbon % 0.35 0.25 0.48 0.445

Sulphates as So4 meq/100g 0.58 0.61 0.195 0.2

Chlorides as Cl meq/100g 0.54 0.475 0.23 0.33

Silt & Clay % 61 61 65.5 59.5

Sand % 39 39 34.5 40.5

Textural Class meq/100g Loamy sand Loamy sand Loamy sand Loamy sand

Physical Appearance meq/100g Mixed soil Mixed soil Mixed soil Mixed soil

1. Maddimada 2. Agriculture Land Devapur Village, 3.Agriculture land Gatlarapalli

4. Colony.

Land Use / Land Cover Analysis for mining lease & buffer zones

of Devapur Limestone Mine of Telangana State Mineral

Development corporation Limited.

Client :

Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Limited

Prepared By :

CompuSense Automation, Ahmedabad

October 2017

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 1

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2

2. Scope of Study ........................................................................................................................ 2

3. Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 3

4. Study Area .............................................................................................................................. 3

4.1 Extents of study areas ......................................................................................................... 3

5. Data Used ............................................................................................................................... 3

6. General Description of the study area .................................................................................... 5

6.1 Location and Extent ............................................................................................................ 5

6.2 Physiography, Relief and Drainage .................................................................................... 5

6.3 Climate ............................................................................................................................... 5

7. Land use .................................................................................................................................. 5

8. Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 6

9. Classification system .............................................................................................................. 8

9.1 Built up land: ...................................................................................................................... 9

9.2 Agricultural land: ................................................................................................................ 9

9.3 Forests ............................................................................................................................... 10

9.4 Wastelands ............................................................................................................................. 10

9.5 Water bodies ..................................................................................................................... 11

9.6 Mining .............................................................................................................................. 11

9.7 Others ............................................................................................................................... 11

10. Result (Statistics) ............................................................................................................... 15

10.1 Core Zone ....................................................................................................................... 15

10.2 500m buffer zone ............................................................................................................ 17

10.3 5Km buffer zone ............................................................................................................. 19

10.4 10Km buffer zone ........................................................................................................... 21

11. Salient Features of the study ............................................................................................... 26

11.1 Core Zone ....................................................................................................................... 26

11.2 500m Buffer Zone ........................................................................................................... 26

11.3 5Km Buffer Zone ............................................................................................................ 26

11.4 10Km Buffer Zone .......................................................................................................... 26

12. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 26

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 2

1. Introduction

Present study of mapping Land Use / Land Cover using remote sensing data for

Devapur Limestone Mine and surroundings in Kasipet mandal of Mancherial district, is carried

out on behalf of M/s Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Limited, Telangana

State. Now a days, it has become mandatory to carry out a Land Use / Land Cover analysis of the

project site using satellite data similar to preliminary site survey. Comprehensive and

chronological Land Use / Land Cover information is very vital for management of land.

Accurate & precise compilation of this information helps in deciding the proper use of the land.

Optimum economic use in accordance with minimal disturbance of the present ecology should be

the prime objective of any industrial activity. Remote Sensing technology because of synoptic,

repetitive and multi spectral characteristics becomes very vital technology for mapping Land

Use / Land Cover. In addition to this, the study provides the facility of constant monitoring and

past history of any particular area. Geographic Information System (GIS) is a tool, which allows

the integration of spatial data with non - spatial data. The project of landuse mapping was

awarded to CompuSense Automation vide work order no. 8040006980 dated 26th June 2017.

2. Scope of Study

Systematic and comprehensive compilation of Land Use / Land Cover maps and data is

necessary for planned development of agriculture, forest, grasslands, rural settlements, urban

spread, Industries and a host of other land based programs and activities. Land Use refers to the

various ways, the land is being utilized for different purposes by man mainly to generate income as

well as for residential purpose. Whereas, ‘Land Cover’ refers to the natural surrounding present

on the area under study.

In the present study, Land Use / Land Cover information of the study area i.e. within mining

lease (MLA), 500m, 5Km and 10Km buffer around the mining lease has been mapped using the

digital data dated 6th November 2016 and 10th February 2017, of Satellite Resourcesat-2, Sensor

L4FMX Path – 100, Row – 59, Sub-scene -B having resolution of 5 meter and Satellite CartoSat-1,

Sensor PAN-A Path-547 Row-208 dated 11th May, 2017 having resolution 2.5 meter.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 3

3. Objectives

Main objectives of this study are:

• To analyze Land Use / Land Cover of the study area using latest remote sensing satellite


• To generate statistics of Land Use / Land Cover classes and thematic map.

4. Study Area

The study area consists of mining lease area and its buffer zones of 500m, 5Km and 10Km

from periphery of mining lease. The study area falls in Kasipet mandal of Mancherial district in

Telangana State.

4.1 Extents of study areas

Extents of study area as per following table

Table:1 Location and Extent

mining lease Core/ Buffer



Latitude Longitude

Devapur Core Zone 19°0'59.396"N to


79°19'10.579"E to 79°20'29.393"E

500m buffer 19°0'43.174"N to


79°18'53.437"E to 79°20'44.064"E

5 Km buffer 18°58'17.609"N to


79°16'23.078"E to 79°23'19.953"E

10 Km

buffer 18°55'34.346"N to


79°13'28.76"E to 79°26'9.015"E

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 4

5. Data Used

Digital remote sensing data as per details given below was procured on FTP media. The dates

were selected for Kharif and Rabi seasons for deriving Land Use, particularly cropping pattern.

Since, cloud free data was not available before 6th November, 2016 for Kharif, the analysis

presents picture of late kharif and regular rabi seasons.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 5

Table:2 Data used

Satellite Sensor Sub scene Path-Row Season Date

Resource sat-2 L4FMX B 100-59 Kharif 6th Nov..16

Resource sat-2 L4FMX B 100-59 Rabi 10th Feb. 17

Cartosat-1 PANA 547-208 11th May. 17

Fig 1. Study area location map

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 6

6. General Description of the study area

6.1 Location and Extent

The detail of study area as defined in table 1 falls in district of Mancherial in TS. The

mandal town of Kasipet is about 12 Kms and district town mancherial is 35 kms from the mining

lease. Lease area falls in Rally Reserve forest of Mancherial Division and situated at fringe of forest

& revenue boundary of Devapur and Gatrapalli village . Nearest railway station is Bellampalli.

6.2 Physiography, Relief and Drainage

The study area is represented by hills, pediments, pediplains and valleys. General slope is

from north to south. The elevation (above msl) in the area varies from 140m to 560m. The study area

is well drained by a number of tributaries such as Vattivagu, Devapur Vagu, Ralla Vagu, Bugga

Vagu, Lingalavagu etc. The overall drainage density is high.

6.3 Climate

The study area has sub-tropical monsoon type climate. The south-west monsoon

commences by middle of June and extends upto end of September. The average rainfall recorded

in Devapur is 1145 mm. 85% of the total rainfall is received during the period from June to

September. The highest and lowest temperatures recorded are 48°C during peak summer and

11°C during winter

7. Land use

Study area falls in north east part of Mancherial district under mandal of Kasipet. The region

is in Rali reserve Forest of Devapur forest range. It is generally covered by southern deciduous

forest. About 73 % of area is covered by forest. Agriculture covers about 19% of study area. Rest of

the area is covered by wasteland, water bodies, mining and habitation.

Although rainfall is over 1100 mm, there are very less irrigation facilities. Majority of

agriculture is dependent on rain. Rice, cotton, maize, redgram, greengram are the principal kharif

season crops. Chillies, castor, sunflower and jowar are some of the other crops grown in the kharif

season. Jowar and sesamum are the main rabi season crops. The other important crops grown in

the rabi season are groundnut, horsegram, black gram, bengalgram etc.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 7

8. Methodology

General methodology using Multi-temporal digital data for kharif and rabi season, to derive

Land Use / Land Cover layer is shown in following diagram.

The methodology comprises the following functional component.

Data loading and image preparation

Three bands of data were downloaded from CD media and stacked to form a false color

composite (FCC). This raw data was georeferenced and projected in Universal Transverse Mercator

(UTM), zone 44N projection. This projection was adopted from National Spatial Framework

(NSF). Parameters for this projection are given in Annexure:1. This data was radiometrically

enhanced for ease of interpretation.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 8

Base map features mapping

Mapping of base map features like roads, river, nala, water bodies and drainage were done using

interpretation key in Annexure:2.

Digital classification of the two season data.

Base map feature classes were interpreted visually and masked out from digital image and a subset

was derived using buffer boundaries. This image was classified using supervised classification

method called Maximum Likelihood classifier in IDRISI software. This comprised of creating

signature files by identifying different classes and executing classifier. Data of both seasons were

separately classified. In the present study hybrid classification is perform which is digital

classification combined with visual interpretation.


Classified data of both seasons was refined using 5x5 Mode filter to remove noisy pixels.

Aggregation of classes

Classified data for two seasons was aggregated using two seasons truth table.

Rabi Kharif Integrated class

Crop Crop Double Crop

Crop Fallow Rabi

Fallow Crop Kharif

Fallow Fallow Fallow

Ground truth verifications

A limited ground truth was conducted on 6th of September, 2017, to verify certain spectrally

confusing classes found during interpretation. During the traverse, Land Use / Land Cover classes

were verified for their correctness with respect to interpreted map. Local information regarding

cropping pattern etc. were also collected.Finalization of map based on ground truth collection

Based on ground truth observations classified map was refined and finalized.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 9

Maps and Statistics

Statistics for buffer zones was generated in Arc GIS software and different base maps, Land Use maps,

reference and location maps were composed in Arc Map software.

9. Classification system

A three level classification system based on Environmental Impact Assessment

Guidance Manual for mineral beneficiation prepared by Administrative Staff College of India,

Hyderabad. (February 2010) has been adopted /modified for this study area and shown in table 3.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 10

Table : 3 Land Use / Land Cover Classification System

Level – I Level - II Level - III


Built-up land

Residential Built-up Residential (Rural)

Built-up Land (Colony)


Infrastructure (Mining)

Built-up Industry

Transportation (Road, Railway)


Agricultural land

Crop Land

Kharif Crop

Rabi Crop

Kharif + Rabi Crop

Fallow Land

Horticulture Plantation



Southern Deciduous Forest Dense Forest

Open Forest

Other Forest

Scrub Forest

Forest Plantation



Scrub Land (Land With or Without


Land With Scrub

Land Without Scrub

Gullied / Ravines Gullied / Ravines

Barren /Rocky land Rocky Out Crops


Water bodies

River/Stream/Seasonal Nala River/Stream/Seasonal Nala

Tanks/Pond/Reservoir Tanks/Pond/Reservoir


Mining & Others

Mining activities

Excavated Area

Mine Sump

Plantation in Mines

Sub Grade Stock Yard

Back Filled Area

Plantation on Back Filled Area

Other Mining activities Stone Quarry

Abandoned Mines

Following sections describe various classes. Examples of these classes with photographs taken

during ground truth verification visit and corresponding portion of satellite image are

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 11

shown in subsequent pages.

9.1 Built up land:

Built-up Residential

It generally refers to an area, which is not cultivated and is used for human residential

purpose. Villages come under this category. Vacant land within or near by settlements used for

industrial activities are also considered under this broad category.

Built-up Industrial

These are areas where the human activity is observed in the form of manufacturing along

with other supporting establishments of maintenance. Heavy metallurgical industry, thermal,

cement, petrochemical, engineering plants etc., are included under this. Certain built-up

structures found in mining area like mine office, workshop are further classified in

Infrastructure sub category. Roads and transportation network are also classified under this category.

9.2 Agricultural land:

This areas are primarily used for raising agricultural crops, fiber, vegetables, fruits, cultivated fodder

and other plant material of medicinal and commercial value. Three classes, crop land, fallow land and

afforestation/plantation sites are identified in the study area. Croplands are sub classified as

(1) Kharif (2) Rabi (3) Kharif + Rabi.

Crop land

Areas with standing crop in any or either of the two common growing seasons are classified as crop


• Crops grown in June-July and harvested during September-October are called as kharif crops.

• Crops sown during November-December and harvested during February-March are called rabi


• Areas sown during both the seasons form double cropped area.

Fallow Land

The land not sown for current seasons which appears to be vacant is called ‘Fallow Land’.

9.3 Forests

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Forests are defined as, “all lands bearing vegetative association dominated by trees of any size,

exploited or not, capable of producing wood or other forest products and exerting an influence on climatic

or water regimes or providing shelter for wild life and live stock” .

The state and union departments of forests in the country conceive forests as “All land classed

as forest and any legal enactment dealing with forest are administered as forests”.

Dense Forest

This category includes all the areas where the canopy cover\density is more than 40 %.

Open Forest

This category includes all the forest areas where the canopy cover\density is 10 - 40 %.

Scrub Forest

These are the forest areas where the crown density is less than 10% of the canopy cover,

generally seen at the fringes of dense forest cover and settlements, where there is biotic and abiotic

interference. They appear in light red to dark brown depending on the canopy cover and soil


9.4 Wastelands

Wasteland is described as degraded land which is currently not used for cultivation and is

deteriorating for lack of appropriate water and soil management.

Land with Scrub

The area mainly covered by dense scrub is classified under this category. This area is appears vegetated

throughout the year.

Land Without Scrub

The area mainly covered by scrub which is sparse is classified as open scrub. It is land devoid of any

vegetation and appears barren.

Barren Rocky Land

These are rock exposures of varying lithology often barren and devoid of soil and vegetation


9.5 Water bodies

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This class comprises areas of surface water found in the form of ponds, lakes, reservoirs.

Lake / Pond / Tank

These are accumulation of water in a depression of various sizes either natural or man made.


A water body built for the storage of water, usually by constructing a dam across a river is called


River / Stream/Seasonal Nala

This is a natural course of water flowing on the land surface along a definite channel and may be

seasonal or perennial.

9.6 Mining & Others

Excavated area (Mining pits)

These are the areas subjected to removal of different earth material or stone material (both surfacial

and sub surfacial ) by manual/mechanized operations.

Mine Sump

Excavated area in mines where rain water is harvested.


These areas are separable from cropland, especially with the data acquired during rabi / Jayad

seasons. Only plantation found is that done by company. Afforestation appears in dark-red to red tone of

different sizes with regular and sharp edges indicating the presence of a fence around. Forests are

different from plantations characterized by big contiguous patches often having shape similar to natural

or topographical features.

Stone Quarry

These are the areas subjected to removal of stone material (both surfacial and sub

surfacial ) by mostly manual and sometimes mechanized operations.

Back Filled Area

This is the area where filing is done for the purpose of restoration. This area is generally

restored by plantation.

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Sub Grade Stock Yard

This is the area where sub grade material is stock on temporary or permanent basis. This may take a

shape of dump.

Abandoned Mine

Mine which was previously excavated and now abandoned.

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Typical Photographs of Land use classes from field visit

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

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Landuse / Landcover Analysis - Core Zone


Roads Plantation

Land With Scrub

Mine Sump

Excavated area

Sub Grade Stock Yard

Back Filled Area

Plantation on Back Filled Area

10. Result (Statistics) 10.1 Core Zone

Land Use/Land Cover Statistics – Core Zone


LEVEL – I LEVEL – II % Area Area (Ha)

Built-up Infrastructure (Mining) 0.5856 1.23 Roads 1.09 2.28 Sub-total 1.67 3.51

Wastelands Land With Scrub 9.31 19.54 Sub-total 9.31 19.54

Others Excavated Area 44.56 93.58 Mine Sump 3.65 7.66 Plantation 20.59 43.23 Sub Grade Stock Yard 7.48 15.71 Back Filled Area 5.51 11.57 Plantation on Back Filled Area 7.23 15.19 Sub-total 89.02 186.94 Total 100.00 210.00

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

Figure: 2 Land Use / Land Cover Map

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

10.2 500m buffer zone Land Use/Land Cover Statistics within 500m Buffer Zone


LEVEL – I LEVEL – II % Area Area (Ha)

Built-up Built-up Industry 1.90 13.70

Infrastructure (Mining) 0.1707 1.23

Roads 0.32 2.28

Sub-total 2.39 17.22

Agriculture Land Kharif Crop 0.05 0.35

Double Crop 1.32 9.49

Fallow Land 0.65 4.70

Sub-total 2.02 14.54

Forest Dense Forest 12.11 87.29

Open Forest 30.74 221.47

Scrub Forest 23.16 166.86

Sub-total 66.01 475.61

Wastelands Land With Scrub 2.73 19.67

Sub-total 2.73 19.67

Others Excavated Area 12.99 93.58

Mine Sump 1.06 7.66

Plantation 6.90 49.73

Sub Grade Stock Yard 2.18 15.71

Back Filled Area 1.61 11.57

Plantation on Back Filled Area 2.11 15.19

Sub-total 26.85 193.44

Total 100.00 720.48

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 17

Landuse / Landcover Analysis - 500m Buffer Zone

Built-up Industry Infrastructure

Roads Kharif Crop

Double Crop Fallow Land

Plantation Dense Forest

Open Forest Scrub Forest

Land With Scrub Mine Sump

Excavated area Sub Grade Stock Yard

Back Filled Area Plantation on Back Filled Area

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 18

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

Figure: 3 Land Use / Land Cover Map

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

10.3 5Km buffer zone Land Use/Land Cover Statistics within 5 Km. Buffer


LEVEL – I LEVEL – II % Area Area (Ha)

Built-up Built-up Residential 0.91 106.31 Built-up Residential (Colony) 0.33 39.21 Built-up Industry 0.48 56.71 Infrastructure (Mining) 0.0105 1.23 Transportation (Road, Railway) 0.21 24.09 Sub-total 1.94 227.54

Agriculture Land Kharif Crop 6.85 802.83 Rabi Crop 0.52 61.28 Double Crop 5.29 619.58 Fallow Land 2.26 265.20 Sub-total 14.92 1748.89

Forest Dense Forest 24.52 2873.70 Open Forest 44.02 5158.73 Scrub Forest 9.69 1135.73 Sub-total 78.22 9168.16

Wastelands Land With Scrub 1.23 143.61 Sub-total 1.23 143.61

Water bodies River / Stream 0.41 47.70 Lake/Pond/Reservoir 0.54 63.30 Sub-total 0.95 111.00

Others Excavated Area 0.80 93.58 Mine Sump 0.07 7.66 Abandoned Mine 0.32 36.98 Plantation 1.20 140.36 Sub Grade Stock Yard 0.13 15.71 Back Filled Area 0.10 11.57 Plantation on Back Filled Area 0.13 15.19 Sub-total 2.74 321.05 Total 100.00 11720.25

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 19

Landuse / Landcover Analysis - 5Km Buffer Zone

Built-up Residential Built-up Residential (Colony)

Built-up Industry Infrastructure

Transportation (Road, Railw ay) Kharif Crop

Rabi Crop Double Crop

Fallow Land Plantation

Dense Forest Open Forest

Scrub Forest Land With Scrub

River / Stream Lake/Pond/Reservoir

Mine Sump Excavated area

A bandoned Mine Stone Quarry

Sub Grade Stock Y ard Back Filled A rea

Plantation on Back Filled A rea

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

Figure: 4 Land Use / Land Cover Map

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

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10.4 10Km buffer zone

Land Use/Land Cover Statistics within 10 Km. Buffer


LEVEL – I LEVEL – II % Area Area (Ha)

Built-up Built-up Residential 0.76 294.60 Built-up Residential (Colony) 0.10 39.21 Built-up Industry 0.15 57.80 Infrastructure (Mining) 0.0032 1.23 Transportation (Road, Railway) 0.17 65.27 Sub-total 1.18 458.11

Agriculture Land Kharif Crop 13.19 5120.01 Rabi Crop 0.53 207.23 Double Crop 3.34 1296.65 Fallow Land 1.91 741.90 Horticulture Plantation 0.01 2.30 Sub-total 18.98 7368.08

Forest Dense Forest 29.63 11500.86 Open Forest 38.04 14763.12 Scrub Forest 5.26 2040.65 Forest Plantation 0.36 138.84 Sub-total 73.28 28443.47

Wastelands Land With Scrub 3.95 1533.31 Gullied / Ravines 0.05 19.35 Barren Rocky 0.21 81.41 Sub-total 4.21 1634.07

Water bodies River / Stream 0.44 172.21 Lake/Pond/Reservoir 1.00 388.90 Sub-total 1.45 561.10

Others Excavated Area 0.24 93.58 Mine Sump 0.02 7.66 Abandoned Mine 0.10 36.98 Plantation 0.36 140.36 Stone Quarry 0.07 28.63 Sub Grade Stock Yard 0.04 15.71 Back Filled Area 0.03 11.57 Plantation on Back Filled Area 0.04 15.19 Sub-total 0.90 349.69 Total 100.00 38814.52

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 22

Land use / Land cover Analysis - 10 Km Buffer Zone

Built-up Residential Built-up Residential (Colony)

Built-up Industry Infrastructure

Transportation (Road, Railway) Kharif Crop

Rabi Crop Double Crop

Fallow Land Horticulture Plantation

Plantation Dense Forest

Open Forest Scrub Forest

Forest Plantation Gullied / Ravines

Land With Scrub Barren Rocky

River / Stream Lake/Pond/Reservoir

Mine Sump Excavated area

Abandoned Mine Stone Quarry

Sub Grade Stock Yard Back Filled Area

Plantation on Back Filled Area

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Figure: 5 Base Map

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

Figure: 6 Satellite Image

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Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mines

Figure:7 Land Use / Land Cover Map

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

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11. Salient Features of the study

11.1 Core Zone

About 75% of mining lease area has been put in use and is classified in to different

categories like excavated area, mine sump, Sub grade stock yard and back filled area. Adding these

categories it is seen that about 143 ha., area is put in use which is in agreement with PMCP data.

Rest of the area comprises of plantation, wastelands and infrastructure. There is no agriculture,

forest or natural water bodies in mining lease.

11.2 500m Buffer Zone

Since, mining lease is surrounded by reserved forest. 500m buffer zone has 66.01 % under

forest. 26.85% area is used in various mining activities. Only 2.02% and 2.39% area is under

agricultural and built-up categories respectively.

11.3 5Km Buffer Zone

In this zone, majority area (78.22%) is forest followed by agricultural land (14.92%),

mining activities (2.74%), built-up (1.94%), wasteland (1.23%) and water bodies (0.95%).

11.4 10Km Buffer Zone

In this zone also forest is major class with 73.28% and agriculture 18.98%. Rest of the

categories occupy less than 10%.

12. Conclusion

Land use / Land cover mapping using remote sensing data provides accurate and reliable

information on various classes occurring within study area. This method is also cost effective & less

time consuming. GIS techniques are useful in visualizing data across various parameters and

generating statistics. This report highlights the observations regarding the land environment of

Devapur limestone mines and Buffer Zones of the ML area as a part of compliance to MoEF.

Land Use / Land Cover mapping of Devapur Limestone Mine

CompuSense Automation - An ISO 9001:2015 company 27

Annexure : 1

Projection parameters

• Projection Type :Universal Transverse Mercator zone 44N

• Spheroid Name :WGS84

• Datum :WGS84


• False_Easting : 500000.000000

• False_Northing : 0.000000

• Central_Meridian : 81.000000

• Scale_Factor : 0.999600

• Latitude_Of_Origin : 0.000000

• Linear Unit : Meter (1.000000)

• Geographic

Coordinate System : GCS_WGS_1984

• Angular Unit : Degree (0.017453292519943299)

• Prime Meridian : Greenwich (0.000000000000000000)

• Datum : D_WGS_1984

• Spheroid : WGS_1984

• Semimajor Axis : 6378137.000000000000000000

• Semiminor Axis : 6356752.314245179300000000

• Inverse Flattening : 298.257223563000030000

Annexure : 2

Land Use / Land Cover Interpretation Key Using Satellite Imagery



Land Use / Land Cover


Tone / Colour Size Shape Texture Pattern

1 Built-up Land Dark bluish green in

the core and bluish

on the periphery

Small to


Irregular &


Coarse &


Clustered to

Scattered &



2 Transportation Very dark to dark

bluish green, light

yellow for minor

roads , red if

vegetation along

the road

Small in


for roads



for rail

Regular with

straight/sharp and

smooth curves

Smooth to fine Linear to

sinuous and


2 Crop Land Bright red to red Varying

in size

Regular to


Medium to


Contiguous to



3 Fallow Land Yellow to greenish

blue (depending on

soil type and


Small to


Regular to


Medium to


Contiguous to



4 Afforestation


Dark red to red Small to


Regular with sharp


Coarse to




5 Dense Forest Bright red to dark



in size



Smooth to


depending up

on crown


Contiguous to



6 Open Forest Light yellow to light


Small Regular to


Coarse to






7 Land with or without


Light yellow to

brown to greenish

blue(subject to

surface moisture

and cover)


in size



Coarse to


(Subject to




dispersed in


8 River Light blue to dark




to wide

Irregular, Sinuous Smooth to



nonlinear to


dendritic etc.

9 Lake/Pond Light blue to dark

blue(subject to




to large

Regular to


Smooth to





Interpretation keys may change for different satellite sensors depending upon their band combinations and

enhancement made.

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